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XCC Special Session int, Lae 7 The following are some statistics that may help in the discussion: «Key Operating Fund (KOF) - Cash Balance (as of 10/09): $3,657,708.31. * Projected KOF Ending Balance (Reserve): $2,876,106.04 at the end of December, which would be after they go through the next two months and make the 27" pay, which is on the XCC agenda next week. > Projected ending balance includes no transfer to the General Capital Fund. > Estimated additional costs to restore 9 full-time and 3 part-time positions eliminated in August 2009: $480,000. Mr. Bazelak said he presented his opinion on the recommendation to Council as to utilizing the reserve funds and a couple of concerns he had. A few years ago, he presented to Council a two- year financial trend analysis. Given the economic conditions they were facing, they had several discussions, and as difficult as it is to make projections, they thought they needed to look long- term for the City’s financial health in the future. Therefore, they presented some 10-year financial projections. The issue is that the revenue stream is not sufficient to support their existing level of services and expenditures as they move into the future, Some of the concems he has with using the reserve right now is that they do not have a mechanism in place currently to recoup some of those dollars, A levy has not been and they do not know for sure yet if they will be going out for a levy. Ifthey move forward with a levy, the other primary issue is to determine which positions to bring back. He noted staff has had preliminary discussions regarding the staffing level, but they have not had a chance to make those recommendations to Council. President Propes clarified it would cost $480,000 to bring back alll the laid off employees but those costs would be significantly higher next year. Mr. Percival said $480,000 is the cost for 2010. Councilwoman Felton said it does not say that. Mr. Merri reed with Mr. Percival. Mr. Percival said they are currently working on the ci group of folks for the 3F Coaching. One of the of information they are hoping to achieve is what services to provide and how to pay for them. The consultants from Wright State and 3F Coaching have both said by the end of the year or the first of the next year, they will have recommendations from the survey and the group interactions as to what our citizens are saying, survey and also bringing together a Councilman Caupp asked if 3 Coaching was doing the entire project. Mr. Merriman said no; 3F Coaching will lead the focus groups. Their group has met several times to discuss the layout and what they want the company to achieve in order to generate that final report that will come back to Council. Councilman Caupp said he previously shared his concern about the company’s expertise. Mr. Merriman agreed that 3F Coaching could facilitate those conversations and extract information from the focus group. After they have that information, they will have to determine how they want to move forward. Mr. Percival said he was not sure a one-page work plan was sufficient, but 3F Coaching identified their fees for the focus group, part 2, part 3, ete., and they were able to justify using them for the focus group. Councilwoman Felton asked who was developing the questions. Mr. Percival. sai providing the questions to ask. Wright State University gave them a sample si tweaked it a little bit. i them to say.

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