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Basis Data Non Relational (NoSQL)

M Wahyu Indriyanto, S.Kom., M.Eng.

No SQL Database

Sistem manajemen database alternatif yang berbeda jauh dari

model tradisional dari sistem manajemen database relasional
(RDBMS) ataupun sistem manajemen database berbasis

Penyimpanan data ini tidak memerlukan skema tabel tetap,

biasanya menghindari joins operation dan skala horizontal,
merupakan open source, cara penyimpanannya- pun tidak
memerlukan inisialisasi terlebih dahulu.

Dalam arti luas,cara penyimpanan data yang tidak

menggunakan sql atau database relasional untuk menyimpan

Di Populerkan oleh website besar seperti Google dan Facebook.

Sejarah & Perkembangan


Coined in 1998 by Carlos Strozzi to describe a database that did not expose a SQL interface


Eric Evans reintroduced the term to describe the growing non-RDBMS movement

1. Popularized by large web sites such as Google, Facebook and Digg

2. Perkembangan dari situs media sosial (Facebook, Twitter) dengan kebutuhan data yang besar
3. Kebutuhan akan penyimpanan data yang besar di situs web besar seperti Google, Yahoo
( Banyak data yang tidak file )
4. Munculnya solusi berbasis cloud seperti Amazon S3 (solusi penyimpanan yang sederhana)
5. Untuk tipe data dinamis dengan seringnya perubahan skema
6. Komunitas open-source
Pendorong Perkembangan NoSQL

1. BigTable (Google)

2. Dynamo (Amazon)

3. CAP Theorem
1. Large data volumes

• Google’s “big data”

2. Queries need to return answers quickly

3. Mostly query, few updates

4. Asynchronous Inserts & Updates

5. Schema-less

6. ACID transaction properties are not needed

7. BASE transaction

8. CAP Theorem

9. Open source development

Transactions – ACID Properties

• Atomic – All of the work in a transaction completes

(commit) or none of it completes

• Consistent – A transaction transforms the database

from one consistent state to another consistent state.
Consistency is defined in terms of constraints.

• Isolated – The results of any changes made during a

transaction are not visible until the transaction has

• Durable – The results of a committed transaction

survive failures
BASE Transactions
Acronym contrived to be the opposite of ACID

• Basically Available,

• Soft state,

• Eventually Consistent


• Weak consistency – stale data OK

• Availability first

• Best effort

• Approximate answers OK

• Aggressive (optimistic)

• Simpler and faster

1. Cheap, easy to implement (open source)

• Data are replicated to multiple nodes

(therefore identical and fault-tolerant) and
can be partitioned

• Down nodes easily replaced

2. No single point of failure

3. Easy to distribute

4. Don't require a schema

5. Can scale up and down

6. Relax the data consistency requirement (CAP)

NoSQL Products
1. Cassandra

2. CouchDB

3. Hadoop & Hbase

4. MongoDB

5. StupidDB

6. Etc.
Perbandingan Beberapa NoSQL Database
Perbandingan Beberapa NoSQL Database
Perbandingan Beberapa NoSQL Database
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