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Anita Frederick * Serving with Child en's Relief International * December 2008 ell Latte and video! Last week I attended a conference with a few friends. We had just returned ‘© » Howyoucan from one of those deeply satisying lunches, nd shulfled into the back row in support me... anticipation of a glorious worship time, each with a latte in hand to fortify us. ++ Send your check made payable to Children’s Relief International, Write Anita ‘the memo, A return envelops (Starbucks: Grande skinny latte, decaf, extra hot, no foam, sugar free cinnamon dolce syrup thank you very much.) The session started with a video clip, and suddenly I had tears streaming down my face, the late totally forgotten, Some amazing people had figured out how to get God’s Story on a solar powered player #08. and the video showed Mozambicans jumping up and down with joy, flailing their arms in |, 9r goto ChildrensRelief org the ar, and bursting out in songs of praise. For the first time and click Donale. My name can these illiterate, deep-in-the-bush pastors had the Word of be found under Missionaries God in hand, They could listen to it over and over, | and Staff memorize it and gather the village to ear the Good NEWS 9 yg of a God you donit have to appease with sacrifices, but One who loves them. Al donations to Children's Relief International ae tax deductible Faces of poverty When the film ended, my mind moved to the faces of extreme poverty that had personally encountered while in Mozambique. I recalled seeing litle children, like | Contact me! Carlitos, with too-big eyes, distended bellies and 99799 055 scabies-covered skin. I remembered Jonatan, who at age | ntarederick@sberlobanet three can neither walk nor talk. His severely stunted brain had ceased developing, Like thousands of other children in ‘Mozambique, lost his mom to AIDS, and his dad may be carrying the virus to every other ‘woman he as a polygamist may call wife. I recalled the stench that accosted me as I walked among the living dead in the roach-infested hospital where AIDS vietims come to die. I felt again the horror-movie shock when I passed a skeleton--skin taut over brittle bones, and belly that looked 10 months 3° pregnant. Cartoon-eyes met mine and in clear English he said: “Hi, I'm Cairo. May Ihave some water?” Caito was nineteen years old. He could have been my son, w also remember the tears in the eyes of another teenager named Molbino...tears of joy “My family died in the war, and I grew up in the orphanage. I never new what love was, until someone told me about Jesus. Now I am happy for the first time” (Oh God, I prayed, I want to bring Your hope and love and light to the people who live in the DONDO land where death casts its shaclow! I don't want to walk around like Serooge, but neither do I ever want to forget that my wonderful lattes can keep a child alive for a month! Over and over heard the Lord confirm: YOu Will minister to the poor i Affica and Iwill provide for you Do not be anxious about the economy! C | CHILDREN'S RELIEF | P.0. Box 2470 + Rockwall, Texas 75087 * 800 570 2217 INTERNATIONAL support@childrensrelief org * Partnering with you! ‘And so, here Iam at the threshold of a huge adventure! Iam joining the team at Children's Relief International, as Ministry Developer. This is the organization I ‘met through divine appointment when I frst heard the Lord speak about Africa ‘wo years ago! In this role I will use my gifts of leadership, vision casting, pioneering and caring to make a difference in the lives of these people I love. Ill be in a place to awaken the hearts of as many churches/people as will listen. My goal is to raise a whole new wave of solutions and support on behalf of the Mozambican people, I'm as thrilled about this opportunity as one can be when you know that you are moving in the center of God’ will. Its my joy to invite you to partner with me in this endeavor! In these times of financial insecurity, in this time where we all are pinching pennies and fearfully ‘wonder about tomorrow, I want to invite you to lock arms with me against poverty, and GIVE toward this cause with joy and trust. My goal is to raise $5,000 by February 15. A monthly commitment of $20, $50, or $100 to support my work ‘would be greatly appreciated, but so would less or more! @ My pledge Asa partner in my ministry, you will have the satisfaction of Knowing that you are making a physical, emotional and spiritual difference in the lives of the very poor. By partnering with me, I will pray for you and will share the inside news of the amazing things that God is doing. I know this kind of giving is often sacrificial, and I don't take it lightly, Over time, we will thank God together for many changed lives PS, Will you pray with me, right now, for my ministry to be launched well and strongly? Serving Christ through serving the poor. To the friends of Anita, |am extremely pleased that Anita Fredericks joining our staff. She has had a heart for missions and for the poor for a very long time, We anticipate her skillset in recruitment, promotion ‘and leadership will make a huge impact in our work with the very poor. | hope you will consider taking on her support. Through Anita, you can make «a difference in our world today. Alan Pleratt President Children's Relief Intemational

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