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• Dapat muncul di

sisi kulit mana saja, terutama area

sun exposed, kecuali di palmar dan tarsal

Del Rosso. 2017.

(1) Domed superficial aspect
(2) Melanin within tumour
(3) Sharply demarcated
epidermal thickening
(4) "Cysts" containing keratin
Keratosis seborrhoik : tipe acanthotic

• most common

• rounded verrucous surface

• thick layer of basal cells mixed

with pseudohorn cysts
Keratosis seborrhoik : tipe pigmented
Keratosis seborrhoik : tipe reticulated
Keratosis seborrhoik : tipe clonal
The hallmark of the clonal (nested) seborrheic keratosis subtype is the proliferation of sharply demarcated
intraepithelial nests of basaloid or pale cells (Borst-Jadassohn phenomenon). In some cases the nests are
composed of larger cells with conspicuous intercellular bridges, with nests separated by strand of cells with small
dark nuclei.
Keratosis seborrhoik : tipe irritated
Keratosis seborrhoik : tipe hyperkeratotic
Keratosis seborrhoik : tipe flat
Micrograph of a basal cell
showing characteristic
features (peripheral
palisading, myxoid
stroma, artefactual
clefting); H&E stain
Micrograph of a basal cell
showing characteristic
features (peripheral
palisading, myxoid
stroma, artefactual
clefting); H&E stain
Karsinoma Sel Basal : tipe superfisial
Karsinoma Sel Basal : tipe nodular

Tipe nodular Tipe mikronodular

(1) Peripheral palisading
(2) Rim of mucin
(3) Dermal nests of basaloid cells
(4) Intact epidermis
Karsinoma Sel Basal : tipe nodulokistik
Karsinoma Sel Basal : tipe morpheiform
A retraction pocket of an acquired cholesteotoma that has enlarged
to extend beyond the tympanic membrane. The white debris is
typical of an uninfected cholesteatoma.
Microscopic photo showing :
A. Perimatrix ( fibrous tissue with inflamatory
infiltrate )
B. Matrix ( thin layer of stratified squamous
epithelium )
C. Cystic content ( central mass of keratin )
Microscopic photo showing a
piece of keratinized stratified
squamous epithelium with
granulation tissue and keratin
debris (black arrow). H & E
Microscopic photo
showing granulation
tissue with keratin
debris. H & E stain.
Microscopic photo showing
granulation tissue with
foreign body giant cell
granulomas containing
keratin debris (black arrow).
H & E stain.
Fig. 1 Histological representation of different stages of otosclerosis (H.E.). A Otosclerotic stapes with posterior pole lesion. White arrow
indicates the remnant of stapedial tendon. Right ear. A1 High power magnification of the previous section. Active otosclerosis is
characterized by hypercellularity and wide pseudovascular spaces within a basophilic osteoid background. B Otosclerotic stapes with
anterior pole lesion. White arrow indicates the remnant of stapedial tendon. Left ear. B1 High power magnification of the previous section.
Inactive otosclerosis is represented by hypocellularity and eosinophilic osteoid substance with lamellar pattern of cement lines
Otosklerosis multifokal
A: In the advancing head of a
pterygium, conjunctival-like epithelium
(Conj) merges abruptly into corneal
epithelium (Corn). The underlying
Bowman's layer (arrows) is fragmented
and precedes a fibrovascular stroma
B, C: Goblet cell hyperplasia is apparent
in pterygium (B), compared with
donor-matched conjunctiva (C). Note
the thickness of the epithelial layer
(double-headed arrows in B and C)

Ophthalmic Pterygium A Stem Cell Disorder with Premalignant

Features. Chui et al. 2010.
D: Prominent central feeder
vessel; inset shows dilated subepithelial
E: Elastotic changes (double asterisk) in
pterygium stroma.
F: Inflammatory infiltrates in the
G: Stromal vessels loaded with
polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
All sections were stained with H&E.
Original magnification: ×200 (A and D);
×400 (B, C, D inset, and E); ×1000 oil
emersion (F and G)

Ophthalmic Pterygium A Stem Cell Disorder with Premalignant Features.

Chui et al. 2010.
Atypical histological features in pterygia included pterygium epithelium demonstrating
papillary folding (A) and dysplastic changes ranging from mild (B) to moderate (C) to
severe (D). Melanocytic lesions included racial pigmentation (note layers of pigmented
basal melanocytes) (E), PAM without atypia (F), PAM with atypia (G), subconjunctival
nonpigmented compound nevus (H), and a nonpigmented nevus (I) from a patient with
epidermolysis bullosa that invaded the corneal stroma (J). Arrows in I point to
melanophages that have acquied pigmented granules and surround a melanocytic
Ophthalmic Pterygium A Stem Cell Disorder with Premalignant Features. Chui et al.

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