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Don Giovanni, Act 1 293 NO. 8 ARIA ELVIRA (to Zerlina) a Tud:dsi “il traditor Ah, fuggi_ il traditor, ‘Ah, flee the traitor, ‘non ‘lo la'ffar ‘piu ‘dir non lo lasciar pit dir: don't let him anymore say. (don't let him say any more.) il labbro & mentitor fatlatfe ‘il Yikko 1 labbro & mentitor, _fallace il ciglio. The lip is —_ lying, false the eyelash. (His lips are lying and his eyes are false.) ‘da ‘mjei_—_tormenti im'para Da’ —miei_tormenti impara From my _ torments learn a ‘kreder a ‘kwel ‘kor @ — creder a quel cor, to believe in _—that_—heart, (Learn from my torments how to trust his heart.) © ‘naska il'tus timor ‘dal ‘mio.—_perrikfo ° nasca iltuo timor dal mio _periglio and letitbe born your fear from my danger. (and let your fear be born from my danger) (She leaves, taking Zerlina with her. Giovanni is left alone.) Scone Eleven. GIOVANNI 1 de'manjo i ‘mi “kod: ‘i i Mi par Sheet il demonio _—si divorta It seems to me that today the devil is amusing himself dop:porsi a‘mjei_pjatfevoli progresssi dopporsi a’ miei piacevol — by opposing my. pleasurable proceeding ‘Wan:no ‘mal stutti ‘kwanti Vanno mal tutti quanti- They're going badly, all of them- (@on Ottavio and Donna Anna enter) OTTAVIO i ‘ ‘vani i ‘pjanti a ‘kora ‘idol ‘mio ‘som a ea i ve pianti, an chioee: idolo me aa) vain the tears, Ah! — Now that, __ my beloved,

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