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Come evito oggi? sembra tornando a carissimo amico, cio a come si scrive un saggio raccogliendo dalla rete pagine
come questa:
Ma dovrei capire che cosa sono i body paragraph rispetto ai support paragraph. E divago come sempre: le pagine di
questo sito sono esemplari, il testo breve e bene scandito.
la home. Ma sospendo per cercare come si scriva una biografia e trovo how to write a biography

How to Write an Interesting Biography

A biography is defined come la descrizione scritta della serie di eventi che costituiscono la vita di una persona.

Yikes, that sounds a little dry, doesn't it? Nonetheless, while researching the subject of your biography, vorrai
raccogliere tutti I fatti principali dellesperienza del soggetto.

Ecco i fatti principali:

Data e luogo di nascita

Informazioni sulla famiglia
I suoi talenti e le sue conquieste nella vita
Gli eventi principali
Effetti e impatto sulla societ, significato storico

Pur se necessari al progetto i fatti nudi e crudi non bastano per scrivere una biografia di qualit. Trovati i fatti occorre
andare un po pi in profondit.
You will choose your person because you think he or she is interesting, so you certainly dont want to burden your
paper with an inventory of boring facts. The last thing you want to do is bore your reader. Your goal is to impress

non annoiare il lettore ma coinvolgerlo

parti con una trovata che catturi il lettore.

parti con una frase interessante, un piccolo aneddoto o un evento di grande presa

evita Tizio Caio nato a X nel Ixxx, piuttosto

Sala piena, giuria in balconata, la luce dei candelabri si attenua fino a sparire e per qualche secondo un faretto illumina
il busto ecc.

cerca in internet (es. la biografia di Nipper) e annota sempre gli indirizzi dei siti

Fai in modo che linizio sia motivante ma anche di rilievo, le frasi suoneranno gratuite se non portano a nulla, perci le
due successive dovranno riguardare il tema o il messaggio della biografia.

It was a tragic end to a life that had so deeply affected the course of history in the United States. Meriwether Lewis, a
driven and often tormented soul, led an expedition of discovery that expanded a young nations economic potential,
increased its scientific understanding, and enhanced its worldwide reputation.

dopo un avvio che colpisce continua il flusso

cerca i particolari sulluomo e le sue opere e inseriscili nella trama del racconto

Examples of interesting details:

Some people believed that Lewis and Clark would encounter elephants in the western wilderness, having misunderstood
the wooly mammoth bones discovered in the United States.
The expedition resulted in the discovery and description of 122 new animal species and subspecies.
Lewis was a hypochondriac.
His death is still an unsolved mystery, although it was ruled a suicide.

riempi il testo di materiale che dia spessore alla personalit del soggetto

nel tuo caso chiediti quali tratti o eventi lhanno motivato a imbarcarsi in unimpresa cos grande

Domande cruciali:

C qualcosa nellinfanzia che ha plasmato la sua personalit?

Cera un tratto della personalit che ne ha favorito il successo?

Quali aggettivi useresti per descriverlo?

Quali sono stati i punti di svolta della sua vita?

Qual stato e qual il suo impatto sulla storia?

usa frasi e parole di passaggio per legare i paragrafi e fare in modo che il testo scorra

rielabora e ricomponi le frasi per migliorare il testo

nellultimo paragrafo fai una sintesi dei punti principali e riafferma lidea principale sul tema citando i punti
principali, rinomina la persona su cui scrivi ma non ripetere gli esmpi

continuo con altri siti cercando di rassicurarmi

How to Write a Biography

Una biografia il racconto di una vita. Pu esaurirsi in poche frasi o riempire uno o due libri.

Le biografie molto brevi dicono solo fatti salienti.

Le altre includono le informazioni di base con molti particolari e li compongono in un buon racconto.

Le biografie analizzano e interpretano i fatti della vita di qualcuno. Cercano collegamenti, spiegano il significato di
eventi inattesi o di misteri e portano argomenti sul significato dei traguardi e delle attivit. Di solito riguardano persone
famose o malvage, ma la biografia di una persona qualunque pu dirci molto su un particolare luogo o periodo.Di solito
riguardano figure storiche ma possono riguardare persone viventi.

Molte sono scritte in ordine cronologico. Alcuni raggruppano periodi di tempo intorno a un tema (es. I primi ostacoli
o ambizione e conquist). Altri si concentrano su argomento o risultati specifici.

I biografi usano fonti primarie e secondarie:

Fonti primarie: lettere, diari o articoli di giornali.

Fonti secondarie: altre biografie o storie sul soggetto.

Per scrivere una biografia:

1. Scegli una persona che ti interessi

Maurizio Pollini

2. Cerca i fatti principali della sua vita iniziando da enciclopedie e almanacchi

Libri a partire da Rattalino, Da Clementi a Pollini, archivi in rete di New York Times, The Independent, The Guardian
ecc. e Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica ecc., forum, blog ecc.
Pensa a che cosaltro vorresti sapere della persona e quali parti della sua vita preferiresti racocntare; tra le possibili

Che cosa lo rende speciale o interessante?

mi stato assegnato
un pianista
considerato il pi importante pianista italiano e uno dei pi importanti al mondo della sua generazione
per la sua anagrafe ha attraversato diversi decenni della nostra storia e della mia (mi precede di appena cinque anni)
ha dimostrato in diverse occasioni cruciali per il paese il suo impegno civile/politico

Che tipo di effetto ha avuto e ha sul mondo o su atre persone?

Quali aggettivi e qualit lo descrivono meglio?

Quali esempi della sua vita illustrano quelle qualit?

Quali fatti hanno plasmato o cambiato la sua vita personale?

Haincontrato ostacoli, affrontato dei rischi? Ha avuto fortuna?

Il mondo sarebbe migliore o peggiore senza di lui e perch?

3. Fai ricerche tra i tuoi libri e in rete per cercare informazioni che ti aiutino a rispondere e racconta una storia

4. Write your biography. See the Tips on Writing Essays and How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay for
You'll find biographies of lots of famous people in the encyclopedia. (Look them up in the Infoplease search box to find
them.) You can also browse these short biographies of Selected Figures from Recent History.
For more on what makes a good biography, see the encyclopedia entry on biography and this The Biography Maker site
from the Bellingham Public Schools.

ora passo a write biography essay

e provo questo
How to Write a Biography Essay
Do you need to write a biography essay? Writing research papers about a famous person is a common assignment for
term paper research in history, language, and literature courses. If youre lucky you get to pick the person to write
biography essay papers about. But even if you dont get to pick your term paper research the process is the same. When
you write essays its careful planning that turns research into good essay papers. Writing research papers also involve
craft to interest your reader in your English essay paper. This article will show how to improve your term paper writing
and turn your good essay papers into the best biography essay.

1. Create an outline for term paper research. Identify the most important information about the person you are
researching for your English essay paper. Tell where and when they were born, and when they passed, if applicable,
because these are common requirements of everyone who has to write biography essay papers. Also, when writing
research papers find out about the persons most important accomplishment. Then, for the best biography essay,
take your research a step further and look for catalysts in their early years that helped them reach their goal. Then
find obstacles that almost prevented them. In term paper writing most instructors want to see that youve gleaned
something from the facts when you write essays. Good essay papers dont just report, they find causal relationships.

2. Write biography essay papers in chronological order. When writing research papers be sure to include all of the
above information and events you noted into your English essay paper. However, as you write essays, you might
find that some events can be left out in order to create a back and forth effect between advancement and setback in
your subjects career. The best biography essay will create interest for your reader this way. The number of
obstacles and catalysts will vary depending on the required length of the term paper writing assignment. Finally,
Good essay papers need to synthesize information youve learned with your own observations about life. So sum
up your term paper research with a final statement about how this persons achievement is relevant, whether it
changed the world or their field.

3. Cite your sources when you write biography essay papers. Use MLA format or the format dictated by your
instructor for term paper research. Read your English essay paper out loud to make sure it flows and the pacing is

good. Then the final step in term paper writing is to read it one last time to look for homophones that spell-check
misses; good essay papers should not have usage errors. Follow these steps when you write essays, as well as
following any other specific directions regarding writing research papers from your instructor, and youre sure to
have the best biography essay! For more help with general coursework, please visit my resources. Good luck!

trovo poi cerca che ti cerca (free biography essays) alla prima occorrenza che uguale al titolo della ricerca questo:
una raccolta di parecchie biografie, da Shakespeare a Josephine Baker. Ma son brevi e lascio. Poi:

Writing Narrative Essays: 5 Simple Secrets to Know

Some students will say that writing narrative essays is very simple. You just need to tell a story, think of any
experience of yours, and put it down into words. Others will tell you that writing narrative essays is rather a
complicated thing, because a mere retelling of a story is not enough.

Well, we suppose that both sides are right. On the one hand, writing narrative essays is less complicated than
preparing other types of papers. On the other hand, writing narrative essays requires your awareness of some secrets.
So, let our writers share some simple secrets for writing narrative essays with you.

La scrittura di un saggio narrativo, cinque segreti

1. prologo (o incipit o attacco) accattivante
2. orientamento del lettore, impostazione della scena, uso delle W del giornalismo:con chi, quando, dove, perch e che
cosa (sta per accadere).
3. introduzione di un conflitto, di un problema (la parte pi succosa, lidea o il problema principale della storia che
4. risoluzione del conflitto o del problema (non lasciare problemi irrisolti)
5. ritorno al presente: come questa esperienza ti ha cambiato

Se sei a corto di idee vai qui: turning points essays e essays on fear. E altro ancora
I punti di svolta
Ideas for Turning Points Essays 25 Dec 2008

Turning points are certain events in a persons life that change everything considerably. We all have our own daily
routine, meet people, work, go out with friends. Everything seems to be so planned and predictable.

But! One turning point can change everything. For someone, it can be a phone call or an SMS. For others, it may be a
meeting or some news Well, we can talk about different turning points forever.

You have a wonderful opportunity to tell about your turning points while preparing another written assignment. It is
writing turning point essays.

In fact, there are millions of ideas that you can present in turning points essays. We will talk about possible situations
that can change everything.

Turning Points Essays: Idea # 1

Can you think that one short SMS may be a real turning point? Well, it actually can. Do you know any similar case? Did
an SMS turn over all your life? What was written there? Who sent it? Use this idea in your turning point essay. Maybe,
some tips for writing an SMS essay will help you.

Turning Points Essays: Idea # 2

One of the possible turning points in life of every person is marriage. Have you already dreamt of your wedding day?
How do you think this event can change your life? Will it be a change for a good? Answer these questions in your
turning point essay. Make use of our hints for writing Why I Want a Husband essay.

Turning Points Essays: Idea # 3

You have decided to change the color of your hair or your hairstyle. You want to believe that this will be one of those
turning points that will change your life considerably. Well, write about this event in your turning points essay.
Good luck!

3 Responses to Ideas for Turning Points Essays

1. Writing Narrative Essays: 5 Simple Secrets to Know Says:

May 25th, 2009 at 1:08 pm

[...] this experience affected you. If you lack ideas for your narrative essay, use our suggestions for turning
points essays and essays on fear. Bookmark It Hide Sites [...]

2. Is an Attitude the Key to Success? Essays Says:

June 22nd, 2009 at 1:00 pm

[...] essay. On our blog, you can find ideas for many other papers like a wellness essay and turning points
essays. Bookmark It Hide Sites [...]

3. Who Am I Essays: Ideas to Consider Says:

July 7th, 2009 at 6:21 am

[...] a good way of writing Who Are You essays. On our weblog, you can also find help with writing turning
points essays or workplace essays. Good [...]

How do you start a biography essay?

Begin your biography essay by introducing some general facts about the chosen person. Who is he/she (a pop star, a
writer, your relative or friend)? Is this person dead or alive? What is he/she famous for (e.g. this person received
several Grammy awards)? Or, if this person is not a celebrity, explain why he/she is special to you.What do you
present in the body paragraphs of a biography essay?

Here you may give any details that you think are suitable. However, do not forget that this persons biography is your
focus. Thus, better include the following information in the biography essay:

Important dates and events in the life of the person;

His/her achievements;
Hobbies and interests;

How do you finish biography essays?

Making a summary is a traditional way to finish any essay, and biography essays are not an exception. So, make a
summary of the persons life. If the person is dead, you can also give some info about his/her death. If the person is
alive, tell what he/she is doing now, some future goals, etc.

If you still cannot get how to write a biography essay, use free biography essays as examples.

Our articles about essays on Alexander the Great and Martin Luther King Jr. essays can also be helpful.

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