Passerotto - Little Sparrow

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Son solo un passerotto,

un umile uccellino.
La mia vita vale poco,
ma il Signore mi

I am only a little sparrow,
A bird of low degree;
My life is of little value,
But the dear Lord cares
for me.
I know there are many sparrows
All over the world they are found;
But our heavenly Father knows
When one of us falls to the ground.
Son tanti al mondo i passeri:
non sono certo il solo,
ma il nostro Padre sa
se uno cade al suolo.
Though small, we are
never forgotten;
Though weak we are
never afraid;
For we know that the
dear Lord
The life of the
creatures He made.
Piccoli, non siam
deboli, non
abbiam timore,
perch il Padre ci
tutti gli stiamo a
I am only a
little sparrow,
A bird of low degree;
But I know that the
Father loves me,
Do you know of His
love for thee?
Son solo un
ma mi sento al
sicuro, perch
io so che il Padre
mi ama.
Lo sai che ama
anche te?
Photo credits:

Page 1 Wikimedia Commons
Page 2 Acid Pix via Flickr
Page 3 Wikimedia Commons
Page 4 Wikimedia Commons
Page 5 Wikimedia Commons
Page 6 Wikimedia Commons

Stories for children

Poem author unknown.

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