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Mi vida en otra lengua

Semana 2
Unit III. Customs and traditions

Actividad integradora 3. A happy day

1. Remember the happiest day of your life. Then, write about what happened, how you felt and why was an important day for you. Use the verb tenses
you have practiced throughout the English modules: simple present, present continuous, past continuous and simple past. Put a photograph or image
that illustrates that day. Write a paragraph of 5 to 8 lines with your history.
(Recuerda el día más feliz de tu vida. Después, escribe acerca de lo que sucedió, cómo te sentiste y por qué fue un día importante para ti. Usa los
tiempos verbales que has practicado durante los módulos de inglés: presente simple, presente continuo, pasado continuo y pasado simple. Coloca
una fotografía o imagen que ilustre ese día. Redacta un párrafo de 5 a 8 líneas con tu historia).

Consider the following questions as a reference to elaborate your paragraph:

What was the happiest day of your life?

The happiest day of my life was my 18th birthday, where my friends and family celebrated by my side, we
lived together and had a spectacular day

What happened?
My family was in my house with my friends waiting for me

How did you feel?

I felt very happy, wanting to cry for the joy that was inside me

Why was the happiest day of your life?

. Because I feel loved by the people I care about

2. Why is it important to know about the past events? Write a paragraph of 5 to 8 lines to answer the question.
(¿Por qué es importante saber sobre eventos del pasado? Redacta un párrafo de 5 a 8 líneas para responder la pregunta.)

Remembering is very important since they are moments, which are only lived once.
From our childhood until now there will always be a memory, an experience that leaves a mark, a mark. We
remember it
because we see a photograph, we talk with a friend or relative and that is where we mention that memory, anecdote,
experience and it transports us momentarily to that day just as if we were once again.

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 2
Unit III. Customs and traditions

Recordar es muy importante ya que son momentos, que solo se viven una vez.
Desde nuestra niñez hasta ahora siempre habrá un recuerdo, una vivencia que nos deja una huella, una marca. La
recordamos porque vemos una fotografía, platicamos con un amigo o familiar y es ahí donde volvemos a
mencionar de ese
recuerdo, anécdota, vivencia y nos teletransporta momentáneamente a ese día justo como si lo estuviéramos una vez más.

3. Record the reading of the story of your happiest day and the paragraph of the importance about knowing the past. Paste the audio link here.
(Graba la lectura de la historia de tu día más feliz y el párrafo sobre la importancia de conocer el pasado. Pega aquí la liga del audio.)

My audio or URL
(Copy the URL of your audio here.)
Dear virtual advisor, I want to inform you that I do not have the possibility of recording the audios, I am sorry for the inconvenience this
inconvenience may cause, I hope your understanding, thank you very much

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