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Volume of Poesie

Quotes chosen for you by Léa:

“What are men to rocks and mountains? “-Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice.

“La facoltà di ingannare sé stesso, questo è requisito essenziale per voglia guidare gli
altri.” - Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, Il gattopardo.

“True friends are always together in spirit.” - Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green

“Vien dentro a me, e lascia dir le genti:

Sta come torre ferma, che non crolla
Già mai la cima per soffiar di venti.”
-Dante Alighieri, La divina commedia.

“It is clear that the books owned the shop rather than the other way about. Everywhere
they had run wild and taken possession of their habitat, breeding, and multiplying,
and clearly lacking any strong hand to keep them down.” - Agatha Christie, The clocks.

“Poesia e simbolismo sono sempre stati inseparabili. Come i pirati e il rum.” - Haruki
Murakami, Kafka sulla spiaggia.

Italiano English

I, La primavera, I, What’s a friend?

II, L’estate, II, Darkness
III, L’ottono, III, A new star,
IV, L’inverno, IV, A million paper planes,
V, Il mare, V, The time,
VI, La Luna, VI, To be who you are,
VII, Il Sole, VII, Shakespeare,
VIII, L’immaginazione, VIII, A bottle in the sea,
IX, Il castello, IX, Soul in pain,
X, L’amicizia X, The wind,
XI, La letteratura, XI, Forgiveness,
XII, La scrittura, XII, The mirror,
XIII, La tua Sicilia, XIII, Aquarelle
La primavera

Ora sento nella mia pelle,

La primavera e la sua
Che fa il vento,
Nelle mie orecchie.
Come un canto di speranza,
Una pioggia di magia,
Un po’ d’amore e d’amicizia,
Per fare crescere i ciuri della vita.


Come l’estate in Sicilia,

Tu sei la luce dell’isola,
Piccola fior fatta di
gioia, Dolce danza


Una tormenta di foglie cade,

Un po’ di rosso, di giallo e di
arancio, E io rido con te,
Quando soffia la vecchia canzone del vento,
L’albero si denuda e addio ottobre.

Io sono un guerriero,
Come il piccolo pupazzo di
Quando si termina il ghiaccio dell’inverno,
E che se morre nell’oblio di gennaio.

Il mare

Un po’ di acqua,
Gocce di felicità,
Io e te guardando il mare,
Nella spiaggia del nostro cuore,
Le belle onde si baciano con sale e amore.

La Luna

Quando io sono malinconia,

Fatta di tristezza e rotta,
Sentendo il profumo della pioggia.
Sulla mia faccia di porcellana,
Mi siedo alla finestra,
Per guardare la Luna bianca,
Sempre tan bella,
Come un castello di sabbia.
Il Sole

Senti il caldo sulla tua dolce pelle?

Il coro del vento con il tuo corpo?
Il Sole luminoso dell’estate,
E tu, felice, il tuo sorriso,
Brillando come la Luna e le stelle,
In questo cielo azzurro.


Immagini un altro mondo,

Di gloria, di bellezza, di
Per cominciare di nuovo questo
sogno, E sempre volare,
Con le ali dell’uccello,
Tu solo hai bisogno di un po’ d’immaginazione.

Che significa l’amicizia?

Questo sentimento quando trovi una persona speciale,
Unica e bella di cuore,
Rise, sorrisi, segreti e
generosità, Le canzoni delle
nostre serate. Un amico ti fa
sentire meglio,
Come il sole quando il tuo cielo
piange, O la luna quando non trovi la
Ancora, l’unico che so è che tu sei la mia
amica, E davvero, ti voglio bene.

Il castello

Cada notte mi piace,

Immaginare nuove storie,
Ancora una volta, io
Io sono la principessa e tu sei il principe,
O la strega, l’incannatrice, la fata del mio mondo,
La magia del mio castello medievale fatto di
pietre, D’un po’ della mia anima e tutto il mio
La letteratura

Niente è meglio,
Che la compagnia di un libro,
Leggere è il mio stile di vita,
Per l’eternità.

La scrittura

Quando scrivo,
Il mio cuore è
pieno, Di luce e di
La mia bocca piena di parole dolce,
Zucchero e sale, sabbia e mare,
La mia mano è l’anima di queste storie.

La tua Sicilia

La Sicilia con i suoi colori e la sua vita,

Le sue spiagge di mele e di castelli di
sabbia, La pietra, il suo passato, la storia,
Un po’ di cultura e di
danza, Il bello mattino
nella città,
E tu sei qui la voce che parla all’alba,
Delle meraviglie e dei tesori della tua Sicilia.
Domani, diciotto di luglio,
All’alba sorgere,
Per il tuo compleanno,
Hai ventisette anni di esistenza,
Il mondo è meglio, più sereno e luminoso,
Perché qui sei tu,
A light in the night, a candle in the wind, a voice in the path,
Full of love and kindness, rich by empathy,
Beautiful friend, verity, sincerity,
Like a bird flying high in this blue
This is who you are,
As an endless rose, a sacred oath.

What’s a friend?

A friend is someone who understands you,

You understand me,
A friend is someone who listens,
You listen to me,
A friend supports you,
You support me,
A friend is someone to laugh
with, We laugh a lot together,
A friend is there to be a tree with,
Er... yes that is the kind of friends we are, both a bit crazy.
Trees through thick and thin!
Elizabeth, we haven't spoken much lately, but I have not forgotten you!
Never! I wish you an incredible birthday, my friend and hope to speak more
- Anita (@apenstaartje21).

I am drowning in the
dryness, In the tears of rain
that fall, On my sagging
In the meandering of my
head, Where my broken soul
dwells, And my mind emptied,
By the darkness of my heart.
A new star

I want to reach for the stars,

Just a few magic words, a breeze of
incantation, My soul goes through the looking
glass, Across this swirl of illusions and
And the tears of rain run down my
face, And my arms play and
thwart, Blows the melody of the
My hair twirls to the sound of my faiths,
Those which secretly revolutionize my
And flood my Sky with their clemency,
Synonymous with a world of soft fortune.
A whisper and a hint of honey that
bandages, My wounds, far from slander.
And flies my thought in the dance of torment, besieged,
Like a note of regret,
Resounding like a salty drop,
In the ocean of forgetfulness, abandoned,
And I turn, turn, turn, never to think of it
again, And my troubles soar over the pier,
That of words and naive promises.
My eyelids close at the dawn of a new
morning, The door to a new beginning,
The darkness is dying; the glow of a brighter horizon,
Sailing to other lands, wonderful destinations,
And the night marvels, and I meander among the stars.
A million paper planes

A million paper planes,

That leave my hands, through the window,
When other beings see falling under their feet,
Lives and skies shattered into a thousand and one
perhaps, And eyes searching in the deep darkness of
A light, just a candle, to light the
A chimera, a vial, or the brightness of a star,
To keep walking, to fight for a better
Where the immaculate doves of peace will shine in the moonlight,
Around the olive and orange trees of fortune,
Under the rain of hope and of the
everlasting, Of laughter will fill our ears,
And eyes filled with wonders,
In the land of rainbows and sweet apples,
Contemplating these millions of paper planes,
Abandoning our children's hands through the
The time

Sometimes all it takes is a tear of rain shouting from the sky,

Clear as the water of despair,
Sliding down children's faces or falling into the dark and painful sea,
A parallel world were souls in sorrow wander at nightfall cold and emotionless,
Begging for a new chance, barely a new chance,
As if humanity were nothing more than a book to be written or a tree to be
planted, In the garden where roses are wilted and ghosts in search of tranquillity
and peace, The mind wavers, losing itself in the grey clouds of hell, calm as
It seems that smell and fear joined in a frenzied dance on the full moon,
As they bury with fervour, connection and energy, a body that life barely left, beneath
the sand,
Of time forever gone.

To be who you are

When everything flickers on the horizon,

When the world seems cold and cruel for no
reason, Close your eyes and let your emotions
guide you,
To the land of hopeful roses and perfumed sands
Of joy and promise. Sky seems to be the scene where your imagination is
drawing, Where the sun and moon intermingle at the edge of day and night,
And where your nightmares drown in the torments of your dreams, one by
one, The wind makes you twirl and spin so hard that you seem to lose track
Of time and the scars that life causes. So, live and don't be afraid to
fall, Catch the train and if ever you lose it, a path you must find
To reach the way of your deepest desires and be who you are.

I want Shakespeare’s genius,

To invent a new world made by words for myself,
Romeo, Juliet, Beatrice, Benedick, or Hamlet,
In Verona or in my head,
His writing makes me feel

A bottle in the sea

Just as a bottle is thrown into the sea,

I am drowning under the weight of fantasies,

Which overwhelms me with torments and buries me under the earth.

And, scattered under the shallows of the universe, my eyes riveted towards

Heaven, My sorrowful soul wanders on waves of salt water and honey,

Like an angel or a demon, I know not, I feel only wings within me,

A voice whispering softly in my ear:

"Rise up and believe in yourself, little firefly, The stars you will reach, the moon you will reach."

Then, I know now, climb the mountain, I should; and take the Sun,

In my life-scarred hands. Death, no doubt, will soothe me.

And I'll go on my way to tomorrow, To the land of eternal youth,

Where joy is the only beverage.

I would simply say "goodbye, sadness".

Soul in pain

A soul in pain seeks a lifeboat,

To regain faith, to believe in


A little bit of hope, a drop of knowledge,

And to get out of the troubled, cold, and gloomy waters,

That eats away at my being like fire devouring the candle in the darkness.

I try to believe if you only knew,

I want to have belief and to feel able to fly away,

Like a bird spreading its wings to discover

freedom, A little butterfly of light glinting in the


But... My sails are crushed, and the light has dimmed,

Leaving me alone, locked in the prison of my mind,

Could I ever revive it?

Could I ever free myself?

And escape from this cursed palace,

This golden cage that destroys me more and more,

With every breath, bewitching my heart again and


And I fall, and fall again, before I give in to my fate,

With each step I waver, lost between life and death,

On the border of sky and land, my head enchanted by the moon's rays,

I have fled the sun so many times, and the flower that I was could barely bloom,

And my reflection in the mirror of time is hidden under the dunes

Of melancholy. And this rain with the taste of regret that floods the

walls, Of the fortress I had forged for myself, immersed in my solitude.

Maybe one day I would find the way to trust again,

And reach the land of joy and hope,

And learn not to feel too much on Earth,

To silence that little voice that besieges my conscience and my soil,

One day perhaps, I would let the roses paint the decor of my own

world, With a thousand and one colours, at the limit of the moon and

the sun.

But my pen with its wounded ink fades on these words engraved on this paper,

And with darkness and tragic and broken stories, my summer is coloured once more.

The wind

The wind blows my hair around,

I find myself here, lost on this
Eyes wandering over the enchanted water,
I imagine leprechauns humming the melody of the Spleen,
While the Banshees beg the Sky to shine.
In the land of masks and hypocrisy, I hear the planets laughing at
me, The stars smile complacently at me as I search for an old tune,
Then the wind blows in my ear:
"Don't be afraid and let your heart
The words of my soul suddenly made my aches, my pain burn.
Alone, at the crossroads of time, I close my eyes.
Like a fire in the ocean or a snowflake in the burning Sahara
desert, My hands join in deep prayer and my mind wanders.
Suddenly, a spray of love floats in the air and floods me with its fragrance.

With my head riveted to the sky, my eyelids gradually close.

I think I can hear the distant spray of my old
memories. A slight taste of rain takes hold of me. My
soul is seized. “The Sorrow”, I say then. This is what
drives me.
I, against all odds, try to look my best.
My blows, my wounds, my states of mind, only involve my
soul. Even if the resentments, the anxieties, the fears, are
I feel the light of the moon illuminating my frail skin.
Suddenly, I understood. The time for forgiveness has

The mirror

Staring into space, lost in thought, I observe the walls around me.
My eyes rest on the mirror. My thoughts suddenly fill with memories.
I see again all the tears, the laughter, the anger of a forgotten childhood.
This child who has metamorphosed like the caterpillar has become a butterfly.
The years passed; the wind guided me towards the path of freedom.
I have flown. My wings have crossed storms and tides.
Journeys, stories, obstacles, and disillusions. Damned
And then, old age, the decay of a wounded soul that dies little by little.
Like a faded rose, I see myself withering away. Despair, powerlessness,
I stare at this reflection that gradually disappears in the moonlight. Too late, the mirror
has become full of dust.

On my paper, aquarelles
waltz, Amidst cascading
The colours repeating the same refrain,
The glow of the moon contrasts with the fire of the
sun, The mills of my heart betray my torments on the
sand, And the birds fade in a gust of wind.
A star throws a bottle into the sea from Heaven,
Begging love and tolerance to unite, to rule the
Crowning their children with the name Respect and Peace to bless
Nota bene
All the poems in Italian, the interlude as well as “Shakespeare”, and “What’s a friend?” by
Anita, are original poems, written for you. The other poems in English I wrote a while back,
and you already know some of them, but I thought it was nice to share them with you again.
I also did the two little drawings lol. Hope it will make you smile a bit and I wish you a
wonderful birthday, my friend! Ti voglio bene! ♥♥♥
- Léa (@LibrosInTheSky)
Quotes chosen thinking about you, by Anita:

“There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no
notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.” ― Jane Austen,
Northanger Abbey.

“Your reality is effervescent, beautiful, and it makes you who you are. Able to
see and dream what’s possible. Not just what is. You’re amazing because of
your experiences. It’s given you such empathy and the widest mind of anyone I
know. And selfishly, I’m thankful for it all. Because you were able to understand
and accept me.” – Cole, Anne with an E.

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