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Student Name : <b>ashish rajput</b><br>Exam Name : <b>Maharashtra

2014</b><br><table width="700" cellpadding=3 align=center style="border:solid 1px

black; border-collapse:collapse; font-family:Verdana; font-size:small "><tr
valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#050d1a;color:white;"><td width="30"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse "><b>S.No.</b></td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse
"><b>Question</b></td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse "><b>Options</b></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse "><b>Correct</b></td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse
"><b>Explain</b></td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">1</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Direct Coombs test detects</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Antigen in
serum<br><br>B: Antibodies on RBC surface<br><br>C: Antigen on RBC
surface<br><br>D: Antibodies in serum<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">The direct coombs test is
used to detect IgG antibodies that have bound to Rh antigen on fetal RBCs as a test
for hemolytic disease of the newborn, This disorder occurs when Rhnegative mother
is carrying an Rh positive child however hemolytic diseas of the newborn is not
usually a problem for the first born child and usually seen in second
pregnanacy.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">2</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Invasive
squamous cell carcinoma is differentiated from Carcinoma ¡n situ b</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A:
Penetration of basement membrane<br><br>B: Number of mitotic figures<br><br>C:
Increased in size of cells<br><br>D: Nuclear pleomorphism<br><br></td><td
width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Penetration
of basement membrane: Microinvasive carcinoma represent sqaumouc carcinoma into the
underlying submucosal compartment. There is no uniformity among pathologists as to
how histologically define MIC. The various histologic definitions of MIC include
small number of cells below the basement membrane, invasion through the basement
membrane is limited to 1-2 mm without angioinvasion.</td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">3</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Leucopenia is seen in :</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Brucellosis<br><br>B:
Acute myocardial infarction<br><br>C: Typhoid<br><br>D: Diphtheria<br><br></td><td
width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Causes of
1)Allergic disorders: asthama, urticaria, edema, drug senitivity
20 Parasitic infections: Invasive helminth, trichonosis, echinoccocal infections,
3) Skin disorders like pemphigus, dermatitis herpetiformis
4)Hemophilic disorders: eosinophilia, luekemia, hodgkins disease, pernicious
anemia, polycythemia vera, eythema multiforme
5)Scarlet fever , typoid, chorea, chlymadia infections</td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">4</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">Clostridium tetani are following type of
bacteria</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Spore bearing aerobes<br><br>B: Non sporing
aerobes<br><br>C: Spore bearing anaerobes<br><br>D: Non sporing
anaerobes<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Clostridia comprise the gram positive spore bearing anaerobic
some of them decompose protein and may form exotoxins.</td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">5</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Common cause of diarrhoea in AIDS cases is
due to</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse
">A: Plasmodium falciparum<br><br>B: Cryptosporidium<br><br>C: Ascaris
lumbricoides<br><br>D: Taenia solium<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Crypotosporidosis is a
common cause of diarhea in patients with AIDS but remain one of the most
challenging AID related conditions to treat. Paromycin appeared to be an active and
well tolerated treatment for cryptosporidosis in patients with AIDS.</td></tr><tr
valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td width="30"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">6</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Process in which the
hardness of a metal increases during cold working is</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Annealing<br><br>B:
Coring<br><br>C: Work hardening<br><br>D: Homogenizing<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse "></td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">7</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Sharpey’s fibres are seen in</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Acellular
extrinsic fibre cementum<br><br>B: Cellular intrinsic fibre ccmentum<br><br>C:
Acellular tibrillar cementum<br><br>D: None of the above<br><br></td><td
width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Reference:
Orbans hisotology and embryology 13th edition, pg 156
Explanation: Acellular extrinsic fibre cementum: contains sharpeys fibres and
lacks cels. Produced by fibroblasts and cementoblasts . Found in cervical third of
roots.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">8</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Duct of
Rivinus is associated with</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A: Parotid gland<br><br>B: Submandibular gland<br><br>C:
Sublingual gland<br><br>D: Minor salivary gland<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Reference: Essentials if
medical physiology, Sembulingam, 6th ed, pg 224
Explanation: Ducts :
Parotid gland: Stensons duct
Submaxillary: Whartons duct
Sublingual: Duct of rivinus/bartholin</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">9</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">At the age of nine years, the mandibular permanent first
molar has Its distal contact with with h the following teeth ?</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: First
premolar<br><br>B: Second premolar<br><br>C: Deciduous 2nd molar<br><br>D:
None<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">At age 9 Mandibular 1st molar have not establised distal
contact</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">10</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">The position
of maximum intercuspation of upper and lower teeth is referred to as
centric</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: occlusion<br><br>B: relation<br><br>C: position<br><br>D:
bite<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">In centric occlusion there is maximum intercuspation of upper
and lower teeth when jaws are closed. It is in harmony with neuromuscular
mechanism.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">11</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">The Antiviral drug recommended for treatment of Herpes Zoster
Infection of trigeminal distribution in an Immunocompromised host is</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A:
Fomivirsen<br><br>B: Vidarabin<br><br>C: Famciclovir<br><br>D:
Entecavir<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Treatment for herpes infection of trigeminal nerve: 7-10 day
course of famicyclovir(500mg 3 rimes daily) or acyclovir (800 mg five times daily)
as wells as prednisone (60 mg daily for 3-5 days)</td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">12</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">Which of the following patient require ‘it B12
supplementation?</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Patient on strict vegetarian diet<br><br>B: Patient with
normal B 12 level having dementia<br><br>C: Patient with elevated Homocystein
level<br><br>D: General debility<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Strict vegeterains and vegans are at greater
risk of developing vit B12 deficiency because natural food sources of vit B 12 are
limited to animal foods. Fortified breakfast cereals are one of the few sources of
vit b12 from plants and can be used as a dietary source of vit b 12 for strict
vegeterain and vegans.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">13</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Which of the most appropriate cause of urinary stone formation?
</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A:
High urinary oxalate<br><br>B: Low urinary Mg<br><br>C: Low urinary
sodium<br><br>D: High urinary chloride<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Ref: The scientific basis
of urology, pg 182
Explanation: Types of kidney stones:
1) Calcium stones: calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. Ca oxalate may be caused
by hign calicum and oxalate secretion. Ca phosphate stones can be caused bu hign
urine Ca and alkaline urine.
2) Uric acid stones: When urine is persistently acidic, the uric acid becomes
concentrated in urine and settles to form a stone.
3) Struvite stones result from kidney infection.
4) Cystine stones result from a genetic disorder that causes cysteine to leak
through the kidneys and into the urine forming crystals that tend to accumulate to
stones.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">14</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Which of the
following is NOT a characteristic feature of sepsis?</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Temparature> 38°C or <
36°C<br><br>B: Heart rate> 90/mm<br><br>C: WBC count> 12000/mm2<br><br>D:
Respiratory rate 14-18/mm<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">Ref: Current diagnosis and treatment critical
care. 3rd ed
Explanation: Other options except D are features of sepsis.</td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">15</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">The following clinical presentation qualify
for the term “Severe Falciparum Malaria” EXCEPT</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Severe
anemia<br><br>B: Acidosis<br><br>C: Pulmonary oedema<br><br>D: High grade fever
with rigors<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Signs of severe falciparum malaria are respiratory distress,
seizures, coma, papilledema, pulmonary edema, acidemia, anemia, renal
failure.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">16</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Longer the
duration of the disease, the greater is its</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Incidence<br><br>B:
Both incidence & prevalence<br><br>C: Prevalence<br><br>D: None of the
above<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Ref: Public health dentistry, Soben Peter
Explanation: Disease occurrence affects prevalence. The greater the incidence of
the diseas the more people there are who have it.
Prevalence is also related to the length of time that a person has diseas. The
longer the duration of diseas the higher the prevalence.</td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">17</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">_________survey includes only the most
important subgroups In the population and only one or two index ages.</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A:
Pathfinder<br><br>B: Pilot<br><br>C: Urban<br><br>D: Rural<br><br></td><td
width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Pathfinder
surverys can be classified as either pilot or national , depending on the number of
sampling sites and age group or index ages included. A pilot survery is one that
includes only the most important subgroups in the population and only one or two
index ages usually 12 years and one another age group.</td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">18</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">The Index of Orthodontic Treatment Needs
(I.O.T.N.) was developed by_________ to link dentofacial variation to perceived
aesthetic impairment.</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Brook and Shaw<br><br>B: Burlington Group<br><br>C: Locker
et al<br><br>D: Draker<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Ref: Gurkeerat singh
Explanation: Brook and shaw in 18 developed a valid abd reproducibe index IOTN) to
determine orthodontic treatment need. This index attempts to rank malocclusion in
terms of the significance of various occlusal traitsfor an individuals dental
health and percieved aesthetic treatment.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">19</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Vitamin “D” is derived by radiation of the naturally
occurring substance ....</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A: Calcitonin<br><br>B: Cholecalciferol<br><br>C:
Cholesterol<br><br>D: Ergosterol<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">The most important natural source of vitamin
D is that formed from solar radiation of the skin. UV irradiation of ergosterol
produces vitamin D2 which in humans is a potent antirachite substance.</td></tr><tr
valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td width="30"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">20</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">The growth in three
dimensions get completed ¡n which order?</td><td width="200" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Width,height and length<br><br>B: Height,
width and length<br><br>C: Length, Height and width<br><br>D: No specific
order<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Cranium: width-height-depth

Vetical direction: height

AP direction: length/depth
Transverse direction: width</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">21</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Which of the following statements is correct about lingual
nerve?</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse
">A: It passes through infratemporal space<br><br>B: It passes through para-
pharyngeal space<br><br>C: it passes through the pterygomandibuÌar space<br><br>D:
The lingual nerve is the sensory tract to anterior one third of the
tongue<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">The three nerves that pass through pterygomandibular space are
the buccal nerve, lingual nerve and inferior alveolar nerve.</td></tr><tr
valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td width="30"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">22</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Elephant foot deformity
is indicative of</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Diplopia<br><br>B: Non union of fractured edentulous
mandible<br><br>C: Skeletal Class U malocclusion<br><br>D: Unilateral Le Fort I
fracture of maxilla<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Treatment plan for edentulous mandibuar fractures:
1. Closed reduction with mandibular prosthesis held in place by circummandibular
2. In non union or delayed healing , open reduction with titanium teeth.
3. Severely atrophic edentulous ridge fracture, open reduction with primary boe
grafting.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">23</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Pyramidal
fracture ¡s another name for</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A: Le Fort I Fracture<br><br>B: Le Fort II
Fracture<br><br>C: Le Fort III Fracture<br><br>D: None of the above<br><br></td><td
width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Le fort 2
assumes a triangular shape and os therefore known as pyramidal maxillary fractore.
The fracture extends through the maxilla across the infraorbital rim and medially
to the nasal radix.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">24</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">The cyst that remains behind in the jaws after removal of the
tooth is</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Lateral Periodontal Cyst<br><br>B: Radicular Cyst<br><br>C:
Residual Cyst<br><br>D: None of the above<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A residual cyst forms
when the tooth is removed and all or part of a radicular cyst is left behind.
Infection may remain in the bone long after all teeth have been successfully
removed. This occurs in a condition known as residual osteitis and in cysts of
various types which have become infected.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">25</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Which of the following does NOT belong to amide group of
local anesthetics?</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Mepivacaine<br><br>B: Bupivacaine<br><br>C:
Lidocaine<br><br>D: Tetracaine<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">Amide group: Loidocaine, bupivacaine, prilocaine,
cinhocaine, mepivacaine, bupivacaine, ropivacaine</td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">26</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">Corrugated collagenous rings surrounthng
lymphocytes and plasma cells in the walls o inflammatory cysts are called</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Ruston
bodies<br><br>B: Hyaline bodies<br><br>C: Howell- Jolly bodies<br><br>D:
Papenheimer bodies<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Corrugated collagenous rings surrounding lymphocytes and
plasma cells in the walls if inflammatory cysts are called hyaline
bodies</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">27</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Blue sclerae
may be seen ¡n all types of osteogenesis imperfecta EXCEPT</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Typel<br><br>B:
TypeII<br><br>C: Type III<br><br>D: Type 1V<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Type 1V OI doesn’t
exist.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">28</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A serious
coagulopathy characterized by severe thrombocytopenia and haemorrhage due to
platelet trapping within the tumor ¡s called</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Phace(S)
Syndrome<br><br>B: Kasabach- Merrit Phenomenon<br><br>C: Kaposi’s sarcoma<br><br>D:
Hemangioma<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">KMP is a life threatening consumptive coagulopathy associated
with an underlying vascular tumous. KMP is characterised by severe
thrombocytopenia, microangipathic anemia, hypofibrinogenaemia and elevtaed fibrin
split production in the presence of rapidly enlarging tumour.</td></tr><tr
valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">29</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">In PRECEDE model of
health education R stands for ....</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Resolution<br><br>B: Reinforcing<br><br>C:
Revolution<br><br>D: Reforming<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">The PRECEDE model is a model for health education
and promotion planning which is used for changing behaviour. PRECEDE an acronym for
predisposing, reinforcing and enabling constructs in educational diagnosis and
evaluation. Its focus is on behavior change at individual or group levels. This
model provides a framework in which the factors affecting behavior such as the
predisposing, enabling and reinforcing factors in the educational and assessment
phases are determined.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">30</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">The fee level determined by the administrator of dental benefit
plan is</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Usual fee<br><br>B: Customary fee<br><br>C: Reasonal
fee<br><br>D: None of the above<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">UCR fee method: The ADA prefer the usual
customary and reasonable fee method for reimbursement for dentist in prepayment
Usual fee: The fee usually charged for a given service by an individual dentist to
private patients i.e. usual dental fee.
Customary fee: When the fee is in the range of the usual fee charged by the
dentists of similar training and experience for the same service within the
specific within the specific and limited geographic area.
Reasonable fee: A fee is reasonable if it meets the above criteria or it may differ
from dentists usual and customary fee if justifiable in the opinion of the
reasonable association considering the special circumstances or for the particular
patient in question.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">31</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Which agent is used in walking bleach technique?</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A:
Hydrofluoric acid<br><br>B: Carbamide peroxide<br><br>C: Sodium perborate<br><br>D:
Heirines solution<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">The walking bleach technique: In this procedure the
dentist seals a paste of sodium perborate into the pulp chamber of a discolored
tooth. For the walking bleach technique</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">32</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Osteoblast covering the periodontal surface of the
alveolar bone constitute</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A: modified periosteum<br><br>B: modified
endosteum<br><br>C: periosteum<br><br>D: endosteum<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">The osteoblasts covers
the periodonatl surface of alveolar bone. Alveolar bone constitute a modified
endosteum.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">33</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Brushlite crystals ¡n calculus are found more commonly
in</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse
">A: Mandibular posteriors<br><br>B: Mandibular anteriors<br><br>C: Maxillary
anteriors<br><br>D: Maxillary posteriors<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Brushite is more common
in the mandibular anterior region and magnesium whitlockite in the posterior
areas.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">34</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Healing of a
wound which simply restores the continuity of the diseased marginal gingival is
known as</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: regeneration<br><br>B: new attachment<br><br>C:
repair<br><br>D: reattachment<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">Repair simply restores the continuity of the
diseased marginal gingiva and restablishes a normal gingival sulcus at the same
levelon the root as the base of the preexiting periodontal pocket.</td></tr><tr
valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">35</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">True about Papillon
Leferve Syndrome is</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Autosomal dominant disorder<br><br>B: Characterized by
palmer planter hyperkeratosis<br><br>C: Mutation in cathepsine C gene<br><br>D: All
of the above<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Papillon leferve syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder
characterised by palmoplantar yperkeratosis and severe early onset periodontitis
that results in the premature loss of primary and secondary dentitions. Mutation of
cathepsin C gene are responsible for this syndrome.
</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td width="30"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">36</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Which of tite following
is an example of intraoral tracer?</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Height<br><br>B: Philip<br><br>C:
Stansbery<br><br>D: Messerman<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">The Seidel, The ballard and the messerman tracers
are examples of intraoral tracing devices. Height tracer and bearing plates mounted
on bite plates. The needles technic is another method of intra oral
registration</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">37</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Which of the following measures the vertical dimension when the
mandible and muscles involved are in physiologic function of speech ?</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Freeway
space<br><br>B: Leeway space<br><br>C: Closest speaking space<br><br>D: Primate
space<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse "></td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">38</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">To achieve the additional retention the following should be
done while tooth preparation</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A: Excessive occiusal preparation<br><br>B: Tapered
preparation<br><br>C: Grooves and boxes<br><br>D: Supragingival finish
line<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A groove or box located on either the facial or lingual surface
would provide additional resistamce to mesio distal forces.</td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">39</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Minimum solubility of dental cements to oral
fluids is seen in</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: GIC<br><br>B: Zinc Polycarboxylate<br><br>C: Zinc
Phosphate<br><br>D: Resin cement<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Resin cement is least soluble in oral
cavity</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">40</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Eames
technique is otherwise known as</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A: No squeeze cloth technique<br><br>B: Increasing
dryness technique<br><br>C: Bloting mix<br><br>D: Mortar and pestle
mix<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Eames for the first to promote a low mercury to alloy mixing
ratio Th better method of reducing mercury content is to reduce the original
mercury alloy ratio. This is known as the minimal mercury ratio 1:1.</td></tr><tr
valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">41</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Excessive fixing of an x
ray film</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: has no effect on image quality<br><br>B: causes brown
staining<br><br>C: reduces its density<br><br>D: increases its
density<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Excessive fixation results in gradual oss of film density
because the grains of siver slowly dissolve in the acetic acid of the fixing
solution.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">42</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Premature
bone loss in primary teeth could be seen ¡n condition like</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A:
Hypophosphatasia<br><br>B: Fibrous dysplasia<br><br>C: Papillon Lefevere
Syndrome<br><br>D: All of the above<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse "></td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">43</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Which of the follwing develops as a result of juvenile
diabetes?</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Ataxia<br><br>B: Aphasia<br><br>C: Deafness<br><br>D:
Blindeness<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Overall blindness is about twice as common in type 1 diabetes
as in type 2.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">44</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Four film Survey (Series) for children consists of maxillary
and mandibular occiusals along with</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Two maxillary posterior periapicals<br><br>B:
Two mandibular posterior periapicals<br><br>C: Two posterior bitewings<br><br>D:
One panoramic & one lateral jaw views<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse "></td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">45</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">The isthmus width ¡n class II cavity
preparation ¡n relation to intercuspal width of primary molars should not
exceed</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse
">A: One fourth<br><br>B: Two thirds<br><br>C: One third<br><br>D:
Half<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">The width of the isthmus should be one third to one fourth of
the intercuspal distance of the primary molar
</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td width="30"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">46</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Xylitol is a</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Natural
sweet amino acid<br><br>B: Synthetic sweet amino acid<br><br>C: Natural five carbon
sugar<br><br>D: Synthetic five carbon sugar<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Xylitol is a natural five
carbon sugar obtained from birch trees. It keeps the sucrose molecule from binding
with MS. MS cannot ferment xylitol. X ylitol reduces MS by altering their
metabolite pathways and enhance remineralisation.</td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">47</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Which is an example of retainerless matrix?
</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A:
Universal matrix<br><br>B: Compound supported matrix<br><br>C: Custom made
matrix<br><br>D: Auto matrix<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">Automatrix retainerless matrix system indcated
for complex
amalgam restorations. It has a automatrix bands of various thickness and selected
according to the height of the tooth. The matrix is fitted over the tooth with the
clip on the buccal aspect. This matrix system can be adjusted according to tooth
shape and size.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">48</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Fluoride release ¡s maximum in</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Conventional Glass
lonomer<br><br>B: Metal modified Glass lonomer<br><br>C: Resin modified Glass
lonomer<br><br>D: Polyacid modified Composite<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Conventional GICS are on
the other end and demnstarte highest fluoride release</td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">49</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">The acid used in etching ceramic during
repair of ceramic restorations is</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Hydrochloric acid<br><br>B: Hydrofluoric
acid<br><br>C: Sulphuric acid<br><br>D: Ortho phosphoric acid<br><br></td><td
width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">For ceramic
restorations, the initial mechanical roughening is followed by brief 2
minsapplication of 10% hyrdofluoric acid gel.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">50</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">The configuration factor(“C” factor) for an occlusal
class I cavity is</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: 2<br><br>B: 3<br><br>C: 4<br><br>D: 5<br><br></td><td
width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">D</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">c FACTOR:
Bonded surfaces/unbonded surfaces
Class 1: 5 bonded/1 unbonded =5</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">51</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">The “Onset” of the disease in the history of present
illness relates to</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: When the present complaint started<br><br>B: How the present
complaint started<br><br>C: Why the present complaint started<br><br>D: Duration of
the present complaint<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">How the present complaint started</td></tr><tr
valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td width="30"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">52</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A “Papule” is a</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: flat,
solid lesion<br><br>B: raised solid lesion<br><br>C: raised blister<br><br>D: pus
containing blister<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A papule is a circumscribed , solid elevation of skin
with no visible fluid, varying in size from a pinhead to 1 cm. They can be brown,
purple, pink or red in colo and can cluster into a papular rash.</td></tr><tr
valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">53</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">To study the malignant
tumour of the jaw bone, the radio-nuclide used is</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Gallium 67
citrate<br><br>B: Technitium 99m labeled iodine<br><br>C: Technitium 99m per
technitate<br><br>D: Technitium 99m methylene diphosphate (MDP)<br><br></td><td
width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">D</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Technitium
99m methylene diphosphate (MDP</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">54</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Sphygmomanometer reading can be correct only
when</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse
">A: Deflation is 5-10 mm Hg per heart beat<br><br>B: Cuff is slightly full on
applying to patient’s arm<br><br>C: The cuff width is 25% of the diameter of the
patient’s arm<br><br>D: Length of the bladder encircles 80% of the patient’s
arm<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Length of the bladder encircles 80% of the patient’s
arm</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">55</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Radiographic
image sharpness Is reduced when</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A: Focal spot-to-object distance is less<br><br>B: Focal
spot-to-object distance is more<br><br>C: Insufficient vertical angulation is
used<br><br>D: Inappropriate horizontal angulation is used<br><br></td><td
width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Use of
diatance results in reduction in exposed tissue volume because the x ray beam is
less divergent. The use of longer source to object distance also resulys in a
smaller apparent focal spot size increasing the resolution of the radiograph.
Unsharpness can be detected by using a small focal spot as possible and as large
object dstance as possible.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">56</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">According to Stanford -Binet intelligence scale, the degree of
mental disability with a range of 36-$1 is termed as</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Severe<br><br>B:
Moderate<br><br>C: Profound<br><br>D: Mild<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse "></td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">57</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Which of the following is NOT a type of mixed
dentition analysis?</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Moyer’s<br><br>B: Tanaka Johnston<br><br>C: Pont &
Linderharth<br><br>D: Hixon old father<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Pont analysis is a
permanent dentition analysis</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">58</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Extra oral tracing method Is grouped in the following for
recording centric relation for complete denture patients</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Functional
method<br><br>B: Close mouth method<br><br>C: Static method<br><br>D: None of the
above<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Static:
Extraoral and intraoral
Centric relation records is made at the correct occlusal vertical dimension. At the
correct occlusal vertical dimension the patient is asked to relax as much as
possible and the ndentist guides mandinle into a retruded position. This method is
passive method. The second method is active method in which the patient responds to
instructions by actively retruding the mandible.</td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">59</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">When closure in intercuspal position ¡s
attained during mastication, movement stops for about msec before another cycle
begins.</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: 194 msec<br><br>B: 94 msec<br><br>C: 394 msec<br><br>D: 594
msec<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">When closure to the intercuspal position is attained during
mastication, movement stops for about 194msec before another cycle
begins.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">60</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Pontic design
for anterior region should be of the following to give excellent Asthetics.</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Ridge
lap<br><br>B: Sanitary<br><br>C: Ovate<br><br>D: Bullet<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Ovate pontics are more
aesthetics as it appears to arise from the ridge like a natural tooth. It is said
to have evolved from root extended or root tipped pontics.</td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">61</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Which of the following is NOT a layer of
primary growth cartilage?</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A: Cartilaginous matrix<br><br>B: Calcified
cartilaginous matrix<br><br>C: Fibrous capsule<br><br>D: Degenerating
Chondroblast<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Cartilaginous matrix</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">62</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Early closure of suture ¡s associated with</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Treacher
Collins Syndrome<br><br>B: Marfan Syndrome<br><br>C: Guzons Syndrome<br><br>D:
Pierre Robin Syndrome<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Guzons Syndrome</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">63</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">The cartilage of the Hyoid arch is</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Meckel’s
cartilage<br><br>B: Condylar cartilage<br><br>C: Reichert’s cartilage<br><br>D:
Nasal cartilage<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Reichert’s cartilage</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">64</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Rotational changes in the mandible essentially consist
of</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse
">A: Matrix rotation 25% & Intramatrix rotation 75%<br><br>B: Matrix rotation 50% &
Intramatrjx rotation 50%<br><br>C: Matrix rotation 100% & Intramatrix rotation
0%<br><br>D: Matrix rotation 0% & ¡rnramatrLx rotation I 00%<br><br></td><td
width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Matrix
rotation 25% & Intramatrix rotation 75%
Bjork gave 3 terms which meant same as above: Total, matrix and intramatrix
Total matrix: rotation of mandibular core relative to cranial base.
MaTRIX rotation: Rotation of mandibular plane relative to cranial base.
Intermatrix rotation: Rotation of mandibular plane relative to mandibular
core</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">65</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">The maxillary
intercanine dimension serves to control the mandibular growth, which is known
as</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse
">A: Mechano transduction<br><br>B: Safety valve mechanism<br><br>C: Pterygoid
response<br><br>D: Buccinator mechanism<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Safety valve mechanism:
Safety valve mechanism is a nature’s attempt to maintain proper occlusion. To
compensate for the horizontal growth in mandible, the maxillary intercanine width
serves as a safety valve. In mandible the intercanine width is completed at 9 years
of age in girls and at around 10 years of age in boys. In the maxilla the
intercanine width is completed by 12 years in girls and at 18 years in boys. The
delay in growth of maxillary intercanine arch width serves as a ‘safety valve’ for
pubertal growth spurts in mandible. Maxillary intercanine width adjusts to the
mandibular dentition as it is brought forward. This is called ‘safety valve
mechanism</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">66</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">The mode of
inheritance ¡n hemophilia is</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A: Autosornal dominant<br><br>B: Autosomal
recessive<br><br>C: X linked dominant<br><br>D: X linked recessiveThe falx cerebri.
Also know as<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">X linked recessive</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">67</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A strong crescent shaped fold of duramater lying in the
sagittal plane and occupying great longitudinal fissure between two cerebral
hemispheres is</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Faix cerebri<br><br>B: Diphragrnatica sellae<br><br>C:
Tentoriiim cerebelli<br><br>D: Falx cerebelli<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">The falx cerebri also
known as the cerebral falx, so named from its sickle like form, is a strong arched
fold of dura mater that descends vertically in the longitudinal fissure between the
cerebral hemispheres. The falx cerebri lies in the sagittal . It is sickle
shaped.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">68</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Brodmann’s
area number 44 and 45 (Broc&s area) is located on</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Medial
surface<br><br>B: Inferior surface<br><br>C: Superolateral surface<br><br>D:
Temporal pole<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Superolateral surface</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">69</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Vhich one of the following structures develops from all
the three germ layers?</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Soft palate<br><br>B: Mitral valve<br><br>C: Tympanic
membrane<br><br>D: Tooth<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Tympanic membrane</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">70</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Which cells clean the ultrafilter of renal corpuscle?
</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A:
Mesangial<br><br>B: Podocytes<br><br>C: Juxta-glomerular<br><br>D:
Endothelial<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse "></td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">71</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">The pulp stem cells are</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Pluripotent in
nature<br><br>B: Totipotent in nature<br><br>C: Multipotent in nature<br><br>D:
None of the above<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Pluripotent in nature: Multipotent mesenchymal cells
with immunosuppressive activity can be easily isolated from dental pulp. The IPSCs
are believed to be identical to natural pluripotent stem cells succh as ES cell is
many respects.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">72</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">The incisai edge of maxillary central incisor in a 21 year old
man is chipped off during a fall. He is informed that the tooth will erupt a
little. This compensatory tooth movement is because of increased deposition
of</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse
">A: Dentin<br><br>B: Pulp<br><br>C: Cementum<br><br>D: Periodontal
ligament<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Cementum</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">73</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Koilocytes are seen ¡n all of the following EXCEPT</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Condyloma
acurninatum<br><br>B: Actinic keratosis<br><br>C: Verruca vulgaris<br><br>D:
Squamous papilloma<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Actinic keratosis</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">74</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A typical example of an immunologically mediated
collagen vascular! connective tissue disorder is</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Lichen
planus<br><br>B: Pemphigus vulgaris<br><br>C: Lupus erythmatosus<br><br>D:
Epidermolysis bullosa<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">SLE is an immune complex mediated disease which can
affect any organ. SLE commonly called lupus is a chronic autoimmune disorder that
can affect virtually any organ of the body.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">75</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Pastia’s Lines in Scarlet fever are</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: White lines on the
dorsum of the tongue<br><br>B: Seen bilaterally on buccal Mucosa<br><br>C: Present
in skin folds secondary to capillary fragility<br><br>D: Seen when white and red
strawberry tongue occur concomitantly<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Pastia lines or Thompsons
lines is a clinical sign in which pink or red lines formed of confluent petechiae
are found in skin creases particularly the crease in the antecubital fossa, the
soft inside depression on the inside of the arm. The folding crease divides the
fossa where the forearm meets the arm. the inside of the elbow. It occurs in
patients with scarlet fever prior to the appearance of the rash and persists as
pigmented lines after desquamation.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">76</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Degeneration of periodontal tissue without inflammation
is called as</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Desquamative gingivitis<br><br>B: Chronic
periodontitis<br><br>C: Periodontosis<br><br>D: Pericoronitis<br><br></td><td
width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse
">Peridontosis</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">77</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Keratin specific to epidermal type differentiation are</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Kl. K2,
KlO, K12<br><br>B: Ki, K3, K1O, K12<br><br>C: Ki, K2, KlO, K13<br><br>D: Kl. 1(2,
Kl 1, K13<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Keratins K1, K2 and K10 to K 12 which are specific to epidermal
type differentiation are immunohistologically expressed with high intensity in
orthokeratinised areas with less intensity in parakeratinised areas.</td></tr><tr
valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td width="30"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">78</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Which of the following ¡s
NOT detected by Evalusite?</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A: A. actinomycetern Comitens<br><br>B: P.
gingivalis<br><br>C: P. intermedia<br><br>D: T. denticola<br><br></td><td
width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">D</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">T
denticola</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">79</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Closed mouth
technique of blocking the inferior alveolar, Buccinator and lingual nerve is ihu
termed as</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Gow-Gates Technique<br><br>B: Akinosi Technique<br><br>C:
Browns Technique<br><br>D: Bennetts Technique<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Akinosi
technique</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">80</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Penrose drain
is</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse
">A: A simple rubber tube open at one end<br><br>B: Simple rubber tube open at both
ends<br><br>C: Modified corrugated rubber drain<br><br>D: Modified Foley’s
Catheter<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Types of drains:
a. Simpe rubber tube open at both ends used for drainage of abscess cavities and
hematoma. (penrose drain)
b. Corrugated rubber drain
c. Infant feeding tube
d. Foleys catheter
e. Nasogastric ryles tube</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">81</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">The initiator in the heat cure polymer powder is</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A:
Hydroquinone<br><br>B: Sulfinic acid<br><br>C: Benzoyl peroxide<br><br>D: Sulfur
dioxide<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Benzoyl peroxide</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">82</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A dentist can best control the setting time of Alginate
impression material without altering its properties by</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Using perforated
tray<br><br>B: Altering water: powder ratio<br><br>C: Reducing the rate of
mixing<br><br>D: Altering the temperature of water<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Altering the temperature
of water</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">83</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">In acrylic
restorative materials, the pumping action of alternately imbibing and exuding
fluids is termed as</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Imbibition<br><br>B: Percolation<br><br>C:
Syneresis<br><br>D: Evaporation<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">Imbibition</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">84</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Time dependent deformation produced in a completely set
solid subjected to a constant stress is termed as</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Static creep<br><br>B:
Elongation<br><br>C: Dynamic creep<br><br>D: Flexibility<br><br></td><td
width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Static creep
is a time dependent deformation produced in completely set solid subjected to a
constant stress. Dynamic creep produced when the applied stress is fluctuating such
as in fatigue type test.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">85</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">An acidic agent that dissolves the inorganic structure in
dentin that allows infiltration of adhesive resin is</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Dentin bonding
agent<br><br>B: Dentin conditioner<br><br>C: Primer<br><br>D: None of the
above<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Dentin conditioner</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">86</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Benzodiazepines act preferentially on which part of the
brain to block thought and mental functions?</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Hypothalamus<br><br>B:
Thalamus<br><br>C: Limbic system<br><br>D: Area Postrema<br><br></td><td
width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">C</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Limbic
system</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">87</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">The
pathological state that alters the volume of distribution of many drugs is</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A:
Septicemia<br><br>B: Duodenal ulcers<br><br>C: Congestive heart failure<br><br>D:
Hypertension<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Congestive heart failure</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">88</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Which of the following analgesic is used in arthritis,
having 3 times more concentration in synovial fluid than plasma?</td><td
width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A:
Ibuprofen<br><br>B: Diclofenac<br><br>C: Tenoxicam<br><br>D:
Piroxicam<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Diclofenac</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">89</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">The antiulcer agent detaches and kills H. Pylon organism
and prevents relapses is</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A: Colloidal Bismuth<br><br>B: Pirenzipine<br><br>C:
Misoprostol<br><br>D: Sucralfate<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Colloidal bismuth and bismuth subsalicylate
are the most widely used bismuth containing antaacids or antiulcer drugs. The anti
ulcer effects of colloidal bismuth subcitrate may be in fact be more complex than
simple precipitation within the ulcer.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">90</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">The dentin desensitizing agents that acts by
precipitating proteins in dentinal tubular fluid is</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Strontium
Chloride<br><br>B: Potassium oxalate<br><br>C: Fluoride<br><br>D: Hydroxy ethyl
methacrylate<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Strontium chloride forms strontium hydroxiappatite and
strontium phosphate within the dentinal tubules.</td></tr><tr valign=top
height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">91</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">The concept of field change or
“Cancerization” was proposed by</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A: Pirani<br><br>B: Dimeglio<br><br>C:
Paterson<br><br>D: Slaughter<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">The concept has evolved to encompass a spectrum
of multiocal or preneoplastic changes. The concept of field cancerization.
First propsed by slaugther in 153 describes a process whereby cells in a
particular tissue or organ are sequentially transformed by multiple cumulative
genetic and epigenetic alterations.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">92</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Best parameter to monitor response to treatment ¡n a
patient of shock is</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Pulse<br><br>B: Blood pressure<br><br>C: Level of
consciousness<br><br>D: Urine output<br><br></td><td width="50"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Monitoring patient
responses is important to determine
the adequacy of resuscitation for hydration and blood perfusion of the brain, heart
and kidneys. Urine output is the most commonand most sensitive non invasive
assessment parameter for cardiac output and tissue perfusion.</td></tr><tr
valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">93</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">The following wound is
not untidy</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Incised wound<br><br>B: Crushed wound<br><br>C: Avulsed
wound<br><br>D: Lacerated wound<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">Incised wound</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">94</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism
is</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse
">A: Adenoma<br><br>B: Ectopic ACTH secreation<br><br>C: Hyperpiasia of 4
glands<br><br>D: Idiopathic<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">A</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px
black; border-collapse:collapse ">Primary hyperparathyroidism is the most common
cause of hypercalcemia in ambulatory patients. A single parathyroid adenoma is the
cause in 85% of patients and multiglandular disease is the cause in 15 % of
patients</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">95</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Branchial
fistula is due to:</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: First branchial cleft<br><br>B: First branchial
cleft<br><br>C: Second branchial cleft<br><br>D: Second branchial
cleft<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A branchial cleft cyst is a congenital epithelial cyst that
arises on the lateral part of the neck due to failure of obliteration of the second
brachial cleft in embryonic development. Second branchial cleft fistulae are most
common. They are found along the anterior border of the SCM muscle pass through the
carotid bifurcation and into tonsillar pillar</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15"
style="background-color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">96</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">Circulatory shock is an example of</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Hypoxic
Hypoxia<br><br>B: Stagnant Hypoxia<br><br>C: Histotoxic Hypoxia<br><br>D: Anemic
Hypoxia<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Stagnant hypoxia: Hypoxemic hypoxia is caused by:</td></tr><tr
valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td width="30"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">97</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">The amount of air
remaining in the lungs after a normal expiration is</td><td width="200"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">A: Tidal volume<br><br>B:
Functional residual capacity<br><br>C: Vital capacity<br><br>D: Total lung
capacity<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">FRC: This is the total volume of air can be exhaled after
normal expiration.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-
color:White;"><td width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">98</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Hemiplegia is produced when the corticospinal tract ¡s damaged
at the level of</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Pons<br><br>B: Midbrain<br><br>C: Medulla<br><br>D: Internal
capsule<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">D</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Lesions thatare isolated to the CS tract and do not involve
other descending tracts are relatively rare, but may occur for example with focal
vascular diseas in the brainstem. Lesions of the costicospinal tracts in the
brainstem produce the same type of deficit described above, except the face will
not be involved if the insult is below level of the nucleus of the 7th cranial
nerve. If the brainstem lesion is above the level of the decussation, cranial nerve
signs may accompany it on the side opposite the hemiplegia. However of the damage
is restricted solely in the CS tract at the medullary level, the hemiplegia and
associated reflex changes are often mild and may be limited to a pronator drift abd
decreased fine motor skills. The presence of other descending tracts at this point
likely provides sufficint muscular innervation to prevent a more dramatic loss of
function.</td></tr><tr valign=top height="15" style="background-color:#EFF3FB;"><td
width="30" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">99</td><td
width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Positive
nitrogen balance is seen in:</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black;
border-collapse:collapse ">A: Malignancy<br><br>B: Pregnancy<br><br>C: Uncontrolled
Diabetes mellitus<br><br>D: Burns<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">B</td><td width="250" style="border:solid
1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Normally a positive nirogen balance is seen
in growing children, convalescing patients and pregnant women. A pregnant woman
will be in a state of positive nitrogen balance due t growth of fetus.</td></tr><tr
valign=top height="15" style="background-color:White;"><td width="30"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">100</td><td width="250"
style="border:solid 1px black; border-collapse:collapse ">Substrate for
gluconeogenesis is:</td><td width="200" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">A: Glycogen<br><br>B: Acetyl CoA<br><br>C: Glycerol<br><br>D:
Leucine<br><br></td><td width="50" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">C</td><td width="250" style="border:solid 1px black; border-
collapse:collapse ">Gluconeogenesis is a metabolic pathway that rsults in the
generaton of glucose from non carbohydrate carbon substrates such as lactate,
glycerol and glucogenic amino acids. Glycerol enters the pathway of gluconeogenesis
by the reactions catalyzed by glycerol kinase and glyceroal
phosphate.</td></tr></table><br><br><center><input type="button" value="Print"

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