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Omeopatia: negli episodi acuti, per scegliere il medicinale adatto, è necessario indagare alcuni
punti: causalità stress emotivi (Ignatia ecc), umidità (Dulcamara, Rhus toxicodendron ecc ), sintomi e
segni locali, colore della lesione rosea-rossa (Apis mellifica ecc ), rosa pallido (Urtica urens
), sensazioni associate prurito comunque presente in quasi tutti i rimedi (Apis mellifica, Fagopyrum, Urtica
urens ecc) bruciore (Apis mellifica, Urtica urens ecc), modalità principali di peggioramento acqua fredda
(Urtca urens), umidità (Dulcamara, Rhus toxicodendron), calore (Apis mellifica, Bovista ecc),
modalità principali di miglioramento applicazioni fredde (Apis mellifica ecc).

Apis mellifica (fam Apidi ) 15 CH; 4 granuli anche ogni ora o due. La tintura madre ottenuta dall’ape intera
ha un’azione patogenetica complessa per la presenza di numerosi componenti: enzimi, fosfolipasi A2,
ialuronidasi, mellitina.apamina peptidi,istamina, dopamina, noradrenalina serotonina ecc. Sulla cute
determina edema rosa-rosso, pruriginoso, bruciante che migliora con applicazioni fresche. Fosfolipasi A2 e
mellitina sono dotate di azione immunizzante per cui è necessario essere prudenti nell’uso con soggetti
allergici al veleno di ape.

Bovista (fam Licorpedacee ) 15 CH 4 granuli una-tre v/die. E’ un fungo utilizzato in toto. E’ stata
dimostrata una sua azione sulla pelle dove determina orticaria con sensazione di edema,dermatografismo
rosso accentuato, prurito che non migliora con il grattamento.

Ignatia amara (fam Loganiacee ) 4 granuli1-3v/die. Orticaria che compare a seguito di intensi fattori
emotivi o stress.
Il prurito in genere non scompare con il grattamento ma tende a migliorare con la distrazione.

Urtica urens (fam Orticacee); 5 CH 4 granuli da 2-6v/die orticaria di origine alimentare, tossica, allergica o
da contatto. Prurito intenso che peggiora a contatto con l’acqua fresca.

Histaminum 7CH 4 granuli 1-2v/die alternato al medicinale del caso.

Fitogemmoterapia la posologia è determinata dal peso e dall’età del soggetto.

Ribes nigrum MG1DH per la sua azione antiinfiammatoria e antiallergica

Mentha aquatica TM è utilizzata nelle manifestazioni allergiche da farmaci, da alimenti e nelle punture da
insetto. Viene alternata a Ribes nigrum e Alnus glutinosa

Alnus glutinosa MG1DH per la sua azione antiinfiammatoria può essere utile nell’orticaria di qualsiasi tipo.

Manganese è l’oligoelemento di base della diatesi allergica e in associazione al suo
complementare Zolfo può essere utilizzato in qualsiasi patologia ad eziologia allergica.


 eritema attivo (arteriole) rosso acceso, temperatura locale aumentata ad esempio eritema gluteo, scarlattiniforme
 eritema passivo (venule) colore rosso violaceo, temperatura locale diminuita ad esempio cute marmorizzata,geloni

Cause più frequenti:

 fisiche (meccaniche,termiche radianti ecc)

 chimiche

 infettive

 emotive (rossore viso, collo per motivi di disagio

 farmaci

 condizioni di natura patologica (disvitaminosi, disendocrinie, reazioni allergiche)

I tipi di eritema sono vari (descriverò in modo più dettagliato quelli dove si può ricorrere alla terapia non convenzionale
ottenendone un miglioramento).

1) a farfalla: maculo papule sul dorso del naso e allargate ad ali di farfalla sugli zigomi. Può riscontrarsi in diverse patologie
(lupus). Se non è sostenuto da patologie particolari giova somministrare di:

Sepia 30CH 5 granuli al di per diversi mesi. È un medicinale ottenuto dall’inchiostro di seppia con azione patogenetica sulla
cute dove determina dermatosi varie ed un eritema caratteristico ad ali di farfalla o periorale.

2) eritema da pannolino o dermatite da pannolino: soprattutto nei bambini o nei soggetti che non hanno ancora acquisito
l’uso degli sfinteri. È dovuto sia allo sfregamento della cute sul pannolino, sia al contatto più o meno prolungato con
materiale fecale che può anche essere particolarmente acido. La cute è arrossata intensamente,calda, tumefatta,
ipersensibile. Oltre all’accurata igiene locale, se la sintomatologia è sostenuta anche da scariche liquide, a getto, prurito
intenso somministrare:

Croton tiglium 15 CH: 4 granuli per due volte al dì. Si tratta di un arbusto della famiglia delle Euforbiacee che nella sua
patogenesi presenta diarrea a getto, eritema intenso ai glutei e ai genitali.

3) eritema fisso da farmaco; insorge dopo 1gg circa dall’assunzione del farmaco. Vengono interessati mani, piedi, zona
genitale e perianale. I farmaci coinvolti sono: eritromicina e tetracicline, cotrimossazolo, derivati del pirazolone,
naprossene, acido mefanamico.

Inizialmente questo tipo di eritema è rappresentato da una chiazza rosso-violacea, ovale o

rotonda,ma con il ripetersi delle manifestazioni le chiazze possono aumentare di numero e dimensioni. Oltre all’
immediata sospensione del farmaco

Apis mellifica 15 CH 4 granuli anche ogni 2 ore può accelerare la guarigione. Tale medicinale si ottiene dalla tintura madre
di api intere e determina sulla cute eritema rosso a comparsa rapida.

4) megaloeritema infettivo polimorfo o 5° malattia determinata dal Parvovirus B19. L’eritema è localizzato inizialmente al
viso che appare rosso acceso come se fosse stato schiaffeggiato, poi al tronco con chiazze dai contorni irregolari che
tendono a schiarire al centro. Pur essendo una malattia ad andamento benigno, spesso le manifestazioni eritematose
tendono a persistere a lungo, per cui si può usufruire dell’azione di:

Berberis vulgaris 15 CH 4 granuli 2-3 volte al dì che sperimentalmente si è dimostrata utile nelle forme di eritema
cercinato. Il medicinale si ottiene dalla tintura madre di questo arbusto della famiglia delle Berberidacee.
5) eritema tossico neonatale si manifesta nei primi giorni di vita con lesioni al cui centro spicca un punto biancastro che
tende ad evolvere verso una pustola. La zona più colpita è il tronco. L’andamento della patologia è a carattere benigno,
comunque, data l’età del soggetto, con il consiglio del proprio pediatra, si può ricorrere alla somministrazione di:

Silicea 30 CH 4 granuli una volta al dì per l’azione di questo medicinale sulle forme suppurative. Silicea è la silice colloidale

6) eritema solare è la forma di eritema più nota ed è causata da un’esposizione prolungata ai raggi del sole o a fonti di raggi
UVB. Spesso, erroneamente, con eritema solare ci si riferisce ad altri tipi di fotodermatite ad esempio la dermatite
polimorfa solare. I soggetti più a rischio sono quelli appartenenti ai fototipi 1-2-3.

I sintomi più frequenti sono: arrossamento,prurito e bruciore che migliorano con applicazioni fresche, presenza di bolle e
vescicole, dolenzia.

Sono consigliabili i seguenti medicinali:

Apis mellifica 15 CH 4 granuli anche ogni 2h, per arrossamento intenso della cute con bruciore,sensazione trafittiva e
miglioramento con applicazioni fresche.

Belladonna atropa 9 CH 4 granuli ogni 2-3 ore per cute rossa, calda, radiante, spesso presenza di febbre con viso acceso. Il
soggetto è ipersensibile, insofferente a tutto (luce, rumore ecc), desidera stare tranquillo, al fresco e in penombra.
Belladonna è una pianta della famiglia delle Solanacee e nella sua azione generale sono compresi tutti gli stati infiammatori
locali o generalizzati e febbrili che possono caratterizzare un eritema solare.

Cantharis vescicatoria 15 CH 4 granuli 2-3 volte al dì se vi sono bolle con bruciore e prurito che migliorano con applicazioni
fresche. La cantaride è un insetto della famiglia dei Meloidi, contiene cantaridina che è responsabile dell’azione
patogenetica del medicinale: arrossamento della cute e comparsa di bolle e flitteni.

Per ogni tipo di eritema con presenza di arrossamento, bolle, pustole, vescicole e croste si deve ricorrere anche ad una
terapia locale con creme o soluzioni a base di Calendula officinalis per le sue proprietà antiinfiammatorie, antisettiche,

Utile per la sua azione antiinfiammatoria e antiallergica è il Ribes nigrum MG1DH gocce con posologia in base all’età del

7) eritema marginato reumatico non si può trattare in questa sede.

8) eritema necrolitico migrante forma di dermatite eczematosa che si riscontra in genere nei soggetti con glucagonoma
(neoplasia delle cellule alfa del pancreas) tale patologia non si può trattare in questa sede.

9) eritema migrante compare dopo 3-32gg dal morso di una zecca. È rappresentato da una papula rossa nella zona
prossimale di uno degli arti o sul tronco ed è il principale indicatore della malattia di Lyme.

10) eritema multiforme non si può trattare in questa sede.

11) eritema nodoso non si può trattare in questa sede.

12) eritema palmare non si può trattare in questa sede.

La dermatite atopica può essere efficacemente trattata con l'omeopatia. Per una cura più profonda del paziente e nei casi
di dermatite importante è necessario rivolgersi ad un omeopata esperto che sappia prescrivere un'adeguata terapia,
utilizzando i medicinali di fondo cui abbiamo già accennato.

È comunque possibile affrontare i sintomi acuti grazie all'ausilio della gemmoterapia e di alcuni rimedi omeopatici che
andrò a descrivere.

Nelle fasi iniziali di una dermatite, quando prevale un semplice arrossamento della cute (eritema), il primo farmaco cui
pensare è Apis mellifica. La cute appare rossastra, si ha sensazione di bruciore, spesso migliorata da applicazioni fredde. La
pelle può essere infiltrata. Posologia 30 CH 4 granuli al bisogno (se i sintomi dopo una prima somministrazione migliorano
per poi riacutizzarsi dopo 1 ora è venuto il momento di ripetere la dose). Ricordiamoci sempre che Apis agisce
velocemente, ma ha un'azione terapeutica che dura poco.

Quando la dermatite inizia a progredire compaiono sulla cute dellevesciole, che si presentano come rilievi non superiori ad
una capocchia di spillo contenenti liquido sieroso. A questo punto dobbiamo sceglere tra alcuni rimedi:

- Rhus toxicodendrum

- Petroleum

- Graphites

Il più usato tra essi, in questo stadio, è sicuramente Rhus, il sommaco velenoso. Le vescicole sono piccole 1-2 mm,
contengono liquido chiaro e la cute intorno è infiamma e bruciante. Il prurito è insopportabile e grattarsi non arreca
beneficio. Spesso si ha miglioramento con applicazioni di acqua molto calda. Posologia: 9-15 CH 4 granuli al dì sino a

Se le vescicole compaiono su cute secca e rugosa, sono associate o seguite da croste e fissurazioni profonde e sanguinanti
dobbiamo somministrare Petroleum. Posologia 9 CH 4 granuli per 3 volte al dì. Caratteristica del rimedio è il netto
peggioramento con il freddo, in inverno.

Un ultimo rimedio utile in questo stadio (anche se viene usato molto anche per curare lo stadio crostoso) è Graphites. Le
vescicole sono piene di liquido che velocemente diventa giallastro e vengono ricoperte da croste umide. La loro
localizzazione preferenziale è: : pliche di flessione, retroauricolare, palpebre, intorno alla bocca, cuoio capelluto, organi
genitali. Il paziente lamenta prurito e bruciore insopportabili che lo costringono a grattarsi sino a scorticarsi. Posologia (mai
a basse diluizioni per rischio di peggioramenti): 15-30 CH 4 granuli 1-2 volte al giorno.

Se la cute non è adeguatamente trattata la dermatite può evolvere e dare origine a diversi tipi di lesione. Si possono avere
complicanze infettive con la formazione di pustole , in cui il liquido trasparente delle vescicole si infetta diventando opaco.
Si possono rompere le vescicole o le pustole , anche in seguito al ripetuto grattamento, e dare origine a croste più o meno
infette o a piccole ragadi e ulcere. Spesso questi elementi sono presenti contemporaneamente e i rimedi caratteristici per
ognuno di essi vano associati durante la terapia.

Pustole, i rimedi più utili:

- Antimonium crudum

- Mezereum

- Hepar sulfur

- Pyrogenium

Il primo medicinale Antimonium è un grande rimedio omeopatico, utile in diverse patologie dermatologiche. In questo
caso va utilizzato se l'eruzione pustolosa ha un aspetto impetiginizzato. Le localizzazioni preferenziali sono intorno alla
bocca, sul viso e sul cuoio capelluto. Spesso la cute appare secca, dura, anelastica; può essere fissurata con ispessimenti di
aspetto calloso. Posologia: 7-9 CH 4 gr 2-3/vv die.

Si pensa a Mezereum quando le pustole sono ripiene di liquido giallastro dall’aspetto purulento. La loro localizzazione
preferenziale: è: cuoio capelluto, faccia e dorso delle mani. Spesso le pustole si seccano e formano croste spesse e
biancastre sotto le quali si trova una secrezione purulenta e fetida. Attorno ad esse si formano nuove pustole. Posologia: 7-
9 CH 4 gr 2-3 volte al dì.

Quando il paziente presenta la seguente triade si deve invece somministrare Hepar Sulfur:

- eruzioni cutanee di varia natura tendenti alla suppurazione fetida

- ipersensibilità dolorosa (tipo spina) che non permette di sfiorare le zone infiammate

- estrema irritabilità

La posologia è da stabilire secondo l’effetto desiderato: per ottenere l’arresto del processo suppurativo utili le alte
diluizioni: 15-30 CH 4 gr 1- 2 vv/die o in t.d.., per la fluidificazione meglio le basse diluizioni: 5 CH 4 gr 2-3 vv/die

Assieme a quest'ultimo rimedio e utile somministrare Pyrogenium, soprattutto quando il processo suppurativo è
importante. Posologia 1 singolo tubo dose alla 30 CH, da non ripetere.

Croste, i rimedi utilizzati sono

- Antimonium crudum

- Mezereum

- Viola tricolor

- Graphites

Come si può vedere molti tra questi medicinali sono già stati trattati parlando di altri tipi di lesione. Non è un controsenso.
Semplicemente l'omeopatia usa sostanze che hanno un'azione polivalente. Possono risultare utili in molteplici situazioni.
Importante e fondamentale è ricordarsi del principio di similitudine ed applicarlo(rimandare la blog opportuno se

Antimonium crudum: pensarci quando le croste sono dure e spesse.

Graphites: le croste sono di color giallo, ricoperte da un liquido denso e vischioso, che ricorda il miele

Mezereum: le croste sono di colorito brunastro o biancastro. Spesso ricoprono piccole ulcere e sotto di esse si trova pus di
odore fetido.

Per altri approfondimenti su suddetti rimedi rimando a quando già scritto poco sopra.

Viola tricolor: Croste spesse che si formano da eruzioni trasudanti liquido giallastro. La loro localizzazione preferenziale è
cuoio capelluto. Prurito intenso. Posologia: 5-7 CH 2-3 volte al dì

Quando in un paziente con dermatite prevalgono ragadi ed ulcerazionidobbiamo scegliere tra i seguenti medicinali:

- Antimonium crudum

- Petrolem

- Graphites

- Hepar sulfur

Antimonium cura ragadi che si formano su cute inspessita ed ipercheratosica. Petroleum ha come caratteristiche principali
la localizzazione delle ragadi (punta delle dita) e la presenza di tali lesioni su una cute di aspetto malsano. Ricordo per
questo rimedio anche il netto peggioramento con il freddo. Quando le ragadi sono accompagnate da una secrezione
giallastra , densa che ricorda il miele bisogna pensare aGraphites, se invece prevale il dolore, il paziente è decisamente
irritabile e si ha una tendenza alla suppurazione fetida somministreremoHepar Sulfur.

Alla fine di questo escursus ricorderò brevemente due farmaci utili per ridurre il prurito che spesso accompagna chi è
affetto da dermatite atopica.

- Histaminum

- Poumon histamine

Sono utili nel trattamento del prurito associato a manifestazioni istamino-dipendenti. Vanno somministrati alterandolo con
rimedi più specifici (cf sopra). Posologia: 7-15 CH 4 gr/die oppure 30-200 CH 1 t. dose ogni 7-15 giorni

NB la scelta tra i due rimedi dipende dalla loro azione sul paziente. Alcune persone reagiscono meglio ad Histaminum altre
a Poumon histaminine.

Un ultimo breve accenno è necessario per illustrare i tre rimedi che lagemmoterapia usa più di frequente nella terapia della
dermatite atopica.

- Ribes Nigrum MG 1DH

- Cedrus Libani MG 1 DH

- Juglans Reggia MG 1 DH

Il Ribes e fondamentale in ogni forma di dermatite per la sua azione antinfiammatoria

Il Cedrus è utile nelle cura di dermatiti con cute secca, lichenificata, va associato sempre a Ribes e talvolta a Juglans

L'ultimo gemmoderivato è ottenuto dalle gemme del noce (Juglans Regia). Va utilizzato , per la sua azione antinfettiva,
nelle dermatiti infette con presenza di pustole, impetigine o essudato.

Posologia: tutti i gemmoderivati vanno dati alla dose di una goccia per kg di peso sino ad un massimo di 75 gocce 1 o due
volte al dì. Vanno diluiti in poca acqua e trattenuti un po' sotto la lingua. Si preferisce fare cicli di 20 giorni con dieci di
sospensione. Il ribes è sempre bene somministrarlo alla mattina (se dato di sera può creare insonnia).

La varicella

La varicella è una malattia infettiva, acuta causata da un membro di virus erpetici.

Essa decorre, per la maggiore parte dei casi, con sintomi generali modesti: febbricola, malessere inappetenza.

Clinicamente è caratterizzata dalla comparsa, a mandate successive di macule-papule, che si trasformano rapidamente in
vescicole e quindi in croste.

La contagiosità è di 1-2 giorni prima della comparsa delle manifestazioni cutanee sino alla caduta delle croste.

La terapia non convenzionale, se eseguita correttamente, è molto utile nell’approccio alla varicella che in tale modo
decorre senza complicanze ed evitando al bambino la maggiore parte della sofferenza.

Omeopatia: periodo esantematico

 Rhus toxicodendron 15 CH 4 granuli/4h. Si tratta del sommaco velenoso (fam Anarcadiaceae) pianta contenente un
lattice irritante e caustico per la pelle. È il rimedio più utile nella varicella. Negli stati iniziali di eruzione vescicolare
può essere prescritto in maniera quasi sistematica. È utile nei casi di vescicole piccole (1-2 mm), contenenti un
liquido chiaro, la cute è bruciante, infiammata attorno alle vescicole, il prurito è intenso non migliorato dal
grattamento, ma lenito da spugnature calde.

 Croton tiglium: 7 CH 4 granuli 3v/die (fam Euforbiaceae). Spesso utile come complementare di Rhus
toxicodendron. La pelle è calda rossa, ipersensibile,il prurito è intenso, doloroso per cui il bambino non si gratta.
Può migliorare con un leggero sfregamento.

 Rhus vernix: 15 CH 4 granuli/3h (fam Anarcadiaceae).Vescicole simili a quelle di Rhus toxicodendron ma spesso di
colore rosso-viola per presenza di sangue. La sintomatologia è più intensa, prurito intollerabile che peggiora con il
grattamento e di notte.

Omeopatia: complicanze

 Mezereum 15 CH 4 granuli 2-3v/die quando le pustole sono piene di liquido giallastro, dall’aspetto purulento. Esse
tendono a seccarsi formando croste sotto le quali spesso si trova secrezione purulenta, fetida.

 Antimonium tartaricum 15 CH 4 granuli 1-2 v/die per lungo tempo quando vi sono esiti di cicatrici rosso-bluastre
ipertrofiche. Si tratta dell’antimonio tartrato di potassio che in seguito a frizioni sulla cute determina eruzioni
pustolose e cicatrici bluastre pressoché permanenti.Oligoterapia

 Rame (Cu): 2 dosi al dì per la sua azione antiinfiammatoria.


 Rosa Canina MG1DH posologia in base al peso e all’età. In dermatologia è consigliata per la sua azione antivirale e
di stimolo delle difese immunitarie.

 Ribes nigrum MG1DH per la sua azione anti infiammatoria.


edicinali per trattare i sintomi

Apis mellifica: cute rosa-rossastra, rugosa al tatto, sensazione intensa di bruciore, prurito e pizzicore migliorati da
applicazioni fredde. Posologia consigliata: 15 CH 3-5 granuli/ora o 2 ore.

Belladonna: la pelle è rosso-scarlatto, calda, dolente e ricoperta da un’eruzione fine scarlattiniforme. Il paziente può
presentare prurito, iperpiressia e sete intensa. Posologia consigliata: 15 CH 3-5granuli/2-3 ore.

Muriaticum acidum: questo medicinale è indicato quando prevalgono eruzioni papulo-vescicolose, pruriginose e brucianti.
Posologia consigliata: 9CH 3-5granuliì/2-3 volte al dì.

Rhus toxicodendron: eruzione puntiformi con le seguenti caratteristiche : 1) vescicole di pochi millimetri con cute
eritematosa, infiammata. Le vescicole possono riunirsi e formare bolle più grandi; 2) manifestazioni eritematose a pelle di
leopardo. In entrambi i casi il prurito è presente, non migliorato dal grattamento, ma da applicazioni tiepide e umide.
Posologia consigliata: 15CH 3-5 granuli/2-3 volte dì.

Mati, Staphysagria! I know we’ve discussed this before, but I feel we have a great opportunity to see the remedy close up. I have a client, “Joy”, who grew up with a
father who yelled at the top of his lungs–everyone in the household was scared to death of him; so, probably not surprisingly, she married a Staphysagria. Yes, I
know; Staphysagria’s supposed to be so sweet, so kind, so deferential; but, that extreme of self-sacrifice implies the opposite as well! Polarities, remember?

Joy is willing to share her husband with us for the sake of science! Joy is a Pulsatilla, she’s very yielding, as you might guess. She didn’t want to marry this
Staphysagria, but, he CRIED! He begged her to marry him! She thought, “If he’s crying, he must really love me, and I couldn’t possibly hurt his feelings!” Now, surprise-
surprise, the husband turns out to be immature, bossy and controlling. When she visits her in-laws, the husband bands together with them and they all gang up on
Joy. It’s as if the husband is trying to bond with his parents at her expense! He was no doubt abused by them in some way. Now he attempts to curry their favor by
jumping on the Joy-bashing band wagon! Staphysagria’s mother’s position is that Joy has stolen her son away from her! Below is Joy’s recitation of her last visit to the
in-laws. She was supposed to have gone to her sister-in-law’s wedding but didn’t because Staphysagria picked a fight with her at the last minute–again! Mati, feel free
to comment where appropriate in Joy’s letter below:

Hi Elaine,

I am back from my visit. I didn’t have access to internet connection for some time and then I forgot my password and I couldn’t get into my mail.

I had a great time at my parents’ place. I was feeling very happy and looking forward to being home. I had a very pleasant and peaceful time at home. But as the time
to visit my in-laws started nearing, I started getting neck and back pain, feeling scared and not getting any sleep. Then my husband came to visit me from visiting with
his parents, and we had a pleasant day but at night he started fighting with me over rather trivial things and it went on and on. And again, he took back all the things
he promised previously about his parents, how he would side with me, and said that nothing is their fault, they had a different set of expectations, etc. and I am the
one who is being very unadjusting!


Elaine, it’s Mati jumping in here; Staphysagria is so tuned in to what others expect from him that he can’t see things from anyone else’s point of view. Let me tell you
a story about a client of mine named “Tina”, whose husband was Staphysagria: Tina and her husband went to visit his mother in Florida many years ago. Tina’s son
was 18 months old, and still nursing. The husband freaked out when he realized that his wife would be nursing in front of his family members. He told his wife that his
younger sister thought nursing was “gross” and he couldn’t imagine her nursing in front of his mother and all her old- fashioned friends. He demanded that Tina quit
before the trip so nobody would get embarrassed. What if they got a glimpse of her breast??? God forbid!

Tina told him that stopping nursing was out of the question! She agreed to wear huge, lose tops that would drape down and cover any “indecency”.

This is definitely a Staphysagria trait – he was more concerned with what others would think of him, and about the possibility of public humiliation, than about what
was best for his own baby! “Humiliation” is a big word in Staphysagria. The funny thing was, the family didn’t mind Tina nursing at all, it was all in his head! So, back
to Joy’s letter.


“Lots of people don’t like their inlaws,” he told me, “so what? They deal with them and don’t behave like you do!”

I got very upset after he left for his parents’ home. I decided that I am going to break it off with him and I didnt answer the phone for 2 days. When he finally got a
hold of me, he cried so much over the phone at his parents’ house, begging and pleading with me, etc., and his parents, of course, were shocked because he had
always taken up with them against me, that they swore they would never interfere in our lives again.


I’ll jump in here. Trying to please his parents and ruining his own relationship with his wife in the process is typical of Staphysagria. Then the wife rejects him, and the
rejection makes him realize that he is about to lose her if he doesn’t shape up. So, he has to quickly change sides.

The whole thing is very childish! Being more interested in pleasing the parents than in standing up for his wife shows that he is still more of a boy than a husband.
Husbands don’t need to please their parents. They are grown up and are more interested in living their own lives. But Staphysagria hasn’t grown up. He is still just a
kid who is afraid of what his parents think.


He kept pleading with me that this time things are going to be different since now his parents know how much I mean to him and last time they didnt know. I am a
soft hearted person so is my mom and I couldn’t take all the crying and begging and so, I went back to him but I refused to go to my in-laws place, nor attend the
wedding. That’s that. And on the way back home, I got lot of neck pain and now again am having lot of shoulder and neck pain.


Her husband is “a pain in the neck!” He has to stop being such a pain. The pain in the neck is a reflection of the fact that she is not expressing to him what a pain he is
all the time. The neck is 5th chakra, which is the chakra of self expression and voice. Voice it, and the neck will clear. (The relationship may not survive it, but the neck
will feel a lot better.)


I don’t think my husband would agree to fill out the whole questionnaire for you to treat him. He saw a part of my partially filled out questionnaire and got angry
saying that I am bad mouthing about him to strangers and now uses it every time he wants to make me feel guilty. He is always spying on me trying to check my
emails, my chat conversations and he listens to my phone conversations very alertly whenever he is around.

Staphysagria is so oversensitive emotionally that he is very defensive about anything that is said about him. This is why counseling is useless for a Staphysagria. They
won’t even listen to the counselor because they are so defensive the counselor can’t possibly get their trust. Defensive, suspicious, afraid of being misrepresented.

It is all about upholding an image or a reputation so they won’t end up getting humiliated or disrespected in any way. They basically trust no one!


Oh, he was always very possessive about me. Doesn’t like me wearing very good clothes to the office or wearing new clothes when I visit family or friends with out


This reminds me, the same client I mentioned earlier, Tina, after she had her baby, she had lost enough weight that she was able to buy herself a new two-piece
bathing suit so that she could visit the local swimming pool. She called Staphysagria into the fitting room and asked if he liked the bathing suit. He told her he loved it,
but then all of a sudden asked, “You are not planning to wear that thing in public, are you?” She said, “Of course I will!” He was obviously uncomfortable about that.
She wore it to the swimming pool once, and on the way home, he said that she should never wear it again if she wanted to go to the pool with him. He told her she
looked like one of those Victoria‘s Secret models, which according to him, was a horrible thing and he was horribly angry about it! He even told her that her skin was
too pale to be wearing a two-piece bathing suit.


He doesn’t like me going alone to visit my family or friends. He always wants me to be available to him. But I have noticed his spying behavior only after I walked out
on him.


Talk about “spying behavior” – a few months after Tina and her Staphysagria husband broke up, she found a new boyfriend. Staphysagria quickly found out about it
and did everything he could to get rid of him. He took two weeks off from work so he could come over to her place and look in the windows! He went through the
trash looking for beer bottles, and he went into her shed and rummaged through her stuff. Not surprisingly, the new boyfriend disappeared after only three weeks of
this, and the ex felt very proud of himself. He said he was just looking out for his son’s best interest (nice excuse).

Then, when she met her current husband, he tried to do the same thing again! He came over, took her stuff, screamed in the fiance’s face, etc. but the fiance, who
had gone to school in a bad neighborhood in England, was just waiting for an opportunity to flatten this guy! Luckily, Staphysagria finally realized this and backed off.


He keeps trying to check up on what I am telling my family and my close friends. And this time when I went to visit my family he kept wanting me to call every few
hours and later confessed that he felt that my parents might be arranging for me to meet with some other guy since he is not good enough for me!!! He feels that he is
lower than me in looks, education, family, etc.

This is the core issue with Staphysagria: “I’m not good enough!” This is what is driving all their insane behavior, wanting you to constantly prove to him that you
respect him so he doesn’t have to feel so useless. And, always comparing himself with others who are better than he is.

Other than this, the usual: he doesn’t talk back to his parents and sister at all and bullies me. He gets totally influenced by them. His mom asks him everyday, “What
did you eat today?” and then she says, “Is that all?” and then he comes and gets mad with me!


There is always this conflict in Staphysagria of which side he needs to be on – his mother’s side or his wife’s side. And this is no simple decision to make. He is on his
mother’s side most of the time, because he fears losing her good will more than he fears losing his wife’s good will. But then, when the wife has had enough of the
nonsense and threatens to leave, he panics. He knows that living a life with his mother is worse than living in hell, and he knows that he is better off with his wife. He
is just too scared to stand up to his mom and tell her to back off, even though that is the only thing that can put an end to his extremely unhealthy relationship with
her. But, that is the lesson Staphysagria is here to learn!

Back again to Tina, after her son and his dad went back to Florida to see her mother-in-law, the son said that his grandma kept criticizing and yelling at his dad until he
was in tears! And then she insulted him for crying! And why is he still putting up with it? Who knows. Maybe he hopes she will leave him money when she dies, which
of course would never happen. In real life, Staphysagria always has to be the victim; so, she’ll probably leave the money to his two sisters instead.


He has a very controlling nature and keeps calling every 2 hours from the office. He is very suspicious about my male friends and doesnt like them at all. All his friends
like me a lot and he doesn’t like that and feels jealous.


Staphysagria gets jealous if anyone is better than he is. It makes him feel like a victim even before anything bad has happened.


Nor does he like any of my close friends, girls or guys since he knows that I talk to them about his and his mom’s behavior.


Fear of being misrepresented, dishonored, and humiliated….


He always has to give me a sarcastic comment whenever I tell him that someone gave me a compliment.


He will insult her to put her in her place.


He later said that he feels I will think too much of my looks.


If she looks too good, she might have a chance to find someone better than he, and he’ll be the loser again….

It is all just patterns, and patterns, and patterns – all totally predictable. And Pulsatilla’s core situation is that she has lost her lover, and she is so very sad about it.
She is always afraid that it will happen again. So, the lesson Pulsatilla is here to learn is that losing a lover is not the end of the world. She is perfectly capable of being
alone, and she might even be better off finding a new lover… (Unless she can miraculously get through to Staphysagria and get him to grow up!)

Let’s hear another Staphysagria story!

This is the story of a woman, “Katie”, who was divorcing her Staphysagria husband. After their divorce, things actually got worse. Staphysagria felt extremely sorry for
himself, and decided that since he didn’t get any part of the house in the divorce, he became determined to take the son away from Katie instead. This wasn’t very
hard to do. They had shared custody at the time, so all he had to do was continually tell the son what a horrible person Katie was! In a very short time, he succeeded
in alienating him from his mom. The mom ended up with a son who hated her, and there was nothing she could do about it. All she could do was watch him slip away.
To make a long story short, they ended up in court. Katie told the court that the dad had turned her son against her, and that she wanted full custody so the son
wouldn’t have to listen to the father’s constant badmouthing of her. The father lied in court about absolutely everything. He even contradicted himself on several
occasions, and he also influenced the mom’s main witness so she wouldn’t testify for her. But, in spite of all the contradicting statements, the court still decided in
favor of the father, and gave the father full custody!

Instead of getting swept into the emotional drama of this story, we need to look at it from a homeopathic point of view instead. These are the remedies we are
dealing with:

Father – Staphysagria
Mother – Carcinosin
Son – Lycopodium

Lessons to learn:
Staphysagria – needs to grow up and become responsible.
Carcinosin – always wants to save everybody and be in control – needs to let go and let people learn to save themselves.
Lycopodium – feels very insecure – needs to learn to stand up for himself.

Staphysagria got his wish, but realized very quickly that he had wished for a lot more than he was prepared to deal with! Taking care of a small child full time requires
a lot of RESPONSIBILITY (which he didn’t realize until it was too late)! He had to work and make money, he had to cook and clean, he had to get up early and get the
boy ready for school, and he couldn’t go out partying all night whenever he wanted to. He actually had to grow up! What his mother, his wife and all his previous
girlfriends couldn’t get him to do, happened effortlessly, without nagging, quarrelling or being insulting, with the help of just a small boy.

The boy, who was afraid to stand up for himself, had no problem standing up to his mother. It was the father he was afraid to stand up to, and now he had plenty of
opportunity to do so, without any interference from his well-meaning carcinosin mom who would always step in and “save” him.

And, the mom got the opportunity to let go and allow the boy to fight his own fights.

This outcome, even though it was heart-breaking for the mother at first, was actually the best thing that could have happened, if we look at the situation from the
larger perspective. Basically, this is the only solution that allows everyone involved to grow.

If the courts had given the son to the mother, Staphysagria would have still been irresponsible, the boy would not have learned to stand up to the father, and the
mother would still have been in control, and very pleased with herself for having “saved” her son from his “horrible” dad. But nobody would have learned anything!
There would have been no spiritual growth!

So, this is a new way to look at what happens in life from a homeopathic point of view. First, we identify the remedies and the patterns of each remedy. Then we look
at what lessons each remedy needs to learn. Once we know what the lessons are, only then can we view the situation with clarity. And, once there is clarity, the
amazing thing is that nobody is the victim anymore! Look at the situation again: everyone involved came out of it learning a lesson that led to a higher level of
understanding and consciousness! Can anyone be called a victim when the outcome elevates each person’s spiritual growth?

If we can use our homeopathic knowledge to share this kind of information with our clients, the understanding alone will create half the cure. The other half can be
cured with a remedy, but the understanding itself is the most important thing because it takes us out of victim-consciousness onto the road of recovery. This is
because seeing the bigger picture always changes our perception of what happened, and when the perception shifts, so does our feeling about it, and when we are no
longer stuck in old misery, healing happens. This is why I say; time doesn’t heal, understanding does.

Mati, let me just ask you, I have a feeling that people are mistaking Staphysagria for both Lycopodium and Lachesis. Do you agree? Do you want to do a differential
diagnosis among the three?

Oh, boy! Where do I start?

Excuse me, that was the oven timer, Shana’s pizza is done.

Is this an interview, a soap opera, or a cooking show?

Is there really any difference, Mati? You see, this is what professionalism is all about. I should caution our readers not to try this at home.

Try WHAT at home? And now if I can return to why I’m here (and if anyone knows, please drop me a line at ….The first thing I would think,
in terms of what they have in common –

And that would be Staphysagria, Lycopodium and Lachesis…

…yes, thanks…they all love to get attention, but for different reasons! Staphysagria thinks that he is “The Greatest” but he needs constant reaffirmation of this,
similar to what Phosphorus needs (Staphysagria needs to know he is great, Phosphorus needs to know she is beautiful). Now, we have to keep in mind that there are
different types of Staphysagrias – some are more introverted, and others love to talk, but both types will do whatever they can to impress you! Some talk a lot about
their own greatness, often exaggerating or making things up as they go. Others will keep showing you their portfolios if they are artistically inclined. One
Staphysagria, who was a very good singer, went to an event were a band was playing and immediately went up on stage and asked if he could sing a song. So, they
had to stop their own performance and play for him while he sang, and he was very happy after the performance when people came and told him what a great singer
he was.

The reason why Staphysagria does this is that his feeling of greatness is totally dependent on other people’s opinions! Without this kind of confirmation from others,
they often feel worthless or humiliated. So, Staphysagria can even appear like a Sulphur at times, especially if he is bragging too much. But, it is still easy to distinguish
between the two. The main difference is that Sulphur already knows how great he is and he doesn’t care what others think of him, but Staphysagria cares as if his life
depended on it! So, in Staphysagria, we often see someone who is bragging about themselves one minute, and expressing how small, worthless and humiliated they
feel the next. Anytime we find both of these extremes, we should always think of Staphysagria.

Thanks for the great tip!

Lachesis also needs attention. In a snake, the need for attention has to do with survival. The snake gets the attention of the prey, hypnotizing and distracting it,
before striking. No attention means no food, and we see the same in people who need Lachesis. They talk a lot, very fast, and they are so vivacious that the listener
may feel “spellbound”, giving Lachesis their undivided attention. This kind of attention puts Lachesis in complete control in every situation, and, if you don’t give
them the attention they want, they can “strike” at you with a very sharp tongue and hurt your feelings.

Fascinating, quite fascinating!

Lachesis’ need for attention is different from Staphysagria’s in that Lachesis simply “feeds” off of your energy. It is not a matter of self confidence, as in Staphysagria’s
case, it is just Lachesis’ way of putting themselves in a superior position and enjoying your attention and your energy.

I remember one Lachesis client who demanded that I listen to her whole story, because I couldn’t possibly understand her case unless I first knew every detail of her
story. For three hours, she kept talking, and talking, and talking, and wouldn’t let me interrupt or ask any questions! At the end, I had a whole list of questions that
needed to be asked, and she refused to answer any of them!


I suspect that she refused to answer my questions simply because it was no longer on her terms, but it didn’t matter because her attitude confirmed my remedy

So just her refusal to answer spoke louder than what she might have said. Interesting, very interesting. What about Lycopodium?

Like Staphysagria, Lycopodium’s need for attention also has to do with wanting to establish his own greatness, but there are still differences. Lycopodium feels small
and wants to become big and important. He is ambitious and wants to achieve goals and become capable so people will look up to him. Once he achieves his goals, he
spends the rest of his life trying to secure his position. He has a natural instinct for always putting himself in a superior position whenever possible.

While Staphysagria tends to talk a lot about his own personal greatness, Lycopodium talks more about his great achievements. Lycopodium also tries to impress
people, but it is still different than Staphysagria. They try to impress people with their knowledge or what they can do, rather than with who they are. This has to do
with a difference in their delusional perceptions of reality. Staphysagria believes that they aren’t going to be loved unless they can convince others of how great they
are, and Lycopodium believes that he won’t be loved unless he achieves something great. This difference is easier to spot if you look at how they do things.

Staphysagria wants others to respect him without having to doanything to earn it. So, he tends to sabotage his own efforts causing people to insult him. I saw an
example of this one day when I was invited to somebody’s house for dinner. I didn’t know the way, but a friend of mine told me that her husband said he knew the
way, so I could follow their car. Her Staphysagria husband didn’t bother making sure he really knew the way first, so we all ended up getting lost and going around in
circles for about 1/2 hour before we finally found the place. And, of course, his wife told him what an idiot he was!

Lycopodium doesn’t sabotage his own efforts like this. He is very capable and sincerely wants to achieve, and he isn’t afraid to put in the necessary effort it requires.
So, you’ll find that Lycopodium doesn’t attract insults the way Staphysagria does.

Very interesting!

So, therefore, he doesn’t feel as victimized as Staphysagria, either.

We can also look at jealousy issues. Lachesis is jealous if someone else is in the top position, and they are willing to fight to get it back.

Lycopodium is jealous if someone else has achieved more than he has. This could be a better degree, more money, a bigger house, a more expensive car, and so on.
Lycopodium needs his status symbols because they are symbols of how much he has achieved, and how superior he is. The more he achieves, the better his self
confidence becomes. So, his achievements are basically a way to compensate for his naturally low self confidence. Even though he may stretch his credit a little more
than he should, he is still basically responsible and good at managing money.

Staphysagria is jealous if someone gets more respect and recognition than he, even though he isn’t willing to do what it takes to get it! Staphysagria is like a kid in
many ways. He wants nice things because he thinks he deserves them, but he isn’t necessarily interested in earning the money first. Therefore, he can easily get
addicted to using credit cards, and he isn’t too worried about whether he can pay the bills when they come, either. He just trusts that somehow it will all work out.
(Lycopodium would never just “trust.” He would plan and use logic and a calculator, so he is much more sensible than Staphysagria could ever be).

Staphysagria doesn’t want to work hard for what he wants. He just wants an easy life where good things are simply given to him, and he feels very sad and
unfortunate when it doesn’t happen. So, the biggest thing that points toward the remedy Staphysagria is a very strong feeling of being unfortunate, of being a victim
of different circumstances, especially if mean women are part of the story – an angry, unappreciative, insulting mother, a nagging wife, a horrible girlfriend…. One
Staphysagria client told me that he had been yelled at by women his whole life. Lachesis would have yelled back, Lycopodium would have simply left the nagging
mother or wife behind and not looked back, only Staphysagria carries the emotional pain of this for years and years and is perhaps never able to really get over it. He
is like a teenage boy, unable to free himself from his mother, while Lycopodium and Lachesis are grown up people who can be responsible whenever they need to.

Mati, then where did Lycopodium get the reputation for being irresponsible, childish and shallow? Also, the snooping and stalking we know Lachesis so well for, how
would we distinguish this trait in Staphysagria?

Lycopodium sometimes has a problem with commitment, similar to Staphysagria. The difference is that if Lycopodium does decide to make a commitment, he will do
his best to make it work, possibly from fear of failure, but when Staphysagria makes a commitment, he doesn’t really do his best to make anything work. Rather, he
makes a sort of half-hearted effort, and when things don’t work and he gets criticized and insulted, he feels hurt, but he still doesn’t try any harder.

So, in my opinion, Lycopodium is still a more responsible and a more grown-up type, even though he can also be irresponsible at times.
Fear of responsibility due to his fear of failure. It’s in the repertory as Mind: fears, undertaking anything new. “People will find out I’m a ‘nobody’,” he thinks. All his
“achievements” you mentioned earlier insulate him from the likelihood that anyone will notice he’s a “nobody”. Relationships: If he makes any commitment that’s
not shallow, the partner will surely notice in due time that he’s really a “nobody”!

What about Lachesis and Staphysagria: snooping and stalking?

You are right, both Staphysagria and Lachesis tend to snoop and stalk, but they are still coming from slightly different points of view. Staphysagria snoops and stalks
to see if somebody else is getting the respect and appreciation he feels that he deserves! Lachesis snoops and stalks if someone younger or more attractive than she
takes her place. Lachesis will try to manipulate and intimidate her way back into the relationship if possible, while Staphysagria will take a more passive-aggressive
approach. He might drive over to her house and “peel out” in her driveway, just to put some nasty energy there, or he might tell everyone he knows what a horrible
person she is. Lachesis, however, would be more likely to get into some kind of verbal confrontation with the person who took her position. The difference is
somewhat subtle. Again, Staphysagria will feel more like a victim, especially if he thinks his ex-mate has found someone she thinks is better than he is. He’ll end up
feeling insulted, humiliated and extremely sorry for himself, while Lachesis would be more likely to get horribly angry and want to fight back. So, in a Staphysagria
case, we can always expect to see some sense of victimhood. Something happened that wasn’t fair, and Staphysagria always ends up feeling sorry for himself.
Lachesis, in a similar situation, would rather try to make the other person the victim.

Mati, we’ve got three remedies that, I take it, are vindictive: Phosphorus, Staphysagria and Lachesis. Apparently all three will strike back if you try to replace them.
Last time we talked about Phosphorus reporting “rivals” to the authorities. Staphysagria will, if I understand you correctly, resort to harassment if you reject him.
Lachesis, perhaps, is to be feared the most, as he may actually become violent. Is that your understanding?

Yes, I agree. Staphysagria will harass, stalk, snoop and slander, but avoid direct confrontation for the most part; Phosphorus will turn you in to some kind of authority
to make you suffer; and Lachesis is more likely to take things into his own hands, since he loves a good confrontation.

Would you say that Lachesis is more likely to confront the new boyfriend or girlfriend and Staphysagria is more likely to avoid the new boyfriend/girlfriend and focus
his intimidation techniques just on you?

Staphysagria will confront the new person only if his anger gets out of control. He much prefers to avoid direct confrontation if possible.

Mati, I’m getting the impression it is very hard–next to impossible–to break up with Staphysagria because he won’t leave! Do I understand this correctly? What is he
hoping to accomplish, other than attracting more and more insults?

Staphysagria has a complicated relationship with women because he has a complicated relationship with his mother! He wants to free himself (that is why
Staphysagria often threatens to leave a relationship), but at the same time, he is afraid to do so because he doesn’t trust that he will be ok alone. So, he has a hard
time making commitments, and also a hard time letting go, because he doesn’t really know what he wants. Therefore, he always feels an inner conflict about what to
do. But it is not impossible to break up with Staphysagria. The mate just has to tell him it is over, and stick to it, and, of course, once again, he will really feel like a

I was thinking of Tina’s husband, who sabotaged every new relationship Tina got into: looking in the windows, rummaging through the shed, the trash…he was like fly
paper, she couldn’t get rid of him! Why do they do this?

I think it is a form of self torture. Staphysagria gets so obsessed about his pain that he almost starts to feel some kind of pleasure from it. Notice how he’ll tell anyone
about how horrible he feels, you can see how excited he gets the more he gets into the details. So, on some level, he actually enjoys his suffering – it gives him
something to talk about. The guy you are referring to, he was probably just looking for more things to complain about, more proof that his ex-mate was a really
horrible person. And then he could tell others. The complaining to others becomes a kind of negative bragging. And bragging, whether positive or negative, gives
some form of pleasure.

Yes, bragging, as you alluded to earlier; and, I was thinking, if Staphysagria is a “Victim”, as you so correctly pointed out, then it would be counter-intuitive for him to
leave and start over! Better the rejection should intensify! I think that’s why they become like fly paper when you try to break up with them.

What about Lachesis, will he or she refuse to leave too?

When it comes to Lachesis, it depends on who wants to leave. If Lachesis wants to leave the relationship, she just leaves, it is as simple as that. She may not even care
if she leaves her children behind. (Remember, the snake takes good care of its eggs, but after they are hatched, she doesn’t pay much attention to the little snakes.
The same can also apply to Lachesis, she often takes great care of her little babies, but as soon as they start walking, she may become more involved with her own
interests). However, if Lachesis’ partner wants to leave, she’ll definitely put up a fight, and it won’t be pretty! Lachesis is much more of a fighter than Staphysagria will
ever be. Staphysagria is so sensitive that the cruel world is almost too much for him, and Lachesis is much tougher emotionally, so even though Lachesis and
Staphysagria have some things in common, they are still very different types.

This is why we can never just pick simple rubrics and look them up in the repertory; for the rubrics to be meaningful, we also have to understand where the person is
coming from. Is someone is stalking because they feel left out and they want to see what is happening, or are they waiting for an opportunity to hurt the person they
are watching? This is what you have to find out. The fact that they stalk or spy is not of much use unless you know why; once you know what is behind the stalking
and snooping, you won’t mix up the two remedies.

Which remedy type does Staphysagria feel most comfortable with? Which ones will he stay away from?

So far, I have seen Staphysagria with Arsenicum, Natrum, Medorrhinum, Carcinosin and Pulsatilla. I also saw a Staphysagria go after a Phosphorus once, and she
insulted him for even thinking that he was good enough for her!

The combination of Arsenicum and Staphysagria creates some very definite problems: Arsenicum likes to boss Staphysagria around, and often criticizes or insults him
whenever he doesn’t do things right. She will basically play the same role as his mother, so eventually, Staphysagria will threaten to leave the relationship. This will
trigger Arsenicum’s insecurity and feeling of not being loved. Staphysagria often becomes emotionally evasive and avoids Arsenicum when she wants to talk to him,
and this always pushes Arsenicum’s buttons. The more she criticizes him, the more irresponsible he becomes, and eventually, Arsenicum will insult him to get him to
shape up, and this is usually the beginning of the end of the relationship.

Staphysagria and Natrum is just as explosive a combination, since Staphysagria has mother issues and Natrum has father issues. Natrum’s father was emotionally
unavailable, and may have been a Staphysagria himself, so no matter how much Natrum tries to do her best and make the relationship work, he doesn’t even notice
her efforts. This, of course, leads to hurt feelings, tears and eventually rage in Natrum. And, because Natrum is trying so hard to make things work, and Staphysagria
doesn’t seem to be trying very much at all, she will also end up insulting him for being useless. This hurts Staphysagria’s feelings, and they will end up having some
nasty fights and if the tension gets too much, he will most likely leave the relationship.
Medorrhinum likes it if someone else is in charge, so she puts Staphysagria in charge, and he feels honored, of course. But, true to his old patterns, he doesn’t do a
good job, and when Medorrhinum realizes that what he is doing isn’t good enough, she’ll push him aside and take charge instead. To Staphysagria, this is a complete
insult, and he’ll get downright nasty as a result and, down the hill it goes….

Since Staphysagria always feels unfortunate, and Carcinosin always identifies with the underdog, the attraction is irresistible! Finally, someone Carcinosin can save!
(And, Staphysagria loves being saved!) She can sort out his financial troubles, pay his bills, get him some new clothes, may be even find him a job. But, is he grateful?
No. And Carcinosin needs appreciation for all her efforts. She’ll get tired of continuously saving him, so after a while, she’ll build up resentment and start nagging him
and bossing him around. And, again, it goes downhill from there….

I think the combination of Staphysagria and Pulsatilla is probably the best one because Pulsatilla is so sweet and gentle that she actually brings out a different side of
Staphysagria. She needs to be taken care of, and when someone needs taking care of, Staphysagria can actually turn into a “knight in shining armor.” He will really
make an effort to take care of her, even if it means that he has to be responsible, so this can actually bring out his best side! Pulsatilla hates confrontation just as
much as he does. She may even look up to him and will rarely insult him, so this combination can actually work. The only problem I can think of is that Pulsatilla may
not get as much affection as she would like, but she still won’t even think of leaving. So, Staphysagria should probably stick to Pulsatillas.

A Staphysagria may sit down and tell you what an extraordinary talent he has, and that anyone who gets to work with him should feel honored. It is basically bragging
without any modesty whatsoever. And a few sentences later, they talk about how so and so made them feel completely humiliated. This is the key – bragging one
minute, and then revealing how worthless they feel, the next.

I met a Staphysagria once who told me that he used to be a gigolo and lived off of older, rich bored women who paid for everything as long as he pleased them
sexually! So, he started hating sex – No wonder! It was probably just like making love to his mother!

Mati, let’s just sum up. The side of staphysagria we’ve come to know is the victim side: The rape victim, the child abuse victim, the victim of spousal abuse, the poor
innocent little thing who draws our sympathy….

I call this the “puppy-dog” syndrome. Staphysagrias are experts at getting people to feel sorry for them! They look at them with big puppy-dog eyes and tell their very
sad tale, and people immediately take their side. A friend of mine used to do craftshows with her Staphysagria husband. Because he always had this hungry puppy-
dog look, all the crafts people in the neighboring booths started bringing him food! And, this happened at every show! How he did it, I don’t know, but this is a very
special talent that Staphysagrias have. The judge that I mentioned earlier also fell for Staphysagria’s sad and miserable tale, and chose to give the son to him, even
though she knew he was lying about things. But he was very convincing, and that is where Staphysagria has his great advantage.

The poor victim in childhood grows up, and then makes everyone else’s life miserable! Now he’s the bully! Now he’s looking for a victim, someone he can be better
than and control and keep from living her own life.

He has to think he’s great to keep from remembering how inconsequential he’s been told he is! But he can’t actually WORK at being great because deep down he
believes that he’s a failure, or that he will fail! Why try if you “know” you’re going to fail?

So, the staphysagria child grows up and becomes a pain in the neck to his wives and girl friends, and naturally, he seeks out Pulsatilla types whom he can dominate!

Yes, someone they can dominate (Pulsatilla), or someone who can save them (Carcinosin–by creating order out of Staphysagria’s chaotic life) or Arsenicum (they’ve
usually got money), or someone who is just as hurt as they are (Nat Mur — misery tends to attract misery).

Wait a minute, why Arsenicum? They’re big on wanting security and finances and Staphysagria usually has little to offer.

Simple! Arsenicum doesn’t mind paying for everything as long as it makes the partner dependent on her so he won’t be able to leave the relationship when
Arsenicum starts criticizing! (And Staphysagria loves being financially dependent on someone!) Arsenicum always looks to create some kind of dependency in the
relationship: either the partner is dependent on Arsenicum, or if the partner is too independent for comfort, Arsenicum will make herself dependent by getting sick,
or having an emergency.

Think about it – Staphysagria already doesn’t feel good about himself and always attracts insults because he never does anything right, and Arsenicum loves playing
the role of the insulter. Eventually, Staphysagria will feel that “enough is enough” and threaten to leave the relationship, which immediately triggers Arsenicum’s
feeling of being unloved. It’s the perfect match! They will both push each other’s core buttons and both will have an opportunity to work through their own issues. So,
this combination is either a recipe for unbelievable misery, or a great opportunity for spiritual growth. Which one they chose depends on how deep their
understanding goes.

What about the staphysagria female? Does she grow up and dominate the relationship or does she remain the victim throughout?

Whether the female Staphysagria will stay a victim, or become controlling in her relationships, has to do with how feminine she is. If she is very feminine, she’ll just
receive abuse and lack of respect and appreciation, and she’ll enjoy complaining about it to everyone she knows. Energetically speaking, men are more aggressive, so
male Staphysagrias are likely to become more trouble to their mates than female Staphysagrias. Male energy is aggressive, dominating, ego oriented, and female
energy is softer and more yielding. The thing they both have in common is that they are extremely sensitive to any kind of emotional pain or humiliation, and they
both enjoy complaining or bragging about it. Women are more likely to complain about their misery, and the men are more likely to brag about their greatness. But
these are just two sides of the same coin, so either of them can go from one side of the coin to the other. You can find Staphysagria men who complain, and you can
also find female Staphysagrias who are bragging or becoming controlling in their relationships. Both those sides are part of the remedy picture, and which one will
manifest has to do with the degree of misery they are experiencing, as well as how feminine or masculine they are.

Well, Mati, I have to say, you’ve done it again! You’ve shared a great deal of knowledge with us and you stayed up past your bedtime! I think we owe you a debt of
gratitude! I would encourage our readers to check out our other materia medica articles–“So You Think You Know
Phosphorus!” (


“You Try Living With Arsenicum!”(

I prefer to speak of the constitution of our remedies instead of constitutional remedies. You will agree with me that Sulphur, Calcarea carbonica, Lycopodium, and Thuja
should be mentioned first, if I am to speak of constitutional remedies, which I shall try to present in pictures.

Sulphur is the most important, the main remedy in Hahnemann’s psora treatment. It is the best agent where there is lack of reaction of the body. This lack of reaction is,
of course, more or less dependent upon constitutional conditions. It is therefore indispensable also in acute conditions, and the chief remedy in diseases following
suppressed skin troubles. Farrington thinks it is a racial remedy for negroes, because they are widely suffering from scrofulosis. The constitutional indication for Sulphur is
found in those who have all kinds of skin affections, unpleasant skin odour, aversion to water and bathing; they drink much and eat little, have a stooping walk; all orifices
are red, red ears especially in children; they are vexed easily and tend to melancholia. Intuitively I recognize a Sulphur patient when he enters the room; he looks dirty.
There is disturbed circulation, irregularity of the blood distribution, tendency to congestion in any part of the body, sometimes with burning heat. Sulphur acts especially
on the lymph channels and glands, hence it dominates the scrofulous constitution. Three cardinal indications are: burning on vertex, burning of feet evenings in bed, and
feeling of hunger at 11 a.m.

Calcarea carbonica is just as important and indispensable. It is easily differentiated from Sulphur. In the exterior it differs from the lean, sinewy Sulphur patient in being
fat, or at least in being inclined to be so. The children have pot bellies. The colour of the face is watery, pale. Temperamentally the patient is indolent, clumsy and slow in
his motions, does not like to work, while the Sulphur patient is lively and changeable. Calcarea carbonica acts pre-eminently upon the bony structure, hence such patients
have under-developed bones, disturbed growth, soft or bent bones. They dispose to glandular enlargement and swellings, polypi, etc., and to skin affections, which in
contradistinction to Sulphur are more moist. While Sulphur has heat and burning, the Calcarea patient feels cold, and complains of cold head, and his feet are cold as
“from wet socks”. Typical are partial perspirations, in children especially around the head, in men of the sexual organs with sexual weakness; women have too early and
profuse menses with copious leucorrhoea. Peculiar is the Calcarea patient’s desire for eggs, while milk is not tolerated, often vomited.

Sulphur is well followed by Calcarea in constitutional treatment, and then Lycopodium or Silica are usually the sequence unless some other remedy is more indicated.

Lycopodium is a priceless remedy. Its patient is lean, dark complexioned and yellow, and appears to be older than he is. Dark circles around the eyes. His muscles are
weak, and he is disposed to liver affections and uric acid diathesis. He is either irritable or sad, or dominating, thinks himself important, and often seems to be haughty.
His memory is weak. He is inclined to varices and naevi. Constipation is always present, contrary to Sulphur and Calcarea. Older patients are impotent. Peculiarities are:
the Lycopodium patient can never eat to satiety, suffer from flatulency, distension of lower abdomen (Carbo veg. of upper, china of entire abdomen), he craves open air,
i.e. he wants open windows. One foot is cold, the other warm. It acts, especially on the right side, and has aggravation afternoon from 4 to 8 pm. I had a diphtheria
epidemic which was prevalent in patients of Lycopodium constitution, in which this remedy quickly cured. During the cholera epidemic in Hamburg in 1894, Sulphur was
always the curative remedy, when I found the Sulphur constitution at the beginning presented cholera-like symptoms. This shows how important it is to pay close
attention to the constitution, even in acute diseases.

Silicea patients give the impression of weak people, physically and temperamentally, are easily depressed, indecisive and irritable. This general weakness shows also in
the nervous system with inclination to paralysis. The children are lean because of poor assimilation; they eat enough, but continue getting weaker, and may finally die
from marasmus. Characteristic is that inflammations in tissues and bones have a tendency to suppuration without healing reaction. Foetid perspiration of feet is frequent.
It has cured cases of epilepsy which had decided aura from the solar plexus, and which appeared especially during new moon. Also whooping cough of severest degree
was cured by it if the constitution corresponded.

From Silicea I come to Thuja of the conifer family, because it is complementary to Silicea. It is Hahnemann’s antisycoticum,
also a great agent. Of course there are constitutions for which Thuja is suitable, even if contagion has not created that constitution. There are two poisons: the
gonorrhoeal and vaccination; if they are implanted in the system, they will act so much more violently in a constitution present, and they even can create such a
constitution. Formerly vaccination was done from arm to arm, and there I have many observations and cured many children with Thuja. How does the Thuja patient look?
He is hasty, impatient and quarrelsome, often has fixed ideas, e.g. that he considers himself fragile like glass, and permits not one to come near him; he has many
symptoms of a sick nervous system, His hair is thin, dry, and split at the ends. Warts appear all over the body, or condylomata, or cauliflower-like excrescences. There is a
tendency to hardening of epithelium, hypertrophies with following softening. Often we find misshaped nails. Characteristic perspiration of uncovered parts; sweet
smelling perspiration on genital organs. Women often have the sensation of something live in the abdomen.

I shall now mention a constitutional remedy which many do not consider capable of changing the body or soul. Natrum muriaticum, a remedy for nordic races. For many
years in my practice not a day passed that was without Natrum muriaticum constitutions, or that I did not have to treat patients for ailments springing from this
constitution. I have previously pointed out that chiefly climatic, geologic and nutritive conditions may be causative factors which a malaria cachexia develops. These “salt
men” are tall, spare build, have thin necks, and often a very severe countenance, are serious, unapproachable, hypochondriacal, not tolerating contradiction, unforgiving;
the nordic soul lives in them. If skin affections appear, they are most liable to show at the hair margins and flexor surfaces of joints. The entire digestive tract from mouth
to anus can show diseased conditions. Lips and corners of mouth are cracked and dry. The products of the mucous membranes are watery and clear. The heart beats are
felt all through the body, or there may be fluttering of the heart or intermittent pulse. Backache better from leaning against something hard. Needlework aggravates all
symptoms. In women displacement of the uterus may cause these troubles. Characteristic is the great changeableness of the symptoms. Aggravations are between 11
and 12 a.m., when shivers occur as concomitants. The peculiar sensation of a hair on the tongue I have often observed. Many anaemics have been cured by Natrum
These are the most important constitutional remedies, which all should know well. Of course, a number of others can be indicated, depending upon constitution,
location, clime, types and races, of which I wish briefly to characterize a few in their individual peculiar symptoms.

The Phosphorus constitution is of a neuropathic, haemorrhagic character; they are tall, pale, of a consumptive habitus, which have grown up too quickly; oversensitive to
all external impressions, fear to be alone, and during thunder. They incline to clairvoyance and somnambulism, and get easily ecstatic. They are disposed to haemorrhage,
even small wounds bleed profusely. Their pains they feel as burning. While they are inclined to emaciation, their organs are inclined to fatty degeneration. During or after
loss of body fluids they get nerve troubles, especially diseases of the spinal spinal cord. Generally speaking, their nervous system and respiratory organs are puncta
minoris resistentiae. It is characteristic that they cannot lie on the left side, and that their hands burn; they are sleepy in day time. They perspire during sleep, which stops
when they awaken, but begins again when they go to sleep.

Kali carbonicum is complementary to phosphorus and follows advantageously. Such patients are anemic, of irritable, nervous temperament; their faces are often bloated
with swollen upper eyelids. Like phosphorus it is suitable for individuals weakened by loss of body fluids or after a long siege of sickness. They are sensitive to cold and
local congestion. Their pains are stitching and independent of motion. Circulation and metabolism are low, muscle degeneration and weakness extend even to the heart.
Characteristic are the great weakness and pain in the small of the back and loins; all aggravations are between 2 and 3 a.m. If there is inclination to perspiration the sweat
is not connected with sleep as in phosphorus.

Graphites was designated by Hahnemann as a deep acting anti- psorinum, with the characteristic especially on the skin, usually in the form of moist eruptions,
predominating on and behind the ears and on the eyelids with honey-like, viscous secretions. The patients are usually fat, bloated, sad and depressed, with lack of body
warmth and poor circulation. The nails of fingers and toes are thickened and deformed. The rectum and anus are points of minor resistance.

Iodum is another important constitutional remedy, much abused, but very valuable in torpid forms of scrofulosis and luetic conditions. These people are lean, brunette
with dark hair and eyes; they have unclean skin. They dispose to diseases of glandular organs and hyperplasias of connective tissues. The ductless glands function poorly,
or wrongly (Basedow). The mucous membranes show increased secretions, which are acrid and corroding. They are always hungry and feel better after eating. They
dislike warmth or warm rooms, prefer cool air, and love to walk in the open.

Ferrum is almost as much abused as Iodum. It is indicated in young, slender people, healthy countenance in consequence of false erethism when excited, but in reality
they have sallow, pale complexions, and pale mucous membranes. The gums are almost white. Local congestions are often found all over. Their system is not strong
enough to assimilate the iron from the food. They have aversion to meat, but love bread and butter. The haemorrhages are bright red and coagulated. The time of
aggravation is midnight or a little later, especially in asthmatic conditions.

Finally I wish to say a few words about Tuberculinum, which I consider a great constitutional remedy for all scrofulous or tubercular disposed patients. They incline to
catarrh of all mucous membranes, and to colds more than the previously mentioned constitutional remedies. Tuberculinum patients have coryza constantly, periodic skin
eruptions, which can be considered nature’s way of catabolism. Generally the symptom picture is changeable. If in chronic and constitutional diseases there is no real
improvement, regardless of what form of pathology is present, a dose of Tuberculinum koch 100 or 200 will help. The action is biologic, like all remedies chosen according
to the law of similia, by aiding the efforts of nature to ward off disease.

These named important constitutional remedies are to heal body and spirit from inside, and thoroughly. All should always be given in higher potency. I never dispense
below the 30th centesimal potency, and often give the 200th. I teach myself and my patients to have patience in awaiting the action.

Dr Schuessler's biochemical Tissue Salts

Please note that some Tissue Salts show two numbers in the heading, the first number represents the numbering system used in the English speaking countries while
the numbers in brackets (#..) are representing the numbering system originally used by Schuessler in Germany and is used in German speaking countries.

Tissue Salts No 1 to 12

No 1 (# 1) – Calcium fluoratum – Elasticity Restorer

The deficiency: furrow and brownish discoloration

Calcium Fluoride helps maintain tissue elasticity and is beneficial for conditions associated with over-relaxed fibres, general relaxation of the tissue such as piles, sluggish
circulation and eczema. This would include dilated blood vessels such as with haemorrhoids, enlarged and varicose veins. Assists normal blood circulation and the
treatment of cracked skin, muscle strain and injured ligaments. It may also be indicated with diseases affecting the surface of the bones, cracks and cuts in the skin and if
the tooth enamel is in poor condition.

No 2 (# 2) – Calcium phosphoricum – Cells & muscles

Calcium phosphoricum helps building the cells, for it helps to split protein into amino acids, which are the building stones of all cell formation. It helps the build-up of
blood corpuscles and may assist during teething. It also aids the prevention of muscular cramps and pain during menstruation, especially helpful for younger girls. It is
beneficial for anaemia, bone diseases, constitutional weakness and ailments that prove obstinate. Calcium phosphoricum is a general nutrition tonic and often indicates
that there has been defective nutrition. As this Tissue Salt assists in digestion and assimilation it is excellent after surgery when the digestive system has slowed right
down. Calcium phosphoricum is also recommended for the treatment of anaemia in conjunction with Ferrum phosphoricum.

No 3 (# 12) – Calcium sulfuricum – Purifier & Shock

Calcium sulfuricum is a constituent of connective tissue, mucous membranes and skin and helps clear away accumulations of non-functional decaying matter. This
material may otherwise lay dormant or slowly decay and damage surrounding tissue. Calcium sulfuricum is beneficial for slow wound healing, during the last stage of
suppuration, for pimples, boils, carbuncles, ulcers, abscesses, etc. Calcium sulfuricum helps in the removal of waste products and it has a cleansing and purifying effect
throughout the system. This Tissue Salt supplements the action of Kalium muriaticum in the treatment of (adult) acne and catarrh and is indicated if there is a deficiency
in the connective tissues where skin eruptions turn to abscesses and ulcers.

No 4 (# 3) – Ferrum phosphoricum – Anti-Inflammatory

The deficiency: bluish-black discoloration

Regarded as the Oxygen Carrier, Ferrum phosphoricum is beneficial for any inflammatory or feverish condition. It is the chief remedy in headaches of children. Whenever
there are ailments arising from disturbed circulation – heat, pains, redness, throbbing, or quickened pulse. It is beneficial during the first stage of acute diseases, common
cold, bronchitis, measles, respiratory infection, acute rheumatism, etc. This mineral assists in maintaining normal body resistance to disease. It may also be used, after
being dissolved as a paste, on wounds, cuts and abrasions where there is bleeding.

No 5 (# 4) – Kalium muriaticum – Detoxifyer

Kalium muriaticum is helpful for conditions affecting the respiratory system – coughs, colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis, as well as ulcerated sore throat, catarrhal infection of
the middle ear. It also aids the reduction of mucus congestion curing colds and sinusitis. Kalium muriaticum is beneficial for the lymphatic glands and in problems
associated with thick white or greyish discharges, or where there are glandular or chronic rheumatic swellings. Works well with Calcium sulfuricum to cleanse and purify
the blood. Very useful in infantile eczema, and with Ferrum phosphoricum for a variety of children's ailments. Other key symptoms include white-coated tongue and light
coloured stool. Kalium muriaticum is important in digestive disturbances, especially from eating fatty or rich food.

No 6 (# 5) – Kalium phosphoricum – Nerves & Brain

Kalium phosphoricum is useful for treatment of nervous conditions such as headaches, nervous exhaustion, dyspepsia, insomnia, depression and lowered vitality. Also
consider for shingles and nervous asthma together with Magnesium phosphoricum. It is particularly valuable for emotional irritability, depression, nervousness, and
children’s tantrums.

No 7 (# 6) – Kalium sulfuricum – Pancreas & pigmentation

The deficiency: pigmentation

Kalium sulfuricum works in conjunction with Ferrum phosphoricum, as an oxygen carrier and has a beneficial effect on respiratory and circulatory functions. It is also
useful for the skin and minor eruptions with scaling or sticky exudation such as with dandruff, chicken pox, etc. Kalium sulfuricum may also give relief from catarrhal
problems associated with yellowish or greenish discharge (mucous membranes of the nose or vagina). A deficiency of Kalium sulfuricum causes a lack of oxygen leading
to chilliness flashes of heat and shifting pains in the limbs. It is valuable in the treatment of Psoriasis, Athlete's foot and brittle nails.

Often used towards the end of a cold, when the discharge is profuse and frequent. It is sometimes beneficial for shifting acute rheumatic pains. It opens the pores of the
skin, brings blood to the surface and promotes perspiration. For this reason it is often beneficial in alternation with Ferrum phosphoricum for fever, when the
temperature rises in the evening.

No 8 (# 7) – Magnesium phosphoricum – Pain- & Cramps

Another mineral element of bones, teeth, brain, nerves, blood and muscle cells. Magnesium phosphoricum is beneficial for the treatment of muscular cramps, spasms
and minor nerve problems. It is the main remedy for complaints of a spasmodic nature, such as in colic, menstruation cramps, palpitations, spasmodic cough, toothache,
neuralgia and acute pains in general. It is an important remedy for baby’s colic, as it’s beneficial in many cases exhaustion due to emotional upset.
This salt quickly relieves muscular twitches, hiccups and sharp twinges of pain. Symptoms are usually worse from cold and touch, and better for heat, pressure or bending
double. Take frequently until relief is obtained.

No 9 (# 8) – Natrium muriaticum – Water Distributor

The main facial signs are big pores and with a longterm deficiency spongy skin. Excessive moisture or dryness anywhere in the body is a good indicator for Natrium
muriaticum, and symptoms are many and varied. One of the most important Tissue Salts as two thirds of our body is made up of water and hence dysfunction in this area
can lead to widespread problems. Considered the Water Salt, Natrium muriaticum helps control the degree of moisture in the tissues, and as such is beneficial for
temporary relief of conditions such as watery colds, (runny nose and eye watering symptoms), sneezing, un-refreshing sleep, low spirits with a hopeless feeling, loss of
taste and smell, dry skin, headache with constipation.

No 10 (# 9) – Natrium phosphoricum – Acidity

The deficiency: pimples, impure skin

Natrium phosphoricum helps maintain the alkalinity of the blood, emulsifies fatty acids and keeps uric acid soluble in the blood. Thus, Natrium phosphoricum may help
also young children who have been fed too much sugar and are suffering from an acid condition of the system. It also aids the temporary relief of gastric indigestion,
dyspepsia, heartburn and intestinal worms.

A constituent of blood, muscle, nerve, brain cells and the fluid between cells. Natrium phosphoricum is needed in all complaints related to hyper-acidity. Also regulates
bile. Use to treat gastric reflux or indigestion, all types of inflammation particularly relating to gout or rheumatism, burning with diarrhoea and stinging vaginal discharge.

No 11 (# 10) – Natrium sulfuricum – Liver support

The deficiency shows in the face as puffy eyes (above or beneath the eye). Eliminates excessive water from tissues, blood and other body fluids. It also acts as a cleanser
and purifier of toxins from the fluid surrounding every cell of the body. It is necessary for healthy functioning of the liver, spleen, kidneys and pancreas. Indicated for all
ailments of, or affecting the liver e.g. biliousness, liver troubles, digestive upsets and sandy deposits in urine, brown-green coating of the tongue, bitter taste. Particularly
important in treating rheumatic complaints, gout and influenza as it eliminates the associated toxic fluids from the system. Helps dispel languid feelings experienced
during humid weather.

No 12 (# 11) – Silicea – Skin & Connective Tissue

The deficiency: wrinkles, crow feets

A biochemical cleanser and eliminator, Silicea is part of all connective tissue cells. It promotes suppuration and the discharge of wastes, thereby often initiating the
healing process by dispersing potentially harmful accumulates such as with skin eruptions and toxic blood conditions, abscesses, boils, etc. In the first stage of any
swellings, Ferrum phosphoricum and Kalium muriaticum should be given, but should these tissue salts fail to check the process, Silica should be taken to ripen the abscess
and promote it’s discharge. Silicea is also beneficial for the normal health and strength of hair and nails. It can help encourage a foreign body from the body and hence is
helpful for grass seeds. It complements Calcium and in fact does the sculpting work to make sure that Calcium is laid down in the most appropriate areas (hence its role in
Calcium deficiencies of the young and osteoarthritis of the old).

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