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panna da montare g 120 - cioccolato fondente g 100 - castagne lessate e pelate g 100 - rum g 30 - cacao in polvere Tagliuzzate il cioccolato, raccoglietelo in un recipiente, quindi immergete quest'ultimo in un bagnomaria tiepido, fino a quando il cioccolato si sar fuso. Togliete, aggiungete la panna e, con lo sbattitore elettrico, montate il composto fino a quando risulter gonfio e spumoso. Incorporatevi allora le castagne passate al passaverdura e il rum. Dividete il composto in piccole porzioni diseguali e passatele su un vassoio abbondantemente cosparso di cacao. Si formeranno delle palline irregolari (tartufi). Sistemateli in piccoli pirottini e teneteli in frigo fino al momento di utilizzarli Tortinhas de milho com zabaione ao Porto Tortine: burro g 150 - zucchero g 150 - farina bianca g 100 - farina di mais g 100 - lievito in polvere per dolci e vanillina Bertolini - 5 tuorli - un uovo - burro e farina di mais per gli stampini - sale - Zabaione: Porto g 160 zucchero g 160 - cioccolato fondente grattugiato g 80 - 8 tuorli Tortine: montate a lungo il burro con lo zucchero fino a ottenere un composto spumoso al quale incorporerete i tuorli, l'uovo, le due farine mescolate, fatte scendere da un setaccino, un cucchiaino di lievito in polvere, mezza bustina di vanillina e un pizzichino di sale: dovrete ottenere un impasto piuttosto morbido che distribuirete in 12 stampini smerlati gi ben imburrati e spolverizzati di farina di mais. Infornateli a 180 per 25' circa. Zabaione: in un bagnomaria caldo, tenuto su fuoco al minimo, montate i tuorli con lo zucchero, il Porto e, quando lo zabaione sar gonfio e spumoso, unitevi il cioccolato. Servite le tortine con lo zabaione Semifreddo com iogurte Semifreddo: panna fresca g 200 - yogurt intero g 150 - albume g 40 - zucchero semolato g 40 - zucchero a velo - vanillina - menta - Guarnizione: 4 pesche g 600 - vino Moscato g 300 - zucchero g 50

Semifreddo: mescolate lo yogurt con la panna gi montata con un cucchiaio di zucchero a velo e l'albume, pure montato con lo zucchero e un pizzico di vanillina. Distribuite il semifreddo nei bicchieri e tenete in frigorifero. Guarnizione: dividete le pesche a met e bollitele per 5' con il Moscato e lo zucchero, poi fatele raffreddare nello sciroppo. Servite il semifreddo con le pesche a dadini e foglioline di menta Semifreddo de Amaretto com calda de caf Per il semifreddo: panna da montare g 500 - amaretti g 250 - zucchero semolato g 125 - 6 tuorli - caff ristretto - Per la salsa al caff: latte g 125 - panna da montare g 125 - zucchero g 75 - 4 tuorli - caff ristretto - vanillina Bertolini Preparate il semifreddo: fate uno sciroppo lasciando bollire per 2' lo zucchero con g 100 d'acqua. Con lo sbattitore elettrico, montate i tuorli aggiungendo a filo lo sciroppo caldo, quindi una tazzina di caff freddo; si lascia raffreddare il composto che dovr essere gonfio e ben montato, poi si uniscono gli amaretti tritati finemente e la panna montata fermissima. Dividetelo tra 6 stampini da crme caramel e metteteli in freezer almeno per 6 ore. Avviate anche la salsa al caff: riscaldate il latte e la panna; a parte montate con lo sbattitore i tuorli con lo zucchero e una bustina di vanillina; unite il misto di latte e panna versandolo a filo poi, sempre mescolando, portate la salsa sul fuoco e fatela addensare senza che prenda il bollore; togliete dal fuoco, incorporate una tazzina di caff, poi passate in frigorifero. Al momento di servire, sformate i semifreddi nei piatti da porzione su un velo di salsa, guarnite con alcuni chicchi di caff e, volendo, accompagnate con biscottini tipo lingue di gatto

Brownie cremoso light 3 ovos inteiros 1 xcara de adoante 1 xcara de farinha de trigo 1/2 xcara achocolatado light 100 grs de chocolate ao leite

1 xcara(ch) de margarina light 1 xcara de nozes ou castanha do Par picadas Em uma batedeira colocar os ovos e o adoante, bata at obter um creme claro. Reserve. Leve ao microondas a manteiga e o chocolate por 1 minuto at derreter. Coloque a mistura na tigela da batedeira, bata um pouco, misture a farinha de trigo e o achocolatado e bata mais um pouco. Desligue a batedeira e acrescente as nozes ou amndoas. Unte uma forma pequena ou forre-a com papel manteiga. Leve ao forno, praquecido a 250C por 6 minutos, e quando levantar uma crosta, diminua para 220C e deixe mais 5 minutos. O ponto certo quando a massa estiver mole, mas com as laterais e a parte de cima firmes.

Cebola do Outback 4 cebolas grandes 1 litro de gua 2 colheres (sopa) de sal 1 xcara (ch) vinagre 1 litro de leite 5 ovos inteiros 2 colheres (sopa) de queijo ralado 1 colher de sopa de salsa desidratada 1 colher de sopa de pimenta-do-reino moda na hora 1 colher de ch de organo Sal a gosto Para empanar: 500 g de farinha de trigo 5 colheres de sopa de fub Um dos segredos do preparo da receita a forma de se cortar as cebolas. Corte-as a partir do topo do meio da cebola v fatiando, como se fatia uma torta. Ela ficar dividida como em gomos, vai se abrir. Cada tira voc corte em trs pedaos. Numa vasilha, faa uma salmoura com gua gelada, sal e vinagre. Coloque as cebolas e deixe de molho na geladeira por 2 horas. Retire as cebolas da salmoura, coloque de cabea para baixo numa outra vasilha para escorrer o excesso de gua. Leve-as para a geladeira novamente e deixe por mais 1 hora antes de fritar. Bata no liquidificador o leite, os ovos, a farinha de trigo e o queijo ralado. Coloque numa tigela e acrescente os temperos. Mergulhe a cebola nesta mistura, retire o excesso e empane na farinha de trigo com fub. Retire o excesso de farinha, dando leves batidas e frite em leo bem quente. Alfajor 1 pacote de bolachas, 1 lata de doce de leite, 300g de chocolate ao leite Nutella caseira: 45 gramas de avels tostadas e sem pele, 30 gramas de chocolate (com 20% de manteiga de cacau), 30 gramas de chocolate branco, 350 ml de leite integral, 65 gramas de acar e 1 grama de lecitina de soja. Bata ento, no

liquidificador, as avels junto com uma colher de acar e a lecitina de soja, at que no saia mais leo das castanhas. Em outro recipiente, acrescente duas colheres de acar ao chocolate e mexa bem com 50 ml de leite at formar um creme denso - o creme de cacau. A esta altura, coloque no fogo o leite junto ao acar e ao chocolate branco at o derretimento completo. O creme de cacau feito anteriormente misturado com o creme de avel e o chocolate branco, ainda no fogo. Depois de tudo unido, coloque o creme final em um pote de vidro e feche s quando esfriar.

Petit gateau de limo 6 pes 2 large lemons 1/4 cup all-purpose flour Rounded 1/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar 3 large eggs, separated 1 1/3 cups whole milk Preheat oven to 350F. Finely grate 1 tablespoon zest from lemons, then squeeze 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons juice. Whisk together flour, salt, and 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar in a large bowl. Whisk together yolks, milk, zest, and juice in a small bowl and add to flour mixture, whisking until just combined. Beat whites in another large bowl with an electric mixer until they hold soft peaks. Beat in remaining 1/4 cup sugar, a little at a time, and continue to beat until whites hold stiff, glossy peaks. Whisk about one fourth of whites into batter to lighten, then fold in remaining whites gently but thoroughly (batter will be thin). Pour into a buttered 1 1/2-quart ceramic gratin or other shallow baking dish and bake in a hot water bath. Transfer to a rack. Serve warm or at room temperature Salmo com couscous e azeite sabor limo, organo e tomates For tomatoes and lemon oregano oil 6 plum tomatoes (1 lb), halved lengthwise 1 1/4 teaspoons sugar 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 10 fresh basil leaves 12 whole fresh oregano leaves plus 3 tablespoons finely chopped 2 teaspoons fresh lemon zest, removed in strips with a vegetable peeler and finely minced 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice For couscous 2 teaspoons olive oil 2 1/4 cups pearl (Israeli) couscous (12 oz) 1 3/4 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth (14 fl oz) 1 cup water 1/4 teaspoon salt

For salmon 6 (6-oz) pieces wild salmon fillet with skin (preferably center cut) 1 teaspoon olive oil 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup Kalamata or other brine-cured black olives (3 oz), pitted and quartered lengthwise Roast tomatoes and prepare oil: Put oven rack in middle position and preheat oven to 250F. Toss tomatoes with sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper and arrange, cut sides down, in a small shallow baking pan. Heat oil in a 9- to 10inch heavy skillet over moderate heat until hot but not smoking, then cook garlic, stirring occasionally, until pale golden, 1 to 2 minutes. Stir in basil and whole oregano leaves, then pour oil over tomatoes. Roast tomatoes until very tender but not falling apart, 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 hours. Transfer tomatoes with a spatula to a large plate, then pour oil through a finemesh sieve into a small bowl or measuring cup, discarding solids. Stir in chopped oregano, zest, juice, and remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper. Cook couscous: Heat 2 teaspoons olive oil in a 3-quart heavy saucepan over moderate heat until hot but not smoking, then toast couscous, stirring occasionally, until fragrant and pale golden, 3 to 5 minutes. Add broth, water, and salt and simmer, covered, until liquid is absorbed and couscous is al dente, 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand, covered, 10 minutes, then stir in 2 1/2 tablespoons lemon oregano oil. Season with salt. Roast salmon while couscous stands: Put oven rack in upper third of oven and preheat oven to 500F. Line a 17- by 12-inch shallow baking pan with foil. Arrange salmon, skin sides down, in baking pan, then drizzle with olive oil, rubbing it over tops of fillets, and sprinkle with salt. Roast salmon until just cooked through, 12 to 14 minutes. Divide couscous among 6 plates. Lift salmon flesh from skin with a slotted spatula and transfer a fillet to each bed of couscous. Put 2 tomato halves on each plate, then sprinkle salmon with olives and drizzle with some lemon oregano oil. Salmo com mostarda escura e acar mascavo 6 pes 3/4 cup dry white wine 1/4 cup butter, cut into small pieces 1 teaspoon Old Bay seasoning 1 2-pound center-cut skinless salmon fillet 1/3 cup spicy brown mustard (such as Gulden's) 1/4 cup (packed) golden brown sugar Preheat oven to 350F. Boil wine, butter, and Old Bay seasoning in small saucepan 3 minutes. Sprinkle salmon on both sides with salt and pepper. Place fish on heavy rimmed baking sheet. Pour wine mixture over. Bake until fish is opaque in center, about 14 minutes. Remove from oven. Preheat broiler. Mix mustard and sugar in small bowl to blend; spread over salmon to cover. Broil salmon until topping is brown and bubbling, about 3 minutes. Transfer salmon to platter and serve Musse de salmo defumado com ovas de salmo

fresh coriander leaves for garnish 2 tablespoons cold water plus 1/3 cup boiling water 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 envelope (about 1 tablespoon) of unflavored gelatin 1/2 pound thinly sliced smoked salmon a 7 1/4-ounce can salmon, drained and the skin discarded 1 1/2 cups sour cream 1/4 teaspoon Tabasco, or to taste 1/4 cup finely chopped scallion 1 cup heavy cream 1/4 cup salmon roe celery leaves for garnish Line the bottom of an oiled 5-cup charlotte mold or souffl dish with a round of wax paper, oil the paper, and press the coriander leaves face down onto the paper decoratively. in a small bowl combine the cold water and the lemon juice, sprinkle the gelatin over the mixture, and let it soften for 2 minutes. Add the boiling water and stir the mixture until the gelatin is dissolved. In a food processor blend together the smoked salmon, the canned salmon, the sour cream, and the Tabasco until the mixture is smooth, add the gelatin mixture, the scallion, and salt and pepper to taste, and blend the mixture until it is combined well. In a large bowl beat the heavy cream until it holds soft peaks, add it to the salmon mixture, and pulse the motor until the mousse is just combined. Pour the mousse into the prepared mold and chill it, covered, for at least 8 hours or overnight. Dip the mold into a large pan of hot water for 2 seconds and run a thin knife around the edge. Invert a platter over the mold and invert the mousse onto the platter. (If the coriander leaves stick to the wax paper, replace them on top of the mousse.) Spoon the salmon roe around the edges Torta de chocolate branco e caf com pralin de avels Praline and chocolate curls: 2/3 cup sugar 1/4 cup water 1 1/2 teaspoons instant espresso powder 1 cup hazelnuts, toasted , husked 1 6- to 8-ounce block high-quality white chocolate (1 to 1 1/2 inches thick; for chocolate curls) Mousse: 12 ounces high-quality white chocolate (such as lindt or perugina), finely chopped 5 tablespoons water 2 cups chilled heavy whipping cream 2 1/2 teaspoons instant espresso powder soaking syrup and ganache Soaking syrup and ganache: 2/3 cup kahla or other coffee-flavored liqueur 4 teaspoons instant espresso powder 7 ounces bittersweet chocolate (do not exceed 61% cacao), chopped 2 tablespoons dark corn syrup 3/4 cup heavy whipping cream Cake:

Nonstick vegetable oil spray 4 large eggs, room temperature 2/3 cup sugar 3 1/2 teaspoons instant espresso powder, divided 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 cup sifted cake flour (sifted, then measured) 2 tablespoons (1/4 stick) unsalted butter, melted, cooled 6 tablespoons powdered sugar, divided For praline and chocolate curls: Place sheet of foil on work surface. Bring sugar and 1/4 cup water to boil in heavy medium saucepan over medium-high heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Boil without stirring until syrup is deep amber, brushing down sides of pan with wet pastry brush and swirling occasionally, 7 to 8 minutes. Mix in espresso powder, then nuts. Scrape mixture onto foil; quickly spread out. Cool completely. Chop praline into small pieces. Microwave white chocolate block at 50 percent power in 10-second intervals until chocolate feels just slightly warm and is just beginning to soften (if too soft, let stand until firm enough to shave). Using vegetable peeler, shave 1- to 1 1/2inch-wide ribbon, about 4 to 5 inches long, from block. Gently roll ribbon into loose curl (cylinder). Repeat, making 20 to 24 curls. DO AHEAD: Praline and chocolate curls can be made 2 days ahead. Chill separately in airtight containers. For mousse: Stir chocolate and 5 tablespoons water in metal bowl set over saucepan of barely simmering water until chocolate is smooth. Remove bowl from over water. Cool chocolate to lukewarm, stirring occasionally. Using electric mixer, beat cream in large bowl until soft peaks form. Gradually pour lukewarm chocolate over cream, folding to blend well. Transfer 2 1/2 cups mousse to another medium bowl; gently fold in espresso powder. Cover and chill both bowls of mousse until firm, at least 6 hours. DO AHEAD: Can be made 1 day ahead. Keep chilled. For soaking syrup and ganache: Stir liqueur and espresso powder in small bowl until espresso dissolves. Place chocolate and corn syrup in medium bowl. Bring cream to boil in small saucepan; pour over chocolate and corn syrup. Stir until melted and smooth. DO AHEAD: soaking syrup and ganache can be made 1 day ahead. Cover separately and store at room temperature. For cake: Preheat oven to 350F. Coat 15 x 10-inch sheet of parchment paper with nonstick spray. Line 15x10x1-inch baking sheet with prepared parchment (sides of baking sheet should not be coated). Combine eggs, sugar, 2 teaspoons espresso powder, vanilla, and salt in large bowl. Using electric mixer, beat until egg mixture is thick and fluffy and falls in ribbons when beater is lifted, 6 to 7 minutes. Sift flour over in 3 additions, folding gently just to incorporate after each addition. Transfer 1 cup batter to small bowl; fold in butter. Fold batter from small bowl back into batter in large bowl just until combined; spread evenly on baking sheet. Bake cake until tester inserted into center comes out clean and cake begins to pull away from pan, about 18 minutes. Cool cake in pan on rack 30 minutes.

Sift 2 tablespoons powdered sugar over cake. Cut around pan sides. Slide spatula under parchment to loosen from pan and invert cake onto work surface. Peel off parchment. Cut cake crosswise into 4 rectangles, each about 10 x 3 1/2 inches. Place 1 cake rectangle on platter. Brush 2 tablespoons soaking syrup over. Spread 3 tablespoons ganache over, then 1/3 of espresso mousse (about 3/4 cup). Repeat 2 more times with cake, syrup, ganache, and mousse. Top with fourth cake layer; press lightly to adhere. Spread 2/3 cup plain mousse thinly over top and sides of torte to seal, then spread remaining mousse over top and sides. DO AHEAD: can be made 1 day ahead. Tent loosely with foil and chill. Before serving, press praline pieces into mousse on all sides of torte. Mound white chocolate curls on top. Mix 4 tablespoons powdered sugar and 1 1/2 teaspoons espresso powder in small bowl. Sift over top of torte. Terrine de chocolate com crme ingls de caf Valrhona Chocolate Terrine 250g unsalted butter, chopped 250g caster sugar 250g Valrhona Guanaja chocolate, chopped 5 eggs 1 tablespoonflour Coffee Bean Anglaise 500ml cream 5 egg yolks 100g sugar 30ml espresso teaspoon finely ground fresh coffee beans Valrhona Chocolate Terrine Preheat the oven to 180C. Place the butter in a deep bowl. Pour the sugar over the butter, then place the chocolate on top (this is so the butter and sugar dissolve and line the bowl, preventing the chocolate from sticking). Place the bowl over a saucepan of barely simmering water, ensuring the bowl doesnt touch the water, until the chocolate has melted, then remove from the heat. Transfer the mixture to an electric mixer with the whisk attachment fitted. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs with the flour. With the mixer running, pour the egg mixture into the chocolate and continue to whisk until the mixture becomes smooth and shiny. Line a terrine or loaf tin with baking paper and pour in the chocolate mixture. Cover with a lid or tinfoil and place in a deep roasting dish. Pour in water to halfway up the sides of the terrine or tin and place in the oven for 1 hour, until it is slightly glossy in the centre. Refrigerate overnight to set. Coffee Bean Anglaise In a saucepan, bring the cream to the boil, then set aside. Beat the egg yolks and sugar together until pale. Slowly add the cream to the sugar and yolk mixture while whisking continuously. Return to a moderate heat and cook, stirring continuously, until the custard coats the back of a wooden spoon. Remove from the heat and add the espresso and coffee beans. Cool in the refrigerator until required Tempero p/churrasco argentino: sal refinado, pimenta e noz-moscada

Sorvete de abacate 1 abacate grande 1 lata de leite condensado 1 lata de leite integral (use a lata de leite condensado para medir) 2 colheres (sopa) de suco de limo Doce de banana com caf 3 colheres (sopa) de acar cristal 1/2 xcara (ch) de suco de lima-da-prsia Suco de 1 limo-siciliano 1/4 de xcara (ch) de caf 1 canela em pau 4 bananas-prata cortadas em rodelas 4 fatias de queijo-de-minas fresco Ferva o acar ao suco de lima-da-prsia, ao suco de limo, ao caf e canela. Cozinhe essa mistura por dez minutos, em fogo baixo. Junte a banana e cozinhe por mais dois minutos.Deixe esfriar e guarde na geladeira at o momento de servir com queijo minas. Chicken Satay 1 cup plain yogurt 1 teaspoon freshly-grated ginger 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1 tablespoon curry powder 1 pounds skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into strips 20 wooden skewers, soaked in water 30 minutes Vegetable oil, for grilling Butter lettuce leaves Fresh cilantro leaves --Peanut sauce: 1 cup smooth peanut butter cup low-sodium soy sauce 2 teaspoons red chili paste, such as sambal 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar 2 limes, juiced cup hot water Pasta de alcachofra quente 3 ounces Parmesan cheese cup mayonnaise 1 can artichoke hearts packed in water salt cup red pepper sauteed in olive oil 2 egg whites

cup chopped onion sauteed in olive oil Drain artichoke, rinse and chop them thinly. Combine mayonnaise, artichokes, Parmesan cheese, red pepper and onion. Beat egg whites until stiff, not dry. Fold egg whites into cheese mixture. Spread mixture on bread. Broil until golden brown on top. Watch carefully to prevent burning.

Queijo feta marinado 12 ounces feta cheese (the softer kinds imported from Israel or France are best for this) 6 lrg garlic cloves, peeled 10 lrg sprigs fresh parsley 10 lrg leaves fresh basil 2 teaspoons fresh oregano good quality extra virgin olive oil Cut feta cheese into 1/2 inch cubes. Place cheese into shallow nonreactive dish or plastic container. In food processor, finely chop parsley, basil and oregano. Step 2 With machine running, drop garlic cloves through feed tube. Continue processing until garlic and herbs are finely chopped, stopping to scrape down sides as necessary. Carefully mix garlic-herb mixture with feta cheese, coating the cheese well. Pour enough olive oil into dish to completely cover cheese mixture. Marinate 24 hours for up to one week and serve at room temperature

Bolo de ameixa com chocolate . 200 g de ameixa preta sem caroo . 2 xcaras (ch) de acar . 3 ovos . 1 colher (sopa) de margarina . 1 xcara (ch) de leite . 2 colheres (sopa) de chocolate em p 1 xcara (ch) de farinha de trigo 1 colher (sopa) de fermento em p No liquidificador bata a ameixa, o acar, os ovos, a margarina, o leite e o chocolate. Transfira a mistura para uma tigela, incorpore a farinha de trigo e o fermento. Coloque em uma frma redonda untada com margarina e asse no forno praquecido a 200C durante 40 minutos. Pode rechear com leite condensado na presso, ameixa e nozes. Bolo de cacau e nozes 2 chvenas de ch de farinha 2 chvenas de ch de acar

de c. de ch de sal 1 chvena de ch de manteiga 4 c. de sopa de cacau em p 1 chvena de ch de gua a ferver meia chvena de ch de natas 2 ovos batidos 1 c. de ch de bicarbonato de sdio 1 c. de ch de essncia de baunilha Molho: meia chvena de ch de nozes picadas de chvena de ch de manteiga 4 c. de sopa de cacau 6 c. de sopa de leite 1 c. de ch de essncia de baunilha meia chvena de ch de acar em p Bolo: Numa tigela combine a farinha, o acar e o sal. Reserve. Num tacho leve ao lume a manteiga e deixe derreter. Adicione o cacau e mexa bem. Junte a gua a ferver, mexa e deixe ferver durante uns segundos. Tire o tacho do lume e ponha esta mistura sobre a mistura da farinha. Mexa bem. Deixe arrefecer um pouco. Numa outra tigela misture os ovos batidos, as natas, a baunilha e o bicarbonato. Adicione mistura de chocolate e farinha. Coloque a massa numa forma rectangular previamente untada com manteiga e forrada a papel vegetal e leve a cozer em forno moderado durante aproximadamente 20 minutos. Enquanto o bolo coze, prepare o molho: derreta a manteiga num tacho, junte o cacau e mexa bem. Retire do lume e adicione o leite, a baunilha, o acar em p e por ltimo as nozes picadas. Mexa muito bem. Deixe arrefecer e endurecer um pouco antes de usar. Retire o bolo do forno, desenforme e coloque o creme por cima com o bolo ainda quente Bolo gelado de aveia 3 ovos, 1/2 xcara (ch) de gua fervente, 1 xcara (ch) de leite, 1/2 xcara (ch) de manteiga, 1 1/2 xcara (ch) de acar, 1 1/4 xcara (ch) de farinha de trigo, 1 colher (sopa) de fermento em p, 1 xcara (ch) de chocolate em p, 1/2 xcara (ch) de aveia em flocos, 1 colher (sopa) de canela em p, Margarina e farinha de trigo para untar liquidificador, bater todos os ingredientes, comeando com os lquidos.Despejar a massa em uma forma untada e enfarinhada.Levar ao forno mdio praquecido a (180C) por 45 a 55 minutos * Creme 1/2 lata de leite condensado1 xcara (ch) de leite1 gema1 colher (sopa) de amido de milho, 4 colheres (sopa) de aveia em flocos. Levar ao fogo baixo os ingredientes e mexer at engrossar Bolo gelado embrulhado 5 ovos grandes 1 xcara (ch) de acar refinado xcara (ch) de suco de laranja

xcara (ch) de leo 2 xcaras (ch) de farinha de trigo 1 colher (sobremesa) raspas de laranja 1 colher (sopa) de fermento em p Bata os ovos inteiros com o acar por 8 minutos ou at que dobre de volume. Em seguida, acrescente o suco e o leo. Alterne delicadamente com a farinha de trigo e o fermento em p. Acrescente as raspas e leve para assar em forma retangular n3 untada e enfarinhada em forno pr-aquecido a 180 C por aproximadamente 35 minutos. Calda: lata de leite condensado lata de leite. Misture os ingredientes, fure o bolo frio fure e coloque a calda na superfcie. Bolo de aveia 1/2 xcara de manteiga, 1 xcara de acar mascavo, 1 xcara de aveia em flocos, 1 xcara de farinha de trigo ou 1/2 xcara de farinha branca e 1/2 xcara integral, 1 colher (ch) de canela, 1/2 colher (caf) de cardamomo em p, 2 colheres (ch) de fermento em p, 4 ovos, 1/4 xcara de leite, 1/2 xcara de uvas passas passadas na farinha de trigo (opcional) Coloque todos os ingredientes numa vasilha, exceto as passas. Bata bem com uma colher de pau ou na batedeira. Junte as uvas e misture.Coloque a massa numa forma de 20 cm de dimetro untada. Asse em forno quente (200C) preaquecido, por uns 35 minutos Bolo de legumes com aveia 1/2 mao de espinafre (ou acelga) 3 batatas inglesas 1 cenoura grande 2 tomates, sem pele 1 colher de sopa de cebola picada 1 colher de sopa de margarina 3 ovos 1 xcara de leite 1 colher de sopa rasa de sal 1/2 colher de ch de pimenta do reino Salsa e temperos a gosto 2 xcaras de Aveia em flocos Descasque as batatas e a cenoura, corte em cubinhos e cozinhe em gua e sal. Ferva ligeiramente o espinafre (ou acelga) e pique. Numa tijela, bata os ovos por 2 minutos e acrescente o tomate amassado, a cebola a salsa picada e o restante dos ingredientes, misturando bem. Asse por 30 min. em forma de buraco, untada e polvilhada com farinha de rosca. Sirva quente ou frio. Bolo de mel com peras carameladas 1 chvenas de farinha colher de ch de fermento em p colher de ch de sal grosso* colher de ch de canela em p 2 ovos caseiros grandes

chvena de acar amarelo chvena de acar chvena + 2 colheres de sopa de mel de boa qualidade chvena de leite chvena de leo vegetal colher de ch de raspas de limo Pras caramelizadas 4 pras 1 chvena de acar amarelo - Pr-aquecer o forno a 200C. Untar com margarina uma forma redonda e polvilhar com farinha. Reservar. Numa taa juntar a farinha, o fermento, o sal e a canela, mexer. - Numa tigela bater os ovos e os 2 tipos de acar com a batedeira eltrica a alta velocidade. Numa taa envolver o mel, o leite, o leo e as raspas de limo. Com a batedeira a baixa velocidade, juntar este preparado mistura de ovos. Quando estiver bem envolvido, incorporar a mistura de farinha. Deitar na forma e levar ao forno. - Lavar bem as pras, cortar ao meio, retirar os caroos e fati-las. Pass-las pelo acar e coloc-las na frigideira antiaderente. Polvilhar com o restante acar e deixar em lume brando at caramelizar. - Retirar o bolo do forno, desenformar e colocar numa grelha para arefecer. Servir com as pras caramelizadas por cima Bolo de aveia e ameixa 1 xcara de acar mascavo 1 xcara de aveia em flocos 3/4 xcara de farinha de trigo xcara de leite desnatado 1/2 xcara de leo 1 ovos 1 colheres de ch de semente de linhaa 2 pitadas de canela em p 10 ameixas pretas sem caroo 1 colher de ch (generosa) de fermento em p Bati as claras em neve e reservei. Bati o leite, o leo, a ameixa e a linhaa no liquidificador. Acrescentei ao acar e gema e bati na batedeira. Juntei, aos poucos, os demais ingredientes, deixando as claras em neve e o fermento por ltimo. Levei assar em forno mdio pr-aquecido numa forma de 18cm de dimetro por 35 minutos. Rendeu um bolinho super simptico de 6cm de altura

Bolo de aveia com acar mascavo 2 ovos xcara de margarina 1 xcara de acar mascavo peneirado e apertado na xcara 1 xcara de farinha de trigo 1 xcara de aveia em flocos de gua ou leite 1 colher (ch) de canela

2 colheres (sopa) de fermento em p Pr-aquea o forno a 200C Unte com margarina uma forma de 20 cm de dimetro Na batedeira coloque todos os ingredientes, e bata at obter uma massa homognea Despeje na forma e asse em forno mdio, pr-aquecido uns 40 minutos bolo de banana com farinha de rosca 4 bananas nanicas (maduras) 4 ovos inteiros 3/4 xcara de ch de leo 2 xcaras de ch de acar (ou mascavo) 2 xcaras de ch de farinha de rosca 1 colher sopa de fermento em p. Liquidificador Burritos de carne com feijo 4 pes 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 small brown onion, finely chopped 1 garlic clove, crushed 500g lean beef mince 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon smoked paprika 1/4 teaspoon chilli powder 400g can diced tomatoes 1 red capsicum, chopped 2 tablespoons tomato paste 1/3 cup beef stock 300g can red kidney beans, drained, rinsed 1/2 cup coriander leaves, chopped 8 flour tortillas (see note) 3/4 cup grated cheddar cheese Preheat oven to 200C. Heat oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes or until onion is tender. Add mince. Cook, stirring, for 3 minutes or until browned. Add cumin, paprika and chilli powder. Cook, stirring, for 1 minute or until aromatic. Add tomatoes, capsicum, tomato paste and stock. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes or until sauce is thickened. Stir in beans and coriander. Warm tortillas following directions on packet. Divide beef mixture between tortillas. Spread along centre of tortillas. Roll up to enclose filling. Place in a large, greased baking dish. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake for 10 minutes or until cheese melts and burritos start to brown. Serve with sour cream and salad leaves Risoto de alho e tomate assados 250g (1 punnet) cherry tomatoes, halved 8 garlic cloves, unpeeled 3 tsp olive oil Salt & freshly ground black pepper 825ml (3 1/2 cups) vegetable stock (Campbell's brand)

1 large brown onion, halved, finely chopped 220g (1 cup) arborio rice 1/2 cup loosely packed shredded fresh basil or parsley 2 tbs grated parmesan Preheat oven to 180C. Line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper. Place the cherry tomato halves in a single layer on lined tray. Place garlic on tray. Drizzle the tomatoes with 1 tsp of the oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast tomatoes and garlic in preheated oven for 30 minutes or until tomatoes shrivel around edges and garlic is soft. Remove from oven and squeeze garlic from skin, chop roughly and place in a small bowl. Set aside. Bring the stock just to the boil in a saucepan. Reduce heat and hold the stock at a gentle simmer. Heat remaining oil in a medium heavy-based saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, for 7 minutes or until onion is soft and light golden. Add the rice and cook, stirring, for 1 minute or until lightly coated with oil. Add a ladleful of the simmering stock to the rice and use a wooden spoon to stir constantly over medium-low heat until the liquid is completely absorbed. Continue to add the stock, a small ladleful (about 1/4 cup) at a time, stirring constantly, and allow liquid to be absorbed before adding the next ladleful. Cook until rice is tender yet firm to the bite and risotto is creamy. Start tasting after about 15 minutes, it will probably take about 20-25 minutes to cook and should be moist and creamy when finished. Remove the risotto from the heat and add the garlic, basil and parmesan, and stir gently to combine. Taste and season with salt (if needed) and pepper. Add the tomatoes and fold through the rice gently. Spoon into serving bowls and serve immediately sprinkled with a little extra pepper. Bife milanesa com nozes e alecrim 4 pes 1/2 cup dried breadcrumbs 1/3 cup walnuts, finely chopped 1 1/2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh rosemary leaves 1 egg 4 (125g each) thin beef scotch fillet steaks, trimmed 1 tablespoon olive oil Salada de batata assada morna 8 pes 1.5kg small chat potatoes, halved 5 slices prosciutto, chopped 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/4 cup sour cream 1/4 cup whole-egg mayonnaise 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon drained capers, chopped 1 tablespoon chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil leaves Preheat barbecue on high with hood closed. Cook potatoes in a large saucepan of boiling, salted water for 15 minutes or until just tender. Drain. Place in a large bowl. Add prosciutto and oil. Season with pepper. Toss to coat.

Place potato mixture in a large disposable foil baking tray. Reduce heat to medium. Cook, with hood down, for 40 to 45 minutes or until golden and tender. Combine sour cream, mayonnaise, lemon juice, capers, half the parsley and half the basil in a large bowl. Add potato mixture. Toss to coat. Top with remaining parsley and basil Trufas ao caf Versate negli appositi stampini g 200 di cioccolato temperato, fuso, in quantit abbondante per rivestirne bene le pareti, ma non troppo, affinch resti una cavit per il ripieno. Inclinate lo stampo in tutte le direzioni, in modo che il cioccolato si distribuisca regolarmente e con uguale spessore allinterno di tutte le cavit Raschiate via, con una spatola, tutto il cioccolato in pi, recuperandolo nella bastardella; mettete arassodare al fresco lo stampo capovolto. Preparate la crema per farcire montando insieme g 250 di panna, g 30 di zucchero a velo, un cucchiaino di caff solubile e g 100 di cioccolato fuso. Riempite con la crema i gusci freddi e rassodati, servendovi della tasca da pasticciere Muffins salgados recheados com creme de queijo e frio latte g 320 - farina g 300 - arrosto di tacchino affettato g 240 - burro fuso g 130 ricotta g 130 - formaggio spalmabile g 130 - caprino g 80 - grana grattugiato g 50 - lievito in polvere per torte salate g 10 - 2 uova - maggiorana - limone burro e farina per gli stampi - sale - pepe Lavorate con la frusta la farina, il latte, il burro, il grana, il lievito, le uova, maggiorana tritata, sale e pepe. Distribuite il composto in 12 stampi da muffin ( cm 7) imburrati e infarinati, riempiendoli per 2/3. Infornateli a 180C per 3035'. Amalgamate i formaggi e conditeli con sale, pepe e gocce di limone. Sformate i muffin, tagliateli e farciteli con la crema di formaggio e fettine di tacchino Trilhas ao molho de alecrim 4 triglie da porzione circa g 240 cad. - panna g 200 - burro g 50 - vino bianco secco - scalogno - rosmarino - limone - olio d'oliva - farina bianca - sale, pepe in grani Preparate il fumetto: rosolate la testa e la lisca delle triglie nel burro, unite lo scalogno tritato e irrorate con un decilitro d'acqua; al bollore unite il vino, 10 gocce di succo di limone, sale e 5 grani di pepe. Cuocete per 10 minuti. Infarinate i filetti di triglia e friggeteli a calore vivace, su entrambi i lati, in 2 cucchiaiate d'olio ben caldo, quindi teneteli da parte. Filtrate un bicchiere e mezzo di fumetto, versate il ricavato in una casseruolina, portatelo al bollore e lasciatelo bollire finch se ne sar consumata met. Unitevi la panna, mescolate e lasciate addensare, sempre a calore vivace. Tritate finemente le foglioline di un rametto di rosmarino e unitele alla salsa. Salsate i filetti di triglia con la salsina preparata e servite Ervilha ao presunto de Parma e amndoas Piselli surgelati g 450 - prosciutto cotto, tagliato in un pezzo solo g 100 mandorle sbucciate g 30 - burro - sale Mettete a bollire circa un litro d'acqua e salatela, al bollore. Tuffatevi i piselli e lasciateli cuocere per 10 minuti circa. Riducete nel frattempo a striscioline il

prosciutto cotto. Tagliate a filetti le mandorle. Scaldate in una padella circa g 30 di burro, quindi rosolatevi il prosciutto e le mandorle. Scolate i piselli e fateli saltare per un minuto con il prosciutto, poi serviteli immediatamente. Lasanha verde com abobrinha e ricota latte g 750 - ricotta g 500 - zucchine g 400 - taccole g 250 - lasagne verdi g 250 - farina g 60 - burro g 60 pi un po per la pirofila e per completare - grana grattugiato - aglio - menta - finocchietto - olio extravergine di oliva - sale Lessate le taccole nellacqua bollente per 10', poi scolatele. Mondate le zucchine, affettatele a rondelle sottili e rosolatele in padella sulla fiamma viva con 3 cucchiai di olio, uno spicchio di aglio, menta e finocchietto tritati e salate. Dopo 5-6' unite le taccole gi lessate, fate insaporire per 2-3' e spegnete.Preparate una besciamella con il latte, la farina e il burro, poi versatela sulla ricotta e mescolate fino a ottenere una crema soffice e spumosa.Cuocete le lasagne, 4 fogli per volta, in acqua bollente salata per 4-5'; poi scolatele e immergetele in una ciotola di acqua fredda.In una pirofila imburrata distribuite sul fondo una cucchiaiata abbondante di besciamella, poi fate uno strato di lasagne, uno di besciamella, uno di verdure, spolverizzate con g 10 di grana e ripetete fino a esaurire le lasagne. Completate con una generosa spolverata di grana e qualche ciuffetto di burro,Infornate a 190 C per 45', sfornate e servite subito. Quiche de legumes Pasta brise g 200 per il ripieno Porri n. 2 Zucchine n. 2 Olio extra vergine g 40 Parmigiano grattugiato g 80 per la royale Uova n. 2 Latte dl 1 Panna dl 1 Noce moscata Sale, pepe Pulire e affettare le verdure. Brasare i porri con poco olio, acqua, sale e pepe sino a renderli ben morbidi. Saltare le zucchine in padella antiaderente con poco olio. Salare e pepare. Sbattere le uova con il latte e la panna; condire con sale, pepe e noce moscata. Stendere sottilmente la pasta brise e foderare una piccola tortiera. Farcire con le verdure ed il formaggio Pappardele com alho-por, grana e tomilho Pappardelle g 300 Porri sottili e teneri n. 4 Rametti di timo n. 4 Olio extravergine d'oliva cl 10 Panna fresca cl 10 Burro g 40 Scaglie di Grana Padano g 40

Sale fino Pepe bianco Sfogliare il timo. Pulire i porri e tagliare a striscioline (julienne) la parte bianca e tenera. Far appassire i porri con l'olio; salare e pepare. Bagnare con un bicchiere di acqua e poca panna; cuocere per 10-15 minuti, sino a rendere la verdura morbida e ben cotta. Cuocere la pasta in abbondante acqua bollente e salata; scolarla e mantenerla molto umida. Condire con la crema di porri e aromatizzare con il timo. Completare con le scaglie di parmigiano Salada de farro farro perlato prelessato g 200 - provolone piccante g 80 - 3 wrstel, circa g 75 piselli sgranati, anche surgelati g 80 - 2 pomodori - capperi g 20 - senape limone - timo - olio extravergine di oliva - sale - pepe in grani Lessate brevemente i piselli in acqua leggermente salata, scolateli e teneteli da parte. Riducete a minuscoli dadini il formaggio. Scottate e sbucciate i pomodori, privateli dei semi e fate pure questi a dadini. Tagliate infine, sempre a pezzettini, i wrstel. Spremete il limone e mescolatene il succo, in una ciotolina, con 2 cucchiaini di senape, un pizzico di sale e una macinata di pepe. Emulsionatevi 4 cucchiaiate d'olio. Mettete in una ciotola il farro, prelessato e freddo. Mescolatevi i dadini di formaggio, di wrstel. di pomodoro, i piselli e i capperi, sciacquati e sgocciolati. Versate su tutto la salsina preparata, mescolate bene e completate con foglioline di timo Tiradito peixe branco cru marinado em shoyu e leo de gergelim. pe coentro e come com torrada. Sorbet de chocolate amargo 1 litro de gua 330 g de acar 65 g de xarope de glucose 200 g de cacau em p amargo 200 g de chocolate amargo 70% cacau Ferva todos os ingredientes juntos, durante 1 minuto, batendo sem parar com um fouet. Deixe esfriar, passe pela peneira e coloque na mquina de sorvete Panqueca de massa verde 2 unidade(s) de ovo 2 xcara(s) (ch) de leite 2 xcara(s) (ch) de farinha de trigo 1/2 xcara(s) (ch) de leo de soja Sadia 1 colher(es) (caf) de sal 1 folha(s) de couve manteiga quanto baste de glutamato monossdico. Rechear com frango e requeijo.

Bolinhos de amndoas com calda de baunilha 8 unid 1 1/2 cups (185g) icing sugar mixture 1 cup (150g) plain flour 1 cup (100g) almond meal 5 eggwhites

180g butter, melted 1 tsp vanilla extract Flaked almonds, to sprinkle Vanilla-bean syrup 1 vanilla bean, split 1/3 cup (70g) caster sugar 1/2 cup (125ml) water Preheat oven to 180C. Grease eight 1/2-cup (125ml) capacity friand or muffin pans and place on an oven tray. Combine icing sugar, flour and almond meal in a medium bowl. Add eggwhites, butter and vanilla; stir until just combined. Spoon among pans. Sprinkle with almonds. Bake for 20 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the centres comes out clean. Set aside for 5 minutes; turn onto a wire rack. To make syrup, use a small, sharp knife to scrape seeds from vanilla bean and place in a medium saucepan. Add bean and sugar; stir to combine and break up seeds. Add water and place over lowheat. Cook, stirring, for 2-3 minutes or until sugar dissolves. Increase heat to high and bring to the boil. Cook, without stirring, for 3-5 minutes or until syrup thickens slightly. Remove from heat. Pour hot syrup over friands Porco com ma, bacon, repolho e ervilhas 4 pes 1/4 cup apple sauce 2 tablespoons light soy sauce 4 pork cutlets, trimmed 2 teaspoons olive oil 4 green onions, thinly sliced 1 garlic clove, crushed 4 rashers rindless shortcut bacon, thinly sliced 2 cups shredded green cabbage (1/4 repolho pequeno) 2 cups frozen peas Combine apple and soy sauce in a shallow dish. Add pork. Turn to coat. Heat oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Add pork to pan, reserving marinade. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes each side or until lightly browned (ou leve ao forno etc). Transfer to a plate. Reduce heat to medium. Add onion, garlic and bacon to pan. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until onion softens. Add cabbage. Cook, stirring, for 3 to 4 minutes. Return pork and reserved marinade to pan. Cover. Reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer for 8 to 10 minutes or until pork is cooked through, adding peas in the last 5 minutes of cooking Peito de frango com damasco, pur de batata com abbora e pesto 4 pes 40g dried apricots, finely chopped 550g Kent pumpkin, peeled, deseeded, cut in 1cm-thick slices 1 large coliban potato, peeled, cut into 1cm-thick slices 2 tsp butter 2 shallots, ends trimmed, thinly sliced 80g baby spinach leaves Olive oil spray 4 small (about 180g each) single chicken breast fillets

1. 2. 3.





1 1/2 tbs bought basil pesto Baby spinach leaves, extra, to serve Place the apricot in a small heatproof bowl and cover with boiling water. Set aside for 10 minutes to soak. Drain. Cook the pumpkin and potato in a saucepan of boiling water for 10 minutes or until soft. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Add the shallot and cook, stirring, for 1 minute or until soft. Add the spinach and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes or until the spinach wilts. Add the apricot to the spinach mixture and stir to combine. Season with salt and pepper. Use a small sharp knife to cut a horizontal slit in the thickest part of each chicken breast to create a pocket. Divide the apricot mixture evenly among pockets. Season with salt and pepper. Spray a large non-stick frying pan with olive oil spray to grease. Heat over medium-high heat. Add the chicken and cook for 3 minutes each side or until cooked through. Thickly slice. Drain the pumpkin mixture and return to the pan. Place over medium heat and stir to remove excess moisture. Mash until smooth. Stir in the pesto. Season with salt and pepper. Divide the mash among serving plates. Top with the chicken. Serve with spinach. Notes Variations Herb-crumbed chicken with crushed carrots: Omit the apricots, potato and shallots. Replace the pumpkin with 650g carrots, peeled, coarsely chopped. Replace the pesto with 3 tsp honey. Place 75g (3/4 cup) dry stuffing mix on a plate. Add the chicken and press to coat both sides. Melt the butter in a frying pan over medium heat. Add the chicken and cook for 4-5 minutes each side or until golden and cooked through. In step 6, coarsely mash the carrot mixture and add 2 tsp butter with the honey. Sun-dried tomato pork with parmesan mash: Omit pumpkin, spinach and pesto. Replace apricots with 40g semi-dried tomatoes, finely chopped. Replace the chicken with 4 pork neck steaks. Increase potato to 5 medium coliban potatoes. Omit step 1. Place the pork between two sheets of plastic wrap. Use a rolling pin to gently pound until 5mm thick. Spoon the semi-dried tomato mixture over pork. Sprinkle with 55g (1/2 cup) coarsely grated mozzarella. Fold pork in half to enclose filling. Use toothpicks to secure. In step 6, add 30g (1/3 cup) shredded parmesan, 2 tbs light sour cream and 4-5 tbs low-fat milk to the mash. Stir to combine. Fish with creamy sweet potato salad: Omit the apricots, potato and pesto. Replace the pumpkin with 650g orange sweet potato (kumara), peeled, cut into 2cm pieces. Replace the chicken with 4 firm white fish fillets (such as ling or perch). Add 1 garlic clove, crushed, with the spinach in step 3. In step 6, set the sweet potato aside to cool slightly (do not mash). Whisk together 65g (1/4 cup) 97% fat-free mayonnaise, 2 tbs light sour cream, 1 tbs chopped fresh continental parsley and a little water in a bowl. Add to the sweet potato and gently stir until just combined. Serve the sweet potato salad with the fish and spinach. Salada de milho com abacate 6 pes

2 firm large ripe avocados, halved, stones removed, peeled, finely chopped 1 x 410g can corn kernels, drained 3 shallots, ends trimmed, thinly sliced 1/4 cup chopped fresh coriander 2 tbs fresh lemon juice Frango parmegiana no forno com abacate 4 pes 2 (340g) chicken breast fillets, halved lengthways 1/2 cup plain flour 2 tablespoons milk 2 eggs 1 1/2 cups dried breadcrumbs Olive oil cooking spray 1/2 cup tomato pasta sauce 1 medium avocado, sliced 1/2 cup grated reduced-fat mozzarella cheese Preheat oven to 220C/200C fan-forced. Line a large baking tray with baking paper. Place chicken between 2 sheets plastic wrap. Using a rolling pin, pound until 5mm thick. Place flour on a plate. Lightly whisk milk and eggs together in a shallow bowl. Place breadcrumbs on a plate. Coat 1 piece chicken in flour, shaking off excess. Dip in egg mixture. Coat in breadcrumbs, pressing on to secure. Place on prepared tray. Repeat with remaining chicken, flour, egg mixture and breadcrumbs. Spray chicken with oil. Bake for 5 minutes. Remove from oven. Top each with 1 heaped tablespoon pasta sauce. Arrange avocado over sauce. Sprinkle with cheese. Return to oven. Bake for 5 to 7 minutes or until golden and chicken is cooked through Breading: Place flour, egg mixture and breadcrumbs in separate dishes. Place dishes in a row on bench. Lightly coat chicken, one piece at a time, in flour, then egg mixture and finally breadcrumbs, pressing breadcrumbs on firmly. Sushi sanduche de abacate e atum 4 slices wholemeal bread, crusts removed (ou po rabe) 2 tablespoons spreadable cream cheese 95g can tuna in springwater, drained 1/2 medium avocado, peeled, thinly sliced 1/2 medium carrot, peeled, grated Place bread slices on a chopping board. Using a rolling pin, flatten bread. Spread 1 side of each slice with cheese. Arrange tuna, avocado and carrot in rows next to each other on bread, leaving a 1cm border along 1 edge. Roll up bread from opposite edge to enclose filling. Cut each roll into 3 rounds. Massa com frango e pesto de abacate 4 pes 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 (500g) chicken breast fillets 375g dried linguine pasta 240g cherry truss tomatoes 1/3 cup light cooking cream 50g baby spinach 1/2 medium avocado, diced

Toasted pine nuts, to serve Avocado pesto 2 cups firmly packed fresh basil leaves 1/4 cup pine nuts, toasted 1/3 cup finely grated parmesan cheese 1 garlic clove, quartered 1/2 medium avocado, roughly chopped 1/2 cup olive oil Make avocado pesto Process basil, pine nuts, parmesan, garlic and avocado until finely chopped. With motor running, add oil in a slow, steady stream. Process to combine. Transfer to a bowl. Cover surface with plastic wrap. Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat. Cook chicken for 5 to 7 minutes each side or until browned and cooked through. Transfer to a plate. Set aside, covered, for 5 minutes. Thinly slice chicken. Meanwhile, cook pasta in a saucepan of boiling salted water, following packet directions, until tender. Drain. Transfer to a large bowl. Cover to keep warm. Remove tomatoes from stem, keeping stalks intact. Add tomatoes to frying pan. Cook, turning, for 3 to 5 minutes or until just starting to collapse. Add pesto, tomatoes, cream, spinach and chicken to pasta. Season with salt and pepper. Toss gently to combine. Top with avocado and pine nuts. Serve Geleia de microondas 1 lemon, halved 500g fruit remove stone or stalk and chop fruit 1 1/2 cups (335g) white sugar (or brown sugar) Juice the lemon. Place fruit, lemon juice and the rind halves in a large microwave safe bowl. Cook, uncovered, on High/100% power, stirring occasionally for 6 minutes. Add the sugar and cook on High/100% power for 20 minutes or until the jam reaches setting point. (To do this, cool some jam on a chilled saucer and run your finger through it. If the jam wrinkles and stays separate it is ready to bottle.) Discard lemon rind and spoon the hot jam into a clean jar. Invert for 2 minutes then turn upright to cool Massa empadinha de queijo 200g far. trigo 100g mant sem sal gelada 2 C leite 2 gemas, sal Recheio para empadinha de queijo 125g queijo minas picado e passado pelo espremedor de batatas 15 g parmeso ralado 3 C creme de leite noz-moscada, pimenta e sal

Musse de toblerone bicolor 8 pes 200g good-quality dark chocolate, chopped 400ml Dairy Farmers Thickened Cream, chilled 200g Toblerone chocolate bar, broken into pieces

6 eggs, at room temperature, separated pinch cream of tartar 1/3 cup caster sugar cocoa powder, to serve Combine dark chocolate and 50ml cream in a small, heatproof, microwave-safe bowl. Microwave, uncovered, on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring every minute with a metal spoon until almost melted. Stir until smooth. Set aside for 10 minutes to cool. Repeat with Toblerone and 50ml cream. Beat 3 egg yolks with a fork to combine. Add to melted dark chocolate mixture and stir until well combined. Repeat with remaining egg yolks and Toblerone mixture. Using an electric mixer, beat eggwhites and cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Add sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, beating until thick and glossy. Add 1 tablespoon eggwhite to dark chocolate mixture. Mix well. Add 1 tablespoon eggwhite to Toblerone mixture. Mix well. Divide remaining eggwhite between both chocolate mixtures. Fold in until just combined. Using an electric mixer, beat remaining 300ml cream until soft peaks form. Fold half the cream into dark chocolate mixture and half into Toblerone mixture. Divide dark chocolate mixture into eight 2/3-cup capacity serving glasses. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Top with Toblerone mixture. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours or until firm. Dust with cocoa. Serve.

Speculoos - 500 grams ( about 4 cups*) flour - 150 grams (2/3 cup) butter, at room temperature - 1 egg - 300 grams (1 1/2 cups) brown cassonade (substitute the darkest brown sugar you can get) - 1 teaspoon mixed ground cake spices (traditionally cinnamon and cloves)(Yields about 50 speculoos.) Preheat the oven to 180C (360F), and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. In a food processor or by hand, mix the butter, sugar, spices and eggs. If you're using a food processor, transfer the dough into a large mixing bowl now, as the rest has to be done by hand. Add the flour in batches, and knead the dough until it comes together and gets buttery and brown. Divide the dough in two. Spread a sheet of parchment paper on your work surface, and use a rolling pin to spread one half of the dough on it (this is so it doesn't stick to the counter, without the addition of flour), until it is about 5 mm (1/5 inch) thick. Use a special speculoos mold to cut out cookies, or just cut the dough in long and narrow rectangles, about 3 x 7 cm (1.2'' x 2.8''). Use the blade of a knife to transfer the cookies onto your cookie sheet, and put into the oven to bake for twelve to fifteen minutes (the cookies will still be soft in the center). Slide the parchment paper onto a rack for the cookies to cool and harden. Repeat in batches with the rest of the dough. Store the cookies in a metal tin box Salada de bacalhau com risoni

200 g de bacalhau cozido em azeite e em lascas 50 g de azeitonas pretas em tirinhas 150 g de risoni 200 g de tomate maduro sem sementes e cortado em cubos pequenos Folhas de manjerico verde e roxo Raspas de um limo siciliano 50 ml de azeite extra virgem Sal e pimenta a gosto Em uma panela com gua fervente, salgada e abundante, cozinhe o risoni al dente. Escorra, adicione parte do azeite e junte o bacalhau em lascas, misture bem e deixe esfriar. Adicione o tomate em cubos, as folhas de manjerico, as raspas de limo e, por ltimo, as tirinhas de azeitonas pretas. Acerte o tempero e finalize com mais azeite.

Risoni com gorgonzola 500 gramas de risoni (Barilla) 2 unidades de cebolas (bem picadinhas) azeite a gosto 2 caixas de creme de leite 200 gramas de gorgonzola esmigalhado 1 unidade de caldo de legumes ( tablete Cozinhe o risoni com o caldo de legumes (al dente). Reserve. Frite as cebolas no azeite (at amolecer) Acrescente o creme de leite Quando o creme de leite esquentar, misture o gorgonzola esmigalhado e mexa bem para derreter. Acrescente o sal, se necessrio. Misture o molho na massa, j cozida, salpique salsinha picadinha e sirva. Risoni de festa 2 x risoni, ervilhas, cebola refogada, tomate, manjerico, 50g queijo pecorino, x amndoas em lascas Risoni com estrago 2 xcaras de Risoni (eu uso da marca Barilla) 500 mL de creme de leite fresco 2 colheres de sopa de manteiga 3 dentes de alho picados em pedaos grandes 1 punhado de folhas de estrago (secas ou frescas) 4 colheres de sopa de queijo parmeso ralado sal (a gosto) Cozinhe a massa de acordo com as instrues do fabricante. Enquanto isso, prepare o molho. Descasque os dentes de alho, e pique em pedaos grandes. Derreta a manteiga numa frigideira em fogo baixo. Junte o alho e as folhas de estrago. Retire do fogo quando o alho dourar. Coe em peneira pequena. Reserve a manteiga aromatizada. Jogue fora o alho e as folhas de estrago. Coloque a manteiga aromatizada em uma panela. Junte o creme de leite, o queijo parmeso e o sal. Cozinhe em fogo baixo. Mexa para incorporar o queijo ralado. Desligue quando comear a borbulhar. Prove, e retifique o sal se necessrio. Caso deseje, acrescente mais queijo parmeso. Escorra a massa, e cubra com o molho

Risoni com funghi 1/2 caixa de risoni (Barilla) 50g cogumelo funghi 1 alho por, manteiga, cebolinha Lave os cogumelos e deixe-os de molho na gua morna por alguns minutos (at amolecerem). Coloque aproximadamente 800ml de gua em uma panela mdia, deixe ferver e acresente o risoni. Enquanto o macarro cozinha, coloque em uma frigideira um pedao de manteiga e refogue o funghi e o alho por (no deve fritar, apenas refogar). Aps 11min. de cozimento do macarro, ou at ele ficar al dente, misture o refogado sem escorrer a gua. Coloque a cebolina picada ao final e misture. Sirva bem quente. Acrescente o parmeso ralado e azeite a gosto. Risoni com abobrinha 1 abobrinha ralada (com a casca) 1 1/2 xcara de risoni 3 dentes de alho picados 1/2 cebola ralada 3 colheres de sopa de creme de leite fresco 3 colheres de sopa de azeite 3 raminhos de alecrim Sal a gosto Preparo: 1 - Leve meio litro de gua ao fogo. 2 - Enquanto a gua ferve, refogue dois dentes de alho e a cebola numa panela com o azeite e frite at que estejam dourados. 3 - Acrescente o risoni e mexa bem para que ele absorva os temperos. 4 - Adicione a gua quente at cobrir o risoni. V adicionando gua aos poucos quando for necessrio. Mexa sempre para que a massa no grude. 5 - Enquanto o risoni cozinha, por volta de 10 minutos, frite o 3 dente de alho numa frigideira grande e acrescente a abobrinha em seguida. 6 - Acerte o sal e quando o legume estiver tenro, coloque as folhinhas de alecrim. 7 - Quando o risoni estiver "al dente", junte-o abobrinha, mexa bem e adicione o creme de leite.

Bolinhos de ricota, abobrinha e milho 16 unid. 125ml (1/2 cup) milk 2 eggs 125g (1/2 cup) fresh ricotta 150g (1 cup) self-raising flour 2 cups fresh corn kernels (see note) 2 (about 250g) zucchini, trimmed, coarsely grated 1 small red capsicum, halved, deseeded, finely chopped 2 tbs chopped fresh chives 2 tbs olive oil Tomato salsa, to serve

Use a balloon whisk to whisk together the milk, eggs and ricotta in a bowl. Gradually add the flour, whisking constantly, until a smooth batter forms. Stir in the corn, zucchini, capsicum, and chives. Heat half the oil in a large non-stick frying pan. Spoon three 1/4-cup quantities of the corn mixture into the pan. Cook for 3 minutes each side or until golden and cooked through. Transfer to a plate. Repeat, in 5 more batches, with the remaining oil and corn mixture, reheating the pan between batches. Serve the fritters warm or cold with a dollop of tomato salsa Massa com molho bolonhesa com vegetais 6 pes 1 tbs olive oil 1kg lean beef mince 175g short-cut bacon rashers, finely chopped 300g button mushrooms, thinly sliced 3 zucchini, ends trimmed, finely chopped 2 carrots, peeled, finely chopped 1 brown onion, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 800g can diced Italian tomatoes 375ml (1 1/2 cups) water 3 bay leaves 2 tsp dried mixed Italian herbs 2 tbs tomato paste 500g macaroni pasta, cooked Shredded parmesan or cheddar, to serve Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Cook half the mince, stirring with a wooden spoon to break up any lumps, for 4-5 minutes or until mince changes colour. Transfer to a bowl. Repeat with remaining mince, reheating pan between batches. Add bacon, mushroom, zucchini, carrot, onion and garlic to the pan and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until the onion is soft. Add the beef, tomato and water. Bring to the boil. Add bay leaves and herbs. Reduce heat to medium and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes. Stir in tomato paste. Simmer for 10 minutes or until the mixture thickens slightly. Combine the mince and pasta. Rocambole de chocolate com recheio de chantilly e morangos ao cointreau 6 pes Melted butter, to grease 6 eggs, separated 100g (1/2 cup) caster sugar 30g (1/4 cup) Home Brand Cocoa Powder 2 tbs plain flour 100g 70% cocoa dark chocolate, melted, cooled 2 tbs milk 300ml ctn thickened cream Cocoa powder, to dust Cointreau strawberries 500g strawberries, washed, hulled, halved 60ml (1/4 cup) Cointreau liqueur 2 tbs caster sugar

To make the Cointreau strawberries, combine strawberry, Cointreau and sugar in a bowl. Set aside for 3 hours to macerate. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 180C. Brush a 30 x 24cm Swiss roll pan with melted butter. Line the base and 2 short sides with non-stick baking paper, allowing sides to overhang by about 5cm. Use an electric beater to beat egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl until thick and pale. Sift over the cocoa powder and flour. Add chocolate and milk. Stir until combined. Use a clean electric beater to beat the egg whites in a bowl until soft peaks form. Fold one-quarter of the egg white into the chocolate mixture. Fold in the remaining egg white until just combined. Pour the mixture into the lined pan and smooth the surface. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until the cake is firm and springs back when lightly tapped. Carefully turn the cake onto a sheet of non-stick baking paper. Set aside for 3-5 minutes to cool. Trim 2cm from 1 short side. Starting from the short side closest to you, and using the paper as a guide, gently roll up the cake. Set aside for 5 minutes to cool. Gently unroll the cake. Use an electric beater to beat the cream in a bowl until firm peaks form. Spread over the cake, leaving a 4cm border at the short side furthest from you. Using the paper as a guide, roll up the cake. Dust with cocoa powder. Serve with the Cointreau strawberries. Bolo de chocolate e marrom glac 300g de chocolate meio amargo - 500g de farinha de trigo (com fermento) - 400g de marrom glac (em pedaos) - 250g de margarina - 1 e 1/2 xcara (ch) de conhaque - 200g de acar - 4 ovos Em um recipiente colocar a manteiga em temperatura ambiente, adicione o acar e bata at obter um creme. Acrescente os ovos, um de cada vez, batendo sem parar. Junte o conhaque (ou leite) e incorpore a farinha peneirada, batendo bem, parar de bater e agregar os pedacinhos de chocolate, mexendo com uma colher de pau. Acrescente os pedaos de marrom glac e mexa bem. Coloque a massa em assadeira e asse em forno pr-aquecido, entre 45 e 60 minutos Fil mignon ao molho de vinho tinto 2 colheres (sopa) de manteiga (temperatura ambiente) 2 envelopes de tempero para carnes Sal a gosto 1 pea de fil mignon (cerca de 1 kg) 1 xcara (ch) de vinho tinto seco Misture a manteiga, o tempero, o sal e besunte a carne. Deixe descansar por 10 minutos. Aquea uma frigideira e doure a carne, virando-a de vez em quando. Tampe a frigideira parcialmente e deixe cozinhar por cerca de 20 minutos, pingando gua caso esteja muito seco. Corte a carne em fatias finas e reserve. Na mesma frigideira, despeje o vinho tinto e mexa lentamente,

raspando o fundo. Deixe ferver por 5 minutos ou at o molho reduzir e ficar espesso Fils ao molho de vinho tinto 4 bifes grossos de fil-mignon 2 (ch) de vinho tinto 2 (sopa) de leo 250 gramas de manteiga 1 cebola grande em rodelas 2 ramos de cebolinha 10 ramos de salsa 1 folha de louro Sal Aquecer 2 colheres de manteiga em uma panela. Fritar a cebola por 3 minutos. Juntar o vinho, o tomilho, o louro, a salsa e a cebolinha. Deixar ferver por uns 15 minutos, coar e reservar. Em uma frigideira, derreter 150 gramas de manteiga, mexer bem, para ficar cremosa, e despejar sobre o molho. Com o restante da manteiga e o leo, fritar os fils, um a um, e, quando estiver quase no ponto, temperar com pimenta e sal. Assim que for fritando os fils, acomodar em uma travessa previamente aquecida. Despejar o molho na frigideira e deixar no fogo at que o fundo soltar (cerca de 6 minutos). Derramar sobre os fils e servir

Bolo de ma Farinha: 2 chvenas Acar: 1 chvena Fermento em p: colher de ch Bicarbonato de sdio: 1 colher de ch Sal: 1 colher de ch Canela: colher de ch Cravinho em p: colher de ch Margarina: chvena gua: chvena Noz (picada): chvena Passa (picada): 1 chvena Pur de ma: 450 gr Ovo: 1 grande (batido) Pr-aquea o forno a 180 C. Unte com manteiga uma forma refractria de 30 x 19 centmetros e polvilhe-a de farinha. Misture os primeiros 7 ingredientes. Junte os ingredientes que se seguem e bata na batedeira durante 2 minutos. Deite a mistura e leve ao forno de 45 a 50 minutos. Unte com o creme da receita do bolo de cenoura ou outro da sua preferncia Bacalhau com broa Azeite: q.b. alho: 2 dentes batatas mdias: 6 cebolas grandes: 2 Mias de bacalhau previamente demolhadas: 500 g folha de louro: 1

Sal: q.b. Pimenta: q.b. Miolo de broa: q.b. Corte a cebola em rodelas finas e leve-as a alourar em azeite juntamente com o alho picado e a folha de louro. Quando a cebola comear a querer alourar, junte o bacalhau escorrido e deixe cozinhar 15 minutos, mexendo de vez em quando. Tempere com pimenta e sal, se necessrio. Entretanto descasque as batatas e corte-as em rodelas com cerca de 0.3 mm de espessura. Leve-as a fritar em leo quente, sem as deixar ficar demasiadamente louras. Escorra-as em papel absorvente. Comee ento a montar a travessa: coloque na base de um prato de servir que possa ir ao forno as batatas fritas cobrindo todo o fundo. Por cima coloque a cebolada do bacalhau e cubra tudo com uma boa camada de miolo de broa esfarelado. Regue com um fio de azeite e leve a forno quente (200C) at a camada da broa estar lourinha. Sirva com uma salada verde Bolo de iogurte de morango iogurte de aromas ou pedaos (morango): 1 medidas (copo de iogurte) de acar: 3 medidas (copo de iogurte) de farinha: 3 medida (copo de iogurte) de leo: 1 ovos inteiros: 4 fermento: 1 colher de ch Juntar tudo (no preciso bater as claras), num recipiente e bater bem. Untar uma forma com manteiga e polvilhar com farinha. Levar ao forno previamente aquecido em lume mdio ou 180C cerca de 30/40 minutos Bolo de toblerone Acar: 1/2 chvena Manteiga sem sal: 200 gr Chocolate Toblerone: 300 gr Farinha de trigo: 1 1/4 chvena Fermento em p: 1 colher de caf Achocolatado: 1/4 chvena Ovo: 3 Chocolate: 60 gr Numa vasilha colocar 200 gr de chocolate Toblerone, a manteiga e o acar. Levar a vasilha ao banho-maria. Mexer at a mistura derreter. Adicionar 1/2 chvena de gua bem quente e mexer. Deixar arrefecer um pouco. parte, misturar numa tigela a farinha, o fermento e o achocolatado. Juntar os ovos e adicionar a mistura ao chocolate derretido, mexendo cuidadosamente. Despejar a massa numa forma rectangular de 20 por 30 cm, untada e enfarinhada. Polvilhar com o chocolate restante picado e assar em forno baixo (160)pr-aquecido, durante 35 minutos ou at que o palito saia limpo Sorvete de toblerone 100g blanched almonds, toasted 1 cup caster sugar 2 litres vanilla ice-cream 2 x 100g Toblerone bars, roughly chopped Line a baking tray with baking paper. Spread almonds over baking paper.

Place sugar into a small non-stick frying pan over low heat. Cook, tilting frying pan back and forth occasionally, until sugar dissolves and turns a rich caramel colour. Pour toffee over almonds. Allow to set. outra: 3 egg yolks 40g sugar 1 tsp corn flour 170g fresh milk 1 tsp vanilla essence 100g toblerone chocolate (or cooking chocolate) 220g non-dairy whipping cream 50g chocolate chips 1. Beat egg yolks, sugar and corn flour until sugar has dissolved and pale. 2. Add in fresh milk, vanilla essence and toblerone chocolate. Double boil the mixture and stir and cook at low heat until chocolate has melted and slightly thicken. Remove from heat and leave to cool. Whisk non-dairy whipping cream until stiff and fold into the cooled milk mixture. Stir in chocolate chips and mix well. Pour into a container and freeze overnight. Whisk the mixture again until smooth and freeze until set

outra: (ganhou concurso!) 6 eggs (or if you prefer only the egg yolks) 1 cup dark brown sugar 1 tsp vanilla essence /(or if you like, 2 to 3 tbsp of Bayleis Irish Cream instead of the vanilla) 100 to 150g Toblerone Chocolate (the yellow original type) 500ml whipping cream Chop the Chocolate into small bits. Whip the Cream, when using Ice Cream maker, do not whip the cream too much. But when not using an Ice Cream maker, whip the cream stiff. Now beat the eggs with the sugar and vanilla. Combine all ingredients and either set in a bowl and freeze. outra: Heavy whipping cream, 2 cups Dulce de leche, 1 tin Toblerone (finely chopped), 300 gr. Mistura e congela. Sorbet de framboesas 500g raspberries 1 orange, juiced 2/3 cup caster sugar cup water Puree the raspberries in a food processor, and then pass through a fine sieve into a large bowl, keeping the juice and discarding the seeds. Mix in the orange juice. Place the water and caster sugar in a saucepan and heat on medium/high heat until the sugar has dissolved. Bring the sugar water to the boil and boil for 3 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly. Whisk the sugar mixture into the sieved raspberry puree and cool down in the sink with ice cubes and cold water. Once cooled, churn in an ice cream maker

as per instruction manual and then freeze in a suitable container. If you dont have an ice cream maker, place in a suitable freezer container and freeze for a few hours at a time, whisking or using a fork, to break up larger ice crystals. Continue to mix until it is too frozen to mix further. 5-10 minutes prior to serving, remove the sorbet from the freezer to allow easier dishing of the sorbet. Triple Chocolate Praline Tart Recipe from Gourmet Traveller (my hints in italics) Serves: 16 160ml pouring cream 40ml milk 200g dark chocolate (61% cocoa solids), finely chopped Chocolate pastry 200g plain flour 60g pure icing sugar, sifted 30g Dutch-process cocoa 100g cold butter, coarsely chopped 2 egg yolks (I had to add 2 tablespoons of cold water at the end for it to form a dough) Milk chocolate praline filling 150g hazelnuts, roasted and skins removed 175g raw caster sugar 300ml pouring cream 400g milk chocolate, finely chopped For chocolate pastry, process flour, icing sugar and cocoa in a food processor until combined. Add butter, process until mixture resembles fine crumbs, then add egg yolks, process to combine. (If you need to add some cold water add it now and process, I needed to do this as it was very crumbly). Turn onto a lightly floured work surface and bring pastry together with the heel of your hand. Wrap in plastic wrap, refrigerate for 1 hour to rest. Preheat oven to 180C. Roll out pastry on a lightly floured surface to 3mm thick and line a 28cm-diameter loose-bottomed tart tin, trimming edges (I used a quiche dish as thats all I had). Refrigerate for 1 hour, then blind bake for 8-10 minutes (place a piece of baking paper in the tart and add rice, beans or weights), remove paper and weights and bake until dry and crisp (8-10 minutes). Meanwhile, for praline filling, spread hazelnuts on an oiled baking tray, set aside. Combine sugar and 60ml water in a small saucepan, stir over mediumhigh heat until sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil, cook until dark caramel in colour (4-5 minutes), pour over nuts. Stand until cool and set (8-10 minutes), process in a food processor until finely ground, set aside. Bring cream to the simmer in a small saucepan over medium heat, add chocolate, stir until smooth, remove from heat, stir in two-thirds of praline mixture (reserve remaining to serve). Spoon into pastry case, smooth top, refrigerate until just set (1-2 hours). Combine cream and milk in a small saucepan, bring to the simmer over medium-high heat. Add dark chocolate, remove from heat, stir until smooth. Spread over tart, refrigerate until just set (45 minutes-1 hour). Cut into wedges with a hot knife and serve immediately scattered with reserved praline.

Tiramisu sem caf Tiramisu (Recipe source: Carminantonios Tiramisu from The Washington Post, July 11 2007 ) This recipe makes 6 servings For the zabaglione: 2 large egg yolks 3 tablespoons sugar/50gms 1/4 cup/60ml Marsala wine (or port or coffee) 1/4 teaspoon/ 1.25ml vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest For the vanilla pastry cream: 1/4 cup/55gms sugar 1 tablespoon/8gms all purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest 1/2 teaspoon/ 2.5ml vanilla extract 1 large egg yolk 3/4 cup/175ml whole milk For the whipped cream: 1 cup/235ml chilled heavy cream (we used 25%) 1/4 cup/55gms sugar 1/2 teaspoon/ 2.5ml vanilla extract To assemble the tiramisu: 2 cups/470ml brewed espresso, warmed 1 teaspoon/5ml rum extract (optional) 1/2 cup/110gms sugar 1/3 cup/75gms mascarpone cheese 36 savoiardi/ ladyfinger biscuits (you may use less) 2 tablespoons/30gms unsweetened cocoa powder My note: To make this with no coffee flavour, replace the espresso and rum with 2 teaspoons cocoa powder, 2 teaspoons of baileys and 2 cups warm water add together with the sugar for a chocolate alternative for dipping the biscuits. For the zabaglione: Heat water in a double boiler. If you dont have a double boiler, place a pot with about an inch of water in it on the stove. Place a heat-proof bowl in the pot making sure the bottom does not touch the water. In a large mixing bowl (or stainless steel mixing bowl), mix together the egg yolks, sugar, the Marsala (or espresso/ coffee), vanilla extract and lemon zest. Whisk together until the yolks are fully blended and the mixture looks smooth. Transfer the mixture to the top of a double boiler or place your bowl over the pan/ pot with simmering water. Cook the egg mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, for about 8 minutes or until it resembles thick custard. It may bubble a bit as it reaches that consistency. Let cool to room temperature and transfer the zabaglione to a bowl. Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight, until thoroughly chilled. For the pastry cream: Mix together the sugar, flour, lemon zest and vanilla extract in a medium heavybottomed saucepan. To this add the egg yolk and half the milk. Whisk until smooth.

Now place the saucepan over low heat and cook, stirring constantly to prevent the mixture from curdling Add the remaining milk a little at a time, still stirring constantly. After about 12 minutes the mixture will be thick, free of lumps and beginning to bubble. (If you have a few lumps, dont worry. You can push the cream through a fine-mesh strainer.) Transfer the pastry cream to a bowl and cool to room temperature. Cover with plastic film and refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight, until thoroughly chilled. For the whipped cream: Combine the cream, sugar and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl. Beat with an electric hand mixer or immersion blender until the mixture holds stiff peaks. Set aside. To assemble the tiramisu: Have ready a rectangular serving dish (about 8 by 8 should do) or one of your choice. Mix together the warm espresso, rum extract and sugar in a shallow dish, whisking to mix well. Set aside to cool. In a large bowl, beat the mascarpone cheese with a spoon to break down the lumps and make it smooth. This will make it easier to fold. Add the prepared and chilled zabaglione and pastry cream, blending until just combined. Gently fold in the whipped cream. Set this cream mixture aside. Now to start assembling the tiramisu. Workings quickly, dip 12 of the ladyfingers in the sweetened espresso, about 1 second per side. They should be moist but not soggy. Immediately transfer each ladyfinger to the platter, placing them side by side in a single row. You may break a lady finger into two, if necessary, to ensure the base of your dish is completely covered. Spoon one-third of the cream mixture on top of the ladyfingers, then use a rubber spatula or spreading knife to cover the top evenly, all the way to the edges. Repeat to create 2 more layers, using 12 ladyfingers and the cream mixture for each layer. Clean any spilled cream mixture; cover carefully with plastic wrap and refrigerate the tiramisu overnight. To serve, carefully remove the plastic wrap and sprinkle the tiramisu with cocoa powder using a fine-mesh strainer or decorate as you please. Cut into individual portions and serve. Mascarpone Cheese (Source: Veras Recipe for Homemade Mascarpone Cheese) This recipe makes 12oz/ 340gm of mascarpone cheese 474ml (approx. 500ml)/ 2 cups whipping (36 %) pasteurized (not ultrapasteurized), preferably organic cream (between 25% to 36% cream will do) 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice Bring 1 inch of water to a boil in a wide skillet. Reduce the heat to medium-low so the water is barely simmering. Pour the cream into a medium heat-resistant bowl, then place the bowl into the skillet. Heat the cream, stirring often, to 190 F. If you do not have a thermometer, wait until small bubbles keep trying to push up to the surface. It will take about 15 minutes of delicate heating. Add the lemon juice and continue heating the mixture, stirring gently, until the cream curdles. Do not expect the same action as you see during ricotta cheese making. All that the

whipping cream will do is become thicker, like a well-done crme anglaise. It will cover a back of your wooden spoon thickly. You will see just a few clear whey streaks when you stir. Remove the bowl from the water and let cool for about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, line a sieve with four layers of dampened cheesecloth and set it over a bowl. Transfer the mixture into the lined sieve. Do not squeeze the cheese in the cheesecloth or press on its surface (be patient, it will firm up after refrigeration time). Once cooled completely, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate (in the sieve) overnight or up to 24 hours. Veras notes: The first time I made mascarpone I had all doubts if itd been cooked enough, because of its custard-like texture. Have no fear, it will firm up beautifully in the fridge, and will yet remain lusciously creamy. Keep refrigerated and use within 3 to 4 days. Ladyfingers / Savoiardi Biscuits (Source: Recipe from Cordon Bleu At Home) This recipe makes approximately 24 big ladyfingers or 45 small (2 1/2 to 3 long) ladyfingers. 3 eggs, separated 6 tablespoons /75gms granulated sugar 3/4 cup/95gms cake flour, sifted (or 3/4 cup all purpose flour + 2 tbsp corn starch) 6 tablespoons /50gms confectioners sugar, Preheat your oven to 350 F (175 C) degrees, then lightly brush 2 baking sheets with oil or softened butter and line with parchment paper. Beat the egg whites using a hand held electric mixer until stiff peaks form. Gradually add granulate sugar and continue beating until the egg whites become stiff again, glossy and smooth. In a small bowl, beat the egg yolks lightly with a fork and fold them into the meringue, using a wooden spoon. Sift the flour over this mixture and fold gently until just mixed. It is important to fold very gently and not overdo the folding. Otherwise the batter would deflate and lose volume resulting in ladyfingers which are flat and not spongy. Fit a pastry bag with a plain tip (or just snip the end off; you could also use a Ziploc bag) and fill with the batter. Pipe the batter into 5 long and 3/4 wide strips leaving about 1 space in between the strips. Sprinkle half the confectioners sugar over the ladyfingers and wait for 5 minutes. The sugar will pearl or look wet and glisten. Now sprinkle the remaining sugar. This helps to give the ladyfingers their characteristic crispness. Hold the parchment paper in place with your thumb and lift one side of the baking sheet and gently tap it on the work surface to remove excess sprinkled sugar. Bake the ladyfingers for 10 minutes, then rotate the sheets and bake for another 5 minutes or so until the puff up, turn lightly golden brown and are still soft. Allow them to cool slightly on the sheets for about 5 minutes and then remove the ladyfingers from the baking sheet with a metal spatula while still hot, and cool on a rack. Homemade Ferrero Rocher

100g (3.5 oz) whole raw hazelnuts PLUS 35 extra hazelnuts for the centre of the Rochers 1 cup of Chocolate Hazelnut spread such as Nutella 1/4 cup hazelnut meal 60g (2 oz) ice-cream wafers finely chopped 400g (1lb) milk compound chocolate Heat oven to 180c (360f) . On a baking tray, spread out all of the hazelnuts and bake for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and wrap in a clean tea towel. Rub the nuts with the tea towel to remove the hazelnut skins. Set aside 35 whole hazelnuts then finely chop the rest. In a small bowl, mix the chocolate hazelnut spread, hazel meal and chopped hazelnuts until well combined. Freeze until the mixture is stiff enough to be moulded and rolled into balls. Working quickly while the mixture is stiff, mould 1 slightly heaped teaspoon of choc hazelnut mixture around 1 whole hazelnut, then roll in the chopped icecream wafers. Freeze again until the balls are firm. Melt compound chocolate in a double boiler, chocolate melting appliance or microwave and coat each ball draining off excess chocolate. Let sit until set then store in the fridge. Granola salgada 2 colheres (sopa) de semente de girassol torrada sem casca; 20 gramas de corn-flakes( aquele sucrilhos sem aucar); 1 colher (sopa) de aveia em flocos; 1/2 colher ( sobremesa) de gergelim preto; 1/2 colher (sobremesa) de gergelim branco; 2 pitadas de sal e 1 colher (caf) de azeite de oliva Numa tigela, junte os gros e o sal. Mexa com uma colher. Junte o azeite s gotas, devagar e v mexendo, mexendo sem pressa, para que os gros assimilem o sabor do azeite e peguem o sal. Muffins de abobrinha com peito de peru 1 xcara de farinha de trigo; 2 colheres (sopa) de quaijo parmeso ralado light; 1 colher (sopa)no muito cheia, fermento em p; 1 colher (ch) de sal; 1 ovo; 1/2 xcara de leite desnatado; 2 colheres (sopa) de azeite de oliva; 1 abobrinha ralada ( usei a do tipo italiana, pois tem menos sementes); 100 gramas de peito de peru picadinho; 1 colher (sopa) de manjerico fresco, usei o desidratado Misture a farinha de trigo, o queijo ralado, o fermento, e o sal. Reserve. Noutro recipiente misture o ovo, o leite, o azeite, a abobrinha, o peito de peru e o manjerico. Junte as duas misturas. Unte 10 forminhas de alumnio, ou use forminhas de papel ou de silicone, o que voc achar mais fcil. Leve ao forno pr aquecido at que fiquem levemente douradas Barquinhas light de chuchu 3 Chuchus descascados, e sem o miolo;

1 lata de ervilhas; 2 ovos cozidos e picados; tempero em p, 0 % de gordura (eu usei o ilatiano); 2 colheres(sopa) de requeijo light (ou maionese) Cozinhe as barquinhas de chuchu com um pouquinho de sal na gua, para que ele no fique sem gosto. Reserve. Pique os ovos, junte as ervilhas, tempere com o tempero em p e por ltimo junte o requeijo light. Coloque em cada barquinha de chuchu uma colher bem cheia desse recheio. echeadas todas as barquinhas leve geladeira para ficar bem geladinhas. Bolo de legumes 200 gramas de vagens; 1 couve-flor mdia; 1 envelope de tempero em p (0% de gordura); 1 cebola ralada; 1 dente de alho amassado; 2 cenouras raladas; 1/2 xcara de leite desnatado; 1 colher(sobremesa) de queijo ralado; 1 ovo inteiro; 1 xcara de farinha de trigo; 1 xcara de farinha de trigo integral; 1 colher(sopa)de fermento em p; sal gosto; cheiro verde gosto. Corte em pedaos pequenos a couve-flor e as vagens, e coloque para cozinhar numa panela com gua e sal. Depois de cozidos, escorra e deixe esfriar. Em um recipiente grande, coloque as vagens com a couve-flor, a cebola, o alho, as cenouras e o tempero em p. misture bem misturado. Acrescente o ovo, leite, far e cheiro verde. Mexa bem mexidinho, pode parecer que no ir dar liga...mas continue mexendo que os legumes iro soltar lquido e fica tudo certo no final.Fique tranquila! Junte o sal, o queijo ralado e finalmente o fermento em p. Misture at homogeneizar. Leve para assar em forma untada e enfarinhada e asse em forno praquecido por aproximadamente 45 minutos Berinjela com champignon 3 Berinjelas de tamanho mdio; 200 gramas de champignom cortados ao meio; 1 xcara (ch) de uva passas brancas e escuras (meio a meio); 1 pimenta dedo de moa sem as sementes (opcional); 1 envelope de tempero 0% de gordura sabor legumes; 3 dentes de alho descascados; 2 colheres (sopa) de Azeite de oliva extra-virgem 1 colher (ch) de manjerona desidratada; 1 colher (ch) de salsa desidratada; 1 pimento vermelho cortado em tirinhas finas; 20 gramas de castanha de caju.

As berinjelas devero ser cortadas em tirinhas finas. Eu fao assim: primeiro corto em fatias, sobreponho umas sobre as outras e corto novamente. Depois que estiverem cortadas e essencial colocar de molho em gua com um punhado de sal e um prato com um peso em cima, para que assim a berinjela solte todo o gostinho amargo que possui. picando o pimento, separando os temperos, descascando o alho, e deixando tudo separadinho, que j, j s montar na assadeira. Primeiro coloca uma camada de berinjela, o pimento, os champignom, joga os dentes de alho, os temperos desidratados.Voc s no ir colocar o azeite, nem a castanha de caju, que sero colocados somente na hora de servir. Leve a assadeira coberta com papel alumnio, sendo a parte espelhada voltada para dentro, e deixe no forno por 1 hora. Passado esse tempo, tire o papel alumnio e deixe mais 15 20 minutos para secar a guinha que por ventura possa ter juntado. Coloque numa tigelinha bem linda, regue com o azeite para terminar de perfumar, coloque as castanhas de caj extrategicamente por cima e sirva com torradinhas Caramelized Apple ~ Almond Tart thinly sliced apples over a layer of frangipane and puff pastry, Vanilla ice cream, green apple sorbet Goat Cheese Cheesecake passion fruit gele, meringue, passion fruit ice cream Chocolate Marquise Brooklyn Bridge handmade chocolate with a terrine of toasted hazelnut and Tahitian vanilla ice cream Coffee Caramel Parfait - salted caramel chantilly, espresso caramel sauce Chocolate Sticky Toffee Cake pistachio ice cream sandwiched between dark chocolate cookies, butterscotch sauce, Ronnybrook Farm whipped cream Gianduja Pancakes with milk chocolate and caramelized hazelnuts Belgian Style Six Grain Waffle bruled bananas, Tahitian vanilla bean frozen yogurt Poached Eggs Benedict - griddled brioche, Canadian bacon, Russet potato, sage and caramelized onion hash, tangerine hollandaise sauce

Montauk Fluke Ceviche - served raw and chilled, thinly sliced with lime and coconut marinate, roasted mild poblano chili peppers and fresh toasted shaved coconut Lamb Meatballs Au Poivre - tender Colorado lamb, whipped potato pure, classic green peppercorn and Cognac sauce

Ruby Red Shrimp Risotto - fresh white asparagus and tender Maine shrimp, rosemary cured Mangalitsa pork lardo, Parmigiano Reggiano milk chocolate marquise cake

Cupcake de tiramisu Cupcake Filling: 1 cup mascarpone cheese 3 tablespoons coffee liqueur, such as Tia Maria or Kahla 1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk One 8-ounce container Cool Whip Cupcakes: One 18.25-ounce box white cake mix 1/2 cup confectioners sugar 3/4 cup hot brewed coffee 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract Frosting: One 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract White chocolate liqueur, such as Godiva 2 cups confectioners sugar Dark chocolate shavings, for garnish To make the cupcake filling: In a large bowl and using a handheld mixer set on medium speed, beat together the mascarpone, coffee liqueur, and condensed milk until smooth and blended. Using a rubber spatula, fold in the Cool Whip. Cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours and up to 6 hours. To Make the Cupcakes: Meanwhile, bake cupcakes according to the cake mix package directions. Let cool on a wire cooling rack. In a medium bowl, stir the confectioners sugar into the hot coffee until the sugar dissolves. Stir in the vanilla. To make the frosting: In a large bowl and using a handheld mixer set on medium speed, beat the cream cheese and butter for 2 to 3 minutes, until light and fluffy. Mix in the vanilla and chocolate liqueur. With the mixer on low speed, slowly add the confectioners sugar to the frosting until it reaches a spreadable consistency. To fill and frost the cupcakes: Using a fork, pierce the cupcakes several times and brush each one liberally with the sweetened coffee. Spoon the mascarpone mixture into a pastry bag fitted with a plain tip and inject small amounts directly into the center of each cupcake. The best way to do this is to insert the pastry bag tip into the top of the cupcakes. Using a spatula, frost the cupcakes liberally with the frosting and garnish with chocolate shavings. Bolo marquise de chocolate Filling 2 1/2 cups whipping cream 1 1/4 pounds bittersweet (not unsweetened) or semisweet chocolate, chopped Syrup 1/2 cup sugar 1/3 cup water 1/2 cups finely chopped pitted prunes (about 3 ounces) 1/4 cup Cognac, Armagnac or other brandy Cake

1 3/4 cups unbleached all purpose flour 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons (1 1/4 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature 2 cups sugar 3 large eggs, room temperature 1 ounce unsweetened chocolate, melted 1 1/4 cups buttermilk, room temperature Unsweetened cocoa powder 1/4 cup (1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into pieces 2 ounces imported milk chocolate, chopped For Filling: Scald cream in heavy medium saucepan over medium heat. Remove pan from heat. Add chocolate and whisk until melted and smooth. Pour filling into large bowl. Refrigerate until filling is very thick but still spreadable, stirring occasionally, about 1 1/2 hours. For Syrup: Bring sugar, water and chopped prunes to boil in heavy small saucepan over medium heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Boil 1 minute. Remove from heat. Add Cognac. Cover and let mixture steep 1 hour. Strain, reserving prunes and syrup separately. For Cake: Position rack in center of oven and preheat oven to 350F. Butter 11x17 1/2inch cookie sheet with 1-inch-high sides. Line cookie sheet with parchment. Butter parchment and dust with flour, tapping out excess. Sift first 5 ingredients into medium bowl. Using electric mixer, cream 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons butter in large bowl. Gradually beat in sugar (mixture will be grainy). Add eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Mix in melted unsweetened chocolate and prunes reserved from syrup. Stir in flour mixture alternately with buttermilk, beginning and ending with dry ingredients and scraping down sides of bowl. Transfer batter to prepared pan, spreading evenly. Bake until tester inserted in center comes out clean, about 25 minutes. Dust parchment sheet with cocoa powder. Run knife around edges of pan to loosen cake. Cool cake in pan on rack 15 minutes. Turn cake out onto prepared parchment sheet. Peel parchment off cake bottom. Cool completely. Trim 1/2 inch off each short edge of cake. Cut remainder of cake into three 5x10 1/2-inch rectangles (there will be some cake left over). Place 1 cake layer onto 4 1/2x10-inch cardboard rectangle. Brush cake with 3 tablespoons syrup. Spread 3/4 cup filling over. Place second cake layer atop filling. Brush with 3 tablespoons syrup. Spread 3/4 cup filling over. Top with third cake layer. Brush with 3 tablespoons syrup. Spread 1 cup filling over top and sides of cake to coat. Chill cake until coating is firm, 45 minutes. Heat remaining filling in heavy small saucepan over low heat. Add 1/4 cup butter and whisk until butter melts and mixture is smooth. Chill until glaze is slightly thickened but still pourable, stirring occasionally, about 15 minutes. Transfer cake on cardboard base to rack set over large piece of foil. Pour glaze over top and sides of cake, smoothing sides only. Let stand 15 minutes.

Melt milk chocolate in heavy small saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly. Pour chocolate into small parchment cone. Cut off tip to form small opening. Pipe chocolate lines 1/2 inch apart crosswise over top of cake. Starting at 1 short edge 3/4 inch from long edge, draw tip of small sharp knife through chocolate lines to second short edge. Starting at second short edge 3/4 inch from first line, draw knife tip through lines in opposite direction. Continue drawing knife tip through chocolate lines, spacing drawn lines 3/4 inch apart and reversing direction each time, creating chevron pattern. Transfer cake to platter. Spoon all glaze left on foil into pastry bag fitted with 1/4-inch (no. 3) star tip. Pipe shell pattern unto platter around base of cake. Refrigerate 1 hour. (Can be prepared 2 days ahead. Cover cake loosely and refrigerate. Bring cake to room temperature before serving.) Carne oriental com broto de bambu 300 gramas de carnes em tirinhas (usei alcatra); 300 gramas de moyashi (broto?); 1/2 cebola em laminas finas; 1 xcara de vinagre de arroz; shoyu; 1 colher (caf) de leo de gergelim; 1 colher (caf) de amido de milho, diluido em 1/2 xcara de gua Frite a carne at que fique bem douradinha. Em outra panela refogue a cebola em uma colher(caf) de leo at dourar, quando estiver bem dourada jogue o vinagre de arroz em seguida junte o moyashi. tampe a panela, para que d uma cozida. Em seguida junte, essa cebola com moyashi carne. Misture. Junte o amido de milho diluido em gua, com 2 colheres (caf) de shoyu e leve carne. Por ltimo coloque a colher de leo de gergelim. Brcolis com farofa de cast. Par 1 mao de Brcolis; 1 envelope de caldo de legumes, 0% de gordura; 1 dente de alho espremido (opcional); 2 fatias de po de forma integral light; 50 gramas de castanha do par; 1 colher (sopa) de queijo parmeso ralado (light). Lave o brcolis e separe os buques. Ferva gua e escalde os buques, deixando-os nessa gua fervente por uns 8 minutos. bata no liquidificador as 2 fatias de po de forma e as catanhas do par. ai chacoalhando o liquidificador, para que fique tudo bem soltinho. Isso vira uma farofa deliciosa. Escorra o brcolis e salpique o tempero em p sobre ele. Num pirex coloque o brcolis, salpique a "farofa" e polvilhe o queijo ralado. Leve ao forno pr aquecido por 15 20 minutos Creme light de alho por 2 alhos-pors cortados em aneis; 1 xcara (ch) de queijo tipo cottage; 2 xcaras de leite desnatado; 1 xcara de gua filtrada; 1/2 cebola fatiada;

1 colher (sopa) de azeite de oliva extra-virgem; 1 envelope de tempero em p 0% de gordura, eu usei sabor galinha. Refogue a cebola no azeite at ficar dourada.Junte o alho-por em aneis e deixe refogar um pouquinho. Junte a gua, o tempero em p , o leite e o queijo cottage. Se voc preferir, por usar 2 colheres de requeijo light. Deixe cozinhar, com a panela destampada por uns 8 10 minutos. Num liquidificador, coloque metade do creme e bata, mas bem batido, e depois junte novamente ao restante da panela.Deixe cozinhar por alguns minutinhos Creme de tomate 1 lata de tomate pelado; 1/2 cenoura em rodelas; 500 mL de gua; 1 tablete de caldo de carne; 1 colher (sopa) de azeite de oliva; 1 colher(sopa) de requeijo light; 1 colher(caf) de acar light. Coloque os tomates em uma panela e amasse-os com um garfo. Junte o caldo de carne, a cenoura e a gua. Tampe e deixe cozinhar por 30 minutos. Passados os minutos, desligue o fogo e junte o azeite de oliva e leve ao copo do liquidificador e bata bem para deixar um creme bem lisinho. Volte esse creme panela, junte a colher (sopa) de requeijo, e deixe uns 2 a 3 minutinhos. Doce light de peras 2 pras; 1 clice de vinho do Porto; 1 colher (sopa) de adoante em p; 1 embalagem de pudim diettico sabor leite condensado; 1 1/2 xcara de gua. Descasque as pras e pique-as. Junte em uma panela, as pras, o adoante e o clice de vinho do Porto. Leve ao fogo fraco por +ou- 7 minutos. Dilua o p para pudim na gua e adicione s pras, mexendo at engrossar. Distribua em 4 tigelinhas e leve para gelar por uma hora. Flan light de uva 1 lata de creme de leite light; 1 lata de suco de uva; 2 envelopes de gelatina incolor sem sabor; 2 colheres (sopa) de adoante; gua o suficiente para reidratar a gelatina. Hidrate a gelatina como manda a embalagem (6 colheres de gua para cada embalagem, deixar hidratar por 1 minuto e depois microondas por 15 segundos). Coloque o creme de leite light gelado no copo do liquidificador, acrescente o suco de uva (mesma medida da lata do creme de leite), as gelatinas e o adoante. Bata bem. Despeje na forma de buraco no meio molhada, gele por 3 a 4 horas. Frango hngaro 150 gramas de peito de frango cortado em 12 cubos;

1 colher (sobremesa) rasa de Pprica doce; 1 pitada de pprica picante; 1 colher (caf) rasa de tempero pronto; 1 colher (sobremesa) de Azeite de oliva extra virgem; 15 mL de vinho branco seco; 1 tomate bem vermelho sem pele picado; Legumes cortados em tirinhas muito finas : abobrinha, cenoura, pimento vermelho, pimento amarelo e nabo (eu no encontrei, mas muito gostoso); raminho de alecrim seco ou fresco; 1 colher (sopa) de iogurte desnatado; Molho de soja ( Shoyo). Limpe o frango, tempere com o temperinho em p e a pprica (a doce e a picante). Deixe-o marinar por umas duas horas. Em uma frigideira com teflon coloque o azeite e frite os cubos de frango de um lado e depois do outro lado. Jogue o vinho branco seco e flambe. Assim que estiverem cozidos, junte o tomate num canto da panela, deixando-o cozinhar junto com os pedaos de frango. Quando o tomate soltar seu suco, e der uma apurada, junte o iogurte desnatado e abafe. Enquanto isso, escalde os legumes com gua fervente e sal. Deixe uns 4 minutinhos aproximadamente. Arrume num prato, de um lado o frango e do outro o falso espaguete de legumes. Sirva com o molho de soja. Frango indiana light 200 gramas de peito de frango cortados em tirinhas ou cubos; 1/2 cebola em fatias finas; 1 colhere(sopa) de leo de canola 1 colher (sobremesa) de curry; 1 colher (sobremesa) de requeijo light; Tempere o frango com pouco sal. Numa frigideira coloque o leo e frite os pedaos de peito de frango,junte as fatias de cebola at murcharem. coloque o curry, o calor "acende" seu aroma e a sua cor.Junte o requeijo light, misture bem, incorporandoo requeijo delicadamente aos pedaos de frango Frozen de maracuj light 4 potes de iogurte desnatado; 1 xcara (ch) de creme de leite light; 1/2 xcara (ch) de adoante diettico em p; suco de 1 limo. calda: 1 maracuj azedo; 1 xcara (ch) de gua; 1/2 xcara(ch) de adoante em p; 2 colheres (ch) de amido de milho. Como fazer o frozen: Coloque no liquidificador o iogurte, o creme de leite, o adoante e o suco de limo e bata bem. Retire do liquidificador e coloque num pote de plstico com tampa e leve ao freezer por cerca de 4 horas para gelar. Retire a polpa do maracuj e bata-a ligeiramente com a gua no liquidificador para soltar as sementes. Passe numa peneira e reserve algumas sementes para enfeitar. Coloque o suco coado em um panelinha com o adoante e o amido de milho e leve ao fogo at encorpar. Retire o frozen do freezer meia hora antes de servir. Coloque em tainhas e cubra com a calda.

Hambrguer de espinafre 1 mao pequeno de espinafre; 3 cenouras pequenas raladas; 1 abobrinha pequena ralada; 1 colher(sopa) de catchup; 2 colheres(sopa) de azeite; sal gosto. Cozinhe espinafre no vapor, sem tempero e pique bem picadinho. Numa tigela, juntei todos os ingredientes (o espinafre cozido, as cenouras raladas, a abobrinha ralada, o catchup, o azeite e o sal). Misturei bem. No se assuste: fica sem liga mesmo. Unte e polvilhe uma assadeira antiaderente, e com ajuda de aros de 10 cm, faa os hamburguinhos. Leve ao forno praquecido, deixando assar 20 minutos de cada lado Mix de legumes 1 ovo, ligeiramente batido; 1 colher(sobremesa, cheia)de fermento em p; 1 xcara (ch) de aveia em flocos; 1 xcara(ch) de farinha de trigo; 1 1/2 xcara(caf) de leite desnatado; 1 envelope de tempero pronto 0% gordura; 1 lata de seleta de legumes; 1 lata de mix de milho e ervilha (se voc gostar) 1 colher(sobremesa) de azeite de oliva, para temperar o tomate; 2 tomates bem vermelhos picadinhos em cubos; Basta misturar os legumes (lata de seleta , milho e ervilhas), juntar o ovo batido, o tempero em p. Tempere o tomate com o azeite e junte tambm. Juntar a aveia e a farinha de trigo, mexer bem, e por ltimo o fermento em p. Forno. Moquequinha de palmito 4 rolos de palmito; 1 batata pequena picada e cozida (que fique mais durinha); 1 tablete de caldo de peixe; 2 tomates sem pele e sem sementes picados; 1 colher (sopa) de azeite de oliva; 2 colheres (sopa) de requeijo light Numa panela leve o azeite, os palmitos em rodelas, os tomates e o caldo de peixe, v amassando com a colher para que ele v se desmanchando. Eu coloquei 2 tabletes na minha receita. Assim que estiver bem refogadinho, junte a batata e misture de novo. Por fim coloque o requeijo light. Supremo de palmito 200 gramas de batata inglesa,levemente cozida em pouco sal; 300 gramas de palmito em rodelas; 1 xcara (caf) de leite desnatado; 50 gramas de queijo gorgonzola; 3 colheres (sopa) de requeijo light.

Lave os palmitos e corte-os em rodelas. Eu sempre costumo aferfent-los por alguns minutinhos. Pegue um pirex, forre com as batatas cozidas, cubra com as rodelas de palmito, esfarele o queijo gorgonzola e jogue por cima, e por fim as colheradas de requeijo light Musse light de maracuj 1 envelope de gelatina sem sabor incolor; 1 xcara (ch) de leite em p desnatado; 1 1/2 xcara (ch) de gua quente; 3/4 de xcara (ch) de suco de maracuj; 2 colheres (sopa) de adoante; 3 claras em neve Dissolva a gelatina na gua quente, acrescente o leite em p desnatado e misture bem. Coloque no liquidificador e junte o suco de maracuj e o adoante. Bata at misturar bem. Coloque essa mistura em uma tigela e junte s claras em neve e v mexendo delicadamente. Coloque numa forma molhada e leve geladeira Ovos nevados com creme de banana e calda de laranja creme de banana: 1 banana mdia madura,amassada; 2 colheres (sopa) de adoante; 2 xcaras de leite desnatado (480 ml). Numa panela mdia, leve todos os ingredientes ao fogo mdio,mexendo de vez em quando, at a mistura ficar reduzida quase metade (cerca de 15 minutos). Retire do fogo e espere amornar. Distrubua esse creme emquatro taas e leve geladeira por cerca de 1 hora merengue: 2 claras; 1 colher (sopa) de adoante. Na batedeira,bata as claras em neve at obter picos macios. Junte o adoante aos poucos, sem parar de bater, at formar picos firmes. Reserve Numa panela mdia, leve ao fogo mdio 4 xcars de gua e aquea sem deixar ferver. Com uma colher (sopa) retire pores de clara batida e cozinhe aos poucos na gua quente, at ficarem firmes (cerca de 1 minuto). Retire com uma escumadeira e deixe escorrer sobre o papel toalha. Distribua sobre o creme de banana. calda: suco de 1 laranja; 3 colheres (sopa) rasas de adoante. Numa panela pequena, leve ao fogo mdio o adoante e o suco da laranja, mexendo sempre at dissolver totalmente o adoante. Pare de mexer e cozinhe at a calda ficar caramelizada. Regue com ela os ovos nevados e sirva Pacotinhos de legumes 2 cenouras mdias; 2 mandioquinhas pequenas; 2 alhos-pors mdios, somente a parte branca, em rodelas; 1 colher (sopa) de limo (usei o rosa); 1 colher (sopa) de mostarda; sal gosto; leo para untar; papel manteiga (para os pacotinhos).

Preaquea o forno a 200c. Descasque as cenouras e mandioquinhas, corteas em rodelas, lave em gua corrente. Coloque todos os ingredientes em um tigela e misture bem. Recorte quatro quadrados de papel- manteiga de +ou30cm e pincele com leo. Distribua os legumes entre eles e forme pacotinhos.Tora o papel-manteiga para o vapor no escapar. Disponha-os numa assadeira e leve ao forno preaquecido por cerca de 50 minutos Po-de-mel light 3 colheres (sopa) de achocolatado em p diettico; 3 colheres (sopa) de adoante em p; 4 colheres (sopa) de farinha de trigo (no exagere na colher); 1/2 colher (sopa) de fermento em p; 1/2 colher( ch) de gengibre em p; uma raladinha de noz moscada; 1/2 colher(ch) de canela; 4 colheres (sopa) de farinha de aveia( sem encher muito); 4 ovos; 1 pitada de cravo em p. Bata todos os ingredientes no liquidificador e leve para assar Pudim de ma light 2 xcaras (ch) de farinha de trigo; 2 xcaras (ch) de leite desnatado; 2 colheres (ch) de essncia de baunilha; 4 ovos (claras e gemas separadas); 3 maas; 1/2 xcara de suco de laranja; 1 colher (ch) de canela em p; 1/4 colher (ch) de gengibre em p; 4 colheres (sopa) de adoante. Misture a farinha de trigo, o leite, 1/4 do suco de laranja (eu usei suco de abacaxi, e ficou gostoso!), a baunilha e o adoante.Prove para ver se est bom de adoante e coloque mais se achar necessrio. Bata as claras com um garfo at espumarem, acrescentando as gemas e bata mais um pouco. Acrescente esses ovos massa e misture bem. Junte massa a 1/2 da canela e 1/2 do gengibre. Deixe essa mistura descansar, enquanto isso descasque as maas e corte-as em fatias, esplando em uma forma untada e enfarinhada. Borrife as maas com o restante do suco de laranja e salpique com a canela e gengibre em p restantes, se voc gostar pode colocar mais canela, fica a seu gosto. Cubra com a massa. Repolho roxo agridoce 2 colheres (sopa) de leo de canola; 1 repolho roxo pequeno; 2 colheres (sopa/rasas) de adoante; 2 colheres (sopa) de vinagre de arroz; 1/4 de xcara (ch) de uvas passas; sal gosto; 1/2 xcara (ch) de maa cortada em lascas

Corte o repolho e reserve. Em uma frigideira larga, aquea o leo e junte o repolho.D uma mexidinha. Polvilhe o adoante e mexa mais um pouco. Adicione o vinagre e a pitada de sal.Deixe uns 5 minutos. Ainda em fogo alto, junte as uvas passas e as lascas de maa. Tampe a frigideira deixando mais alguns preciosos minutos, at que o repolho no perca a crocncia mas que fique macio. Arroz integral com lentilha e vagem 2 colheres(sopa) de cebola ralada; 1 colher (sopa) de azeite de oliva; 2 xcaras de arroz integral cozido; 1 xcara (ch) de lentilha cozida; 1 xcara (ch) de vagem picada e cozida; salsinha para aromatizar. O preparo muito simples.Basta refogar a cebola no azeite e depois juntar todos os ingredientes restantes Bolo de carne moda 500 gramas de carne moida passada 2 vezes na mquina 6 fatias ultra finas de peito de peru; 6 fatias ultra finas de mussarela; 5 colheres (sopa)de leite desnatado gelado; 1 fatia de po de fo rma sem casca, bem picadinho; 2 colheres de requeijo cremoso light; 2 colheres(sopa) de creme de cebola (daquelas sopas); 1 prato de sobremesa de espinafre cozido com aquele temperinhos em p e depois amassadinho. Separe todos os ingredientes e deixe-os bem por perto. Junte o leite s migalhas de po e reserve. Numa bacia junte a carne moida, o creme de cebola(sopa), o po c/ leite. Comece a amassar essa carne com as mos, tem que ser bem manipulado, como se essa carne tivesse passado no moedor. Amassa, amassa, espreme, quando achar que est bom...amassa mais um pouquinho. Minha me sempre falava que existe 2 segredos para esse rocambole: um umedecer o po com leite, que deixa o bolo de carne mais "molhadinho", e o outro mexer e mexer. abra um pedao de papel aluminio sobre uma superfcie limpa e seca, e comece a abrir a carne na forma de um retangulo. Estando aberto, espalhe o requeijo, depois as fatias de peru, as fatias de mussarela e por fim o espinafre. Asse coberto por aluminio 30 min, depois deixe mais 30 minutos para dourar. Salada de ricota com rcula 1 mao de 2 fatias de ricota light; 1 colher (caf) de Tempero Italiano; Shoyo para temperar; fatias de azeitonas pretas Salada segredo de famlia 6 tomates vermelhos(firmes) picados em quadradinhos; 4 cenouras raladas pelo ralo grosso;

1 mao grande de alface imperial, cortada em tiras (+ou- 1 dedo de espessura); 2 xcaras (ch) de batatas em palito ; 1 xcara (ch) de Creme de leite light; 4 colheres (sopa) de Catchup; sal gosto. Separe todos os ingredientes, j lavados, higienizados e cortados. Comeando pelo molho, o segredinho utilizar o creme de leite temperatura ambiente, no poder estar gelado, seno no fica gostoso. Para esse to maravilhoso molho, basta juntar o creme de leite light ( temperatura ambiente), o catchup e o sal. Mistura e reserva. Em outra tigela, junte a cenoura e os tomates e o molho. Misture bem. Pegue um pirex grande e comee a montar a salada. Coloque essa mistura da cenoura+tomate+molho no fundo do pirex. Cubra com alface em tirinhas, e depois as batatinhas palha Saladinha da sogra 1 cenoura pequena; 1 batata ( de pequena pr mdia, sem exagerar!) 2 buqus de couve flor; 1 colher (sopa) de maionese cozinhar esses legumes (batata, cenoura e a couve-flor)at que fiquem macios, no ponto de poder amass-los com um garfo. Amasse tudo bem amassadinho e leve para gelar por 1 horinha. Depois disso s juntar a colher de maionese, corrigir o sal. Se gostar, voce pode decorar com azeitoninhas. Sopa cremosa de alho-por 1 envelope de caldo de legumes 0% de gordura; 1 xcara (ch)de gua fervendo (p/ diluir o caldo); 1 xcara de queijo tipo cottage; 1 xcara de leite desnatado; 1/2 cebola picada; 1 alho-por em rodelas; 1 colher (sopa) de azeite ou leo de canola, qual for de sua preferncia; salvia gosto; sal gosto Refogue a cebola no azeite ou leo at que ela murche. Junte o alho-por, o caldo de legumes, o leite desnatado e o queijo cottage. Leve para cozinhar por aproximadamente 10 15 minutos. Bata tudo muito bem batidinho no liquidificador. Sirva com crouttons Sopa de milho e abobrinha 1 abobrinha pequena ralado pelo ralo grosso; 1 xcara (ch) de milho verde; 2 xcaras (ch) de leite desnatado; tempero em pasta (ou se preferir alho e cebola); 1/2 colher (sopa) de margarina light. Numa panela grande derreta a margarina light e d uma refogadinha no tempero, junte a abobrinha ralada e deixe refogar at que ela fique bem murcha.Enquanto isso, coloque no liquidificador o leite e o milho verde, bata bem e coe.

Assim qua a abobrinha estiver cozida, junte esse creme de milho coado, deixando cozinhar por alguns minutos para engrossar Sufl de abbora com carne seca 300 gramas de carne seca sem gordura(de preferncia a light); 1 cebola raladinha; 2 tomates bem vermelhinhos sem pele e sem sementes; 1 1/2 xcara(ch) de abbora-moranga cozida e amassada; 1/2 xcara (ch) de leite desnatado; 1 colher (sopa) de farinha de trigo; 3 claras em neve; 1 colher (sopa) de tempero em p sabor legumes; sal gosto . Deixe a carne seca de molho por 24 horas na geladeira, trocando a gua, no mnimo, 5 vezes.Feito isso, cozinhe na panela de presso por 30 minutos. Desfie essa carne seca e coloque numa panela com a cebola e os tomates, deixando cozinhar por mais 20 minutos, se precisar v pingando mais gua, quando necessrio.Coloque essa carne no fundo de uma forma para sufl de tamanho mdio. Bata a abbora com o leite no liquidificador e coloque em uma panela juntando a farinha de trigo e o temperinho de legumes. Leve ao fogo e v mexendo at dar uma engrossadinha, mexendo sempre. Retire do fogo e deixe esfriar. Bata as claras em neve, e junte ao creme de abbora, mexendo delicadamente. Leve esse creme forma que j tem a carne seca. Leve ao forno praquecido, por aproximadamente 30 minutos, tire do forno e sirva imediatamente Sufl de milho 2 colheres (sopa) de queijo parmeso ralado light, voc ir usar uma na mistura e a outra para polvilhar; 1 colher(ch) de sal; 1 lata de milho verde sem a gua; 300 ml de leite desnatado; 1 pedao de ricota - 100 gramas 2 ovos colocar todos os ingredientes no liquidificador e forno. Sufl de ma 5 claras de ovos; 1 colher (sopa) de adoante culinrio para forno e fogo; 3 mas vermelhas descascadas Leve as mas para cozinhar no microndas. Lembrando-se de tampar, afim de no desidratar. leve as mas para o liquidificador ou processador e bata, at formar um pur espesso. Caso fique aguado, passe pela peneira, para retirar o excesso de gua. Bata as claras em ponto de neve, adicione o adoante em p e o pur de mas que j esfriou. Mexa e forno. Sufl de queijo light

250 GRAMAS DE RICOTA LIGHT; 1 COLHER(SOPA) DE SALSA; 1 COLHER (SOPA,RASA) DE QUEIJO RALADO LIGHT; 2 COLHERES(SOPA) DE FARINHA DE TRIGO; 2 XCARAS DE LEITE DESNATADO; 2 CLARAS ; 1 PITADA DE NOZ MOSCADA; SAL GOSTO Misture o leite, a farinha de trigo, a noz moscada e o sal. Misturou, levou ao fogo e vai mexendo at engrossar. Deixe reservado para esfriar.Enquanto isso, amasse a ricota com um garfo, bem amassadinha, junte a salsa e o queijo ralado. Separe as claras e leve-as batedeira, at fiquem em ponto de neve. Misture e forno. Surpresa de banana 2 bananas nanicas maduras; canela gosto(para polvilhar as bananas); 1 pudim sabor Leite condensado; 500ml de leite desnatado; 3 claras 3 colheres (sobremesa) de adoante prprio para forno e fogo. O doce consiste em 3 camadas, o fundo de bananas, o creme(que o pudim) e a cobertura (suspiro de claras). 1Camada: Em um pirex pique as bananas em rodelas e salpique-as com canela (eu gosto de bastante canela).Leve esse pirex ao forno de microondas por 5o segundos. Reserve. 2Camada : Prepare o pudim conforme as instrues da caixinha.Quando ele engrossar pode desligar o fogo e reservar. 3Camada:Bata as claras em ponto de neve, depois v adicionando as colheradas de adoante at que forme picos firmes. Agora s montar Torta morna de banana 1 duzia de bananas maduras; 140 gramas de castanhas do par descascadas; canela em p. Comece triturando as castanhas no liquidificador, at virar essa farofa. Reserve. Amasse com as mos as bananas. Mas tem que por a mo na massa mesmo e ir espremendo bem at que vire essa "meleca". Preencha o fundo da assadeira com metade das bananas. Polvilhe a canela em p. Polvilhe metade das Castanhas do Par trituradas. A prxima camada voc dever ir amassando as bananas, espremendo-as na mo e ir colocando por cima da castanha. Por fim, depois de preencher toda a forma com o restante das bananas, polvilhe com canela em p e o restante das castanhas. Leve ao forno pr-aquecido por aproximadamente 45 minutos Torta light de ma 2 maas vermelhas, sem casca e picadas; 1 ovo levemente batido; 1 colher (caf) de essncia de baumilha; 1 colher (sobremesa) de canela em p; 3 colheres (sopa) de adoante em p para uso culinrio;

1 xcara(ch) de aveia em flocos; 1 xcara (caf) de suco base de soja, sabor maa (SOLLYS); 1 colher (caf) de fermento em p. Forno pr. Junte tudo e mexa bem. Coloque em uma assadeira, forrada com papel manteiga, jogue a massa da torta e leve para assar em forno mdio uns 45 minutos. Torta salgada light de liquidificador 1 ovo; 1 e 1/2 xcara (ch) de leite desnatado; 5 colheres (sopa) de farinha de trigo; sal gosto; 1 colher (sobremesa) de fermento em p; 1 colher (sopa) de farinha de po; 1 colher (ch) de queijo parmeso ralado Sugesto de recheio: 2 tomates sem pele e sem sementes; 50 gramas de mussarela picadinha; 1 colher (ch) de oregano; sal gosto. Torta light de milho e frango 1 pote de iogurte desnatado (200gramas); 2 colheres(sopa,rasas) de margarina light; 1/2 colher(caf)de sal; 2 xcaras(ch) de farinha de trigo. coloque em uma tigela o iogurte,a margarina e o sal, misture tudo e v acrescentando a farinha de trigo at dar o ponto.descansa 30 min Recheio: 1 cebola(pequena) raladinha; 250 gramas de frango picado; 1 colher(ch)de azeite de oliva; 1 tomate picado sem pele e sem sementes; 1 lata de milho verde; 2 colheres(sopa)de farinha de trigo; 1 xcara(ch)de leite desnatado; 1 colher(caf) de sal; 1 colher(sopa)de salsinha picada; 1 gema para pincelar. Doure a cebola no azeite, junte o frango deixe dar uma douradinha. Acrescente o tomate e o milho e deixe cozinhar por uns 5 minutos ou at que no solte mais gua. Deixe a panela aberta.Dissolva a farinha de trigo no leite e adicione ao refogado do frango. Deixe engrossar, acerte o sal e salpique a salsinha. Torta light de limo siciliano 1 colher (sopa) de grmen de trigo; 3 colheres (sopa) de adoante culinrio; 150 gramas de cream cheese light; 1 xcara (ch) de iogurte desnatado; 1/2 xcara (ch) de ricota light amassadinha; 3/4 xcara(ch) de suco de limo siciliano; 1 colher (sobremesa) de essncia de baunilha; 1/4 xcara (ch)de gua morna; Raspas de 2 limes sicilianos;

2 envelopes de gelatina sem sabor e incolor. Misture o grmen de trigo com uma colher de adoante e esparrame no fundo de um pirex redondo.Eu usei a tampa do meu pirex redondo, deu direitinho.No liquidificador, junte o crem cheese, o iogurte, a ricota, o suco do limo, o restante do adoante, a baunilha, a gua morna e parte das raspas do limo. Bata bem. Separadamente, dissolva as gelatinas em 2/4 de gua quente pra morna. junte a gelatina ao creme e bata mais. Jogue essa mistura sobre a forma preparada, salpique o restante das raspa de limo e decore como voc preferir.Leve geladeira

Torta light de mussarela e tomate 1 XCARA (CH) DE FARINHA DE TRIGO INTEGRAL; 1 XCARA DE FARINHA DE AVEIA; 1 XCARA DE AVEIA EM FLOCOS; 2 e 1/2 XCARAS DE LEITE DESNATADO; 2 OVOS; 2 COLHERES (SOPA) DE QUEIJO PARMESO RALADO LIGHT; 100 GRAMAS DE MUSSARELA PICADINHA; 3 TOMATES VERMELHOS SEM PELE E SEM SEMENTES PICADINHOS; 1 COLHER (SOPA) DE FERMENTO EM P Coloque no copo do liquidificador os ovos, o leite, a farinha de trigo integral, a farinha de aveia, a aveia e metade do queijo ralado (1 colher de sopa). Bata bem. Pr-aquea o forno Unte uma forma (20 X 30 cm) com margarina e polvilhe com farinha. Misture os tomates e a mussarela, e tempere com oregano e sal gosto. Adicione o fermento em p mistura do liquidificador. Coloque metade da massa na assadeira (untada/polvilhada), cubra com o recheio de tomates e mussarela, e cubra com o restante da massa. Por fim salpique oreganos e a outra metade de queijo parmeso ralado light. Forno Vagem com mandioquinha 3 mandioquinhas mdias, cortadas em rodelas; 200 gramas de vagem picada; 1 colher (caf) de tempero em pasta (tipo alho e sal); 1 colher (caf) de manteiga; 1 colher (caf) de salsinha desidratada ou fresca (pode colocar vontade, se voc gostar); sal gosto ferver a vagem, numa gua com uma pitadinha de sal. Reserve. numa panela, coloco a manteiga, o tempero em pasta, e refogo a vagem, bem refogadinha. quando estiver a cozinha bem cheirosa, eu junto a mandioquinha em rodelas. Coloco +ou- 1/2 xcara de gua, tampo a panela e cozinho at gua secar Risoto de camaro e botarga 6 pes
o o o

1Kg de camaro (se quiser colocar mais sempre iro gostar); 2 cebolas mdias finamente picadas; 50g de manteiga;

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

200ml de vinho branco seco; 2 litros de fumet de camaro; 1 lata de tomates italianos (normalmente 4 tomates sem pele) batidos no liquidificador; 2 a 3 xcaras de arroz de risoto (arbreo, por exemplo); 1/2 xcara de salsinha finalmente picada; 1 xcara de parmeso ralado; 1 a 2 colheres de ch de pimenta calabresa; Sal a gosto.; Bottarga ralada para polvinhar Tempere os camares com sal e um pouco de pimenta calabresa; Doure os camares em manteiga ou leo at que fiquem rosados (1 a 3 minutos) e reserve. Coloque o fumet de camaro para ferver, pois temos que us-lo quente; Em uma panela, coloque parte da manteiga e doure as cebolas por 3 minutos; Em seguinda, coloque o arroz e frite-o por 1 ou 2 minutos; Adicione o vinho branco e deixe evaporar; Coloque o tomate batido e um pouco do fumet. A partir de agora, v colocando aos poucos o fumet, sempre que o arroz secar, e no deixe de mexer pois o arroz gruda fcil no fundo da panela. Quando o arroz estiver ao dente, desligue o fogo e adicione ao arroz: a salsinha, o queijo parmeso, o restante da manteiga e os camares picados; Acerte o sal e coloque o restante da pimenta; Monte os pratos com os camares inteiros e polvilhe a Bottarga como toque final.

Nhoque de camaro com botarga 2 pes

200 g de nhoque 300 g de camaro grado cozido e descascado 100 g de camaro mido para molho 1 dente de alho 1/2 cebola picada 100 ml vinho branco seco Sal pimenta 40 Bottarga Gold 200 ml de creme de leite Refogar cebola, alho, camaro mido e 20 g de bottarga gold com azeite de oliva, acrescentar o vinho branco, deixando reduzir at a metade, acrescentar o creme de leite, sal, pimenta.Deixar cozinhar por dois minutos em fogo baixo. Depois de cozido o nhoque, colocar o molho, pulverizar com o restante da bottarga gold e os camares grados

Fetuccini botarga 4 pes

1 pacote de fettuccine (500 gramas) 1 xcara de caldo de legumes ou de frango Molho: 50 gramas de bottarga ralada (ova de peixe) clice de vinho branco seco ou conhaque Cascas de 3 abobrinhas cortadas em tiras

4 tomates sem sementes cortados em tiras 4 colheres de (sopa) de azeite 16 camares grandes e limpos 2 fils de aliche (anchova) 2 dentes de alho picado Em uma frigideira, doure levemente o alho no azeite e junte os camares. Deixe tomar gosto. Acrescente as cascas da abobrinha e refogue por 2 minutos. Flambe com o vinho (ou conhaque). Junte os tomates cortados em tiras e as anchovas (aliche) que iro se dissolver no azeite, deixe refogar. Junte xcara de caldo legumes ou frango e deixe ferver por 3 minutos, junte a bottarga e sirva com o fettuccine cozido al dente. Decore com tomates cereja assados.

Camaro com polenta de gro-de-bico e botarga

12 camaroes graudos 150 gr de farinha de grao de bico kg de agua 50gr de alcaparras 1 dente de alho 200gr manteiga 20 gr de bottarga inteira cortada em finas fatias xicara de salsinha picada sal e pimenta a gosto azeite de oliva pra fritar os camaroes

Descasque os camaroes e reserve, dilua a farinha de grao de bico na metade da agua e adicione o resto a uma panela e cozinhe por mais ou meno 15 minutos, disponha em uma assadeira e deixe esfriar. Refogue o alho e as alcaparras na manteiga acrescente a salsinha e reserve. Grelhe os camaroes e a polenta em uma frigideira anti aderente sirve em seguida regando com a manteiga e finalizando com as lascas de bottarga.

Porco com gengibre e cenoura para rechear wontons 40 unid

350g pork mince 1/2 small carrot, peeled, grated 1/2 cup finely shredded wombok (Chinese cabbage) or cabbage 3cm piece fresh ginger, finely grated 1/4 cup rice wine vinegar 40 (270g packet) wonton wrappers Place mince, carrot, wombok, ginger and vinegar in a bowl. Stir to combine. Place wrappers on flat surface. Spoon 2 teaspoons mince mixture onto the centre of each wrapper. Brush edges with cold water. Fold up sides to form a square pouch. Pinch edges together to enclose filling. Place on a tray lined with baking paper. Place a steamer lined with baking paper over simmering water. Cook dumplings, in batches, for 15 minutes or until tender and cooked through. Serve dumplings
with a dipping sauce such as Chinese black vinegar, soy sauce, hot chilli sauce, plum sauce, sweet and sour sauce or sweet chilli sauce

Lokum (doce turco) 1 kg de acar * litro de gua * 1 colher de sopa de sumo de limo * 1 copo de amido de milho (100 g) * 25 ml de gua * 2 g de cremor trtaro * 1 pouco de leo de amndoas doces Para polvilhar: 50 g de amido de milho * 1 copo de acar em p Coloque o acar num tacho juntamente com litro de gua. Cozinhe em lume brando at levantar fervura e adicione o sumo de limo. Mantenha em lume brando e a ferver lentamente. Dissolva o amido de milho em 25 ml de gua. Adicione aos poucos ao xarope de acar que est ao lume a ferver. Depois acrescente o cremor trtaro e misture. Mantenha a mistura no lume a ferver at obter uma pasta espessa. Unte um tabuleiro com leo de amndoas doces. Coloque a mistura no tabuleiro e deixe arrefecer. Misture o amido de milho com o acar em p e polvilhe o lokum. Unte uma faca com leo de amndoas doces e corte o lokum. Corte inicialmente as fatias com dois dedos de espessura, e depois em cubos. Quando terminar de cortar o lokum, passe cada cubo pela mistura do acar em p com o amido de milho. O cremor trtaro pode ser substitudo por sumo de limo ou vinagre em quantidade trs vezes superior especificada para o creme trtaro. Ele muito importante pois d consistncia de goma ao lokum. Molho turco de iogurte para massas copo iogurte 2 dtes alho picados, 1 colher (ch) hortel picada, sal, pimenta vermelha em flocos. Junte massa quente c/1 colher manteiga derret Docinhos de castanha portuguesa e chocolate 2 copos de castanhas cozidas e reduzidas a pur * 1/2 copo de acar em p * 2-4 colheres de sopa de natas * 1 tablete de chocolate amargo (100 g) * pistcios ralados para guarnecer Bata no liquidificador as castanhas com o acar em p e duas colheres de sopa de natas. A mistura resultante dever ser facilmente moldvel com as mos. Se for necessrio, adicione um pouco mais de natas at obter a consistncia ideal. Coloque no frigorfico durante cerca de 30 minutos. Entretanto, derreta o chocolate em banho-maria. Adicione uma colher de sopa de natas e misture. D a forma desejada ao pur de castanha. Coloque os bolinhos sobre uma folha de papel vegetal e cubra-os com o chocolate derretido. Polvilhe com pistcios ralados e conserve no frigorfico at altura de servir. Carne com champignon de Paris moda turca 4 pes 4 colheres de sopa de azeite * 500 g de carne de vitela (ou vaca) sem gordura * 250 g de cogumelos de Paris pequenos * 1 folha de louro * 1 pitada de pimenta preta * 1 colher de caf de cominhos * 1 colher de ch de pimenta vermelha * 1 colher de sobremesa de tomilho seco * 3-4 copos de gua * sal Corte a carne em pedaos pequenos e salteie-a at libertar todo o suco. Adicione o azeite, a folha de louro partida e todos os temperos e salteie mais

um pouco. Acrescente os cogumelos inteiros e a gua. Cubra o tacho e cozinhe em lume mdio at a carne estar bem macia (cerca de 40 minutos) Massa filo A yufka, um tipo de massa extremamente fina, de formato redondo e com cerca de 60 centmetros de dimetro. Tem vrias utilizaes na culinria turca, especialmente na confeco de vrios tipos de brek, to tpicos e to presentes na culinria turca. A yufka pode ser comprada na Turquia j preparada, mas a sua confeco faz parte da rotina de muitas senhoras turcas, especialmente nas aldeias. A sua preparao obedece a vrias fases e preceitos. A massa preparada unicamente com farinha, gua e sal. A gua adicionada lentamente, at se obter uma massa elstica que trabalhada numa superfcie polvilhada com farinha. A massa depois dividida em pequenas pores, do tamanho aproximado de uma bola de tnis. Cobre-se com um pano e fica a levedar durante pelo menos 30 minutos. Depois, estendida com a ajuda de um rolo. indispensvel a utilizao de um rolo com a espessura aproximada de um dedo e com cerca de 80 centmetros de comprimento. Este tipo de rolo, chamado oklava na Turquia, muito til para ajudar a obter a espessura finssima da yufka, comparvel a uma folha de papel. Cada poro de massa ento estendida com o oklava, at se obter o dimetro de 60 centmetros. Quando a massa estiver pronta, seca em cima de um grelhador prprio (sac) com pelo menos o mesmo dimetro das folhas de yufka. A yufka est assim pronta a utilizar Massa nero di sepia com camares
4 Camares Tigre | Sumo de Limo | 2 Folhas de Louro | 4 Dentes de Alho | 2 colheres (de sopa) de Margarina | 2 colheres (de sopa) de Whisky | 1 Caldo de Marisco | | | | Massa Nero di Spia 1 Dente de Alho 1 Caldo de Marisco Azeite, toque de bacon

| 3 colheres (de sopa) de Natas com Cogumelos Porcinni outra:

x 500g de pasta Farfale Al Nero di Sepia; x 2kg de Camaro Cinza; x 1 Cebola Picada; x 1 Pitada de Curry; x 1 Lata de Corao de Alcachofra que dever estar em rodelas mdias; x 2 Latas de Creme de Leite; x 500 ml de Leite; x 1 Pacote de Ervilha Fresca Congelada (300g); x 1 Caldo de Legumes Lquido; x Sal a gosto; x 2 Colheres de Sopa Rasas de Maizena.

Descasque e limpe o camaro. Coloque um pouco de sal e reserve; 2) Refogue bem a cebola em um fio de azeite, deixando ficar bem douradinha. dourar o camaro na cebola que j est refogada. No cozinhe demais, pq depois ele ainda vai ferver um pouco; 4) Separe parte do leite para dissolver a maisena; 5) Acrescente ento as pitadas de curry, o leite, o leite com a maisena, o caldo de legumes, as ervilhas e, finalmente, os coraes de alcachofra j em rodelas mdias; Misture tudo e, se necessrio, corrija o sal no deixar de mexer pois, devido maisena, o molho vai engrossar. Ao ferver deixe cozinhar uns 10 min em fogo baixo; Desligue o fogo, acrescente o creme
Farfale j dever estar sendo cozido em 5 litros de gua (sempre 1 litro para cada 100g). No se esquea de colocar sal na gua outro:
1 kg gambas/camares 2 alhos franceses mdios (ou 3, caso s utilizem a parte branca) 125 g manteiga 4 dl de caldo de gambas/camaro 500 g de linguine al nero di seppia Sal e pimenta Cortar o alho francs em rodelas finas. Muita gente s utiliza a parte branca, mas acho que um desperdcio deitar fora quase metade do alho francs. Assim, rejeito as folhas verdes escuras e com ar velho, utilizando uma boa parte das folhas verdinhas claras. Gosto do seu sabor intenso... Pr o alho francs de molho em gua morna at libertar a terra. Cozer os camares em gua temperada com sal. Reservar a gua. Descasc-los e retirar as cabeas. Triturar as cabeas e a gua de cozedura do camaro com a varinha mgica. Coar e reservar. Numa caarola, em lume brando, estufar o alho francs com a manteiga cerca de 15 minutos. Juntar o caldo do camaro e deixar engrossar (o alho francs fica bem desfeito). Verifica-se o sal e temperar com pimenta preta moda na altura. Juntam-se os camares cozidos para que aqueam e ganhem sabor. Servir com linguine al nero di sepia, ou seja, massa de tinta de choco

Frango com molho de maracuj ou laranja

1/2 kg de fil de frango Sadia quanto baste de sal quanto baste de pimenta-do-reino preta 1 unidade(s) de limo 1 dente(s) de alho amassado(s) 1/2 unidade(s) de cebola ralada(s) 50 gr de bacon Sadia picado(s) Tempere os fils com sal, pimenta, limo, alho, cebola e bacon. Deixe descansar por 30 minutos. Transfira para um refratrio, tampe e leve ao microondas por 12 a 15 minutos na potncia mdia. Reserve Molho 1 unidade(s) de maracuj 1/2 xcara(s) (ch) de suco de maracuj 1 xcara(s) (ch) de gua 2 colher(es) (sopa) de amido de milho 1/2 xcara(s) (ch) de acar Molho Misture em um refratrio a polpa, o suco, a gua e o amido de milho. Leve ao microondas por 4 a 6 minutos na potncia alta, mexendo a cada 2 minutos. Retire e acrescente o acar. Linguia com kinkan (aperitivo) Azeite ou leo o quanto baste

250 g de mini-lingias do tipo calabresa, cozidas, cortadas ao meio (ou lingias grandes, fatiadas) 250 g de laranjas do tipo Kinkan, cortadas ao meio, e sem as sementes 4 colheres (sopa) de acar 1 mao pequeno de manjerona 3 colheres (sopa) de mostarda escura ou clara (usei Dijon) 3 colheres (sopa) de shoyu gua o quanto baste - Esquente bem uma frigideira ou panela e coloque alguns fios de azeite; toste as lingias at que fiquem levemente coradas; retire e reserve. - Na mesma panela, sem limpar, coloque o acar e deixe formar um caramelo no muito escuro. - Junte o shoyu e a mostarda ao caramelo e misture bem. - Acrescente um pouco de gua e mexa; quando voltar a ferver, junte as laranjinhas e deixe que cozinhem por cerca de quinze minutos, acrescentando mais gua se for necessrio. - Apague o fogo e acrescente as folhas de manjerona picadas com as mos sobre o as laranjinhas; mexa bem. - Coloque as lingias em uma vasilha funda e regue com as laranjinhas no molho; misture bem e sirva com palitos aperitivo

Torta trufada de maracuj

200gr. de bolacha maizena -100gr. de margarina ou manteiga, sem sal, gelada e picada Triture a bolacha no liquidificador e misture a margarina com se fosse uma farofa. Abra na forma e v montando. Asse por 20 minutos. Recheio trufado: -300gr. chocolate branco picado -1/2 xcara de suco de maraguja pronto e concentrado -1 lata de creme de leite com soro -3 claras em neve -1 colher (sopa) de gelatina branca em p sem sabor -4 colheres de gua para dissolver a gelatina -4 colheres (sopa) de acar Leve o chocolate com o creme de leite no fogo em banho-maria ou no microondas em potncia baixa, at derreter o chocolate, mexa de 1 em 1 minuto para no queimar o chocolate.Reserve. Bata as claras em neve e junte as 4 colheres de acar at virar tipo um suspiro. Em uma tigelinha junte a gelatina e a gua e leve em banho-maria ou microondas at dissolver. Junte o suco de maracuja ao creme de chocolate, depois as claras em neve e a gelatina mexendo rapidamente. Coloque em seguida na massa assada e fria e leve para gelar por 8 horas Bolo de chocolate que j vai ao forno com recheio branco Creme: 1 lata de leite condensado 3 latas (medida)de leite 3 gemas 3 colheres de maizena Coloque os ingredientes numa panela em fogo brando, mexendo sempre pra no grudar e empelotar. Depois de engrossar e esfriar, juntar : 1 lata de creme de leite gelado e sem soro.

MASSA: 100g de margarina 3 ovos (clara em neves)

1 xicara de leite de vaca 3 xicaras de farinha de trigo 1 xicara de chocolate em p (do padre) 3 xicaras de acar 1 colher bem cheia de fermento. Bata na batedeira todos os ingredientes deixando por ultimo o fermento e as claras em neve.Colocar em uma forma untada metade da massa, depois o creme e em seguida a outra parte da massa..ASSAR EM FORNO BRANDO.por mais ou menos 40 minutos... COBERTURA: Derreter 1 tablete de chocolate ao leite de 200g.Juntar 1 lata de creme de leite sem soro at ficar um creme homogneo.

Salmo curado com vodca 2pes

1 tbs caster sugar 1 tbs sea salt flakes 2 tbs chopped fresh dill 170g skinless salmon fillet, bones removed 60ml (1/4 cup) vodka Combine the sugar, salt and dill in an airtight container just large enough to hold the salmon. Add the salmon and turn to coat. Pour over the vodka. Cover and place in the fridge, turning once, for 24 hours to cure. Drain the salmon and use paper towel to remove the salt mixture. Slice thinly the salmon

Massa para quiche etc.

1 cup plain flour 1/2 cup natural cottage cheese 125g butter, melted Combine flour and cottage cheese in a bowl. Add butter. Stir with a knife until well combined. Wrap in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

Gravlax 6 pes

1kg piece centre-cut salmon fillet, skin on, pin-boned 1 bunch dill, coarsely chopped (1 cup) 1/2 cup (130g) coarse sea salt 1/3 cup (75g) white sugar 1 1/2 tbs (15g) white peppercorns, crushed Cut salmon into 2 equal pieces, then place 1 piece, skin-side down, on a sheet of plastic wrap. Combine dill, sea salt, sugar and peppercorns in a bowl. Press the dill mixture into the flesh of the salmon, then place the other salmon piece, skinside up, on top. Wrap salmon tightly in plastic wrap, then place in a shallow dish. Place another dish on top, weigh down with cans of food, then refrigerate for 24 hours. Remove the weights from the salmon, drain off any liquid, then rewrap salmon in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for a further 2-3 days, turning every 12 hours.

Semifreddo de limoncello e framboesa

100g fresh or frozen (thawed) raspberries 85g golden caster sugar 284ml carton double cream

4 tbsp limoncello 2 x 200ml cartons creme fraiche

For the coulis

225g fresh or frozen (thawed) raspberries 2 tbsp golden caster sugar 2 tbsp limoncello Line the base of a 1kg loaf tin (19cm x 12cm x 9cm deep) with baking parchment. For the semi-freddo, mash the raspberries and half the sugar in a bowl with a fork. Whisk the cream, the rest of the sugar and the limoncello to soft peaks. Beat the crme frache briefly so it is in soft peaks like the cream. Gently fold the cream mixture and crme frache together. Pour the mashed raspberries into the cream and give a few stirs only - just enough to swirl it through the creamy mix. Pour the mixture into the loaf tin and smooth the top. For the coulis, mash the raspberries, sugar and limoncello with a fork, then push through a sieve. Open-freeze (see 'Try' below) the semi-freddo then cover with cling film and foil and freeze for up to 1 month. Pour the sieved coulis into a rigid container and freeze for up to 1 month. To serve, thaw the coulis in the fridge overnight. Thaw the semi-freddo in the fridge for 1 hr. Remove it from the tin and peel off the lining paper. Drizzle with a little of the coulis and scatter some raspberries over the top. Serve in slices with the rest of the coulis.

Semifreddo de tangerina com pralin salgado de amndoas

Brittle: 2 tablespoons (1/4 stick) unsalted butter, divided 2 cups sugar 1 cup light corn syrup 1 cup water 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 cups blanched whole almonds, toasted , coarsely chopped 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon flaked sea salt (such as Maldon) Semifreddo: 5 large eggs, separated 1 cup sugar, divided 1/4 cup fresh tangerine juice or tangelo juice 2 tablespoons finely grated tangerine peel or tangelo peel 2 cups chilled heavy whipping cream Sauce: 1 cup fresh tangerine juice or tangelo juice 2 tablespoons honey 4 tangerines or 3 tangelos, peeled, separated into segments

Coat large rimmed baking sheet with 1 tablespoon butter. Combine sugar, corn syrup, 1 cup water, and 1/4 teaspoon salt in heavy large saucepan. Stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves. Attach candy thermometer to side of pan. Increase heat to medium-high and bring to boil. Boil without stirring until mixture turns amber and thermometer registers 330F to 340F, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat; immediately stir in remaining 1 tablespoon butter, then almonds and baking soda (mixture will bubble). Working quickly, pour mixture out onto prepared baking sheet. Using offset metal spatula, quickly spread mixture into irregular 15x10-inch rectangle. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon sea salt evenly over brittle. Cool brittle completely at room temperature until firm, about 2 hours. DO AHEAD: Can be made 1 week ahead. Break brittle into irregular pieces and store in airtight container. Coarsely chop enough brittle to measure 1 1/2 cups; store in airtight container while making semifreddo mixture. For semifreddo: Line 9x5x3-inch metal loaf pan with 2 layers of plastic wrap, leaving generous overhang on all sides. Fill large bowl with ice cubes and water. Whisk egg yolks, 1/2 cup sugar, tangerine juice, and tangerine peel in medium metal bowl. Set bowl with yolk mixture over saucepan of simmering water. Whisk constantly until mixture thickens and instant-read thermometer inserted into mixture registers 160&Deg;F, about 3 minutes. Remove bowl from over hot water and set over bowl with ice water. Using electric mixer, beat mixture until thick and cool, about 3 minutes. Remove bowl from over ice water. Beat cream in another large bowl until peaks form; set aside. Using clean dry beaters, beat egg whites in another large bowl until soft peaks form. Gradually add 1/2 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, and beat until stiff but not dry. Fold 1/3 of egg whites into yolk mixture to lighten. Fold in remaining whites in 2 additions. Fold in whipped cream in 2 additions until just incorporated. Spread 1/3 of semifreddo mixture (about 3 cups) evenly in loaf pan. Sprinkle 3/4 cup chopped brittle evenly over. Repeat layering with half of remaining semifreddo mixture; sprinkle remaining 3/4 cup brittle over, then spread remaining semifreddo mixture over (loaf pan will be very full and mixture will extend slightly over top of pan). Fold plastic wrap overhang over semifreddo to cover. Freeze overnight. DO AHEAD: Can be made 2 days ahead. Keep frozen. For sauce: Bring tangerine juice and honey to boil in heavy small saucepan over mediumhigh heat, stirring occasionally. Boil until mixture is syrupy and reduced to generous 1/3 cup, stirring often, about 10 minutes. Transfer to bowl; cool completely. Stir in tangerine segments. DO AHEAD: Can be made 8 hours ahead. Cover and chill. Invert semifreddo onto platter. Remove plastic wrap. Dip large knife into hot water, wipe dry, then cut semifreddo crosswise into 1-inch-thick slices, dipping knife into water and wiping dry as needed. Place 1 slice on each plate. Spoon tangerine sauce alongside semifreddo and serve

Semifreddo de chocolate ao leite com bolo de cenoura e anis estrelado

For the milk chocolate semifreddo 8 ounces milk chocolate, chopped 1 cup heavy cream 2 egg whites

1 cup sugar

For the star anise carrot cake 2 large eggs 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar 1/4 teaspoon coarse salt 3/4 cup whole-wheat flour 1 1/2 teaspoons ground star anise 1/8 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 2 cups shredded carrots, with greens reserved (for garnish, optional) For the carrot soup 2 cups fresh carrot juice 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1 tablespoon sugar Pinch coarse salt

Make the semifreddo 1. Put the chocolate in a heatproof glass bowl and melt slowly in the microwave. Alternatively, you can set the bowl over a pan of simmering water (dont let the bowl touch the water) and stir until the chocolate is completely melted and just warm. Set aside. 2. Using a handheld electric mixer, whip the cream in a medium bowl until it forms soft peaks; set aside. 3. Combine the egg whites and sugar in a heat-proof bowl and place over a pan of simmering water. Whisk continually until the whites are just hot, about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and transfer to a large bowl. Beat the egg whitesugar mixture with a handheld electric mixer until stiff peaks form and the egg whites are shiny and glossy, 3 to 5 minutes. 4. Fold the cream into the melted chocolate, then carefully fold the meringue into the chocolate mixture. Pour the chocolate mixture into a 9 x 13-inch pan and put in the freezer until firm, at least 3 hours or overnight until frozen. Make the cake 1. Heat the oven to 350F. Combine the eggs, oil, sugar, salt, flour, star anise, baking powder, and baking soda in a large bowl. Mix until just incorporated; add the carrots. 2. Line an 8 X 4-inch (or 4-cup) loaf pan with parchment or use a nonstick baking pan. Pour the cake batter into the pan and bake for 45 minutes, or until the center springs back when lightly touched. 3. When cool enough to handle, unmold onto a baking rack (run a small knife around the edges if necessary to release the cake from the pan) and let cool. Cut into 2-inch slices then cut each slice in half and set aside. Make the soup In a small saucepan, heat the carrot juice over medium heat, then add the cornstarch, and whisk until the carrot juice mixture thickens, about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat. Chill for 1 hour or until cold. Season with sugar and salt to taste. To serve Ladle a small amount of carrot soup in a shallow bowl. Place 5 to 8 carrot cake pieces on top of the carrot soup. Place 3 to 4 small scoops of the chocolate semifreddo on top the carrot cake. Garnish with carrot greens, if desired.

Semifreddo de mel com biscoitos de gergelim

For semifreddo 1/4 teaspoon unflavored gelatin (from a 1/4-oz package) 3 tablespoons water 3/4 cup heavy cream 3 tablespoons mild honey (preferably wildflower) 2 tablespoons sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 3 large egg yolks For sesame toffee 1/4 cup heavy cream 1/4 cup sugar 1 tablespoon mild honey (preferably wildflower) 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon black sesame seeds 1 tablespoon white sesame seeds (not toasted) For honey wafers 1/2 stick (1/4 cup) unsalted butter, softened 1/4 cup sugar 1 tablespoon mild honey (preferably wildflower) 1 large egg white 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/8 teaspoon salt

Make semifreddo: Sprinkle gelatin over 1 tablespoon water in a small bowl and let stand to soften. Beat cream in a bowl with an electric mixer until it just holds soft peaks, then chill, covered. Stir together honey, sugar, salt, and remaining 2 tablespoons water in a 1- to 1 1/2-quart heavy saucepan and bring to a boil over moderate heat, stirring occasionally until sugar is dissolved. Boil, undisturbed, until mixture registers 238F on thermometer (soft-ball stage; you may need to tilt pan to get temperature; see cooks' note, below), about 4 minutes. Beat yolks in a medium bowl with cleaned beaters at high speed until they are thick and pale, about 4 minutes. Reduce speed to medium and pour hot honey mixture in a slow stream into yolks (try to avoid beaters and side of bowl). Reserve pan. Immediately add gelatin mixture to hot honey pan, swirling until dissolved, then beat liquid gelatin into yolk mixture and continue to beat until mixture is pale, thick, and completely cool, 3 to 5 minutes. Fold one third of whipped cream into honey mixture with a rubber spatula until just combined, then fold in remaining whipped cream gently but thoroughly. Divide mixture evenly among ramekins, then cover with plastic wrap and freeze until frozen, at least 1 hour. Make sesame toffee: Line a baking sheet with parchment. Stir together cream, sugar, honey, and salt in a 1- to 1 1/2-quart heavy saucepan and boil over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until mixture is golden and registers 260F on thermometer (hard-ball stage; see cooks' note, below), about 6 minutes. Remove mixture from heat and immediately stir in sesame seeds, then pour evenly onto parchment-paper-lined baking sheet and spread into a very thin layer (about a 9-inch round) with an offset spatula. Cool to room temperature, about 5 minutes (candy will be

slightly flexible), then chill on sheet in the refrigerator until hard, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove toffee from parchment and break into very small pieces (less than 1/4 inch) with your hands or a rolling pin. Make honey sesame wafers: Beat together butter and sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer at medium speed until smooth, then add honey, beating until combined. Beat in egg white until combined well, then reduce speed to low and add flour and salt until combined. Chill batter, covered, until slightly firm, about 30 minutes. Put oven racks in upper and lower thirds of oven and preheat oven to 375F. Line 2 large baking sheets with parchment. Using offset spatula, spread half of batter (about 1/3 cup) into a very thin, sheer 14- by 11-inch rectangle on 1 sheet. Using tip of spatula or a butter knife, section off 12 squares by scraping knife through batter to make a 1/4-inch-wide space between batter sections. Sprinkle half of sesame toffee evenly over batter. Repeat with remaining batter and brittle on second sheet. Bake wafers, switching position of sheets and rotating 180 degrees halfway through baking, until golden (some parts may be pale golden), about 8 minutes. Cool to room temperature on sheets on racks, about 10 minutes. Peel parchment off wafers
Bolo mocha com semifreddo de malte For cake 4 teaspoons instant-espresso powder or instant-coffee granules 3 tablespoons hot water 8 ounces fine-quality bittersweet chocolate (not unsweetened), chopped 6 large eggs, separated 2/3 cup granulated sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder For semifreddo 3 large eggs at room temperature for 30 minutes 1/3 cup packed light brown sugar 2/3 cup chilled heavy cream 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1/3 cup malted milk powder

Make cake: Preheat oven to 350F. Oil a 15- by 10- by 1-inch baking pan and line bottom lengthwise with a large piece of wax paper, allowing a 2-inch overhang on each end. Stir together espresso powder and hot water in a heavy saucepan until coffee is dissolved. Add chocolate and melt over low heat, stirring, until smooth. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Beat together yolks, 1/3 cup sugar, and 1/8 teaspoon salt in a large bowl with a handheld electric mixer at moderately high speed until thick and pale, 5 to 7 minutes. Beat in melted chocolate. Beat whites with remaining 1/8 teaspoon salt in another large bowl with cleaned beaters until they just hold soft peaks. Gradually add remaining 1/3 cup sugar and beat until whites just hold stiff peaks. Stir one third of whites into chocolate mixture to lighten, then fold in remaining whites gently but thoroughly. Spread batter evenly in baking pan and bake in middle of oven until puffed and top is dry to the touch and springs back when gently pressed, 12 to 14 minutes. Cover cake with 2 layers of dampened paper towels and let stand in pan on a

rack 3 minutes, then remove towels and cool completely. Loosen edges with a sharp knife. Sift cocoa powder evenly over top of cake and overlap 2 layers of wax paper lengthwise over cake. Invert a baking sheet over cake, then invert cake onto it, gently peeling off wax paper now on top. Lightly oil loaf pan and line with 2 (24-inch-long) crisscrossed sheets of plastic wrap, letting excess hang over all sides. Using outside of loaf pan as a stencil, cut a rectangle from cake to line bottom of pan. Cut another rectangle for top of cake. Cut 2 pieces of cake to line long sides of pan, then 2 more for short sides. Fit all cake pieces (except top piece) into pan, cocoa sides against pan, pressing gently to help adhere. Wrap top piece of cake in plastic wrap and cover cake in pan with plastic-wrap overhang, then freeze cake while making semifreddo. Make semifreddo: Beat together eggs and brown sugar in a metal bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water with electric mixer at medium speed until mixture registers 160F on an instant-read thermometer, 6 to 8 minutes. Remove bowl from heat and chill mixture until cool, about 10 minutes. Mix together cream, vanilla, and malted milk powder in a separate bowl at low speed with electric mixer until powder is dissolved, then increase speed to moderately high and beat until it just holds soft peaks. Stir one third of cream into egg mixture to lighten, then fold in remaining cream gently but thoroughly. Assemble cake: Spoon semifreddo into cake-lined pan, spreading evenly and smoothing top, and cover with top piece of cake. Freeze, covered with plastic-wrap overhang, until firm, at least 8 hours. Before serving, let cake stand at room temperature 5 minutes. Unwrap plastic and invert cake onto a long platter, using plastic wrap to help pull cake from pan. Sift cocoa evenly over top to garnish, then top with chocolate curls and cut into 1/2-inch-thick slices. Serve immediately

Semifreddo de laranja
For semifreddo 9 oranges 4 large egg yolks 3/4 cup sugar 2 tablespoons potato starch For wine syrup 1 orange 2/3 cup sugar 2/3 cup dry white wine 1/4 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

Make semifreddo: Finely grate enough zest from oranges to measure 1 1/2 teaspoons. Squeeze 2 cups juice. Whisk together yolks, sugar, and potato starch in a 1-quart heavy saucepan. Gradually add juice, whisking until smooth. Cook over moderate heat, whisking constantly, until thickened and registers 170F on an instant-read thermometer, 5 to 6 minutes. Pour through a very fine sieve into a metal bowl and stir in zest. Set bowl in a larger bowl of ice and cold water and stir occasionally until mixture is cold.

Freeze in ice-cream maker until soft-frozen. Spread semifreddo on flat (bottom) side of 6 macaroons and top with remaining macaroons, flat sides down. Wrap each in plastic wrap and freeze until ready to serve. Make wine syrup: Remove zest from orange with a vegetable peeler, then remove any white pith from zest. Julienne zest. Squeeze 1 tablespoon juice. Cover zest with cold water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Drain in a sieve and rinse under cold water. Pat dry. Cook sugar in a dry 1-quart heavy saucepan over moderate heat, undisturbed, until it begins to melt. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally with a fork, until sugar is melted into a deep golden caramel. While caramel is cooking, bring wine and zest to a boil in a small saucepan. Tilt caramel pan and carefully pour in wine with zest (caramel will harden and steam vigorously). Cook over moderately low heat, stirring, until caramel is dissolved. Stir in orange and lemon juices, then cool.

Semifreddo com marshmallow, avels, damasco seco e chocolate 10 pes

2 cups chilled heavy whipping cream 1 tablespoon finely grated orange peel 2 7-ounce jars marshmallow creme 2/3 cup (2 1/2 ounces) coarsely grated bittersweet chocolate (do not exceed 61% cacao) plus 6 ounces chopped 2/3 cup chopped toasted hazelnuts 2/3 cup (5 ounces) diced dried apricots or halved dried tart cherries 2 tablespoons orange liqueur or frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed

Using electric mixer, beat cream and orange peel in medium bowl until peaks form. Add marshmallow creme; beat to blend. Fold in grated chocolate, nuts, and apricots. Spread in 8-inch springform pan. Cover; freeze until firm, at least 4 hours and up to 1 day. Whisk chopped chocolate, liqueur, and 2 tablespoons water in small saucepan over low heat until smooth. Cut around semifreddo to loosen; release pan sides. Cut into wedges; spoon warm sauce over.

Semifreddo de pistache 2 quartos

1 1/2 cups shelled salted pistachios (6 1/2 ounces) 1 cup sugar 6 large egg whites 2 cups chilled heavy cream 1/4 teaspoon almond extract

Pulse 1 cup pistachios with 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar in a food processor until very finely ground. Add remaining 1/2 cup pistachios and pulse until just coarsely ground. Beat egg whites in a bowl with an electric mixer at medium speed until they just hold soft peaks. Beat in remaining 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar, a little at a time, then increase speed to high and beat until meringue just holds stiff, glossy peaks. Beat cream with almond extract in a wide bowl with mixer at high speed until it just holds soft peaks. Fold meringue into cream gently but thoroughly, then fold in nut mixture in same manner. Spoon into a 2-quart dish and freeze, covered, until firm enough to scoop, about 4 hours. Let soften slightly before serving

Semifreddo de limo com berries e amndoas filetadas 10 pes

1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted 1 3/4 cups chilled heavy whipping cream 1 1/4 cups plus 2 tablespoons sugar 7 large egg yolks 1/2 cup fresh Meyer lemon juice or regular lemon juice 1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons finely grated Meyer lemon peel or regular lemon peel 1/4 teaspoon salt 4 cups mixed fresh berries (such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and quartered hulled strawberries)

Line 9x5x3-inch metal loaf pan with plastic wrap, leaving generous overhang. Sprinkle almonds evenly over bottom of pan. Using electric mixer, beat whipping cream in large bowl until soft peaks form. Refrigerate whipped cream while making custard. Whisk 1 1/4 cups sugar, egg yolks, lemon juice, lemon peel, and salt in large metal bowl to blend. Set bowl over large saucepan of simmering water and whisk constantly until yolk mixture is thick and fluffy and instant-read thermometer inserted into mixture registers 170F, about 4 minutes. Remove bowl from over simmering water. Using electric mixer, beat mixture until cool, thick, and doubled in volume, about 6 minutes. Fold in chilled whipped cream. Transfer mixture to prepared loaf pan and smooth top. Tap loaf pan lightly on work surface to remove air pockets. Fold plastic wrap overhang over top to cover. Freeze semifreddo until firm, at least 8 hours or overnight. DO AHEAD: Semifreddo can be made 3 days ahead. Keep frozen. Gently mix all berries and remaining 2 tablespoons sugar in large bowl. DO AHEAD: Can be made 3 hours ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Unfold plastic wrap from top of semifreddo and invert dessert onto platter; remove plastic wrap. Dip heavy large knife into hot water; cut semifreddo crosswise into 1-inch-thick slices. Transfer to plates; spoon berries alongside and serve

Semifreddo de banana e amendoim 8 pes

1 cup roasted unsalted peanuts 3 large eggs 1/2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/4 teaspoon salt 5 ripe bananas 1 1/2 cups chilled heavy cream

Line an 8 1/2- by 4 1/2- by 2 1/2-inch metal loaf pan with plastic wrap, leaving a 2 inch overhang on ends, and chill in freezer. In a food processor coarsely grind peanuts, pulsing motor. In a metal bowl beat eggs and sugar until combined. Set bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and beat egg mixture until thick and pale and registers 140F on an instant read thermometer. Continue beating mixture over simmering water 3 minutes (for egg safety) and remove bowl from heat. Beat in vanilla and salt. In a bowl coarsely mash bananas and fold into egg mixture with peanuts. In another bowl beat cream until it just holds stiff peaks and fold into banana mixture gently but thoroughly. Pour mixture into loaf pan. (There should be about 1 cup extra mixture, which may be poured into a smaller pan.) Freeze

semifreddo, covered with plastic wrap, at least 8 hours and up to 5 days. Unmold semifreddo onto a platter, discarding plastic wrap, and cut into slices Semifreddo de chocolate branco com amndoas 8 pes

a scant cup sliced almonds (3 1/2 ounces), toasted lightly 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 6 ounces fine-quality white chocolate, chopped 2 large eggs 1/3 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon almond extract 1 1/2 cups chilled heavy cream

Line a metal loaf pan, 8 1/2 by 4 1/2 by 2 1/2 inches, with plastic wrap, leaving a 2-inch overhang on ends, and chill in freezer. In a skillet cook almonds with salt in butter over moderately low heat, stirring, until almonds are coated well, about 1 minute. Chill almonds until cold. In a metal bowl set over a pan of hot but not simmering water melt chocolate, stirring occasionally, and remove bowl from heat. In another metal bowl beat eggs with sugar to combine. Set bowl over a pan of simmering water and beat until thick and pale and mixture registers 140F. on an instant-read thermometer. Continue beating over simmering water 3 minutes (for egg safely) and remove from heat. Beat in chocolate, vanilla, and almond extract. In another bowl beat cream until it just holds stiff peaks and fold into egg mixture gently but thoroughly. Fold in almonds and pour mixture into prepared pan. Cover pan with plastic wrap and freeze semifreddo 8 hours or overnight.

Semifreddo de amoras com merengue de nozes 10 pes

For meringue 1 large egg white at room temperature for 30 minutes 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup walnuts (1 1/2 ounces), toasted and finely chopped For sauce and semifreddo 1 pound fresh blackberries (3 1/2 cups) 1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar 3 teaspoons fresh lemon juice 2 large eggs 1 cup chilled heavy cream

Make meringue: Preheat oven to 200F. Beat egg white with a pinch of salt in a small deep bowl with an electric mixer at medium speed until it holds soft peaks. Beat in sugar 1 tablespoon at a time and continue to beat until meringue holds stiff glossy peaks, 3 to 5 minutes. Fold walnuts into meringue, then spread into a 9- by 6-inch rectangle (1/4 inch thick) on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake meringue in middle of oven until crisp, about 1 hour. Slide meringue (on parchment) onto a rack and cool completely. Peel off paper and break meringue into 1/2-inch pieces. (fazer at 4 dias antes e guardar bem vedado) Make sauce and semifreddo: Line bottom of molds with rounds of wax paper or parchment. Cut 10 (10-inch-

long) strips of wax paper or parchment (wide enough to cover sides of molds) and arrange, ends overlapping, around insides of molds. Put lined molds in a baking pan (for transferring to freezer). Pure blackberries in a food processor, then force through a fine-mesh sieve into a bowl, discarding seeds. Divide pure evenly between 2 bowls. Stir 2 tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon lemon juice into 1 bowl (for sauce) and chill, covered. Stir remaining 2 teaspoons lemon juice into other bowl (for semifreddo). Beat eggs with a pinch of salt and remaining 1/3 cup sugar in a metal bowl with a handheld mixer at medium-high speed until doubled in volume, about 5 minutes. Set bowl over a saucepan with 1 inch of simmering water and beat until mixture registers 160F on thermometer, 6 to 8 minutes. Remove bowl from heat and chill mixture until cool, about 10 minutes. Fold in blackberry pure (reserved for semifreddo) gently but thoroughly. Beat cream with cleaned beaters until it just holds stiff peaks and fold gently into blackberry mixture, then fold in walnut meringue pieces. Spoon into molds, smoothing tops if necessary, and cover with plastic wrap. Freeze semifreddi until firm, at least 2 hours. To serve, dip each mold in a bowl of hot water 3 seconds, then wipe dry and invert onto chilled dessert plates, using paper to help pull each semifreddo from mold. Remove paper and let desserts stand at room temperature 10 minutes to soften. Serve with blackberry sauce

Semifreddo de pistache e chocolate 100g pistachio paste (40% pistachio) or 50g finely ground or pestled pistachios 200ml fresh cream 2 eggs, separated 3 T. sugar 1. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar and pistachio paste. If using fresh pistachios, mix yolks and sugar together first, then add in pistachios. 2. In a separate, grease-free mixing bowl, beat the egg whites until peaks form. In a third bowl, whip the cream slightly until soft peaks form but before it loses its liquidity. 3. First fold the egg whites into the pistachio-yolk mixture, and hand mix gently with a spatula until all ingredients have been incorporated. Then add the cream, scraping the sides to make sure the mixture is homogeneous. 4. Pour into individual serving containers or log form and freeze for several hours. 150g dark chocolate, melted 2 eggs, separated 1 T. sugar 200ml fresh cream 1. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler until no longer solid. Remove from heat and continue to mix gently as it cools down. Add egg yolks and sugar and blend at high speed until mixed thoroughly. 2. Follow steps 2 4 above. You can serve it in log form and slice off portions for your guests. I put a sliver of parchment paper at the bottom of the log form, added the nibs and then the various layers after. If you want very precise layer divisions, freeze each layer for 30 minutes before adding the next flavor. To free the log from the form, run a knife around the edges and turn over onto a plate. cobrir com cacao nibs

Semifreddo de maracuj 10 pes 1 egg 2 egg yolks 1/2 cup (100g) caster sugar 300ml thickened cream 1/3 cup (80ml) passionfruit pulp 2 tbs lemon juice 125g strawberries, hulled, thinly sliced 1/4 cup mint leaves 2 passionfruit, extra Line the base and sides of an 8 x 25cm bar pan with plastic wrap, allowing the sides to overhang. Use an electric mixer to whisk the egg, egg yolks and sugar in a medium heatproof bowl until thick and creamy. While continually whisking, place the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and whisk for 5 minutes or until mixture doubles in size. Remove from heat and set aside. Use an electric mixer to whisk the cream in a bowl until soft peaks form. Add half the cream to the egg mixture and gently fold until just combined. Add the remaining cream, passionfruit pulp and lemon juice and fold until just combined. Pour into the prepared pan and place in the freezer for 6 hours or overnight until firm. Turn the semifreddo out onto a serving platter. Top with the strawberry slices and scatter with mint leaves. Drizzle with the fresh passionfruit pulp and serve immediately Semifreddo de chocolate ao leite 1 cup sliced almonds 1 tablespoon unsalted butter dash of salt 7 ounces milk chocolate 1 1/3 cups whipping cream 2 egg 1/4 cup sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract dash of almond extract cocoa powder, for dusting On an ungreased baking sheet, toast almonds for 10 to 12 minutes, until light golden brown. Allow to cool. Melt butter in a saut pan over medium heat. Add almonds and salt and stir together until coated, about 4 minutes. Remove from heat. In a bowl over a pot of slowly simmering water (or in the microwave at high heat stirring every 20 seconds), melt chocolate and set aside. Keep pot of water simmering on the stove youll need it again! Whip cream to soft peaks and store in fridge until ready to use. Whisk together eggs, sugar, and extracts in a metal or glass bowl. Place bowl over simmering water and whisk constantly until doubled in volume, and whisk leaves a ribbon when lifted from bowl. Remove from heat. Whisk in melted chocolate and allow mixture to cool for about 10 minutes (so as to avoid melting whipped cream). Meanwhile, line a loaf pan with plastic wrap.

Fold whipped cream into chocolate mixture, in two additions, until evenly incorporated. Fold in toasted almonds and pour mixture into loaf pan. Freeze overnight

Semifreddo em camadas baunilha e chocolate 4 pes

100 g amoretti biscuits amaretto (almond liqueur) 100 g dark chocolate, 70% cocoa solids 4 eggs, separated 100 g caster sugar 500 ml whipping cream, lightly whipped 1 vanilla pod, slit open and seeds scraped out Carefully line the base and sides of a 1 litre plastic container with a large piece of cling film. Set aside. 2. Crush the amoretti biscuits in a bowl and stir in a generous splash of liqueur. Spoon the mixture evenly over the base of the lined container and place in the freezer. 3. Break up the chocolate and place in a bowl, set over a pan of simmering water (taking care that the bottom of the bowl does not actually touch the water). Allow to melt. Once melted, remove from the heat and leave to cool a little. 4. Using an electric whisk, beat the egg yolks with the sugar until pale and thickened. 5. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites to form stiff peaks, then fold them into the yolks and sugar. Divide the mixture equally between two bowls. Add the melted chocolate to one bowl fold in until fully combined. To the other bowl, fold in the cream, another touch of liqueur and the vanilla seeds. 6. Remove the container from the freezer. Pour in the chocolate mixture first. Lightly tap the container on a work surface to level the mixture, then pour the vanilla mixture over the top. Tap gently again to even out. Cover with cling film and return to the freezer overnight to set (it needs to freeze for at least 12 hours). Any excess vanilla mixture can be frozen separately. 7. When ready to serve, allow to soften slightly at room temperature, then tip on to a chilled plate and cut into slices with a knife warmed in hot water. Serve slices on four individual side plates

Semifreddo chocolate sobre brownie e cobertura de ganache de choc branco 2 pes For the chocolate semifreddo 2 oz. 100 percent Bakers chocolate 1 oz. good-quality dark chocolate (such as Valrhona 61 percent extra bitter) 1 c. heavy cream 6 egg yolks 1 c. sugar c. water Dark chocolate for decoration 1. Prepare molds: Melt chocolate for decoration and drizzle on the bottom and sides of eight 4-oz. disposable baking tins, making a spider web-like pattern. 2. Melt remaining chocolate; let cool. 3. Whip cream to soft peaks. In a separate bowl, whip yolks on medium-high speed, while you heat the sugar and water to 240. 4. With the mixer running, add the sugar syrup to the whipped yolks. Beat until cool. 5. Fold in chocolate, and then fold in cream. Pour into tins and freeze overnight. For the brownie 2 sticks butter 4 oz. 100 percent chocolate 14 oz. 61 percent chocolate 2 c. sugar 6 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1 c. all-purpose flour 1 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. kosher salt 1. Melt chocolates and butter. 2. Whisk sugar and eggs. Add vanilla, and then add the chocolate. 3. Fold in dry ingredients. Spread onto a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake at 325 for about 25 minutes.

For the whipped white chocolate 2 oz. good-quality white chocolate (like Valrhona) 1 c. heavy cream Pinch of salt 1. Bring cream to a boil. Partially melt the white chocolate in a heat-proof glass bowl. 2. Whisk in cream slowly, keeping the product well emulsified. Chill overnight. The next day, whip to form soft peaks and refrigerate until chilled. 3. Unmold semifreddo onto parchment-lined sheets and return to the freezer. 4. Cut brownies while still warm so that they are the shape and size of the molds. Place brownies on plates. 5. Top with semifreddo and serve with white chocolate whipped cream. Semifreddo de Nutella com chips de chocolate

4 large eggs 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1 13 ounce jar Nutella 1 cup heavy cream, whipped to soft peaks 1 tbsp chocolate liqueur (I used Godiva) 2 oz. each of bittersweet, milk and white chocolate, chopped into small chunks 1/2 cup plus 1/4 cup roasted pistachio nuts, coarsely chopped and divided 2 oz each of bittersweet, milk and white chocolate, melted and divided Line a mold of your choice with plastic wrap, taking care to leave about a 3 inch length hanging over the edge. Heat Nutella in the microwave for about 20-25 seconds to soften it up. Set aside. Place eggs and sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer. Place mixing bowl over a pot of simmering water and whisk until the eggs are warm, about 2 minutes. Place the bowl in mixer stand. Using the whisk attachment, whip the eggs on high speed until pale and tripled in volume, about 5 minutes. Add the Nutella and the chocolate liqueur to the egg mixture and mix on low speed until blended. Gently fold in the whipped cream, chocolate chunks and 1/2 c. chopped nuts. Scrape mixture into into the mold and spread evenly. Cover top of mold with plastic wrap and freeze for at least 8 hours or overnight.

Semifreddo de chocolate amargo 4 pes

4 ounces dark chocolate (60-70%) 3 tablespoons superfine sugar 2 eggs, separated (room temperature) 8 ounces cream Melt the chocolate in the microwave in 30 second increments and stir well until melted. Set aside. 2 Whip the egg whites in a medium size bowl, until medium-stiff peaks. Whip the cream to soft peaks in another medium sized bowl. 3 Whip together the sugar and egg yolks in a large bowl, until pale. Scrape the chocolate into the bowl, and whip for several minutes until the mixture is very thick and smooth. 4 Fold in the egg whites and then the cream

Gelato de pistache 1 quarto 1 Cup Unsalted Pistachios (shelled) 1 Cup Filtered Water 8 Ounces Mascarpone Cheese 3/4 Cup Sugar 2 Tablespoons Cointreau 1 Teaspoon Grated Lemon Peel 1/8 Teaspoon Ground Cardamom Grind pistachios, in a food processor, to a fine powder.

In a medium saucepan, add all ingredients (including ground pistachios). Stir, over medium high heat, until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture comes to a boil. Transfer mixture to a bowl and chill in a refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Pour mixture into an ice cream maker and process according to ice cream maker instructions.

Semifreddo de chocolate e Grand Marnier- 6 pes

2 tangerines 4 oz. bittersweet or semisweet chocolate 1 tbsp cocoa powder 1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp. granulated sugar 4 tsp. Amaretto liquer 4 large egg yolks 4 oz. chocolate wafer cookies, ground 1 cup heavy cream 3/4 cup mascarpone 1/2 cup Chopped pistachios, for garnish chocolate Grand Marnier SAUCE: 1 tangerine 6 oz. bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, finely chopped 1 tbsp. unsalted butter 1/2 cup boiling water 3 tbsp. heavy cream 2 tsp. light corn syrup tsp. Grand Marnier Liquer Zest the tangerines and squeeze them. Reserve 3/4 cup juice and set the zest aside. Place the chocolate, cocoa powder, 2 tbsp. sugar, and tangerine juice in a small saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. The mixture will bubble and then begin to thicken; continue cooking until it is almost the consistency of pudding, about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the tangerine zest and amaretto. Allow the mixture to cool for 15 minutes and transfer it to a large mixing bowl. In the bowl, use a mixer to beat together the egg yolks and the remaining 1/4 cup sugar on medium speed until light-colored and thick, about 2 minutes. Fold the egg yolk into the cooled chocolate mixture. Fold in the chocolate wafer crumbs. Ina separate bowl, whip the heavy cream with the mascarpone at high speed until it is thick and softly peaking. Gently fold the cream mixture into the chocolate mixture to complete the Semifeddo mix. Pour the semifreddo mixture into a loaf pan or another freezable container and press plastic wrap on the surface. Freeze for at least 6 hours, or until firm. CHOCOLATE GRAND MARNIER SAUCE Zest the tangerine and squeeze it until you have 1 teaspoon zest and 2 tablespoons juice. Place the chocolate and butter in a medium bowl. Pour in the boiling water and allow the ingredients to sit for 30 seconds, then whisk them together until smooth. Whisk in the heavy cream, corn syrup, tangerine zest, Grand Marnier, and tangerine juice. Remove frozen Semifreddo from freezer and unmold the whole semifreddo by dipping the pan in hot water and inverting it over a plate and then slice it into portions with a hot thin-bladed knife. Drizzle each serving with some of the warm sauce and sprinkle with chopped pistachios

Semifreddo de mascarpone com molho de cerejas e Porto 4 pes

For the Cherry-Port Sauce: 1 cup ruby port 1/3 cup granulated sugar 3/4 cup dried cherries (4 1/2 ounces) For the Semifreddo: 1 cup plus 1 tablespoon mascarpone cheese

3/4 cup heavy cream 1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar Coarse salt 1 1/2 ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped 8 store-bought chocolate wafer cookies Make the cherry-port sauce: Bring port and granulated sugar to a boil in a small saucepan. Boil until reduced by one third, about 5 minutes. Stir in cherries. Simmer for 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Let stand, covered, until plump, about 10 minutes. Refrigerate until thick, about 40 minutes. Meanwhile, make the semifreddo: Whisk mascarpone, cream, confectioners' sugar, and a pinch of salt until medium-stiff peaks form. Fold in chocolate. Spread mixture into a 5-by-9-inch loaf pan; cover with plastic wrap. Freeze until edges begin to harden and semifreddo is very cold, at least 50 minutes. Scoop into 4 serving dishes. Spoon cherry-port sauce over tops. Serve with chocolate wafer cookies

Semifreddo de maracuj e coco 8 pes 1 cup plain flour 1/3 cup caster sugar 80g butter, melted 3 eggs 2 egg yolks, extra 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup caster sugar 2 cups pouring cream 1/3 cup passionfruit pulp (approx 6 passionfruit) 1 cup desiccated coconut 1 Preheat oven to 160C. Place the flour, sugar and butter in a bowl and mix until just combined. Place on a tray lined with non-stick baking paper and bake for 15 minutes or until golden. Allow to cool. 2 Place the eggs, extra yolks, vanilla and sugar in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and, using a hand-held electric mixer, beat for 6-8 minutes or until pale and thick. Remove from heat and beat for a further 6-8 minutes or until cooled. 3 Whisk the cream until soft peaks form. Gently fold the cream through the egg mixture until well combined. Fold through the passionfruit pulp and coconut and pour into a 2litre capacity metal tin. Freeze for 6 hours or overnight. Top with crumble to serve Semifreddo de tiramisu - 8 pes Coffee syrup 1.2 cup caster sugar 350ml strong coffee 200ml Marsala liqueur 1 pkt Savoiardi biscuits (sponge fingers) Stir and dissolve the sugar in the coffee and allow to cool Stir in the Marsala Semi-freddo 6 egg yolks 1/2 cup caster sugar 1/4 cup mascarpone cheese 1/4 cup Amaretto liqueur 1 vanilla bean scraped or 1 tbsp vanilla essence 1 cup cream, whipped Line two loaf tins with two layers of cling wrap. In a mixing bowl, placed over a saucepan of gently boiling water, whisk the egg yolks, caster sugar, mascarpone, Amaretto and vanilla until thick.

Take off the heat and whisk until cool. Fold in the whipped cream. Fill each loaf tin with a quarter of the mixture. Dip some of the Savoiardi biscuits in the coffee syrup and lay on top of the mixture. Repeat the mixture-and-biscuit-layering process until you meet the top of the tin. Fold over the cling wrap and freeze overnight. Remove from the freezer, cut into slices and serve with some chocolate sauce and coffee syrup. Semifreddo de abacaxi 8 pes 6 egg yolks cups coconut milk 250g caster sugar 3 cups cream, whipped 1 cup chopped pineapple, plus extra to garnish 200g palm sugar cup water 3 Tbs coconut, toasted beat the yolks until thick and pale. Heat the milk and sugar while stirring to dissolve the sugar, then simmer for 3 minutes. 4 Pour on to the egg yolks and continue beating until the mixture is cold. Fold the cream in thoroughly then gently fold in the pineapple. The sago will now be firm, so stir to break up then fold into the mixture so there are small chunks visible. Pour into a container and chill. 5 Chop up the palm sugar and put in a saucepan with the water. Heat gently until melted then serve poured over the semifreddo with toasted coconut and extra pineapple Semifreddo de caramelo com crocante salgado de pecans 2 litros
3 eggs 2 egg yolks, extra 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup brown sugar 2 cups pouring cream 1 1/2 cups caramel sauce
Salted maple pecans 1 cup pecans 1 Tbsp maple syrup 2 Tbsp icing sugar 1/2 tsp sea salt flakes Place eggs, extra yolks, vanilla and sugar in a heatproof bowl. Place over a saucepan of simmering water and, using a hand-held electric mixer, beat for 6-8 minutes or until thick and pale. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Whisk cream until stiff peaks form. Gently fold through egg mixture until well combined. Add caramel and use a knife to swirl through mixture. Pour into a 2 litre-capacity metal tin and freeze for 6 hours or overnight. To make salted maple pecans, preheat oven to 180C. Place the pecans, maple syrup, icing sugar and salt in a bowl and stir until sugar is dissolved. Spread out on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake for 15 minutes or until caramelised. Cool.

Semifreddo de limo siciliano e merengue 4 egg yolks 1 tsp vanilla extract 3/4 cup lemon curd 1/3 cup caster sugar

1 1/2 cups cream 10 small meringues, smashed 1. Place egg yolks, vanilla, curd and sugar in a bowl over a pan of simmering water, taking care the base of the bowl does not touch the water. Whisk mixture until it is thick and creamy, then allow to cool while continuing to whisk. 2. Beat cream until soft peaks have formed. 3. Fold cream and egg yolk mix together, gently fold in meringue and pour into a plastic cling film-lined loaf pan. Cover and freeze overnight or until firm enough to invert onto a serving platter and slice Semifreddo de chocolate amargo e laranja 8 pes

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

6 egg yolks 1 cup sugar 2 cups heavy cream 1/3 cup cocoa powder 2 tablespoons orange zest 4 ounces bittersweet chocolate, melted Line 9x5 loaf pan with plastic wrap In bowl of stand mixer fitted with whisk attachment, whip yolks for 3-4 minutes till light and frothy. While yolks are whipping, combine sugar and 1/2 cup water in a small saucepan. Cook sugar syrup over high heat until it reaches soft ball stage (238 degrees on a candy thermometer). With mixer on medium speed drizzle sugar syrup down the side of the bowl. Add cocoa powder and salt and whip for 5-6 minutes until mixture cools and thickens. In a separate bowl whip cream until it holds stiff peaks. Fold in orange zest. Fold whipped cream into the cooled chocolate mixture. Spoon about 1/4 of chocolate mixture into the prepared pan. Use a spoon to drizzle about 1/3 of the melted chocolate evenly over the chocolate mixture. Carefully spoon another 1/4 of the chocolate mixture into the pan. Drizzle with another 1/3 of the melted chocolate. Repeat another layer of chocolate mixture, the last of the melted chocolate, and finish with the last of the chocolate mixture. Cover the pan with plastic and place in freezer for at least 8 hours or up to a week. When read to serve remove the semifreddo from pan and peel off plastic. Slice into 8 slices and serve with a little whipped cream and orange supremes

Semifreddo de zabaglione
4 large egg yolks 1/2 cup sugar 1/3 cup Marsala wine 1 cup heavy cream 1 cup crushed amaretto cookies Fill a large saucepan with about 2 inches of water; bring to a boil over medium high heat. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low or medium low to maintain gentle bubbles at the edges. Whisk together the egg yolks and sugar in a medium heatproof bowl. Set the bowl over the saucepan of hot water, making sure the bottom does not touch the water. Use an electric hand-held mixer or a whisk to beat the mixture vigorously for 30 seconds to 1 minutes, then drizzle in the Marsala wine as you continue to beat. After the Marsala has been incorporated, beat for 10 to 15 minutes, until the mixture has doubled in volume and transformed into a dense, thick foamy cream. Remove the bowl from the beat and beat for 1 or 2 minutes until the zabaglione has cooled slightly. Place the heavy cream in the bowl of a stand mixer and beat on high until firm peaks form. Gently fold the whipped cream into the cooled zabaglione.

Lightly butter (or spray with cooking spray) six 8-ounce ramekins or custard cups. Sprinkle a tablespoon of the crushed cokies into the bottom of each. Divide the mixture among the ramekins and sprinkle with additional crushed cookies. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for at least 6 hours until completely solid. To serve, remove from the freezer and let stand for 5 minutes until slightly defrosted. You can run a small paring knife around the sides or briefly immerse the ramekins about halfway into warm water to loosen the dessert. Unmold onto individual plates. Serve with additional whole cookies.

Semifreddo de chocolate e pistache 12 pes

1 1/2 cups 3/4 cup 6 2 cups 4 ounces shelled, salted pistachios sugar, divided egg whites heavy cream bittersweet chocolate, grated

1. In a blender or food processor, process 1 cup of pistachios with all but 2 tablespoons of the sugar. Add the remaining half cup of pistachios and pulse just briefly, so a few good-sized pieces remain. 2. In the bowl of a stand mixer beat the cream until soft peaks form. 3. Fold in the ground nuts and grated chocolate. 4. In another bowl, beat the egg whites with the remaining 2 tablespoons of sugar until semi-stiff. 5. Fold the egg whites into the whipped cream mixture. 6. Gently spread into a 2-quart mold or eight 6-ounce ramekins and freeze until firmabout 6 hours. Semifreddo napolitano 8 pes

vegetable oil or other flavourless oil for the tin 175g caster sugar 2 large egg whites 600ml pot double cream 1 vanilla pod , seeds scraped out 200g ripe strawberries , plus more to serve 100g raspberries , plus more to serve 1 tbsp icing sugar 75g dark chocolate (70% cocoa Lightly oil then line a 900g loaf tin (about 11cm x 22 cm when measured across the top) with clingfilm, leaving plenty of overhang. Put the caster sugar in a pan with 4 tbsp water, then heat very gently until it has completely dissolved. Turn up the heat and boil for 2 minutes. As the sugar comes up to temperature, whisk the egg whites to stiff peaks in a separate bowl. When the hot syrup is ready, carefully pour it into the egg whites a little at a time, with the beaters still running, whisking until it has all been mixed in. Beat for 2 minutes to cool, then set aside. The mix should look like shaving foam. Softly whip the cream and vanilla seeds in another bowl. Fold the cream into the whites, in three goes, to make the ice cream base. Split the mix three ways, making one batch a little smaller than the others. Blend the berries and icing sugar until smooth. Pass through a sieve onto the smaller batch of ice cream, then fold in until evenly pink. Spoon into

the lined tin, level it, then cover the surface with a rectangle of baking parchment. Freeze for 30 minutes or until just firm. Remove the paper and spoon over a layer of plain vanilla mix. Again, level, cover and freeze. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate in the microwave or over a pan of simmering water, then leave until cool but still runny. Fold the chocolate into the final third of the ice cream. Layer it and freeze, again covering the top with a clean piece of paper. Freeze for 3-4 hours or overnight before serving, and give the semifreddo 10 minutes or so out of the freezer to soften a little before turning out to slice. 200g caster sugar 100g whole blanched hazelnuts sunflower oil , for greasing

Parfait congelado de banana com pralin 8 pes


2 ripe bananas (the skin should be very spotty, but not bruised or black) 2 tsp lemon juice 300ml double cream 2 egg whites 100g caster sugar

4 ripe but firm bananas 100g caster sugar To make the praline, put the sugar into a heavy-based pan with 3 tbsp water. Place over a low heat until the sugar has dissolved and is clear. Don't stir, or it will crystallise. Increase the heat and bubble to a dark caramel (see video technique), about 5 mins. Remove from the heat, stir through the nuts, then tip onto a lightly greased non-stick baking tray. Spread to level and leave to cool. Be careful as the tray will get very hot. When the praline is cold and brittle, break it into pieces. Then, using the end of a rolling pin, smash it up until fairly well crushed. If this is proving hard work, tip into a food processor and pulse until it's the texture of coarse breadcrumbs. Line a 1.2-litre loaf tin with a strip of baking parchment (this size tin gives a neat shape, but you can set the parfait in any shaped tin, or individual pudding basins or ramekins). In a bowl, mash the bananas with half the lemon juice until you have a rough pure, then set aside. Put the cream into a bowl and whip until it holds its shape but is still a little soft. In another very clean bowl and using a very clean electric whisk, beat the egg whites with a squeeze more lemon juice until stiff. Slowly add the sugar until you have a stiff, shiny meringue. Gently fold the whipped cream and meringue together, then add the banana and most of the praline, leaving about 4 tbsp to serve. Spoon into the loaf tin, smooth the top and freeze until firm, preferably overnight.

To serve, remove the parfait from the freezer 10 mins before serving and leave in the fridge to soften slightly. Meanwhile, slice the bananas on a slant, allowing 3 slices for each serving. Lay the slices on a baking tray set on a wooden board and scatter heavily with the sugar. Use a blowtorch to caramelise the banana, then set aside. Be very careful as the tray will be extremely hot. If you don't have a blowtorch, place the slices into a hot, dry frying pan and sear the sugar-coated sides until caramelised. Lift and flip them over to a tray. To plate up, sprinkle a neat line of praline just off-centre on each plate. Arrange the slices of caramelised banana at opposing angles. Unmould the parfait, then use a warmed knife to neaten the sides and cut into fingerthick slices. Lay the slice on the opposite side of the plate to the banana and serve straight away. 300g golden caster sugar 50g salted butter 300ml pot double cream 5 egg yolks 500ml milk 6 tbsp chunky peanut butter

Sorvete de manteiga de amendoim e caramelo salgado 6 pes

100g golden caster sugar a large pinch salt flakes Make the caramel by heating the sugar in pan over a medium heat - use a silver or pale-coloured pan so you can see what colour your caramel is, and make sure it's big enough to take the sugar in a thin layer. Once the sugar starts to melt, tilt the pan and swirl the contents to keep the heat consistent. Use a wooden spoon to stir the edges into the centre if you need to. Keep cooking until the sugar caramelises to a dark gold. Take off the heat, add the salt flakes and leave to cool a little. Pour onto an oiled baking sheet and tip into as thin a puddle as you can. Be careful as the sheet will get very hot. For the ice cream, melt the sugar in the same way, and once it is caramelised, add the butter and cream and re-melt everything together. Pour this mixture into the egg yolks and whisk well. Add the milk and then strain the lot back into a clean pan. Cook gently over a medium heat, stirring all the time until the mixture begins to thicken a little. Don't overcook it or it will scramble. Stir in the peanut butter. Tip into an icecream machine or freezerproof box and churn or freeze until the mixture is almost set. If you use a box then beat the mixture vigorously once or twice while it firms up. Meanwhile break the caramel into chunky pieces. Stir these into the ice cream but don't over mix - you want seams rather than an even

distribution. Spoon into a freezerproof box, terrine or loaf tin and freeze overnight. Scoop or slice to serve
Semifreddo de chocolate com toffee de macadmia 8 pes 225g (1 cup) white sugar 80ml (1/3 cup) water 200g unsalted macadamia nuts 2 eggs 4 egg yolks 215g (1 cup) caster sugar 1 x 600ml thickened cream 30g (1/4 cup) cocoa powder 100g dark chocolate, coarsely chopped Line the base and sides of an 11 x 21cm (base measurement) loaf pan with plastic wrap, allowing sides to overhang. Line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper. Combine the white sugar and water in a heavy-based saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until the sugar dissolves. Increase heat to high and bring to the boil. Cook, without stirring, occasionally brushing down the side of the pan with a pastry brush dipped in water, for 5-7 minutes or until golden. Reduce heat to low. Add the macadamia nuts and cook, stirring, for 1-2 minutes or until nuts are well coated in toffee mixture. Pour over the lined tray. Set aside for 15 minutes or until the toffee is set. Coarsely chop. Meanwhile, use an electric beater to whisk eggs, egg yolks and caster sugar in a heatproof bowl for 2 minutes or until light and fluffy. Place over a saucepan of simmering water (make sure the bowl doesn't touch the water) and continue whisking for 6-8 minutes or until mixture is thick and pale. Remove from heat and whisk for a further 2 minutes or until cool. Use a clean electric beater to whisk together the cream and cocoa powder in a bowl until soft peaks form. Gently fold in the egg mixture, chocolate and onethird of the macadamia mixture. Pour into the prepared pan. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the freezer for 6 hours or until set. Remove the semifreddo from the freezer and set aside for 2-3 minutes to soften slightly. Turn out onto a serving platter and top with the remaining macadamia mixture to serve. For a quick and easy way to break up the macadamia toffee, place it in a sealable plastic bag and pound with a rolling pin Semifreddo de amndoas 8 pes
12 oz shelled blanched almonds (I used less for a full batch, more like 8 oz) 2 cups whipped cream 1.5 cups fine sugar (I used less, knowing how teeth-achingly sweet Sicilian recipes can be) 4 eggs 7 oz dark chocolate 1 tbsp butter (I omitted this) 3 tbsp milk (I omitted this) Salt Pour 7 ounces (=1 cup, but I used a lot less) sugar in a saucepan with one (healthy) tablespoon of water and simmer for a couple of minutes. Add the almonds and stir until the sugar coats the almonds. Put on a greased marble board (I used a plastic cutting board without grease and it worked fine) and separate the almonds and let them cool.

Separate the eggs. Beat egg whites stiff with a pinch of salt. Beat egg yolks and remaining sugar (=1/2 cupI used a little less) until smooth. Mince the almonds (I put em in a plastic bag and smashed em) and add to the eggs, keeping 4-5 tbsp aside for the decorations (I forgot so I added a few chopped walnuts on top instead). Combine the whipped cream and the egg mixtures. Pour into a mold or several little molds (I used ramekins) and keep in the freezer for at least 8 hours (I took them out after 4 hours). Dissolve the chocolate, in a bain marie, in the butter and a few tablespoons of milk and simmer until smooth (I skipped the bain marie part, as well as the butter and milk and just melted some good chocolate with a dab of water in a heavy enamel pan). Remove semifreddo from mold (I dunked the molds in a little hot water to help release it) and top with the hot melted chocolate and minced almonds

Semifreddo de chocolate e coco 8 pes

2 egg whites 2 tablespoons granulated sugar Salt 2 cups heavy cream 2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar 14 ounces coconut milk 2 teaspoons cocoa powder, plus extra for dusting 1 teaspoon unsalted butter 18 small meringue cookies In a clean bowl, combine the egg whites, granulated sugar and a pinch of salt. Whip until the whites form firm peaks. In a separate bowl, combine the cream and confectioners' sugar. Whip until soft peaks form. Pour the coconut milk into a bowl, and mix until smooth. Fold the coconut milk into the whipped cream, and continue to whip to firm peaks. Gently fold the egg whites into the whipped cream mixture. Transfer half of the mixture to a separate bowl, and stir in the cocoa powder. Line the bottom of a terrine mold or loaf pan with a piece of buttered parchment paper. Fill with the two mixtures, alternating to get a marble effect. Cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 6 hours. Unmold, and top with the meringue cookies. Dust with cocoa powder, and serve Semifreddo de ma caramelada
1 cup heavy cream 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 eggs 2 TBSP granulated sugar 2 TBSP water cup Apple Caramel Glaze 1 large Honeycrisp apple, peeled and diced 1 tsp butter 3 TBSP granulated sugar Using a standing mixer fitted with a whisk attachment or a hand mixer, whip the cream and vanilla extract on medium speed for about 3 minutes, or until it reaches the medium-peak stage. Set aside in the refrigerator., Clean and dry the beaters. In a small saute pan, melt the butter and add the apple pieces. Let cook for about 3 minutes, until they start to get soft. Add the sugar and let them caramelize. Set aside to cool. In a separate bowl , whip the eggs on medium speed for 5 minutes, until thick and pale yellow in color. Meanwhile, bring the sugar and water to a boil in a small saucepan over medium heat. Remove from the heat . This is the simple syrup. As soon as the eggs reach the ribbon stage, drizzle in the simple syrup very slowly, still whipping at medium speed. This will prevent the eggs from scrambling. Take about 2 minutes

to add all the syrup. Continue whipping for 5 minutes, or until the eggs have triple in volume and are cool to the touch. Transfer the whipped eggs to a large bowl. Add the glaze and using a rubber spatula, fold the egg foam and the glaze together. Next, fold in the reserved whipped cream. Lastly fold in the apples and any caramel that formed. This is the semifreddo base. Pour the base into a freezer container (I just used mini loaf pans), cups, or glasses and freeze until firm, about 3 hours before serving. Master Caramel cup water 1 cup granulated sugar 2 TBSP light corn syrup Combine the water, sugar and corn syrup in a medium saucepan. Whisk them together, making sure no lumps of dry sugar remain. Cover the sauce pan and place it over medium heat for 4 minutes. After 4 minutes, remove the lid, increase the heat to high, and bring to boil Do not stir from this point on. Keep an eye on the pan. It will be very bubbly. When stray sugar crystals appear on the side of the pan, crush them down with a clean, wet pastry brush. As the sugar cooks, the bubbles will get larger. Insert a candy thermometer, and when the temperature reaches 300F, lower the heat to medium, which will slow the cooking. Continue to cook the sugar until it reaches 325F; this will happen quickly. It will be golden brown. At 325F, remove the pot from the heat and let it sit for 1 minutes, or until the bubbles subside. Apple Caramel Glaze 1 recipe Master Caramel, prepared through heated to 350F cup apple cider cup water 2 TBSP sugar 1 TBSP sliced fresh ginger 1 3-inch cinnamon stick 1 star anise pod Bring the cider, water, sugar and spices to a boil in a medium saucepan over high heat. Immediately remove the syrup form the heat and carefully add it to the caramel. Stir with a whisk to incorporate completely. Cover the pan and let it cool at room temperature for 20 minutes, then remove the spice with a slotted spoon or strainer. The glaze can be used immediately or refrigerated for later use.

Semifreddo de manteiga de amendoim e chocolate

500 ml whole milk 225 grams plus 115 grams sugar 600grams extra crunch peanut butter 75 grams Lindt 70% Cocoa Cooking Chocolate 50 grams toasted and chopped hazelnuts 500ml heavy cream Line a 1224 jumbo loaf pan with cling wrap, leaving an 8 cm overhang on all sides. In a medium saucepan, combine the milk and 225 grams sugar. Bring this to a simmer and then once the sugar is melted, take the mixture off the heat and add the peanut butter. Allow to cool to room temperature. In another saucepan, bring the rest of the sugar and 115 ml water to a boil. Once the sugar has dissolved, remove the saucepan off the heat and add the chocolate, stirring until the chocolate is melted and smooth. Add the hazelnuts. Allow to cool to room temperature. Place the cream into a large bowl and whip to soft peaks using an electric mixer. Add half of the peanut butter mixture and whisk until combined. Pour the cream to fill half the loaf pan, then pour over half of the remaining peanut butter mixture and 1/2 of the chocolate mixture. Top with the remaining cream mixture. Using a skewer, or thin bladed knife, swirl the mixture together. Freeze the mixture until firm, around 5 hours. To serve, remove from the freezer and let sit at room temperature for 10 minutes.



3. 4. 5. 6.

7. To serve, mix the rest of the peanut butter mixture and chocolate hazelnut mixture together. Heat in the microwave for 20 seconds to warm and spoon over the semifreddo.

Semifreddo de morango e iogurte 10 pes 2 pints fresh strawberries 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 cups whole-milk Greek-style yogurt (see headnote) 1 1/2 cups heavy cream 1/3 cup confectioners' sugar Hull the strawberries and set aside 5 of the prettiest ones. Put the remaining strawberries into a blender or the bowl of a food processor along with the sugar and the lemon juice. Puree until smooth, then transfer to a large bowl; add the yogurt and mix thoroughly. Combine the heavy cream and confectioners' sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer or hand-held electric mixer; beat on high until firm peaks form. Gently fold into the strawberry-yogurt mixture. Lightly grease a 6-cup metal ring mold with nonstick cooking oil spray. Gently spoon the mixture into the mold; use a spatula to smooth the top. Cover with aluminum foil or plastic wrap. Freeze for at least 6 hours, until completely solid

Semifreddo de coco com abacaxi e especiarias 6 pes

2 medium pineapple juice 100 ml sugar syrup 1 part sugar to 2 parts water 120 ml Coconut cream 400 g dark palm sugar 1 small piece pandan leaf 4 egg yolks 500 ml lightly whipped cream 1 stick Cinnamon 1 Vanilla Bean 2 star anise 100 ml Pineapples Juice of 1 Lime Remove the stalks and skin from both pineapples. Shave one of the pineapples into very thin discs on a mandoline or with a knife. Soak the discs in the sugar syrup for 5 minutes then pat dry. Arrange on a non-stick baking sheet and cook at 80 Celsius for three hours or until crisp and dry. Cut the second pineapple into large chunks and remove the core. Gently melt 250g of the palm sugar in a pan with the star anise and cinnamon. Stir in the pineapple and split vanilla bean. When the sugar begins to caramelise add the pineapple juice and then roast in a 200 Celsius oven until golden. Squeeze over the lime juice and allow to cool. Melt remaining palm sugar in the coconut cream and add the pandan leaf. Bring to the boil. Beat the egg yolks until pale and fluffy. After removing the pandan leaf from the hot liquid pour it over the beating egg mix and continue to beat until cool. Fold through the whipped cream and divide the mixture between six moulds or one large one. Swirl a tablespoon of pineapple cooking syrup and a piece of pineapple into each. Freeze for five to six hours. Once frozen, dip the moulds into hot water to help turn out the semifreddo. To serve, top with a few more chunks of pineapple, some syrup and a couple of pineapple chips. Make sure they are only semi-frozen

Bolo de farinha de aveia e amoras

1 Xcara(s) Farelo de aveia 2 Xcara(s) Farinha de trigo 1 Colher(es) de ch Fermento em p 1/2 Xcara(s) Creme vegetal becel 1 e 1/2 Xcara(s) Acar 3 Unidade(s) Ovos 1 Xcara(s) Ades original 1 Xcara(s) Amora
Brandade de bacalhau do Troigros 6 pes

Meio quilo de lombo de bacalhau imperial - Dois dentes de alho - Duas xcaras de leite - Tomilho - Folhas de louro - Alecrim - Uma xcara de azeite extra virgem - Duzentos gramas de pur de batata - Um dente de alho picado - Uma xcara de creme de leite - Uma colher de sopa de cebolinha francesa picada - Gotas de limo siciliano - Sal a gosto - Pimenta a gosto - Dezoito torradas de focaccia PASSO A PASSO DA BRANDADE DE BACALHAU: - Ferver o leite com dois dentes de alho, o tomilho, as folhas de louro e o alecrim - Colocar o bacalhau no leite e desligar o fogo - Deixar por 15 minutos sem ferver - Desfiar o bacalhau - Secar no fogo com uma colher de azeite - Quando se formar uma pasta fina, acrescentar o pur de batata e o alho picado - Colocar devagar o resto do azeite e o creme de leite - Juntar a cebolinha francesa, sal, pimenta e gotas de limo - Servir em cima de uma da torrada
Ceviche Tradicional Ingredientes (1 poro) 200g Peixe Branco 4 Camaro 30/40 20g Lula 2 limes 10g Rocoto ou Pimenta Dedo de Moa 3 folhas de Coentro 1 rodela Batata Doce cozida 3 espigas Mini-Milho

1 folha Alface ou Rcula 5g Sal 100ml Leche de Tigre 15g Cebola Roxa PREPARO: Corte o peixe branco (de preferncia Linguado ou Buri) em cubos de aproximadamente 1cm3, 2 camares em tamanhos parecidos, e a lula em rodelas finas. Favor notar que os camares e as lulas devem ser branqueadas em gua quente e depois gelada antes de irem para o ceviche. MARINADA: Corte o Rocoto (pode ser substitudo por pimenta dedo de moa) em pedacinhos bem pequenos. Numa tigela junte com as folhas de coentro, o leche de tigre e a cebola roxa. Misture muito bem. MONTAGEM: Numa tigela individual coloque a folha de alface, depois a rodela de batata doce cozida, depois coloque os frutos do mar e regue com toda a marinada. Coloque o mini milho, e finalize com os outros dois camares no topo do ceviche. SUGESTO: Aps terminar de comer o ceviche, tome o caldo do fundo da tigela acompanhado de uma dose de um bom pisco. Leche de Tigre Ingredientes (12 pores) 100g Peixe Branco 30g Gengibre 50g Cebola Roxa 10g Alho 300ml Caldo de Peixe 700g Limo 2 folhas Salso 15g Sal MONTAGEM: Em um liquidificador bata todos os ingredientes at ficar homogneo.

Lasanha de bacalhau 3 pes

300g de massa de lasanha fresca 200g de bacalhau dessalgado desfiado 01 clice de vinho branco 03 tomates pelados e sem sementes picados 02 cebolas mdias picadas 01 dente de alho socado 100g de azeitonas portuguesas sem caroo 500g de molho bechamel copo de azeite 02 colheres de sopa de queijo parmeso ralado sal e pimenta

Refogue o alho e a cebola com o azeite, em seguida coloque os tomates, deixe murchar, depois acrescente o bacalhau, regue com o vinho e deixe evaporar, junte as azeitonas, o molho bechamel, verifique o sal e reserve. Cozinhe a massa em abundante gua fervente , escorra e monte as camadas com o molho, finalize com o molho e o parmeso, leve ao forno pr aquecido 180C para gratinar

Couscous marroquino com banana-passa, cenoura, ervilha, curry, amndoas, cebola picada frita, sal e pimenta.

Casquinha de frango
200 g de massa de pastel cortada em crculos de 8 cm 2 colheres (sopa) de leo 1/2 cebola picada 1 tomate sem pele e sem sementes picado 1 peito de frango cozido e desfiado Salsa e cebolinha picada a gosto Sal e pimenta a gosto 1/2 xcara (ch) de leite de coco Aquea o forno a 200C. Forre forminhas para empada com os crculos de massa de pastel. Leve ao forno por aproximadamente 15 minutos ou at dourarem. Deixe esfriar. Em uma panela, aquea o leo, refogue a cebola, o tomate e junte o peito de frango. Acrescente a salsa, a cebolinha, sal e pimenta. Misture o leite de coco e cozinhe por mais dois minutos. Deixe amornar e recheie as casquinhas de massa. Sirva em seguida. Gelado de leite condensado e aveia . 1 lata de leite condensado . 9 colheres (sopa) de aveia em flocos finos . 2 xcara (ch) de leite . 1 colher (sopa) de margarina Em uma panela, misture o leite condensado, a aveia, o leite e a margarina. Leve ao fogo brando, mexendo sempre at engrossar. Distribua em taas individuais e deixe esfriar. Leve a geladeira. Pique o chocolate Bis e sirva junto com o creme. Taa de morango . 1 copo (americano) de gelatina de morango pronta . 10 morangos . 4 biscoitos tipo champanhe esfarelados . 8 bolas de sorvete de creme Calda de chocolate a gosto Bata a gelatina com os morangos no liquidificador e reserve. Monte as taas. Ponha no fundo de cada taa duas bolas de sorvete. Faa uma camada fina com os biscoitos esfarelados. Cubra com a gelatina batida e finalize com a calda de chocolate. Sirva decorado com morangos frescos. Dicas: Para fazer a calda de chocolate em casa, derreta uma barra de chocolate ao leite em banho-maria, junte 1/2 xcara (ch) de leite morno e 1 colher (sobremesa) de manteiga. Mexa bem e sirva em seguida. Espuma de coco light . 2 envelopes de gelatina em p sem sabor . 1/2 xcara (ch) de gua

. 4 colheres (sopa) de amido de milho . 1 1/4 de xcara (ch) de leite desnatado . 1 vidro de leite de coco light . 2 colheres (sopa) de adoante culinrio . 3/4 de xcara (ch) de coco ralado . 4 claras em neve Hidrate a gelatina na gua fria e leve ao banho-maria para derreter. Reserve. Dissolva o amido no leite e junte o leite de coco e o adoante. Leve ao fogo e mexa at comear a engrossar. Desligue, acrescente o coco ralado e misture bem. Deixe esfriar. Ponha na batedeira o creme de coco frio e adicione a gelatina. Bata bem at espumar. Retire da batedeira e junte as claras delicadamente. Despeje em uma forma mida e leve geladeira at ficar firme. Po de mel trufado 30 unid .500g de acar mascavo .2 xcaras (ch) de gua .4 ovos (claras separadas), .4 e 1/2 xcaras (ch) de farinha de trigo .1/2 colher (ch) de canela em p .1/2 colher (ch) de cravo em p .2 colheres (sopa) de chocolate em p .1 xcara (ch) de leite .1 xcara (ch) de mel .1 colher (sopa) de bicarbonato de sdio em uma panela coloque o acar mascavo, a gua e leve ao fogo at o acar se dissolver totalmente e levantar fervura. Deixe esfriar. Misture as gemas, a farinha de trigo, a canela, o cravo, o chocolate, o leite e o mel. Bata as claras em neve e incorpore na massa. Adicione o bicarbonato e coloque em uma assadeira mdia, untada e enfarinhada. Asse no forno preaquecido a 200C durante 30 minutos ou at ficar firme. Deixe amornar e desenforme. Trufa: .500g de chocolate para cobertura ao leite picado .1 xcara (ch) de creme de leite Cobertura: .700g de chocolate para cobertura ao leite picado Derreta o chocolate de acordo com as instrues da embalagem e misture o creme de leite. Deixe esfriar. Cobertura: Derreta o chocolate de acordo com as instrues da embalagem. Montagem: Corte o bolo ao meio, recheie e corte em quadrados. Banhe-os no chocolate derretido, coloque-os sobre uma placa forrada de papel manteiga at secar. Bolo de ameixa e nozes . 200 g de ameixa preta sem caroo . 2 xcaras (ch) de acar . 3 ovos . 1 colher (sopa) de margarina . 1 xcara (ch) de leite . 2 colheres (sopa) de chocolate em p 1 xcara (ch) de farinha de trigo 1 colher (sopa) de fermento em p Recheio 1 lata de leite condensado

100 g de ameixa preta sem caroo 4 colheres (sopa) de leite 50 g de nozes picadas Cobertura 300 g de creme de leite fresco 2 colheres (sopa) de acar 1. Liquidificador ameixa, o acar, os ovos, a margarina, o leite e o chocolate. 2. Transfira a mistura para uma tigela, incorpore a farinha de trigo e o fermento. 3. Coloque em uma frma redonda untada com margarina e asse no forno pr-aquecido a 200C durante 40 minutos. 4. Retire do forno, deixe esfriar e desenforme. 5. Faa o recheio: na panela de presso, coloque a lata de leite condensado e cubra com gua. Cozinhe por 30 minutos aps o incio da presso. 6. Desligue o fogo e deixe na panela at esfriar totalmente. 7. Pique bem a ameixa e cozinhe com o leite at ficar bem macia. 8. Misture o doce de leite, a ameixa e as nozes. 9. Prepare a cobertura: bata o creme de leite com o acar at dar ponto de chantilly. 10. Corte o bolo ao meio, recheie e cubra com o chantilly. Musse de milho verde .1 lata de milho verde escorrida .1 xcara (ch) de leite .1 lata de leite condensado .1 caixa de creme de leite .1 envelopes de gelatina em p incolor .2 claras 1. No liquidificador bata o milho com o leite e coe. Devolva a mistura de milho e leite ao liquidificador, adicione o leite condensado, o creme de leite, a gelatina hidratada e dissolvida de acordo com as instrues da embalagem e bata at formar uma mistura homognea. Bata as claras em neve e incorpore delicadamente a musse. Distribua em taas e leve para gelar Musse de caju crocante .1 lata de leite condensado .1 lata de creme de leite .1 xcara (ch) de suco de caju concentrado .1 envelope de gelatina em p incolor .200 g de castanha de caju sem sal picada No liquidificador bata o leite condensado, o creme de leite, o suco de caju e a gelatina preparada de acordo com as instrues da embalagem. Misture a castanha de caju, coloque a musse em um refratrio ou em taas individuais e leve-as para gelar. Na hora de servir decore com a castanha de caju picada Musse de brigadeiro . 1 lata de leite condensado . 1/2 xcara (ch) de leite . 2 colheres (sopa) de manteiga . 2 colheres (sopa) de cacau . 3 claras

1. Em uma panela, coloque o leite condensado, o leite, a manteiga e o cacau. 2. Leve ao fogo brando, mexendo sem parar at comear a soltar do fundo da panela. Deixe esfriar. 3. Bata as claras em neve e incorpore delicadamente no brigadeiro. 4. Leve para gelar e decore a gosto. Dicas: para dar ponto de musse importante cozinhar at comear a soltar da panela, ponto mole de brigadeiro. Gelatina ao rum com frutas vermelhas 700 g de frutas vermelhas (framboesa, ameixa, morango, amora) 2 envelopes de gelatina em p sem sabor 2 e 1/2 xcaras (ch) de suco de laranja 3 colheres (sopa) de rum 4 colheres (sopa) de acar Coloque as frutas cortadas em uma forma de bolo ingls umedecida com gua. Reserve. Hidrate e dissolva a gelatina de acordo com as instrues da embalagem. Misture o suco de laranja, o rum, o acar e a gelatina. Despeje sobre as frutas e leve para gelar no mnimo por 4 horas. Desenforme e decore com frutas. Bolo-musse de morango -12 pes .4 ovos .2 xcaras (ch) de acar .2 xcaras (ch) de leite .2 1/2 xcaras (ch) de farinha de trigo .2 colheres (sopa) de amido de milho .1 colher (sopa) de fermento em p .1/4 de xcara (ch) de suco de laranja para umedecer o bolo Musse: .1 lata de leite condensado .suco de 1/2 limo .1/2 lata de creme de leite sem soro .1 envelope de gelatina em p incolor .200 g de morango lavado e picado .acar de confeiteiro para polvilhar Aquea o forno a 180C. Bata as claras em neve, acrescente as gemas uma a uma, sem parar de bater. Continue batendo e adicione o acar, o leite, a farinha de trigo, o amido de milho e por ltimo o fermento. Ponha em uma forma de 25 cm de dimetro untada e enfarinhada. Asse por 45 minutos ou at dourar. Musse: No liquidificador, bata o leite condensado, o suco de limo, o creme de leite e a gelatina hidratada. Ponha a musse em um recipiente e misture os morangos. Montagem: Corte uma tampa fina (1,5 cm) do bolo e reserve. Na outra parte deixe 3 cm de borda e com uma faca retire o miolo. Regue com o suco e preencha com a musse. Tampe e leve para gelar no mnimo por duas horas ou at a musse ficar firme. Polvilhe o acar de confeiteiro na hora de servir e decore com morangos Musse de chocolate e maracuj 6 pes Musse de chocolate: . 200 g de chocolate meio amargo . 1 xcara (ch) de creme de leite . 1 colher (sopa) de gelatina em p sem sabor

. 4 colheres (sopa) de gua . 2 claras Dissolva o chocolate meio amargo com o creme de leite em banho-maria. Hidrate a gelatina na gua e dissolva tambm em banho-maria. Bata as claras em neve. Misture o chocolate, a gelatina e as claras em neve. Leve geladeira enquanto prepara a segunda musse. Musse de maracuj: . 1 xcara (ch) de leite condensado . 1 xcara (ch) de suco de maracuj . 1 colher (sopa) de gelatina em p sem sabor . 4 colheres (sopa) de gua . 2 claras No liquidificador bata o leite condensado e o suco de maracuj at encorpar. Hidrate a gelatina na gua e dissolva em banho-maria. Bata as claras em neve. Misture o creme de maracuj, a gelatina e as claras em neve. Montagem: Em taas individuais ponha uma poro de musse de chocolate e uma poro de musse de maracuj. Com um garfo mescle as musses. Bolo gelado de chocolate e leite condensado 12 pes 4 colheres de margarina 2 xcaras (ch) de acar 2 gemas 1 xcara (ch) de leite 3 colheres (sopa) de chocolate em p 1 colher (sopa) de fermento em p 2 xcaras (ch) de farinha de trigo 2 claras Na batedeira, bata a margarina, o acar e as gemas. Junte o leite, o chocolate em p, o fermento e aos poucos a farinha de trigo. Por ltimo incorpore as claras batidas em neve. Coloque a massa em uma assadeira untada e enfarinhada. Leve para assar no forno preaquecido a 200C durante 35 minutos. Cobertura 1 lata de leite condensado 1 lata de creme de leite 3 colheres (sopa) de chocolate em p 1/4 de xcara (ch) de leite 1 colher (sobremesa) de conhaque Em um recipiente, misture bem o leite condensado, o creme de leite, o chocolate em p, o leite e o conhaque. Reserve. Ainda quente fure o bolo com um garfo, despeje metade da cobertura e corte em quadrados pequenos. Deixe esfriar e leve geladeira no mnimo 3 horas antes de servir. Na hora de servir acrescente mais cobertura gelada Bombom de morango 100 g de morangos 1 lata de leite condensado 200 g de leite em p desnatado 300 g de chocolate ao leite ou meio amargo Lave bem os morangos, retire os talinhos e coloque-os sobre papel absorvente para escorrer o excesso de lquido. Em uma tigela mdia, misture o leite condensado com o leite em p e mexa at formar uma massa macia. Se necessrio, acrescente mais leite em p. Molde bolinhas e achate-as com a palma das mos. Envolva cada morango com a massa. Coloque-os sobre papel-manteiga e deixe secar durante 15 minutos. Derreta o chocolate ao leite ou amargo de acordo com as instrues da

embalagem. Com a ajuda de um garfo, banhe os bombons no chocolate. Leve geladeira at secar. Sirva em seguida. Charlote de caf e chocolate 6 pes 3 xcaras (ch) de leite 2 colheres (sopa) de amido de milho 2/3 de xcara (ch) de acar 8 gemas 300 g de chocolate meio amargo picado Gotas de essncia de baunilha a gosto 200 g de po tipo brioche esfarelado 1 copo (americano) de caf 100 g de morango Aquea o leite e junte o amido, o acar e as gemas. Mexa at engrossar. Retire do fogo e divida o creme em duas partes. Em uma delas, junte 200 g do chocolate picado. Mexa at formar um creme liso. outra metade misture a baunilha. No fundo de uma taa espalhe metade do creme de chocolate. Reserve. Umedea o brioche esfarelado com o caf e ponha sobre o creme de chocolate. Cubra com o creme de baunilha e faa uma ltima camada com o restante do creme de chocolate. Decore com morangos e hortel. Sirva gelado Brigadeiro de colher light . 1 xcara (ch) de gua quente . 2 xcaras (ch) de leite em p desnatado . 4 colheres (sopa) de adoante culinrio . 1 colher (sopa) de margarina light . 4 colheres (sopa) de cacau em p . 1 colher (ch) de essncia de baunilha . Cacau em p (para polvilhar) Coloque todos os ingredientes no liquidificador e bata at misturar bem. Despeje numa panela, leve ao fogo e mexa at engrossar. Retire do fogo e distribua em copinhos. Espere esfriar e polvilhe o cacau. Musse de chocolate 400 g de chocolate meio amargo em pedaos 1 xcara (ch) de leite fervente 1/2 xcara (ch) de caf preparado forte e bem quente 4 gemas 1 colher (sopa) de rum 4 claras 2 colheres (sopa) de acar Raspas de chocolate meio amargo No liquidificador, ponha o chocolate. Por cima despeje o leite e o caf. Bata at derreter todo o chocolate. Adicione as gemas e o rum e bata mais um pouco at ficar homogneo. Transfira para uma tigela e misture delicadamente com as claras batidas com acar. Ponha em uma tigela ou compoteira e decore com as raspas de chocolate. Leve geladeira por, no mnimo, trs horas. Sirva gelado. Coxinhas de liquidificador 5 xcaras (ch) de caldo de legumes 2 gemas 1/4 de xcara (ch) de leo 2 colheres (sopa) de requeijo

2 colheres (sopa) de iogurte natural 5 e 1/2 xcaras (ch) de farinha de trigo No liquidificador, bata o caldo de legumes, as gemas, o leo, o requeijo e o iogurte. Coloque a mistura em uma panela e leve ao fogo brando, acrescentando aos poucos a farinha de trigo. Mexa sem parar at desgrudar do fundo da panela e formar uma massa lisa. Recheio: 100 g de margarina 1 cebola picada 3 dentes de alho picados 500 g de peito de frango cozido e desfiado Sal e pimenta a gosto Salsa picada a gosto 1/2 copo de requeijo 2 ovos batidos Farinha de rosca para empanar Em uma panela, derreta a margarina, doure a cebola e o alho. Junte o peito de frango, tempere com o sal, a pimenta, a salsa e misture o requeijo. Montagem: Molde as coxinhas e recheie. Passe no ovo batido e na farinha de rosca. Frite em leo quente. Espete em palitinhos forrados e sirva. Dica: Voc pode colocar mais requeijo para um recheio mais cremoso. Musse de leite condensado 1 envelopes de gelatina em p sem sabor 3 colheres (sopa) de gua 2 latas de leite condensado 1 lata de creme de leite Raspas de chocolate para decorar Hidrate a gelatina na gua e derreta em dissolva em banho-maria. No liquidificador, bata o leite condensado, o creme de leite e misture a gelatina. Distribua em taas individuais. Leve para gelar e na hora de servir, decore com as raspas de chocolate. Bolinha de milho e queijo .1 cebola ralada .1 colher (sopa) de azeite .1 lata de milho verde escorrida .1 xcara (ch) de caldo de galinha .1 e 1/2 xcara (ch) de farinha de trigo .2 claras batidas .farinha de rosca suficiente para empanar Recheio: .150g de mussarela cortada em cubos No liquidificador, bata a cebola, o azeite, o milho e o caldo de galinha. Leve ao fogo e, quando ferver, despeja a farinha de uma s vez, mexendo at formar uma bola e soltar do fundo da panela. Coloque em uma tigela e deixe amornar. Faa bolinhas e recheie-as com os cubos de mussarela. Feche bem, passe nas claras batidas e empane na farinha de rosca. Frite no leo quente at dourar. Sirva em seguida. congele as bolinhas e frite na hora de servir. Se preferir, asse no forno pr-aquecido a 200C durante 25 minutos ou at dourar. Bolo de amendoim com paoca e chocolate . 4 ovos (claras e gemas separadas) . 1 xcara (ch) de amendoim sem pele

. 1 xcara (ch) de leo . 2 xcaras (ch) de acar . 2 xcaras (ch) de farinha de trigo . 2 xcaras (ch) de chocolate em p . 1 colher (sopa) de fermento em p . 1 xcara (ch) de leite Recheio . 550 g de paoca rolha . 1 lata de leite condensado . 1 lata de creme de leite Cobertura . 8 colheres (sopa) bem cheias de acar . 3/4 de xcara (ch) de gua . 1 colher (sopa) de margarina . 8 colheres (sopa) de chocolate em p . 200 g de creme de leite . Amendoim para decorar 1. Prepare a massa: no liquidificador coloque as gemas, o amendoim e o leo e bata por trs minutos. 2. parte, bata as claras em neve, acrescente o acar e bata mais um pouco. 3. Junte mistura do liquidificador e bata mais um pouco. 4. Adicione a farinha de trigo, o chocolate, o fermento e o leite e bata por trs minutos. 5. Unte uma frma redonda de 25 cm de dimetro, despeje a massa e leve ao forno moderado por 50 minutos. 6. Faa o recheio: em uma tigela esfarele a paoca com um garfo. 7. Coloque o leite condensado e o creme de leite sem o soro, misture bem e leve geladeira por 20 minutos. 8. Prepare a cobertura: em uma panela, coloque o acar e a gua. Deixe caramelizar. 9. Acrescente a margarina e deixe ferver, deixe em fogo baixo, at obter uma calda grossa. 10. Adicione o chocolate em p, o creme de leite sem o soro e mexa at incorporar totalmente com a calda. 11. Desenforme o bolo, recheie com o creme de paoca, cubra com o chocolate e decore com amendoim. Rocambole prestgio rpido Recheio: . 150g de coco ralado . 1 lata de leite condensado . 1 colher (sopa) de manteiga Massa: . 2 xcaras (ch) de chocolate em p . 2 xcaras (ch) de leite em p . 1 lata de leite condensado Modo de preparo Em uma panela misture o coco ralado, o leite condensado e a manteiga. Leve ao fogo brando, mexendo sem parar at soltar do fundo da panela. Deixe esfriar. Em uma tigela, misture o chocolate em p, o leite em p e o leite condensado, at obter uma massa que no grude nas mos. Coloque a massa entre duas folhas de filme plstico e abra com um rolo, formado um retngulo. Espalhe o recheio e enrole como um rocambole. Embrulhe no filme plstico e leve geladeira por 3 horas. Retire do filme plstico, fatie e sirva em seguida. Para abrir a massa voc pode substituir o filme plstico por papel alumnio

Muffins de aveia e frutas

2 2 2 1 1 2 1 cup unbleached white flour cup flaxseed meal cup oat bran cup brown sugar teaspoons baking soda teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt teaspoons cinnamon cup carrots, grated large apple, grated cup raisins cup milk eggs, beaten teaspoon vanilla

In a large bowl, mix together all dry ingredients.

Stir in carrots, apples and raisins. Combine milk, beaten eggs and vanilla. Pour liquid ingredients into dry ingredients and stir until ingredients are moistened. Do not over mix. Fill muffin cups 3/4 full. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean Scones com creme
For the cream: 1 1

cup heavy whipping cream cup confectioner's sugar teaspoon cream of tartar teaspoon vanilla extract

Combine the cream, sugar, cream of tartar and vanilla in a medium bowl and beat with a mixer until stiff. Refrigerate until ready to use. Best when prepared and served the same day. Makes 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 cups
2 For the scones: cups all-purpose flour

1 2 3 1

tablespoon baking powder tablespoons sugar teaspoon salt tablespoons butter egg, beaten cup milk

Mix the dry ingredients together in a medium bowl. Cut in the butter until the mixture resembles course crumbs. Stir in the egg. (If you are using one of the variations below, this is a good point to add nuts, dried fruit, chocolate chips, cheese, etc.) Gradually add the milk until a thick dough is formed. (It may take more or less than 3/4 cup.) Turn out the mixture onto a floured board and knead lightly. Roll out the dough to 3/4" thickness and cut into rounds with a 2" cookie cutter. Gather the trimmings and lightly knead, roll, and cut them as well. Place the rounds about 1" apart on a lightly greased baking sheet. Brush the tops with a little beaten egg or milk. Bake in a preheated 450 oven for about 10 to 15 minutes, until golden brown. Serve warm.

French toast
4 1 2 2 2 8 2 beaten eggs cup milk tablespoons sugar teaspoons vanilla teaspoons orange liqueur (optional) teaspoon ground cinnamon teaspoon ground nutmeg slices bread tablespoons butter Syrup, for serving

In a shallow bowl, beat together eggs, milk, sugar, vanilla and orange liqueur (if using), cinnamon and nutmeg. Dip bread slices into egg mixture, being sure to coat both sides In a skillet or griddle, melt 1 tablespoon of the butter over medium heat. Add half of the bread slices and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden brown. Repeat with remaining slices. Serve warm with syrup Porco moda mexicana

7 2 4 1 24

cups water pounds Pork butt trimmed, and cut in 2" cubes cloves garlic, crushed sea salt and ground pepper to taste teaspoon olive oil cup orange juice cup milk Corn Tortillas Salsa Fresca Avocado slices Chopped cilantro Chopped onion Limes cut into wedges

In a large Dutch oven add the pork, garlic, salt and pepper, and water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat, cover and simmer over medium low for 45 minutes to one hour. Drain well. When cool enough to handle, shred the meat by hand or with the tines of a fork. Remove and discard any remaining fat. Transfer back to Dutch oven and heat the olive oil. Add the orange juice and milk and cook until liquid has evaporated and pork has browned; stirring occasionally. Season with salt and pepper to taste Chop onions and cilantro, and slice avocado and limes. Place each in small individual bowls for serving. Heat tortillas in a dry frying pan and keep warm. For each taco, stack 2 tortillas and layer with warm carnitas, chopped cilantro, onion and avocado slices and give it a good squeeze of lemon juice.
Molho barbecue: 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 3 1

cup peanut or olive oil cup chopped bell peppers cup chopped parsley cups steak sauce cups chopped onions cup celery tablespoons garlic cups ketchup cup Southern Comfort whiskey

Risoto de linguia com vinho tinto 4 pes

100 g de linguia fresca sem pele, picada, 2 col. (sopa) de leo, 1/2 cebola mdia picada, 1 xc. de arroz para risoto, 1/2 xc. de vinho tinto seco, 2 col. (ch) de sal, 4 col. (sopa) de manteiga, azeite. Numa panela, frite linguia no leo. Ponha cebola e metade do radicchio. Refogue (3 min). Junte arroz. Refogue, mexendo (4 min). Ponha vinho. Cozinhe, mexendo, at secar. Junte 1/2 xc. de gua fervente e sal. Cozinhe, mexendo e limpando a panela, at secar. Se precisar, ponha mais gua at arroz ficar al dente. Tire do fogo. Misture 1 col. (sopa) de manteiga e azeitonas pretas. Tampe

Outra: 1 cebola, grande picada 3 dentes de alho 100 g de bacon picado 500 g de lingia toscana 4 xcaras de arroz 2 l de caldo de carne 2 copos grandes de vinho tinto 150 g de manteiga sem sal 150 g de queijo ralado Sal a gosto Frite a cebola, o alho e o bacon at dourar Acrescente a lingia toscana sem a pele e deixe fritar bem Coloque o arroz, mexa por alguns instantes colocando o vinho tinto Junte o caldo de carne, aos poucos, at o arroz ficar cozido Desligue o fogo, coloque a manteiga, mexendo o risoto e cubra com queijo ralado Outra: 80g de arroz arbrio
150g de li ngui a s errana debul hada ou pic ada

20g de cebola picada 50ml de vinho tinto seco 50g de parmeso ralado 30 g de manteiga lata de tomate pelado 2 folhas de couve em chiffonade azeite, sal e pimenta a gosto Sorvete de chocolate e cereja do Ben & Jerrys (Cherry Garcia) Bater 2 ovos at ficar branco, juntar x acar aos poucos, 2 x creme e 1 x leite, bate bem. Pe na sorveteira at ficar grosso. Junta x raspas de chocolate meio amargo e cerejas frescas sem caroo picadas ou cerejas em conserva sem xarope. Sorbet de damasco

500g damasco fresco sem caroo misturado com x e mais 2 C acar. Geladeira 1 hora. Faz pur, mistura 2 C xarope milho, 3 C suco concentrado de laranja e 2 x gua. Sorveteira. Torta de chocolate com amndoas

06 ovos (claras e gemas separadas) 01 xcara de acar 200 g chocolate meio amargo em pedaos 1/2 xcara de manteiga 55 g de amendoas modas Calda: 200g de chocolate meio amargo em pedaos

200g de doce de leite cremoso 90 ml de gua filtrada

- Bata as claras com metade do acar em picos firmes, reserve. - Bata as gemas com acar restante at ficar cremoso, reserve. - Derreta o chocolate com a manteiga, em banho maria sem deixar ferver. Esfrie. - Acrescente o chocolate derretido, as gemas e a amendoa moda. Misture bem. Adicione as claras e misture delicadamente. - Asse em forma de abrir, com 28 cm de dimetro, untada com manteiga. - Asse por 40 minutos em forno moderado, at que o palito saia seco no centro. - Derreta o chocolate junto com doce de leite em banho maria com o fogo desligado, quando a mistura estiver homognea, junte a gua aos poucos. - A calda deve ser grossa quando fria
Pudim quente de camaro e palmito
1 cebola picada 1 molho de cheiro-verde picado 500 gramas de tomate picado 1 vidro de palmito picado 1, 5 quilo de camaro limpo 100 gramas de queijo ralado 2 ovos 7 colheres (sopa) de farinha de trigo 2 xcaras (ch) de leite 1 xcara de leo de canola 2 colheres (sopa) de fermento Refogar a cebola, o cheiro-verde e o tomate em um pouco de leo. Juntar o camaro e o palmito, temperar com sal e pimenta e refogar bem. Bater no liquidificador o queijo, os ovos, o leo, a farinha e o leite. Retirar do liquidificador e juntar o fermento dissolvido em um pouco de leite. Juntar ao refogado de camaro e colocar em frma para pudim untada com manteiga. Assar no forno com temperatura de 180C at que esteja firme.

Torta de camaro (Prezunic) 6 x far, 4 ovos, 6 C manteiga...

Torta de mandioquinha, queijo e peito de peru 1 quilo de mandioquinha descascada e picada 1 litro de leite desnatado Sal a gosto 2 colheres de sopa de azeite de oliva e mais um pouco para untar a forma 1 cebola grande picada 2 dentes de alho amassados 500 gramas de peito de peru cortado em tiras bem finas 1/2 xcara de ch de extrato de tomate 3 cenouras raladas 1 colher de sopa de salsa picada 1 colher de sopa de cebolinha picada 2 xcaras de ch de queijo mussarela light 2 colheres de sopa de queijo tipo parmeso Em uma panela, cozinhe a mandioquinha no leite at que fique macia e boa parte dele seja absorvida. Coe e reserve o leite que restar. Passe a mandioquinha pelo espremedor ou pelo processador para obter um pur. Tempere com sal a gosto e reserve tambm. Em uma panela, aquea o azeite para dourar a cebola e o alho. Junte o peito de peru e refogue por mais um minuto, mexendo sempre. Acrescente ento o leite reservado e uma pitada de sal. Finalmente junte o extrato de tomate, a cenoura ralada, a salsa e a

cebolinha. Cozinhe por cerca de 15 minutos. Derrame tudo em um refratrio untado com azeite. Espalhe os cubos do queijo light e cubra tudo com o pur reservado. Salpique com o parmeso e leve ao forno
Batatinhas na presso

Basta lavar e secar 1k de batata bolinha (usei menos), colocar na panela de presso com 1 envelope de caldo em p da sua preferncia (coloquei tambm cheiro verde) e regar com um fio de azeite. Misture tudo, tampe a panela (sem gua mesmo) e depois que pegar presso deixe 12 minutos. Eu deixei 8 minutos porque fiz menos de 1quilo. Fica parecendo batata assada na brasa! De vez em quando tem que mexer a panela para elas no grudarem t Bolinho de atum no forno

2 batatas mdias cozidas 1 lata de atum (uso o slido ao natural) 1/2 cebola 1 dente de alho 1 colher (sopa) de azeite Ervas (secas ou frescas) de sua preferncia sal e pimenta do reino (o quanto voc achar necessrio). Se voc tiver processador, manda tudo para dentro e processa at virar massa. Se no tiver, amassa a batata como se fosse fazer pur e junta o restante dos ingredientes. Esprema muito bem o atum para que ele fique totalmente sem gua ou sem leo. passe azeite nas mos e faa bolinhas. Leve
ao forno e quando a parte que est em contato com a assadeira formar uma casquinha, vire para formar do outro lado

Pudim de leite condensado com milho

bateo 250 ml de leite com 1 lata de milho verde (sem a gua). Passe a mistura na peneira e reserve o "suco". No liquidificador coloque o "suco" do milho verde, 1 lata de leite condensado, 4 ovos (sem a pelinha para no ficar com cheiro de ovo) e 2 colheres (sopa) de acar. Bata bem, despeje em forma caramelizada e asse em banho maria. Se voc quiser pudim com
furinhos cubra a forma com papel alumnio, se quiser sem s no cobrir Peito de frango com molho de mostarda light

refoga cebola e alho em azeite e manteiga (fogo baixo para no queimar). Juntei o frango em cubos que no deu tempo de temperar previamente por isso fui adicionando os temperinhos na frigideira: sal, pimenta, uma pitada de noz-moscada e 1 colher (sopa) de vinagre balsmico. Junta na sequncia 1 colher (sopa) de mostarda comum, 1 colher (sopa) de Mostarda Dijon (usei a Lancienne que tem gros inteiros) e 3 colheres (sopa) de creme de ricota Tirolez (pode substituir por creme de leite). Dilui com um pouco de leite e polvilha salsinha sopa creme de abbora 1/2 kg abbora em pedaos (segundo a Brbara, pode ser a variedade mais barata e fresca do hortifruti)

3 dentes de alho 1/2 cebola picada sal e azeite (o necessrio) 1 colher (caf) de curry Um pedao de 2cm de gengibre picado Ervas gosto (frescas ou secas) 1/2 caixinha de creme de leite

Refogar em azeite a cebola, o alho e em seguida a abbora. Acrescentar o gengibre e os temperos. Depois de refogado, cobrir com gua e ferver at cozinhar. Bater tudo no liquidificador ou usar o mixer direto na panela (sempre fiz assim). Acrescentar o creme de leite e acertar o sal Bolo de chocolate fofssimo de liquidificador
1 xcara(s) (ch) de leite morno(a) 3 unidade(s) de ovo 4 colher(es) (sopa) de margarina Qualy Sadia derretida(s) 2 xcara(s) (ch) de acar 1 xcara(s) (ch) de chocolate em p (tirar, se quiser bolo branco) 2 xcara(s) (ch) de farinha de trigo 1 colher(es) (sopa) de fermento qumico em p Bata bem todos os ingredientes da massa no liquidificador . Coloque em uma frma redonda, untada com manteiga e polvilhada com farinha de trigo. Asse por cerca de 40 minutos em forno mdio (180C), pr-aquecido Cobertura 1 xcara(s) (ch) de acar 3 colher(es) (sopa) de amido de milho 5 colher(es) (sopa) de chocolate em p 1 xcara(s) (ch) de gua quanto baste de sal 3 colher(es) (sopa) de margarina Qualy Sadia 1 colher(es) (ch) de essncia de baunilha Leve todos os ingredientes ao fogo at engrossar em ponto de brigadeiro.Cubra o bolo em seguida Leve todos os ingredientes ao fogo at engrossar em ponto de brigadeiro.Cubra o bolo em seguida Bolo de milho 1 lata(s) de milho verde 3 unidade(s) de ovo 1 1/2 xcara(s) (ch) de fub 1 1/2 xcara(s) (ch) de acar 2 xcara(s) (ch) de leite 80 ml de leo de milho 1 colher(es) (sopa) de fermento qumico em p Bata todos os ingredientes no liquidificador e despeje numa frma redonda de 25 cm de dimetro, untada e polvilhada. Leve ao forno pr-aquecido por cerca de 50 minutos ou at que enfiando uma faca, esta saia sem resduos Chocolate quente 10 pes 1 lata(s) de creme de leite Mococa 1 lata(s) de leite condensado Mococa 1 litro(s) de leite 4 colher(es) (sopa) de chocolate em p 1 colher(es) (sopa) de amido de milho 1 colher(es) (caf) de noz-moscada 2 unidade(s) de canela em pau 6 unidade(s) de cravo-da-ndia 1 1/2 xcara(s) (caf) de rum Misture o leite, o leite condensado, o chocolate, o amido de milho, a noz-moscada, o cravo e a canela. Coloque no fogo e espere ferver. Retire do fogo e misture o creme de leite. Coe para retirar os pedaos de canela e o cravo. Misture o rum e pode se deliciar Bolo de cenoura 15 pes 2 unidade(s) de cenoura picada(s) 1 1/2 xcara(s) (ch) de acar

3 unidade(s) de ovo 1 xcara(s) (ch) de leo de soja Sadia 2 xcara(s) (ch) de farinha de trigo 1 colher(es) (sopa) de fermento qumico em p Bata os quatro primeiros ingredientes da massa no liqidificador . Em seguida, misture a farinha de trigo e o fermento em p. Asse em frma tipo para pudim, mdia, untada e polvilhada com farinha de trigo, em forno a 150 Cobertura - 2

colher(es) (sopa) de margarina Qualy Sadia 4 colher(es) (sopa) de gua 4 colher(es) (sopa) de chocolate em p 4 colher(es) (sopa) de acar . leve a margarina ao fogo at derreter. Misture os demais
ingredientes, mexendo at soltar da panela. Faa furinhos no bolo de cenoura com o garfo e jogue a cobertura ainda quente

Sufl de banana com calda de chocolate

6 unidade(s) de banana 3/4 xcara(s) (ch) de acar 1 colher(es) (sopa) de suco de limo 1 colher(es) (ch) de essncia de baunilha 4 unidade(s) de clara de ovo em neve Amasse as bananas, junte o acar, a baunilha e o suco de limo. Mexa bem. Acrescente as claras em neve misturando bem. Coloque em forma de sufl untada com margarina e polvilhada com acar. Leve ao forno mdio (150 graus) por cerca de 30 minutos. No encha muito a forma, pois deve crescer Calda 2 colher(es) (sopa) de manteiga 1 colher(es) (ch) de essncia de baunilha 1 xcara(s) (ch) de leite 50 gr de chocolate meio amargo. Levar tudo ao fogo Tartare de salmo

12 2 1 1 1 2

ounces salmon, finely diced tablespoons chopped green onion tablespoon chopped chives tablespoon cilantro tablespoon thai basil teaspoons grated ginger zest of one lime good squeeze of lime juice teaspoon champagne or rice vinegar habanero sauce and minced green chile salt and pepper olive oil to coat

Salmo poch com manteiga de vinho branco

2 2-3 2 2 1 4

tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil medium shallots finely chopped, 1 halved Freshly ground pepper cups dry white wine lemon thyme sprigs bay leaf 6-ounce skinless salmon fillets

stick cold unsalted butter, cut into tablespoons.

In a large skillet, heat the olive oil. Add the chopped shallots and season with salt and pepper. Cook over moderate heat until softened, about 3 minutes. Add 1/4 cup of the wine and cook until evaporated, about 2 minutes. In a large, nonreactive saucepan, combine 2 cups of the wine with the thyme, bay leaf, the halved shallot and 2 cups of water and bring to a simmer. Season the salmon with salt, add the fillets to the saucepan and cook at a bare simmer over low heat, turning once, about 6 minutes. Transfer the salmon to a plate and pat dry with paper towels. Discard the poaching liquid. Add the remaining 1/2 cup of wine to the saucepan and bring to a simmer. Whisk in the butter, 1 tablespoon at a time, until thoroughly incorporated. Season with salt. Top with the butter sauce and serve. Sopa de tomate e lentilha
1 medium red onion 3 cloves garlic 2 small, green chilies 12 fresh curry leaves 1 1/2 tsp ground cumin 2 - 28 ounce cans whole tomatoes 1 cup red lentils 2 cups vegetable or chicken stock 1 tbsp grapeseed oil

heat a heavy-bottomed pot over medium-low heat and add the oil, followed by the onions, garlic and chilies. Sweat until the onions are translucent, about 8 to 10 minutes. Add the cumin and curry leaves and cook until fragrant, about 1 minute or so. Add the chopped tomatoes, tomato juice, stock, salt and season with pepper to taste. Bring to a simmer. Once simmering, add the lentils and continue to simmer until the lentils are cooked through, about 20 minutes or so. Once the lentils are cooked through, season the soup with salt and pepper to taste. For a thicker texture, you may want to partially blend the soup with an immersion blender. Serve the soup in warmed bowls and garnish with chopped cilantro, freshly squeezed lemon and chili flakes. Sopa tailandesa de abbora, gro-de-bico e couve-flor com leite de coco
1 tbsp grape seed oil - can substitute with vegetable oil 2 small onions 1 lb butternut squash (approx.) 2 tbsp white wine vinegar

3 tbsp Panang paste (or to taste) 1 small head of cauliflower (approx. 1 pound) 1 can chickpeas (19 oz) 1 tsp palm sugar 6 cups chicken stock 1 kaffir lime leaf 1 1/2 tsp Kosher salt 1 1/4 cups coconut milk

To start the soup, roughly dice the onions. Heat a heavy-bottomed pot over mediumlow heat. Once hot, add the oil and let the onions cook. Peel and cut the squash into about 1/2 to 1-inch cubes. Once the onions are completely translucent, add the squash. If you notice that the mixture looks a little bit dry, add another tablespoon of oil. Turn the heat to medium. Prepare the cauliflower by first cutting out the core, and then roughly chop into about 1-inch pieces. Give the squash a stir from time to time, so it cooks evenly. Rinse and drain the chickpeas. Once the squash has softened, add the white wine vinegar. Turn up the heat slightly and add the Panang paste. Cook for a couple of minutes until fragrant. Add the chickpeas, cauliflower, palm sugar and chicken stock. Bruise the kaffir lime leaf before adding. Increase the heat and bring to just a boil. Then turn the heat down and simmer gently for about 10-15 minutes, or until the vegetables are cooked through. Before pureeing, make sure to remove the lime leaf. Remove about 1 cup of the liquid. This is a great habit to get into when pureeing soups. Youll always be able to control the amount of liquid, so you dont wind up with a really thin soup. Blend about 1/3 of the soup at a time, making sure there is enough liquid so it blends easily. As a safety precaution, hold the top of the blender with a cloth and be careful of the steam when you take off the lid. Blend for about a minute or until smooth. Transfer each batch to a clean pot. If you see that the consistency is quite thick, add the reserved liquid into the last batch. If you feel the soup is still too thick, you can add additional chicken stock, keeping in mind that the coconut milk will thin out the soup a bit more. Once all of the soup is pureed, place it over a low heat. Stir in the salt and coconut milk. Taste one last time for seasoning and gently heat through Sopa de ervilhas
2 tbsp grapeseed oil or vegetable oil 1 large onion 2 medium carrots 2 stalks celery 2 garlic cloves 4 cups dried split peas 12 cups chicken or vegetable stock 1 small ham hock 3 whole bay leafs

1 1/2 tsp Kosher salt - can substitute with 3/4 tsp table salt 1/2 tsp ground white pepper

Add the oil to a large pot and turn burner onto low heat. Finely chop the onions, celery, carrots and transfer each of them to the pot. Saut until translucent - about 5 minutes. Then add the crushed garlic and quickly saut for about 30 seconds. Next, add the peas, ham hock, stock, bay leaves, salt, pepper and bring the soup just to a boil. Then turn the heat down to a simmer and cook for 2 to 2 1/2 hours or until the peas start to break down. Stir occasionally. At about the 2 hour mark, remove the ham hock and let cool for a few minutes. Then remove the fat and bone, and discard. Shred the ham meat into larger pieces and return to the soup. Sopa condimentada de cenoura com creme de coco 6 pes

1 tbs light olive oil 1 onion, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 small red chilli, seeds removed, chopped 1 tsp grated fresh ginger 500g carrots, peeled, chopped 1 medium sweet potato, peeled, chopped 2 kaffir lime leaves 4 cups (1L) chicken stock Juice of 1/2 lime, 2 tbs palm sugar* 2 tbs Thai fish sauce 200ml coconut cream 150ml thick cream Heat oil in a saucepan over medium heat, add onion and cook for 2-3 minutes or until softened. Add garlic, chilli, ginger, carrot, sweet potato, lime leaves and stock. Bring to boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes. Allow to cool slightly, then puree in a blender. Pass puree through a sieve, then season. Return to pan with lime juice, sugar and fish sauce and gently reheat. Whip creams until thick. Pour soup into glasses and top with coconut cream and a sprinkle of nutmeg

Tortinha de alcachofra e azeitona verde 32 unid

1 tbs olive oil 1 brown onion, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 2 x 170g jars marinated artichokes, drained, finely chopped 1/2 cup (85g) pitted green olives, finely chopped 1/2 cup (125ml) thickened cream 2 tsp Dijon mustard

4 sheets (25cm) ready-rolled frozen puff pastry, just thawed 1 egg, lightly whisked Preheat oven to 200C. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes or until onion is soft. Add the artichokes, olives, cream and mustard and bring to the boil. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes or until sauce reduces by half. Remove from heat and set aside to cool. Season with pepper. Line an oven tray with baking paper. Place a pastry sheet on a clean work surface and brush lightly with egg. Spoon 16 x 1 1/2 teaspoonfuls of mixture, evenly spaced, onto the pastry sheet. Use a rolling pin to roll a pastry sheet to 3mm-thick. Lay the rolled sheet over the top of the artichoke mounds and mould the pastry around each ball of artichoke mixture to enclose. Use a 5.5cm round pastry cutter to cut around each mound and place onto the lined oven tray. Repeat with remaining pastry sheets and artichoke mixture. Brush pies with remaining egg. Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes or until puffed and golden.

Frango com alcachofras e limo 4 pes

4 (about 1kg) chicken marylands 400g baby coliban (chat) potatoes 2 red onions, cut into wedges 2 lemons, cut into wedges 12 small marinated artichoke hearts 1 1/2 cups (375ml) chicken stock 1 cup (250ml) dry white wine 1/2 cup purple basil leaves Steamed snow peas or beans Preheat oven to 200C. Heat a large flameproof roasting pan over high heat. Season the chicken with salt and pepper. Add to the pan and cook for 2-3 minutes each side or until golden. Transfer to a plate. Add the potatoes, onion and lemon to the pan and cook, turning occasionally, for 3 minutes or until golden. Return the chicken to the pan with the artichokes, chicken stock and wine. Place in the oven and cook, basting chicken occasionally with pan juices, for 20 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. Remove from oven and sprinkle with basil leaves. Serve immediately with steamed snow peas or beans

Porco tailandesa 4 pes

2 tbs finely chopped fresh coriander 1 tbs red curry paste 1 tbs light coconut milk 2 tsp fresh lime juice 1 (about 500g) lean pork fillet, excess fat trimmed Olive oil spray Combine the coriander, curry paste, coconut milk and lime juice in a large glass or ceramic bowl. Add the pork and toss to coat in curry-paste mixture. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 5 minutes to develop the flavours.

Preheat oven to 200C. Heat a large frying pan over high heat. Spray the pan with olive oil spray. Add the pork and cook, turning occasionally, for 4 minutes or until brown all over. Transfer to a baking tray. Roast in oven for 15 minutes for medium or until cooked to your liking. Cover with foil and set aside for 5 minutes to rest.

Legumes com alho e gengibre moda oriental 4 pes

Olive oil spray 2 bunches broccolini, ends trimmed, halved 1 bunch baby bok choy, halved 2 medium (about 250g) ripe tomatoes, cut into wedges 1 garlic clove, crushed 1 tsp finely grated fresh ginger 1 tbs fish sauce Heat a large wok over medium-high heat. Spray with the olive oil spray. Add the broccolini and bok choy and stir-fry for 4-5 minutes or until bright green and tender crisp. Add the tomato, garlic and ginger and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes or until heated through. Add the fish sauce, cover the wok with a lid and steam for 1-2 minutes or until vegetables are tender

Sopa cremosa de alcachofra 4 pes

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 leeks, white part only, washed well and chopped 1 clove garlic, minced 1 small potato, peeled and chopped 1 (8-ounce) package frozen artichoke hearts, thawed 2 cups chicken stock 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 2 tablespoons plus 1/3 cup mascarpone cheese 2 tablespoons chopped chives, for garnish

Heat olive oil in a heavy, large pot over medium heat. Add the leeks and the garlic and stir. Add the potatoes and cook for 5 minutes, stirring often. Add the artichokes, stock, salt, and pepper and cook until the vegetables are tender, about 20 minutes. Using a handheld immersion blender, or in a blender in batches*, puree the soup. Add the 2 tablespoons mascarpone and blend again to combine. In a small bowl, stir the remaining 1/3 cup mascarpone to soften. Ladle the soup into serving bowls. Dollop the top of each of the soups with a spoonful of the softened mascarpone cheese and top the cheese with chives. * When blending hot liquids: Remove liquid from the heat and allow to cool for at least 5 minutes. Transfer liquid to a blender or food processor and fill it no more than halfway. If using a blender, release one corner of the lid. This prevents the vacuum effect that creates heat explosions. Place a towel over the top of the machine, pulse a few times then process on high speed until smooth Fil com ervas e mostarda e batata assada 4 pes

4 small russet potatoes, scrubbed 1 1/2 pounds sirloin steak (1/2 inch thick) 2 tablespoons spicy mustard, plus more for serving 2 teaspoons crumbled herbes de Provence 5 tablespoons unsalted butter Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper 2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives or scallion greens

Pierce the potatoes a few times with a fork, then microwave until soft, about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, pierce both sides of the steak with a fork. Mix the mustard and herbes de Provence in a bowl and rub all over the steak. Heat a large cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 tablespoon butter; as soon as it melts, add the steak and sear on one side until browned, about 7 minutes. Turn and brown the other side, about 4 more minutes for medium-rare. Transfer the steak to a cutting board, season with salt and pepper, and top with 1 tablespoon butter. Let rest at least 5 minutes. Return the skillet to medium-high heat. Add the potatoes and turn to coat on all sides with the pan juices. Cook until the skins are slightly crisp, about 3 minutes. Mix the remaining 3 tablespoons butter with the chives and season with salt. Thinly slice the steak on the bias. Serve with the potatoes, chive butter and mustard French toast com maple ou Karo 8 pes 1 loaf French bread (13 to 16 ounces) 8 large eggs 2 cups half-and-half cuidado p/no ficar muito lquido! 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg Dash salt Praline Topping, recipe follows Maple syrup

Slice French bread into 20 slices, 1-inch each. (Use any extra bread for garlic toast or bread crumbs). Arrange slices in a generously buttered 9 by 13-inch flat baking dish in 2 rows, overlapping the slices. In a large bowl, combine the eggs, half-and-half, milk, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt and beat with a rotary beater or whisk until blended but not too bubbly. Pour mixture over the bread slices, making sure all are covered evenly with the milkegg mixture. Spoon some of the mixture in between the slices. Cover with foil and refrigerate overnight. The next day, preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spread Praline Topping evenly over the bread and bake for 40 minutes, until puffed and lightly golden. Serve with maple syrup.

Praline Topping:
1/2 pound (2 sticks) butter 1 cup packed light brown sugar

1 cup chopped pecans 2 tablespoons light corn syrup 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl and blend well. Couve-flor com tomate 4 pes Toss 7 cups small cauliflower florets and 3 chopped plum tomatoes with 1/4 cup olive oil, 2 cloves minced garlic, 1 1/2 teaspoons cumin seeds, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric, a pinch of cayenne, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste on a baking sheet. Roast in a 450 degrees F oven, about 25 minutes. Sprinkle with lemon juice and chopped cilantro. Sopa de brcolis com queijo 4 pes 6 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 small onion, chopped 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 2 cups half-and-half 3 cups low-sodium chicken broth 2 bay leaves 1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper 4 7-inch sourdough bread boules (round loaves) 4 cups broccoli florets (about 1 head) 1 large carrot, diced 2 1/2 cups (about 8 ounces) grated sharp white and yellow cheddar cheese, plus more for garnish

Melt the butter in a large Dutch oven or pot over medium heat. Add the onion and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Whisk in the flour and cook until golden, 3 to 4 minutes, then gradually whisk in the half-and-half until smooth. Add the chicken broth, bay leaves and nutmeg, then season with salt and pepper and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat to mediumlow and cook, uncovered, until thickened, about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the bread bowls: Using a sharp knife, cut a circle into the top of each loaf, leaving a 1-inch border all around. Remove the bread top, then hollow out the middle with a fork or your fingers, leaving a thick bread shell. Add the broccoli and carrot to the broth mixture and simmer until tender, about 20 minutes. Discard the bay leaves. Puree the soup in batches in a blender until smooth; you'll still have flecks of carrot and broccoli. Return to the pot. (Or puree the soup in the pot with an immersion blender.) Add the cheese to the soup and whisk over medium heat until melted. Add up to 3/4 cup water if the soup is too thick. Ladle into the bread bowls and garnish with cheese Mac and cheese com tomate 8 pes Kosher salt Vegetable oil 1 pound elbow macaroni or cavatappi 1 quart milk 8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, divided

1/2 cup all-purpose flour 12 ounces Gruyere, grated (4 cups) 8 ounces extra-sharp Cheddar, grated (2 cups) 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 3/4 pound fresh tomatoes (4 small) 1 1/2 cups fresh white bread crumbs (5 slices, crusts removed)

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Drizzle oil into a large pot of boiling salted water. Add the macaroni and cook according to the directions on the package, 6 to 8 minutes. Drain well. Meanwhile, heat the milk in a small saucepan, but don't boil it. Melt 6 tablespoons of butter in a large (4-quart) pot and add the flour. Cook over low heat for 2 minutes, stirring with a whisk. While whisking, add the hot milk and cook for a minute or two more, until thickened and smooth. Off the heat, add the Gruyere, Cheddar, 1 tablespoon salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Add the cooked macaroni and stir well. Pour into a 3-quart baking dish. Slice the tomatoes and arrange on top. Melt the remaining 2 tablespoons of butter, combine them with the fresh bread crumbs, and sprinkle on the top. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until the sauce is bubbly and the macaroni is browned on the top.

Batata gratinada 8 pes

2 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus more for the dish Kosher salt 3 pounds Yukon gold potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 cup low-fat milk (1%), at room temperature 1 cup whole milk, at room temperature Freshly ground pepper 1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg 1/4 cup grated gruyere cheese

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly butter a 3-quart baking dish. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil; add the potatoes and cook until just tender, 8 to 10 minutes. Drain the potatoes and return to the pot. Meanwhile, melt 2 tablespoons butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the flour with a wooden spoon to make a paste. Cook, stirring, until the paste puffs slightly, about 1 minute. Gradually whisk in both milks and simmer, whisking constantly, until thickened, about 3 minutes. Remove from the heat and whisk in 1/2 teaspoon pepper, 1 1/2 teaspoons salt and the nutmeg. Pour the sauce over the potatoes and gently toss to coat. Transfer the potato mixture to the prepared baking dish and sprinkle with the gruyere. Bake until heated through, about 10 minutes. Switch the oven to the broiler setting and broil the potatoes until browned on top, about 5 minutes. Let rest 10 minutes before serving

Batata doce com molho de pimenta chipotle

2 cups heavy cream 1 heaping tablespoon chipotle pepper puree 3 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced 1/8-inch thick Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Whisk together cream and chipotle puree until smooth. In a 9 by 9-inch casserole dish, arrange the potatoes in even layers. Drizzle with 3 tablespoons of the cream mixture and season with salt and pepper. Repeat with the remaining potatoes, cream, and salt and pepper to form 10 layers. Cover and bake for 30 minutes, remove cover and continue baking for 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until the cream has been absorbed and the potatoes are cooked through and the top is browned

Sementes de abbora condimentadas 6 pes

3 cups pumpkin seeds 2 tablespoons canola oil 1 1/2 tablespoons ancho chili powder 1 tablespoon kosher salt 1 teaspoon chile de arbol powder

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place the pumpkin seeds in a large bowl and toss with the oil, ancho powder, salt, and chile de arbol powder. Spread evenly on a baking sheet and bake for 8 to 10 minutes, stirring once. Let cool and store in an airtight container

Frango parmegiana 4 pes

1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus 3 tablespoons 1 medium onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 bay leaves 1/2 cup kalamata olives, pitted 1/2 bunch fresh basil leaves 2 (28-ounce) cans whole peeled tomatoes, drained and hand-crushed Pinch sugar Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 4 skinless, boneless, chicken breasts (about 11/2 pounds) 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 2 large eggs, lightly beaten 1 tablespoon water 1 cup dried bread crumbs 1 (8-ounce) ball fresh buffalo mozzarella, water drained Freshly grated Parmesan

Coat a saute pan with olive oil and place over medium heat. When the oil gets hazy, add the onions, garlic, and bay leaves; cook and stir for 5 minutes until fragrant and soft. Add the olives and some hand-torn basil. Carefully add the tomatoes (nothing splashes like tomatoes), cook and stir until the liquid is cooked down and the sauce is thick, about 15 minutes; season with sugar, salt and pepper. Lower the heat, cover, and keep warm. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Get the ingredients together for the chicken so you have a little assembly line. Put the chicken breasts side by side on a cutting board and lay a piece of plastic wrap over them. Pound the

chicken breasts with a flat meat mallet, until they are about 1/2-inch thick. Put the flour in a shallow platter and season with a fair amount of salt and pepper; mix with a fork to distribute evenly. In a wide bowl, combine the eggs and water, beat until frothy. Put the bread crumbs on a plate, season with salt and pepper. Heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil over medium-high flame in a large oven-proof skillet. Lightly dredge both sides of the chicken cutlets in the seasoned flour, and then dip them in the egg wash to coat completely, letting the excess drip off, then dredge in the bread crumbs. When the oil is nice and hot, add the cutlets and fry for 4 minutes on each side until golden and crusty, turning once. Ladle the tomato-olive sauce over the chicken and sprinkle with mozzarella, Parmesan, and basil. Bake the Chicken Parmesan for 15 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly. Serve hot with spaghetti (1 pound cooked)

Sopa cremosa de cheddar 4 pes

1 small onion, diced 2 large pimentos, diced 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 1/2 cups chicken stock 1 1/2 cups cream 3/4 cup grated sharp Cheddar 1/2 cup green onions Salt and black pepper Dash cayenne pepper, optional Suggested Serving: your favorite bread or croutons

In a saucepan, saute onion and pimentos in butter for 5 to 7 minutes. Blend in flour. Add stock and cream. Cook until thick. Add cheese and stir until melted. Add 1/4 cup green onions, salt and pepper, to taste, and cayenne if desired. Garnish with remaining green onions

Semifreddo de pistache 12 pes

5 cups cream 2 cups sugar 12 egg yolks* 1 teaspoon almond or vanilla extract 1 cup roughly chopped, toasted pistachios Fresh berries, for serving Chocolate sauce, for serving Powdered sugar, optional Mint sprigs, optional

In a mixer with a whisk attachment, whisk the cream into medium peaks. Add 1 cup of the sugar to the cream and continue to whisk until stiff peaks form. Turn the cream out into a large bowl. Clean the bowl and whisk attachment. Add the egg yolks and the remaining 1 cup sugar. Whisk until the yolks are pale yellow and tripled in volume. Add the yolks to the whipped cream. Add the almond or vanilla extract and begin to fold the yolks into the cream. Add the pistachios and turn the mixture out into a glass serving dish. Freeze overnight. To serve: Cut the semifreddo into desired size pieces. Place individual pieces in a serving bowl and top with berries and chocolate sauce

Semifreddo de canela com calda de frutas vermelhas 8 pes

6 egg yolks 1/2 cup sugar, plus 1/4 cup 1 cup heavy cream 2 teaspoons cinnamon 4 egg whites 2 tablespoons amaretto liqueur 1 1/2 cups mixed berries (blackberries, raspberries and blueberries) 1 lemon, juiced

Prepare a double boiler or fit a heatproof bowl over a small saucepan of simmering water. In the bowl, combine the egg yolks and 1/2 cup of sugar, and whisk until frothy. Transfer the bowl immediately to an ice bath, stirring occasionally, until cool. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, whip the heavy cream to medium peaks. Fold the whipped cream into the cooled egg yolk mixture and then stir in the cinnamon. In a separate mixing bowl, whip the egg whites and amaretto liqueur until soft peaks form and fold that into the egg yolk-cream mixture. Pour the mixture into a loaf pan or small baking dish and freeze the mixture until soft-frozen, about 4 hours. While the semifreddo freezes, toss berries with the lemon juice and remaining 1/4 cup of sugar in a small bowl. Lightly mash with a fork to crush some of the berries. To serve, spoon the semifreddo into individual dessert dishes, top with some of the berry mixture

Semifreddo de ctricos 8 pes

Nonstick cooking spray 4 ounces purchased amaretti cookies, crushed (about 20 small cookies) plus more for sprinkling 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 1/2 cup sugar, plus 1/4 cup 8 large egg yolks 1/4 cup lemon juice 3 tablespoons lime juice 2 tablespoons limoncello Pinch salt 1 lemon, zested 1 lime, zested 1 cup whipping cream

Spray a 9 by 5 by 3-inch metal loaf pan with nonstick spray. Line the pan with plastic wrap, allowing the excess to hang over the ends and sides. Combine the crushed amaretti cookies and the melted butter. Put in the lined pan and press down to firm and form a crust. Whisk 1/2 cup of the sugar, the egg yolks, lemon juice, lime juice, limoncello, and salt in a large metal bowl to blend. Set the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water (do not allow the bottom of the bowl to touch the water). Whisk the egg mixture until it is thick and creamy, and a thermometer inserted into the mixture registers 160 degrees F, about 5 minutes. Set the bowl of custard into another bowl of ice water to cool completely. Stir in the zest. Using an electric mixer, beat the cream and remaining 1/4 cup sugar in another large bowl until

firm peaks form. Using a large rubber spatula, gently fold the whipped cream into the custard. Spoon the mixture onto the prepared crust. Fold the overhanging plastic wrap over the custard and freeze until frozen, at least 8 hours or up to 3 days. Unfold the plastic wrap. Invert the semifreddo onto a platter and peel off the plastic wrap. Cut the semifreddo into 1-inch slices and sprinkle with crushed amaretti cookies

Semifreddo de limo com amndoas 8 pes

8 egg yolks* 1 1/4 cups sugar 2 Meyer lemons, zested (or 3 lemons, zested) 1 1/4 pounds toasted Spanish almonds 4 1/2 cups heavy cream

In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment cream together the egg yolks and sugar until smooth. Pour the Meyer lemon zest into mixer and mix lightly. Meanwhile grind the almonds in the food processor or multi-food chopper. Pour the almonds into the egg and sugar mixture and mix lightly. In a separate bowl, either using the mixer or by hand, whip the cream to stiff peaks. When the cream is fully whipped pour 1/3 of the cream into the egg yolk/sugar mixture and stir in vigorously. Then take the remaining 2/3 of the cream and gently fold into the yolk/sugar/nut mixture

Semifreddo de ricota e nougat 8 pes

700 g (1 lb 9 oz) ricotta 300 g (10 1/2 oz) sugar 300 g (10 1/2 oz) brittle nougat with almonds (purchased) 500 ml (2 cups) cream finely grated zest of half a lemon finely grated zest of 1 lime

Process the ricotta and sugar in a food processor until smooth. Finely chop the nougat or wrap in a tea-towel and smash with a rolling pin until broken into small pieces. Whip the cream until soft peaks form. Combine the ricotta mixture, nougat, cream and zests in a bowl and mix well. Pour into a 2-liter mold that has been rinsed in cold water. Freeze until set. Turn out onto a platter and serve

Caramelo de balsmico 8 pes

1 cup heavy cream 1 cup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons water, plus more for brushing 4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 1 lemon, juiced 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 quarts vanilla ice cream

Bring cream just to a boil in a small saucepan over high heat. Reduce the heat to low and keep the cream warm.

In a large high-sided saucepan over medium-high heat, dissolve the sugar with 2 tablespoons of water. As the sugar mixture begins to bubble, watch for crystals developing on the inside of the pan just above the liquid. Using a pastry brush dipped in water, brush the inside of the pan right above the crystals so the water drips down and dissolves the crystals back into the liquid. When the sugar begins to brown, occasionally move the pan to swirl the liquid gently and cook it evenly. Continue to cook until the mixture is dark golden brown. The total cooking time will be 8 to 9 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat. Very carefully add the hot cream to the sugar mixture a few tablespoons at a time. The liquid will bubble up dramatically. Stir the sauce and cook for 1 minute. Add the vinegar, lemon juice and 1/2 teaspoon salt, mix well. Pour into a heatproof bowl. You should have about 1 1/4 cups of sauce. The sauce can be made several weeks ahead, covered with plastic, and stored either at room temperature or in the refrigerator. If refrigerated, warm in a microwave oven before using

Queijo de cabra fresco marinado com alecrim e limo 8 pes

5 lemons, zested 3 tablespoons freshly chopped rosemary leaves 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil 8 (2-ounce) rounds goat cheese Gray salt and freshly ground black pepper

Combine lemon zest, rosemary, and olive oil. Place goat cheese in a baking dish or on a large plate and spoon marinade over the top. Season with gray salt and pepper. Refrigerate and let marinate

Fl de queijo de cabra com alho assado 4 pes

2 cloves elephant garlic, thinly sliced 1 cup roasted garlic cloves 1 cup good quality goat cheese, or Chevre 4 large eggs 1 1/2 cups cream 2 tablespoons freshly grated Pecorino 1/4 cup freshly chopped garlic chives 1 1/4 teaspoons salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

Put oven rack in middle position and preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Butter 4 (3 by 2-inch) ramekins and line bottom with rounds of parchment, then butter paper. Line the ramekins with thinly sliced elephant garlic. In a food processor add the roasted garlic, goat cheese, eggs, milk, cheese, garlic chives, salt and pepper and process until smooth, about 1 to 2 minutes. Pour mixture into ramekins and bake in a hot water bath until flan is set and a wooden pick or skewer inserted in center comes out clean, 30 minutes. Transfer pan to a rack to cool slightly, 10 to 15 minutes. Run a thin knife around edge of flan to loosen, then invert a serving plate over pan and invert flan onto plate. Remove pan and discard paper. Cut flan into wedges and serve immediately.

*Chef's Note: You do not have to invert the flan onto a plate. In that case, just butter the ramekins and do not line with parchment paper.

Semifreddo de chocolate branco 8 pes

5 eggs, separated* 1/2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 6 ounces white chocolate, melted 2 cups heavy whipping cream 1 tablespoon minced candied ginger

Place the egg yolks, sugar, and vanilla extract in the bowl of a mixer fitted with the whip attachment, and whip on high speed until very light and fluffy, 3 to 5 minutes. Gently fold in the melted white chocolate; set aside. Place the cream in a large bowl and whisk just until the cream starts to thicken, then gently fold in the egg yolk mixture and the candied ginger. Place the egg whites in the clean bowl of a mixer fitted with the whip attachment, and whip on high speed until they just hold soft peaks. Gently fold the whites into the egg yolk mixture. Transfer the mixture to a covered container and freeze for at least 2 hours Chocolate branco quente 4 ounces white chocolate, chopped 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 14 ounces milk 2 ounces cream 3 pieces star anise

Place the chopped chocolate and vanilla in a mixing bowl. In a saucepan heat together milk, cream and star anise until boiling. Pour over chocolate and whisk well to melt. Chocolate quente toffee 4 pes 4 cups whole milk 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup sugar 6 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped 2 ounces butterscotch chips 1 canister whipped cream, available on dairy aisle 1 toffee bar, crushed (recommended: Heath bars)

Heat milk, water, sugar to a boil, remove from heat and stir in chocolate and butterscotch chips until they melt into milk. Pour into small mugs or cups and top with whipped cream swirls and crushed toffee.

Pot du crme de chocolate branco 4 pes

1 cup heavy cream 3/4 cup whole milk 12 ounces white chocolate, finely chopped 6 egg yolks 1 cup Pomegranate Sauce or other 1 1/2 dozen Florentine Cookies, recipe follows

Combine the cream and milk in a heavy bottom, 2 quart saucepan. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Bring the water in a double boiler to a simmer. Place the chocolate in the top half and stir with a rubber spatula until melted. Whisk the egg yolks into the melted chocolate. Slowly pour the boiling cream mixture into the chocolate, whisking constantly. Bring to a temperature of 160 degrees, about 3 1/2 to 4 minutes. Remove from the heat and transfer to a stainless steel bowl. Cool in an ice bath, stirring constantly with a wire whisk to a temperature of 90 degrees F., about 4 to 5 minutes. Evenly divide the mixture into 8 small pot de creme forms or glass custard cups. Cover each with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours to set before serving. Spoon the sauce over the top of each pot de creme and serve with the Florentines Florentine cookies 1/4 pound butter, room temperature 1 cup sugar 1 large egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon baking soda Pinch salt 1 cup quick cooking oats 1 cup pecan pieces. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Cream the butter and sugar together with an electric mixer on medium speed until smooth. Add the egg and beat until incorporated. Add the vanilla, baking soda and salt and beat until smooth. In a food processor or blender, combine the oats and pecan pieces and pulse several times to grind. Add this to the creamed mixture and beat until incorporated. The dough will be stiff and sticky. Drop by the teaspoonful, about 3 inches apart, onto the prepared pan. Flatten the dough slightly with your fingertips. Bake for 6 minutes until lightly golden. Remove from the oven and carefully roll the cookies into cylinder shapes-like a cookie cigar while they are still hot.

Bolo de Ovomaltine 8 pes Nonstick cooking spray 2/3 cup all-purpose flour 1/3 cup whole-wheat pastry flour 3/4 cup packed light brown sugar 1/4 cup Dutch processed cocoa powder, plus 2 tablespoons 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon fine salt 1 cup chocolate malt powder, such as Ovaltine 1/2 cup low-fat (1 percent) milk 1 large egg white 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1 1/2 cups boiling water Confectioners' sugar, for dusting, optional

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Coat a 2-quart baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.

2. Whisk together both flours, 1/2 cup of the brown sugar, 1/4 cup cocoa, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl. In a separate bowl whisk 1/2 cup of the malt powder with the milk, egg white, butter, and vanilla until the malt dissolves. Stir into the dry ingredients until only a few small lumps remain and spread the batter in the prepared baking dish. 3. Combine the remaining 1/4 cup of brown sugar with the remaining 2 tablespoons of cocoa and sprinkle over the batter. Stir the remaining 1/2 cup malt powder into the boiling water and pour it over the batter. Bake until the cake springs back when lightly touched and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out with a few moist crumbs, 30 to 35 minutes. Cool for 30 minutes on a wire rack. If desired, dust the top of the cake with confectioners' sugar and immediately spoon the warm cake and sauce onto plates or shallow bowls. Semifreddo de chocolate maltado 8 pes 4 yolks 1/2 scant cup sugar 2 tablespoons brandy 2 tablespoons malt powder 1/3 cup milk 1/2 vanilla bean, split 1/2 cup chopped semisweet chocolate 1 3/4 cups heavy cream, whipped to soft peaks Cocoa powder and confectioners' sugar for sprinkling

Line round 2 1/2-inch collars with strips of acetate and place them in the freezer. In a large bowl, whisk the yolks, sugar, brandy, malt powder, milk, and vanilla bean together. Over a hot water bath cook whisking constantly until very thick, like a sabayon. Remove from the heat and take out the vanilla bean. Whisk in the chocolate to melt it, then let this cool almost completely. Fold in the whipped cream until completely combined. Pour semifreddo mixture into collars filling 1/8-inch from the top and freeze overnight. To serve it, take it out of the collar and sprinkle it lightly with cocoa powder and powdered sugar then place on dessert plates then peel off the acetate. Let sit for 10 minutes before serving Semifreddo de pssegos com champanhe 8 pes 8 large egg yolks 1 1/4 cups granulated sugar 2 pinches salt 3/4 cup champagne 1 cup heavy cream 3/4 cup water 2 pounds peaches 1 teaspoon lemon juice 4 large or 6 small juicy ripe peaches

In a stainless steel mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, 1/2 cup of the sugar and a pinch of the salt. Whisk in the champagne. Place the bowl over a pot of simmering water. (The pot should be sitting over, not in the water.) Whisk vigorously until thick, about 3 minutes. Remove the bowl from the pot and place it in a bowl of ice water. Cool until room temperature, stirring occasionally. Whip the cream until soft peaks form. Fold the cream into the cooled champagne mixture. Spray a loaf pan with nonstick spray. (I like to use a pan approximately 3 1/2 by 11 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches but a 9-inch square pan will work.) Line the pan with plastic wrap, making sure to press

the plastic wrap into the corners of the pan. (The nonstick spray helps the plastic wrap stick to the pan. The plastic wrap makes the terrine easier to unmold.) Gently spread half of the champagne cream into the loaf pan. Place the pan in the freezer for at least 1 hour. Refrigerate the remaining champagne cream. Combine the water and the remaining 3/4 cup sugar in a small sauce pot. Bring the sugar and water to a boil over high heat and boil for 1 minute until the sugar is dissolved. Cool the mixture to at least room temperature. (It can be made several days in advance and refrigerated.) Peel and pit the 2 pounds of peaches. Puree them in a food processor. Strain the puree through a medium holed sieve. There should be 3 cups of peach puree. Stir 1/2 cup of the sugar syrup into the peach puree. Add the remaining pinch salt and the lemon juice. Taste the peach puree. If it is not sweet enough add a little more sugar syrup. (The amount of sugar necessary will depend on the natural sweetness of the peaches. Extra sugar syrup can be used to sweeten ice tea.) Freeze the peach puree in an ice cream machine according to manufacturer's instructions. When the peach puree is frozen, spread it evenly into the loaf pan over the frozen champagne cream. Let the puree become firm again in the freezer, then carefully spread the remaining champagne cream on top. Freeze the semifreddo for several hours until hard. It can be made several days in advance. Peel the remaining peaches. Cut them in half and remove the pits. Cut in 1/2 inch pieces. Taste the peaches. If they are not very sweet, stir in a little granulated sugar. Often peaches are naturally sweet enough and do not need additional sugar. Semifreddo de abacaxi 8 pes 1 cup heavy cream 2 tablespoons powdered sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 egg whites 1/2 cup simple syrup, recipe follows 1 (20-ounce) can crushed pineapple, drained 1 cup crushed amaretti cookies, for sprinkling

Spray a 9 1/4 by 5 1/4 by 3-inch (6-cup) metal loaf pan lightly with nonstick spray. Line the pan with plastic wrap with enough plastic wrap extending over the sides to cover the top after the pan has been filled. In a medium bowl, whip the heavy cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla until stiff peaks form. Set aside. In another medium bowl, whip egg whites until foamy. With the mixer on, slowly add the simple syrup. Continue beating on high speed until the mixture is glossy and doubles in volume, about 7 to 10 minutes. Using a large rubber spatula, fold the pineapple into the egg whites. Fold the whipped cream into the egg white mixture. Gently, spoon the mixture into the loaf pan. Fold over the plastic wrap to cover and freeze for 8 hours (or up to 1 month). To serve: Unfold the plastic wrap. Invert the semifreddo onto a cutting board. Remove the plastic wrap. Cut the semifreddo into 1-inch thick slices. Place on individual serving plates and top each slice with the crushed amaretti cookies. Simple Syrup:

1/4 cup water 1/2 cup sugar In a saucepan, combine water and sugar over medium heat. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes, until the sugar has dissolved. Take pan off heat and cool the syrup. Any extra cooled syrup can be saved in an airtight container Casquinha de atum 6 unid

1 cebola grande Sal e pimenta-do-reino a gosto 1 xcara (ch) de leite de coco 4 colheres (sopa) de molho de tomate 2 colheres (sopa) de azeite de oliva espanhol 2 latas de atum light em conserva 2 colheres (sopa) de queijo parmeso ralado para polvilhar 2 colheres (sopa) de maisena

rale a cebola. Reserve. Aquea o azeite de oliva em uma panela e junte a cebola Abaixe o fogo e refogue, mexendo de vez em quando, por 2 minutos ou at dourar. Enquanto isso, escorra a gua do atum e dissolva a maisena em 1/2 xcara (ch) de gua Junte ao refogado o atum, a maisena dissolvida, o molho de tomate, o sal e a pimenta Misture e refogue, mexendo de vez em quando, por 4 minutos ou at ficar consistente. Preaquea o forno em temperatura mdia (180C). Junte o leite de coco e misture. Retire do fogo e distribua a massa em forminhas em formato de casquinha e disponha-as em uma assadeira. Polvilhe o queijo ralado e leve ao forno por 20 minutos ou at gratinar

Zabaione ao chocolate

fondente 80 gr

8 cucchiai

4 tuorli

60 gr

Tritate il cioccolato fondente e tenetelo da parte: ponete i tuorli duovo e lo zucchero in una pentola dacciaio con il manico e il fondo spesso, e sbattete gli ingredienti con uno sbattitore elettrico (o con una frusta) fino a che il composto diventa gonfio, liscio e quasi bianco. Aggiungete a filo il Marsala, e quando sar ben amalgamato, introducete, sempre sbattendo, il cioccolato tritato. A questo punto mettete la pentola sul fuoco a bagnomaria, e facendo attenzione che lacqua non bolla mai, sbattete il composto per almeno 10 minuti, e comunque fino a che raddoppi il suo volume e ne risulti una crema liscia e vellutata. Togliete la pentola dal bagnomaria, e versate lo zabaione caldo nelle coppette. Servite

immediatamente. Potete guarnire lo zabaione con dei riccioli di cioccolato al latte o bianco, e accompagnarlo con dei biscottini al cioccolato o degli amaretti

Cuscus de pesce
1,5 kg di pesce vario (tranci di cernia, grongo, scorfano, dentice, ecc.) 600 g di cuscus gi pronto 300 g di vongole o cozze 500 g di verdure miste 100 g di mandorle tostate e tritate 50 g di uvetta 3 pomodori 3 cipolle 3 carote 2 spicchi d'aglio 2 foglie d'alloro 1 ciuffo di prezzemolo 1 pizzico di pistilli di zafferano olio extravergine d'oliva sale Cuocete il cuscus secondo le istruzioni sulla confezione. Fate un brodo con teste e lische di pesce. Soffriggete in una terrina con olio la cipolla affettata, l'aglio e il prezzemolo tritati, le foglie d'alloro; unite i pomodori spezzettati e le carote affettate. Cuocete per 20 minuti, poi unite i pesci e coprite con il brodo fatto con le teste, salate, aggiungete lo zafferano e portate a cottura il pesce. Mescolate il cuscus con le mandorle e l'uvetta precedentemente ripresa in acqua e strizzata, irroratelo con il sugo di cottura del pesce e lasciatelo riposare al caldo per qualche minuto. Servite con il pesce a parte.

Cuscus de frutos do mar

pe il couscous Acqua 270 ml Burro 2 noci Couscous precotto 250 gr Olio extravergine di oliva 2 cucchiai Sale 1 cucchiaino Aglio 1 spicchio Cozze 20 Erba cipollina tritata 1 cucchiaio Gamberi e Gamberetti 100 gr Olio extravergine di oliva 4 cucchiai Pepe macinato a piacere Piselli surgelati 200 gr Polpo fresco 100 gr Pomodori ramati 200 gr Prezzemolo tritato 2 cucchiai Sale q.b. Seppie fresche 100 gr Vongole fresche 200 gr Preparate il couscous mettendo in un tegame 270 ml di acqua, che porterete ad ebollizione, quindi aggiungete un

cucchiaino di sale; versate il couscous a pioggia, e, sempre mescolando, unite due cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva, dopodich spegnete il fuoco e livellate il couscous con il dorso di un cucchiaio. Lasciate riposare un paio di minuti, poi aggiungete il burro e fate cuocere a fuoco dolce per altri due minuti, sempre mescolando; quindi spegnete il fuoco e sgranate bene la semola servendovi di una forchetta Nel frattempo mettete in un tegame due cucchiai di olio e un piccolo cipollotto tritato finemente; fatelo appassire, poi aggiungete i piselli e del sale. Fate stufare i piselli per circa 20 minuti in modo che non si spappolino ma risultino invece piuttosto croccanti, aggiungendo, poco alla volta e quando serve, dellacqua bollente salata (o brodo) fino al temine della cottura. Lavate i pomodori, privateli dei semi interni e tagliateli a cubetti di circa 1 cm per lato; tritate il prezzemolo e l'erba cipollina. Pulite bene vongole e cozze, togliendo a queste ultime il bisso (la barbetta che fuoriesce dalle valve) e lavandole poi sotto lacqua corrente. molluschi in un tegame assieme a 3 o 4 cucchiai di acqua, poi coprite con un coperchio e lasciate che si aprano le valve per effetto del calore: ci vorranno 5 minuti. Spegnete il fuoco e separate i molluschi dal proprio guscio, quindi, con un colino a maglie fini, filtrate il brodo di cottura e ponetelo in una ciotola Mettete in un tegame 4 cucchiai di olio e uno spicchio di aglio schiacciato, poi aggiungete i molluschi sgusciati e i frutti di mare tagliati a piccoli pezzetti, tranne i gamberi che lascerete interi; fate soffriggere qualche secondo, poi aggiungete il brodo precedentemente filtrato e lasciate cuocere per 10 minuti, aggiungendo se necessario poca acqua calda, in modo da terminare la cottura con un po di liquido residuo nei frutti di mare (2-3 cucchiai). Mettete in un tegame 4 cucchiai di olio e uno spicchio di aglio schiacciato, poi aggiungete i molluschi sgusciati e i frutti di mare tagliati a piccoli pezzetti, tranne i gamberi che lascerete interi; fate soffriggere qualche secondo, poi aggiungete il brodo precedentemente filtrato e lasciate cuocere per 10 minuti, aggiungendo se necessario poca acqua calda, in modo da terminare la cottura con un po di liquido residuo nei frutti di mare (2-3 cucchiai). Se volete gustare il couscous ai frutti di mare caldo, con un condimento pi simile ad una zuppa di mare, consigliabile cuocere il pesce aggiungendo pi liquido di cottura, magari preparando del fumetto di pesce, con il quale allungherete il fondo di cottura; in questo caso servite il couscous disponendo la semola a monticello al centro del piatto e, i frutti di mare con il loro brodo, tutti intorno Kafta Per le polpette Aglio 2 spicchi Carne bovina trita 500 gr Cipolle tritata 100 gr Menta fresca 10 gr Olio di oliva 5-6 cucchiai Peperoncino fresco 1

Prezzemolo fresco 30 gr Sale q.b. Salsiccia 100 gr Per la salsa Aglio 1 spicchio Olio di oliva 2 cucchiai Origano secco q.b. Pomodori polpa 800 gr Yogurt greco 200 ml Lavate il prezzemolo e la menta, tagliate il peperoncino e togliete i semini interni; tagliate la cipolla a pezzettoni e mettete tutti questi ingredienti nel vaso del mixer (1), azionate qualche minuto in modo da ottenere un composto quasi cremoso (2); Incidete la pelle della salsiccia (3), e tiratela via (4); unitela alla trita e amalgamate le due carni (5); unite anche il composto di menta-prezzemolo e cipolla (6) e regolate di sale; amalgamate il tutto con le mani (7) fino a ottenere un composto molto omogeneo (8). Con laiuto di un cucchiaio prelevate parte dellimpasto (9) e formate le polpette allungandole leggermente tra i palmi delle mani (10); scaldate 4-5 cucchiai di olio in una padella antiaderente larga (11) e fate imbiondire uno spicchio di aglio; unite anche le polpette facendole dorare molto bene prima da un lato per circa 3-4 minuti (12), e poi girandole con una pinza (13) anche dall'altro lato,devono cuocere per 10-12 minuti. Una volta rosolate completamente, tenetele da parte su un piatto (14) in caldo. Nella stessa padella in cui avete fatto rosolare le polpette unite la polpa di pomodoro (15) e un altro spicchio di aglio fresco; fate sobbollire un paio di minuti, e poi unite una manciata di origano secco (16); unite anche le polpette (17) e portatele a cottura coperte e a fuoco dolce per altri 10-15 minuti. Servite le polpette con il loro sugo e un cucchiaio di yogurt greco. (18)Per arricchire ulteriormente il gusto della kofta insieme alla menta e al prezzemolo si possono tritate anche del coriandolo fresco e unire un cucchiaino di cumino in polvere, queste spezie daranno un tocco ancor pi mediorentale alla preparazione gi molto profumata. Semifreddo de banana com manteiga de amendoim 1/4 cup unsalted roasted peanuts 5 graham cracker sheets, roughly broken 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

For the Ice Cream: 8 large egg yolks 3/4 cup sugar 1 ripe banana, pureed 2 tablespoons hazelnut liqueur Pinch of salt 1 cup heavy cream 3/4 cup creamy peanut butter

Prepare the crust: Spray a 9-by-5-inch metal loaf pan with cooking spray and line with plastic wrap, leaving a 2-inch overhang on all sides; spray the plastic wrap. Finely grind the peanuts and graham crackers in a food processor. Add the melted butter and pulse until combined. Press the mixture into the bottom of the prepared pan and refrigerate. Make the ice cream: Bring 2 inches of water to a simmer in a saucepan over medium heat. Fill a bowl with ice water. Whisk the egg yolks, 1/2 cup sugar, the banana puree, hazelnut liqueur and salt in a large metal bowl. Place the bowl over the pot of simmering water (do not let the bowl touch the water) and whisk until thickened, 8 to 10 minutes. Remove the bowl from the pot and put in the ice water to cool. Beat the heavy cream and the remaining 1/4 cup sugar with a mixer until the cream just holds stiff peaks (do not overbeat). Gently fold the cream into the banana custard. Heat the peanut butter in the microwave until soft, about 20 seconds; let cool slightly. Drop spoonfuls of the peanut butter into the banana cream and fold until swirled. Spread the mixture over the crust in the pan, cover with plastic wrap and freeze until firm, at least 9 hours. Lift out of the pan using the plastic wrap and cut into 1-inch slices Sorvete de paoca com calda de caramelo 10 pes
680ml de leite integral 70ml de creme de leite fresco 100g de acar 150g de paoca Em uma batedeira coloque o leite, o creme de leite, o acar e a paoca. Bata por trs minutos ou at formar uma mistura cremosa. Cubra a tigela da batedeira com filme plstico e leve ao freezer at endurecer (cerca de seis horas). Retire do congelador e bata novamente na batedeira. Transfira para uma frma, cubra e volte ao freezer por, no mnimo, mais seis horas 2 xcaras (ch) de acar 2 xcaras (ch) de gua 1 gota de baunilha 1 colher (ch) de manteiga Em uma panela coloque o acar e leve ao fogo para derreter. Deixa at ficar marrom, mas, cuidado para no queimar. Retire do fogo e acrescente a gua aos poucos, e a baunilha, sempre mexendo. Retorne a panela ao fogo, sempre misturando, at a calda engrossar. Adicione a manteiga para dar brilho ao caramelo. Mexa bem, desligue a chama e espere esfriar antes de usar. No momento de servir, coloque o caramelo em cima do sorvete

1 litro de creme de leite fresco 200 g de leite em p integral 200 g de acar


200 g de paoca rolha 100 g de p de moleque quebrado Em uma batedeira, coloque o creme de leite, o leite em p, o acar e bata at um ponto um pouco mais mole do que o chantilly, coloque os demais ingredientes e misture bem. Coloque em uma embalagem que v ao freezer e espere por pelo menos 6 horas (opcional: 100g de amendoim sem pele torrado)
Reduo de Cacau Ingredientes: -50g Acar -60ml gua -30g Cacau em p -Q.B. Rum ou licor de cacau

Caramelizar o acar, acrescentar a gua e dissolver. Acrescentar o cacau e reduzir at consistncia desejada. Por ltimo adicionar o rum ou licor de cacau.

Grissini (Los Paderos)

6 e 1/4 xcaras de ch de farinha de trigo;1 colher de sopa de acar;1 envelope de fermento biolgico seco instantneo;1 colher de sopa de sal;2 xcaras de gua morna; 5 colheres de sopa de azeite de oliva; queijo parmeso ralado para polvilhar. Comece misturando a farinha, o acar, o fermento e o sal. Cuidado para no colocar o sal em contato direto com o fermento, ok? Incorpore a gua; Acrescente massa, o leo e a margarina; Sove a massa, at obter o ponto de vu (garantia do desenvolvimento do glten);Deixe a massa descansar at dobrar de volume;Corte pedaos da massa e estiqueos utilizando as palmas das mo, elaborando rolinhos com aproximademente 40 centmetros de comprimento e 1 centmetro de dimetro;Polvilhe o queijo parmeso ralado, observando para que a aderncia seja homognea ao longo de todo o grissini;Voc tambm pode enrolar os grissinis para obter um aspecto espiral;Coloque-os em uma assadeira e asse-os a 280 graus por aproximadamente 15 minutos. necessrio vir-los durante o cozimento para homogeneizar a aparncia

Chocolate quente da Mariah (15 pes)

3 litros de leite 1 lata de leite condensado 1 1/2 colher (sopa) de Maizena 2 latas de creme de leite 1 pacote de 200 gramas de chocolate do padre Misture o leite, o chocolate e o leite condensado numa panela j no fogo. Dissolva a maizena num copo parte com leite. Misture a maizena j dissolvida junto panela e mexa at engrossar. Desligue o fogo e jogue o creme de leite

Polenta da Mariah
3 unid tablete de caldo de frango 300 g de polenta bergamasca 250 ml de azeite extra virgem 250 g chevre boursin queijo cabra Sal e pimenta 150 g de parmeso grana padano Receita molho de tomates e manjerico: 2 latas de molho de tomates pronto 200 ml azeite extra virgem Sal, pimenta e manjerico 3 unid tomates cortados em cubos pequenos 1 cebola

Preparar o caldo de frango, dissolva os tabletes de caldo de frango em 1 litro e meio de gua e ferver. Polenta: aquecer azeite em uma panela e refogar sem deixar dourar, metade de uma cebola cortada em cubos. Juntar o caldo de frango, deixar ferver e adicionar a polenta aos poucos, mexendo bem e sem parar. Quando comear a engrossar, junte algumas folhas de tomilho picadas e o parmeso ralado, temperar com sal e pimenta e um fio de azeite, desligar e reservar. Untar com azeite uma forma de bolo ingls, e antes da polenta esfriar, despejar na forma untada, e deixar esfriar. Quando resfriar e estiver firme, retirar a polenta da forma e cortar fatias de aproximadamente 4 cm. Com um cortador de biscoitos em forma de corao, cortar a polenta e em uma frigideira anti aderente, aquecer azeite e dourar as polentas, tirar da panela e reservar. Com um boleador de frutas, fazer uma cavidade no centro de cada coraozinho,do lado contrario do que foi grelhado, e rechear com o queijo de cabra. Na hora de servir, aquecer as polentinhas em uma assadeira, e aquecer tambm o molho de tomates em separado em uma panela. Colocar os tomates em cubo no molho. Montar nas mini panelinhas com molho no fundo e a polentinha com o lado grelhado para cima, decorados com uma folhinha de manjerico e se quiser, umas raspinhas de queijo Grana por cima

Torrada com cogumelos

1 pound fresh morel mushrooms 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for brushing on the bread 3 medium garlic cloves, thinly sliced 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh thyme or savory leaves or a combination Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 2 tablespoons unsalted butter (1/4 stick) 1/4 cup finely chopped shallots (from about 2 medium) 1 tablespoon Cognac 1 tablespoon champagne vinegar 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice (from about 1/2 medium lemon) 1/4 cup crme frache 4 (1/2-inch-thick) slices country bread, such as pain au levain Heat the oven to 400F and arrange a rack in the middle. Discard any moldy mushrooms, trim the bottoms of the stems, and cut away any discolored spots. Soak the mushrooms in several changes of cold water to remove any grit. Drain and pat dry with paper towels. Cut into 1/4-inch pieces and place in a large bowl. Add the measured oil, garlic, and herbs and season with salt and pepper. Transfer to 13-by-9-inch baking dish and spread in an even layer. Roast the mushrooms until tender, stirring halfway through the cooking time, about 20 minutes total. (Toward the end of the cooking time, the morels will release some of their juices.) Meanwhile, melt the butter in a small, nonreactive frying pan over medium heat until foaming. Add the shallots, season with salt and pepper, and cook, stirring occasionally, until browned, about 3 to 4 minutes. Remove the pan from heat and carefully add the Cognac. Return the pan to medium heat and simmer until the alcohol smell has cooked off, about 30 seconds. Remove the pan from heat, add the vinegar and lemon juice, and stir to combine. Stir in the crme frache, taste, and season with salt and pepper as needed; set the pan aside.

When the mushrooms are ready, remove the baking dish from the oven, add the shallotcrme frache mixture, and stir to combine. Return to the oven and bake until the flavors have melded, about 5 minutes. Taste and season with salt and pepper as needed. Set the oven to broil. Arrange the bread slices in a single layer on a baking sheet. Using a pastry brush, lightly coat the slices with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Broil until golden brown, about 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer the toasts to a serving dish and spoon all of the mushrooms and sauce over them.

Hambrguer de carne com cogumelos 3 a 4 unid

1 pound ground beef A 1-ounce package of dried mushrooms (porcini, morels or other mushrooms) 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt (add more if you like burgers a little saltier) 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/2 pound fresh shiitake mushrooms (can substitute button or cremini), sliced 1 large onion, sliced thin (about 2 cups) 2 Tbsp olive oil, salt 4-6 slices of Swiss cheese Burger buns 1 Process the dried mushrooms in a food processor, or a clean coffee grinder (grind some raw rice to clean out coffee grinds), until ground into a powder. Remove any large mushroom pieces that didn't grind down, a few small pieces will be fine. 2 In a large bowl, use your clean hands to gently mix together the meat, salt, mushroom powder, black pepper and Worcestershire sauce. Mix just until everything is mostly combined, a minute or two. Do not overwork the meat mixture or it will become tough and meatloaf-like. Shape the meat into 3-4 patties, using about a quarter to a third of a pound per patty, creating a slight indentation at the centers of the patties (this will help keep the patties fairly flat when they cook, as the sides tend to contract more than the center). 3 Prepare your grill for high, direct heat. While the grill is heating up, heat a large saut pan over high heat for 1 minute. Add the mushrooms and dry-saut them until they release their water, about 2-3 minutes. Add the onions and the olive oil, toss to combine and continue to saut over high heat 1 minute. Add salt to taste and cook until the onions soften and begin to brown. Turn off the heat and place in a bowl. 4 Grill the burgers to the desired doneness, between 5-8 minutes per side, depending on the thickness of the burgers and how hot your grill is. 5 When the burgers are almost done, lay the Swiss cheese over them and allow the cheese to melt. Paint the burger buns with a little olive oil and toast them on the griddle or grill grates. To assemble, put a burger on the bun and top with the sauteed onions and mushroom mixture.

Molho de gorgonzola light

2 1 1 1

cup low fat buttermilk tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil tablespoon white wine vinegar teaspoon Dijon mustard clove garlic, minced cup crumbled blue cheese Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix until well-combined. Break up larger chunks of cheese with a fork Molho com anchovas para salada
2 1 2 2 2 1 1 cup tarragon vinegar cup white wine vinegar bunch green onions bunch fresh parsley, chopped cans (2 oz.) Anchovy fillets clove garlic cups mayonnaise teaspoon salt piece lemon, juiced

Puree vinegars, onions, parsley, anchovies, garlic, salt, and lemon juice in a blender until well combined. Blend in mayonnaise and serve.

2 2 1 2 1 1 2 large garlic cloves cups pitted imported green olives (approximately pound with pits) tablespoons capers, drained and rinsed anchovy filets cup blanched almonds teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary teaspoon Dijon mustard tablespoons lemon juice cup olive oil Freshly-ground black pepper to taste Chopped fresh herbs or sprigs for garnish

If the anchovies are salt-packed, soak them for about 5 minutes in water and drain. Turn on a food processor and drop in the garlic. When it is chopped, turn off the machine and scrape down the sides. Add the olives, capers, anchovies, almonds, rosemary and mustard. Blend together until fairly smooth. Add the lemon juice, olive oil and a generous grinding of pepper and continue to blend until you have a smooth paste.

Vinagrete de ervas
1 2 cup safflower or canola oil cup white wine vinegar tablespoon Dijon mustard tablespoons flat leaf parsley, finely chopped teaspoon fried herbs, such as basil, chives, marjoram, tarragon or thyme Kosher salt and freshly ground white or black pepper

Combine the mustard and vinegar in a bowl and whisk together until combined Pour the mustard vinegar mixture into a blender and add the oil, herbs and seasonings. Blend for about 10 seconds or until fully combined. Transfer to a glass bowl or jar and let stand for 30 minutes to let the flavors meld Molho de semente de papoula
1 1 1 1 1 cup sugar teaspoon Salt teaspoon Dry mustard powder cup white vinegar teaspoon grated onion juice cup Salad oil tablespoon Poppy seeds

Mix sugar, salt, mustard and vinegar. Add onion juice and stir thoroughly. Slowly add oil, beating constantly, until completely combined and thick. Add poppy seeds and beat for a few minutes. Refrigerate Sorvete saudvel de banana e chocolate

4 bananas 2 colheres de sopa de chocolate em p (eu usei 1 de cacau em p) Nozes e mel para servir Descasque as bananas, corte em pedaos grandes e deixe no freezer por pelo menos 4 horas Retire, deixe cinco minutos em temperatura ambiente Bata no liquidificador ou processador com cuidado e devagar no modo pulsar, se for preciso, use uma colher para ajudar o contedo a se acomodar a cada "pulse" Aos poucos a banana batida vai ganhar a consistncia de um creme, acrescente o chocolate at misturar e ficar homogneo. Sirva coberto com mel e nozes

Sorvete maravilhoso de chocolate

800 g de doce de leite 2 latas de creme de leite (1 com soro e a outra sem soro) 8 colheres de chocolate em p

Recheio de frango para tacos e tortillas 2 pounds whole chicken thighs 3 small onions, sliced thinly 4 cloves of garlic, minced 3 dried ancho chiles, stems and seeds removed 3 dried guajillo chiles, stems and seeds removed 14 ounce can of chopped tomatoes in juice 2 cinnamon sticks 1 bay leaf juice of 1 meyer lemon (or juice of 1/2 regular lemon) homemade tortillas Generously salt and pepper the chicken on both sides. Add about 2 tablespoons of oil to a large heavy bottomed pot and heat until the oil is very hot. Brown the chicken in batches, leaving room between the pieces of chicken so they turn a golden brown on one side before flipping. Transfer the browned chicken to a plate and repeat. Turn down the heat to medium low, add the onions and garlic to the pot, and cover with a lid for 10 minutes. When you remove the lid, the onions should be wilted and cooking in their own juices. Use a wooden paddle to scrape up all the browned bits (a.k.a. chicken flavor) from the pan, then turn up the heat to medium high to burn off the liquid. When most of the liquid has evaporated, turn the heat back down and stir and continue to caramelize the onions until they are brown and glossy (another 20-30 minutes). Meanwhile, tear up the chiles into small flat pieces and place them in a single layer on a sheet pan. Roast in a 350 degree oven until they are fragrant, but be careful not to burn them as they will become bitter. Transfer the roasted peppers to a bowl and cover them with very hot water. Once the peppers are soft, transfer them to a food processor or blender adding in about 1/2 cup of the water they were soaking in along with the can of tomatoes. Puree the peppers and tomatoes until they form a smooth sauce. When the onions are done caramelizing add the pepper puree, along with the chicken, cinnamon sticks, bay leaf and lemon juice. Bring to a boil over medium high heat, then reduce the heat to the lowest setting, partially cover with a lid and cook until the chicken falls apart when prodded with a fork (about 1 1/2 hours). When the chicken is done, remove the bay leaf an cinnamon sticks, then use 2 forks to shred the meat. Serve with sliced avocados, fresh cilantro, lime wedges and tortillas. Tofu agridoce chinesa

for the saut 1/2 tablespoon oil 2 medium leeks, white part only, washed and grit removed (1 cup when chopped) 1 celery rib (1/2 cup when chopped) 1 small green pepper (1/2 cup when chopped) 1 tablespoon finely minced garlic 1 tablespoon finely minced ginger 1 tablespoon light soy sauce 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar

for the tofu 1 block (14 oz when drained) extra firm tofu 4 tablespoons corn starch 1/2 teaspoon or to taste freshly cracked black pepper Salt Vegetable or canola oil for frying Chop the leeks, celery and green pepper into a fine dice. Heat oil in a wok on medium-high heat. Add chopped leeks, celery, and green pepper. Saut on high heat for about 2 minutes. Add ginger and garlic. Cook another 1-2 minutes. Add soy sauce and brown sugar and cook 30 seconds. Set this mixture aside. Pat dry the drained tofu. Cut into 1 inch cubes. Place the tofu cubes in a large bowl. Add corn starch, salt and pepper. Gently toss till the tofu pieces are very well coated. In a skillet, pour oil so that it comes up 1/2 inch. Heat the oil.Make sure oil is hot. Add tofu cubes a few at a time. If you fry too many in one go they wont crisp up. Fry the tofu pieces, flipping them around, so that all sides are golden brown. Drain onto a few layers of paper towels. Heat up the sauted leeks, celery and bell pepper. Add the fried tofu cubes to this. Toss well. Serve vegan Chinese salt and pepper tofu with your favorite chili sauce and garnish with celery leaves or green onions.
Frango com limo ao forno

8 Pieces Bone-In Chicken (I prefer thighs and drumsticks) 6 Whole Garlic Cloves 1 Small Onion, thinly sliced 2 Cups Crimini Mushrooms, sliced 4 Sprigs Fresh Rosemary 8 Lemon Slices, seeds removed 1 Dried Bay Leaf 2 Tablespoons Capers, drained 2 Cups Low Sodium Chicken Broth Teaspoon Red Chili Flakes 3 Tablespoons Olive Oil Kosher Salt and Black Pepper Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Liberally season the chicken with salt and pepper. In a large Dutch Oven heat olive oil to medium high. In batches, brown chicken pieces on both sides and transfer to a plate. Discard all but 2-3 tablespoons of left over grease. Lower heat to medium and add garlic cloves, cooking until lightly golden. Add onions and cook until all items are evenly browned. Add chili flakes and saut for an additional minute. Add

mushrooms and saut for an additional 2-3 minutes. Carefully add chicken stock and bring to a boil. With a wooden spoon, scrape the brown bits from the bottom of the pot. Return the chicken to the pot with the skin side up. Add lemon slices, bay leaf, capers, and rosemary sprigssubmerging those items underneath the liquid. Place lid over the pot and put into the oven for 25-30 minutes or until chicken is done. Carefully take the pot out of the oven. Remove rosemary sprigs, bay leaves and skim off and discard any fat and impurities from the juices. Check for seasonings and adjust with kosher salt and pepper as necessary.
Bolo de chocolate e beterraba com mascarpone 150g choc amargo derretido com 100g manteiga. Juntar 100g mascarpone. Misture 3 ovos, 250g a mascavo. Junte 250g far, 40g cacau e col (ch) sal. Junta 250g beterraba cozida e processada (pur). Assar. Batata doce com especiarias e gro-de-bico

1 Cup Dried Chickpeas/Garbanzos ,soaked in water overnight 3 Large Sweet Potatoes, peeled (about 3 lbs) Cup Finely Chopped Yellow Onion 2 tbsp. Melted Butter 1 tbsp. Olive Oil 1 tsp. Cinnamon 2 tbsp. Honey 2 tsp. Fresh Nutmeg 1 tbsp. Fresh Grated Ginger 1 Garlic Clove, minced 1 tsp. Salt 1 Lime Zest and Juice Fresh Ground Pepper 3 tbsp. Fresh Thyme, leaves removed In a medium pot, bring 3 cups of water to a boil, add the soaked beans. Gently boil for about 50 minutes until the beans are cooked through. Drain. 2. In the meantime, prepare the peeled potatoes. Cut off the ends and chop them into one inch cubes. Try to make them equal in size, shapes can vary. Put them in a large bowl. 3. In a small bowl, whisk the lime zest and juice, melted butter, oil, garlic, salt, honey, cinnamon, and nutmeg together. Pour the mix over the big bowl of potatoes, stir. Add the drained garbanzos, onions, 2 tbsp. of the fresh thyme and gently fold to cover everything in the spice mixture. 4. Spread the goods evenly onto a rimmed baking sheet. Bake at 425 in the upper third of the oven for 35-40 minutes, gently stirring halfway through for consistent browning. 5. Let cool a bit before serving, sprinkle fresh pepper, squeeze of lime,taste for salt and sprinkle remaining thyme on top
Biscoito de chocolate maravilhoso 24 pes

1/3 cup chocolate hazelnut spread 100g butter, chopped 3/4 cup caster sugar 1 egg, lightly beaten 1 1/4 cups plain flour, sifted

2 tablespoons cocoa powder, sifted 1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 1/4 cup pure icing sugar Place spread and butter in a saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring, for 2 to 3 minutes or until smooth. Transfer to a bowl. Stir caster sugar, egg, flour, cocoa powder and bicarbonate of soda into chocolate mixture. Refrigerate for 20 minutes. Preheat oven to 180C/160C fan-forced. Grease 2 baking trays. Line with baking paper. Roll level tablespoons of mixture into 24 balls. Sift icing sugar onto a plate. Roll each ball in icing sugar. Place balls, 6cm apart, on prepared trays. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes

Sopa de couve-flor com especiarias e iogurte 4 pes

1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 brown onion, chopped 1 desiree potato, peeled, chopped 2 garlic cloves, chopped 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon ground chilli 1/2 medium cauliflower (see note), trimmed, cut into small florets 5 1/2 cups reduced-salt vegetable stock 1/2 cup low-fat natural yoghurt Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add onion, potato and garlic. Cook, stirring often, for 5 minutes or until onion is soft. Add turmeric, coriander, cumin and chilli. Cook for 1 minute or until aromatic. Add cauliflower and stock. Cover and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer, partially covered, for 15 to 20 minutes or until cauliflower is tender. Set aside to cool slightly. Blend soup, in batches, until smooth. Return soup to saucepan over mediumlow heat. Stir in 1/3 cup yoghurt. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes or until hot (do not boil). Season with salt and pepper.

Hambrguer de quinoa

1 cup uncooked quinoa 2 cups water 1/2 teaspoon salt To cook quinoa: In a medium saucepan bring the 2 cups water and 1/2 teaspoon salt to a boil over high heat. Add quinoa and reduce heat to low. Cover and cook for 18-20 minutes, or until

all water is absorbed and the seeds are tender. Allow to cool for a few minutes. 3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese (or other variety, if you prefer) 1/2 cup cottage cheese 1 medium carrot, finely grated 3 eggs 2-3 tablespoons all purpose flour (start with 2, if they wont hold together add the other one) 2 green onions, including white parts 1 /2 teaspoon Splenda or sugar 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder Olive oil for frying In a large bowl combine the cooked quinoa, cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, carrot, eggs, flour, green onions, Splenda, pepper, cumin, salt, and garlic powder. Heat a frying pan and a couple teaspoons olive oil over medium-low heat. Measure 1/4 cup and form into patties about 1/2 inch thick - mixture will be slightly sticky. Fry until golden-brown, about 4 minutes on each side. Makes approx. 10 burgers.
Hambrguer de gro-de-bico

2 (15-ounce) cans chickpeas, drained and rinsed - 2 Teaspoons garam masala (original is 1 tsp.) - 2 Tablespoons olive oil - 2 eggs - 1/2 Cup toasted bread crumbs - 4 scallions, minced - 1/2 Cup Greek yogurt - 3 Tablespoons cilantro, minced - Pinch of salt Tzatziki Sauce:

- 1 Cup Greek yogurt - 1 cucumber, shredded - 2 Tablespoons scallions - 1 Tablespoon cilantro - Pinch of salt Making the Tzatziki. The next time I make this, Im going to make a double batch of the sauce. It would be so good on pita as a snack or on a ton of different sandwiches. In all seriousness, I could eat it with a spoon.

Fil mignon, risoto de chevre, crocante de alhopor e ghee de ervas

Crocante de Alho-Por

0,50 Unidade de Alho-Por 1 Colheres de sopa de Farinha de Trigo 1 Colheres de sopa de Amido de Milho A gosto de leo para fritar Filet Mignon

200 g de Filet Mignon (dois medalhes de 200g) Guee de Ervas

1 Dentes de Alho (espremidos) 0,25 Molho de Cebolinha Francesa (bem picada) 0,15 Molho de Salsa (bem picada) A gosto de Pimenta-do-Reino 100 g de Manteiga com Sal A gosto de Sal Risoto de Chvre

100 g de Arroz Carnaroli ou Arbreo 50 mL de Creme de Leite Fresco

50 g de Queijo Chevrotin 0,50 Taa de Vinho Branco 0,50 Colher de sopa de Gengibre ( ralado ) Risoto de Chvre ( Caldo de Legumes )

250 g de Cebola Branca ( picada ) 125 g de Cenoura ( picada ) 125 g de Aipo ( picado )

Tempere o fil-mignon com sal e pimenta-do-reino e, em seguida, espalhe um pouco de azeite de oliva em sua superfcie. Ento, prepare a carne a seu gosto, em frigideira, grelhado ou forno. A carne dever ser feita no momento de servir.

Sirva com tintos estruturados feitos com uvas cabernet sauvignon ou shiraz
Caldo de Legumes ( Risoto de Chvre ) Em uma panela grande coloque a cebola, a cenoura e o aipo, tempere com sal e pimenta-do-reino, cubra com gua e deixe ferver, obtendo um caldo clarinho. Retire do fogo, coe, descarte as partes slidas e reserve o caldo. Risoto de Chvre

Pr-cozinhe o arroz com um pouco do caldo, deixando-o no fogo 1/3 de seu tempo total de cozimento. Para tal, considere as informaes da embalagem (se o tempo de cozimento, por exemplo, for de 21 minutos, deixe o arroz cozinhando por apenas 7 minutos). Desligue o fogo. Em outra panela, coloque a manteiga, o alho e deixe cozinhando, at que fiquem translcidos. Adicione o arroz pr-cozido e, em seguida, o vinho branco. Espere o vinho evaporar e coloque o queijo Chevrotin e o gengibre ralado. Misture e, aos poucos, coloque caldo de legumes deixando que cozinhe um pouco mais. Ento, adicione o creme de leite fresco, misture e deixe cozinhar at completar 2/3 do tempo da embalagem. Desligue o fogo e reserve.

Crocante de alho-por

Corte o alho-por (somente a parte clara do talo) em tirinhas longas e finas, lave e deixe secar um pouco. Dentro de um saco plstico, coloque a farinha de trigo e o amido de milho, tempere com um pouco de sal e de pimenta-do-reino, e acrescente as tirinhas de alho-por. Feche bem o saco e sacuda. Retire o alho-por de dentro do saco e livre-o do excesso de farinha. Frite em leo bem quente at que fique dourado e crocante. Reserve.

Guee de Ervas ( molho ) Em uma panela, em fogo baixo, coloque a manteiga e, quando estiver derretida e comear a espumar, com uma escumadeira, v retirando a crosta branca (de aparncia similar nata) que se forma na superfcie. Faa isso at que a manteiga fique sem impurezas. Ento, coloque os dentes de alho espremidos e deixe dourar. Desligue o fogo e coloque a cebolinha francesa e a salsa, tempere com sal e pimenta-do-reino e reserve.

Panqueca de coco (massa) 12 unid

1 cup (150g) plain flour 1/3 cup (75g) caster sugar 2 large eggs, lightly beaten 1 cup (250ml) coconut cream, plus extra to serve 40g unsalted butter, melted, plus extra to brush 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Tarte tatin 6 pes

6 golden delicious or royal gala apples 2 tbs lemon juice 200g vanilla sugar 30g unsalted butter, cubed 250g puff pastry* Peel and core the apples and cut into quarters. Place in a large bowl and toss in the lemon juice and 100g vanilla sugar. Place remaining sugar and 2 tablespoons water in an oven-proof frying pan or 25cm tarte Tatin pan over low heat, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Increase heat to medium and cook for about 5 minutes until the sugar caramelises and is a light-golden brown. Add the apple, cut-side up and dot with the butter. Keeping the heat very low, cook for a further 5-6 minutes to partially cook the apple. Remove from heat and set aside to cool. Preheat the oven to 190C. Roll out pastry and cut into a circle slightly larger than the pan. Place the pastry over the apple, tucking any excess underneath. Place the pan on a baking tray to catch any juices that may bubble over and bake in the oven for 35 minutes until the pastry is cooked and golden

Aligot 6 pes

80g unsalted butter 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1kg floury potatoes, peeled 1 cup (250ml) milk 200g Cantal (see note) or gruyere cheese, Melt butter with garlic in a pan over very low heat. Set aside. Cook potato in

boiling salted water for 20 minutes until tender. Drain, return to pan and cover with a tea towel for 5 minutes to absorb steam. Pass through a potato ricer or mash with a masher, then add garlic butter, milk and cheese and beat with electric beaters or a whisk until smooth Ensopado de carne com vinho francesa (daube) 6 pes servir c/aligot

1 each onion, carrot & celery, chopped 2 tsp quatre epices (see note) (a mix of pepper, cloves, nutmeg and ginger) 2 garlic cloves, bruised 2 bay leaves 1/4 cup (60ml) brandy 1.5L (6 cups) dry red wine 1kg lean braising beef, such as chuck steak, cut into 3cm cubes 1/4 cup (60ml) olive oil 60g unsalted butter 1 1/2 tbs tomato paste 2 tbs plain flour 400ml beef stock 12 eschalots 2 tsp sugar 250g thickly sliced pancetta or speck, cut into strips 150g button mushrooms Place chopped onion, carrot, celery, spice, garlic, bay leaves, brandy, wine and beef in a bowl. Cover and marinate in the fridge for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. Preheat the oven to 170C. Strain beef mixture, reserving marinade, beef and vegetable mixture separately. Bring the marinade to the boil in a pan over medium-high heat. Cook for 5-6 minutes, skimming surface. Heat half each of the oil and butter in a large flameproof casserole over medium-high heat. Brown beef in batches, then set aside. Add reserved vegetables and cook, stirring, for 2-3 minutes. Add tomato paste and stir for 1 minute, then stir in the flour. Return the meat to the pan with marinade and stock. Bring to the boil, then cover and cook in the oven for 1 1/2 hours. Meanwhile, place eschalots, sugar and enough water to cover in a saucepan and bring to the boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 8-10 minutes until onions are tender. Set aside until needed. Heat remaining butter and oil in a frypan over medium heat. Cook pancetta or speck, stirring, for 2-3 minutes until it starts to crisp, then remove with a slotted spoon and set aside. Add mushrooms to the pan, then cook for 2-3 minutes until softened. Set aside with pancetta. Skim any fat from the surface of the beef pan. Strain, returning the liquid to the pan and setting beef and vegetables aside in a bowl. Return pan to medium-high heat for 3-4 minutes to reduce and thicken sauce. Return beef to the sauce with eschalots, pancetta and mushrooms. Simmer for 5 minutes to heat through.

Bolo de iogurte com morangos frescos 12 pes

1 2 3 3 2 8 12 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened cups sugar eggs Tb. lemon juice, divided Zest of 1 lemon cups all-purpose flour, divided teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt ounces plain or vanilla, greek yogurt ounces fresh strawberries, diced cup powdered sugar

Preheat oven to 325*. Grease and flour a 10 inch Bundt pan. Sift together the 2 cups of flour, baking soda and salt. Mix in the lemon zest and set aside. Step 2 With an electric mixer, cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in 1 Tb. lemon juice. Alternate beating in the flour mixture and the yogurt, mixing just until incorporated. Step 3 Toss the strawberries with the remaining cup of flour. Gently mix them into the batter. Step 4 Pour the batter into the Bundt pan. Bake in the preheated oven for 60 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Step 5 Allow to cool 10 minutes in the pan, then turn out onto a wire rack and cool completely. Once cooled whisk together the remaining 2 Tb. of lemon juice and the powdered sugar. Drizzle over the top of the cake

Sorvete italiano de morango e manjerico 6 pes

1 1 pint fresh strawberries cup basil leaves cups simple syrup Zest and Juice of 1 lemon

To make the simple syrup, combine one cup of water and one cup of sugar in a small sauce pan or microwave safe bowl. Heat until the sugar has completely dissolved. Cool a little. Place all the ingredients in a blender. Puree until smooth. Pour into 1 large container, or 6 small dishes. Freeze.

Muffins de morango e chocolate branco

1 2 1 12 cup plain flour teaspoons baking powder cup sugar egg cup canola oil (or any oil with little flavour) cup milk gram 150 block of white chocolate, chopped into inch (ish) cubes strawberries, washed and quartered

Tarteletes de brie e morangos- 40 unid

2 1 10 6 8 sheets (1 box) frozen puff pastry, thawed egg + 1 Tb. water ripe strawberries ounces soft ripe brie sprigs of fresh thyme Salt Honey for drizzling

Musse de capuccino

600 mL cream 3/4 cup NESTL Sweetened Condensed Milk 2 tsp gelatine 2 tsp NESCAF BLEND 43 2 tbsp hot water 100 g PLAISTOWE Premium Dark Cooking Chocolate, melted NESTL Baking Cocoa

Set aside 1/2 cup cream. Beat remaining cream with NESTLE Sweetened Condensed Milk until thick, do not over-beat. 2. Combine gelatine, NESCAFE Blend 43 and hot water, stir to dissolve, cool. 3. Beat gelatine mixture into cream mixture with cooled PLAISTOWE Premium Dark Chocolate. 4. Spoon mixture evenly into 4 individual serving dishes, refrigerate until firm. 5. Beat the 1/2 cup cream until thick. Spoon over mousse, dust with NESTLE Baking Cocoa and top with fruit if desired

Sanchicho de chocolate com sorvete de crme 10 pes

bubble wrap or baking paper 1 1/2 pkts PLAISTOWE Premium Dark Cooking Chocolate, melted 600 mL cream 395 g NESTL Sweetened Condensed Milk

2 tbsp orange liqueur

Cut 2 sheets bubble wrap 28cm x 18cm. Spread PLAISTOWE Rich Dark Cooking Chocolate evenly over bubble side of both sheets of bubble wrap or baking paper, refrigerate until set, peel off bubble wrap, cut chocolate into squares or rectangles. 2. Combine remaining ingredients in bowl of electric mixer, beat until thick. Spoon mixture into foil lined 28cm x 18cm lamington pan, cover, freeze, remove from pan. Cut ice cream into squares or rectangles same size as chocolate 3. To serve, place one chocolate layer (bubble side down) on serving plate. Place ice cream square or rectangle on top. Place remaining chocolate layer (bubble side up) on top Torta de chocolate com laranja 16 pes

1/2 pkt NESTL Dark Melts 125 g butter, cut into cubes 2 tbsp golden syrup 250 g plain sweet biscuits, crushed 1/4 cup dried mixed peel 1 orange rind, grated 2 tbsp Cointreau or orange juice

Place NESTLE Dark Melts in a saucepan with butter and golden syrup. Cook over a low heat, stirring, until melted. 2. Stir in remaining Torte ingredients. 3. Press mixture into a lined 20cm spring form tin. Cover and refrigerate until firm Bolo de chocolate com coco moda australiana

1 cup self raising flour 1 tbsp NESTL Baking Cocoa 1/4 cup desiccated coconut 1/3 cup caster sugar 125 g butter, melted TOPPING: 1 tbsp NESTL Baking Cocoa 3/4 cup NESTL Sweetened Condensed Milk 100 g PLAISTOWE Premium Dark Cooking Chocolate, melted 1/2 pkt NESTL Dark CHOC BITS 2 cups desiccated coconut

Combine Base ingredients and press into prepared tin. 3. Bake 15 minutes until golden. 4. Combine NESTLE Baking Cocoa, NESTLE Sweetened Condensed Milk, PLAISTOWE Rich Dark Cooking Chocolate, NESTLE Dark Choc Bits and remaining topping ingredients and spread over base. Cool then cut into slices

Sorvete de chocolate branco e preto com gengibre

395 mL NESTL Sweetened Condensed Milk 600 mL cream 200 g PLAISTOWE Premium Dark Cooking Chocolate, melted 1 tsp ground ginger 1/2 cup NESTL White CHOC BITS

Combine NESTLE Sweetened Condensed Milk, cream, PLAISTOWE Rich Dark Cooking Chocolate and ginger in a large bowl. Beat until thick and creamy. 2. Fold in NESTLE White Choc Bits. 3. Pour mixture into a freezer4 pan then freeze until required. Semifreddo de capuccino com trufas de caf 12 pes

60 g PLAISTOWE Premium Dark Cooking Chocolate, melted 50 g butter, melted 1 tbsp coffee liqueur 395 mL NESTL Sweetened Condensed Milk 600 mL cream 1 tbsp NESCAF BLEND 43 1 tbsp hot water

Combine PLAISTOWE Rich Dark Cooking Chocolate, butter and coffee liqueur. Reserve 2 tablespoons and refrigerate remaining mixture until firm. Roll into balls. 2. Combine NESTLE Sweetened Condensed Milk and cream in a bowl and beat until thick and creamy, about 8 minutes. 3. Pour half the mixture into a lined 12cm x 23cm loaf pan and freeze 30 minutes until firm. Arrange the truffles on top. 4. Combine NESCAFE BLEND 43 and water and swirl into remaining cream mixture with reserved chocolate mixture. Pour over truffles. Freeze until firm then serve cut into slices

Salada de frutas secas - 100g de ameixa seca sem caroo - 100g de damasco - 100g de ma seca - 100g de pra seca - 100g de uva passa sem caroo - 500ml de suco de ma feito na hora - 2 colheres de sopa de vinho tinto seco - 1 xcara de ch de iogurte natural - 50g de nozes em metades Coloque as frutas em uma tigela, regue com o suco de ma e deixe de um dia para o outro. Coloque-as em uma panela e leve ao fogo mdio por 15 minutos. Retire do fogo, espere esfriar e coloque-as em uma saladeira. Regue com o vinho, junte o iogurte e misture. Decore com as nozes e sirva.

Sopa de carne com legumes - 1 colher de sopa de leo de canola - 1 cebola mdia picada - 2 cenouras cortadas em rodelas - 1 mao de brcolis - 1 abobrinha cortada em cubos - 500 g de carne bovina magra cortada em cubos - 3 batatas mdias picadas - 4 tomates sem sementes e picados - 3 litros de gua - 15 vagens picadas - Sal a gosto Numa panela com capacidade para oito litros, esquente bem o leo em fogo alto, junte a cebola, as cenouras, o repolho e a abobrinha e cozinhe at que os legumes fiquem dourados, mexendo frequentemente. Retire-os com a escumadeira e reserveos. No mesmo leo da panela, doure os cubos de carne mexendo frequentemente, at que fiquem corados. Depois, coloque os ingredientes restantes, os legumes reservados, as batatas, os tomates e deixe levantar fervura. Abaixe o fogo, tampe e cozinhe at que a carne e as batatas estejam macias. Sirva a seguir. Sopa de abbora com gengibre e alecrim - 1 colher de sopa de azeite extra virgem - cebola mdia picada - 1 colher de ch de gengibre picado - 1kg de abbora amarela em pedaos - 1 litro de caldo de legumes natural ou gua - 1 colher de sopa de alecrim seco - Sal a gosto Cozinhe a abbora e bata no liquidificador com um pouco de gua (a mesma do cozimento) e reserve. Aquea uma panela e acrescente a cebola e o alho amassado at ficar transparente. Junte o creme de abbora e tempere com sal, caldo de legumes natural e o gengibre. Mexa bem e deixe ferver por alguns minutos. Junte o alecrim e desligue o fogo. Regue com o azeite de oliva extra virgem. Ch de gengibre com ch verde - 1 sach de ch verde orgnico - gua filtrada - 1 pedao de 3cm de raiz de gengibre fatiado

Coloque o sach de ch verde em uma xcara com a gua quente com trs fatias de gengibre. Deixe abafado por trs minutos e tome em seguida. Ch de ma e gengibre - 2 mas mdias - 3 rodelas de gengibre - 500ml de gua Descasque e pique as mas. Coloque os pedaes, as cascas e o gengibre numa chaleira com gua fervente e deixe por cerca de cinco minutos. Apague e deixar por mais alguns minutos. Servir em seguida. Cajuzinho diet 1 embalagem de DOCE DE LEITE LOWUCAR ZERO ACAR (200g) xcara (ch) de leite em p integral (80g) xcara (ch) de castanha de caju (50g) 1 colher (sopa) de margarina culinria (20g) xcara (ch) de leite desnatado (50ml)
Em uma panela adicione o leite, o doce de leite, o leite em p, a castanha, a margarina e misture bem. Leve ao fogo baixo mexendo at desgrudar do fundo da panela. Coloque em um prato, cubra com filme plstico e deixe esfriar. Bolo de chocolate e coco light

3 claras (45g) 3 gemas (45g) xcara (ch) de ACAR LIGHT MAGRO (35g) 1 xcara (ch) de farinha de trigo (110g) 1 colher (sopa) de amido de milho (150g) xcara (ch) de ACHOCOLATADO MAGRO LIGHT (60g) embalagem de leite de coco light (100ml) xcara (ch) de leo (100ml)

1 colher (sopa) de fermento qumico em p (12g)

Prepare as claras em ponto de neve. Acrescente o acar e bata at dar ponto de suspiro. Adicione as gemas, o restante dos ingredientes aos poucos e bata por aproximadamente 2 minutos. Despeje em uma forma para pudim de 23cm de dimetro untada e enfarinhada e leve para assar em forno pr-aquecido 180C por 35 min

350ml de leite desnatado 3 colheres (sopa) de ACHOCOLATADO MAGRO LIGHT (45g) 1 colher (sobremesa) de margarina light (10g) 1 colher (sobremesa) de ACAR LIGHT MAGRO (4g) Misture todos os ingredientes em uma panela e leve ao fogo baixo. Deixe ferver at engrossar por aproximadamente 10 minutos. Hot dog de forno light 5 ovos (250g) 1 colher (caf) de MULTI ADOANTE LOWUCAR (3g) 2 xcaras (ch) de farinha de trigo (220g) xcara (ch) de leo (150g) 3 colheres (sopa) de queijo parmeso ralado (20g) 1 colher (sopa) de fermento qumico em p (12g) 2 xcaras (ch) de leite desnatado (500ml) Organo para polvilhar. Bata no liquidificador os ovos, o leite, o leo, o queijo, o
adoante, a farinha e o fermento

Recheio: 500g de salsichas cortadas em rodelas finas 1 embalagem de molho de tomate pronto (340g) 1 embalagem de milho verde escorrido (200g) 4 colheres (sopa) de queijo parmeso ralado (30g)

1 c sal, Cheiro verde. Misture em um recipiente todos os ingredientes e reserve. Despeje metade da massa em uma assadeira retangular de 24cmx34cm untada e enfarinhada. Espalhe todo o recheio sobre a massa e cubra com a outra metade da massa. Polvilhe o organo e leve ao forno pr-aquecido 180C por 45 minutos. Massa light p/ enrolar salsicha (joelho) etc. 1 tablete de fermento biolgico fresco (15g) 1 colher (caf) de Adoante SSTEVIA LOWUCAR (2g) 3 xcaras (ch) de farinha de trigo (330g) 1 colher (caf) de sal 3 colheres (sopa) de margarina culinria (60g) 1 ovo (50g) xcara (ch) de leite desnatado (100ml) 1 gema para pincelar (15g) 9 unidades de salsichas (360g)

Po com alho na massa (light) 1 gema (15g) xcara (ch) de gua (150ml) 1 pitada de sal 1 tablete de fermento biolgico fresco (15g) 1 colher (sobremesa) de Adoante STEVA PLUS LOWUCAR (8g) 2 colheres (sopa) de margarina culinria (20g) 2 xcaras (ch) de farinha de trigo (250g) colher (sopa) de alho frito (8g) 1 colher (sopa) de leo

1 colher (sopa) de organo

Em uma frigideira coloque o leo e frite o alho. Reserve. Em um recipiente adicione a gua, o fermento e dissolva. Acrescente o adoante, a margarina, o sal, a gema, o alho j frio, o organo e misture bem. Coloque a farinha aos poucos, sove bem a massa e deixe descansar por aproximadamente 20 minutos. Modele em forma de po, pincele a gema e deixe crescer novamente. Em seguida leve para assar em forno pr-aquecido 180C por aproximadamente 25 minutos

Pipoca light de chocolate

1 xcara (ch) de pipoca crua (140g) 1 xcara (ch) de FRUTOSE LOWUCAR (120g) 3 colheres (sopa) de ACHOCOLATADO NEW CHOCO LOWUCAR DIET (30g) 5 colheres (sopa) de gua (50ml) 4 colheres (sopa) de leo de soja (32g)
Em uma panela, coloque o leo, o milho de pipoca, tampe e deixe estourar. Reserve. Em outra panela grande, adicione a frutose, a gua, o achocolatado, misture bem e deixe ferver at borbulhar. Adicione as pipocas reservadas, misturando bem por aproximadamente 1 minuto em fogo baixo. Desligue o fogo e continue mexendo at que fiquem uniformes Coxinha de soja

500g de batata cozida e amassada 1 copo de extrato de soja JASMINE diludo* copo de farinha branca copo de farinha integral fina JASMINE 4 dentes de alho amassados 4 colheres de leo de milho 1 colher (ch) de pprica picante Sal JASMINE marinho e cheiro verde a gosto Refogar o alho no leo quente, misturar as batatas e o restante dos ingredientes mexendo sempre at desgrudar da panela e deixe esfriar. DO RECHEIO 2 colheres (sopa) de leo de milho 1 colher (sopa) de alho picado

4 colheres (sopa) de cebola picada 2 xcaras (ch) de PST mdia JASMINE hidratada 4 palmitos mdios picados 1 xcara (ch) de azeitonas picadas 1 colher (sobremesa) de pprica picante Sal JASMINE marinho e cheiro verde a gosto Aquea o leo, frite o alho, a cebola, a PTS e deixe refogar mexendo s vezes. Coloque o sal, a pprica e em seguida a azeitona e o palmito. Abaixe o fogo e deixe refogar mais alguns minutos desligue e acrescente o cheiro verde. Recheie a massa e faa coxinhas ou rissoles e frite-os em leo quente. DO EXTRATO DE SOJA DILUDO (leite de soja)* 2 colheres (sopa) de extrato de soja JASMINE 250ml de gua Adicione o extrato de soja gua, mexendo sempre at obter uma mistura homognea.
Bolo intenso de cacau . . . . . . . . 100 g de margarina 4 ovos 2 xcaras de farinha de trigo 2 xcaras de acar xcara de cacau em p 1 xcara de leite 1 colher (sopa) de fermento em p 1 pitada de sal

1. Pr-aquea o forno a 180C. 2. Unte uma forma com manteiga. 3. Na batedeira, bata a margarina com o acar e os ovos at ficar amarelo claro e dobrar de volume. 5. Juntar a farinha, o cacau e o leite. 6. Adicionar o fermento e o sal. 7. Transfira o contedo da batedeira para a forma. 8. Deixe assar por aproximadamente 30 minutos. Mousse de chocolate . 350g de creme de leite fresco . 400g de chocolate meio amargo 1. Derreta o chocolate no microondas e espere esfriar antes de usar. 2. Bata, na batedeira, o creme de leite com 2 colheres de acar, at o ponto de merengue e no de chantilly 3. Desligue a batedeira e junte o creme de leite ao chocolate e misture delicadamente. Montagem Corte o bolo em vrias camadas. Eu cortei em 4, e recheie com o mousse. Se desejar, salpique um pouco de ovomaltine em cada camada

Panacotta de limoncello
1 pint heavy whipping cream cup sugar

3 3 1

cup Limoncello ounce (1 packet) Knox gelatin tablespoons cold water For the glaze: tablespoons powdered sugar tablespoon Limoncello

In a medium size bowl, add the cold water and sprinkle the Knox gelatin on top. Do not stir, and set aside. Step 2 In a small saucepan, place whipping cream and sugar over medium heat. Stirring frequently with a spoon or whisk until well combined, cook until it nears boiling. Remove from heat, add Limoncello and stir well to combine. Step 3 If you are using custard cups or ramekins, spray lightly with cooking spray as you will be inverting the panna cotta onto plates to serve. If you are using small champagne glasses, you can skip this step

Slowly pour the cream mixture over the gelatin mixture and stir well until combined. Divide among your custard cups and refrigerate for a minimum of two hours or until firm. Serve with blueberries, limoncello glaze or blueberry sauce, or a combination of your favorite fresh fruits Torta de cebola e ricota 6 pes Massa: 1 x aveia fina, 1 x far trigo, x manteiga, 3 C gua, sal. Misture secos e pe gua aos poucos. Pe sal. Forra forma e reserva. Recheio: 2 cebolas picadinhas, 2 C azeite, 1 C manteiga, 2 ovos, 1 x leie, sal, 1 x ricota amassada, pimenta-do-reino e manjerona. Refoga ceb e azeite. Junta demais ingredientes, cobre massa e leva ao forno. Pav de nozes 6 pes Creme: 2 x leite, 1 x acar, 3 gemas, 3 C maisena. Fogo at engrossar. Junta baunilha. Quando esfriar juntar x nozes picadas. Alterna camadas de creme e de biscoito champanhe, polvilhando entre elas x de nozes picadas. Cobertura: 170g choc amargo, 200g creme leite. Derrete e mistura 1 C Karo e 2 C licor. Por cima de tudo, 1 x calda chocolate depois que desenformar gelado. Sufl de goiabada 4 pes 4 claras neve, 1 pit sal, 220g goiabada pastosa. Forno pr a 160C por uns 10 min (at subir). Aumente ento a temp do forno para dourar. Sirva imediatamente com

a calda: 200ml leite, 100g Catupiry Banana nut cake Bate 125g mant, x a e 1 C gua fervendo. Pe 2 ovos, 1 de cd vez, e 3 bananas gdes amassadas c/canela. Dissolve 1 c bicarb em 3 C leite e alterna esse lq com 1 e x far. com ferm. Junta x nozes picadas e forno. Acrescenta se quiser bolinhas de choc na massa. Serve com chantilly, calda de caramelo e de chocolate, e sorvete de creme. Tambm pode servir c/cobertura de creamcheese. Outra: 1/2 xcara de acar
1/2 xcara de aucar mascavo 2 ovos 3 bananas prata bem maduras (devem estar com a casca quase preta) e amassadas com garfo. 1 colher de caf de sal 1 colher de ch de fermento em p 1/2 xcara de bicarbonato de sdio 1 xcara de farinha de trigo 1/2 xcara de nozes quebrada 1 colher de caf de canela em p 1/2 colher de caf de nz moscada 1 colher de caf de extrato de baunilha 175 gr de manteiga a temperatura ambiente 50ml de oleo de canola Torta de banana integral

16 colheres (sopa) de acar mascavo 16 colheres (sopa) de farinha de trigo integral fina 1 colher (sopa) de fermento em p 4 bananas nanicas maduras 3 ovos Canela em p

Forre uma forma prpria para a torta com uma camada grossa de manteiga sem sal e espalhe metade da mistura resultante da combinao do acar com a farinha e com o fermento. Corte as bananas em rodelas e distribua-as sobre a massa, salpicando canela em p por cima. Faa camadas de massa e de banana alternadamente, terminando com a massa. Separe as gemas das claras e bata as claras em neve. Adicione ento as gemas e, se achar necessrio, adoce. Derrame sobre a torta e leve para assar em forno mdio at que esteja corada a cobertura e assado o recheio

Bolo de banana com creme de leite

3 ovos 2 colheres de sopa de margarina sem sal 2 colheres de acar 1 lata de creme de leite 1 1/2 xcara de farinha de trigo 1 colher de sopa de fermento em p para bolo 8 bananas

Bolo de banana com iogurte

Ovos Iogurte natural leo Acar Farinha de trigo Fermento em p Bananas nanicas 4 200 ml 200 ml 260 g 260 g 1 colher de sopa 2

Outro: 1 iogurte natural com mel (200g)

200g de manteiga sem sal 1,5 xcara (ch) de acar 3 ovos 6 bananas nanicas maduras 2 colheres (sopa) de chocolate em p. 2 xcaras (ch) de farinha de rosca 1 xcara (ch) de nozes picadas 1 colher (sopa) de fermento em p aucar e canela para a decorao

Sopa de abbora do Celeiro

1 kg de abbora - 1 xcara de leite - 1 xcara de iogurte - 12 sementes de coentro - 12 pimentas do reino - 32 cm de canela em pau - 8 cravos - 1 C sal - Tabasco (opcional ) - 2 C de azeite - 1 cebola picadinha - 2 xcaras de gua - 2 colheres de sopa de hortel picada

Lave e corte a abbora ao meio, retire os caroos ( reserve ) e coloque em um tabuleiro untado com leo para assar em forno pr-aquecido por 1 hora ou at que esteja macia.

Retire da casca e bata no liqidificador para fazer um pur. - Arrume um pouco das sementes em um tabuleiro e asse em forno mdio at que fiquem coradas e secas. Deixe esfriar, guarde em um pote hermeticamente fechado. - Em uma panela funda ferva o leite, as sementes de coentro, pimenta, canela em pau e o cravo. Desligue o fogo, adicione o iogurte e o tabasco e deixe descansar 30 minutos para tomar gosto. Retire os temperos com uma peneira. - Junte a abbora e misture bem. - Aquea o azeite numa frigideira pequena, refogue a cebola at que fique levemente corada. Acrescente a gua, deixe ferver at que reduza a 1/2 xcara. Desligue o fogo e adicione a hortel picada. Junte ao creme de abbora e misture bem. - Na hora de servir, coloque a sopa em potes individuais e, por cima enfeite com folhas de hortel picadas e as sementes de abbora tostadas. Obs : se quiser bata as sementes um pouco no liqidificador para quebr-las Salada de trigo com passas
5 xcaras de trigo em gro cozido - 1 xcara de pimento vermelho cortado em cubos pequenos - 150 g de passas pretas hidratadas - 1 xcara de aipo cortado enviezado - 1 xcara de salsa picada

para o molho 1 3 1 1 xcara leo colheres de sopa de molho de soja colher de sopa de alho amassado colher de sopa de sal marinho

Para hidratar as passas: selecione, lave e coloque as passas numa pequena panela com gua suficiente para cobri-las. Coloque no fogo e logo que ferver desligue o fogo. Deixe de molho at que fiquem inchadas. - Numa bacia mdia prepare o molho: junte todos os ingredientes e misture bem. - Adicione o gro ainda quente, as passas e misture. - Pique os outros ingredientes e adicione ao trigo. Coloque na geladeira por 30 minutos para tomar gosto. Torta de banana flambada
250 g de farinha de trigo - 1 colher de sopa de sal - 1 colher de sopa de acar - 150 g de manteiga gelada - 1 ovo

- 1 colher de sopa de leite - 6 formas pequenas ou 1 forma 18 cm

PARA O RECHEIO - 9 bananas d'gua cortadas em cubos mdios - 3 colheres de sopa de manteiga - 9 colheres de sopa de acar - 1 xcara de rum

Junte, numa vasilha, os ingredientes secos. Misture bem. - Acrescente a manteiga gelada picada e faa uma farofa fina, sem esquentar demais a massa. - Junte o ovo e o leite numa vasilha pequena, junte a farofa. Misture apenas o suficiente para formar uma bola homognea. - Guarde em um saco plstico na geladeira para descansar por 1 hora. - Pr-aquea o forno a 180 graus. - Retire a massa da geladeira, estique-a com o auxlio de um rolo e e cubra as forminhas escolhidas ou uma frma grande para 6 pores (18 cm) . Deixe descansar mais uma vez na geladeira por 30 minutos antes de colocar o recheio frio. Obs : a massa no deve ser muito mexida para no perder sua leveza e elasticidade. Esta massa deve dar para cobrir pelo menos 2 formas de 18 cm. O que sobrar, envolva com saco plstico e coloque no freezer para uma outra oportunidade. Na hora de usar de novo s retirar do freezer e deixar descongelar. Use a massa gelada. Em uma frigideira mdia coloque a manteiga e o acar para derreter e caramelizar. Assim que o caramelo estiver com cor de cobre, coloque a banana cortada . Deixe-a caramelizar por 3 minutos e coloque o rum. Imediatamente acenda o fogo nas bananas e chacoalhe a frigideira para que o fogo pegue todas as bananas. Cuidado para no pegar fogo no resto da casa - Assim que o fogo acabar retire a frigideira do fogo e coloque as bananas em uma bacia para esfriar. - Arrume-as em forminhas j pr esticadas e leve ao forno 180 graus, por pelo menos 20 minutos ou at que a banana esteja fervendo e a casquinha corada. - Deixe esfriar antes de desenformar. Para servir coloque um pouco de canela polvilhada e calda de baunilha.

Po de aveia
1/2 xcara de gua a 105 - 1 xcara de leite - 1/3 xcara de acar mascavo - 1 xcara de manteiga

1 1 4 1 3 1

colher de sopa de fermento biolgico seco colher de ch de sal xcara de farinha de trigo branca ( + 1 caneca extra de reserva ) xcara de farinha de trigo integral xcaras de aveia grossa ovo

Escaldar o leite, a gua , juntar o acar e a manteiga e deixar chegar a 105 / 110. - Juntar os ingredientes secos e misturar bem, com exceo da caneca extra de farinha branca que para dar o ponto na massa, se for preciso. - Lentamente, adicionar mistura dos lquidos os ingredientes secos, xcara a xcara , deixando que cada xcara de farinha v absorvendo bem os lquidos antes de adicionar a prxima. Se for preciso, adicionar a ltima xcara de farinha de trigo branca para dar o ponto na massa. - Amassar bem por 12 minutos na mo ou 7 minutos na batedeira, at que a massa fique bem elstica e macia. - Deixar descansar em uma bacia untada com leo, coberto com um saco plstico por aproximadamente 1 hora, ou at que a massa dobre de tamanho. - Vire a massa na mesa e bata levemente para tirar as bolhas de ar que se formaram. Divida em pes de 400 grs. Coloque nas formas de po, pinceladas com manteiga e polvilhada com aveia. Pincelar os pes com o ovo levemente batido, polvilhar com aveia e deixar descansar at dobrar de tamanho. - Assar em forno pr-aquecido a 400, por aproximadamente 40 minutos, ou at que do fundo do po, levemente batido, saia um som 'seco' .

Sopa de couve-flor com gorgonzola e frutas secas 1 pes

0,17 kg de Couve-flor 0,17 Pitada de Noz-moscada 0,17 L de Leite Desnatado 25 g de Queijo Gorgonzola (picadinho) 66,67 mL de Creme de Leite A gosto de Sal Retire as folhas da couve-flor e lave-as bem, retirando qualquer impureza ou manchas escuras. Pique em buquezinhos, cozinhe em gua fervente por 10 minutos e escorra. Bata no liquidificador a couve-flor juntamente com a noz-moscada e o leite, at formar um creme bem liso. Leve esse creme ao fogo, deixe ferver e, ento, junte o queijo gorgonzola e o creme de leite, misturando bem at que o queijo esteja derretido e a sopa bem cremosa. Corrija o tempero com sal. 0,50 Damascos Secos (cortados em tirinhas) 0,50 Unidades de Ameixas Secas (cortadas em tirinhas) 2 Unidades de Amndoas Torradas (cortadas em lminas - opcional)

Sopa de abbora com gengibre e coco

0,50 0,17 0,17 0,17 Colheres de sopa de Azeite de Oliva Unidade de Cebola Mdia (picadinha) Colheres de sopa de Gengibre (picadinho) Unidade de Dente de Alho (picadinho)

0,17 kg de Polpa de Abbora Madura (picada) 0,17 L de Caldo de Galinha ou de Legumes A gosto de Sal 66,67 mL de Leite de Coco Em uma panela, aquea o azeite de oliva e refogue a cebola, o gengibre e o alho at a cebola ficar transparente. Adicione a abbora e refogue um pouco. Acrescente o caldo e cozinhe em fogo brando, at a abbora ficar macia. Retire do fogo e bata tudo (no liquidificador ou com um mixer de mo), at formar um creme liso. Volte com o creme para a panela, adicione o leite de coco, deixe que ferva por cerca de 2 minutos e tempere com sal. Pesto de slvia com queijo de cabra

1/2 cup Olive oil 2 cloves Garlic, chopped 1 cup Fresh sage, firmly packed 1 cup Fresh parsley 1 cup Roasted pine nuts 1 teaspoon Salt 1 teaspoon Lemon juice 1 tablespoon Fresh, mild goat cheese
Pesto de coentro e hortel 1 clove garlic, minced 1/2 cup fresh cilantro leaves 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves 2 tablespoons pine nuts 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, freshly grated 1/2 cup olive oil Pesto de salsinha e tomilho

1 1/2 cups fresh parsley, loosely packed 1/2 cup fresh thyme leaves, loosely packed 1/2 cup Parmesan, grated 1/2 cup toasted pine nuts 2 garlic cloves 1/2 cup olive oil Bolo de chocolate com glac amanteigado
3 ovos 2 colheres manteiga 1 copo de leite 1 xcara (caf) leo 2 copos de acar 2 copos de farinha de trigo 3 colheres de Nescau 1 colher e 1/2 de p royal (= fermento em p)

Para o recheio: Ingredientes (batedeira) 1 tablete de manteiga s/sal (esse tablete aquele de 200g da marca Aviao) 1 lata de leite condensado 6 colheres de achocolatado (Nescau) 1 bata os 3 ovos, em seguida acrescente a manteiga e o acar. Bata mais uma vez, e pra finalizar coloque o restante, leo, leite, farinha de trigo, achocolatado nescau e o p royal. Com a forma untada, com manteiga e farinha, coloque no forno de 180 200 e deixe assar por 40 min. Bata os ingredientes do recheio tudo junto na batedeira.V batendo at que o recheio fique na consistncia de um creme. (hum, essa parte a melhor!!!) Montagem do bolo: Corte o bolo ao meio, na 1 parte cubra com o creme, em seguida coloque a 2 parte e cubra com restante do creme. Para decorar, raspe 1 tablete de chocolate ao leite

Torta de ma da Julia Child

1 partially baked pastry shell (8-inch diameter) in a tart pan 1 lb. (about 3 cups) firm cooking apples, such as Golden Delicious cup sugar, divided in half tsp. cinnamon 1 egg cup flour, sifted cup whipping cream 3 Tbsp. Calvados (apple brandy) or cognac Powdered sugar for dusting Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. 2 Quarter, core, and peel the apples. Cut into -inch lengthwise slices (you should have about 3 cups). Toss the apples in a bowl with cup sugar and the cinnamon, then arrange them in the pastry shell. Bake in the upper third of the preheated oven for about 20 minutes, or until they start to color and are almost tender. Remove from oven and let cool while preparing the custard. 3 Beat the egg and remaining cup sugar together in a mixing bowl until mixture is thick, pale yellow, and falls back on itself forming a slowly dissolving ribbon. Beat in the flour, then the cream, and finally the brandy. Pour the mixture over the apples. It should come almost to the top of the pastry shell.

4 Return to oven for 10 minutes, or until cream begins to puff. Sprinkle heavily with powdered sugar and return to oven for 15 to 20 minutes more. Tart is done when top has browned and a needle or knife plunged into the custard comes out clean. 5 Slide tart onto a rack or serving dish, and keep warm until ready to serve
Clafouti de ameixa

1 pound firm, ripe plums Boiling water 1/4 cup orange liqueur, kirsch, or cognac 1/3 cup sugar Milk 3 eggs 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup flour Powdered sugar for dusting Preheat oven to 350F. 2 Drop plums in boiling water for exactly 10 seconds. Peel. Slice them or leave whole. Let stand with liqueur, kirsch, or cognac and 1/3 cup sugar for 1 hour. Reserve liquid and add enough milk to measure 1 1/4 cups. 3 Place liqueur milk mixture along with the eggs, vanilla, salt, and flour in a blender. Cover and blend on high for 1 minute. 4 Pour a 1/4-inch layer of batter in a baking dish or pie plate. Set over moderate heat for a minute or two until a film of batter has set in the bottom of the dish. remove from heat. Place plums over the batter and pour on the remaining batter; smooth the surface with the back of a spoon. 5 Place in the middle position of preheated oven and bake for about an hour. The clafouti is done when it has puffed and browned, and a knife plunged into its center comes out clean. 6 Sprinkle top of clafouti with powdered sugar just before bringing it to the

table. 7 The clafouti need not be served hot, but should still be warm. It will sink down slightly as it cools.

1 egg 2 egg yolks 1/2 cup sugar a pinch of salt 1/3 cup Marsala 1/3 cup dry white French vermouth Whisk all ingredients in a stainless steel saucepan. 2 When well blended, whisk slowly over medium low heat for approximately 5 minutes, or until sauce has thickened and is foamy and feels very warm to the touch, do not allow it to simmer. 3 Serve warm or cold with fruit desserts Torta de banana do Piranho
2 xcaras de farinha de trigo 2 xcaras de acar 1 colher de sopa de fermento em p 2 ovos batidos 1 copo de leite 5 colheres de sopa de margarina 10 bananas cortadas na horizontal Para a farofa misture numa vasilha o trigo, o acar, e o fermento Reserve derreta a margarina acrescente o leite e os ovos, mexa bem Numa forma untada coloque uma camada de farofa, bananas, farofa, bananas, farofa, e o lquido por cima sem mexer Asse em forno morno at dourar

Casquinha de peixe 1 po srio tipo folha grande (30 cm de dimetro) - 4 colheres (sopa) de creme vegetal - 1 dente de alho picado

- 1 cebola pequena ralada - 1 cenoura pequena ralada grossa - 400 g de linguado picado - 2 colheres (sopa) de farinha de trigo - 5 colheres (sopa) de leite desnatado - 1 colher (sopa) de cebolinha verde picada - Preaquea o forno em temperatura mdia (180C). - Corte a o po folha em 4 partes formando 4 tringulos . 3- Forre com um tringulo de po um refratrio pequeno (8 cm de dimetro) e pressione o fundo e a lateral, formando uma cestinha. Repita a operao com o restante dos tringulos e coloque os refratrios em uma assadeira retangular grande (40 x 28 cm). Leve ao forno por 5 minutos ou at comear a dourar. Retire do forno, desenforme e reserve. 4- Em uma panela pequena aquea o creme vegetal e doure o alho e a cebola. Junte a cenoura, o peixe e refogue por mais 10 minutos. 5- Dissolva a farinha de trigo no leite e adicione ao refogado. Cozinhe, mexendo sempre at engrossar. Junte a cebolinha e cozinhe por mais 1 minuto. Retire do fogo e deixe esfriar. 6- Recheie as casquinhas reservadas e sirva em seguida (no pode rechear antes p/no ficar murcho). Chocolate quente com doce de leite 60g de doce de leite (3 colheres de sopa) - 30g de achocolatado para o doce de leite (3 colheres de sopa) - 180ml de leite quente (1 xcara de ch) - 30g de achocolatado para o leite - Espuma de leite e p de achocolatado para decorar misture o doce de leite e o achocolatado, coloque esta mistura no fundo de uma xcara de ch. Vaporize o leite e misture o achocolatado. Em seguida, coloque esse leite vaporizado sobre o doce de leite.

Pur de batatas com queijo brie e gruyre: - 3 xcaras (ch) de pur de batatas - 1 xcara (ch) de queijo gruyre ralado - 1 xcara (ch) de queijo brie em cubos - 4 colheres (sopa) de creme de leite 2 colheres (sopa) de manteiga - Sal, - Noz moscada

Costeletas de cordeiro ao vinho 12 costeletas de cordeiro limpas - Aparas, pedaos de cordeiro para o molho - 1 xcara (ch) de reduo de vinho tinto (1lt p/1 xcara) - 3 colheres (sopa) de manteiga - 3 colheres (sopa) de farinha de trigo - Azeite - 1 xcara (ch) de cebola/alho por e salso picados - 2 dentes de alho cortados ao meio - 1 folha de loro - Alecrim - Pimenta - Sal - Acar Tempere as costeletas de cordeiro com sal, pimenta verde e alecrim. Numa panela com azeite, doure levemente as costeletas de todos os lados, coloque numa assadeira e reserve. Doure a manteiga com a farinha de

trigo levemente numa frigideira. Reserve Molho: Numa panela, coloque um pouco de azeite e doure os pedaos (aparas) de cordeiro, adicione a cebola, o alho por, o salso picados e a cenoura, doure mais um pouco, adicione alecrim, loro e 5 copos de gua. Cozinhe por vinte minutos, adicione a mistura de manteiga e farinha de trigo e cozinhe at engrossar. Acrescente a reduo de vinho tinto, cozinhe por mais cinco minutos e passe por uma peneira bem fina. Sufl de chocolate 55g de manteiga - 55g de farinha - de xcara de leite - 40g de chocolate amargo picado - 40 g de chocolate em p - 5 claras - 4 gemas - 65g de acar - Manteiga amolecida e acar para preparar as formas do sufl Pr aquea o forno a 200C. Unte as formas com a manteiga amolecida e salpique um pouco de acar por cima. Misture a manteiga e farinha at formar uma massa homognea. Faa um rolo com a massa e corte em pequenos pedaos. Em uma panela, junte o leite, chocolate em p e o chocolate picado e leve ao fogo mdio, mexendo sempre. Adicione os pedacinhos da massa e mexa at obter uma mistura mais grossa. Remova a panela do fogo e adicione uma clara de ovo. Coloque a mistura em um recipiente a deixe descansar at ficar morna. Adicione todas as gemas de uma vez e misture. Bata o restante das claras at ficarem em neve, e aos poucos, v adicionando o acar. Delicadamente espalhe a clara em neve por cima da mistura de chocolates. Com uma colher coloque a mistura nas formas untadas. Leve as forminhas ao forno em banho-maria a uma temperatura de 190C. Asse por 25-30 minutos. No abra o forno em nenhum momento. Ao final retire as formas do forno e sirva, salpicado com acar. O sufl precisa ser consumido em poucos minutos. Po de queijo light 2 colheres de sopa de leite em p desnatado

- 1 copo de gua potvel - 2 colheres de sopa de margarina light 3 copos de polvilho doce - 1 gema - 400g de ricota amassada - 25g de parmeso ralado - 1 colher de caf de organo - 1 colher de caf de salsa desidratada - Sal a gosto - 1 clara em neve Prepare o leite misturando o leite em p desnatado gua potvel. Leve-o ao fogo at que ferva e ento acrescente a margarina. Coloque o polvilho em uma vasilha, escalde-o com o leite. Espere esfriar e, em seguida, misture a gema e amasse bem. Acrescente a ricota, o parmeso, as ervas e o sal e misture bem, at que a massa esteja homognea. Por ltimo, acrescente a clara em neve, misturando delicadamente. Faa bolinhas com a massa e leve-as ao forno numa frma untada por aproximadamente 30 minutos ou at que estejam dourados. Bolo hummingbird light 10 pes

2 cups self-raising flour 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 1 teaspoon mixed spice 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 cup mashed banana 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 440g can crushed pineapple in natural juice, undrained 1/2 cup chopped walnuts 2 tablespoons flaked coconut Cream cheese icing 80g extra-light cream cheese 30g reduced-fat margarine spread 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup icing sugar mixture

Preheat oven to 180C/160C fan-forced. Grease a 6cm-deep, 22cm (base) round cake pan. Line base and side with baking paper. Sift flour, bicarbonate of soda and mixed spice into a bowl. Add sugar. Using a large metal spoon, stir to combine. Stir in eggs, banana, oil, vanilla, pineapple and two-thirds of the walnuts. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake for 45 minutes or until a skewer inserted in centre comes out clean. Cool in pan for 5 minutes. Turn onto a wire rack to cool completely. Make icing Using an electric mixer, beat cream cheese, spread, vanilla and icing sugar mixture until smooth. Spread icing over cake top. Sprinkle with coconut and remaining walnuts. Serve.

Scones com geleia de blueeberry 8 pes

Vegetable oil, to grease 150g (1 cup) self-raising flour 1 tsp baking powder Pinch of salt 50g unsalted butter, chopped 2 tbs caster sugar 80ml (1/3 cup) milk 1 egg, lightly whisked Double cream, to serve Blueberry compote 1 x 250g punnet blueberries 2 tbs water 2 strips orange peel 2 tbs brown sugar 1 x 7cm cinnamon stick 1 tsp fresh lemon juice To make the blueberry compote, place the blueberries, water, orange peel, sugar, cinnamon and lemon juice in a saucepan over low heat and cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes or until the sugar dissolves. Increase heat to medium and bring to a simmer. Cook for 12 minutes or until mixture is thick and jam-like. Set aside to cool. Preheat oven to 220C. Brush a baking tray with oil to grease. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Use your fingertips to rub the butter into flour mixture until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in sugar. Make a well in the centre. Pour in the milk. Use a round-bladed knife in a cutting motion to mix until incorporated and mixture begins to hold together. Turn onto a lightly floured surface. Knead gently and shape into a disc. Use a lightly floured rolling pin to roll out the disc until about 2.5cm thick. Use a round 7cm-diameter pastry cutter dipped in flour to cut 4 scones from the dough. Transfer scones to the prepared tray. Re-roll remaining dough. Repeat cutting to make 4 more scones. Brush tops with beaten egg. Bake for 10 minutes or until golden and scones sound hollow when tapped on top. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Serve with cream and compote

Frango ao curry vermelho 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts and thighs, cut into pieces 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 small red onion, finely diced 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 fresh red chili, seeded and chopped 1 tablespoon red curry paste 1 tablespoon creamy peanut butter 1 cup coconut milk 1 cup chicken stock 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice 1 tablespoon fish sauce 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped Cut chicken into bite-size pieces. 2 Heat the oil in a pot over medium heat, add the onion, and saut for about 5 minutes. 3 Add the garlic and chili and continue to cook for another couple of minutes. 4 Stir in the curry paste and cook until blended (about a minute) 5 Add the peanut butter. 6 Slowly whisk in the coconut milk and cook until thoroughly combined. 7 Add the chicken stock and chicken, bring to boil, then reduce heat and let simmer for 10 minutes. 8 Add the lime juice and fish sauce, and let simmer another 5-10 minutes. 9 Spoon into bowls and garnish with chopped cilantro Frango masala fcil 3 chicken breasts cut into bite size cubes 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil or grape seed oil 1 large onion chopped

2 cloves of garlic finely chopped 1 teaspoon garam masala (spice mixture) 1 teaspoon cumin 1 teaspoon coriander 1/4 teaspoon turmeric 1/8 teaspoon cardamon 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 2 teaspoons fresh ginger, finely chopped 1/2 teaspoon cayenne 1 tablespoon paprika 1 teaspoon tomato paste 1 tomato chopped 1/2 cup water 1 small container plain yogurt (about cup) fresh coriander for garnish Salt to taste In a small bowl mix all the spices including the ginger. Set aside. 2 In a large saucepan, heat the oil . 3 Add the onions and cook until golden brown. 4 Add the garlic and continue to cook for a minute. 5 Stir in the spices and allow the flavours to infuse. 6 Stir in the tomato paste. 7 Add the chopped tomato and pour in the water. Simmer and season with salt to taste. 8 Add the chicken pieces stirring well to coat the meat with the sauce. Continue to simmer until the chicken is cooked and the sauce has thickened, about 12 minutes. 9 Stir in the yogurt and continue to simmer 5 minutes. 10 Garnish with chopped fresh cilantro

11 Serve with bismati rice.

Frango ao teriyaki

1/2 cup soy sauce 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons Mirin wine 1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed 1 inch ginger root, peel, split lengthwise, then crush Mix all ingredients and put pierced meat into mixture for at least 24 hours. 2 Bar-b-q or broil meat. 3 Tip: if you want to thicken the sauce, you may simmer it over low heat and add some cornstarch to it
Frango ao chimichurri

1 1/2 parsley, chopped 1/2 cup olive oil cup red wine vinegar 2 garlic cloves, peeled 1 1/2 teaspoons Aji molido or crushed red pepper 1/2 teaspoon salt
Puree all ingredients in a food processor or blender and serve in a bowl Frango ao molho cremoso de cogumelos frescos 4 pes

2 1/2 pounds frying chicken parts 2 cups mushrooms, cleaned and sliced 3 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon olive oil Salt to taste Fresh ground black pepper 1/2 cup dry white wine 1/4 cup heavy cream Rinse the chicken in cool water, then pat dry with clean paper towels

2 Set a heavy-bottomed frying pan over moderately-high heat 3 Add 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 tablespoon of olive oil to pan 4 When very hot (but not smoking) place the chicken pieces skin-side down and season with salt and pepper 5 Saute for 5-6 minutes, basting with the juices and fat, until underside is browned. 6 Turn pieces over, season again with salt and pepper, and saute the same way for an additional 5-6 minutes, or until juices run clear. 7 While the chicken is cooking, in a separate pan saute the mushrooms in 1 tablespoon butter, remove to a plate when finished browning 8 When chicken is finished cooking, remove to a warm plate 9 Rapidly spoon all but a tablespoon of fat out of the pan. 10 Add the 1/2 cup of wine to deglaze the pan, scraping the sides and bottom to incorporate all the seasoning into the liquid. Deglaze until the alcohol has burned off 11 Add cream and mushrooms to the deglazing sauce and incorporate; boil down rapidly for a minute or two, or until the sauce starts to thicken 12 Add the chicken and baste with the sauce and mushrooms. 13 Cover and simmer 2-3 minutes to bring chicken back up to a hot temperature
Peixo com molho ros Fil de peixe ao molho rose -2 fils de pescada ou linguado temperados com alho, limo, sal e pimenta do reino -1 xcara de molho de tomate ou 1 lata de molho de tomate pronto -2 colheres de sopa de requeijo light Num pirex de vidro, coloque os fils de peixe temperados, cobertos com o molho de

tomate e as colheradas de requeijo. Tampe com papel alumnio e leve ao forno para assar. Quando os peixes j estiverem cozidos, tire o papel alumnio e deixe assar at secar a gua e o molho ficar cremoso Muffin de ma com cobertura crocante
Farinha de trigo, 240 g Acar, 140 g Fermento qumico, 20 g Sal, colher de ch Manteiga, 60 gramas Leite, 100 ml Ovo, 1 unidade Ma em cubos (1 cm) sem casca, 200 g Canela para polvilhar Streusel (farofa para o topo): Acar, 40 g Manteiga, 40 g Farinha, 120 g Pecan picada, 30 g Frma para, 8 muffins Po de queijo Polvilho doce, kg Leite, 250 ml leo, 100 ml gua, 100 ml Ovos, 3 Queijo meia cura, 250 g Sal, q/n Escaldar polvilho c/gua, leite e leo. Juntar o resto. Torta de chocolate e pistache Dacquiose de pistache Farinha de pistache, 50 g Acar refinado, 75 g Claras, 120 g Pistache sem pele tostado, 40 g Mousse de chocolate amargo Leite, 240 ml Gemas, 4 Chocolate amargo derretido, 250 g Creme de leite fresco batido, 250 ml Gelatina sem sabor, 5 g ferva o leite numa panela. Numa vasilha bata levemente as gemas com o acar e adicione o leite quente. Cozinhe em fogo baixo at obter a textura de creme ingls. Junte o chocolate derretido e a gelatina hidratada, derretida e fria. Resfrie a mistura levemente e adicione o creme de leite batido.

Muffin de banana caramelada 2 xcaras de farinha de trigo 1 xic de aucar 1 Colher (sobremesa) baunilha 1 "" po em Canela 1 " (sopa) fermento 1 "" (sopa) mel 1 pitada de sal1 ovo grande ligeiramente batido 200 mls de yogurte natural 60 grs de margarina derretida s / sal 150 grs de chocolate AO leite ou Meio amargo picado 3 bananas nanicas cozidas em caramelo de aucar

Misturar ingredientes OS 6 Primeiros ingredientes ... Agora o mel, yogurte, manteiga e o ovo ... Agora delicadamente o chocolate picado ... (Eu usei gotas de chocolate) .. Colocar a massa em forminhas e um pedao de banaa Fazer Uma farofinha Usando: 1 / 2 xic de farinha de trigo 1 / 2 xic de aucar 40 grs de margarina sal s / e gelada Jogar essa farofinha sobre os muffins Assar em forno mdio ... por 20'

Nhoque de banana-da-terra com queijo (e carne moda) Nhoque 3 bananas-da-terra 1 ovo 200g de farinha de trigo Telha de queijo 50g de queijo guyrre ralado (ou parmeso) Embrulhe as bananas em papel-alumnio e asse em forno preaquecido a 180C por 1 hora. Retire do fogo e espere esfriar at conseguir manuse-las. Amasse-as bem e deixe esfriar completamente. Adicione o ovo e v incorporando a farinha aos poucos, at dar o ponto de modelar. Faa rolinhos com a massa e corte no tamanho desejado. Cozinhe em gua fervente com sal. Telha de queijo Aquea uma frigideira antiaderente, sem adicionar nada. Coloque o queijo e cozinhe at desgrudar (aproximadamente 2 minutos). Retire e deixe esfriar 5 minutos, ele ficar crocante Cheesecake express: base de Negresco, queijo mascarpone e cobertura de uma geleia ctrica. verso salgada, com croutons, cream cheese e salmo defumado!

Sorvete de queijo com calda de goiabada

375ml de leite 130g de acar 230g de queijo de ovelha fresco, em pequenos pedaos

6 gemas 200g de goiabada casco Aquea o leite e o acar em fogo brando, sem deixar ferver. Reserve. Enquanto isso, bata as gemas at ficarem bem aeradas. Aos poucos, despeje o leite quente nas gemas, mexendo constantemente. Volte a mistura para a panela e cozinhe em fogo baixo at engrossar. Retire do fogo e misture ao queijo, mexendo bem at derret-lo e misturar completamente. Resfrie no refrigerador e depois prepare o sorvete na sorveteira Tortinha de carne e cerveja preta do Gordon Ramsay (steak & stout) 400g de coxo-mole, em cubos pequenos 2 colheres de sopa de farinha de trigo, temperada com sal e pimenta. 1/2 cebola, picada 1 dente de alho, picado 2 colheres de sopa de gua 2 colheres de sopa de pasta de tomate 1/2 xcara de caldo de carne 1/2 latinha de cerveja preta 1/2 colher de sopa de molho de Worcestershire 1 cenoura, em cubos pequenos 1 pacote massa folhada Arosa 1 ovo grande, batido levemente com 1 colher de gua (egg wash)sal, pimenta e azeite a gosto Pr-aquea o forno a 180C. Seque os pedaos de carne em papel toalha, passe-os na farinha. Aquea o azeite e, aos poucos, doure todos os lados da carne. Reserve. Na mesma frigideira, coloque a cebola, o alho e a gua, deglaando o fundo da panela. Quando a cebola amaciar, adicione o extrato de tomate e cozinhe por 5 minutos. Adicione a carne e o suco que tiver soltado, o caldo de carne, a cerveja, o Worcestershire e a cenoura. Tempere com pimenta e uma pitada de sal. Espere ferver e retire do fogo. Transfira para um refratrio que v ao forno e cozinhe por 1 hora e meia, ou at engrossar o molho. Abra a massa folhada conforme instrues do fabricante. Forre com a massa dois ramekins individuais (fundo e laterais, deixando uma sobra para fora). Coloque metade do recheio em cada um e cubra com um disco de massa folhada. Pincele as laterais com o egg wash, para aderir bem, fechando a torta. Em seguida, pincele tambm o topo da massa e cubra com outro disco de massa folhada. Finalize com mais uma camada de egg wash, pressionando firmemente para as massas aderirem. Refrigere por no mnimo 15 minutos (isso garantir que a massa fique folhada). Leve ao forno, j pr-aquecido, por 30 minutos ou at a massa dourar bem. Margottini Lombardi 500ml de caldo da galinha 150g de farinha de grano duro pr-cozida (polenta italiana)

50g de queijo gruyre ralado 2 gemas manteiga para untar sal e pimenta a gosto (molho) 2 colheres de sopa de mascarpone 1 trufa negra ralada na hora Unte dois ramequins com manteiga. Prepare a polenta, com o caldo de galinha, conforme as instrues do fabricante. Coloque polenta at a metade e faa uma cavidade no meio. Forre o buraco com o queijo ralado e coloque por cima a gema. Cubra com mais queijo, e termine com polenta. No deixe a gema encostar na polenta. Leve ao forno pr-aquecido a 190C e asse por 7 minutos. Retire do fogo e deixe descansar 3 minutos, enquanto faz o molho. Para isto, basta derreter o mascarpone, misturar as trufas e temperar com sal e pimenta. Cubra cada ramequin com metade do molho e sirva. Fish and chips 300g de pescada branca, cortada em iscas grandes 1/2 xcara de farinha de trigo 1/2 colher de ch de sal 1/2 colher de ch de bicarbonato de sdio 1/2 colher de ch de vinagre branco 1/2 xcara de gua 1 pacote de batata-frita congelada, preparadas conforme instrues do fabricante 1 poro de molho trtaro leo de amendoim para fritar Misture o sal e a farinha. Reserve. Misture o bicarbonato e o vinagre, e na sequncia adicione a gua. Junte esta mistura com a farinha e o sal, at ficar uma massa homognea. Mergulhe as iscas na massa, garantindo que todas fiquem totalmente cobertas de massa. V fritando no leo quente, aos poucos, at dourar (em torno de 3 minutos). Seque em papel toalha, quando retirar do leo. Sirva com batatas-fritas e molho trtaro Bolo salgado com queijo 250g de farinha de trigo 10g de fermento em p 4 ovos 150ml de azeite extravirgem 100ml de vinho branco seco 2 colheres de sopa de mostarda 150g de quejo tipo grana padano, ralado na hora 150g de queijo gruyre, cortado em cubinhos na hora Sal e pimenta-do-reino moda a gosto Aquea o forno a 150C. Unte uma forma de po com manteiga e polvilhe farinha de trigo.Bata a farinha, o fermento, os ovos, o azeite, o vinho, a mostarda at obter uma mistura

homognea.Adicione os queijos e misture delicadamente. Tempere com a pimenta e adicione uma pitada de sal. Coloque a mistura na forma e asse por 30 minutos ou at espetar um palito e ele sair seco

Creme brule de banana

6 gemas 1/3 xcara de acar 2 xcaras de creme de leite 1 colher de sopa de essncia de baunilha 1 colher de sopa de essncia de banana 1 banana 6 colheres de acar mascavo, para a cobertura Pr-aquea o forno a 135C. Bata as gemas at ficarem esbranquiadas. Adicione o acar e continue batendo. Aos poucos, adicione o creme de leite e as essncias. Encha 4 formas de porcelana com o creme e as coloque em uma assadeira funda. Cubra com gua quente at a metade da lateral das formas. Asse por 35-40 minutos, ou at o centro dos cremes estiver apenas ligeiramente mole. Retire do forno e da gua, deixando esfriar por 10 minutos antes de levar ao refrigerador. Na hora de servir, corte a banana em fatias finas e coloque 3 sobre cada creme. Polvilhe o acar mascavo e com um maarico de cozinha, caramelize a cobertura dessalga: trocar a ltima poro de gua por leite, e acrescentar dentes de alho. O leite vai adocicar a carne do bacalhau e espalhar o perfume do alho Bolo de chocolate 1 xcara de manteiga sem sal 1 2/3 xcara de acar mascavo 2 ovos grandes, batidos 1 colher de ch de extrato de baunilha (o meu acabou, ento usei de amndoas, tambm funciona!) 1/2 xcara de chocolate meio-amargo derretido 1 1/3 xcara de farinha 1 colher de ch de fermento em p 280ml de gua fervente Pr-aquea o forno a 190 graus e unte uma forma de 22,5 x 12,5 cm (forma de po) com manteiga Na batedeira misture a manteiga e o acar, adicione os ovos e a baunilha A seguir adicione o chocolate e aos poucos a farinha e a gua, alternadamente Coloque na assadeira e asse por 30 min a 190 graus Mude a temperatura para 160 graus e asse por mais 15 min Bolo de chocolate e banana 175g de acar 175g de farinha de trigo 4 colheres de sopa de chocolate em p 1/2 colher de ch de bicarbonato de sdio 1 barra de chocolate ao leite Hershey's, picado 4 bananas mdias, amassadas 100ml de leo de milho (ou girassol) 50ml de leite 1 ovo inteiro 2 ovos, com gemas e claras separadas

Po de mandioca dourado na chapa, com manteiga de garrafa Sopa de frutas vermelhas com queijo mascarpone 250g de frutas vermelhas 70g de acar de confeiteiro 1 colher de ch de canela em p 250ml de vinho tinto Para servir, colocar uma bola de queijo mascarpone no centro do prato, e regar com a sopa bem gelada. Um raminho de alecrim ou hortel decoram muito bem este prato Boeuf la bourguignonne do Bocuse 1 kg de msculo bovino 1 mocot bovino 100g de bacon picado 2 colheres de sopa de farinha 1 litro de vinho tinto, de preferncia uva pinot noir 1/2 litro de caldo de vitela 1 bouquet garni (raminho de salsa, tominho e louro amarrados) 300g de cogumelos paris inteiros 1 dzia de cebolas pequenas acar para caramelizar 1 dzia de batatas pequenas sal, pimenta e azeite a gosto Doure a carne, temperada com sal e pimenta, no azeite. Adicione o mocot e o bacon. Quando estiverem bem douradas, misture a farinha e frite por mais 2 minutos. Acrescente o vinho e o caldo de carne. Abaixe o fogo para o mnimo e cozinhe por 3 horas. Enquanto isso, caramelize as cebolas pequenas inteiras, em gua com acar. Cozinhe as batatas pequenas descascadas e inteiras, at ficarem levemente macias. Aps as 3 horas de cozimento da carne, acrescente as cebolas e os cogumelos paris Risoto de espinafre e linguia 1/2 cebola picada 1 mao de espinafres 1 pacote de linguia aperitivo (18 unidades) 250g de arroz carnaroli (usei o brando tradicional) 200ml de vinho branco 1 litro de caldo de carne 2 colheres de sopa de creme de leite fresco sal, pimenta e azeite a gosto Comece dourando a cebola no azeite junto com os espinafres, at murcharem. Tempere com sal e pimenta. Acrescente a linguia, dourando por alguns minutos e finalmente, o arroz. Doure por mais uns 2 minutos e acrescente o vinho branco. Quando evaporar, complete com o caldo de carne. Espere secar quase completamente, retire do fogo e adicione o creme de leite Pudim de brioche de Nova Orleans 1/2 pacote de po em fatias, de sua preferncia (eu usei passas e canela) 250ml de leite 2 ovos, batidos 1 xcara de acar 1 colher de sopa de extrato de baunilha

2 colheres de manteiga, derretida Pr-aquea o forno a 150C. Corte as fatias de po em migalhas, sem a casca, e regue com o leite. Quando estiver bem absorvido, adicione os ovos, acar e baunilha. Misture bem. Coloque a manteiga em duas formas individuais e cubra com a mistura de po. Asse por aproximadamente 50 minutos. Doce de farinha lctea

.10 colheres (sopa) de farinha Lctea .250 ml de leite .6 colheres (sopa) de acar .2 colheres (sopa) de margarina .3 claras .5 colheres (sopa) de achocolatado .1 lata de creme de leite .250ml de leite Deixe a lata de creme de leite no freezer por 20 minutos. Em uma tigela bata a farinha lctea, o leite, 4 colheres de acar, a margarina e misture metade do creme de leite. Divida a massa em duas parte. Coloque uma parte em um refratrio, e na segunda parte misture o achocolatado e coloque sobre a primeira camada. Bata as claras em neve com o restante do acar e misture a outra metade do creme de leite. Coloque sobre o doce e leve ao freezer Bolo de atum
150 g de farine - 1 sachet de levure chimique - 3 oeufs - 1 grosse bote de thon (300g) - 100 g de gruyre rp - 10 cl de lait - 10 cl d'huile (olive ou autre) - 1 pince de sel et poivre Mettre la farine et la levure dans un saladier. Ajouter les oeufs et battez sans faire de grumeaux, ainsi que le lait, l'huile, le sel le poivre. Bien mlanger. Incorporer le thon en morceaux et le fromage rp. Mettre dans un moule cake garni de papier sulfuris et cuire au four 180C. Bolo de presunto e ameixas 200 g de ds de jambon - 1 bonne douzaine de pruneaux dnoyauts - 150 g d'emmental rp - 10 cl de Muscat (ou de vin blanc sec) - 20 cl d'huile - 250 g de farine - 4 ufs - 1 sachet de levure - 1 noix de beurre - sel - poivre

Prchauffer le four 180C (thermostat 6). Dans un saladier, ajouter les ufs, l'huile et la farine et mlanger le tout l'aide d'une spatule. Diluer la levure dans le Muscat (ou le vin blanc) puis verser dans la pte. Mlanger jusqu' obtenir une pte crmeuse bien lisse. Couper les pruneaux en 4 et les ajouter la prparation avec les ds de jambon et le fromage rp. Saler et poivrer. Verser le tout dans un moule cake beurr et enfourner 30 min 180C puis 15 min 150C. Vrifier la cuisson, le cake doit tre dor et le couteau doit en sortir propre Muffin de abacaxi com coco 1 botes d'ananas en morceaux de bonne qualit - 140 g de sucre - 1 oeuf - 1 sachet de levure - 230 g de farine - 15 cl de lait de coco - 25 g de beurre - 1 gousse de vanille - 1 pince de sel - 4 cl de rhum brun A l'avance fendre la gousse de vanille en 2, rcuprer les grains l'aide d'un couteau et faire infuser le tout dans le lait de coco, laisser au frais. Dans une jarre ou un saladier mlanger l'oeuf et le sucre et battre nergiquement, ajouter ensuite le mlange farine-levure en pluie pour viter les grumeaux. Ajouter le lait de coco aprs avoir enlever les batons de vanille et enfin le beurre que vous aurez fait fondre auparavant aux miro-ondes. Enfin ajouter les morceaux d'ananas gouts (vous pouvez mettre un peu de jus si vous aimez les choses plus sucres). Remplir les moules en silicone au 3/4. Faire cuire 20 25 minutes 180C (thermostat 6). Muffin de Earl Grey 200 g de farine - 1 sachet de levure - 200 g de sucre - 1 sachet de sucre vanill - 100 g de beurre fondu - 2 oeufs - 20 cl de lait - 2 sachets de th Earl Grey Prchauffer le four thermostat 6 (180C). Mlanger la farine, le sucre et le sucre vanill. Chauffer le lait et y tremper les sachets de th quelques minutes (selon infusion dsire). Ajouter le beurre fondu hors du feu, mlanger puis ajouter les oeufs battus en fouettant pour ne pas qu'ils cuisent. Ajouter cela le mlange farine-sucre puis rajouter la levure. Mettre dans des moules muffins (silicone) sans trop les remplir pour ne pas dborder. Enfourner 30 minutes en surveillant la cuisson. Abobrinha gratinada 4 courgettes - 3 oignons - 100 g de gruyre rp - 2 oeufs - 2 cuillres soupe de crme frache - 1 noix de beurre - sel et poivre

Eminvcer les oignons et les faire fondre dans le beurre. Rper 4 courgettes avec leur peau et les ajouter aux oignons. Mlanger le gruyre rp, les oeufs, la crme frache, puis saler et poivrer. Mettre les courgettes dans un plat et verser par dessus la sauce et faire four chaud pendant 15 mn. Trufas de chocolate e Grand Marnier 250 g de chocolat - 2 jaunes d'ufs - 100 g de beurre - 3 cuillres soupe de sucre - 2 cuillres soupe de lait - 3 cuillres soupe de Grand Marnier (pour donner un petit got d'orange) - cacao (non sucr) en poudre Faites fondre le chocolat avec le beurre. Ajoutez les ufs, le sucre, le lait, et le Grand Marnier. Laissez reposer jusqu' durcissement de la pte. Confectionnez des petites boules, et roulez-les dans le cacao Frango com mostarda e alho-por 4 filets de poulet - 1/2 oignon - 4 cuillres soupe de moutarde l'ancienne - 4 beaux poireaux - 150 g de lardons - 4 cuillres soupe de crme frache - Huile d'olive - Sel, poivre, persil et origan. La fondue de poireaux : mincez les poireaux. Faites revenir les lardons dans une cuillre soupe d'huile d'olive et ajoutez-y les poireaux mincs. Laissez cuire couvert durant environ 20 min en remuant de temps en temps. Le poulet: Prchauffez le four 200C, thermostat 6-7. Emincez l'oignon et disposez-le au fond d'un plat gratin. Salez, poivrez et badigeonnez les filets de poulet avec la moutarde l'ancienne. Mettez-les dans le plat gratin sur l'oignon. Arrosez-les d'un filet d'huile d'olive et parsemez le tout de persil et d'origan. Mettez un peu d'eau au fond du plat et enfournez pendant environ 30 min. Au bout de ce temps, ajoutez au poulet la crme et ventuellement un peu de moutarde selon les gots et remettez le plat au four pendant 5 min. La fondue de poireaux cuite, rectifiez l'assaisonnement et servez-la avec le poulet arros de sauce.

Bolo de chocolate e peras

4 oeufs - 115 g de sucre - 120 g de farine - 25 g d'amandes effiles Mousse chocolat : - 4 oeufs

- 125 g de chocolat noir ptissier - 10 cl de crme frache (15 20%) Poires : - 3 poires de taille moyenne (William/Barlett) Couverture : - 100 g de chocolat noir ptissier - 8 12 cl de crme frache Mousse au chocolat : Sparer les jaunes des blancs d'uf et monter ces derniers en neige ferme (5 min au batteur lectrique), avec une pince de sel. Casser le chocolat en morceaux, pour le faire fondre dans un bol au micro-ondes (1 2 min puissance max, en remuant 2 ou 3 fois). Ajouter les jaunes d'uf, en remuant vivement avec une fourchette (laisser tidir un peu le chocolat fondu s'il est trop chaud, afin d'viter de cuire les jaunes), puis la crme frache et mlanger jusqu' obtention d'une ganache onctueuse. Prlever 1/3 des blancs d'ufs et les incorporer dlicatement la prparation chocolate, en remuant doucement avec une spatule en bois (ne pas "craser" les blancs d'ufs, il faut tre patient et les laisser se "dissoudre" dans le chocolat!). Transvaser ensuite dans le restant de blancs d'ufs et mlanger jusqu' homognit, en essayant d'incorporer autant d'air que possible chaque tour de cuillre. Couvrir d'un film plastic alimentaire et rserver au frigo. Biscuit : Sparer les jaunes des blancs d'uf et monter ces derniers en neige ferme (5 min au batteur lectrique) avec une pince de sel. Blanchir les jaunes avec le sucre, puis incorporer la farine en pluie jusqu'a obtention d'une pte assez compacte. Ajouter les blancs d'ufs par petites quantits, en remuant avec consistance; la pate s'are et prend peu peu une consistance crmeuse. Prchauffer le four 180C (Th 6). Aligner une plaque de four de 3040cm (2cm dpaisseur ou plus) avec du papier sulfuris. Rpartir les amandes effiles et verser la prparation du biscuit. Enfourner et laisser cuire 10-12 min. De lgres bulles doivent se former la surface, indication que le biscuit est cuit; ne pas laisser brunir! Laisser refroidir le biscuit sur la plaque. Montage de la bche : Chemiser un moule cake avec du film plastique, en prvoyant 10 cm de plus sur chaque ct. Sortir la mousse au chocolat du frigo. Peler et corer les poires, puis les couper en fines lamelles. A laide dun couteau, dcouper 3 rectangles de biscuits de la taille du moule cake (conserver les chutes, elles serviront la dcoration!). Placer le premier rectangle au fond, les amandes face vous. Etaler 2 grosses cuilllres de mousse au chocolat sur le biscuit et disposer 2 ranges de lamelles de poires, bien serres les unes aux autres. Recouvrir de mousse au chocolat (mme quantit) et poser le deuxime rectangle de biscuit, en pressant lgrement pour compacter ltage inferieur. Rpter lopration pour le deuxime tage et finir avec le 3me rectangle de biscuit. Rabattre les bords du film plastique et placer au frigo pour la nuit (ou au minimum 3 h).

Bolo de chocolate com geleia de laranja

50 g de chocolat noir ptisserie

- 50 g de cacao en poudre - 50 g de beurre - 50 g de crme frache - 2 oeufs - 50 g de sucre - 50 g de farine - 50 g de confiture d'orange (avec morceaux) Prparation : Faire fondre au micro-ondes, dans un grand rcipient, le chocolat et le beurre. Mlanger. Ajouter le cacao et la crme, bien mlanger. Ensuite, ajouter les oeufs entiers, le sucre et la farine, mlanger au fouet jusqu' obtention d'une pte homogne. Pour finir, rajouter la confiture d'orange et mlanger une dernire fois. Verser la pte dans un moule tarte beurr et farin de 24 cm. Cuire 10 min dans un four prchauff 180C (thermostat 6). A la sortie du four, dcorer le tour du fondant avec quelques cuillres de confiture. Servir temprature ambiante ou aprs un passage au frigo, dans son moule (les parts se dtachent assez facilement).

Torta de camembert com Parma

1 pte brise - 4 tanches de jambon cru - 1 camembert - moulin 5 baies - 3 oeufs - 20 cl de lait - gruyre rp Prchauffer le four 180C (thermostat 6). Etaler la pte brise et la piquer la fourchette. Mettre les tranches de jambon cru sur le fond de la tarte. Couper le camembert en lamelles, et les disposer sur le jambon cru. Assaisonner avec le moulin 5 baies. Dans un bol mlanger les oeufs et le lait puis en napper la tarte. Enfourner pendant 35 min. Massa com camaro e abobrinha 300 g tagliatelles noires - 250 g de crevettes surgeles - 2 petites courgettes - 1 gousse d'ail - 25 cl de crme frache - 1 dose de safran

- parmesan Faire dcongeler l'avance les crevettes. Prparez la sauce (qui pourra tre rchauffe) : Dans une pole avec un peu d'huile d'olive, faire cuire les deux courgettes coupes en tous petits morceaux. Ajoutez la gousse d'ail pile, puis les crevettes, puis la crme, et le safran. Laissez mijoter un peu, rectifiez l'assaisonnement (sel, poivre) et teignez. Faites cuire les ptes dans un grand volume d'eau. Faites rchauffer la sauce lorsque vous gouttez les ptes et servez avec du parmesan. Bolo salgado 400 g de pure de potimarron (ou de citrouille mais le potimarron est meilleur) - 100 g de farine - 150 g de lardons fums - 10 cl de lait - 3 oeufs - 100 g de gruyre rp - sel, poivre, muscade - persil - 60 g de beurre fondu Dans un saladier, battre le beurre fondu avec les oeufs. Ajouter alors la pure de potimarron, le lait et la farine. Bien mlanger. Introduire les lardons et le gruyre. Ajouter le persil hach. Bien mlanger, assaisonner. Graisser un moule cake et y verser la prparation. Faire cuire environ 45 min thermostat 8 (250C).

Quiche de espinafre, chevre e salmo defumado

1 rouleau de pte feuillete - 4 oeufs - 25 cl de crme frache - 150 g de chvre frais - 100 g d'pinards en branches surgels - 200 g de saumon fum - sel, poivre, noix de muscade Ragu de porco com abobrinha 700 g d'chine de porc - 3 aubergines - 4 pommes de terre chair ferme - 400 g de pulpe de tomates en ds - 4 gousses d'ail - 2 oignons - 15 cl d'eau - huile - vinaigre - persil Dcouper la viande en cubes, la mettre mariner avec 4 cuillres soupe de vinaigre et l'ail cras pendant 30 min. Faire dorer les cubes de viande dans de l'huile. Ajouter les oignons mincer et faire revenir quelques instants. Ajouter la pulpe de tomates, 15 cl d'eau, le persil hach, les aubergines en gros cubes et les pommes de terre entires peles. Saler et poivrer. Laisser mijoter au moins 1h en rajoutant un peu d'eau si ncessaire

Torta de peras poires - 3 oeufs - 150 g de sucre - 75 g de farine - 30 cl de lait - 25 cl de crme frache - 20 g de beurre - 1 sachet de sucre vanill Prparation : Beurrez votre plat, et disposez vos poires au fond, aprs les avoir pluch et coup. Dans un saladier, mlangez les oeufs et le sucre. Ajoutez la farine, avec le lait et la crme. Versez la prparation sur les poires, puis enfournez 200C (thermostat 6-7). Au bout de 25 30 min, sortez le plat, et verser un filet de beurre fondu, avec le sucre vanill, par dessus. Remettez au four, jusqu' ce que le dessus caramlise (environ 5 10 min).

Abobrinha com curry

1 kg de courgettes coupes en tranches trs fines (en laissant partiellement la peau) - 500 g d'oignons coups en tranches trs fines - 6 oeufs battus en omelette - 2 cuillres caf de curry qu'on aura dlay au pralable dans 2 cuillres soupe d'eau - sel et poivre Prparation : Faire revenir courgettes + oignons dans une grande sauteuse dans laquelle on aura fait chauffer 2 cuillres soupe d'huile (bien laisser vaporer toute l'eau des lgumes). Aprs refroidissement, ajouter les oeufs battus, le curry dlay le sel et le poivre. Verser dans une terrine ou un moule cake protg d'un papier sulfuris huil. Bien recouvrir la terrine ou le moule puis faire cuire environ 1 h au bain-marie au four (thermostat 5-6). Dmouler. Servir bien froid avec une crme frache additionne de citron, ciboulette, sel ou poivre (ou avec une mayonnaise). Flan de legumes 2 tomates - 2 courgettes - 1 oignons - 4 oeufs - 70 g de comt rp

- 15 cl de crme liquide - 2 cuillres soupe de mazena - sel et poivre Prparation : Dans un shaker (ou un saladier), mlanger les oeufs et la crme. Couper les courgettes, l'oignon, les tomates et le comt en tout petit morceaux. Mlanger ces petits morceaux avec le mlange d'oeufs et de crme, puis ajouter la mazena. Ajouter le sel et le poivre. Cuire 45 mn thermostat 7 (210C).

Moelleux de chocolate amargo

250 g de chocolat noir - 100 g de farine - 3 oeufs - 100 g de sucre - 15 g de cacao amer - 150 g de beurre - 1/2 sachet de levure chimique Prparation : Prechauffer votre four 180C. Faire chauffer dans une casserole, 2 cuillres soupe de lait et la plaque de chocolat, petit feu. Remuer, jusqu' ce que le chocolat fonde. Hors du feu, ajouter le beurre et le faire bien fondre. Verser la prparation dans un saladier, et ajouter les oeufs, puis le sucre, la farine, le cacao, et la levure. Battre, aprs chaque ingrdient ajout. Verser la prparation dans un moule, et faire cuire 30 min au four 180C. Vous pouvez l'accompagner d'une crme anglaise.

Bavaroise de peras com coulis de chocolate

Pour la crme anglaise : - 25 cl de lait - 4 jaunes d'ufs - 100 g de sucre - 1 sachet de sucre vanill Pour le bavarois : - 4 feuilles de glatine - 1 grosse bote de poire au sirop

- verre liqueur de sirop de poire - verre liqueur de kirsch - 25 cl de crme liquide (paisse) - 100 g de sucre Coulis au chocolat - 250 g de chocolat ptissier - 15 cl de lait - 1 peu de crme liquide Prparation : L'idal est de prparer cette recette la veille. Crme anglaise : Faire chauffer le lait avec le sucre vanill. Mettre les feuilles de glatine tremper dans l'eau froide jusqu ce quelles ramollissent (environ 10 min). Travaillez les jaunes dufs et les 100 g de sucre jusqu ce que le mlange blanchisse. Dlayez ce mlange, peu peu avec le lait chaud.

Mettre le mlange dans une casserole et faire paissir sur feu doux en remuant sans arrt. Retirer du feu juste avant le premier bouillon, quand la crme nappe la cuillre. Ajouter les feuilles de glatine. Bien remuer pour faire dissoudre. Filtrer la crme travers une passoire fine. Laisser refroidir. Mlanger la crme de temps en temps. Bavarois : Mettre la bote de poires au sirop goutter (ne pas jeter le sirop). Mixer les poires. Mlanger la pure de poires la crme anglaise. Ajouter et mlanger les 100 g sucre puis le 1/2 verre liqueur de sirop de poire et le 1/2 verre liqueur de kirsch. Fouetter la crme liquide en chantilly (au robot, commencer la vitesse 1 et augmenter progressivement la vitesse). Lajouter et la mlanger dlicatement au reste de la prparation. Verser dans un moule tapiss de papier sulfuris, ou 1 moule silicone. Laisser prendre plusieurs heures au rfrigrateur. Dmouler au moment de servir. Coulis de chocolat : Faire fondre, feux doux en remuant de temps en temps, le chocolat ptissier en morceaux dans le lait. Quand le chocolat est fondu, retirer du feu. Ajouter quelques gouttes de crme (et ventuellement du beurre). Gotez pour savoir si le coulis est votre got !

Mousse de chocolate ao leite com caramelo 100 g de sucre + 1 cuillre soupe d'eau - 30 g de beurre sal - 20 cl de crme liquide - 200 g de chocolat au lait - 3 oeufs - 1 tablette de chocolat blanc Prparation : Faites un caramel avec le sucre et l'eau. Ajoutez le beurre sal et la crme liquide hors du feu. Chauffez nouveau pour avoir un mlange lisse. Ajoutez-y le chocolat au lait; mlangez bien et laissez refroidir. Sparez les blancs des jaunes. Ajoutez les jaunes d'oeufs au mlange chocolat/caramel. Battez les blancs en neige et mlangez la prparation. Versez dans des verres individuels. Coupez en copeaux grossiers (avec un couteau) le chocolat blanc et parsemez sur la mousse; placez au frais au moins 2 h. Vous pouvez galement prparer un mlange blancs d'oeufs battus/chocolat blanc pour mettre au fond des verres, et ainsi avoir un duo chocolat au lait/chocolat blanc

Chips de batata no microondas

1 pomme de terre - un peu d'huile - sel, herbes de provence ou autres pices Prparation : Eplucher la pomme de terre. La couper en tranches trs fines. Laver les tranches l'eau chaude et bien les scher. Dans une assiette, passer un peu d'huile sur les chips au pinceau. Saupoudrer de sel et d'herbes de provence (ou autre). Retourner les chips et renouveler l'opration (huile, sel et herbes). Mettre les chips au micro-onde pendant 4 5 minutes puissance maxi (850W). Si la puissance maxi est plus leve, diminuer le temps. Les chips doivent devenir sches au toucher. Si ce n'est pas le cas, rajouter une minute de plus. C'est prt!

Torta de peras, amndoas e choc. branco 1 pte sable, brise ou feuillete - 1 grosse bote de poires au sirop (3 ou 4 poires mres) - 130 g de beurre mou (ou de margarine) - 130 g de sucre en poudre - 1 sachet de sucre vanill - 4 jaunes d'ufs - 130 g de poudre damandes - 2 cuillres soupe de mazena - Des amandes effiles non grilles - 100 g (ou plus) de chocolat blanc, ou au lait, ou noir, ou des caramels mous Prparation : Prchauffez le four 200C (thermostat 7). talez la pte sable (ou autre) dans le moule tarte pralablement beurr (ou garni de papier sulfuris). Piquez-la avec une fourchette. Vous pouvez la faire prcuire blanc environ 10 min si vous le voulez. gouttez les poires sur du papier absorbant. Coupez-les dans le sens de la longueur en fines lamelles, mais sans aller jusquau bout afin quelles restent attaches (ou en ds). Coupez le chocolat (ou les caramels mous) en ppites, vous pouvez en mettre autant que vous le souhaitez. Dans un saladier, travaillez le beurre mou avec le sucre nature et vanill. Incorporez les jaunes dufs 1 1 en fouettant toujours. Ajoutez la poudre damandes et la mazena. Enfin, mlangez avec les 2/3 des ppites de chocolat. Versez la crme damande ainsi ralise sur le fond de la pte. Disposez-y les poires en appuyant lgrement dessus pour quelles souvrent en ventail. Recouvrez avec les ppites restantes et les amandes effiles. Enfournez dans la partie basse du four et laissez cuire 30 minutes. Conservez la tarte au frais. Vous pouvez la servir avec 1 boule de glace et une sauce au chocolat chaud. Pour faire briller votre tarte, faites fondre un peu de gele de groseille (de coing,). Une fois fondue, talez-la au pinceau sur la tarte encore chaude Torta de damasco e amndoas 1 kg maxi d'abricots - 200 g de pte brise ou feuillete - 2 oeufs - 20 cl de crme frache liquide - 150 g de sucre en poudre - 1 sachet de sucre vanill ou 1 cuillre caf d'extrait de vanille - 5 cuillres soupe rases de poudre d'amandes

Prparation : Prchauffer le four 210C (th 7). Beurrer un moule tarte de 22 cm de diamtre. Etaler la pte, en garnir le moule, et y disposer les abricots (pralablement lavs) coups en 2 . Enfourner 10 mn. Pendant ce temps, mlanger dans un saladier les oeufs avec le sucre en poudre et le sucre vanill, la poudre d'amande et la crme frache. Sortir la tarte du four, verser sur les fruits la prparation aux amandes. Enfourner pour 20 mn. Avant de dmouler la tarte, laisser reposer 5 mn dans le four teint. La mettre refroidir sur une grille. Dguster cette tarte bien frache

Creme brule de chocolate e peras

15 cl de crme (ou de lait pour une recette plus lgre) - 50 g de chocolat - 2 jaunes dufs - 40 g de sucre en poudre - 2 cuillres caf de cassonade - 1 poire Prparation : Prchauffer le four 120C (thermostat 4) et y placer un bain-marie. Peler et ppiner la poire, la couper en ds. Dans une pole, porter 15 g de sucre au caramel blond, et y jeter les morceaux de poire. Laisser caramliser jusqu' ce qu'ils prennent une belle couleur dore. Rserver. Dans une jatte, battre les jaunes d'ufs avec le restant de sucre jusqu' ce qu'ils blanchissent. Faire bouillir la crme, la verser sur le chocolat et mlanger vivement pour que le chocolat fonde compltement. Verser le tout sur les jaunes blanchis, ajouter les ds de poires. Rpartir dans des ramequins crmes brles et enfourner au le bain-marie pour environ 40 min. Une fois les crmes cuites et refroidies, les placer au rfrigrateur jusqu'au moment de servir. Les saupoudrer alors de cassonade, et caramliser la surface au chalumeau. Servir aussitt Bolo de aveia com chocolate 3 xcara(s) (ch) de aveia 1 1/2 xcara(s) (ch) de acar 2 colher(es) (sopa) de manteiga Mococa 1 colher(es) (sopa) de achocolatado em p 1 colher(es) (sopa) de fermento qumico em p 3 unidade(s) de ovo 1 xcara(s) (ch) de leite

Deixe a aveia de molho com o leite. Bata bem o acar com as gemas e, em seguida, a manteiga. Junte a aveia e o achocolatado. Misture e Acrescente as claras em neve

mexendo suavemente, e por ltimo o fermento. Coloque a massa em forma untada e enfarinhada. Leve em forno pr-aquecido, 180C (mdio), por cerca de 30 minutos Financiers com pistache 30 g d'amandes en poudre - 50 g de pistaches non sales rduites en poudre au mixeur - 70 g de sucre glace - 50 g de farine - 150 g de beurre doux - 4 blancs doeufs - 1 cuillre caf darme pistache - quelques gouttes de colorant alimentaire vert (facultatif) Dans une terrine, mlanger intimement la farine et le sucre glace tamiss, la poudre damandes, et la poudre de pistaches. Ajouter les blancs doeufs, et bien mlanger. Pendant ce temps, dans une petite casserole fond pais, faire fondre le beurre, et le laisser cuire jusqu ce quil prenne une lgre teinte noisette. Le retirer aussitt du feu, et le filtrer travers un chinois. Ajouter le beurre noisette dans la terrine, mlanger jusqu ce que la pte soit parfaitement homogne. Ajouter larme pistache et le colorant, mlanger encore. Garnir de pte des moules financiers (si vous nen avez pas, des moules muffins, cest trs bien aussi) aux 3/4 de leur hauteur, et enfourner dans un four prchauff 210C (th 7), pendant environ 15 min (surveiller!).

Cookies de chocolate sem farinha

100 g de ppites de chocolat (ou 125 grammes de noix concasses pralablement grilles au four) - 300 g de sucre glace - 3 blancs d'uf - 50 g de cacao 100%

Prparation de la recette : Cookies sans farine faon Babarecette

Selon vos envies, cuisinez des cookies aux ppites de chocolat ou aux noix et pourquoi pas les deux !

Prchauffez votre four 150C (thermostat 5). Dans un saladier, montez en neige les blancs d'uf. Dans un second, mlangez le sucre glace au cacao de faon ce que la prparation soit bien homogne. Ajoutez cette dernire les blancs en neige, en prenant soin de ne pas les craser, mlangez avec soin. Ensuite, votre convenance, ajoutez les ppites ou les noix. La prparation est prte. Il est prfrable de ne pas trop travailler la pte. Laissez reposer la pte 30 min 1h au rfrigrateur. Sur une plaque allant au four, recouverte de papier sulfuris trs lgrement graiss, dposez des petits tas de pte la cuillre pour former vos cookies. Insrez-les dans votre four mi-hauteur pendant 15 20 min. Ils sont cuits lorsque la pointe de votre couteau ressort propre du cur de vos biscuits Muffin de tomate e curry Mlange humide: - 1 uf - 8 cl de lait (de soja ici) - 1 cuillre caf d'huile d'olive Mlange sec: - 50 g de farine complte T110 - 15 g de mazena - 1 cuillre caf de levure chimique Garniture: - 1 tomate - 2 cuillres soupe rases de fromage rp - 1 cuillre soupe de lanires d'oignons roses dshydrats - 1 cuillre caf d'origan - 1 pince de sel - 1 pince de poivre noir - 2 cuillres caf de curry en poudre - 4 gouttes de tabasco

Prparation de la recette : Mini-muffins tomate curry

Prchauffer le four 200C (thermostat 6-7). Couper la tomate en petits ds.

Mlanger dans un petit saladier tous les ingrdients du mlange sec savoir farine + mazena + levure. Mlanger dans un autre rcipient tous les ingrdients du mlange humide savoir l'uf + le lait + l'huile d'olive. Ajouter y la garniture : les ds de tomate, les lanires d'oignon, le fromage rp, l'origan, le sel, le poivre, le curry, le tabasco et bien mlanger. Verser le mlange sec sur le mlange humide d'un coup et mlanger peine. Il doit rester des grumeaux. Verser dans les alvoles d'un moule en silicone mini-muffins (ou mini-bouches) Mettre au four en surveillant pour environ 12 min 180C-200C (thermostat 6-7). Brownies 200 g de chocolat cuire - 50 g de noix de pcan - 50 g de farine - 150 g de beurre - 100 g de sucre roux - 4 oeufs Prparation : Faire fondre le chocolat avec le beurre, soit au bain-marie feu doux, soit au microondes sur programme 'dconglation'. Quand c'est bien fondu, mlanger et ajouter le sucre, les oeufs un par un, la farine, puis les noix de pcan haches grossirement. Bien mlanger et verser dans un moule carr de 20 cm (ou rectangulaire pas trop grand), chemis de papier sulfuris. Mettre au four prchauff 180C pendant 25 min Pezinhos rpidos e saudveis 200 g de farine - 1 yaourt nature - 2 cuillres soupe d'huile - 1 cuillre caf de levure chimique - 1 pince de sel Prparation : Mlanger la farine, le sel et la levure. Faire un puits, et ajouter le yaourt. Travailler la pte, jusqu' ce qu'elle soit homogne. Confectionner des boules de pte. Et les badigeonner de lait ou de jaune d'oeuf, aprs les avoir disposs sur une plaque

ptisserie. Enfourner 180C, jusqu' ce que les petits pains gonflent

55 g de farine - 135 g de sucre glace - 30 g de rhum - 30 g de beurre - 275 g de lait - 1 oeuf entier - 2 jaune d'oeuf - 1 gousse de vanille - 60 g de fcule Prparation : La veille, faites bouillir le lait avec de la gousse vanille et laissez infuser toute la nuit. Le lendemain, retirez la gousse de vanille. Mlangez le sucre glace, l'oeuf entier, les jaunes d'oeuf, le rhum, le beurre fondu, la farine et la fcule, le lait froid en dernier (tous ces ingrdients doivent tre mlangs dans l'ordre). Laissez reposer 24 h avant d'utiliser la pte. Coulez la pte dans les moules et faites cuire 35 min 200C, thermostat 6-7. Fondant de chocolate 300 g de chocolat - 250 g de beurre - 250 g de sucre - 5 oeufs - 2 cuillres farine rase de farine Prparation : Faire fondre le beurre et le chocolat feu doux, et ajouter le sucre. Bien battre les oeufs entiers, et les insrer ensuite dans le mlange au chocolat. Ajouter la farine et bien mlanger le tout. Verser dans un moule gteau beurr. Laisser cuire au four 160C (th 5-6), pendant 30 min environ.

Tiramisu ao chocolate e laranja

30 biscuits la cuillre - 200 g Mascarpone - 25 cl crme frache liquide froide

- 150 chocolat noir - 3 jaunes oeuf - 100 g sucre - 3 feuilles glatine Pour le sirop : - jus orange - 1 cuillre soupe sucre - 1 cuillre soupe rhum Faire tremper les feuilles de glatine dans un peu d'eau tide. Casser le chocolat et faire fondre. Ajouter la glatine et laisser tidir. En fouettant, incorporer les jaunes d'oeufs et le sucre, fouetter jusqu' ce que le mlange prenne la consistance du chocolat au lait. Incorporer le Mascarpone, fouetter la crme trs froide en chantilly et incorporez-la au mlange. Faites chauffer le sirop. Tremper lgrement les gteaux dans celui-ci puis les disposer dans un plat cake. Faire 1 couche de gteau et 1 couche de chocolat puis recommencer. Mettre au froid au moins 6 h. Servir trs frais. Ovos nevados com abacaxi 1,2 kg d'ananas en morceaux surgels - 50 g sucre semoule - 4 blancs d'oeufs - 40 g de sucre vanill - 125 g de sucre semoule - 7 cl d'eau froide - quelques gouttes de jus de citron Prparation : Pour l'ananas : Faites dcongeler les morceaux d'ananas dans un saladier durant 3 h au rfrigrateur. Egouttez-les (mais gardez le jus) et mettez-les dans une casserole fond pais avec 50 g de sucre. Faites caramliser le tout, sur feu moyen. Surveillez bien la cuisson. Lorsque l'ananas est bien dor, rservez 12 morceaux et mixez grossirement le reste. Si le mlange est vraiment trop pais votre got, ajoutez un peu de jus d'ananas. Mettez cette prparation dans 4 grands verres et rangez-les en attendant au frigo. Pour le caramel : Versez l'eau froide et 125 g de sucre dans une casserole avec quelques gouttes de jus

de citron. Portez bullition sans remuer. Lorsque le sucre commence colorer, remuez dlicatement la casserole pour rpartir le caramel. Ds que le caramel atteint la coloration dsire, arrtez la cuisson et plongez la casserole dans un bain d'eau glace pour interrompre le processus. Pour les dcors en caramel, laissez parler votre imagination, dessinez des formes avec une cuillre directement sur du papier sulfuris et profitez-en aussi pour enrober les 12 morceaux d'ananas non mixs. Dcollez dlicatement une fois que le caramel a bien durci. Pour les les flottantes : Fouettez les blancs d'oeufs en neige, tout en incorporant peu peu le sucre vanill. Dans une casserole d'eau frmissante, l'aide de 2 cuillres soupe, prlevez 8 quenelles de blancs d'oeufs (l'une aprs l'autre) et faites-les pocher 15 s de chaque ct. Elles doivent devenir brillantes. Egouttez-les sur du papier absorbant. Pour l'assemblage : Dposez les les flottantes sur l'ananas, dposez 3 morceaux d'ananas enrobs dessus et terminez par les dcors de caramel.

Verrine de chocolate e tangerina

100 g de chocolat ptissier - 1 petite cuillre de crme frache - 3 clmentines - 5 spculoos - 2 cuillres soupe de fromage blanc ou de chantilly Prparation : plucher les clmentines, et couper les quartiers en 4. mietter les spculoos. Faire chauffer le chocolat avec la crme frache. Dans une verrine, mettre une couche de clmentines, puis une de chocolat, de spculoos, de clmentines, et enfin ajouter une pointe de chocolat. Avant de servir, terminer par une touche de fromage blanc ou de chantilly (selon les gots) et un quartier de clmentine en guise de dcoration Bolo de amndoas 140 g de beurre mou - 2 gros oeufs

- 50 g de farine avec levure incorpore - 150 g de poudre d'amandes - 85 g de sucre - environ 1 tasse de confiture (voir notes ci-dessous) - noix, amandes, noisettes concasses Prparation : Battre en crme le beurre et le sucre. Ajouter les oeufs, la poudre d'amandes et la farine. Verser dans un moule rond ou carr beurr, lisser la surface. Rchauffer la confiture au micro-ondres (quelques secondes) pour la liqufier, l'tendre sur le gteau. Saupoudrer de noix (et/ou noisettes, et/ou amandes) pour bien couvrir la confiture

Sufl de bacalhau
200 g de brandade de morue - 80 g de farine - 90 g de gruyre rp - 2 gros oeufs - 1 cuillre soupe d'huile d'olive - 1/2 sachet de levure de boulanger Prparation : Rhydrater la levure de boulanger 30 min dans 3 cm d' eau chaude tide. Dans le mixer mettre la totalit des ingrdients et mlanger le tout une minute. Beurrer 4 ramequins individuels, les remplir pas plus qu'aux deux tiers. Mettre au four 20 min environ 180C (thermostat 6).

Bolo de peras
100 g de cassonade - 1 sachet de sucre vanill - 100 g de farine + levure - 100 g de beurre fondu - 4 petits oeufs - 3 ou 4 poires sucres Prparation :

Mlanger les jaunes d'oeufs avec les sucres jusqu' ce que le mlange blanchisse. Ajouter le beurre fondu, puis la farine avec la levure. Prchauffer le four 180 degrs. Peler et ppiner les poires, les couper en petits morceaux et les ajouter la prparation prcdente. Battre les blancs d'oeufs et les ajouter dlicatement au mlange.

Verser le tout dans un moule rond beurr et farin, puis enfourner pendant une bonne demi-heure. Torta de nozes e canela 1 pte sable (ou brise) - 2 oeufs - 100 g de sucre semoule - 250 g de crme double - 150 g de noix haches - Cannelle Dcor : - sucre glace - Cerneaux de noix Prparation : Etaler la pte dans un moule tarte. Battre les oeufs avec le sucre, puis ajouter la crme et les noix haches. Ajouter ensuite la Cannelle, selon le got; puis verser sur la pte. Enfourner 180C (thermostat 6), pendant 40 min. Saupoudrer de sucre glace, et dcorer de cerneaux de noix

Bolo de ricota com frutas secas

1 pot de ricotta (garder le pot qui servira de mesure) - 2 ufs - 1 pot de sucre en poudre - 1 sachet de sucre vanill - 1 pince de sel - 1 pot de farine + 1 sachet de levure - le jus d1 citron (facultatif) - 1 cuillre soupe dhuile dolive (facultatif) Prparation : Faire chauffer le four 180C (thermostat 6). Mlanger tous les ingrdients, dans lordre. Mettre dans un moule (rond ou cake) protg de papier sulfuris. Faire cuire 30 minutes environ (a dpend des fours, ds que c'est brun sur le dessus, plonger un couteau, si la lame ressort propre, c'est cuit). Remarques : - on peut rduire le sucre - on peut y ajouter des fruits secs (c'est dlicieux avec des cranberries)

- si la pte est trop paisse, ajouter du lait, cuillre soupe par cuillre soupe

Eminc de peru com cogumelos

2 escalopes de dinde - 2 3 courgettes - 200 g de tagliatelles - 1 bote de champignons - 2 3 cuillre soupe de moutarde - 20 cl de crme frache - sel - poivre Prparation : Couper la viande en minc. Faire revenir la viande dans un peu de beurre. Ajouter la moutarde et la crme frache puis les champignons. Faire bouillir l'eau. Mettre les tagliatelles dans l'eau pendant 1 2 min. Couper les courgettes en fines lamelles, les ajouter aux ptes jusqu' ce que les ptes soient cuites. goutter et mettre le tout avec la viande. Saler et poivrer. Bolo salgado de presunto e azeitonas 150 g de farine - 200 g de jambon - 150 g d'olives vertes dnoyautes - 75 g de gruyre rp - 4 oeufs - 10 cl de lait - 1 sachet de levure chimique - 1 cuillre soupe d'huile Prparation :

Couper les olives en roudelles. Couper le jambon en morceaux. Verser les oeufs dans la farine et mlanger. Ajouter le lait et l'huile puis mlanger. Ajouter le jambon, les olives et le gruyre puis mlanger. Ajouter la levure et, pour ne pas changer, mlanger. :) Mettre le tous dans un plat cake au pralable beurr et placer dans un four chaud thermostat 6 (180C) pendant 45 min. Fil de peixe ao usque 6 filets de poisson blanc (colin, cabillaud, fltan etc...) - 30 g de beurre - 50 g de gruyre rp - 20 cl de crme - 5 cl de whisky - sel, poivre

- 1 cuillre soupe de fines herbes (persil, ciboulette, cerfeuil etc...) Prparation : Fourrez les filets avec la moiti du gruyre et du beurre, pliez-les en deux et mettez-les dans un plat beurr allant au four. Saupoudrez du gruyre restant et dposez des noisettes de beurre, salez, poivrez. Faites cuire au four 180C (thermostat 6) pendant 10 min (ou 3 min au micro-onde). Faites chauffer le whisky lgrement et versez-le en le flambant sur les filets. Ajoutez la crme et les fines herbes et remettez au four 10 min (ou 3 min au micro-ondes). Vrifiez la cuisson et servez avec du riz nature et/ou des champignons

Barra de banana com aveia

150 g de beurre - 300 g de flocon d'avoine - 100 g de sucre roux - 3 bonnes cuilleres soupe de miel - 3 bananes bien mures - 1 pince de cannelle (facultatif) Faire fondre le beurre, avec le miel et le sucre. Pendant ce temps, craser les bananes en pure; puis la mlanger avec les flocons d'avoine et le mlange beurre/sucre/miel. Etaler la pte dans un moule tarte ou une plaque de 25 cm, et faire cuire au four 180C (thermostat 6). Couper des tranches la sortie du four, et dguster froid

Fondant de chocolate, amndoas e avels

160 g de chocolat noir - 160 g de beurre - 140 g de sucre roux - 3 oeufs - 75 g de farine - 75 g de poudre d'amande - 50 g de poudre de noisette Faire fondre le beurre et le chocolat 1 minute au micro-ondes. Mlanger les oeufs, le sucre et ajouter le chocolat fondu. Ajouter la farine, mlanger. Ajouter la poudre d'amande, mlanger. Ajouter la poudre de noisettes et mlanger. Faire cuire 20 minutes environ dans un four prchauff 180C (thermostat 6).

Muffin de queijo fresco e presunto

75 g de boursin - 50 g d'allumettes de jambon - 75 g de farine - 1/2 sachet de levure chimique - 2 oeufs - 30 ml d'huile - sel et poivre - 5 cl de vin blanc (seulement pour les adultes !) Prparation :

Mlanger la farine, la levure chimique, le sel et le poivre. Ajouter ensuite les ds de jambon, les oeufs, l'huile, et enfin le boursin. Mlanger jusqu' l'obtention d'une pte homogne. Verser la prparation au 3/4 dans les alvoles d'un moule muffins. Faire cuire 180C (Th 6) pendant 20 min. Surveiller la cuisson

Bolo de ma ultrarrpido
3 pommes jaunes - 3 oeufs - 125 g de farine - 1 sachet de levure - 125 g de sucre - 3 demi coquilles d'huile - 2 demi coquilles de rhum ou de jus d'orange - 3 noisettes de beurre et un sucre vanille Prparation : Faire cuire la pole les pommes pluches et coupes en lamelles avec le beurre et le sucre vanill. Pendant ce temps, mlanger les oeufs, le sucre, l'huile, le rhum ou le jus d'orange, et en dernier la farine avec la levure. Mlanger le tout l'aide d'un fouet. Rajouter les pommes caramlises. Bien mlanger le tout et rpartir le mlange dans un moule beurr. Faire cuire 130-140C pendant 40 min et la sortie, arroser le gteau avec un bouchon de rhum.

Truta com amndoas flambadas no usque

2 truites - 4 cuillres soupe de whisky - 1 bonne poigne d'amandes effiles - 1 bouquet de menthe frache - huile, sel, poivre, un peu de farine Prparation : Nettoyer et barber les truites. Les fariner lgrement. Faire doucement blondir les amandes dans une pole -sans matire grasse- rserver. Chauffer l'huile dans une pole et y faire cuire les truites sales et poivres.

Faire chauffer le whisky dans une petite casserole et le verser bouillant sur les truites. Faites flamber (avec une allumette) puis dposer les truites sur le plat de service recouvert d'un lit de menthe frache. Parsemez d'amandes blondies et servir aussitt.

Eminc de frango ao cominho com talharim de abobrinha

deux blancs de poulet - deux courgettes - 100 g de feta - une pince de sucre - 2 cuillres soupe d'huile d'olive - ail cras ou en poudre, sel, poivre, cumin Prparation : Coupez les blancs en minc, salez, poivrez, et saupoudrez gnereusement de cumin, rservez. Lavez, et pluchez les courgettes. Ensuite, avec un conome prlevez de longues lamelles de courgette, de faon former les tagliatelles. Laissez de cot le coeur, o il n'y a que des graines. Dans une pole, faites chauffer une cuillre soupe d'huile sur feu vif, et saisir les tagliatelles et l'ail 2 min. Salez, poivrez et saupoudrez d'une pince de sucre. Baissez le feu, couvrez, et laissez confire les courgettes sur feu moyen/doux. Quand les courgettes sont confites (aspect lgrement brillant, dor et translucide), dcouvrez, et laissez l'eau s'vaporer compltement. Dans une autre pole, faites chauffer 1 cuillre soupe d'huile d'olive sur feu vif. Polez les morceaux de poulet, jusqu' ce qu'ils soient cuits. Ajoutez le poulet dans la pole des tagliatelles (toujours sur feu doux), mlangez sans trop manipuler, pour ne pas abmer les tagliatelles. Emiettez la feta sur le mlange, et laissez rchauffer 1 2 min. Servez sans attendre, accompagn de riz basmati, ou de vritables tagliatelles.

Tatin de manga com gengibre

2 mangues bien mres - 1 rouleau de pte brise - 50 g de sucre roux - 50 g de beurre sal - un peu de gingembre ou gingembre en poudre

Prparation :

Dcouper la pte aux mesures du moule en ajoutant 5 cm tout autour, puis mettre au rfrigrateur. Eplucher et rper 3 cuillres caf de gingembre. Prchauffer le four 180C (thermostat 6). Faire fondre le beurre et le gingembre, ajouter le sucre et cuire doucement (5 min) afin d'obtenir un caramel mousseux.

Verser le caramel sur le fond du moule et les bords. Eplucher et couper les mangues en quartiers. Tapisser le moule avec les quartiers de mangue, saupoudrer d'un peu de sucre, puis recouvrir avec la pte bien froide (rentrer les bords sur les cts). Enfourner 20 min 180C, et servir tide.

Sorvete de amndoas e tangerina

3 blancs d'ufs, gros - 125 g d'amandes effiles - 2 3 clmentines - 40 cl de crme fleurette - 300 g de sucre en poudre - 4 cuillres soupe de Mandarine impriale, dfaut du Cointreau - 20 g de beurre - un peu d'huile Pour le coulis : - 25 cl de jus de clmentines - 3 mandarines - 50 g de marmelade d'oranges amres - 50 g de sucre - 4 cuillres soupe de Mandarine Impriale (liqueur) - un moule cake de 35 cm - papier cuisson ou papier aluminium Prparation : Cette glace se prpare au minimum la veille Couper les quartiers des clmentines en 3 et les faire macrer dans la liqueur, huiler le moule cake, huiler une face du papier cuisson, ou aluminium, coup en bandes (une grande bande pour le fond et les petits cts). Installer le papier en le faisant dpasser des bords, pour faciliter le dmoulage. Faire le caramel : Dans une petite pole, mettre 150 g de sucre + 2 cuillres soupe d'eau, faire cuire jusqu'au caramel blond. Retirer la pole du feu, incorporer les 20 g de beurre et les

amandes effiles en remuant avec une spatule de bois, verser aussitt sur une plaque de marbre, dfaut sur un plan de travail tapiss de papier aluminium huil. Laisser refroidir, puis passer au mixer pour broyer grossirement ce caramel aux amandes, dfaut de mixer, mettre dans un sac de conglation et broyer avec le rouleau ptisserie ou le marteau ! Monter la crme (garde au frais) en chantilly, et la remettre au frigo. Monter les blancs en neige ferme. Pendant ce temps, mettre le reste du sucre (150 g) dans une casserole avec un peu d'eau ( 50 g) Faire bouillir petits bouillons (110C la sonde ), ou, quand a fait flop flop, faire couler doucement ce sirop bouillant sur les blancs battus en continuant battre jusqu' refroidissement environ 12 15 min, a va les cuire et bien les gonfler = meringue italienne. Mlanger la chantilly aux clmentines gouttes et au caramel-amandes, (en garder un peu pour parsemer au fond du moule). Puis incorporer en douceur les blancs en neige, verser une fine couche du pralin (caramel-amandes) au fond du moule, puis le nougat par dessus, tapoter un peu le moule pour galiser, replier le papier dessus, et mettre au conglateur, au moins 24 heures. Prparer le coulis Refaire un caramel blond avec sucre et 1 cuillre soupe d'eau. Quand le caramel est pris, ajouter le jus des mandarines, la marmelade et porter bullition,ceci peut se conserver quelques jours dans un pot confiture. Le jour du service, faire macrer les quartiers de clmentines dans un peu de liqueur, les goutter pour les servir avec le coulis, sur le nougat (j'en connais qui aimeront boire le jus restant) ou bien l'ajouter au coulis.

Escalopes de frango com balsmico

4 escalopes de poulet (ou de dinde) - 200 g de lardons fums - 1 oignon - 15 cl de vinaigre balsamique - 4 cuillres soupe de crme frache - 1 verre d'eau Prparation : Dans une pole frire, faire revenir les lardons et rserver. Dans la graisse des lardons, faire frire l'oignon minc, et rserver. Faire revenir les escalopes (toujours dans la mme pole) et rserver. Dglacer la pole avec le vinaigre. Une fois rduit, ajouter l'eau, la crme frache, les lardons, les oignons et le poulet. Laisser mijoter, jusqu' ce que le poulet soit cuit. Minimuffins de laranja 160 g de farine - 125 g de sucre - 125 g de beurre ramolli

- 3 oeufs - 1/3 de sachet de levure chimique - 1 orange - 1 cuillre caf de cannelle - 1 cuillre caf d'arme de fleurs d'oranger Prparation : Passez le beurre au micro-ondes pour le ramollir (il ne faut pas qu'il soit liquide). Dans un saladier, mlangez le sucre et le beurre la cuillre en bois jusqu' ce que le mlange blanchisse. Ajoutez les oeufs un un, la farine puis la levure. Travaillez bien le mlange. Lavez l'orange, prlevez le zeste l'aide d'un conome et hachez-le au couteau. Pressez l'orange pour en retirer le jus. Ajoutez l'corce, le jus, la cannelle et la fleur d'oranger dans le saladier puis mlangez. Prchauffez le four 180C (thermostat 6). Il n'est pas ncessaire de beurrer les moules s'ils sont en silicone. Dposez une cuillre soupe de pte dans chaque alvole. Enfournez et laissez cuire 12 minutes. A la sortie du four, dmoulez et dposez les mini-muffins sur une grille afin qu'ils ne ramollissent pas.

Bolo de chocolate e amndoas

Pour la frangipane : - 125 g d'amandes en poudre - 125 g de sucre en poudre - 125 g de beurre - 2 oeufs Pour le fondant : - 1 tablette de chocolat dessert (52%) - 100 g de sucre en poudre - 120 g de beurre - 100 g de farine - 3 oeufs - 1 pince de sel - 2 cuillres soupe de lait Prparation : Commencer par la frangipane : Dans un saladier, mlanger le beurre et le sucre. Ajouter les amandes et les oeufs; bien remuer. Laisser la frangipane de ct, le temps de prparer le fondant dans un autre saladier :

Faire fondre le chocolat avec le beurre (au micro-ondes ou au bain-marie). Ajouter le sucre, puis progressivement la farine. Ajouter les oeufs en travaillant la pte avec une cuillre, incorporer le lait et le sel. Beurrer un moule manquer, puis verser la prparation au chocolat. Par dessus, verser dlicatement la frangipane en essayant de ne pas mlanger les deux prparations. Enfourner le gteau pendant 45 min thermostat 6 (180C).

Bolo rpido de limo

125 g de farine - 220 g de sucre - 1 sachet de levure chimique - 1 pince de sel - 3 oeufs - 10 cl d'huile - 1 citron non trait Prparation : Mlanger la farine, le sucre, la levure et le sel. Ajouter les oeufs et l'huile. Mlanger rapidement jusqu' obtention d'une pate peu prs homogne. Avec une rappe ou un zesteur, rcuprer le zeste du citron, ajouter la pte. Presser le citron et verser le jus dans le mlange. Si possible, ajouter la pulpe (mais pas les ppins !). Mlanger jusqu' obtention d'une pte onctueuse et homogne. Beurrer un plat gateau et y verser la pte. Cuire au four pendant 25 min environ 200C (thermostat 6-7). Torta frangipane com caramelo salgado Pour la pte sable: - 250 g de farine - 125 g de sucre semoule - 1 uf - 100 g de beurre Pour la frangipane: - 75 g d'amandes en poudre - 75 g de sucre semoule - 75 g de beurre - 2 ufs - 1 cas de farine - 3 gouttes d'essence d'amande (Amaretto...) Pour le caramel au beurre sal: - 25 cl de crme fleurette entire - 150 g de sucre

- 60 g de beurre demi-sel - 10 cl de lait Prparation : Pour la pte sable : Faire prchauffer le four en chaleur tournante 180C (thermostat 6) Dans un saladier, dlayer l'uf et le sucre en poudre. Mettre la farine sur le plan de travail et former un puits pour accueillir le mlange sucreuf, puis ajouter le beurre ramolli et malaxer jusqu' obtenir une pte homogne. talez-la au rouleau puis disposez-la dans un moule et faites-la cuire blanc 5-6 minutes.

Pour la frangipane : Fouetter le beurre en crme. Dans un autre saladier, mlanger le sucre et la poudre d'amandes. Ajouter quelques gouttes d'essence d'amande. Ajouter ensuite les ufs puis la farine. Verser cette prparation sur la pte sable pr-cuite. Faire cuire 30 min.

Pour le caramel au beurre sal: Faire le caramel quand il reste 15 minutes de cuisson la pte-frangipane. Commencer par mettre le sucre et la crme das une casserole, et porter a bullition, tout en remuant rgulirement pour que l'appareil ne colle pas au fond de la casserole. Maintenir l'bullition pendant 15 minutes, jusqu' ce que le mlange prenne une consistance de crme ptissire. Au moment o la prparation commence prendre une lgre coloration, ajouter le beurre. Continuer tourner quelques minutes pour que la prparation prenne une coloration brune (Si le caramel est trop clair, il n'aura pas de got, mais si il est trop fonc, il sera amer.) Quand la coloration est bonne, rajouter 10 cl de lait, pour que le caramel ne durcisse pas puis verser le caramel sur la tarte frangipane. Salada de vagem com vinagrete de laranja 300 g de haricots verts fins - 300 g de germes de soja frais - 1 petite chalote - 1 cuillre soupe rase de moutarde l'ancienne - 2 cuillres soupe d'huile de truffe blanche - 1 cuillre caf de miel d'acacia - 1 cuillre soupe de vinaigre de Xrs - 1 orange pas trop grosse - sel, poivre du moulin

Prparation : Laver les haricots, les queuter, et les casser en deux ou en trois selon leur longueur. Laver les germes de soja. Faire cuire les haricots verts l'eau bouillante sale pendant environ 15 minutes. Ils doivent rester un peu croquants. Pendant ce temps bouillanter galement les germes de soja pendant 2 minutes. Bien goutter les lgumes pour qu'il n'y ait absolument plus d'eau (sur ce temps-l ils devraient avoir bien refroidis). Hacher l'chalote trs finement. Eplucher l'orange vif. Dcouper les quartiers en petits ds au-dessus d'une assiette de faon rcuprer le jus. Garder les ds d'orange part. Prparer la vinaigrette. Dans un petit pot ou bocal hermtique mettre la moutarde l'ancienne, l'huile de truffe, le miel, le vinaigre de Xrs, sel, poivre et le jus rcupr de l'orange. Fermer le rcipient et secouer jusqu' ce que le mlange soit bien homogne. Quand les lgumes sont bien goutts et bien refroidis, les mettre dans un saladier. Mlanger pour rpartir les couleurs. Parsemer avec l'chalote hache et les ds d'orange. Verser la vinaigrette par-dessus. Mlanger dlicatement le tout. Servir et dguster. Note : Si vous avez le temps, il est prfrable d'attendre au moins 30 minutes avant de dguster cette salade pour que les lgumes aient le temps de bien s'imprgner des armes de la vinaigrette.

Torta camponesa de ma (10 fatias) Massa 2 1/2 xcaras (ch) de farinha de trigo 2 xcaras (ch) de acar 2 colheres (ch) de fermento em p 2 colheres (sopa) cheias de manteiga 2 ovos Recheio 5 mas de tamanho mdio 1 colher (sopa) de acar suco de 1 limo canela em p noz-moscada

acar de confeiteiro O primeiro passo fazer o recheio: descasque as mas, corte em fatias bem finas, coloque-as numa vasilha e tempere com limo, acar, canela em p e noz-moscada a gosto. Reserve. Enquanto isso faa a massa: junte os ovos, o acar, a manteiga e bata na batedeira. A seguir coloque a farinha, o fermento e amasse com as mos. Divida a massa em duas partes iguais e forme uma bola com cada uma delas. Abra a massa da seguinte forma: coloque uma bola bem no centro de um saco plstico grande. Passe o rolo sobre o plstico e tente abrir o mais fino que puder. Rasgue a lateral do plstico e transfira a massa com cuidado para uma forma de aro removvel untada com manteiga e farinha. No se assuste se ela ficar quebradia. Una os pedaos dela na forma e v apertando com as mos. Acrescente o recheio e coloque a outra parte da massa que deve ser aberta da mesma forma. Leve para assar em forno praquecido, a 180C, por 40 minutos ou at que esteja assada. A torta rstica e por isso no espere por uma superfcie lisinha. Deixe esfriar, desenforme e polvilhe com acar de confeiteiro. Bolo basco

Massa 275 g de manteiga em temperatura ambiente + um pouco para untar; 330 g de acar cristal; 3 ovos em temperatura ambiente; 335 g de farinha peneirada + um pouco para enfarinhar; 90 g de amndoas picadinhas; 1 colher (sopa) de fermento qumico; sementes de 1 fava de baunilha; raspas da casca de limo; ovo batido para pincelar; sal; acar de confeiteiro para salpicar; cerejas em calda ou frescas passadas numa calda de acar para servir. Recheio 6 gemas de ovo; 200 g de acar; 60 g de farinha peneirada; 625 ml de leite; 1 fava de baunilha sem as sementes. Comece pela massa. Bata a manteiga e o acar cristal at obter um creme claro (2 a 4 minutos). Adicione os ovos, um por um, batendo sempre. 2 Junte a farinha, as amndoas, o fermento, as sementes de baunilha, as raspas de limo e uma pitada de sal e bata at incorporar bem todos os ingredientes.

3 Divida a massa em duas partes iguais e modele um disco com cada metade. Embrulhe os discos com filme plstico e coloque na geladeira para descansar at ficarem firmes (2 a 3 horas). 4 Enquanto isso, prepare o recheio. Bata as gemas com o acar em uma tigela refratria at formar um creme com um tom plido. Junte a farinha e bata para homogeneizar. 5 parte, ferva o leite com a fava de baunilha em uma panela em fogo mdio. Derrame metade do leite sobre a mistura com ovos e bata para homogeneizar. Junte a outra metade do leite e mexa bem. 6 Devolva tudo panela e bata continuamente, em fogo alto, at que o creme fique grosso e borbulhante (6 a 8 minutos). Retire do fogo. Transfira para uma tigela, retire a fava de baunilha e cubra o recipiente com filme plstico. Deixe esfriar em temperatura ambiente (20 a 30 minutos). 7 Quando a massa estiver firme, tire-a da geladeira e trabalhe rpido para que ela no amolea: abra um dos discos em uma superfcie enfarinhada at obter um crculo de 30 cm de dimetro. Use-o para forrar uma frma de torta, untada e enfarinhada, de 24 cm de dimetro. A massa deve subir pelas laterais. 8 Espalhe o creme de baunilha de maneira uniforme por cima da massa. Abra o restante da massa em uma superfcie enfarinhada em um crculo de 22 cm de dimetro e coloque por cima do creme. Feche as laterais da massa apertando os cantos e corte o excesso. Pincele com o ovo batido e asse no forno preaquecido a 180 oC at ficar bem dourado (40 a 50 minutos). 9 Retire do forno e deixe esfriar em cima de um aramado por 1 hora. Desenforme com cuidado, deixe o lado pincelado com o ovo para cima e espere esfriar completamente sobre um aramado, por mais 1 a 2 horas, para o creme firmar. Salpique com acar de confeiteiro e sirva com as cerejas. Bolo de chocolate semf arinha 50 g de chocolate meio amargo; 6 ovos, com claras e gemas separadas; 200 g de acar. 1 Derreta o chocolate e reserve. 2 Bata as gemas dos ovos com a metade do acar at obter uma mistura de aspecto fofo, com o dobro do tamanho inicial. Reserve. 3 Bata as claras em ponto de neve com o acar restante. 4 Misture 1/3 das claras com as gemas batidas e, na sequncia, adicione o chocolate derretido e o restante das claras, misturando sempre, com cuidado.

5 Unte uma assadeira de 27 cm de dimetro com manteiga e farinha, coloque a massa e asse em forno preaquecido a 160C por 20 minutos. Espere esfriar para desenformar

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