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Exposing Insecurity: Breaking Free From Insecurity
Exposing Insecurity: Breaking Free From Insecurity
Exposing Insecurity: Breaking Free From Insecurity
Ebook136 pages1 hour

Exposing Insecurity: Breaking Free From Insecurity

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Exposing Insecurity is a book that is focused on helping to break the oppression that can come from the insecurity that affects everyone in all of humanity. There is an answer to the insecurity that we feel and that undermines our future. Wholeness and freedom are the result of insecurity being exposed to the Truth of God.
Release dateMay 4, 2011
Exposing Insecurity: Breaking Free From Insecurity

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    Book preview

    Exposing Insecurity - Kyle Horner



    Am I fat, God? asked a young wife whose husband had just told her she had put on too much weight. "I’ll never be able to get that job," thought the unemployed father of two who had recently been let go. I don’t care what he says… I’m going to make something of myself, declared the tear-streaked adolescent over the constant voice of her abusive parent. Each of these individuals joins the multiple millions of people across the globe that daily wrestles with the debilitating effects of insecurity.

    Over my twenty years of ministry, I have seen insecurity undermine more people, shatter more dreams, cripple more marriages, and severely handicap more destinies than almost anything else. Due to its diabolical nature, insecurity deeply strikes doubt, despair, fear, compromise, and complacency into the heart of every individual. Insecurity undermines the image of God that has been impressed upon every child.

    As a matter of fact, the Word of God states in Genesis 3 that it was this tool of the Enemy which the snake in the garden used to challenge Eve’s security -- leading both her and her husband into a life of sin, separation, and mediocrity. Insecurity severely handicaps every person’s ability to walk out their God- given purpose and hinders fulfillment from the joy that comes from wholeness.

    The sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross purchased forgiveness, salvation, health, and wholeness. Believers are empowered to be more than conquerors over every word spoken against them, every generational curse passed down to them, every negative thought that has risen above the truth, and every failed past experience that attempts to warp their self-image!

    The Apostle Paul asserts, If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (2 Corinthians 5:17). This truth assures every Christian that they have the opportunity to start afresh and anew in Christ. The overwhelming grace of God lays the foundation for instant security while overcoming the voice of negativity and doubt.

    The Holy Spirit sanctifies believers and infuses them with dynamic power. Jesus said in Acts 1:8 that we receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. The Greek word for power is dunamis, the root for our word dynamite! This incredible power enables us to live the way God intended in every area of life. The apostle Paul tells us that the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead dwells inside every believer. This power can ignite the change within us to overcome our insecurities. The good news is we do not need to do it alone! We have the power of the Holy Spirit within us to produce the change needed. The prophet Zechariah reminds us it is "not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty" (Zechariah 4:6).

    * * *

    The author’s hope is that with the help of the Holy Spirit and the grace of God, the truths in this book will expose the insecurity that attempts to ravage your well-being. Then, through the victory won on the cross and the power of the Holy Spirit, you will find the freedom in Christ to be who He has created you to be!


    Insanity is only one insecurity away!

    In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the LORD. But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast

    Then the LORD said to Cain, Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.

    Now Cain said to his brother Abel, Let’s go out to the field. And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him. Genesis 4:3-8

    Unfortunately, insecurity is a devastating reality in every person’s life across the globe. It is the hidden assassin to relationships, successes, families, choices, destinies, and generations. We must choose to expose these insecurities that are distracting and destroying our lives.

    A few years ago I attended a pastors’ breakfast in a local Christian school. As the meal was being served, a microphone was passed around the room for us to introduce ourselves. As the microphone went from one person to another, I found myself feeling a little uneasy and insecure. For anyone who knows me, this would seem very unusual.

    During my athletic life I played in front of tens of thousands of people. I have co-hosted a radio and a television show. In addition, I have had the privilege of preaching in front of thousands around the world. Yet as the microphone approached, I became nervous, thinking, "Is my hair messed up?… Do I have food in my teeth?… "Do I have a traveler on my nose?" Even after I spoke, I found myself worrying, "Did I stutter … speak too fast … seem haughty?" Welcome to insecurity!

    We ALL deal with insecurity on a daily basis, and it affects us on multiple levels. The effects are universal and deep-rooted:

    . fear

    . isolation

    . uneasiness

    . offense

    . worry

    . stress

    . jealousy/envy

    . racism

    These can be masked with

    . shyness/bravado

    . people-pleasing/enabling

    . cynicism/sarcasm

    . being loud/quiet

    . aggression/isolation

    Whatever the manifestation, insecurity is the second most dangerous threat to our success and prosperity, right behind the outward rebellion of sin. You may have even begun feeling uneasy about what this book is going to reveal about you! It’s time to expose our insecurity to the Truth so it can be overcome and we can live victoriously!

    Insecurity affected Cain to the point where he did something he thought he would never do… he killed his own brother! You may say, "I’d never do that, I’d never hurt someone because I know what it’s like to be hurt. I’d never hold an offense because I know what it’s like to have someone do that."

    The challenge that we each must face is that our insecurity will cause us to do things we swore we would never do. An hour before Cain was rejected, if we could have told him, You’re going to kill Abel, he never would have believed us. Killing his brother was not a sane thing to do. But insecurity took him past his sanity. Insecurity will take us places that our sanity can’t sustain us. It will cause us to strike out against people that we love, as well as bring destruction upon the things we swore we would protect.

    Thus Cain’s offering was not accepted but his brother’s was -- enter disappointment. This moment of disappointment was the perfect opportunity for insecurity to raise its ugly head and manifest itself in anger. Cain became angry because his offering was rejected, and he began to impose that sense of rejection upon his sense of self-worth. Our value is often connected to our sense of achievement. If rejection or failure becomes a perceived possibility, insecurity will undoubtedly respond to protect its sense of value. This affront to Cain’s sense of value cried out for retribution. This voice of insecurity caused him to do the unthinkable -- strike out against his own brother.

    Insecurity will challenge our sense of worth, potential, and identity

    Whenever we face an opportunity to move forward into all that God has for us, we immediately begin to give place to that inner monologue, Can I really be that person that God says I am? Can I really have that passion, be healed, have that great marriage, live in prosperity? This inner monologue begins to speak negatively over the possibilities of our future. It tells us to play it safe, to not take unnecessary risks. Insecurity would rather have less than to take the risk of failing and let people believe it is less.

    Insecurity will attack every destiny-laden opportunity in an attempt to safeguard its sense of control. Our souls (our mind, will, and emotions) know that risk is the environment of faith, but risk is also the arena of possible failure. The possibility of failure enters the picture, our fear engages, and the need to control our environment kicks in.

    The first thing Cain must have thought was, What’s wrong with me? What’s the matter with my offering … why am I not good enough? I guess God likes Abel more than me. The problem with this type of thinking is that we begin to judge our value from situational positioning. We begin to think, I must not be good, worthy, or valuable enough, or else I would have what I want. Our insecurity gets us to focus on the wrong image – the self-image of who we can’t be, rather than who we already are in Jesus Christ. We begin to focus on, Why don’t I, why can’t I, why won’t they pick me, why doesn’t my boss like me … why God? rather than asking, How can I be accepted, receive blessing, feel worthy, be healed, be found righteous in Your sight? All Cain needed to ask was, "God, how can I?"

    Sometimes we ask why others get to do whatever they like while we go on thinking we must not be worthy enough. The problem is that every time we try to get our worth from someone else’s opinion, we will always fall short. Trying to get our self-worth from another is like going to a dry well; no matter how many times we go, we'll walk away thirsty. In our desperate search for acceptance and security we’ll ask hundreds of people their opinion, looking for some sense of worth through

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