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Access YOUR Ultimate Power: The Blueprint To Infinite Intelligence
Access YOUR Ultimate Power: The Blueprint To Infinite Intelligence
Access YOUR Ultimate Power: The Blueprint To Infinite Intelligence
Ebook216 pages4 hours

Access YOUR Ultimate Power: The Blueprint To Infinite Intelligence

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About this ebook

Access YOUR Ultimate Power: The Blueprint to Infinite Intelligence reveals why we feel so powerless and how to access our true energetic power.

This is an emerging feminine power that allows us to better tap into our innate intelligence...that part of our deep intuition that knows what is true and best for us, our bodies, and our families, that knows what gifts we have to give for the benefit of others.

AYUP outlines an effective and simple system for accelerating our growth, expansion, and ascension. It shows us how to find and evaluate blocked energies and their causes and guides us through the process of eliminating them.

Known as the "secret weapon of millionaires," the science based Infinity System in this book describes the energetic mechanisms behind why and how our lives can change from stuck and unfulfilling to expansive, joyful, and rewarding in a matter of minutes.

You will discover the ability to measure how far off you are from your desires and make any course corrections you need — your dreams already exist, you only need to become energetically aligned with them in order to realize them.

Your ultimate power is your human birthright, and it is now within your reach.
Release dateNov 20, 2020
Access YOUR Ultimate Power: The Blueprint To Infinite Intelligence

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    Book preview

    Access YOUR Ultimate Power - Kimberly Sherry



    The idea of writing this book has morphed and changed over time. It originally started as a purge to get my head straight after leaving a life-long religious cult twenty years ago. But it didn’t seem like it had an ending. I stood at the threshold of a whole new life, but with a big, now what?

    So I shelved it. I tried to get back to it as an autobiography, but every time I thought about the past, tears would well up. So, onto the back burner it went as I continued working on myself, knowing I still had unhealed triggers.

    I was invited to become one of fourteen authors for the now number one best selling book, Supercharge Your Success. This was a great foot in the door for a new author. It was basically my signature talk from when I spoke publicly. That project was easy, not painful at all. I included very few details of my past.

    While I have mentally labored over this book for years, its final shape was born effortlessly in the mountains of Peru when I created a twelve-week program for clients who wanted to learn my system remotely. This outline became the perfect masculine structure to hold the flow of feminine heart wisdom coming through.

    While writing this book, another opportunity showed up to be one of seventeen authors for the book, Fear to Freedom. This became the perfect chance to tell my story of being raised in a religious cult and how I re-claimed ownership of my power. It is available on my author page for those who desire more details about my personal life than is included here. (

    As I have continued to live into my own message of Ultimate Power, I kept being shown one thing I have become quite certain of — the information I’ve been given was not meant just for me to overcome my hardships and step more fully into my greatest gifts. It was meant for all of humanity, and so it is presented here.

    My life’s journey has given me a special passion for working with women. Powerfully grounded women are needed as humanity transitions away from patriarchy and the masculine model of pushing, forcing, and chasing, and steps into a more effortless, magnetic, loving way of creating through our Feminine Energy where things come to us — inspiration, clients, ideas, help, support, money, and rich resources. This allows us the freedom to safely bring our gifts to the world.

    While this book is written mostly for women, The Infinity System™ is equally effective for men. As you will see, feminine power is important for both sexes. This transition from feeling emasculated to accessing our ultimate power supports the notion that all changes come from within, no matter our gender, instead of always looking on the outside for another quick fix.

    This book serves as an introduction to my Infinity System™ and its Infinity Scale™, how they can help you step into your next level of personal power, whether your goal is to be more financially abundant, have better relationships, attract an aligned partner, or enjoy radiant health for longer than you’d expect.

    The first nine chapters will help you better understand our invisible energy system and why it is more important than our physical bodies, and the remaining chapters will help you apply The Infinity System™ to your own invisible energy system that influences your life.

    As an energetic Spirit, you already know how to do everything detailed in this book. But you have forgotten. I have written this guide to help you remember what you already know.

    Let me take you back to where this system was impregnated within me…


    Our group is deep in the dense Peruvian Amazon rainforest. There’s no running water or electricity. It’s hot, sweaty and mosquitoes reign. We are staying with a shaman and his indigenous family on their family compound: a dining room, separate temple, and private bungalows to accommodate about 15-20 people. It’s about eight p.m. as we sit dressed in white around the perimeter of the twelve-sided circular temple on foam mats.

    There I was feeling excited, unnerved, and curious all at the same time. It was hard to believe I was actually in the jungle, so far from friends and family. I had no idea then that this experience would forever change my world, my life, and how I now see things. How could I have known then that Spirit would reveal information to me to make the Hawkins’ scale of human consciousness obsolete, or that I would be able to live my dream of traveling the world, expanding my horizons while teaching, working remotely with global clients, all while continuing to write?

    All twelve of us have a small plastic bucket in case we vomit, and a roll of toilet paper and small flashlight for the bathroom, a short distance outside in the dark. The Shipibo shamans sit in the center of the room around an altar of items we brought from home: crystals, pictures of loved ones, medicine bundles, and goddess cards. The shamans have their ayahuasca medicine that looks like chocolate milk in a plastic liter bottle, although it tastes nothing like it. Their shamanic tools consist of feathers, rattles, a potion they rub on you, and mapacho — natural tobacco rolled into cigarettes.

    They begin to prepare us by setting a protected energetic container around us. We are about to enter realms where both dark and light entities reside. The shamans are our trusted guides. They rub us with fragrant potions and cleanse us with mapacho blown into our crowns, our hearts, and in the four cardinal directions. They sing icaros, or songs as prayers, in their native Shipibo language and send invocations into the medicine that sound like an airy whistling.

    We each take turns ingesting the exact amount of ayahuasca prescribed by the shaman, about a shot glass full. The first time everyone receives the same amount as the shamans see how we respond. Subsequent doses are adjusted according to each person. They blow out the oil lanterns. And then we wait…in silence…in the dark.

    The full moon yields shadowy silhouettes. The buzz of beetles in the trees seems louder than I’ve noticed before. The warm air is gentle. My queasy stomach feels anxious for what may come next. If I open my mouth, butterflies may appear. The reality is that deep change is on its way.

    About twenty minutes later I hear the first person begin to purge…followed by another. Even though I know this is common and called getting well by the indigenous native Americans, I still feel unprepared. Sometimes there is no way to prepare for exiting your comfort zone and stepping into an unfamiliar experience. You just have to do it.

    With my face deep in the bucket, purging turns into tears and then wailing. Tears come from unknown depths. I tap into an unforgettable global grief. I have never cried this hard in my entire life. The sadness is overwhelming. My body is shaking uncontrollably.

    The shamans come over to doctor me with their rattles and feathers, pulling foreign energies out of my body as they continue to sing their Shipibo prayers. I finally calm down as the sobbing subsides and my body stops shaking, but now the visions are getting stronger.

    As the shamans leave to attend to others, I close my eyes and see the muddy banks of the Amazon river. It’s like a slow-motion tree shredder churning and grinding bones with mud, snakes, and bugs. Everything is grimy and dirty in shades of grey and brown. I see partial faces of people hiding behind trees and bushes.

    After about an hour of visions, I see something coming from above. What is this? It implants into the core of my solar plexus like a seed. I have an innate sense and knowing this has something to do with my healing abilities. I came to the jungle to be a greater channel of healing for the planet and humanity. I know this is powerful medicine. I begin to promise out loud through more tears to do whatever they ask of me. I don’t even know what I’m promising or to whom. I feel in complete service and deep gratitude.

    Nearly four hours later, everything has calmed down. I finally head to bed around one in the morning.

    The next evening, five of us gently sway in hammocks suspended from the rafters of the large dining room. The warm, steady, gentle rain soothes the day away as we chat about our revelations. Gentle flashes of lightning illuminate the darkness we see through bug screens, and soft rumblings sound in the distance.

    One of the girls feels an increasing tension in the air and tells us she’s going outside to scream. A few minutes later we hear a long healthy scream a short distance away. The rest of us continue to reminisce as we all get silent. I start to drift. It feels as though a giant tsunami of energy has been pulled far from shore as we rest in a still point.

    Suddenly, the loudest blast of blue-white blaze flashes. I scream, bolting upright. As instantly as it becomes day, it suddenly reverts to darkness. This bolt of lightning lands about five feet from the temple and about forty feet from where we were reminiscing.

    Ten seconds later, as we sit in shock and disbelief, the young woman outside flies through the doorway drenched, while both laughing hysterically and sobbing uncontrollably.

    Oh my fucking God!! Whaaaat the FUUUCK!!!! She stutters and stammers, I was in the rain with my arms stretched wide with my face to the sky and my heart wide open when the bolt went straight over my head. I dove to the ground. I have never been so scared in my life. More tears. "I felt the heat of that bolt. I felt like I just had a shamanic death."

    I was shocked out of my wits. I felt so sorry for her and at the same time relieved to have been inside. We were all shaken up, and gratefully no one was harmed.

    We head to the temple to ground and center ourselves. We grab rattles and drums and dance around the altar to shake off the upheaval and reconnect — to each other, to our mother, to ourselves.

    The next day, the shaman tells us nothing like this has ever happened there, but it was a good sign of the powerful work we are doing. The children in the village are frightened by the incident. We give them a big dose of energy healing. One man gently massages the soles of their feet while others help to calm the frightened energy in their bodies.

    A week later, while still in the jungle, I notice an odd, thick and dry patch of skin around the base of my spine. My root chakra, responsible for managing the energy that makes me feel safe, took an intense blow from the lightning strike. While the patch eventually faded, it became evident to me how mighty Spirits shook loose and shattered my core fear programs in the most intense instant I have ever experienced.

    When I return home, I am not the same. The incredible serenity I now feel is much bigger than the result of just visiting a tranquil environment. You wouldn’t experience this level of peace of mind from a walk in the forest or quiet time on the beach. I no longer feel anxious or worried. No matter what is going on around me, I have a newfound sense of equanimity I have not known before — it has never left me.

    I ask Spirit how long what I have experienced in the jungle will take to integrate and I am told these 15 days and 5 ayahuasca journeys will be integrated over the next 3 years — from 2012-2015. Even though I have and use energetic tools to help me integrate, how this will be experienced is unknown. I remember thinking at the time how this bold move to visit the formidable jungles of Peru was 180 degrees from where I’d come from…

    Born and raised as a Jehovah’s Witness (JW), I was baby when they knocked on our door one day in the mid-1950s and love-bombed us with their acts of kindness. They became my mother’s refuge from her alcoholic husband and later my sexually abusing father. While my mother had the best of intentions for her five children, she had no idea we were being deeply programmed and controlled with fear, guilt, and shame — the traits of a cult.

    You can read more details of my upbringing and victory over this cult in the anthology, Fear to Freedom: Stories of Triumph After Leaving a High Control Religion.¹

    In short, deprived of a normal childhood with celebrations like Christmas and birthdays, and not being able to have friends outside of the JWs, I grew up very lonely. As a virgin at nineteen, I married a JW who was my first love. He was considered weak according to JW standards. He almost never knocked on doors, barely went to our weekly meetings, and sometimes would leave during a meeting to get a blowjob from a prostitute and come back like nothing had happened.

    Even though the only reason JWs allow a divorce is adultery, between the two-witness rule² and him lying, I could never prove it to the elders. He later admitted to being unfaithful beginning from the second year we were married. Being a stay-at-home mom with no means of supporting myself, let alone my children, I felt trapped and stayed longer than I should have. After twenty five years of knowing in my heart what was going on, feeling unloved and empty, yet trapped through a lifetime of cult programming of submission, I began to crack.

    The turning point of finally leaving this marriage was when I walked into Big 5 Sporting Goods store one warm afternoon while my kids were in school to buy a gun to end my life. I felt isolated, hopeless, numb, and pale as I stood in front of the gun case wondering which one would be powerful enough to do the job. When the salesman asked if he could help, I was stunned to my senses and realized I couldn’t do this to my two children, nine and eleven at the time.

    As I drove home, I started to feel a rapid thaw coming on. Instead of feeling the deep depression I had sunk into, I energetically stepped up a notch and began to feel a burning rage. I felt the resentment, the wasted time, and how much crap I had put up with and stuffed. I deserved better than this. This anger became fuel to start moving me up and out of this toxic relationship.

    In the process, it became very apparent my Spiritual family was equally toxic. My husband at the time was eventually disfellowshipped, which meant he was required to go to meetings for a year without anyone speaking to him in order to be able to return. After six months, I convinced the elders to allow him to be reinstated. However, even after his return he was still not welcomed.

    The JWs talk a lot about love, but I never felt it. Tears from nowhere would surface while singing kingdom songs at our meetings. I started paying attention

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