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Enjoy contemporary and classic works in the literary tradition with our wide selection of picks featuring National Book Award winners, books that inspired lauded film and television series, and stories by the world’s most acclaimed authors. Access the best in artfully-told stories when you subscribe to Everand.


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Like Happiness: A Novel
Like Happiness: A Novel
Like Happiness: A Novel
Like Happiness: A Novel

Like Happiness: A Novel

byUrsula Villarreal-Moura

A searing debut about the complexities of gender, power, and fame, told through the story of a young woman’s destructive relationship with a legendary writer. It’s 2015, and Tatum Vega feels that her life is finally falling into place. Living in sunny Chile with her partner, Vera, she spends her days surrounded by art at the museum where she works. More than anything else, she loves this new life for helping her forget the decade she spent in New York City orbiting the brilliant and famous author M. Domínguez. When a reporter calls from the US asking for an interview, the careful separation Tatum has constructed between her past and present begins to crumble. Domínguez has been accused of assault, and the reporter is looking for corroboration. As Tatum is forced to reexamine the all-consuming but undefinable relationship that dominated so much of her early adulthood, long-buried questions surface. What did happen between them? And why is she still struggling with the mark the relationship left on her life? Told in a dual narrative alternating between her present day and a letter from Tatum to Domínguez, recounting and reclaiming the totality of their relationship, Like Happiness explores the nuances of a complicated and imbalanced relationship, catalyzing a reckoning with gender, celebrity, memory, Latinx identity, and power dynamics. A Macmillan Audio production from Celadon Books.

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