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Le Nozze di Figaro, Act I 321 FIGARO (making sure Cherubino doesn't vo overdo it) vel | Repteano, a ‘me pure ‘la ‘mano Fhi, capitano, a me pure las mane. Hey, captain, to me also the —_ hand. (Hoy there captain, shake hands with me too.) (Softly, to the page.) i ¥ Parlarti ‘pria ‘ke ‘uw parta lo vo" parlarti pria cho tu sparta. I want to talk to you before you leave. (Aloud,) aédio ‘pittfolo kerwbino ‘kome ‘kkanda Addio, picciolo Cherubino. Come cangia Farewell, little Cherubino How _it changes ‘in “um ‘punto ‘il'tuo destino in un punto il tuo destino. in abrief moment your destiny. (Goodbye, little Cherubino; how your destiny changes in one brief moment!) NO. 9 ARIA FIGARO ‘nom ‘pju an‘drai farfa'l:lone amo'rozo_ Non pid andrai farfallone _—_amoroso, No longer will you go_—_big butterfly amorous, ‘notte ‘d3orno din'torno dgi'rando notte © giorno dintomo —_girando, night and day around flitting about, ‘delle ‘belsle ‘turbando il ri'poz>, delle belle turbando —il_—riposo, ofthe girls disturbing the _rest, (No longer will you go flitting about disturbing young girls’ rest, you big amorous butterfly,) nartfi'zetsto adon'tfino damor Narcisotto, ‘Adoncino amor. My little Narcissus, my little Adonis of love. “nom ‘pju avrai ‘kwesti ‘bei penmnatckini Non pitt avrai questi bei pennacchini, No longer will you have these lovely fancy feathers, ‘kwel_— ka'ppelslo le'd:dgero, e eo quel ello leggiero ° galante, that hat (so) ight and dashing, kwella ‘kjoma kwe'llarja Iilante quella chioma, quoll'aria brillante, those curls, that look lively, 322 Le Nozze di Figaro, Act I ‘kwel vermixko donmesko: kolor that YeT™iglio, — donnesco color. a Tosy girlish coloring. (those. rosy, girlish cheeks.) ‘wa gwe'nrjeri poffarbakiko Tra guorrieri, —_poffarbacco! Among warriors, by Jove, ‘stretto ‘sakiko stretto sacco, tightly held knapsack, ‘spalta ‘Jabla ‘al enks spalla, sciabla al fianco, on (your) shoulder, saber at (your) side, ‘koklo “drit:to ‘muzo franks collo — dritto, muso noe 7 neck straight, puss bold (with your neck straight and bold of face,) ‘uy gran ‘kasko 0 ‘uy ‘gran turbante un gran casco, o gran turbante, a great helmet or a large turban, ‘molto onor —‘poko —_kontante molto onor, poco contante, much honor, little cash, ‘ed imverfe ‘del fan'dango ed invece del fandango, and instead ofa fandango, ‘una ‘martfa ‘per ‘il fangs una = marcia per il . a march through the mud. ‘per montanne ‘per va'iloni Por montagne, —_per valloni, ‘Through mountains, through big valleys, ‘kon le nevi e i sol:ljoni con le novi 0 i sollioni, with the snows and the —_ dog days (of heat), ‘al —_konttferto ‘di tromboni al concerto di tromboni, at the sound of trumpets, ‘di —_-bom'barde ‘di di bombarde, di of shells, of ‘ke = le pale ‘in ‘tutti ‘twoni che lo palo in tutti. tuoni, which the bullets in all’_—_ sounds,

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