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Pairing : Jimin x Seulgi

Genre : drama, angst, eventual smut

Word count : 3,485

Description : When an antisocial realist-painter, Park Jimin decided to change his subject from scenery to a
breathing things, he didn't expect one particular homo-sapiens Kang Seulgi whom he has been avoiding since
that day, whom painfully stunning, and probably wouldn't even take a single glance on him in million years,
voluntereed herself as the tribute for his new project. And by means, even if it's included a package of her without
a single clothes on.


"This is not too shabby. "

Namjoon pondered as his brows twitched slightly, analyzing the piece of art in front of him. Jimin's face was flat
like it usually be, but a relieved sigh blooming inside him. thanks God.
"At this rate, you might just open your own exhibition man. Why bother entering my own? "

The cease in his eyebrows deepened. But really, he couldn't understand this prodigy's mind sometimes. But
Jimin only shrugged.
"I'm not ready yet. "
"Not ready, or you don't want to? "
Namjoon questioned more. It was like a rheotical question, which he knew that Jimin himself don't know the
answer, yet.

The 24"x32" canvas in front of them bursted with major dark colours. As the Aurora prominetly sparkling under
his touch, never being drowned with all the grey area surrounding it. Really, it's only this certain Park Jimin who
can create masterpiece like this, effortlessly.
"I entrusted it to you then. Set it on a high price."

He put all his palette and brushes back to his rugged backpack. Smudges of colours can be seen here and there,
but he never worries to change it to the new one. This backpack is his lucky charm. He bid goodbye to Namjoon
quitely and headed to the café, didn't miss the faint reply from Namjoon at the distance.
"No worries man!"


Jimin hated the campus cafe.

No, he hates it.

The smells of coffee never ceased to exist, always suffocates his breathing the moment he stepped in. Not that
he hated coffee, it’s just, he never used to its smell and taste since he was little. Because only vegetable and
fruit juices filled his everyday meal at home. Noises of people chattering, gossiping useless thing, the people
making their own groups, alienating others, Jimin hated it all. He came from the rural area in Busan, gotten a
full scholarship for his art study was out of the plan. But he knew it was destined, and he was thrilled to finally
go and taste the little piece of heaven in the capital city, Seoul. He remembered how everyone knows everyone
back in his village. He missed Taehyung and Jin, whom every Sunday always rotating, helping each other's
father to soil the farm and afterwads slashing the watermelon to sate their thirst after working hard. And he
remembered after school, he always dropped by to Taehyung's house just to play with Sooshim and helping his
grandma mixing the kimchi. Life was good back then. Peaceful, and full of fond memories. Not like here. Where
people are too individualistic, busy with their own mind and business. What a shame he ended up become one.
And the fact he found out the ugly truth about Seoul from day-1 didn’t seem to help at all. It tasted more like a
mixture of hell and grey paint more than a heaven. He guessed that little piece of heaven really tiny then, the
reality didn’t betray the phrase.

But at least they got a nice warm croissant bun here. Which never missed to be his breakfast.

He picked up his tray, with his other arms propped the hanging backpack. Jimin skimmed the area, and he was
glad his usual spot wasn’t taken. Right next to the gigantic glass wall, facing the vast football field. But he was
startled when his eyes met a pair of cat-like eyes catching his eyes off-guard. But Jimin averted his gaze in an
instant and headed to his seat as he calmed down his erratic heart.
He hates the effect she has on him. It’s been a year, but his body always reacted the same. He’s so whipped
and he hates it.

But the bubble inside his head popped into pieces when he felt his phone vibrating. A message from mom.

“좋은 아침 내아들, 아침 먹었?”

“Good morning my son, have you eaten breakfast yet?”

Jimin smiled and quickly typed a reply to his mom. He loves how his mom never missed to check up on him
everyday. Even if it’s only a brief hello on the phone, or a single text asking how are you. He’s such a mama boy
and he’s proud of it.
Another unexpected message came again not long after that.
“This end semester vacation you’ll come home, right?”

At that, Jimin’s stomach churned. He could sense how much she missed him, and the guilt washed over him
knowing the previous mid-semester he broke his promise to come home. He told her he had his painting being
paid well and he would have enough money to come back, but he ended up buying new art supplies, with better
qualities, and pretty expensive, just because he couldn’t hold his thirst to paint a little bit, with his first own money,
earned by himself. He remembered how jumbled up his mind, filled with new ideas and colours inside his head,
resulting his one of his best masterpiece ‘The Aurora of the Dawn’ or so he called it. Truthfully, he never wanted
to sell any of his painting. He cherished them all dearly. It was the result of blood, sweat, and tears of his
imagination and skills. With countless practice on paper, perfecting it before pouring it all down to the canvas.
Because he can’t be wasteful on canvas, for it was not cheap for him to buy. Therefore, the canvas should be
the masterpiece of his masterpiece. It has to.

But at least he already got them all on a photo. Framed and hang them all in his flat. He just hoped that, whoever
buy it, will appreciate it as much as he is. And they’ll be happy after looking at it.

“Yes mom I’ll go home. Promise.”

He promised, and Namjoon better sell it in a good price. Because there’s no way he would let down his mother
once more. He has to go home, and he will.

He sighed as he finished replying his mom. He started nibbling on his croissant, suddenly lose a little bit of
appetite, but he knows he has to eat well or he’ll just making his mom and dad worried. Jimin was about to munch
on the second croissant when a line notification came up.
“Hyung you’ll come to the party this weekend?

Football team’s headquarter. 9pm. Hope you can make it.”

It was from Jungkook, the boy from the sport department. Jungkook was the definition of well-known jock in the
campus. He’s made it to the primary team despite being a freshman. Many people envy him and mesmerized by
him, but only Jimin who knew the real him, for both of them coming from the same city, Jungkook clutched to him
like a baby when he first arrived to Seoul. With full scholarship like him and ordinary family background, Jimin
couldn’t abandon the little guy. All the familiarity of home oozing from Jungkook didn’t help at all, and they ended
up growing close. Jimin helped him searching for a flat, a little bit touring over Seoul, etc etc.

But things changes, people changes. And so does Jungkook.

The epitome of the Golden Boy instantly become Jungkook’s new nickname. As the tagline goes afterwards,
study hard, play harder. And boy, Jungkook partied hard. He never missed a weekend without a party. Jimin
admit he’s amazed by him on how well Jungkook managed to ace every exams he had, despite the harsh practice
of football team and still maintain his social life with partying till dawn. Jimin wasn’t the gifted type like him. He
has to work his asses off to be where he’s standing now. Being called a prodigy painter was a bonus. But the gift
he had has to be enhanced with practices. And that’s what he does. He’d rather practicing his sketches than
wasting his time partying until wee hours. It’s just wasting his energy. He likes conserving his energy.
“No promises.” Jimin curtly replied. No promises equals he’s not going. Not a minute afterwards, another
message came.

“Aw c’mon man, it’s his first win. We have to celebrate!!!”

A message from none other than Jung Hoseok, a.k.a his flat-mate. Jimin massage his temple, these to boys
must’ve chatted behind him and played those ‘first-win’ card on him. With both of them are party-people, they
never forget to invite Jimin to the party. But Jimin always politely refused, after that incident happed.
Speaking of ‘that’ incident, he shuddered when the rush of memories coming back to his mind….

A year ago, 20 April 2012, Freshmen welcoming party.

“Yah don’t just sip it, drink it in one go you pabo!” Hoseok yelled to Jimin as he shoved the tiny shot glass down
to Jimin’s mouth. A fit of cough followed Jimin afterwards, the burn sensation really uncomfortable in his throat.
He sent down a death glare to Hoseok, which only resulted a sheepish grin as a reply.
“Let’s just enjoy this night to the fullest, okhey?”

Hoseok patted Jimin’s butt as he dragged him to the crowd of sweaty dancing people. All Jimin could do was
obeyed the sunshine at heart and holding back his experated sigh to escape. He didn’t want to make him upset.

It was the night of welcoming party for all the freshmen. After four days of torture of student orientation a month
ago, the senior prepared this big event as the apology gift for the new students. Jimin heard from Yoongi sunbae
that it wasn’t easy to get the permission to use the plenary hall from the campus but somehow they managed,
so that’s why the freshmen had to have a great time and all of them had to attend. Jimin was no exception.

At first he wasn’t so sure to join the party. He wasn’t familiar with alcohol, he already hit his coming of age last
year but he haven’t touched a drop of alcohol, even a sip of a soju. People was supposed to get three things on
their coming of age ceremony, a bonquet of roses, a kiss, and a bottle of alcohol. And he hadn’t had all three of
them and Jimin’s not complaining. Hoseok has been bragging it up too much these past days after their
roommate-to-roommate slash heart-to-heart talk last week. Jimin just couldn’t understand which part is
disappointing of not getting those three. So Hoseok hadn’t forget to bring it up tonight too, ‘I’ll get the kiss, the
alcohol, and the roses for you tonight!’ Jimin just chuckled at his antics.

Hoseok dragged him right at the centre of the dance floor. “Loosen up man! Let the night rules us tonight!” Hoseok
cheered, Jimin couldn’t help to smile back to the sunshine. He tried to dance, but failed miserably. He looked like
an invicible wall next to the master of dance dancing next to him. People started to notice Hoseok, and they gave
space for him to move freely. Jimin joined the crowd and enjoyed Hoseok’s performance from the side. Man, he’s
born to be a star. He thought.
Jimin decided to take another shot, he need something to do anyway. He gulped down in one shot, grimaced a
little bit by the hot yet cold liquid coming down his throat, but he now realized the pleasant feeling afterwards. No
wonder people love drinking, it tasted good. But he remembered his dad warning back at home, ‘Please stay
away from drugs and alcohol son, I hope you take care of yourself there.’ So Jimin decided to stop at the third
shot. He already felt a little bit lightweighing already.
Jimin looked back at the room, seeing all the people were having the time of their life. Some busy talking to each
other, making new relations and friends here and there. Some were busy making out that it had him grimaced a
little bit. He somehow couldn’t understand with PDA, he’d rather do it all those affection gestures in private,
because it felt so privacy to him. Things like that need to be cherished, as it was intimate and very personal
gesture for him.

He caught a ponytail in his sight, but he was disappointed to see it wasn’t her. Yes, her, none other than Kang
Seulgi. Kang Seulgi was the well-known beauty from the Vocal department. The beauty wasn’t only from her
appearance, but also her voice. Her heavenly voice. He never met someone who could make him skipped a beat
just by the sound of their laugh. But that was Kang Seulgi did to him.

The whole four days of the freshmen orientation was spent together with Seulgi, as both Jimin and her was set
into the same group. All the members were awkward at first, including him and Seulgi. But thanks to this guy
called Chanyeol, the ice melted and all the members warming up to each other in an instant. But the senior were
merciless. At the second day, each of the group had to choose one member to sing in front of the whole student.
Seulgi, being the one and only from the Vocal department, had no other choice.

He remembered how white her nails went, due to her non-stop chlenching it because of her nervousness. He
had this strange urge to unclasped her hand and engulfed hers with his. But he dismissed it all and just closely
watched her trembled a little as she walked into the podium. He unknowingly prayed she’ll be alright.
When she opened her lips, all those nervousness gone from her eyes. And the world stopped for a moment for

Her voice soared through all over the field. All the student fell silent by her voice. Her voice was so beautiful,
beyond compare. She followed the rhythm leisurely, as if it was the rhythm who followed her voice. But at the
end of the song, she cracked her voice a little bit, making herself went beet red as she apologized and let out a
sweet, awkward laugh. And the crowd cheered, hooted hard, and he was sure 95% of the male students had
been head over heels over her. Including him.

And since that day, he couldn’t get her out of his mind.

His eyes couldn’t help to search her in the crowd. He should stop. He sighed. He dislike himself when he’s acting
all whipped like this. But at the end he couldn’t help basking at the warmth this ‘crush’ served everytime he saw
her in campus.

Jimin decided to borrow a pen and drawing random things on the tissue he got from the bartender. This party
kinda amazing tho, it has a minibar with professional bartender inside. This is just like a university edition of a
bar. He was so immersed that he didn’t realized someone had been sitting next to him for a while, looking at him
“What are you drawing?”
Wait what?

“Jimin…right? We were at the same group!” She excitedly asked him. Jimin was speechless for a while, he didn’t
expect this particular Kang Seulgi to be the one who find him. He drank in her sight for a moment, she wore a
faded jeans and cropped sweater tonight, mixed with thin burgundy jumper at the outer. She looked good. And
comfy. And those cropped sweater revealed her prominent abs, making his gone into shame. She let down her
hair tonight, no wonder he couldn’t find her before.

“Ah yeah…” He replied. Scrathing his neck, didn’t know what to do. Does he continue drawing or what? His mind
felt blank the moment she showed up. Seulgi smiled at his reply, making all her eyes gone because of that

“So, what are you drawing?” She pondered again, propping her chin on his arm, genuinely interested at the
crappy sketch of his dog that died two years ago. He didn’t feel confident with his drawing. He knew he got the
scholarship without no reason, but showing someone his sketches instead his final piece really not his cup of

“Ah, it’s nothing…” He tried to fold the tissue paper hastily, but Seulgi frowned and stealthily snatched it from
him. Jimin was taken aback by her sudden movement, and the brief moment she grabbed his hand made him
palpitating inside. His eyes were as wide as saucer.
“Why are you hiding it? It’s good!” She swiftly complimented his messy sketch. And that moment, he was a goner.
Again. For the second time. Shit he must be really like her then. Fuck.

Suddenly someone called her from the crowd, “Ah, I’ll be right back Park Jimin!” And just like that, she’s gone.
She brought his sketch along with her. Great.

The night went on. Jimin didn’t move an inch, mostly because he’s too lazy to find another place to sit (and
another reason just in case she’s coming back), so Jimin put on his headphone and blasting his recent favourite
song, he didn’t really care the way it sounded clashing with the song in the room. He was out of the world for an
hour when Hoseok coming back, drunk as ever.

“Come little boy let’s find herRrrrRr~!” He was slurring hard and Jimin knew it was time to go home. Jimin slinged
one of Hoseok’s hand around his neck, and basically dragging half of his weight with him. Oh the things he do
for Hoseok.

“Where are we going? We haven’t got the roses and the kiss yet!” He whined. Jimin sighed as Hoseok squirmed
from his hold. “We’re going back home.” He replied. And with that, suddenly Hoseok stand up straight, as if he
was sober. Without further ado, he grabbed Jimin’s arm and locked it in his grasp, then dragged him into the sea
of people.

‘What’s with him???’ Jimin incredulously looked at him and puzzled by his sudden antics. “Hobi what are you
doing?” They’ve basically circling the huge plenary hall and Hoseok didn’t show a sign to stop.

“We’re not going home before we meet that Seulgi girl. You get her phone number, and a kiss too before we go
home would be amazing but don’t get your hopes up.” He firmly stated a ridiculous goals for tonight. Jimin tried
to release himself from his grasp, but it was futile due to his iron-grip. Damn Hoseok and his muscles.
“What the hell Hobi-!

“I think that’s her, SEULGI JIMIN WANT TO KISS YOU, oh shit-

Jimin was frozen with the sight in front of him. Seulgi was kissing someone near the back. She was obviously
heard what Hoseok’s said clearly and that’s why she suddenly startled and broke the making out session she
had. Her lipstick was smeared, her face was red and her pupils were dilated, showing her black eyes prominently
like the night sky. Jimin’s gut was churned, and briefly met her eyes, and he instantly turned around his heels
and running out from there.
He didn’t expect the night he realized he really liked her would be the same night his heart being broken.


Jimin sighed at the memories. He remembered he was mad at Hoseok for five days (no more no less, because
it was impossible to be mad at that man longer than that), giving him the silent treatment. That five days was the
longest fight they ever had.

If only feelings could be erased as easy as clicking the backspace at the word documents. He silently thought

Jimin tried to forget her, he really did. He busied himself, and practically focusing on school. It helped a little bit,
and the way their department was far from each other was a bonus. But in the end she never missed to be in his
vision even just for a day. Whether it was in the library, the hallway, or in the café like this. Reality sucks and not
helping at all. He put on his earphone and just wanted to distract himself from that annoying reality for a while.

So Park Jimin didn’t expect it at all when that particular someone bringing her tray filled with quiche and sat next
to him.

“Hey.” She said. Jimin was stunned. He was silent for a solid 10 seconds, and Seulgi couldn’t take the heavy
silence anymore. She put off one his earphone and said,

“I’ll to be your model for your upcoming project. What do you say?”

Jimin uttered a single question with millions of possibilities for the answer. She meaningfully stared back at him,
slightly hesitant to answer the question that even made her fidgeted with her nails again. The sight in front of him
brought him back to that day, but he still managed to restrain the urge to hold her hand once again, gladfully. A
slight of change of air made Jimin taken aback.

“Do you need to have an answer for that? I thought you just need a model! That’s it!”
She suddenly raised her voice an octave higher, gathering an unwanted onlookers from around both of them.
Jimin didn’t understand her at all. It was just a simple question and he expected a simple answer, is that so hard
comprehend? He started to wonder on her motives even more.

“Of course!” Jimin ridiculously answered. This next project of his is his lifeline. He wanted to upgrade his skills as
well as his equipment once more, so who on earth would carelessly picking up a model?! Not him of course. No
matter how gigantic his crush on her and the way his heart leaping in excitement when she offered him her help.
But he need his mind on the wheel this time, art is not a game for him. It’s an ambition, a goal he should achieve.
A gift he should hone day by day. A hobby he should enjoy to the fullest.

Jimin waited for her answer, but they ended up staring at each other, or glaring at each other with no valid reason,
as both of their breath heaving up and down as if they were in marathon. Seulgi closed her eyes in exhaustion.
Her cheeks flared, and she suddenly get up from her seat, stomping away from hm.

“Fine.” She said. And Jimin gone speechless. What the hell is going on?!
Jimin hastily gathered his things and run after her. “Wait!” He grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the nearest
unoccupied hallway. She hide her face with her fringe, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. She didn’t expect
him to agree at all to be honest, but let alone being chased like this.

“Have you even read the requirement? It said you have to be naked at some point because I’m not going to paint
just one, but multiple painting of yours. Can you do that?” Jimin carefully throwing the biggest bomb from his
requirement. Her cheeks turned rosy a little bit but it was gone with a determination in her eyes.

“Yes I have.”

“And not only just that, this might last for this whole semester. Because this project is gonna be my first exhibition
of my own as well as the assignment for the end semester task. I might call you in ungodly hour because I worked
best at night, depends on my mood. And speaking about mood, I can be very moody. Are you really up for that?”
It was not his intention to scare her away, but those are the truth. And he will not sputtering lies to the person
he’s gonna spend the rest of the semester with. Even if it’s her. Even though he wanted he to stay so much on
her decision.
She sighed and smiled a little bit. She saw the crease on his forehead and she knew he meant good with all
these hassle. “Yes I know Jimin-sshi and I wouldn’t be there, mustering up my courage to tell you the proposition
if I hadn’t read all the requirements. So yes, I’m up for all of it.”

The finality in her answer makes Jimin quite.

“So…?” She trailed back, confused with the ambiguity of his response.

“All right. Deal.” Jimin gave out his hand for a handshake and she gladly accept it. “After this, there’s no turning
back, alright? I won’t accept you turning down the deal in the middle of the work, ok?” He confirmed once again,
just to be sure. She nods her head, “Yes of course.”

“So when do we start?”

He couldn’t believe he ended up here, 9:30 p.m., at the football headquarter.

Hoseok still linked his arm to his, not answering the resistance face plastered all over Jimin’s face. Jimin could
hear the melodious voice of Justin Bieber singing Despacito loudly in room, clearly this must be the Golden
Maknae’s playlist on the go.
“Let’s have fun, okay?” Hoseok grinned as he finally letting his arm go. He basically leaped to the crowd and
gone forever after he said that, leaving Jimin all alone once again. He knew it that it’s gonna ended up like this.
He silently prayed it wouldn’t ended up so bitter like the last time.

“Oh wow man I didn’t expect you to be here!” The familiar voice greeted Jimin as he took a seat at the minibar
across the room. A chiseled face with a popping melanine skin met his face with full of boyish smile. “Hey Jae, I
didn’t even expect it myself either.” Jimin chuckled as he bro-hugged Kim Minjae. Minjae only laughed as a reply.
People come and go swarming around Minjae, asking for drinks as he swiftly mixing the drinks based on the
order. This school is really something for throwing parties and wasting money. Jimin glad he got a full scholarship
or else he wouldn’t be here today, in this prestigious college.

“Need a drink Jimin-ah?” Minjae asked inbetween the orders, his big cat-like eyes illuminate the sparkling lights
from the room, making it more beautiful. Jimin wanted to shake his offer, but he pondered again, spacing out for
a second and only Kang Seulgi’s face kept popping inside. It frustrated him. So he chose the latter. “Give me
your best shot Jae.” Jimin sighed as he absentmindedly staring at Minjae working earnestly serving the people.
He didn’t really remember how he was being friends with him, but for sure they hit off pretty well from the
beginning of their friendship. It was like an instant friendship, you just clicked. Minjae often joined his Overwatch-
Day with Hoseok every Friday night at their flat. But the bigger Hoseok’s circle of friends as the time goes, the
lesser he spend his time with Jimin and Minjae. So Friday basically became Jimin-Minjae day. ‘Basically’.

But due to their different departements and different schedules (Minjae studied Literature), it becomes hard for
Jimin to meet Minjae, even on Friday. And knowing it’s hard for him to make Jimin out of his room on weekends
(panting all day and such), so it’s really been a while since their last meeting.
This party didn’t feel too bad after all.

“Thanks.” Jimin thanked him as he gulped it all in one go. He cringed at the heat burning his throat. “Damn Jae
what did you put into my drinks?!” Jimin groaned slowly as he complained to him. Minjae only laughed it off.
“That’s Tequila with Vodka. I thought you said to give you my best shot?” Jimin just wrinkled in distaste. But the
effect is instant for his body. He already left a little bit lightweighting, he’ll never get used to this. But this felt
pleasant after a while, and he started to like it.

“Give me another shot Jae.” He ordered again even thought the heart inside him was in internal war. But he didn’t
care. He doesn’t want to care. Just for tonight, just for this moment.

He just wanted to drink this night away.

Seulgi was silent, spacing out in her seat, with a glass of gin tonic swayed in her grip, untouched. The chatter
between her friends around her felt so empty and void and she ddin’t have any energy to join the conversation.
Her mind was elsewhere, floating around the certain guy none other than Park Jimin. She felt a fleeting stares
here and there from Wendy and Irene but she ignored it all. She knew they’re probably worried, but she just not
in the mood. She didn’t even know why she agreed to come this party.

The scenes from this morning flashed over and over again in her mind. She didn’t know what impulses to hurriedly
make up her mind to be his model when she read the notice on board at the hallway yesterday, she didn’t know
where those tiger-like courage came from to approach him first at the café, she didn’t know what inner power she
had to keep her composure in front of him back at that desserted hallway while inside her heart was nervewreck.

She didn’t know.

But one thing she knew she hates him.

Hate for not remembering her.

Hate for not recognizing her from the beginning, while she easily could spot him in the crowd,

whenever, and wherever it is.

She shook her head from her trance. Joohyun noticed her and wanting to ask what’s wrong. But Seulgi didn’t
want to make her worry, so she get up and said, “I’ll get you another drink.”
And she left the table.
Seulgi didn’t expect to find the silver haired man to sit at the minibar, with an almost finished vodka bottle in his
hand and an empty glass on the another. His beautiful face was buried inbetween his arms on the table, flushed
with tint of pink blossomed on both of his cheeks. This sight was uncanny for her, Seulgi had been to countless
party, and never ever she found Park Jimin in it, except one. But that never stop her wander around trying her

Seulgi standing next to him, unmoved. Eyes plastered only at his heaving up and down body, breathing evenly.
“Yah don’t sleep here Jimin-ah!” Kim Minjae nudged Jimin’s head with his finger, only resulted an annoyed groan
from Jimin. Minjae only sighed as his eyes lit-up again as it met Seulgi’s. “What can I get you?” He offered his
million-dollar smile just like a professional bartender, once he fell into a character, Kim Minjae never do it
halfheartedly. “Ah, a glass of tequila please.” She answered him politely.

Jimin was never the one who talked his feelings out loud. He was always known as the quite kid in the family, as
well as the neighbourhood. Little Jimin would rather be at his home, sketching random things with his crayon kit
and pencils than playing outside with the other kids. It was a miracle when a six years old Kim Taehyung, with
his boxy smile ‘accidentally’ threw him a giant snowball when it was winter back then, at the first day of school.
Jimin was in his way back to his home when the snowball hit the back of his head, making him stumbled forward
and knocked his nose and teeth. The red splotch on the asphalt still vivid from his six years old memories and
the croocked teeth he had now was also resulted from that iconic day. Taehyung was crying out loud as he
dragged Jimin to his home, which right next to his. Guilty as ever be, Taehyung swore to always protect Jimin .
They turned out inseparable since that day. Jimin would always be his Soulmate, the Moon child for Taehyung.
Only Taehyung who knew his true feelings, his deepest secrets, his insecurities. Not his mom, his brother, or his
father, only Kim Taehyung.

So no wonder how close Jimin to Kim Minjae and his other bestfriends here at university, no one knew about his
feelings towards Kang Seulgi. (Well except Jung Hoseok, he’s one hella persistent man who’ll never quit
pestering him until he confessed). Well Minjae recognized her thought, but he just kept silent and do his job.
Seulgi sat next to Jimin, clearly knew he’s hella drunk. She didn’t like it seeing him like this. She shook his arm
a little bit, “Hey, wake up.” Jimin surprisedly get up from his position. He looked at her, hollow eyes, staring back
at Seulgi’s worried eyes. His hair was a little bit messy, Jimin was oozing with alcohol smell, but he stayed silent
and looking at her with disinterest. He continued to pour the vodka to his glass, even though he already hiccupped
once before.

Seulgi tried to pry the bottle away from his grasp as he wanted to drink straight from the bottle, “Hey stop it,
you’re drunk already.” Jimin ducked her grasp harshly, making the bottle collided with his lips hard. A tiny cut
was made on the corner of his bottom lip. Jimin hissed in pain as the blood trickled. Seulgi’s eyes filled with guilt
while he didn’t even want to meet her eyes even just for a second.

“Wait here I’ll grab some tissue-“ She held his hand briefly to make him stay but he shook away her hand in
bottled up anger.

“I didn’t want to stay here again like a fool just waiting for you to comeback.” He finally looked at her, with eyes
flared with emotions, and he get up, leaving Seulgi speechless on her seat, all alone. As he disappeared in midst
of the crowd.

It took Seulgi solid 30 minutes to find Park Jimin. He was in the sea of dancing people, drowned in his own
drunkness. The cease of worries between her eyes couldn’t be missed. Without missing a beat, Seulgi
approached him with parting the sea of sweating bodies. It was uncomfortable, but she could careless.
“Park Jimin.” She grabbed his hanging palm on his side. He instantly stopped his swaying body as he felt the
contact. Their eyes met, and Seulgi couldn’t comprehend what’s the meaning behind it. They say eyes are the
window of soul. Perhaps those people are right.

The world between them stopped, it felt like muted for her. The only thing her body can sense was her deep
breath and his presence. All glory, reek of alcohol with a beads of sweat trickling from his temple. His hair was
messy and the silver bangs were gone. He stroked it all backwards, revealing his foreheads which was rare to
be seen.

He slowly interlaced their fingers, as he guided her body to come closer to his. In this proximity, Seulgi could see
the colour hue of his eyes more clearly. It was brown with a tint of black and purple coming from the disco lights.
She found fire in there, not quite, but she was sure it was there. The heat getting more stronger the longer they
pressed together. Unconsciously she rested her other palm on his chest, resulting a thump of his heartbeat
getting quicker as the time goes. She saw a flicker of lust passed his eyes, but he closed his eyes in a heartbeat,
as he took a deep sigh to calm himself. Somehow his tiny bitsy of his rational mind still working and managed to
save himself from doing stupid things out of impuls. But he didn’t push her away. His inner ego rebelled with his
mind. He wanted to hold her. Just a little bit more.

And Park Jimin didn’t expect to felt a soft lips on his own a second after that. Not in million years.

Seulgi kissed him fast and slow at the same time. He felt her featherly touch to be heavenly, making his head
short-circuited right there, at the moment. He froze at his feet.
And it was gone. She was embarrassed as fuck feeling her kiss wasn’t being reciprocrated at all like that.

Seulgi choked on her breath when his lips chased her own a second afterwards. It was hurry, deep, and hungry.
Their breaths mingled as he inhaled hers. Their lips pressed so hard and moved in sync, as if it’s not their first
time. Jimin’s arms automatically finding her waist and the back of her head. He felt everything of her and she
also felt every warmth of his body. He pulled her closer, closer than they could ever be.

“Jimin-“ She gasped for air but he took that chance to deepen their kiss. His tounge asked for entrance, and she
gladly give in to him. Their tounges clashed and she melted into his embrace. He legs felt jelly on its own, and
Jimin’s arm supported her body in his solid chest. They both felt hot and in fire (“infires man…” I CANT HELP IT
SORRY LMAO XD). Her fingers found the back of his neck and gripped his hair, resulting a deep growl emitted
from the back of Jimin’s throat. She felt a bulge nudging her thighs and blush spreading on her cheeks like field
of blooming rose. They both parted their make-out session like a flash of light as they gasping for breath.

“Fuck, let’s get out of here.” He whispered as he took her wrist with him. And they intertwined their fingers once

They were tripping here and there as they couldn’t get enough of each other’s mouth. Seulgi’s checkered shirt
was slowly unbuttoned by Jimin as he sat on his bed with Seulgi right on his lap, straddling him. Her skirt already
hiked upward until her waist, revealing her slender legs in all of its glory. Jimin’s hungry eyes dilated more at the
sight, making his orbs darker as it would ever be. She watered at the sight, she knew he knew her panty was
getting damper because of him. He peppered her neck with butterfly kisses, “A-aah..” and Seulgi couldn’t stop
her moan from escaping when his warm tounge making contact with her skin. Her grip was getting tighter on his
hair as he started to suck on her neck which for sure will turn into blooming bruise in the morning. But she couldn’t
careless. She want him. She need him. And he need her too.
“Ji-Jimin..” She bit her lip to prevent another loud moan escaping when her top was off and he started travelling
his tounge lower and lower to the valley of her breast. The heat inside her stomach started getting too much to
handle and Seulgi unconsciously moving her hips back and forth, trying to get any friction right on top the bulge
in his jeans. Jimin moaned softly when he felt the pressure from her weight resulting a delicious sensation for his
hardening member.

“Jimin please…” Seulgi whimpered in agony as she couldn’t reach the perfect symphony to sate her increasing
heat, the tug at his dark locks were getting stronger making Jimin groaned in pleasure.

“Move onto my thigh.” He replied roughly, didn’t really wait for her answer as he swiftly pull her up and set her
legs between his toned thigh, Seulgi yelped in surprise.

“Move.” He commanded, and without abc she followed his command. Right when she moved forth, Jimin flexed
his thigh, at the perfect spot underneath her clit. “Aa-ah..” Her body trembled in pleasure. Seulgi tried to hide her
face as she kept moving back and forth with him flexing his mucles at the right spot and the right timing. She
didn’t know what kind of face she’s making right now so she buried her face into his neck.

“Keep going baby.” Jimin whispered as he sucked her jawline softly yet rough, making Seulgi quievered in his

“I-I’m close..” Seulgi whispered. Her movement intensified and Jimin could tell she’s chasing her high, which is
not that far away. He had his own way to help her.
“Look at me.” He asked her to face him. Seulgi whined a breathy ‘no’ as she resisted to parted from his grasp.
But Jimin is more persistent. She wanted to protest but Jimin silenced her in an instant with deep kiss. One hand
was behind her neck while the other sneakily going down to cup her heat. Jimin was silencing all the moan from
her throat. He didn’t even move his fingers an inch but her reaction already like this. He experimented doing an
eight circles around her clothed clit and without further ado, Seulgi reached her orgasm deliciously as her moan
was shut down by his tounge. They parted their lips and Jimin couldn’t get enough of the sight in front of him.
Sweaty face, her bangs sticking here and there around her face, lips parted with a pant escaping her pouty lips
which is swollen because of all those kisses they shared. Her breaths getting even as he caringly soothing her
flexed back with his palm.

Jimin noticed she shuddered a little bit from the aftermath of her nirvana. Wearing only a bra didn’t help at all so
Jimin initiated to tuck her into one of his sweater. Seulgi went limp in his hold as she encircled her arms around
his neck loosesly, still straddling him, didn’t care at all with her half-naked figure. She felt sleepy, and blissful.
She just wanted to curl herself into his embrace like this forever.

“Wait I’ll get you a sweater.” Jimin get her up like a baby as she groaned in protest. He put her on his bed as he
took one of his favourite red sweater. She was halfway to dozing off when he slowly putting on the sweater to
her. Jimin sighed in content looking at the sight in front of him, an angel curled up in his sheet. The girl he’s been
crushing on since forever.

She drifted off to dreamland so fast, leaving him all alone with a semi-hard in his jeans, slowly toned down as the
lust cleared away as the time goes. Jimin suddenly felt sleepy too, seeing her sleeping figure so comfortable,
chest heaving up and down evenly on his bed. Ignoring the bulge, he changed his attire to his pajamas half-
liddedly, which only contains him being bare-chested and a pair of sweatpants.

And he laid down next to her, didn’t forget to interlace his fingers with hers.

It’s 4.50 a.m. and Jimin didn’t understand why he’s awake already.

He felt the vibration on the drawer next to the bed. The outside still dark, the dawn hasn’t set yet. Groggily he
grabbed his noisy phone. Jimin squinted his eyes as he opened 113 messages from line group chat. It’s filled
with nonsense and drunk texts from Hoseok and Jungkook. What the fuck.

Jimin was never been a heavy sleeper in the first place, and he had difficulty to go back to sleep once he’s awake.
So this kind of disturbance really annoying for his sleeping schedule. He heard soft groan as it came closer to
his chest, emitting pulsating heat and warmth to his body much closer. Jimin finally realized it’s her on his chest,
Kang Seulgi.
Seulgi snuggled closer unconciously to his body, face planted in the crook of his neck permanently. On of her
hand splattered on his chest, as her legs locked on of his leg, clinging like a baby koala. Half of her body draped
on his and basically he’s the imaginary tree she hugged. Wow he didn’t expect her to be a snuggler.

Seulgi still trying to find a comfortable position, trying to gather as much of body heat Jimin could provide, and
that makes her hand wander unconciously lower to his abdomen, his waist, and the crevices of his well-toned
abs, and Jimin shuddered. He hurriedly stopped her hand and moved his position facing her, caging her in his
embrace. When Jimin finally engulfed her figure completely, Seulgi sighed in content and stop moving. Her breath
evened out again, puffing soft hum on Jimin’s jugular. He shuddered once more.

Ok fuck he’ll never get his sleep back at this point.

A bright light engulfing her face woke Seulgi up from her slumber. Seulgi squinted her eyes, body still unmoved
from her position, due to the comfortable warmth surrounding her bare calf. Seulgi soflty blinked her eyes,
adjusting to the light difference from the darkness before. She could feel every eyelashes tickling her cheeks,
pupil finally dilated to the current light. Her senses come alive, and she could hear a scratching sound, seems
like a scratch of pensil on a paper. A figure sitting right next to her, bare-chested, with an a4 sketchbook on his

Jimin was sketching her.

It’s seems like he didn’t realize she’s awake yet as his gaze focused on her right hand that rested on his knee.
She could see his silver fringe falling down effortlessly to his forehead, with few strands teasing his eyes sneakily.
Jimin huffed that strands of hair, then continue focusing on his sketch. Seulgi was fully awake, but she didn’t dare
to move, afraid that she might broke down the grace that engulfing his presence right now. But then Jimin brushed
back his hair with his fingers and finally look up to her face, and he froze.

“You’re awake.” He finally said a word after it felt like eternity. While it was actually just few seconds. Seulgi
hummed, suddenly didn’t realize the awkwardness vibe Jimin gave. She felt so content and sated. And she didn’t
want to move at all.

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