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yield: 12 muffins (dosi per 12 muffin)

prep time: 20 minutes
cook time: 25 to 30 minutes
total time: 50 minutes
2 cups all-purpose flour (farina)
1 tablespoon baking powder (lievito)
teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 cup granulated sugar
4 tablespoons butter, melted and cooled slightly
1 cups sour cream (panna acida)
1 cups frozen or fresh blueberries (mirtilli)

1. Preheat the oven

to 350 degrees F* (Gradi
Fahrenheit 350 = Celsius 175). Grease a standard 12-cup muffin tin.

2. Whisk
the flour, baking powder and salt in a
medium bowl until combined. Whisk the egg in a separate medium bowl until
well-combined and light-colored, about 20 seconds.

3. Add the sugar

and whisk vigorously until thick,
about 30 seconds. Add the melted butter in 2 or 3 additions, whisking to
combine after each addition. Add the sour cream in 2 additions, whisking just
to combine.
4. Add the berries to the dry ingredients and gently toss (mescolare) just to
combine. Add the sour cream mixture and fold (aggiugere) with a rubber
spatula until the batter comes together and the berries are evenly distributed, 25
to 30 seconds.
5. Using a large spoon or a cookie scoop (mestolo), divide (suddividere) the
batter amount into the muffin cups. Bake (cuocere) until the muffins are light
golden brown and a toothpick or thin knife inserted into the center of a muffin
comes out clean, 25 to 30 minutes, rotating the pan from front to back halfway
through the baking time. Immediately remove muffins to a wire rack

and cool for at least 5 minutes. Serve immediately or

at room temperature.

Riscaldare il forno a 180 circa e imburrare degli stampini.

Lavorare la farina, il lievito e il sale in un recipiente medio

Il grado Fahrenheit l'unit di una scala di misura della temperatura cos chiamata
in onore del fisico tedesco Gabriel Fahrenheit, che la propose nel 1724. tuttora in
uso negli Stati Uniti d'America.
In questa scala, il punto in cui l'acqua diventa ghiaccio di 32 gradi Fahrenheit (F ),
mentre il punto in cui l'acqua diventa vapore e a 212 F ( gradi Fahrenheit ),
suddividendo cos questo intervallo in 180 gradi. L'unit di questa scala, il grado
Fahrenheit 5/9 di un kelvin e Celsius. Una temperatura di 40 F uguale a 40 C
(unica situazione in cui i valori delle due scale coincidono).

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