Ultimo Int. Suor Genoveffa Puccini

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SISTER ANGELICA SUORA ANGELICA greet thee? Deathtakeme to thy bos - — om. ard aire? Quando po-trd mo. ri 7 re? poco rit. a tempo = voll SISTER ANGELICA SUORA ANGELICA — When shall I find re - lease andcome tu Quan. do po tra mo. rt. re, po.trs mo poco rit. dim. e rall. molto pee es * aia r f SISTER ANGELICA SUORA ANGELICA (as in a trance) (come in estast) Ah,tellthy motherdearest of all thee, love? Dillo alla mamma, crea. tu . ra -Ti - re? calmo Scansionato con CamScanner 22 SISTER ANGELICA ‘SUOR ANGELICA __———. _—_ pp children, can’stthounot tellher by the stars so ra — diant? bel - la, con un leg-ge-roscintil.lar di stel - la: 7 SISTER ANGELICA * SUOR ANGELICA dim: SISTER ANGELICA ‘SUOR ANGELICA SISTER GENEVIEVE |SUOR GENOVIEFFA Speak tome, speak tome, "ar. lami, par. lami, my lov’done, mylov'done, my love! a. mo. re, a.mo-re,’ a. mor! (The lanterns are now all lighted in the cemetery;the cloisters are almost in complete darkness.The Sisters come out of the graveyard two by two, and draw near to Sister Angelica who is now absorbed in ecstasy. In the Penombra it seems as if the white - clad figures scarcely touch the ground as they walk along) (1 lumi del cimitero sono tutti acces ‘Suore escono dal cimitero ¢ si avviano verso Suor Angelica che ¢ come in estasi, gruppo delle Suore si avvicina in silensio. Nella semiascu. rita sembra ehe le figure Bianche, comminando, non tocchino terra.) itekiostro 2 ormai quasi oscuro. Le Be comforted si-ster,I pray you, our So . rel la, 0 buo.na so.rel. la, la Andanting J = 88_ 121042 Scansionato con CamScanner 83 SISTER GENEVIEVE SCOR GENOVIEFFA . ==: At == J + Lad-y has heard your en-trea-ties. Ver.ginehaaccol . to la pre - ce. CHORUS OF SISTERS (come) }CORO DI SUORE (atewne) SSS SS Be comforted Sister, I pray you, Our Bare te con.ten.ta, so-ret. la, la = 4. = = = 1 { SS S55 | $e $_a2_|ts te a (with’ mystical exaltation but SISTER ANGELICA ‘without emphasis) SUOR ANGELICA (in una esaltasione mistica, ‘ma senza enfasi) Her La 4 Lady will bless you and keep you. Ver. gine ha fatto la gra. xia. te SISTER ANGELICA SUOR ANGELICA grace hath des.cend-ed up - on gra.ziaée di.sce .sa dal cie (64) Moderato con moto J =72 me, bringing peace passing all un-der- | - b, gid tut . ta, gid tut. ta mac. — t01612 Scansionato con CamScanner

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