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Comission Miguel ARIAS CANETE Member of the European Commission srusses, 29 UNL. 2015 Ares(2015)s3263950 Honorable Mr Tamburrano, Mr Borrelli, Mr Girotto, Thank you for your letter dated June 18 in which you raise concerns about the reform of the Italian electricity tariff. In principle, the design of network tariffs falls under the responsibility of Member States. However, as you correctly point out in your letter, the Energy Efficiency Directive requires Member States, via their regulatory authorities, to remove obstacles for energy efficiency and for energy (efficiency) services in the design of their network tariffs. In the context of the checks of the correct transposition of the Energy Efficiency Directive into national laws of Member States, the Commission will ensure that national tariff design is in line with the provisions and the spintt of the Directive. The Commission has outlined in its recent communication "Delivering a new deal for energy consumers", adopted on July 15, some basic principles for the design of network tariffs. The accompanying staff working document on "Best practices on Renewable Energy Self-consumption" advocates that network tariffs should be designed in a cost- reflective and fair manner while supporting energy efficiency and the renewable energy objectives while being simple and transparent for consumers. Tan reassure you that my services will closely monitor the ongoing reform process of the Italian electricity tariffs and take appropriate action, if needed. Yours sincerely, MEP Tamburrano and MEP Borrelli Senator Girotto European Parliament Senate of the Italian Republic Rue Wiertz Palazzo Madama Altiero Spinelli Piazza Madama 1047 Brussels 00186 Rome

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