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Aristot. Metaph.

XII 5, 1071 a 11-13

(A) , <>

1) The distinction in respect of potency and actuality is present in a different sense in the case of
causes which have not the same matter as their effects, some of them indeed not having the same
form either (trad. W.D. Ross, Aristotles Metaphysics. A Revised Text with Introduction and
Commentary, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1924, II, p. 364).
2) In un altro modo ancora differisce lessere in potenza e lessere in atto nei casi in cui la materia
non la stessa e nei casi in cui la forma non la stessa ma diversa (trad. G. Reale, a cura,
Aristotele, Metafisica, Bompiani, Milano 2010, ad loc.).
3) Lessere in atto e lessere in potenza, per, si differenziano in modo diverso per le cose in cui
non medesima la materia, e perci neppure la forma identica, ma diversa (trad. C.A. Viano,
Aristotele, La Metafisica, UTET, Torino 1974, ad loc.).
4) But in another way in actuality and in potentiality differ in the case of things of which the
matter is not the same, of which the form is not the same but different (trad. A. Code, Some
Remarks on Metaphysics 5, in M. Frede - D. Charles, Aristotles Metaphysics Lambda,
Symposium Aristotelicum, Clarendon Press, Oxford 2000, ad loc.)

(B) ,

Lessere in atto e lessere in potenza differiscono ancora in un altro modo, (i) nei casi in cui la
materia non la stessa n la stessa la forma, (ii) e in quelli in cui non la stessa la forma n la
stessa la materia ([Alexandri Aphrodisiensis] in Aristotelis Metaphysica commentaria, edidit M.
Hayduck, CAG 1, Reimer, Berolini 1891, pp. 683, 25-27).

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