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Ammazza Goblin
Candle Maker
Military veteran
Many tattoos
Habitually mumbles a word that rhymes with the final word other people speak before they pause
Become a monster
Da A Nome
1 1 Clod
2 2 Tyris
3 3 Kronos
4 4 Beowulf
5 5 Bardar
6 6 Geder
7 7 Elvire
8 8 Eloka
9 9 Mirair
10 10 Meltin
11 11 Allan
12 12 San
13 13 Ferit
14 14 Herod
15 15 Niol
16 16 Cotes
17 17 Oludriel
18 18 Brenno
19 19 Ruger
20 20 Zardel
21 21 Orken
22 22 Kyla
23 23 Nuallan
24 24 Sebastian
25 25 Iorg
26 26 Marcello
27 27 Balt
Da A Soprannome
1 1 Il Matto
2 2 Pidocchio
3 3 Testanera
4 4 Il Maiale
5 5 Mani d'orso
6 6 Forchetta d'oro
7 7 Il Timoniere
8 8 Il Peloso
9 9 Lingualunga
10 10 Boccale ricolmo
11 11 Solitario
12 12 Il Brigante
13 13 Locanda
14 14 Lo Scrivano
15 15 Muscolo
16 16 Il Maledetto
17 17 Ammazzapiante
18 18 Il Sazio
19 19 Il Giocoso
20 20 Chioma fiammante
21 21 L'esoso
22 22 Tuono
23 23 Il beduino
24 24 Il Bardo Stonato
25 25 Sguardodifuoco
26 26 Serratura
27 27 Piatto Vuoto
28 28 Ammazza Goblin
Da A Mestiere
1 1 Acrobat
2 2 Actor
3 3 Alchemist
4 4 Almoner
5 5 Ambassador
6 6 Animal Keeper
7 7 Animal Trainer
8 8 Apothecary
9 9 Appraiser
10 10 Archer
11 11 Architect
12 12 Armorer
13 13 Artillerist
14 14 Artist
15 15 Assassin
16 16 Astrologer
17 17 Bailiff
18 18 Baker
19 19 Bandit
20 20 Banker
21 21 Barber
22 22 Bard
23 23 Barkeep
24 24 Barker
25 25 Barrister
26 26 Bearer
27 27 Beggar
28 28 Bishop
29 29 Blacksmith
30 30 Boat Builder
31 31 Boatswain
32 32 Bookbinder
33 33 Bouncer
34 34 Bounty Hunter
35 35 Bowyer
36 36 Brassworker
37 37 Brewer
38 38 Bricklayer
39 39 Builder
40 40 Busker
41 41 Butcher
42 42 Butler
43 43 Candle Maker
44 44 Captain
45 45 Carpenter
46 46 Carpet Weaver
47 47 Cartographer
48 48 Cartwright
49 49 Cask Maker
50 50 Castellan
51 51 Chamberlain
52 52 Chambermaid
53 53 Chandler
54 54 Chaplain
55 55 Chimneysweep
56 56 Chronicler
57 57 Cleaner
58 58 Clerk
59 59 Clothier
60 60 Clothworker
61 61 Cobbler
62 62 Coffinmaker
63 63 Coin minter
64 64 Composer
65 65 Constable
66 66 Cook
67 67 Cooper
68 68 Courier
69 69 Courtesan
70 70 Custodian
71 71 Deckhand
72 72 Diplomat
73 73 Doomsayer
74 74 Dowser
75 75 Dung Sweeper
76 76 Dyer
77 77 Embalmer
78 78 Engineer
79 79 Engraver
80 80 Entertainer
81 81 Executioner
82 82 Falconer
83 83 Farmer
84 84 Farrier
85 85 Ferryman
86 86 Fire Eater
87 87 Fisherman
88 88 Fletcher
89 89 Footman
90 90 Forester
91 91 Fortune Teller
92 92 Fowler
93 93 Furrier
94 94 Gaoler
95 95 Gamekeeper
96 96 Gardener
97 97 Gatekeeper
98 98 Gemcutter
99 99 Gentleman
100 100 Glassblower
101 101 Goldsmith
102 102 Governess
103 103 Gravedigger
104 104 Grocer
105 105 Groom
106 106 Guard
107 107 Guide
108 108 Haberdasher
109 109 Harlot
110 110 Harpist
111 111 Healer
112 112 Hedge-layer
113 113 Helmsman
114 114 Herald
115 115 Herbalist
116 116 Hermit
117 117 Historian
118 118 Hornmaker
119 119 Hospitaler
120 120 Hunter
121 121 Infirmarer
122 122 Innkeeper
123 123 Interpreter
124 124 Jester
125 125 Jeweler
126 126 Judge
127 127 Juggler
128 128 Keeper
129 129 Knight
130 130 Laborer
131 131 Lackey
132 132 Lady in Waiting
133 133 Lamp Lighter
134 134 Launderer
135 135 Leatherworker
136 136 Limner
137 137 Linkboy
138 138 Locksmith
139 139 Lookout
140 140 Madam
141 141 Magic Item Trader
142 142 Magistrate
143 143 Maid
144 144 Masseuse
145 145 Master
146 146 Master-at-Arms
147 147 Mercenary
148 148 Mercer
149 149 Messenger
150 150 Midwife
151 151 Milkmaid
152 152 Miller
153 153 Miner
154 154 Minstrel
155 155 Moneylender
156 156 Monk
157 157 Mourner
158 158 Mummer
159 159 Navigator
160 160 Nun
161 161 Nursemaid
162 162 Oarsman
163 163 Officer
164 164 Orator
165 165 Organist
166 166 Ostler
167 167 Pack Handler
168 168 Painter
169 169 Parchmenter
170 170 Pardoner
171 171 Peddler
172 172 Philosopher
173 173 Physician
174 174 Pilot
175 175 Pimp
176 176 Pitch Maker
177 177 Playwright
178 178 Poacher
179 179 Poet
180 180 Porter
181 181 Potter
182 182 Precentor
183 183 Prelate
184 184 Priest
185 185 Prostitute
186 186 Puppeteer
187 187 Quarryman
188 188 Ranger
189 189 Rat Catcher
190 190 Rent Collector
191 191 Roofer
192 192 Roustabout
193 193 Rope Maker
194 194 Sacristan
195 195 Sage
196 196 Sail Maker
197 197 Sailor
198 198 Sapper
199 199 Scholar
200 200 School Teacher
201 201 Scribe
202 202 Scrivener
203 203 Scullery Maid
204 204 Sculptor
205 205 Scop
206 206 Seer
207 207 Seneschal
208 208 Servant
209 209 Scaffolder
210 210 Shepherd
211 211 Sheriff
212 212 Shipwright
213 213 Shoemaker
214 214 Siege Engineer
215 215 Sign Maker
216 216 Silversmith
217 217 Sineater
218 218 Singer
219 219 Skinner
220 220 Slaver
221 221 Smith
222 222 Smuggler
223 223 Soapmaker
224 224 Solicitor
225 225 Soldier
226 226 Soothsayer
227 227 Spy
228 228 Squire
229 229 Stablehand
230 230 Steward
231 231 Stonecarver
232 232 Stonemason
233 233 Storyteller
234 234 Surgeon
235 235 Swineherd
236 236 Tailor
237 237 Tanner
238 238 Tax Collector
239 239 Taxidermist
240 240 Teamster
241 241 Thatcher
242 242 Tinker
243 243 Tobacconist
244 244 Tool Maker
245 245 Torturer
246 246 Tradesman
247 247 Turner
248 248 Valet
249 249 Verderer
250 250 Vicar
251 251 Vintner
252 252 Wainwright
253 253 Waller
254 254 Warrener
255 255 Watchman
256 256 Water Carrier
257 257 Weaver
258 258 Weaponsmith
259 259 Weapons Dealer
260 260 Wheelwright
Da A Background
1 3 Military veteran
4 6 Reformed criminal
7 9 Comes from a long line of tanners
10 12 Once owned an inn that was burnt down by bandits
13 15 Former alchemy lab assistant
16 18 Disgraced noble
19 21 Fought on losing side of civil war/revolution
22 24 Former prostitute
25 27 Refugee from land overrun by evil
28 30 Pious member of a notorious family
31 33 Ran away from a duel
34 36 Left at the altar
37 39 Criminal who retired after betraying rest of gang
40 42 Orphaned
43 45 Recovering addict
46 48 Childhood playmate of somebody important
49 51 Killed someone in self-defense
52 54 Escaped slave
55 56 Falsely convicted and then escaped from jail
57 58 Former indentured servant
59 60 Ran away as a youth and joined the circus
61 62 Abandoned spouse and children
63 64 Former sickly child who overcompensates as an adult
65 66 Failed priest
67 68 Failed merchant
69 70 Passed a guild test but too disillusioned to practice
71 72 Outwitted powerful monster
73 74 Practiced magic before a traumatizing accident
75 76 Died but came back through magic
77 78 Lost a magic item with potent abilities
79 80 Ran for office and suffered a humiliating defeat
81 82 Inadvertently saved the life of a future villain
83 84 Lost a spouse or child
85 86 Used to have to beg for food
87 88 Former artist suffering from a creative block
89 90 Raised by members of a different race
91 92 Former witch hunter
93 94 Pledged to keep a fantastic secret
95 96 Wanted for serious crime
97 98 Oppressed for race, sexuality, religion, etc.
99 100 Monster reincarnated as a human
Da A Caratteristica
1 1 Warts
2 2 Bad breath
3 3 Big nose
4 4 Long fingers
5 5 Stubby fingers
6 6 Boils
7 7 Very clean
8 8 Very white teeth
9 9 Dazzling eyes
10 10 Sweet smile
11 11 Beautiful curves/muscles
12 12 Dirty nails
13 13 Dirty hands
14 14 Calloused hands
15 15 Eye patch
16 16 Glass eye
17 17 Glasses
18 18 Enormous sideburns
19 19 Yellow teeth
20 20 Scratches a lot
21 21 Sneezes a lot
22 22 Compulsive blinking
23 23 Bites nails
24 24 Obviously dyed/unnaturally colored hair
25 25 Avoids making eye contact
26 26 Sweats a lot
27 27 Giggles
28 28 Hobbles
29 29 Jolly looking
30 30 Cracks knuckles
31 31 Whistles when talking
32 32 Cross-eyed
33 33 Harelipped
34 34 Rotten teeth
35 35 Generally filthy
36 36 Tattoo
37 37 Many tattoos
38 38 Covered in tattoos
39 39 One pierced ear
40 40 Pierced ears
41 41 Pierced nose
42 42 Pierced lip
43 43 Tribal scar on forearm
44 44 Winks a lot
45 45 Hacking cough
46 46 Spits
47 47 Dreadlocks
48 48 Different colored eyes
49 49 Missing teeth
50 50 Scarred
51 51 Twitches
52 52 Laughs nervously
53 53 Lisps
54 54 Limps
55 55 One eye
56 56 Missing a finger
57 57 Scarred face
58 58 Picks teeth nervously
59 59 No teeth
60 60 No fingers on one hand
61 61 Bald
62 62 Comb-over bald patch
63 63 Shaved head
64 64 Curly hair
65 65 Long hair
66 66 Short hair
67 67 Blonde hair
68 68 Black hair
69 69 Red hair
70 70 Gray hair
71 71 Big ears
72 72 Fat
73 73 Tall
74 74 Thin
75 75 Short
76 76 Homely
77 77 Handsome/beautiful
78 78 Moustache
79 79 Beard
80 80 Stubbly
81 81 Obscenely fat
82 82 Strangely tall
83 83 Unusually short
84 84 Double-chinned
85 85 Thin-lipped
86 86 Very hairy
87 87 Eyebrows meet
88 88 Wide mouthed
89 89 Missing a hand
90 90 Club-footed
91 91 Missing a leg
92 92 Missing an arm
93 93 Horrible facial scars
94 94 Clawed hands
95 95 Webbed hands
96 96 Scarred from pox
97 97 Terrible facial disease
98 98 Covered in cysts
99 99 Covered in pustules
100 100 Major deformity
Da A
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
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21 21
22 22
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24 24
25 25
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27 27
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30 30
31 31
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33 33
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39 39
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49 49
50 50
51 51
52 52
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54 54
55 55
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59 59
60 60
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73 73
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81 81
82 82
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88 88
89 89
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96 96
97 97
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100 100
Always agrees (but changes mind just as easily)
Asks how much everything costs
Likes to act mysteriously
Makes snap judgments about people or situations and tries to diminish any later evidence contradicting that first impression
Makes token bets about minor things
When talking to someone says that person's name a lot
Haggles over everything
Brings own food and drink
Says everything in a profound way
Polite, but calls attention to it with elaborate bows or other gestures
Constantly apologizes as a verbal tic
Makes lots of threats but swiftly backs down if challenged
Very mellow; advises people to take a philosophical approach to both success and failure
Says as little as possible
Snickers or laughs at the misfortune of others
Gives people nicknames or uses terms of endearment
Prays a lot
Gives people treats (cookies, candy, etc.)
Often appears surprised and slightly offended when spoken to
Tosses a coin to make decisions
Has a list of numbered rules or maxims covering different situations and quotes them when appropriate
Tells people the real reason they do things
Asks for advice or opinions about very unlikely situations
Speaks with great formality; never uses contractions and employs bigger words than necessary
Easily distracted by minor events in the area
Usually needs someone to explain a joke or metaphor
Has a particular core belief, potentially a rather odd one, and steadfastly looks at everything through the lens of that opinion
Likes to count things and have fun with numbers
Always tries to find a compromise
Always eating
Very bad liar
Asks rude questions without realizing they cause offense
Grumbles and complains about the difficulties involved in any requested activities
Very sensitive to criticism or conflict
Blames trolls for every trouble he encounters
Intellectual bully
Makes allusions to events from history or mythology without bothering to explain them
Doesnt kill insects or other pests, gently moves them out of the way instead
Sniffs or tastes things
Makes lists and checks things off
Cannot keep a secret
Seems slightly surprised whenever anyone else has a good idea or does something productive
Easily moved to tears
Easily angered
Terrified of disease and sick people
Has a stock phrase and an accompanying gesture
Habitually mumbles a word that rhymes with the final word other people speak before they pause
Delighted by puns and other sorts of word games
Makes animal noises when feeling threatened or excited
A connoisseur of fine food and drink who insists on lecturing about it
Very superstitious; insists on carrying out elaborate practices to attract good luck and avoid bad
Never turns down a dare or challenge
Never uses one word when ten will do
Propositions any even remotely attractive person encountered but makes panicked excuses should someone accept the offer
Always has a reason why something wont work
Careless about possessions, spends lots of time searching for overlooked nearby objects
Tells boring stories about children or other beloved young people
Constantly suggesting ways to make activities more fun and exciting
Collects small, relatively worthless objects like spoons, salt shakers, or wine corks; enthusiastically inspects any encountered and extols their unique qualities
Dotes on an obnoxious pet
Ignores a loyal pet
Self-loathing to an almost violent degree
Occasionally chants annoying little rhymes
Acts like someone from a lower social class as a sign of solidarity but comes across as offensive instead
Openly scornful of organized religion and believes all gods are selfish liars
Gets angrier and more determined with each setback
Thinks most objects are magical wondrous items
Seems to lack a moral compass when making plans (though not in everyday life); often proposes horrific solutions to minor problems
Quietly makes personal sacrifices to help others, including forgoing meals, losing warm clothing, and repaying nonexistent loans
Suffering from some terminal illness
Name-drops constantly
Does a terrible job rather than refuse an unpleasant or unwanted task
Never tires of learning new and interesting bits of knowledge
Complains about smells no one else notices
Cant stop drinking once starts
Trying to master some kind of performance skill like juggling or ventriloquism but not very good at it yet
Is a failed actor and blames everyone else for it
Has a seemingly endless font of gossip; never stops chattering about various rumors and scandals
Is a very distant noble and treats lower orders with disdain
Very cheerful; tries to raise downcast spirits with songs, jokes, and uplifting stories
Grows more and more relaxed the worse things get; conversely, on edge and nervous when things seem to go well
Carries around a notebook to write down important information but has trouble reading own handwriting
Makes up seemingly arbitrary rules of etiquette (Redheads always sit on the left side of the table!")
Avoids making any kind of physical contact; grows noticeably repulsed if touched and tries to clean self as soon as possible
Always tries to be the center of attention
Is a little unhinged when the moon is full
Questions others about their background in order to determine if they are suitable
From a place with different customs; often asks for explanations of everyday things
Very jealous and possessive about a particular object or person; tends to view others as rivals and treat them as such
Continually mentions a heroic battle he was in and how nothing else compares
Gives people little colored cards to represent the emotional state they are creating (blue for sad, red for angry, etc.)
Explains simple things that dont need explanations
Wishes was a cat and seeks someone to polymorph him/her into one
Refers to self in third person
Has an imaginary ethereal friend
Has a habit of eating live insects without realizing it
Compulsively wipes or cleans things
Asks a kobold glove puppet its opinion at inopportune moments
Makes snap judgments about people or situations and tries to diminish any later evidence contradicting that first impression
Has a particular core belief, potentially a rather odd one, and steadfastly looks at everything through the lens of that opinion
Propositions any even remotely attractive person encountered but makes panicked excuses should someone accept the offer
Collects small, relatively worthless objects like spoons, salt shakers, or wine corks; enthusiastically inspects any encountered and extols their unique qualities
Seems to lack a moral compass when making plans (though not in everyday life); often proposes horrific solutions to minor problems
Quietly makes personal sacrifices to help others, including forgoing meals, losing warm clothing, and repaying nonexistent loans
Grows more and more relaxed the worse things get; conversely, on edge and nervous when things seem to go well
Avoids making any kind of physical contact; grows noticeably repulsed if touched and tries to clean self as soon as possible
Very jealous and possessive about a particular object or person; tends to view others as rivals and treat them as such
Gives people little colored cards to represent the emotional state they are creating (blue for sad, red for angry, etc.)
Da A Obiettivo
1 2 Get a good nights sleep
3 4 Sire a child
5 6 Prove noble heritage
7 8 Visit the next village
9 10 Solve a mystery no one else really cares about
11 12 Earn enough money to retire
13 14 Climb a mountain
15 16 Get a different, and better, reputation
17 18 Make friends with the PCs
19 20 Erase past failures with a single dramatic act
21 22 Move out of parents house
23 24 Get in better shape and learn to fight
25 26 See the ocean
27 28 See a particular holy text, fresco, or building
29 30 Find a new home for a mistreated animal
31 32 Get into the history books
33 34 Return home despite obstacles
35 36 Overcome a significant personal vice
37 38 Get proof that the afterlife exists before dying
39 40 Travel
41 42 Get married
43 44 Humiliate a rival
45 46 Find a missing child
47 48 Learn to gamble
49 50 Carry on a family tradition, like enlisting in the army
51 52 Go on a pilgrimage
53 54 Marry a childhood sweetheart
55 56 Commit a holy text to memory
57 58 Complete some sort of creative work (write a play, carve a statue, etc.)
59 60 Find a better job
61 62 Avoid bankruptcy
63 64 Impress a disapproving parent
65 66 Impress a love interest
67 68 Achieve a higher social rank
69 70 Start own business
71 72 Help child get a good start in life
73 74 Become the recipient of an actual miracle
75 76 Redeem family name
77 78 Hunt and kill a particular sort of monster
79 80 Continue to live in family estate despite danger
81 82 Solve a murder
83 84 Cross an ocean
85 86 Discover the meaning of life
87 88 See an angel
89 90 Murder someone
91 92 Get cured of a disease or other affliction
93 94 Become a monster
95 96 Become a hero
97 98 Marry a prince/princess
99 100 Rule a country
Nome Soprannome Mestiere
Beowulf 0 Spia
Nuallan 0 Sentinella
Clod 0 Magazziniere
Geder 0 Sarto
Marcello 0 Sarto
Zardel 0 Vasaio
Brenno 0 Pescatore
Herod 0 Sarto
Clod 0 Stalliere
Nuallan 0 Scrivano
Sebastian 0 Stalliere
Clod 0 Pescatore
Herod 0 Esattore Tasse
Kronos 0 Cordaio
Herod 0 Aguzzino
Marcello 0 Falconiere
Allergico al pelo del gatto
Ama le torte di mele
E' zoppo
Ama le torte di mele
Allergico al pelo del gatto
Dietro compenso, rivela utili informazioni
E' cieco
Coraggioso e bravo di pugnale
Amante del gioco d'azzardo
Simpatico, molto curioso.
Dietro compenso, rivela utili informazioni
Simpatico, molto curioso.
Dietro compenso, rivela utili informazioni
Non ha mai bevuto la Birra
Coraggioso e bravo di pugnale
E' cieco
Cosa Trasporta Razza
Dadi da gioco, 100 MO Halfing
1 Pergamena LUCE Gnomo
1 Pugnale, 1 Spada Umano
Ambra per 100mo, pugnale, Umano
Mappe del luogo Gnomo
5 mo, erbe medicinali a scelta Mezzelfo
Piani Segreti Elfo
Dadi da gioco, 100 MO Elfo
Mappe del luogo Umano
1 Pergamena LUCE Nano
1 bastone serpente, 1 antidoto Umano
1 bastone serpente, 1 antidoto Umano
Guanti da lavoro e pranzo Umano
30 mo, 1 gemma e dei fiori (per fare colpo) Umano
1 rete da pesca, 1 spada + 1 Elfo
30 mo, 1 gemma e dei fiori (per fare colpo) Umano
Nome Colonna1 Mestiere
Clod Pescatore
Tyris Pescatore
Kronos Magazziniere
Tyris Vasaio
Beowulf Cuoco
Bardar Pescatore
Geder Apicultore
Kronos Esattore Tasse
Elvire Mercante di spezie
Eloka Falconiere
Mirair Sarto
Tyris Vende cavalli
Meltin Fabbro
Allan Cordaio
San Sarto
Clod Spia
Ferit Esperto di Piante
Herod Cordaio
Niol Ragazzino
Cotes Ladro
Oludriel Prostituta
Brenno Vende cavalli
Ruger Aguzzino
Eloka Barista
Zardel Magazziniere
Orken Falconiere
Kyla Intagliatore gemme
Nuallan Scrivano
Herod Stalliere
Sebastian Sentinella
Iorg Vasaio
Marcello Servitore
Balt Spia
Clod Pescatore
Tyris Pescatore
Kronos Magazziniere
Tyris Vasaio
Beowulf Cuoco
Bardar Pescatore
Geder Apicultore
Kronos Esattore Tasse
Elvire Mercante di spezie
Eloka Falconiere
Mirair Sarto
Tyris Vende cavalli
Meltin Fabbro
Allan Cordaio
San Sarto
Clod Spia
Ferit Esperto di Piante
Herod Cordaio
Niol Ragazzino
Cotes Ladro
Oludriel Prostituta
Brenno Vende cavalli
Ruger Aguzzino
Eloka Barista
Zardel Magazziniere
Orken Falconiere
Kyla Intagliatore gemme
Nuallan Scrivano
Herod Stalliere
Sebastian Sentinella
Iorg Vasaio
Marcello Servitore
Balt Spia
Ha 10 figli Maschi
Possiede 4 carrozze
Conosce bene i gioelli
Perfido ed Avaro
Non ha mai bevuto la Birra
Amante del gioco d'azzardo
Dietro compenso, rivela utili informazioni
Ama le torte di mele
Veste solo blu elettrico
Ama le belle donne
Allergico al pelo del gatto
Abilissimo con Arco
Amante del gioco d'azzardo
Amante del gioco d'azzardo
Simpatico, molto curioso.
Porta un fiore tra i capelli
Curioso e Spericolato
Curioso e Spericolato
Abilissimo con Arco
Non ha mai bevuto la Birra
Ama le torte di mele
E' cieco
Ha 10 figli Maschi
Porta una matita sull'orecchio sinistro
Conosce bene i gioelli
Fa confusione con i nomi
Coraggioso e bravo di pugnale
Coraggioso e bravo di pugnale
Allergico al pelo del gatto
E' zoppo
Morto e risorto molte volte
Ha lo sguardo perso
Apatico e Svogliato
Ha 10 figli Maschi
Possiede 4 carrozze
Conosce bene i gioelli
Perfido ed Avaro
Non ha mai bevuto la Birra
Amante del gioco d'azzardo
Dietro compenso, rivela utili informazioni
Ama le torte di mele
Veste solo blu elettrico
Ama le belle donne
Allergico al pelo del gatto
Abilissimo con Arco
Amante del gioco d'azzardo
Amante del gioco d'azzardo
Simpatico, molto curioso.
Porta un fiore tra i capelli
Curioso e Spericolato
Curioso e Spericolato
Abilissimo con Arco
Non ha mai bevuto la Birra
Ama le torte di mele
E' cieco
Ha 10 figli Maschi
Porta una matita sull'orecchio sinistro
Conosce bene i gioelli
Fa confusione con i nomi
Coraggioso e bravo di pugnale
Coraggioso e bravo di pugnale
Allergico al pelo del gatto
E' zoppo
Morto e risorto molte volte
Ha lo sguardo perso
Apatico e Svogliato
Cosa Trasporta Razza
Mappe del luogo Halfing
Carro con barili di birra Umano
Dadi da gioco, 100 MO Umano
30 mo, 1 gemma e dei fiori (per fare colpo) Mezzelfo
1 zaino, attrezzi da scasso Halfing
30 mo, 1 gemma e dei fiori (per fare colpo) Elfo
1 Pugnale, 1 Spada Gnomo
Tende, 20 MO Gnomo
1 bastone serpente, 1 antidoto Elfo
1 Pergamena LUCE Umano
1 spada, 1 scudo + 1 Nano
Piani Segreti Gnomo
1 rete da pesca, 1 spada + 1 Umano
5 mo, erbe medicinali a scelta Gnomo
5 mo, erbe medicinali a scelta Umano
30 mo, 1 gemma e dei fiori (per fare colpo) Umano
1 anello volare, 50 MO Mezzelfo
1 Pugnale, 1 Spada Umano
Guanti da lavoro e pranzo Umano
20 MO, 1 corda, 1 pugnale +1 Umano
1 Statua alta 1m Umano
3 Parrucche, 1 mela, 20 m.o. Umano
Manuale sull'agricoltura Elfo
1 anello volare, 50 MO Halfing
1 Remo e 1 mattarello Umano
Ambra per 100mo, pugnale, Umano
1 zaino, attrezzi da scasso Elfo
Sacco di fagioli Nano
Spada +2, 50 m.o, 15m corda Elfo
Cassa di aringhe Halfing
Barile di birra Umano
1 Cavallo, 1 Schiavo Umano
20 MO, 1 corda, 1 pugnale +1 Umano
Mappe del luogo Halfing
Carro con barili di birra Umano
Dadi da gioco, 100 MO Umano
30 mo, 1 gemma e dei fiori (per fare colpo) Mezzelfo
1 zaino, attrezzi da scasso Halfing
30 mo, 1 gemma e dei fiori (per fare colpo) Elfo
1 Pugnale, 1 Spada Gnomo
Tende, 20 MO Gnomo
1 bastone serpente, 1 antidoto Elfo
1 Pergamena LUCE Umano
1 spada, 1 scudo + 1 Nano
Piani Segreti Gnomo
1 rete da pesca, 1 spada + 1 Umano
5 mo, erbe medicinali a scelta Gnomo
5 mo, erbe medicinali a scelta Umano
30 mo, 1 gemma e dei fiori (per fare colpo) Umano
1 anello volare, 50 MO Mezzelfo
1 Pugnale, 1 Spada Umano
Guanti da lavoro e pranzo Umano
20 MO, 1 corda, 1 pugnale +1 Umano
1 Statua alta 1m Umano
3 Parrucche, 1 mela, 20 m.o. Umano
Manuale sull'agricoltura Elfo
1 anello volare, 50 MO Halfing
1 Remo e 1 mattarello Umano
Ambra per 100mo, pugnale, Umano
1 zaino, attrezzi da scasso Elfo
Sacco di fagioli Nano
Spada +2, 50 m.o, 15m corda Elfo
Cassa di aringhe Halfing
Barile di birra Umano
1 Cavallo, 1 Schiavo Umano
20 MO, 1 corda, 1 pugnale +1 Umano

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