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Toranpor AVELZOM coro LIE 6 Pucan! 4 wannantn THE CROWD-L4 FOLLA MANDARINO hoad! ftow note) te . sta! Pe Gaedivm nate) (atone Baseo) aa ‘Ten odium nots) Dawes (uedtun oft ban esi ver - Nae State Por - ala Has not boon favour by Per. sia ave sa eb. be for - na: ampere TREN : ee —— [whom th te | 7 when j@moon has ris - en, is doom'd to die onthe sor. gerdel . ta le > na, per man del bo - ja dotoemente allarg. oe s2taze "TEE CROWD -Z4 FOLLA Eaepaney anita (rhe Mandarin withirove andthe crowd brosks up Ln inorenaig iat) Ege __ Manton tia ronpeta ee bit rene) aa # | = = == soaf . fold! Sop. U0.” jal soaf. fold! mua. ja! Seat fold! Muo . jal Ef soaf_ fold! ‘muo . jal SS oat foli! ‘The scaffold! Muo . jat ‘St, muo~Jal f_ = ame : =e = 5 Wsontfoli! The —_soaf fold! Muo. jat ‘Si, muo. gal batts —— Pe mgt haetest den. mer aes a BS >) He qe SSS Spit =f Wo must hayetho exe - outdonor! Hur. ry, hur ~ ry! Ho must Wea “Wot giie- moi car’. ne-fi-ce! Pre sto, pre. sto! Muo ~ jal Baston-Pastt ———== = = jae SS =5 ‘Woe must havethe exo — out-foner! Noi vo. glia. moil car ne-fi-ce! te —e Pos 124920 To the sonffold! Ho muo ja! Al sup . pli-siol muo . ft. 2 S25 he Ee a a To the AL sup . pli.sio! muo ——F seaffold! Ho ja! muojal pre. sto! te aay die! He must die! Do not muo jal Muo . jal muojal pre. stol Ope ess 6 DE a tor . ry! Ir pre . stol Se tar. ry! na Bre. alot Me tar. ry! If pre® stot Se non ap. pe he's a. sleop, non ap - pa non ap. pa szta29 he's a. sloop, he’s a . sloop, wo'll drag. him from his - vi, not ti sve. glie. we'll drag him from his - vi, not ti sve..glie. welll drag him from his - ri, not ti sve. glie. Pu.Tin Pao! ‘Pu.Tin.Paol Pu.Tin-Pao! Al. ta f; ft & {SE Pu_TinPao! To the Pu.Tin,Pao! Al_la Pal - oF Pal. ae Pal - - ace! reg_gialalla reg-gialalla reg 2 gial ee e¢ tet * pet je SSS SSH Pal - acolthe Pal - ace! the Pal - - reg. gialalla reg. giatalla rr - Sait — aaa 3 satazo THE CROWD -LA FOLLA GLARD/E (They push back the orowd. Many are knooked down Inthe ola) WARDIE wh back the opow. Many are knookod down tn the cll (Re spine Foll ome padono) Getbaok you rab — ble! In.dietro,ca . nit (A confused din of frighten Confuse vociare di gente im; people: Shrioks. Proto wurita, Urla, Proteste, ‘iteros) arnt, Largo sost'? 4) a aziazo wretch - es! Onishowus mer - oy! -de . lil Pel cielo, fer - mit +. == Ett £ wretch . ost Ohbhowus mor. oy! de. Hil O madre mi. al Ohlshowus — mer 1 Pel cie.lo, fer. mil Forlovoofheav - en! Pel cie.lo, fer. mi! otbackyourab . —-_— le! Indiotrooa » — - wil 1320 10 SS Oh!my child - ren! Imieibim . bil oe Ste id Barbar- ians! Ohlmother — mine Bar-bar - ians! Crude. lil O madre mia! Crude . Hil Barbar: ians! Ohthave pit - y! Crude . lil Pel oie - lo, Aats20 tid (tm doopats) 4 Gloperatonente) ys Arwyouhumnan? Sialeuma nit SS ‘Rerlowof heaven! Bar ~ barians! Peloielofermt! Gru © deli! Getbackcyourab_blet Indio.ivo,ca. ni! 21320 $2 10 ooking round imploringly) (qirando intorno lo aguardo e suppticando) Will not one of you Chi main “ta, comeandhelp . mo chi main. to savehis Ife? faa, harmus! mate! My doar mast - erhas fal - len, i mio veo . chioboa.du Ont help! Pie . tae on! pie. seise9 43 rx FRINGE, (Runs up. Recogaleos hie father and ortos out) ILPRINCIPE (Aocorre: Rinonasoe il padre suo, Ha un gride.) : 2 ge = SEI Fath . or! My fath - orl... Pa. drel.BMio pa ~ drel. SSS) Stand In. ‘THE PRINCE IL PRINGIPE © fath . or, have I found you! 0 padre, si, ti ri tro. “vol lavanps lavaRDIB back there! die. trot 424820 THE CROWD-Lé FOLLA 14 ———— a a ‘TOR PRINCE TL PRINCIPE. my mast who ano oer SSS Am I dreaming? Non @ so. gnol. Sop. toll, Fath-or! Pa.dret sO beat us Hikethis? Pao Sarees te? Perehé ci bat.te . te? ahimét Ohlwiydoyoubeat us likethis? A.las! Pieté! ——— Po = 4 ‘TUR PRINCE TL PRINCIPE et Ty a —S—— + bed + son is here —__ -seol. tamil. = Son 7 | _poco affrett. rail, My —fath ~ ert... SS= ig a 1s enter, precoded by those bearing the whetstone for ja precedite das portators della cote per arretarc la yran (A group of oxocuti ‘ua gruppo di servt det nit oo it . ~ “age, Jasthegause one dip. aoe es EEgeapsue yr —a Sharpen thewhetstonol Wipe le oo. fel sarpontng the big avord Faueseea je thoudid’st smile mihaisor. ri - poco crese. aetazo 22 ‘THE CROWD-L4 FOLLA the whetstor rind it, Sento Whelton arid tho whetstonsgrind it, grind iUShmpenthe whetstnagrind it, Gitrale co - trai - 7%, gi .1al@irrale “oo - tegt . 1, Lah oy Sharpentho whotstonegrind it, =rila co ~ to gi ~ 74, Grinditt Grindit! Gicral Gilral s2taan ‘THR BXECUTIONER’S ASSISTANTS SERVI DBL BOJA 28 28 Basa 08 (eavagely), 12 Basi Gelvaggio) — _ SS eee Grind the sword un . til the blade is sharp and Un. giar . 10-18, che Ia la. ma guia - st, 4 romans on he stage, te) pieeesftl es a sharpand shin - ing! ‘Wo ure ‘fuo-coe san . guel. Bla. never slack or id - Io, 002 70 “mat non dan gud, retaz0 24 THE CROWD +14 FOLLA Pr Neyer id _ Mat"non tan > gua. Neyer id _ Io Mat~ non tan > -or it Mai” non lun > in tho realm of Tur-an . dove re. gna Turan - SSS in the realm of Tur_an — TE: SSS Se of r r in tho realm of Tur_an . dove “re. gna Tu stane SSeS ees Vn the roalm of Tur. an - re. gna Tu. ran. 121329 25 sharp Death a - waits q Un.gilar. ro. taf ‘Fuo-coe “san. uel Death a - waits yo! Neoe” “san. duel Death a. walt ! ‘Fuo-ooe” “san. due o inane) Sostenuto ~ v ess sesazo ° (viet t 808 (reeling He Feotoncelté) f Sf selvaggio eaceep eat ONER'S ASSISTANTS: Tae Fea 4S ay Banson =i Boat ‘With our in. struments of tor - ture, Con gliun.ct . nie cot ool. tel . li. Jov - ers!» ti! foadenth a - waits yo! Yesdent tia. van. Yel THE CROWD -LA FOLLA Weal Noi = siam ZIT _p iwlota soon) (viote « veel) YS sostenut om fea to i: phon. AEE. q cane oe ESE 4 z all agog to pron. Hart - 00. ie fen} tend idle eh 28 ‘TAR BABOUTIONBR's ASSISTANTS NAVI DBL BOJA 42 Baneoe-12 Basel We are all ‘Sia - mo pron. tia lov ~ ors,then, sur.rend - er! ~ van. ti,’dol’. ciaman _ til Lov - ers ten - deycome gur.rond - or! Dol ~ th@van. ta-van > tt ‘THE CROWD-LA FOLLA joy ~ ors ton ~ der, come surcrend . er! Dol ~ ciaman™ tig’. van . tigvan © Hil (tromtons 1.) Porn tompo(ifosso8: = satez0 Sop. a the quel the quel the Chi ab - - - (obineee dong) (Gong chinese) ia Ga a oe fe - (21%. sostenuto 0 :116 ‘THE BXEOUTIONER’S ASSISTANTS is TSBRVE DBL BOA 12 Bassafi Boss SS —— = ‘And the Princess will ap - ‘Ap- pa. la ve~ Prin.séss Will ap . pear! ‘L rire ta ve . dra! eS = pS + —— Prin.cess will ap - pear! rire la ve. drat of i: ee Prin.cess will ap - pear! ri_re la ve . drat Prin.ooss will ap - ri-re la ve~ L.Tempo ¢-1a2 | P iyi? sztse0 80 i ‘THE CROWD-LA FOLLA ~ pear! as a jew Miri, blaneoal ——— «6.8 coldund cru. ol quella spa. do — cold as mar . ble. Sredda 00 . me. cold as mar - blo. coldand ora — ol ‘Ten. fred.da co - me quella spa . da, ooldand ora . ol. quella spa . da. cold as mar . ble. Sredda oo - me. ‘THE CROWD-LA FOLLA snanze lovely ‘Tur-an . dot! bella Turan. dott Jove-ly Tur-an . dot! Lov.ers bel_ia Turan. dot! Dot. Tur_an . dot! delta Turan. dot! love-ly Tur-an . dot! bel. ia Turan. dot! ‘Todesth sur. ren . A-van.tia . van - @.van. tia. ven 421820 |S aaE sound . ed the gong, howout be | J at08 ran. go.lail gong gongo.lail hh = i to sound. ed the gong, hewont be ran. go.leit gong! gon.go.latl ‘THE BXROUTIONBR’S ASSISTANTS ‘BOWE FT SBRVI DI =I istuuetue ee #2 Ss e et = EF eS Whenyo've soud . ed the gong, wo__willoome a. Ye pry ay ne gongolatl bo. »—* * ‘-. ——: = 3 Le Love must. have 3 bo jal Ye. - 0 bla. a 3 Ot pd f: f on Hi Tong! - Lovssup.ev- all with out bit yf 30° jai nol te. ms ing a ton Ceara e Bll Besos a eet we Ane £ irri — = Pe =a Loisup.ay - a a noe non —Fontu ironies frenaonr tara = : ses == = vi. = = =e aris F. i ati bebe 7 i = sets ES —S —S sane29 THE CROWD-La FOLLA Grind and sharp-cn! Un. giar ~ ro. tal b are there $0. no sets20 8% - rn son : 7 saps —— f—— f = = ‘butdeatheomes only once! Whenyou've sound . ed the la mor-teé u~ nal__ Quando ran. go. lait SSS - — ig.mas are there ~ nig.mi 0 ..n0 threebutdeathcomes only orice! fre, la mor.teé u_nal_. ie (aera SS i =p threebutdeathcomes only once! En - igimas arethere u . nal Un.giar- ro.tal__ Glie . nig.mi sono i —— 7 — 7 — $a ig-mas are there nig.mi 60. no fe 2 ¢ SS Pp: ig-mas are there nigemi $0. no E Sppage ase Ss grindandsharpen quickly! Bt. 7d, wnhgisr. ro. tal eS ig.mas are there Apatite va = i | sostenuta —_ | setse9 3B will - age willenme a = Jon 36 Lov. ers ten. der, un. to doath sur Dol. cia. man. ti,’ dol. ota. man. tha ~ -ig mas are there three, but death is_ nig mi 80. no tre,’ la mor. ted -ig - mas are there three, but death is, nig. miso. no tre,’ la mor. tee the shin. ing blade with blood be drip. ping! ja “lal ma guis. st, spris. si san. gue! 121820 (Gone ehinete tn orohatre) F ‘Tp BXBOUTIONER'S ASSISTANTS Tabi ba Bpue ‘go usnon- fi Basot Grind and sharpen, sharpen tll the shining blatowithblood is Un. gigr . rota, oho la guis. st, fuo.coe pr == ‘ "eral Sborpen! Basses “PO! , ns Bi, E é E sharpen, sharpen till the shit dladewithbiood is rorta, che ta guts. fuo.coe SP = = = az929 dripping'Grindand sharp SungUe, Ung . POR sharpen! “ro. ta, sharpen! rota, dripping!Grindand sharp Sonpue wngien vee Grind and sharp Un.giar. ro. 21820 Grind and sharp un .giar . ro Sharp Grind and sharp un.giar . 70 cresevs slack or id non slack or id mai non lan See = realmof Tursan- dof! in the realm of Tur- an re.gna Turan. dot! re-gna Tu-ran. j= = gd=e=F s=| = #—¥ realmof ‘Tur-an . dot! in the realm of Tur. an Te. gna Tu. ran. dott re. gna Te.7% re. ana Turan. realm of Tur. an ~ dot! dot! in the realm of Tur -an- do-ve re. gna Turan. realm of Turan dot! re. gna Tw. ran. dot? in the realm of Tur-an~ re. gna Turan. cdot) ik oa - vo. ro mad now lan gue do. ve re. gna Turan. SS = SS SS “dot! We are nov-or slack or idle in the realm of Tur-an- 2 tn -dot! We are dott = il la nev- or slack or —— SSS See r= —=$ SSS id - lo vol ro mai non lan.gue de in the realm of Tur-an- ve re. ana Terai dot! We are cdot} = il da - fr nov.or slack or 00270 may non a i - id— lo langue re. gna Turan. in. the realm of Tur-an_ aI gh ne _ os dot! We are ‘dott ikl nev.or slack or v0.70 — non id - le in the lan. gue do. ve = 7 Hp pos s2se0 121829 Killhim! Montet Hia,Hat crnay et gbng) Taebigmensana Ha,Hat ‘Killhim! monte! Ha,Hal ahyah! s2tan9 pats in the realm of Tur-an- dot, in the realm of ‘Tur-an- do. ve re. gna Tu. ran. dot, do .ve re -gna Tu. ran. in tho realm of Tur-an. dot, in tho realm of Tur-an - do. ve re. gna Tu. ran. dot, do. ve ve. gna Tu. ran. Ri SEE SS in the realm of Tur-an - - aot in the realm of Tur-an do. ve 7 re. gna Turan. Saigt > —— S$ = — F2 = pats f— a in the realm of dot, in tho realm of Tur-an- do re. gna Tu. ran. dot, do. ve re. gna Te. ran. “Crumpet g yal -dot, in the realm of Tur. an ~ dot, in the realm of Tur-an_ -dot, re. gna Turan. dot, re. gna Th. ran Ss. SSS wot, nthe realm of ‘Tur- an - dom “the realm of Tur. an dot, do. ve re. ana Tu -ve re. gna Te fs Seat 5 Gi —dot, in the realm of Tur. ~ dot, the realm of Tu - cal) do te “ro gna Tu. nan. dot, do. 'ae. “Alm of Tur. an - SSS ee in tho realm of Turan. dot, in the realm of Tur- an re. gna Turan. dot, do ve re. gna Tu sers20 43 Inns gradus Gtentre é oce st3: Sifitutta forse 121929 arm 53 Is themoonnever Perché tarda la — aw Shedt Te dat aston!” Quickly! Preator View St === © "Hast en! Spun ltal 45 Sop. 1. ~; Riso in theheavens!! Oe. san’. guel aa Silverand lum - in.ous! Oc.sanguep squal . Hi.dal pene Sopl. = = —— a = 5 j= =5 3 = SSS "‘Thoulov. or ofthe do Oaman . te smun ta dei Sop.1l. = 37> Eh +; Thoulov er of the = do - oo Oaman . te smun.ta dei SSS SSS ax Sil . ver - y o ta. ob - god tur. SSS] a SS = = how im. pat . tently tho yawn”. ing Co. mea. spet . il tuo Su. — SS ———— = Zs # ¥ ° sil. ~ ont ° we. ~ te eee ee ee : : ss 2S — = rise in the heav ous! mo . stra tin oie aztaeo Trans - par - ont Oe . san . gue, Ro. SSS OS eS i i is! rewe9 ffi = st = SS =| —— SSS SSS Jum ~~ im ous! b. . Waal —=— squal ade ss ? ¥ Yonder a ray is dawning!.. laggiivun barle . mel, SSS Yonder a ray isdawningl... laggitun bart . mel 121328 Lighten the dark ©. nos! Ot . sta mos sa, sztsen dark . ness quick - spun.tal O testa mos - sa, vie . nif Show thy - self, serene and lum . in-ous! Mo . stra. ti, 0 fac . cia a — Trans. par. ent Oe face ia) Sf pi 121928 Bz (cariee) (Ciarineto) BB 0 pal. lid oa. man.te pdolente set020 54 (ed 9 epteprene) meh zie pn = (eve moon sppears) ltt ta Hen splene} SSS = Lf a oye pp eS == if Yonder a rey is dawn . ing! to light the Eo! co lag.git unborn.” me, dle. gain 2 to light the Dita. gain Yonder ar Ee. co lag. at ts, Xploph 21399 = stork . singher lay, But no springhas_ co. gitacan ts, Ma Va. prit non — axtae0 59 and the snowliescold and wot—_____ ma la ne. ve nonsge - 10. — pe Far a.crossthe dos Dat do. ser-toat mar sesoeo thous . and. volaes sighing clear: Prine oss mil . le__ vo_ci so.spi - rar: pes. 8a, come.downto mel ‘Thenwillmeltthe snow, Summerhere will be! Ahl_ seen. di a met tut . to fio-ri ri, tutto splende . ral Ah! s24920 64 (tootien me ofthe ulground has nage sven Thposon . outa goog Hates tthe seta nrpct [Bi] Antantotriste 4-20 poroagnayt matte aren pyre arto cod (Tempo di Marcia funebre) ce at patibolo it giovine prinoige di Persia) =F 7 Plogato (dolentey (Atthe sight of the vietln advancing so palo and dreamy;the ferocity of the orowd le turned to pity) {alta vista deta vittima,che procede pallide etrasognatoja feroota delta folta st tramuta in picts.) Sop.1. EO -¥ 0 gio > vi ‘THE CROWD-LA FOLLA sersz0 62 fh = = = = oy! ‘Ton.1. GOo bear . ing! Co-m'é fer . moilsuo pas . sol s21820 as what a fair andnob. le co. met dol. ce tt suo eS How oe age . ous hisbear - ing! Co. me ¢ fer. moil _suopas - so! Sop. eee ———— a 3 How courlage . ows hisboar . ing! = Co. me é fer. moil suopas _ so! - SS 7 vis - 7 gel Tent, In hiseyos love is. shin . ing! A.last Ha weglioc . chi Veb-bres . sal Pictit “pa SSS Hi s21a20 64 ‘THE PRINCE UPRINGIPE Tn his eyes oy. is shin ing! fy Ha ne. glioc ~ ‘chi gio jul = ——— = EE = $ = Par donhim, a . las! : Pie. ta,’ pie. tal - pte — ‘sont, MOE a el gra. sia! 7 P, — 5 — = i Ohl par.” donpar - dor fee path - 4 SS A t2ts20 ae Se = him! = Mer . cy! sop. "i! ple ar ‘ == a -las! = Mer - sy tons, (Hwee Ton. ¥ = o Basses —_—_—_— a ‘~_—_s - Mighty Prine . ess! Prin. of - pes - sal aa 22 : en. treat thee, - sia! Gra - atal togvantthy par Piet di lui! 66 THE PRINCE te PRINCIPE con, forsa SS = SS} a Come thenthat I__ may gee thee and an CRio ai ve. da e chio ti ma_le fop.1. Sop. Se Actas! A_lasl Pieth! —! Alas! A-last Pie.ta! el Basses Bassi Paap THE PRINCE I PRINGI? be ¥ SS ¥- T ty + ant, id at ah Bh ae ae er ‘THE PRINCE I PRIKCIPB as curse thee! =i cat SSE 0 yourHighness! O yourHighness! Principes - sa! Prinetpes. sa! 1. Sop. 2 0 yourHighness! 0 yourHighness! Principes . sa! Prinei:pes - sa! Ton. p 0 yourHighness! 0 yourHighness! Principes - sal ‘Tou. Princi-pes- sal ‘Ohl = don him! Pits di lui! Bansos Bassi a Obtpar . don him! Pie td di luil Sostenendo con gravita, 421520 68 0 yourHighness! Princi- pes- sa! OydurHighness! Princi - pes. sa! OydurHighness! Prinei . pes sal z Grant him pardon, wepray! 0 Prinooss, pardon himwe Prin. ci, pieta! Piet di twipiete dé Graut him pardon, wepray! 0 Princoss,pandon himwe Prin. ci. pessa, pieta! Piet di lwipie th di 3 s21320 (xno crowd has turned towards th portico wi Ait popolo, volta al loggtato dove appa 69 where Turandot fete appear) ind Turandot) SS SS Alas! Alas! Pieti! pie.tal Alas! ALlast ptetal pie.tal - donbimywe ____ pie.tis dé ~ donhimwe 2 fea s2ts20 10 anusinatd ty the moon's rays and ik a vslonTursadotepposra, The orowa fallon thelr faces and ool he young Fino Porte age eantiones an th news Prac ena ang) Clpmie Tartndoeome na Te fatten foto prone pied eno sofanto it ‘PPlncino di Poretindl Principe et ba glantesco. eee ali Ontpand don him wo pray Prino - oss! O your pieté, la gra. xiePrinci . pes - sal Prinet - Ton. <— pray! Ohl par - donhim_— Princ. ess!____ 0 your lui, la gra. sia,Princi . pes . sal. Princi . —— $Y Oh! par . donhim_— Prine ess la gra. sia,Prinot . pes. sal Princi - = setse9 stridente © your High . nosst___ Princi- pes’. sal. © your High . ness!. Prine. pos - sal © your High - ness|___ Princi - pes - sa!___— s2ta20 cen %Z (Turandot makes an imperious and derisive gesture. It is the death sentence. The procession moves on) (Purandot ha 1 gesto imperioso.e definitive, Bla condanna. It corteo si muote.) == Se - "Ohl par.don! La gra.sial ~ Oht par-don! La &ra_sia! eee ~ Ohl par-dont La gra_sial SS SSS al Oh! par-dorit ont La gra_zial La gts We entroattheel Oh! ‘par.doat Oh! Princt pes. sa! La gra.zia! La Fp SAE = =e We ontroatthee! Oh! pardon! Prinei.pes. sat La Gra erat = + ALF Hi s2sa20 73 ‘THE PRINCE IL, PRINOIPE jon, mar-vel of O divine ap - par. it - me - ra- O divi. na bel - les. xa, ° Sake f = a aatazo

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