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Progetto spazio 1997

Il seguente progetto descrive in modo dettagliato dalla teoria alla tecnica costruttiva un
motore per usi esclusivamente propulsivi utilizzante la nuova seconda legge della dinamica

F = ma + K m da/dt

Tale legge consente di ottenere una componente della forza F di tipo non inerziale dipendente dalla
variazione dellaccellerazione (vedi Progetto Elector Aprile 96).
La forza intesa come entit vettoriale e cio dotata di modulo e direzione consente di pensare ad un
motore ciclico che provochi alternativamente variazioni di accellerazioni positive in una direzione e
negative nella direzione opposta.
La spinta del motore risultante dalla somma algebrica delle variazioni di accellerazione
sar quindi una quantit non nulla che provocher lo spostamento del vettore nella direzione opposta.
Il coefficiente K gi dotato scientificamente di un nome che non ricordo, ha le dimensioni
di un tempo e fisicamente lo attribuisco alla costante di tempo del mezzo in movimento. Per esempio
in un asta di lunghezza L il tempo intercorrente affinch una tensione tangenziale venga trasferita da
una punta allaltra.
Non ho le idee molto chiare in proposito ma credo che tale tempo si possa approssimare
ragionevolmente con la relazione

K = L / Vs

dove Vs la velocit del suono nel mezzo ed L la lunghezza dellasta.

Tale relazione deve essere dimostrata matematicamente, fisicamente e
sperimentalmente, ma poich la realizzazione di un asta di lunghezza variabile un problema
facilmente risolvibile e poich tale problema influenza solo il modulo della forza risultante lo
rimandiamo alle prove sperimentali dopo la realizzazione del prototipo.


Il motore
Il motore consiste in due ingranaggi identici a denti dritti accoppiati ruotanti quindi in fase
ed a velocit angolari opposte.
Ciascun ingranaggio viene accoppiato ad un motore elettrico. Solidale con lasse degli
ingranaggi vengono montate due aste che risulteranno quindi eccentriche e saranno le masse
squilibrate oggetto della spinta del motore.
La ragione della coppia di ingranaggi sta nellannullare tutte le componenti delle forze non
coincidenti con la tangente comune ai due ingranaggi.
I due motori pilotati in modo da avere posizione dellalbero, velocit angolare,
accellerazione e variazioni di accellerazione predefiniti da una scheda elettronica che calcola tutti i
parametri per ottenere il risulatto prefissato.
La posizione dellalbero viene individuata mediante un encoder rotativo, mentre un
sensore ottico o induttivo rileva la fase della posizione angolare.
Ora stabiliremo o calcoleremo i parametri costruttivi del motore in modo da massimizzarne
lefficienza. Un ragionamento particolare verr fatto sulla geometria dellasta al fine di massimizzarne
il K.


Le equazioni del moto

Consideriamo per comodit uno dei due ingranaggi in rotazione. Indichiamo con contrariamente alla
tradizione la posizione angolare tra 0 e 2 .
Per = / 2 si supponga ci sia lintersezione dei due ingranaggi.
Le equazioni del moto sono due, una di dominio per compresa tra 0 e laltra per tra e 2 .


d3/d3t = ap / tM

0 <


d3/d3t = -aF / (T- tM )


T = 60 / n

periodo di rivoluzione

giri minuto


accellerazione angolare massima tra 0 e


decellerazione angolare massima tra e 2


tempo occorrente per arrivare ad = , cio perch il disco del

motore faccia mezzo giro.

Le equazioni sullaccellerazione angolare si ottengono integrando la 3 e la 4 ed imponendo le

condizioni al contorno


d2/d2t = 2aP t / tM

0 <


d2/d2t = - aF (t -tM)/ (T-tM)


Per comodit chiamiamo d2/d2t = a.

Le condizioni al contorno impongono che per t=0 laccellerazione angolare della 5 sia 0.


Mentre per t=T la 6 diventa a = -aF.

Le equazioni sulla velocit angolare si ottengono integrando le 5 e 6 ed imponendo le condizioni al


d/dt = aP t2 / 2 tM + Va1


d/dt = - aF (t2 -2 tMt + tM2) / 2 (T-tM) + Va2

Va = d/dt

0 <

le condizioni al contorno impongono che per t=0 la velocit angolare Va della 7 sia Va1.
Mentre per t = tM la velocit angolare della 8 sia Va2

Dove i parametri:

Velocit angolare minima


Velocit angolare massima

la velocit angolare massima legata ad aP , aF , tM , Va1 come si i ricava dalla 7 e dalla 8 imponendo
t= tM:

ap = 2 ( Va2 - Va1 ) / tM


aF = 2 ( Va2 - Va1 ) / (T - tM )

La velocit angolare minima Va1 e la velocit massima Va2 sono le incognite, che permettono
mediante il loro valore medio di definire una potenza media del motore e mediante la loro differenza di
modulare in fino la potenza di spinta del motore.
Dalla 12 e dalla 13 inoltre possibile ricavare due relazioni quella che lega laccellerazione massima
con la velocit angolare minima Va1 . Lequazione si ottiene imponendo t= t M ed =


aP = 6 (
- Va1 tM ) / tM2


aF = 6 (Va2 (T- tM ) - ) / (T - tM) 2


Le equazioni della posizione angolare si ottengono integrando le 7 e 8 ed imponendo le condizioni al



= aP t3 / 6tM + Va1 t


= + 2
- aF [( t3 / 3 - tM t 2 + tM2 t ) - (T3/3 - tMT2 + tM2T)] / 2(T-tM) +
+ Va2 ( t - T)

0 <


Per la ricerca del coefficiente risultante dallintegrazione alla 13 stato imposto di diventare 2 con t
= T.
Dalla 13 e dalla 14 imponendo t = tM per = si ottengono i valori di tM e T dipendenti
esclusivamente dalle velocit dei rotori:


tM = 3 / ( 2 Va1 + Va2 )


T - tM = 3 / ( 2 Va2 + Va1 )

Conoscendo le velocit e le accellerazioni possiamo ricavare le relazioni energetiche e di potenza


EMAX = (ME + MS) Va22


EMIN = (ME + MS) Va12

ME = mE rE2 / 4

Momento di inerzia delle masse equilibrate distribuite su un disco

MS = mS rS2 / 2

Momento di inerzia delle masse squilibrate concentrate in un punto

La potenza necessaria al motore per ottenere i due livelli energetici della 17 e 18 data da:


invece la potenza restituita durante la fase di frenatura vale:


PFRE = (EMAX - EMIN) / (T - tM )


Un indice per rappresentare lefficienza geometrica del motore rappresentato dalla frazione di
momento dinerzia delle masse squilibrate rispetto alle equilibrate:
p = MS / ( ME + MS)


Considerazioni sulla forza di propulsione

La forza esercitata dal motore per un giro dellalbero si ricava integrando la proiezione
dellequazione (1) lungo la direzione del moto da 0 a 2 .
Lequazione (1) si divide in due termini, il primo inerziale che dar quindi come risultante
una forza nulla. Il secondo termine non inerziale fornisce la forza di spinta che vale:


S = 2 K mS aP / tM + 2 K mS aF / (T-tM)

Il significato dei termini stato specificato nel corso della trattazione. Sostituendo aP e aF
con le 9 e 10 si ha:

S = 4 K mS ( Va2 - Va1 ) [ (1 / tM2 ) + ( 1 / ( T - tM )2 ]

In realt la componente inerziale non affatto priva di conseguenze, infatti per ogni rivoluzione si
ottengono pulsazioni che possono creare un certo disagio. Per equilibrare queste pulsazioni si
suggerisce di realizzare motori polifasici composti da duplicati identici ma sfasati di un periodo diviso il
numero delle fasi. Se le fasi sono 4 esse saranno sfasate di 90 gradi.
Aumentando il numero delle fasi lomogeneit della spinta diventa sempre pi lineare e
Le forze equilibrate esercitate dal motore sullo scafo sono:


FS = (ME + MS) aP / r


FS = (ME + MS) aF / r


Le accellerazioni sullo scafo sono ovviamente dipendenti dalla massa dello scafo.

Considerazioni sulle equazioni del moto.

I due ingranaggi con leccentrico si trovano ad essere accellerati per una semicorsa e
decellerati per la successiva. Laccellerazione e la decellerazione vengono gestiti da una scheda
appositamente progettata dotata di CPU che permette di controllare in ogni momento posizione,
velocit angolare, coppia.
Si noti come pi lunga la fase di accellerazione che quella di decellerazione.
Durante la fase di decellerazione la scheda elettronica recupera lenergia dai motori per ridarla alla
batteria. In via teorica il moto si dovrebbe produrre dando e riprendendo la stessa quantit di energia,
realmente gli attriti e le efficienze di conversione provvedono a dissipare in calore parte dellenergia.
Il progetto del motore parte da due parametri da definire inizialmente, Va1 e Va2.
Va1 e Va2 sono oggetto di variazioni durante il funzionamento del motore per ottenere una
regolazione della spinta. La velocit angolare massima Va2 consente di calcolare le sollecitazioni
dovute alle masse rotanti e alla struttura portante.




Bolle spaziali
Un po' vela, un po' mongolfiera: forse un giorno sar questo il mezzo di trasporto per le missioni spaziali. Le
sonde viaggeranno dentro una bolla di gas, tenuto insieme da un campo magnetico. La bolla verr spinta dal
vento solare, quel flusso continuo di particelle e radiazione emesso dalla nostra stella.
Consumer pochissimo, pi o meno come un elettrodomestico, e permetter di arrivare ai confini del Sistema
Solare in pochi anni, viaggiando a quasi 300mila chilometri all'ora.

Una sonda che si sposta in una bolla magnetica vicino a Giove (Nasa)

In realt, gli scienziati che l'hanno progettata si sono limitati a copiare la natura. Molti pianeti infatti
possiedono una bolla di questo genere, anche la Terra: si chiama magnetosfera, ed l'estensione del loro
campo magnetico nello spazio.
La piccola magnetosfera viaggiante verr riprodotta con una semplice bobina attraversata da corrente
elettrica. Il campo magnetico cos creato servir anche a proteggere la sonda dalla radiazione dannosa del

Rappresentazione della magnetosfera terrestre

Una volta lanciata nello spazio, baster la pressione del vento solare a spingere la bolla, un po' come il vento
che spinge la vela di una nave.
Una magnetosfera di 15 chilometri di diametro lanciata oggi dalla Terra potrebbe in pochi anni raggiungere e
sorpassare la sonda Voyager, lanciata nel 1977 e ormai giunta ai confini del Sistema Solare.


Un soffio di plasma gonfia una bolla magnetica invisibile

(Nasa Marshall Space Flight Center)

Melania Brolis


Un magnete per motore

Una calamita al posto del motore. Potrebbe essere questa la trovata che permetter all' uomo di viaggiare tra i
pianeti in un futuro prossimo. Altro che energia nucleare o propulsori a ioni, la navigazione spaziale utilizzer
comuni magneti. L' idea decisamente originale. L' ha avuta uno scienziato americano, David Goodwin,
durante alcuni esperimenti.

Le prossime navicelle utilizzeranno dei magneti come motori?

Goodwin si accorto di una cosa banale. Ci sono dei particolari magneti che, nel momento in cui vengono
attivati, hanno un leggero sobbalzo, quanto basta per farli spostare di circa un centimetro. Fin qui niente di
eccezionale, se non fosse per l' idea improvvisa dell' americano. Attivare e disattivare un magnete per 400mila
volte al secondo. Ci vorrebbe dire uno spostamento di ben 4 chilometri al secondo.

In condizioni particolari, certi magneti sobbalzano al momento della loro attivazione

Una trovata geniale? Non detto, dicono gli scettici. Secondo loro nulla garantisce che il magnete si muova
sempre in avanti. Potrebbe infatti accadere che si limiti a saltellare su e gi senza spostarsi. Non resta che
aspettare la conferenza sulla navigazione spaziale che si terr questa in America la prossima estate. Sar
allora che verr pronunciato il verdetto definitivo sul progetto di Goodwin. In attesa, noi cominciamo a
sognare il giorno che al posto del pieno di benzina dovremo chiedere il cambio di calamita.

Il futuro potrebbe riservarci motori a calamita?



















This is an article that was passed on to me by a friend, I have no idea who the author was, it deals with a device known as the Markovich which was developed in the late 1970' sby John
Markovich. There has since then been a few rumors that the device was a fraud and batteries were used, however in view of some of the amperages that were involved and the running times, it
would appear difficult to have fraudulently created the results with the simple torch batteries that are supposed to have been used in the fraud. The article is in some aspects a bit vague and
without enough actual reference to the original sources of some of the information, however it is interesting since the discussion of space energy that can be related to present studies on T.H.
Moray' s radiant energy.

Space Energy Receiver

by Unknown Author
The device in question is one of a number of energy transducers that converts extremely high frequency energy
to a form comparable to alternating or direct current electricity. The process involves in all cases, the utilizing
of the instrument as a specially designed resonating cavity. This cavity can be composed of either a number of
crystals, a series of coils, or a combination of the above. To understand how the unit operates, it is first
necessary to briefly describe the nature of this energy source.
Research and experimentation have established that this energy is one that pervades the known universe and is
constantly flowing through the Earth itself. It has been found to be quite dense, with enough power to light an
American city of around 50,000 persons for a year. Because of its origins and immense power potential, this
energy has been called "vacuum," "cosmic," "radiant," or "zero-point" energy. Dr. Nikola Tesla, the discoverer
of the electric age, may have used this energy to create his most fantastic invention-the "Magnifying
At the beginning of this century, Tesla was able to send electrical energy through the earth without the use of
wires. In a test transmission, he sent electricity to a receiver located twenty six miles away where a bank of 200
fifty watt light bulbs lit for as long as the transmitter operated. This demonstration convinced Tesla that he had
learned the principles of operating the Earth as a gigantic resonating cavity. This resonating cavity had the
ability to conduct not only electricity, but also radio waves and any other type of electromagnetic wave.
However, the key part was the ability of the transmitter to magnify electromagnetic waves. Also, the device had
the ability to transmit this energy at a frequency comparable to the Schuman cycle (6 to 13 hertz). This fact
indicated that Tesla had stumbled onto a new form of energy directly convertible into electricity. Evidence of
this discovery can be seen in two actions taken by Tesla after the success of the Colorado Springs Experiments.
In July 1902, he wrote a letter to Robert Underwood Johnson in which there was mentioned a discovery of a
new unknown energy that could be used to create "fuel-less motors." At the same time, Tesla was
demonstrating these devices to other friends and refusing to apply for U.S. patents.
Recently researchers have discovered a number of interesting facts about Tesla' senergy. First the energy
traveled through the universe as a spiraling stationary wave or corkscrew. Second the energy can be conducted
by electrical instruments (wires, etc.) composed of metals that are also excellent conductors of electricity (gold,
silver, copper, etc). Strangely, those conductors that have no known natural magnetic property such as
aluminum can not be used to collect these energies, but only to disperse them. Finally the energy in its
corkscrew fashion carried itself around the outside of a wire and not through it as was the case with
conventional electricity. Hence, it will be necessary to construct motors that are wound slightly differently in
order to make the best use of this energy source. However it will be possible to inter-phase this energy into the
modern electrical world and gradually "phase in" the new system.
It is one thing to acknowledge the presence of this strange form of energy, but quite another to construct a
successful transducer device. To do so a potential inventor must realize that one should design a device that
will have a number of interesting properties. First the instrument must be constructed of materials that can
collect the energy, i.e., conductive metals such as copper, silver, etc. Second, the unit must be able to gradually
step down the energy. This process can be accomplished by a series of tightly wound coils or else a specially
faceted quartz crystal that is connected in series to a number of tightly wound coils. It is the purpose of the first
set of spiral coils or of the crystal to act as the source of control for the "electrical energy" in the circuit. The
crystal or spiral coil receives this "energy" from a "collector" and converter coils that are attached to it. For the
system to operate efficiently, the collector and converter coils must be of a similar shape as the coils that
directly surround the crystal or else a harmonic ratio of the crystal and its coils. By putting the energy through
enough turns of wire and constructing a properly faceted crystal, one is able to drop the energy to a frequency


that can be inter-phased with electrical circuitry. Such a device will only encounter two potential problems.
First, there is the great amount of radiant energy that can be given off by an improperly tuned coil. This
problem can be overcome by the use of a proper amount of windings and the substitution of materials that are
more conductive than those used in previous models. Finally, one must overcome the problem of lower
amperages in crystal units. This problem can be solved by the use of a system of specially constructed grounds
and the use of smaller crystals in the circuitry between the crystal control system and the collection and
conversion system. In this way, improper balances in the device can be overcome in the development of this
new system.
As we have seen, there exists a number of ways to successfully convert space energy into electrical energy.
This largely unknown energy can be used to perform all the important tasks that can be presently accomplished
by electricity. That is, the energy can be utilized as a communications system, power system, or transportation
Space Energy Power System
To convert this energy into electricity, it is essential that a component be provided that can both collect and
begin the conversion of the energy found near the surface of the planet. This part must be able to receive, store,
and conduct the energy to the unit that actually rectifies this energy into dc electricity. Due to its corkscrew
motion, high frequency and other near electrical properties, it has been found that this energy can best be
collected by a hollow ball whose outside diameter is one sixth of the height of the rectifying unit. Furthermore,
this ball should be constructed of a fairly thin conductive metal (#11 gauge sheet metal or less) In our case we
chose a ball made of copper (Figure 2) In operation, the energy will first collect around the outside of the ball.
This energy will then enter the inside of the ball and collect on the inner surface in a fashion similar to an
electrostatic charge. Hence, the ball has received the energy and due to its conductivity and shape stored the
energy as a "charge" on its inner plate. To get this energy to the rectifier, it is essential to devise a means to
send the collected swirl of energy to the induction rod. This act is accomplished by employing an electrical
property of "space energy." The top 5% of the copper rod is formed into a needle shaped tip that permits the
energy' s"charge" to flow down it like a standard electrostatic charge would by "jumping the gap" to an
electrode (tip) in order to complete the fastest possible return to ground. Wound around the "induction rod" is
#26 AWG seven stranded hook up wire, the wire is loosely wound over the first six inches of the rod and then
tightly wound around the rest of the rod. Finally, the use of #14 AWG household wire is employed in a coil
wound in the direction opposite of the coil on the "induction" rod. This coil is affixed on the top to the ball and
on the bottom to the working electrical circuit. This entire unit is encase in 1 -inch copper tubing.
Conversion of "space energy" resembles in many ways the electromagnetic induction principle first discovered
by Henry and Faraday in the last century. As noted previously, this energy has near electromagnetic properties.
These properties include the presence of two quasi-vectors, a quasi-electrical (L) field and a quasi-magnetic (H)
field. This second or quasi-magnetic field differs from the traditional concept of magnetism by having its flux
(lines of force) bend inward instead of magnetism' soutward direction. To induce electricity, it is necessary that
two dissimilar energy flows be set up. The first is through the copper rod and the second through the coil
wound around the rod. Apparently, this difference in distance and speed (wire resistance) off flow creates the
conditions similar to the moving of an iron core through a magnetic field, that is, an electrical current is
induced. This phenomenon is due to the quasi-magnetism present in both the copper rod and coil (Iron nails
will stick to the outer copper tube). Thus, a corollary of the Faraday Law of Electromagnetic induction is
clearly found in the induction unit. Further proof of this inductive effect comes from the fact that the countercoil seems to act much in the manner of the secondary coil of a transformer (amplifies voltage).
Once the energy leaves the induction unit, it enters the "control unit." This unit is composed of a central
piezoelectric quartz crystal that is mounted on a tuning (moveable) base attached to the bottom of a hexagonal
hardwood resonating chamber. This instrument acts as the split or frequency tuning capacitor. That is, the
"control unit" accomplishes the final tuning of the energy so that the maximum amount of energy can be
converted into electricity. This circuit begins at the top of the box and passes to a flat spiral coil placed beneath
the top of the box. This coil is glued to the copper sheathing that comprises the actual resonating chamber. This
"roof coil" starts the process by directing the energy to the crystals upper facets into the working circuit. Next,
the energy travels to the inner counter-wound vertical coil called "the crystal coils" through the use of a "slip


ring." Here, it is exposed to the energy of the sides or long facets of the crystal. Finally, the energy travels
through the main coils, a counter-wound vertical coil glued to the bottom sheathed resonance chamber. By this
time, the resonance induced by tuning (turning) the crystal has increased the efficiency of the conversion
process. This phenomenon is due to two factors. First, the crystal has the ability to control the amount of
voltage in the circuit. This effect is found in standard electrical theory in the use of split capacitors to tune
circuits and in this way increase the "Q" efficiency of an induction coil (commonly employed in microwave and
radio circuits). Secondly, the unit has the property to increase or decrease the amount of resistance in a given
circuit. This was demonstrated by the boxes ability to burn out a 70Vdc, 2 amp step-down transformer. By the
use of these properties the control unit is able to transform the energy from the conduction unit into a more
stable electrical form.
To sum up let us quickly review the entire conversion process. First, the energy jumps to the tip of the inductor
rod and is conducted to the opposite end of the rod. Simultaneously, this energy flows through the tightly
wound induction coil. The difference in rate and distance allows the rod and coil to induce an electrical current.
Finally, the energy is sent to the control unit to stabilize the converted energy. The main working circuit for the
system consists of a primary tube (core and coil assembly labeled C and D in diagram 2) and the secondary
spiral tube (core and coil assembly labeled E in diagram 2) In this fashion the device is able to covert "space
energy" into a useable form of DC electricity.
I have attempted to faithfully reproduce the hand drawn diagrams that were included in the original article.



According to reports the device is supposed to have worked, with maximum voltage of around 180V and 3 amps. Strangely both a DC and an AC component were found in the output. There
were some pretty high powered witnesses to these experiments including scientists and technicians.


The Reed'motor, courtesy of Nelson Camus

created on 02/26/98 - JLN Labs - last update on 03/27/98

This motor is based on the diagram below, courtesy of Nelson Camus. :

"This motor is able to run by itself and give FreeNRG from the magnets when the aluminium sheets are
removed from the blocking position (between the magnets). After they are removed, the motor starts itself
without stopping, like a real perpertual motion motor. The coils 1,2,3,4 are used only for tapping the
magnetic energy and convert it into useable electrical power........
The Reed's motor is a North pole magnetic motor. To start the motor, it is necessary to move a little disc
(at the top) with your finger. Two brackets mounted in cross with four aluminum sheets pass between the
North poles on the top and the bottom of the cylinder. When you turn the little disc with your finger, the
two brackets in cross leave the gap between the magnets.
When you insert the aluminum sheets mounted on the brackets between the magnets with the same
polarisation North, you STOP the motor.
When you turn the little disc clockwise, you START the motor.
This motor is a real perpetual motion motor.
The only power that you require is the power needed for turning the little disc with your fingers during
the startup. If you want more power, you need to use NIB magnets for a bigger magnetic flux, so you can
get more power."




Preliminary Adjustments :
1 - With the Aluminum sheets out, spin the rotor with your finger clockwise, insert the magnet #1, then
#2, the rotation will jump. In the first jump insert the magnet #3 and #4 quickly.
The motor will still spinning.
2 - The magnets #1, #2, #3, #4 require to be far of the rotor magnets. Using an screwdriver adjust the #1
down 1/2 turn in the bolt, follow with the #2, #3, #4, you will have more speed.
NOTE: if one of the outside magnets has more repulsion than the next one, the motor will stop. Take care.
3 - When the motor is in rotation you can stop it using the Aluminum sheets. Also you can decrease the
RPM with the same procedure.
4- The magnets #2 and #4 require to be no in 90 degrees -85 to 89 degrees adjustable the elevation and
If the motor stop or no rotate the azimuth and elevation of #2, #4 are notin the correct angle.


Addtional comments from Nelson Camus :

"You don't need electric pulses to run the motor,
If you don't use aluminum sheets, the motor will never work.
It is necessary using a drum (cylinder), because the adjustment of the rear magnet's elevation are
very precise, to prevent the equilibrium of magnetic forces. You need to move those magnets with
your hands up or down every 45 degrees of rotation until to get 1 degree more getting repulsive
force of the next magnet and following with the next one,
The magnets in the drum need to be:
The front ones fixed, the rear ones mobile with adjustment and method to fix in the drum when
you get constant rotation, I used one bolt and nut in each magnet.
The aluminum sheets are one of the most important part of the motor, they are not only the switch
ON and OFF, they prevent the equilibrium of magnetic forces. The adjustment of rear aluminum
sheets versus the front ones is very precise. When you move out to the back the front ones the rear
sheets are moving to the front 1 degree less then the front ones. When I have built the motor, I
have used different types of thread in the front axle versus the rear one who support the front and
rear aluminum sheets. This axle you turn clockwise using your finger according the diagram.
I have got 600 RPM with ferrite magnets, 3000 RPM with NIB magnets and up to 300 Watts/hour
free electricity output with no electrical input....
Following my instructions you will get every thing done....." (Nelson Camus)
Nelson Camus has said to me that he has built himself his own model in 1993 and that he has succeed to
obtain a self-running motor without external power during a period of 6 months !! Today, unfortunately,
the box containing the Nelson's model has been lost/stolen during his latest move to his new adress....

Tests Reports on the QMM Mk10 by Jean-louis Naudin


The Jospeh H.Cater Free energy device

Solaris can offer no personal Guarantee as to the performance of this free energy generator.
Mr.Cater claims that a group in California built such the device which is claimed performed very well, but he,
does not claim that he has personally seen of tested such a device.
This design is published for researchers and experimenters in order that a working prototype maybe developed.
Mr. Cater says, Quote: "I would be willing to give big odds that if my instructions are carried out to the Letter,
sensational results will be obtained. It should easily out perform any other generator that has ever been built
including the Moray and the Hubbard devices.
It could easily be mass-produced.
Some years ago I got word from someone in Germany who built a similar configuration
(a very poor replica-of this one where the output coil consisted of only windings on a solid iron bar which in
turn was surrounded by smaller coils on smaller bars which constituted the input. Even this was quite
successful where the output was as three times the input.
I do not know what happened to the builder but such a crude device as this could give the world free energy.
The output of a small unit could be used as the input for a larger one and so on: end quote
As the web editor of SOLARIS and as does the original publisher of this article "The Australian Tuning IN
magazine." Both wish to thank Mr Cater for this challenging contribution which if it proves to be a success, we


will really be on to some thing big. If it is not successful... well we just continue the search until we are
Keep in mind that these plans are not meant to be explicit in every fine detail, but are provided as the best
guide as the author can make with the available data.
Therefore you will need to use some of your own ingenuity and design skills in the construction of this rather
unusual coil configuration.
I would suggest the construction of a power supply with all variables in FREQUENCY, VOLTAGE &
CURRENT. A frequency range of from 50 cps (Hertz) to 1000 cps would be a good starting point.
The higher the frequency of the input current (amperage and voltage at a constant) the greater output of the
induced E.M.F. is directly proportional to the frequency (rate of change of magnetic flux). 50 cycles or 60
cycles would be more convenient to experiment with as these frequencies are standard power mains
frequencies, however 360 cps or more is recommended for the real thing.
This would also mean a lower input current requirement. Mr.Carter suggests that for experimental purposes in
determining the input needed to get the desired output, use rectified AC 12 volts. Sinusoidal waves should be
used, not square waves.
Because of its tremendous potential care should be taken with the amount of input current. One should start
with a low frequency (about 50 cps or 60 cps) and low amperage, then gradually increasing the current until the
desired input / output is obtained.
Such caution was not followed with a previous model built by a group in California. (USA)
It resulted in the disintegration of the output coil. The iron sheets in this model were not plated and did not
have the caps fitted. Never the less, it was still an effective orgone accumulator.
The gold plating of the iron sheets and the addition of the CAPS enables it to operate with a much lower input
current and lower frequency.
If the outer body of your secondary coil is eight inches in diameter, then you wont fit the recommended
seventeen primary coils around its perimeter. If your primary coils are one and a half inches in diameter then
these will fit nicely around an 8" perimeter.
However it is preferable to have larger primary coils as alluded to in Mr Carters opening comments, so it may
be advisable to stick to the recommended 2 inch diameter size for the primary coils, but settle for one less and
use only 16 primary coils.
Experimentation will decide which is the best way to go. For the purposes of this article I will refer to the 2
inch Diameter.
Cut medium gauge soft iron rods ( oxy-welding rods will do) to 13 inches.
Be sure to de - burr the cut rods so that a compact fit is assured.
Next wind each coil separately with one terminal at each end. (no gap G is required for the primary coils )
When the primary coils are physically mounted around the large secondary coil.
Refer to Diagram 1.


The primary coils are then inter connected with suitable fig leads the same gauge as the coil wire to form a
series coil configuration. Refer to Diagram 2.

All coils must be wound in an identical manner such that the current in each one travels in a clockwise or
counter clockwise direction. It is mandatory that the current flows in the same direction
The secondary coil consists of a number of concentric cylinders and coils of three varying types repeated in a
special sequence as detailed below.


First you begin with the soft iron core in the same way as the primary iron cores were constructed. Use two
inch diameter (2" D) thin walled PVC Tubing cut to thirteen inches (1 3") in length, and packed wit h soft iron
rods (oxy - welding rods will do)
[2] Around the central PVC tubing wrap the gold plated iron sheeting such that the gold is facing externally or
The iron sheeting is to be in the range of 0.010" to 0.015". The iron sheeting should be as thin as possible as it
is desirable to obtain the most powerful fluctuating magnetic field to be induced as close to the wire as can be
physically and electrically achieved.
This is the reason for the oil soaked iron powder. The purpose of the oil of course is to make the iron powder
physically manageable.
The thinner the iron sheeting the more completely magnetised it will be. The gold coating is only the frosting
on the cake so to speak. It certainly does not need to be very thick and no, you dont have to pay thousands of
dollars for gold plating.
A simple chemical process is used. Ask your local electro - plater for a lead in the right direction.
As to the suppliers of the iron sheeting, you certainly wont find it down at your local hardware store as it is a
rather a specialised item. - Try Transformer manufacturers or electric motor and generator suppliers.
You will need eight (8) concentric iron cylinders.
All will be thirteen inches (1 3) wide with varying lengths according to the circumference of each concentric
Allow a inch extra in circumference length for a small overlap.
You will need to devise a method for keeping the iron sheeting in position ready for the next stage of
Several spots of super glue should do the job nicely.
Now that you have wrapped your first iron layer around the central PVC tube containing the soft iron core, you
are now ready to wind your first secondary coil.
Use a heavy gauge enamel coated wire somewhere near the gauge of house wiring.
If this is unavailable then insulated single core wire will do.
As with all the coils that are to be wound, either primary or secondary, only one lager of wire is to be wound.
When you are winding the secondary coil you must allow a small space between each turn. Refer to diagram 3.

The gap G reduces the inertia of flowing electrons as well as allowing room for the oil soaked iron powder
which is to be packed between each winding.
Perhaps 1 mm to 1.5 mm would be a sufficient gap between each winding. However, before packing each coil
with the iron powder, it would be advisable to lacquer the coil winding to seal it into position on the iron


It will also provide extra insulative protection.
The purpose of the non- metallic concentric spacers within the secondary coil serves two purposes:
1. To minimise the cancellation effects.
2. To produce an Orgone accumulator effect.
The material used could be heavy duty PVC tubing with inch thick walls or inch thick sheeting, possibly
heat treated, to wrap it around the coils.
You may be lucky for one or two of the concentric rings required, and have a piece of PVC tubing at just the
right diameter.
For the other required diameters you could reduce the circumference of a larger piece of tubing, thus reducing
it to the desired diameter.
Be sure your butt join is perfect or any gaps are filled with a suitable plastic putty. Some innovation and
ingenuity may be required for this part of the construction. (And simple solutions are welcome for updates to
this web page.
The general concept for building the multi layered secondary coil is to build it by winding each coil on
separate concentric cylinders consisting of the gold plated iron sheeting wrapped around the non - metallic
The Inner diameter of one will be the outer diameter of another and visa a versa.
They are then joined together one inside the other.
Fly wires are then used to inter connect the terminations at the end of each coil. For initial experiments this
may be done in several ways, two of which are recommended by Mr. Cater.
1. Each concentric coil mag be connected in series so that the current will flow in the same direction, either
clockwise or counter clock wise as if one continuous Coil.
OR Put in another way adjacent pair of coils is wired such that the current is in the opposite to the adjacent pair of
Put another way. The first two adjacent coils are connected in the clockwise direction, for example, but the
next pair of Coils is connected such that the current is running counter clock wise relative to the first pair.
The next pair will be clockwise and the fourth pair will be counter clockwise. Changing the wiring
configuration can be simply achieved by rearranging the external fly leads used to inter - connect each
concentric secondary coil.


The leads should take the shortest path around the outer peripheral of the secondary coil and of course to be
of the same gauge as the actual coil winding itself. Refer to Diagram 4
Now that you have completed your secondary coil and wound your primary coils, the way is now clear to cut
the CAPS to their correct size such that the diameter will be of sufficient dimension to cover in the entire
primary and secondary coil assembly. Refer to Diagram 1.
The required dimension is " DIA. C

1 Cut eight pieces of inch thick plastic sheeting to the diameter "DIA. C 4 per cap, 8 in total.


2. Cut eight pieces of gold plated iron sheeting in the same manner.
3 Glue together the plastic and iron sheeting as illustrated in the expanded drawing. Refer to Diagram 6.

Devise a method to affix the caps to the sides of the unit and a means to position the outer primary coils
holding them all in their correct positions. Keep in mind that powerful magnetic forces will be present and also
that the unit it self will be quite heavy so a sturdy construction is advised.
A suggestion might be to dowel the Caps into position and use suitable shaped plastic spacers to Position and
hold the primary coils into position.
With the addition of the caps the above generator becomes a highly potent orgone accumulator.


Gold plated iron is many, many times as effective as any other metallic material.
The accumulator effect greatly increases the effectiveness of the generator.
Now that you have actually completed all the construction work, you should have on hand a suitable input
driver unit that should have been thoroughly tested and now ready for the real thing. Lets be optimistic and
hook up a good size load for the secondary, a couple of radiator bars (electric heaters) should do to begin with.
Across the output terminals you can hook up with all the usual test gear.
The construction of the secondary coils maybe seen in the following steps1 - A thin - walled PVC Tube of 2-Diameter X 1 3- long is filled soft iron rods2- Wrap the PVC Tubing with the iron Sheeting cut to size with an over lap 1/4" along the tube but flush with
the ends Insure that the GOLD SIDE is facing outwards3- Wind the heavy gauge coil (one layer only) with a suitable spacing between each winding and suitable
terminals at each end4- Lacquer coat the coil winding sealing it into position5- Pack the coil windings with the Oil soaked iron powder6- Wrap the coil and iron powder with ducting tape7- Fit the "- non conductive Spacer as specified8 Go back to point two and repeat steps two to seven eight times to finish with an outer casing consisting of
the " non conducting material
This Article first say the light day several years ago and first Published to my knowledge In the
Australian Free energy Newsletter called TUNING IN.
I am unaware if there were other attempts to build the device mentioned but it does bear some striking
similarities to The Hubbard Device. also mentioned at this site. ,I would be interested if others have any more
to add to this article "[webmaster]
a related type invention the joecell


Hot fusion was the cold war quest. Besides the

space race, fusion was the socioscientific dream.
The loss of hope ... the loss of myth ... in this
massive social project produced a brooding
meditation among engineers who were devoted to
its fulfillment. For Be better part of twenty years
there were billions of dollars spent for fusion
research ... seemingly in vain.


The Farnsworth Fusor

The Most Notably Forgotten Episode in "Hot" Fusion History
by Gerry Vassilatos
Reprinted with permission from Borderlands, Second Quarter 1995
(note: this article begins with a rather lengthy discussion of the nature of scientific knowledge, particularly as it
pertains to the history fusion of research. The article is reprinted here in its entirety, but those readers with a
specific interest in the Farnsworth case might want to just skip to HERE....)

A recent excellent article by Lawrence Forsley recounted each major step in the history of "hnot fusion"
projects. The account depicts the arduous pursuit of hopeful and brilliant personnel chasing after a prize
which never appeared. This chapter in technological history left most scientific researchers with a sense
of silent despair. Exploration of this inward sense of loss was an emotional item which few actually and
honestly addressed. Yet the projects rolled on.
Hot fusion was THE cold war quest. Besides the space race, FUSION was the socioscientific dream. The
loss of hope ... the loss of myth ... in this massive social project produced a brooding meditation among
engineers who were devoted to its fulfillment. For the better part of twenty years there were billions of
dollars spent for fusion research ... seemingly in vain.
Each lost social dream becomes social malaise. Wars develop when social myths are deferred. The
synthetic manufacture of new and continual myths replaces the hope deferred. Governments and
regulators sponsor such alternative myths continually. The gross funding of new fusion projects
represents a means for maintaining public morale at a very subliminal level.
The prizeelusive was replaced by countless journals, articles, and texts ... as if so much paper would fulfill
the absence of the Grail. This general sense of misdirection among most physicists was balanced by a
furious return to the chalkboards and publishing homes. The dream deferred became mere talk and
analysis. Theoreticians, at least, found continual employment.
Shelves of once optimistic theoretical works on fusion were suddenly flooded over with equally optimistic
and authoritarian apologetics. These inflated works proclaimed the "way out" through newer magnetic
containment systems.
While most project personnel simply dissociated themselves from the race for controlled fusion, others
(foolishly) raised their broken swords higher and "challenged nature to achieve where anti others failedn.
This of course meant that grant monies were to be sought again ... despite the generally accepted
hopelessness of the quest Fusion researchers were trapped, like some modern Tantalus ... in magnetic
The tragedy of each magnetic containment device lay chiefly in the theoretical promise which always
failed. The hope deferred seemed to flood each separate project not long after a particular device was
constructed. One usually knew after the very first trial what the end would be ... and how soon it would


In methodic succession, and after several billion dollars were spent it became apparent that the magnetic
containment systems would not succeed at all. Mercurial and elusive, certain designers attempted to
"steal the secret" despite the natural odds: to fight with Nature and wrestle from her jealous hands the
guarded gold. Not one imagined that perhaps their method was the wrong one ... that Nature would not
let go of her gold because the suitors were behaving like barbarians.
The need for the gigantic was also a feature of these projects. No units smaller than a gymnasium could
meet the theoretical need. Somehow both the theoreticians and project designers believed the delusion
that size and symmetry would "make the difference" in magnetic systems. Always the secret hope was
held that "this one might do it." Small laboratory devices produced unstable plasmas because they were
small. Larger devices should produce more crushing power ... like building an ever larger press to
squeeze a lightning bolt.
Many project designers simply failed to promise a fusion achievement altogether from the outset ...
preferring to maintain the "safe grounds of plasma analysis." The ancillary projects (instability analysis,
arc analysis, plasma contamination, plasma diagnostics) made their appearance ... a flood of "studies" ...
but no reactor. Grant money was poured into "plasma analytic methodologies" and almost dominated the
scene where working fusion reactors should have stood.
P. Kapitza studied ball lightning phenomena with a remarkably opened mind when few academicians
would not even dare touch the topic at all. S. Ulam also studied reports of the accidental formation of
plasmoids among submarine generators and arc switching devices. Others studied the piezoelectric
formation of plasmoids in rock fractures. Thorough research on Tesla Technology (and Tesla' s means for
generating plasmoids at will) seemed to open doorways toward new possibilities.
M. Theroux developed a special Tesla transformer which actuary projected small aerial plasmoids ... and
could repeat the performance. The Air Force funded a much larger project toward this end (R Golka).
Each was looking for the answer in a new realm. And this was the precise answer ... to look elsewhere for
that which intuition envisions.
Intuition craves confirmation however. Too few of these "new view" researchers were actually familiar
with the archives of both natural and laboratory anomalies. No one remembers what has already been
achieved in isolated laboratories. Very often a chance occurrence, however subtle, gives the new direction
to the world. New hydrogen energy, you will remember, was observed by several qualified persons in
diverse places. Had these records been forgotten, perhaps the new revolution might never have been
Were the hot fusionists true and ardent students of the stored periodical treasurehouse they too would not
have simply written more surficial papers on their views. They would have known what to do to achieve
the prize itself, for the answer was there ... in a group of patents some twenty five years old which should
have been known by all of them collectively. Perhaps they would have found their way back to the
forgotten mines ... but then came Tokamak.
When the Tokamak rose in the east, it seemed to offer the brightest new morning of life for fusion
research. Many stole away to steal the secret of its fire. But even the Tokamak failed to deliver the
immediacy of its promised prize. So deeply resentful were many researchers after the postponement of
immediate success that few would even believe that the goal could be reached at all.
It is not unreasonable (given the emotional infrastructure of fusion research) that science had become
first melancholy and then sanguine in all its subsequent discussions of controlled nuclear fusion. The topic
represents (to the crusaders) a major dragon left undefeated. Most would rather forget the dream and all
knowledge of it.


Forgotten knowledge was the main problem. Even before magnetic containment was attempted, there
was a simpler answer to the particle containment problem. In his closing paragraphs Dr. Forsley asks
that we imagine the truths which were lost through out this period in venturetechnology.
An answer had been recorded into the scientific ledgers already which would have spared these valiant
workers much time, money, and disappointment. Forgotten knowledge started all the researchers off in
the wrong direction from the start.


Unexpected devices of great import emerge from very old patent registers and periodicals. These
developments span two hundred years of astounding technological progress, and chronicle our
epistemological progress as a civilization. The literary treasure house of this time period contains
incredible discoveries which remain yet unrecognized, unevaluated, and forgotten.
Despite this fact, many academicians are overly confident that "old knowledge" has been thoroughly
comprehended and admixed into contemporary theory and is, therefore, expendable. This view is
inwardly believed to such a degree that old texts are methodically being gathered into "annex"
warehouses. These treasures are then permitted to decay and are (gradually) eliminated.
This shockingly repugnant pride is the very opposite of scientific sensibility. This mindset is counterproductive and totally self destructive. Each new unexpected discovery comes as a sharp rebuke to those
who remain unenlightened concerning the past. Old texts preserve forgotten thoughts ... not disproven
thoughts. Researchers have committed their often anomalous and disquieting observations and findings to
the journals and texts. It is traditional practice that what cannot be now explained must be treasured,
pondered, and comprehended for some future purpose. Discovery and anomaly are rare gifts which must
be honored and preserved until understood.
The scientific historian methodically searches out catalogues of forgotten phenomena by thorough
examination of old periodicals, texts, and patent files. The retrieval of old and forgotten observations,
discoveries, scientific anecdotal records, and rare natural phenomena provide the intellectual dimension
desperately needed by modern researchers who work in a vacuum of dogma. It is astounding to find the
volumes of rare and anomalous phenomenalists and laboratory anecdotes made by credible and qualified
Victorian researchers throughout older volumes of Nature Magazine and The Electrician (c.1890).
The retrieval of inventions, designs, and other applications reveal repeatable phenomena "in application"
which demand reevaluation of tenaciously held theoretical models. The trained researcher identifies,
distinguishes, and secures those particular forgotten discoveries which violate contemporarily held
theoretical models. The aim of this research is new knowledge through reevaluation.
Eric Dollard is an electrical engineer who has done remarkably exhaustive historical research and
experimental verifications of scientific claims made by Nikola Tesla a century before. It was through Mr.
Dollard that we learned about a forgotten chapter in the art of controlled thermonuclear fusion like no
other. In fact, those who read this article may be shocked to learn the real truth abouttone specific "hot
fusion" project from 1962 until 1967.
The reality of anyone controlling fusion reactions ... and reaching selfsustaining reaction stage would
sound bizarre to anyone familiar with the historical publications. Of all the venture projects chasing after
the hot fusion Grail one group of researchers looked directly into Nature' s brilliant face and saw her
sparkling eyes. Mr. Dollard' s research on unusual electron tubes led him into an exhaustive study of
several vacuum tube designs patented by the father of electronic television: Dr. Philo T. Farnsworth.
There he found the forgotten gem.


Among the incredibly prolific patents of Dr. Farnsworth are two working designs for achieving practical
nuclear ("hot") fusion. Dr. Farnsworth is the original designer of true electronic television. He had to
develop the entire system of electronic television with all its parts. Image dissectors, pulse transmitters,
synchronizing oscillators, synchronous scanning, image analyzers, receivers, and special cathode ray
tubes ... Farnsworth conceived, designed, and hand built each of them.
The technological demands of his complete television system required the development of very special
electron tubes from start to finish. Each component demanded new tube designs and operational theories.
In fact, examination of the Farnsworth patents reveals nothing but novel tube designs without
contemporary equal.
Existing multielement tubes could neither match the stringent power demands or frequency requirements
of television. Therefore Farnsworth developed numerous unusual tubes to make his television oscillators,
receivers, and transmitters more efficient. No existing technology could match the performance
characteristics of his UHF oscillators, electron multipliers, and cold cathode signal amplifier tubes when
he patented them.
Farnsworth designed numerous highpower UHF tubes. Notable among these designs were cold cathode
devices (some of which employed soft radioactive materials), photomultipliers, multipactors, IR imaging
tubes, image storage tubes, and image amplifiers. Each was a marvel of originality and inspiration. But
the multipactor was a true wonder.
The multipactor design employs two opposed concave cathodes and a central series of cylindrical anodes.
Noise surges generate and sustain powerful tunable oscillations within the multipactor when voltage is
simply applied to the cathodes and anode. The multipactor utilizes photomultiplier effects to supply
electrons. Multipactor performance borders on the anomalous, approaching "impossible" efficiency
coefficients.. His success was followed closely by engineers from every military and industrial group.
Fullscale research addressed the multipactor efficiency "problem". Reports from the time period may be
easily secured for study and reevaluation.


Farnsworth continued to be a prolific designer of very unusual electron tubes before and after World
War II. Casual examination of his patents continually proved the genius behind the legend. Dr.
Farnsworth explored new alternatives and designed radically new concepts into a series of electron tubes
which became as heralded as his development of electronic television. Each development produced in own
species of anomalous phenomena These were each utilized and compounded in his successive
developments. The patent record tells the story best.
While testing high power UHF tubes Farnsworth discovered an anomalous selffocussiog space charge
phenomenon. These space charge plasmoids glowed all the more brilliant with increasing application of
voltage ... a control characteristic. He named these pointplasma phenomena "poissors".
"Poissors are brilliant spacesuspended plasmoids of starlike appearance. When Dr. Farnsworth operated
his multipactors the poissor phenomena manifested themselves with special brilliance. Electron optical
focusing concentrates ions just as mirrors concentrate light. Early Farnsworth multipactors utilized twin
opposed concave cold cathodes.
The design feature of concave electrodes was a radical departure in the world of electron tube designs at
the time. Most electrodes of the day were simple planar surfaces. The concaves permitted the rediscovery
of electron optics ... a phenomenon originally witnessed by Sir William Crookes and forgotten. Students
are directed to the Crookes tube with its concave cathodes.
Farnsworth multipactors and cold cathode discharge tubes produce optically focused "poissors" and
exhibited all the responsecontrol characteristics later sought by plasma physicists in their race toward
achieving hot fusion. Controlresponsive poissors would shrink in size, increase in ionic density, and
produce more brilliant light with increasing voltage application.
Notably discovered in 1936, the poissor phenomenon made a new breed of electron power tubes and
plasma devices possible. The existence of these mysterious suspended plasmoids stimulated Farnsworth' s
research toward the refined use of electron optics. His refinement and use of the newly manifested
phenomena produced remarkable performance efficiencies in UHF and SHF applications. In their
unprecedented spherical geometries the Farnsworth tubes proved incredibly efficient and long lasting.
Virtual electrodes could influence electron behavior in power tubes. Ions could be bound in small plasma
points (poissors) exhibiting stability in ionic multilayers and sheaths. Poissors could absorb and store
energy: an aspect which deeply impressed Dr. Farnsworth. The time for their retrieval from the archives
of the anomalous drew close.
By 1953 he had conceived of a means for using the poissor phenomenon to produce controlled nuclear
fusion reactions.. The patent record shows that Farnsworth achieved the goal. Yet, there are far more
deeply entwined reasons why few have ever heard of Dr. Farnsworth' s contributions and achievements
besides the academic censure of this possibility.
In 1959 H. S. Geneen (Raytheon) invited Dr. Farnsworth to address the ITT board of directors on
controlled nuclear fusion. Against the verbalized misgivings of the AEC this lecturepresentation was
given. Shortly thereafter a preliminary test on the Farnsworth "Fusor" was performed in a small ITT
basement laboratory. His first design for a hot fusion reactor was realized in 1959. ITT monitored all the
research and brought its own supervisors into Farnsworth' s team.


Virtual poissor plasmoids of deuterium would be isolated, shaped, confined, treated, balanced, or moved
without magnetic confinement. Farnsworth' s solution to reactant confinement was elegant, simple,
inexpensive, and highly efficient. He designed a new and dramatically original tube which he named
"The Fusor". This was the summation of a lifetime' s discoveries and development. I believe it is the most
advanced electron power tube ever designed.
The Fusor is a device which produces controllable hot fusion reactions and does not utilize magnetic
confinement. The design is a radical departure from all the designs of its time frame. The Fusor is
comprised of a spherical anode which concentrically surrounds a cathode. A plurality of ion guns are
mounted on the anode exterior in spherically spaced and diametrically aligned relationship so that their
beam axes intersect at the cathode center. Ions from the guns are propelled and focused into the center of
the cathode. This establishes in the cathode interior a series of concentric spherical sheaths of alternating
maxima and minima potentials: the "virtual electrodes".
Ions never touch any surfaces in these tubes. Magnets are never needed. The ions which "fall" into the
center-most virtual electrode have fusion energies, and are contained at a density sufficient to produce
fusion reactions. Charged particles are literally compressed into the required density in the central
region by the process of inertial containment ... a term in the art which Farnsworth first coined.
Oscillating ions are concentrically gathered in a series of charge sheaths which conform to the optically
focussed fields and which represent the distributed kinetic energies of ions in the poissor. Potential
escaping prereactive ions encounter successive electrostatic repulsions until they are forced back into
their center. The Fusor System proved stable throughout its forgotten seven year research history.
With developed potentials of sufficiently high magnitude the fusion reaction can be sustained and
controlled at will. Furthermore, fusion energy produces powerfully escaping nuclei which perform work
against the anode field. This ionic pressure augments the applied field and appearing as a dramatic surge
in field strength: one that may be directly harnessed and used in external loads as electrical power.
The fears of a "runaway reaction" were handled in the natural
equilibrium maintained by the poissor core structure ... as stars self
maintain their output by expanding and reducing plasma density.
Poissors were found to be remarkably resilient and resistive to
instabilities. Farnsworth solved the confinement and conversion
problems in one design. The field symmetries and process involved in
achieving this variety of hot fusion seems macro-analogous to those
characteristics being now explored in "cold" fusion.
On October 8, 1960, the Mark I produced a steadystate neutron
count when deuterium was admitted into the device with very low
power application. The central feature during these tests was not the
neutron count itself. What was sought in these tests lay in the control
of the reaction under increasing power application. Farnsworth
established and charted increasing neutron counts with increasing
application of electrostatic power. It is suggested that the reader
obtain and study copies of the Fusor (patent 3,386,883).


With deuterium gas in the Mark II Model 2 Fusor a count exceeding 50 Mneutrons cc/sec was recorded
at 80 Kv. and 30 rnA. input. This device produced 1.3 G-neutrons/sec. in a sustained reaction for more
than one minute. These reactions were stable, completely under the operator' s control, and could be
On October 5, 1965 the Fusor Mark IIModel 6 was tested. A reconfigured, highprecision ion gun
arrangement produced l Gneutrons cc/see at
20 Kv. and 1 mA .... a record achievement. On
December 28, 1965 tritium was admitted into
the test chamber ... producing 2.6 Gneutrons/sec. at 105 Kv. and 45 mA.. With a
mixture of tritium and deuterium on the very
next day Dr. Farnsworth' s team measured and
recorded 6.2 G-neutrons/sec. at 170 Kv..
The Mark III Fusor produced startling high
records in quick succession. By the start of
196.5 the team was routinely measuring 15.5
G-neutrons/sec. at 150 Kv and 70 mA.. The
final problem to be tackled involved the
poissor itself. Self-containing and tightly
layered, the fusion poissor would not admit
fuel into its core once the reaction had begun.
It must be remembered that this Fusor was softballsized. A Fusor having a diameter of just one meter
would permit greater ignition power for a smaller time period ... while multiplying output power
Dr. Farnsworth reported that his team achieved a selfsustaining reaction on several occasions ... and
could repeat the effect. He once invited his wife to watch a testrun of this feat. As power was applied to
the Fusor the neutronreading meter achieved a steady threshold and there remained ... until a slight
increment of power was applied. Then the needle went off the scale. Dr. Farnsworth cut the applied
power ... but the needle remained in place for thirty seconds or more as the reaction continued.
ITT gradually absorbed the entire project. All related patents were assigned to ITT as success was
achieved in steady steps. While steady progress was being achieved at a modest cost (examine the
photographs), lTT was being influenced by powerful professionally hired "opinion makers" to drop
fusion research. Suddenly even Wall Street analysts were publishing their "concerns" for ITT and its
absorption of the Farnsworth subsidiary. Farnsworth himself was made the focus of every corporate
death-word. These outlandish accusations indelibly remain in newspapers from the time period.
The suppression and assassination of technology is historically the response of frightened competitors ...
response to an impending breakthrough which might wipe out competitors. Crowd pleasing
philanthropists become predators when possible usurpers appear.
Piercing voices appeared from everywhere against Farnsworth. A large reception at the Waldorf was
astir with executive unrest concerning the Farnsworth research project While dressing, Farnsworth
suffered a mild stroke. The AEC was mounting the nuclear fission race and the "antifusion" race
simultaneously ... and using every tactic to achieve total dominance of the energy field. He was relieved of
his research project


The effect of such disappointment upon those whose lives and hopes are involved in such research is
never superficial. In them ride the dreams of whole societies and futures. Those who harm such
individuals do not survive in the long run. The price for the dreamer, however, is dear. Dr. Farnsworth
suffered another stroke on a plane ride back home. He then retired to convalesce.
Survivalism among academicians is no less savage and ruthless than among other groups with whom we
more often associate base behavior. There are those who use projects in "throw away" fashion just to
survive. There are those whose jaded personalities have taken a survivalistic stance and already accept
that hot fusion is a deadend ... but a steady income.
This kind of pessimism in the scientific field promotes status-quo technology and eventually blocks He
paths toward adventure arid discovery wherever and whenever it can. Unfulfilled minds become
pessimistic. Unchecked pessimism becomes maliciousness.
The true and original artists of contemporary science are difficult to name except for those in radical
technological ventures. It is rare today to find that kind of explosive scientific development which
absolute saturates Victorian journals between 1880 and 1910. Yet we recognize that our Victorian
mentors were responsible for the paths upon which we are now traveling.
More radical discovery and technology were forged during the Victorian time period than is actually
engaged today. Science also seems to have great difficulty in making simple assertive statements as did
our forebears ... who produced a far greater weight of accomplishments. Science speaks of "statistical
agreement" and "reasonably close correlations". Not one individual is willing or able to simply say "yes"
or "no".
I was not surprised when scores of noncommittal authority pleasing academicians came forward to refute
new hydrogen energy. It was rather like watching reflexive behavior in laboratory animals. I believe the
next regulatory step will be to ban the production of these designs and devices outright. We should be
prepared for the corporate onslaught. I personally believe that we should take our options as global
citizens ... and cultivate the new technology among disadvantaged nations.
One observes that the scientific community automatically digests potential possibilities whenever new
unexpected discoveries manifest themselves. This again is that rigid kind of scientific dogmatism which
holds forth the graven image of "the model" before the truth. The cultivation of new discovery is an
unknown art in our day ... except among a rare few.
What is "unexpected discovery"? Is it not the piercing reminder that theoretical models can never
replace or truly confine natural reality? Yet there are those who have inwardly replaced reality with the
model ... and defend the model to the death. The bright light of any natural anomaly or unexpected
discovery is hated precisely because it is feared. The model for many scientific personnel is secretly their
"lifeline" ... their mantra. These personalities are easy to identify. Unfortunately, in positions of power,
they are formidable dissuaders of new technologies.
Newly recognized phenomena and unexpected anomalies distinguish natural reality from all models. The
trained scientific historian scours the sometimes rotting refuse of discarded periodicals with particular
regret In these discarded stacks lie observations of enormous scope which were faithfully committed by
their discoverers to the academic storehouse in hopes that these would be honored, evaluated, and
admixed into newer awareness.


Why is unexpected discovery feared and hated by financial dynasties ? New technology spell. ruin for
those whose statusquo policy has eliminated them from the competitive race. Most very wealthy
individuals are never passionate Makers. Neither are they true philanthropists. While removing the
future on the one hand they make publicly acclaimed contributions on the other. The banal misuse of
powerful positions wields control to stop progress.
Regulating what discoveries are "permissible" precedes limiting "what can be known". In other words
the control of discovery precedes the control of knowledge. The control of knowledge precedes the control
of awareness. Mod of the world' s greatest scientific potentials lie tragically forgotten in libraries
throughout the world. It is indeed remarkable to discover forgotten scientific history in the journals and
patent registers because such hinds" often answer current technological problems from a more
fundamental level than is imagined. The libraries themselves are being systematically gleaned and old
"inadmissible" knowledge is being eradicated.
Several purposes underscore this paper. The first is recounting the story of Dr. Farnsworth' s Fusor. The
second concerns knowledge forgotten. We must never take the study and preservation of archival records
lightly. The third aim encourages realization concerning "undefeatable" problems: they are intended to
stop our progress along false paths. The fourth purpose lies in understanding the social ramifications of
social dreams, new energy, new technology, and the corporate regulators of these social energies. The
fifth is purely scientific: new hydrogen energy has produced tiny poissors in the solid state (Iyengar,
The advent of new hydrogen energy research represents a natural phenomenon of unprecedented
magnitude ... a sociological event. Here we find ourselves in possession of devices which operate on tap
water ... and which produce prodigious amounts of heat with insignificant electrical stimuli! The need for
palladium metal is not always a strict requirement ... titanium and even nickel suffice under certain
A mystical belief of mine deals with the suppression of truth by corporate regulators ... and the global
consequences of such suppression. Discovery itself is a phenomenon. Discoveries are granted as tools of
survival against future needs on behalf of our race.
Of discovery I may say that suppression and manipulation results in an unstoppable reaction ... the
frightening release of newer, simpler technologies in every corner of the world. This phenomenal
dispersion so assaults wouldbe controllers that no one regulator may ever seize, quench, or destroy the
new technological species.
There are new discoveries to be made everywhere ... they never cease appearing. As stars which appear
in the blackness of space, so too the miracle of discovery endlessly manifests. This new energy revolution
is itself a phenomenon ... and win yield to those who pursue it the promise fulfilled.


The Floyd Sweet Vacuum Triode Amplifier Experiments

I have heard for some time about the Floyd Sweet Vacuum triode experiments of which I have seen a small
video on the internet of the device in operations but I afraid like most devices claiming overunity details appear
and often incomplete. The following likewise is no different.
The following is copied from a paper from the Space Energy Journey and as I saw no copyright information on
the information , so I reproduce some of it, for the benefit of others.
The edition is the Volume VI Issue II June 1995 .Editor Jim Ketter and consultant Don Kelly
May 18 1995
The accompany data describes the Mark II V.T.A unit which is generally based on the previous VTA project of
This present Mark II variation of the V.T.A concept is quite interesting since the input and output coils are at
right angles to each other which may be a significant and useful departure from the previous designs.
Builders of the present Mark II unit must be advised that Sparky' s data here may be filled with errors and flaws,
and most of the specifications must be started up from scratch.
We are not quite sure why Sparky presents such Flaws in his Data releases, but they are so glaring as to defy
description and make us question the value of this project work, at this point!
An example of such flaws are the input coil data, ie, 250 turns of #20 gauge (assumed) magnet wire, which
make a coil length of 8 inches long.
The core material is not specified but presumed to be thin gauge iron or steel to provide a continuous magnetic
field between the magnets.
When one tries to fit in this 8" long coil into the specified rectangular -- aluminium tube, we run into trouble
,and must make changes.
Obviously ,if the first modification is selected ,this 250 turn, #18 gauge wire more the core length 8" long coil
which further aggregates the "aluminium shield " problem. It appears practical to build an aluminium sheet box
in a rectangular form within the two magnetic plates.
The Status of this project work as of August 97 the web master has no additional information to add
(maybe some one can enlighten me) apart from that below.
One CA. researcher has built this Mark II unit and found the coil resistances to be much higher than noted, and
therefore noted voltages much lower than stated.
The Mark II unit here has not yet been tested, but it is now imperative that we get to the bottom of this Mark II
concepts , so we can either praise it, or throw it out, so that no further time wasted on it.


The Mark II device used two Barium Ferrite 6" by 4" by 1" magnets and a single input and output coil, Sparky
did not indicate any mention that magnet conditioning was required.

Details from Lab notes of first successful tests

Original Test Setup
Signal generator used to drive exciter coil (Wavetek U.S.A)
Exciter coil 1.5" diameter 120 turns #20 gauge ( resistance ~1ohm)
output coil 1.5 " diameter #12 gauge.
Input 7.5 volts x 3.1u amps =23 u watts
Output 10.4 volts x 1.84 = 19.15 watts approx 400Hz


Frequency generally affected resistive 1.8 amp 200 watt bulb load proportionally- brightness increased with
frequency ,decreased with frequency except at certain points when it appeared inversely related ,increasingly as
frequency decreased etc.
First Modifications
The Signal generator was replaced with a purpose built Sine Wave Oscillator of nine volts output. The exciter
coil was increased to 250 turns #18 gauge (1.024) and the output coil was increased to 24 turns of #8 gauge
(1.024).magnets, spacing etc. all remained the same.
Input =7.2 volts by 143 uamps =.001watts
Output 24.2 volts by 4.6 amps =111watts frequency 388 and 402 Hz
by increasing the area of the wire exposed to/or occupying the fluctuating magnetic field the output was
doubled. Exact proportions/ratios of the space filling volume of windings to output have not yet been
Magnet size seems to be secondary to volume of the windings wire, diameter, input voltage and current.
Current limited by wire impedance only rises dramatically in the field to several hundred kohm from
impedance external to the field of 2-3 @ 400 hz (250 turns #18 (1.0mm)
AC excitation current is only required to support I2R losses the magnetic field requires no power, is not loaded
by wires passing through field etc.
Whole unit ran 10 -12 hours with no heating but no longer duration tests were performed.
Test were witnessed by three people.
Technical Notes.
Quality of oscillator is important- there should be no harmonic distortion ie. pure sine wave output.
Signal diode divides the current into the circuit, being parallel -puts a small microamp current into the power
coil as well as the excitation coil. This works with the magnets in such a way that there is produced a vector
Bulbs vibrate in close proximity to the magnets.


In earlier units
It may be also true that previous magnetic were conditioned in s special way by have three coils wound right
to each other as shown in the diagram above but can not proving each way.
If the following is true it seems that there was a need to create a special bubble in the permanent magnet that
was made of barium Ferrite of maybe grade 5 or grade 8 spaced 3 inches apart.
Apparently it may be difficult to obtain these type of magnets today as they have been with drawn from general
It seems a high electrical pulse was needed in coils A and B to bring the P/magnet into this condition
After the conditioning this device was left running for several hours but power output was know to vary
depending on time of day.
It seems the output coil consist of 20 gauge magnetic consisting of several hundred turns with a large resistance
component. .It is assumed not confirmed that the coils are bifilar wound with current flowing in opposite
The conditioning process also seems to determine the operating frequency.
One interesting side effect noticed as well with other machines is they tend to run cold suggesting this is a
different type of power with the effects obtained with normal electricity.
It is also reported that 9 volts was enough to get the unit to output power.
If anyone as additional information I would like to hear about it.
I also believe the operation of this device has similarities to the Swiss ML machine.


This following text is copied from

Delivered-To: mailing list
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 08:39:59 GMT
Subject: [jlnlabs] A way to programmed magnet
Hi All
A way to programmed magnet by Don Watson.
(this is only a part of the article, you will find the rest of it at: Text from:
Sweet VTA, ISNE and miscellany - 06/15/97
In fact, Don Watson said the magnet to be programmed was to be excited between two plates that were charged
with at least 20KV (DC or AC). This would cause a ' ringing' in the barium which would last for upwards of 15
During that time, the magnet could be subjected to a sharp pulse at roughly 260 degrees of a 60 cps sinewave.
He said this was based on his own experiments and seemed to get the best results.
Why would I believe Don Watson? Because he showed me two magnets, both 4" X 6" by 1/2" thick. One was
' programmed' , the other was not.
Using a piece of magnetic field line viewing plastic to view the unprogrammed magnet, I could clearly see the
south pole on one face and the north pole on the other face, separated at the middle of the 1/2" magnet width by
the Bloch wall.
However, in the programmed magnet, the south pole did not stop at the midpoint, but wrapped up onto the face
of the north pole section, extending inward from the edge by about 1/4". That is where the Bloch wall HAD
It was like altering the duty cycle of a square wave, where a normal magnet would be analogous to a
North/South relationship of 50:50, the programmed magnet was something like 30:70. Quite amazing!
Additionally, there was a bubble within the top North pole face, looking much like an air bubble in water
covered by plastic. And when you put another magnet near this bubble, IT MOVED away, just like pressing on
a sheet of plastic to move the captive air bubble.


Don said the programming did not always take, but that you could just do it again, using the same magnet until
it did. Also that some magnets were imperfect, having internal fractures not visible without using the magnetic
viewing plastic.
The slabs were also sensitive to shock or outside stimulus which would kill the programmed effect and
necessitate the magnet being reprogrammed.


The Poynting Flow Thruster v2.0

Towards the deep space...
By Jean-Louis Naudin
created on August 22th, 1999 - JLN Labs - Last update August 22th, 1999

The PFT v2.0 is a working mock-up of a future spaceship which uses the motion of an asymmetrical
Poynting Flow for generating a thrust.
" During a charging process of a flat capacitor, the Poynting vector ( S=ExH ) comes from outside the
capacitor towards the wire connections, parallel to the surface of the armatures inside the dielectric medium.
There is an energy flow directly proportional to ExB. This energy is not provided by the wires but comes
from the surrounding space around the capacitor. ( ref: "The Feynman Lectures on Physics :
Electromagnetism vol2, Chap: 27-5, fig 27-3" by Addison-Wesley Publishing company. ) "

An asymmetrical energy flow during the charging process of a flat capacitor is able to generate a
thrust, this has been fully demonstrated with the PFT v1.0 experiment.


Experimental setup: The PFT v2.0 is based on a cylindrical capacitor ( a kind of Leyden bottle ). The
apparatus has been tethered horizontaly with nylon wires on a specialy balanced equipement. The outer
aluminum armature has been connected to the +30 kV DC generator through a thin copper wire and held
just in the main axis with a plexiglas cone. A copper shaft placed on the main axis linked to the inner
armature has been connected to 0 Volt. ( see the detailled pictures below )



.Tests Results (08-22-99) : When the +30kV DC High Voltage generator is switched on, the PFT v2.0
begins to set in motion and continues to turn continuously ( see below, the video of the demonstration ).
Now, the PFT v2.0 is a fully working mock-up of a simple spaceship and it proves definitely that an
asymetrical Poynting flow in motion is able to generate a thrust.


RealVideo of the PFT v1.0 demonstration 1 with comments (381kb)

RealVideo of the PFT v1.0 demonstration 2 (71kb)

( if you don' t have the RealPlayer 5.0, you may download it freely at : )
See also :



Schaubergers inventions
Victor Schauberger and the spiral flow.

If you think about it for a while ,you can I am sure you can think of many ways that nature uses a
spiral pattern. To the conical windings of sea shells ,the spiral patterns of stellar galaxies and even
to ourselves with our RNA and DNA structures in our bodies.
All the storms that ravage our planet from time to time are spiral in pattern, be they
hurricanes,twisters or whirly winds that can be seen in rural Australia.
In the northern tropics of Australia the sea takes up the readily available solar energy.
Whirling sea current starts a circular uplift of heated vapour and in no time a cyclone with the full
fury of powerfull forces coming from within to maintain the storm and then some energy left over
to cause massive damage as well as residents of Darwin Australia knew when Cyclone Tracy nearly
destroyed it.
You must be familiar with the water flow out of bath tub down the drain plug spiralling in different
directions depending on which part of this planet you are on.
You may have even emptied liquid from a bottle by shaking it to form a vortex and noticed it
emptied quicker than if you had not..
It takes only a small amount of energy to get the vortex going but with the aid of gravity the mini
cyclone continues until the bottle is emptied.


An unknown American inventor built and patented a water ram pump from information involving
the spiral flow which he claims to have gleamed from a visit to the Egyptian Pyramid.
There may yet be a truth in the old laundry detergent advertisement of a white tornado in a bottle
admittedly a big one.
Mankind only real attempt to utilise the spiral is in weapons of destruction by using a rifled barrel
in arms ordinance to give flight stability and distance accuracy.

A man by the name of Victor Schauberger a pre world war one timber worker saw great potential in
the spiral flow.
Victor being a keen observer of nature in the forest often noticed things that others did not.
He often saw lights at night in the rushing streams of his native Bavaria and was puzzled as to what
they could be. Until he reasoned that they were the rocks being in impacted with one another.
When he told others they did not believe him until he took from a shelf some rocks and placed them
into a bucket of tap water. He took the bucket and the rocks into a dark place and reproduced what
he had seen in the forest to astonished witnesses.
The Timber department where he was working had an economy drive and needed a means on how
to improve their transportation of logs from the forest which up to then had been carried out by
teams of oxen.
Victor suggested using the forest streams to transport the logs and estimated a saving of ninety
The engineering experts were negative and pointed out that the logs they were cutting were oak and
beech not know for their ability to float.
But the forester knew that on the cold Bavarian nights his idea would work. Some how over coming
the opposition of the experts he convinced the owner to give him a chance to prove his idea.
He built water shutes and put in wooden slats to spiral the water flow in a manner similar to a rifle
When logs were inserted into shutes the logs spun around their axis and moved like bullets without
touching sides of the shutes.
The idea proved very successful.


During World War two Victor Schauberger was interned in a nazi concentration camp and was
forced to work on a flying disk project using his ideas. It is not known by this author if the project
was completed or if the saucers actually flew.
After World War two Victor migrated to the United States on promises by various agencies to help
him develop his ideas . Those promises later proved to be hollow.
At one time he was committed to mental institution but by the timely interventions of trusted
friends he was released with his sanity intact. Victor returned to Europe in 1958 and died soon
This man may have died but some of his ideas remain. He suggested that we look at the cooling
cycle and not always be focused on the waste heat produced from our devices.
The explosive force we now use to provide energy such as in the automotive combustion cycle, for
example tends to be harmful to the environment, Whilst the implosion equivalent may not if it can
be found. We should be working with the laws of natural forces instead of using wasted energy to
oppose them.


The Water tornado machine as illustrated.

This is a machine Victor may have constructed to generate electricity. A small electric motor drives
a conical center piece which has a large water inlet.
and forces the water out through several spiral arms.

As the device spins a centrifugal force raises the water level The arms nearly reach to the outer
limits of containment vessel and a recoil action is produced when the water sprayed out comes into
contact with a wavy or rippled steel ring.
The water then flows back to collection area by means of gravity.


The centrifugal force in the spiral arms creates a reduction in pressure on bottom part and this leads
to great efficiency.
As the device spins a centrifugal force raises the water level Them spiral arms were said to look
like a wild animals harmonic spiral horns thick at the base and coming to a thin point at each end.

When the machine was running the generator was then switched on line.

Clean Air Machine.

This another spiral device but uses the shape of an oval egg.
Soilt air is introduced from the side and combined with water that the reduced pressure draws from
the bottom via a tube . The spiral flow in the tube cleans the air with water which flows back to the
base. Clean air then exits from the top.

The Wind Tornado machine with a Mega watt.


James Yen working for the Amerian company Grumman Aerospace estimates a turbine of only six
feet in diameter could give a mega watt where as normally a conventional one of two hundred feet
would be needed
The concrete silo as illustrated has an open top and is open to one side. A electric motor could be
switched on to begin the whirlwind and once the swirling action had begun could be reduced in
speed or taken off line.
An air flow enters from the top of the tower and the air is forced to whirl because of the way the
tower is constructed. When the air flow is whirling a reduction in air pressure is caused Air coming
from the bottom is drawn into the vaccum and in doing so drives a air turbine generator.
Experiments with wind tunnels seem to confirm this idea will perform as expected.
We may let get to see a spiral action in generation of our power needs if scientific establishment is
ready to seriously look at it.

The above photograph is an interesting experiment in that a egg is made to rotate in a stream of running water.
These too I believe could be used to provide a basis for a turbine design.
For those that wish to perform the experiemnt here are some detials.
The has small holes drilled out at both end.
Choose an end and blow the yolk and contents out of the bottom end.
Thread a string though the two ends and tie a knot at bottom end so that the egg shell cannot come off.
Place a sticker on the egg shell so that you see the egg rotate.
and finally place in a flowing stream from a garden hose.
If water is directed from above and is sufficient in strength you may see the egg shell rise up against the water



The Repulsin !

Among Viktor Schaubergers machines there is no one like the Repulsin or the flying saucer that
has created such myths and stories. The basic designs are from the mid thirties when he tried to
finish the Climator. Often mysterious material acting as catalysts are used in the devices.
Different light and sound phenomena are also reported from people that claim that they had been
eye witnesses to these flying devices. A most peculiar thing is that they seem to be very difficult
to control, as they have a habit of smashing into the ceiling, and after that, being irreparable.
Viktor himself claimed that powerful diamagnetic forces were responsible for the enormous
effect. However, in the literature and in Viktors own notebooks there is no evidence, if and if so
how these devices worked. The question is, are all these rumours true ? Do these devices really
work ?
Well, what we can see from the few pictures that exist is that there seems to be some kind of
turbine, shaped as a double flat membrane with concentric rills on it. If you compare to the wave
pattern you get when you throw a stone into a small pond you will comprehend better what I
mean. However, the wave pattern on the upper membrane had a small difference in the phase
compared to the lower membrane. On the edge rim, turbine vanes are mounted, probably acting
as a source of power for both self rotation and even for the generation of power. The double
membrane was probably co-rotating as four bolts that fix them together, can be observed.
In the pictures we can also see that there is some kind of body, a bowl shaped plate that is bend
over the membrane whose outlet can be found inside the rim foil. Together, the rim foil (the
metal band around the lower rim) and the outlet form a Venturi "tube". An air intake can be seen
on the top of the device. Unfortunately, one important component is missing on the top. This
component should "pre-form" the air so it starts to twist before it enters the double membrane.
This component had a similar shape as a sea shell. Viktor said that this device was never built as
it is very difficult to produce a thing with such a complex geometry. In the book Living Water
(by Olof Alexandersson) a colloid solution of very fine grained quartz crystal and water is
mentioned as a catalyst for the process.
Repulsin type B, inner part of air inlet removed.


So, if we start to think for a while. Lets say that this device really worked, it really did take off!
How would it work ?
Consider what probably happens in the machine:
- The air is sucked through the intake where it is pre-formed into a vortice containing vortices
within vortices shaped as long threads rotating around their axis.In my opinion the double
membrane was not co-rotating. If they where not counter rotating, one of the was fixed,
probably the upper membrane and the lower rotating on the driving axis. A description on what
happens is given on the wind mill page.
- Briefly the air threads start to spin faster and faster around their axis driven by the difference in
speed between the membranes. As the air reaches longer out on the membrane, the peripherical
speed increases along with the radius and so does the angular speed of the air threads.
- During the passage between the double membrane the air has to pass cavities where the volume
sometimes is bigger and sometimes is smaller due to the difference in phase between the upper
and the lower membrane. When the air passes a narrow cavity it gets extra energy input and
when it passes a larger cavity it is allowed to expand.
- The "air threads" are twisted along their axis in a smaller and smaller radius leading to an
increase of the angular speed. As the air reaches further out, closer to the rim, the threads start to
bend due to the increasing peripherical speed. When the air passes the different cavities it starts
to pulsate in a rhythm that is depending on the angular speed of the disc. Huge forces are
generated when all these degrees of freedom are harmonised into a symphony.
However, it is not necessary to use unknown theories as the diamagnetic forces to explain how
the powerful lift is generated. Of course this can be the explanation, the future will show us if
this is the case. As for the colloid solution of fine grained quartz and water, one can imagine that
huge amounts of piezo electricity is produced between the membranes, where the pulsating and
twisting air containing small amounts of the solution is passing. At a certain rotation speed we
have reached the level where we have "harmony" and the air is "self pulsating" and generating
electricity that "pumps" up the energy level. What actually happens in this process in certainly
unknown! But, high levels of static electricity have been reported in similar devices connected to
the ZPE-area. ZPE stands for zero point energy or vacuum energy which is the idea of an


unknown field of energy existing in vacuum. Read more about this phenomena! In several
proposals of propulsion devices, for flying saucers high electric energy levels are also used. As
an example we have David Hamels flying disk, You can read about it here. It could be that the
diamagnetism that Viktor Schauberger mentioned, is the same phenomena or physical principle
that is proposed in these propulsion devices. In Viktors lessons he always talked about two
important things:
"You shall always remember two things. First, remember how the rivers are meandering.
Second, remember the electrophorus (or Kelvins thunderstorm ) experiments!"
As I mentioned before there is one (at least) more explanation on why Viktor Schaubergers
machine took off with such power. It might be explained by "normal" aerodynamics and a
phenomena named the Coanda effect. Very brief the Coanda effect is the phenomena when a
flowing media tends to "stick" to a curved surface, You can read a biography of Henri Coanda
here. If we take a closer look on the bowl shaped plate, we realise that it is a circular wing.
When the air is rushing out inside the foil or the metal band that can be seen on the lower rim of
the device it creates a sub pressure just over the foil.
The surrounding air is sucked inside the foil and with the air from the membranes. This
generates a sub pressure over the device and the device is "hanging" in it. You could say that it
is an inverted hovercraft. But instead of creating a pressure under the craft You create a sub
pressure over it. Basically it is the same, it is only a matter of pressure differences. The sub
pressure is modest but as we have a large area we also get a huge lifting force. There is one more
way to create the sub pressure over the craft. You can let the air blow out on the top instead.

When the twisted air follows the Coanda surface it sweeps down the surrounding air and we get
the sub pressure this way. If You want to read more about the Coanda effect follow this link or
this link. On this page You can read a lot about different applications and a very interesting new
type of fan, the Jet Fan.
The principle of the "flats and angles" (type 1) is demonstrated in the picture above and below,


where I have built a small (250 mm diameter, 80 mm high) prototype of the Jet Fan type (type1).
I have also "rebuilt" my vacuum cleaner so it is blowing instead (my wife demanded a new one
). The air blows out through a special nozzle so it forms a "disk" of blowing air (see picture

When the nozzle with the "air disk" is placed close to the top, we can simulate what is
happening on type 1.

As You can see in the picture above, the silk threads follow the air flow shoving the path.

Oh Yes, It works !
In Boston people have started to perform other types of Coanda "flying saucers".


The Malmgroup will continue their work during 1998 with further testing of these ideas. We
proposed a model of the membrane turbine and will continue to shape the moulds so we can
multiply the membranes. A section of the body will also be designed as a test rig where it will be
possible to test different profiles of the body and different types of nozzles and other things
related to the device. We will also present the results on this page, please continue to check the
site. I will write in the "whats new section" when there is more info.

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