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amas TU NGU & THUAT NGU KINH TE THUONG MAI ViGti- Ath ac LOI NOI DAU Ngay nay viéc sit dung tiéng Anh trong lanh vic thudng mai da tré thanh mét ohu cdu thiét yéu d6i vdi hdu hét cdc cong thuong ky nghé gia va cdc nhan vién lam viéc tai céc c6ng ty nvéc ngoai, nhhung dé sit dung chinh x4c va thanh thao cdc ti ngif, thuat ngi cling nh nhiing m&u cau chudn myc trong tiéng Anh thuidng mai 1a diéu khong dé dang Lim. Nhim gitip c4c ban phdn nao kh&c phuc diéu nay va ciing khéng ngoai muc dich gitp trau déi von ki€n thitc tiéng Anh can ban da c6 s&n cla cdc ban, chting t6i bién soan cudn “Céch dang tt ngil va thud@t ngit kinh we thuong mai, Vigt - Anh”. Sach gdm nhitng mu cau Viét - Anh dude dang 14m vi du minh hoa cho c4ch ding cac tY ng va thuat ngif chuyén nganh nhuy Quan trj Kinh doanh, Ngoai thuong, Kinh té Tai chinh va Ké todn. Hy vong sdch nay sé gitip céc ban xay dung cho minh vén kién thtfc ti€ng Anh thudng mai mé6t c4ch nhanh chong va hiéu qua. SOAN GIA A ANH HUGNG DEN: have an effect on Q Lai sudt ting da c6 anh hudng ding ké dén viéc ban cAc thiét bj gia dung The rise in interest rates has had a considerable effect on sales of consumer appliances. AP DUNG: apply O Ching tdi cdn tuyén ngudi c6 thé 4p dung cdc ky nang quan ly 4é mé rng hoat d6ng cila chting t6i ¢ Ditc. We need someone who can apply management skills to expand our German operation, AP DUNG MOI BIEN PHAP: take all steps Q Ching tdi da 4p dung moi bién phdp dé tang sO Iugng hang ban. We took all steps with a view to boosting the sales. AP LUC: pressure Q TOicé thé JAm viée duéi Ap luc. T can work under pressure. AN LUONG HUU: receive a pension a hau hét moi quéc gia, ngudi ta an ludng hut mot khi ngudi ta 60 tudi. In most countries people receive a pension once they turn sixty. AM MUU : conspiracy a Ong quan ly lo Ldng cé mét Am mu chéng déi Sng ta, vi thé ong ta rdi bd cong ty. The manager was worried there was a conspiracy against him, so he left the company. AN DINH: charge, determine Q Dasé6 cdc ngan hang déu 4n dinh Jai suat gidng nhu nhau. Most banks charge the same rate of interest. GQ Sau khi hang héa da dude sin xudt thi ta phai 4n dinh phuong thitc dat hiéu qua nhdt dé giao dén tay kh4ch hang. After goods have been produced, the most efficient method of delivering them to the customer must be determined. XN DINH CAC TIRU CHUAN: establish standards 2 Chinh phi di ‘an dinh cfc tiéu chuan cho viée xép hang céc loai l6p xe. The government has established standards for grading tires. B BA BAN: in triplicate Q Hé6a don sé duge gdi dén ba ban. The invoice will be sent in triplicate, Q Ching t6i cn héa don kém theo ba ban, va hai héa don lanh su. We require invoice in triplicate and two consular invoices. BAIL THUYET TRINH: presentation Q Bai thuyét tinh cha ban nén gdm mét phan gidi thidu ngdn, mot phan dan bai, mét phan trong tam, m6t phin tom tit va mt phdn két Iudin. Your presentation should consist of a short introduction, an overview, a main part, a summary and a conclusion. BAI DAU XE: parking lot 4 Bai d4u xe nay duye danh rigng cho nhan vién cia céng ty. This parking lot is reserved for company personnel. BAN DIEU HANH: board Q Ban diéu hanh cla chting ta st dua ra quyct dinh vao phién hop (i, Our hoard are expected to make a decision at the next meeting. BAN GIAM DOC: board of directors, management Q Ti cdn ban giém déc cho (6 thm thdi gian dé hoan thanh dé an. J need the board of directors to give me some more time to finish the project. Q Ban gidm déc sé dva ra quy¢t dinh cudi cang vé hoat dong nay. The board of directors will make the final decision about the operation, Q Ban gidm déc da quyét dinh chi tra tién lai 1A 5 46 cho mdi cé phan. The board of directors has decided to pay a devidend of $ 5 per share. . . Q Ban giém déc sit dung cdc ban ké khai tai chinh dé ra cdc quyét djnh vé kinh doanh va dinh mic thué phai nép 1a bao nhiéu. Management uses financial statements in order to make business decisions and in order to determine how much tax to pay. BAN HANH: impose Q Cf&c chinh phi cé thé gidi han céc mat hang nhap khdu bing cach ban hanh m6t s&c thué danh trén hang nhap khau. . Governments can limit imports by imposing an import tax, BAN LANH DAO: board Q VAo thdi diém nay, ban Minh dao gdm c6 6 ngudi. At the moment the board consists of six people. BAN THANH TRA: investigating committee a Ong Fredericks, m6t nha tu ban cong nghiép néi tigng, sé din déu ban thanh tra. Mr. Fredericks, a prominent industrialist, will head the investigating committee. BAN LUAN: discuss Q Sau khi xem san phdm cia cdc ng, chting t6i mu6n ban luan vé gid ca, Afier looking at your products we would like to discuss prices. BAN: sell Q > B&ncho ho khé nhv ban nuéc dé cho dan Eskimo. Selling to them is as difficult as selling ice to the Eskimoes. Q Bancé thé ban quan 40 mia déng 6 nhifng khu vuc c6 mda dong lanh gid. : You can sell winter clothes in areas where there are cold winters. BAN BAO HIEM: sell insurance Céng ty Bao hiém H6 tong cé6 mudi ngan dai ly trong kh4p cd nuéc, bin bao hiém va gidi quyét c4c ddn di bdi thudng. The Mutual Insurance Company has ten thousand agents nationwide who sell insurance and settle claims. BAN CHAY: sell well Q Nhiing may anh nay dang dugc ban chay 6 dat nuéc chiing t6i. These cameras are selling well in our country. BAN CHAY NHAT: sell best Q Ti cé kha nang tim ra nhifng sén phim nao bén chay nhit. 1 have the ability to find out which products will sell best, BAN HA GIA: sell at a low price Q Thj trudng gao dv thifa va bay gid dang ban ha gid. The rice market has become glutted and is now selling at a low price. BAN HANG TRUC TIRP: personal selling Q Viéc ban hang truc ti€p dat dude hiéu qua khi cé dting nhitng khdch hang nao d6 cdn dén sin phém. Personal selling is effective when there are just certain purchasers for the product. Q Viéc ban hang tnyc tiép dat hiéu qua d6i véi viéc ban méy bay. Personal selling is effective for aircraft sales. Q Viéc ban hang truc ti€p dat dugc hiéu qua khi sin ph4m duge ché tao theo ¥ muén cia mét khach hang dac biét. Personal selling is effective when the product is tailored to a particular customer, a Xe hoi va bat dong sAn 1a nhifng san pham doi hdi dén viéc ban truc tiép. Cong viéc quang cdo van chua di. Automobiles and real estate are products which require personal selling. Advertising is not enough. BAN HiT: sell out OQ B6 tuyén chon méi duge moi ngudi va thich dén ndi cita hang da ban hét trong vong 2 ngay. . The new selection was so popular that the store sold out in 2 days. Q Ching téi tige rang 6 ... da ban hét. We regret that No. ... is sold out. BAN LAL: resale u Ngu@i trung gian mua san phdm ty nhiéu nha ché tao dé ban lai. The middleman buys products for resale from several different manufacturers, BAN MAO: deal in volume Nha bu6n Ié nay cé thé cung tng cho 6ng mot gid ha hon bédi vi 6ng ta ban mao. This retailer can offer you a lower price because he deals in volume. BAN NGAY DUQC: find a ready sale Q Ching ti tin ring qui 6ng sé ban ngay duge mat hang xudt s&c nay va ching t6i cling dang chd don dat hang ti€p theo cia qui Ong. We trust (are confident) that you will find a ready sale for this excellent quality and are looking forward to your further orders. BAN RA NUGC NGOAI: sell abroad Q C&c quéc gia bén ra nuéc ngoai nhitng Joai hang hoa duge san xudt c6 hiéu qua cao phat & trong nwdc. Countries sell abroud the goods produced most efficiently at home. BAN THANH PHAM: semi-finished product Q Tinh trang ¢ dong t6n tai 6 noi mA nguyén vat ligu hoac ban thanh phdm dén lai hay tén dong lai & m6t diém tren day chuyén san- xudt vi chting dude dua dén dé vdi mot mite dé nhanh hon 1a mite ching c6 thé dude ché bién va dude ti€p tuc chuyén di. A bottleneck exists where raw materials or semi-finished producis colleet or bunch up ata point on the production line because they arrive there ata faster rate than they can be processed and moved on. 10

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