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El arte de la Guerra
El arte de la Guerra
El arte de la Guerra
Ebook65 pages57 minutes

El arte de la Guerra

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El tratado de estrategia más influyente del mundo

The Art of War 'es un antiguo tratado militar chino que data del siglo V aC y se atribuye al antiguo estratega militar chino Sun Tzu. El texto está compuesto por 13 capítulos, cada uno de los cuales está dedicado a un aspecto de la guerra y comúnmente se piensa que es un trabajo definitivo sobre estrategia y táctica militar. Fue colocado a la cabeza de los Siete Clásicos Militares de China tras la creación de la colección en 1080 por el Emperador Shenzong de Song, y ha sido durante mucho tiempo el texto de estrategia más influyente en el Este de Asia. Ha tenido una influencia en el pensamiento militar oriental y occidental, las tácticas comerciales, la estrategia legal y más allá.
PublisherMoon Classics
Release dateNov 8, 2020

Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu, also known as Sun Wu or Sunzi, was an ancient Chinese military strategist believed to be the author of the acclaimed military text, The Art of War. Details about Sun Tzu’s background and life are uncertain, although he is believed to have lived c. 544-496 BCE. Through The Art of War, Sun Tzu’s theories and strategies have influenced military leaders and campaigns throughout time, including the samurai of ancient and early-modern Japan, and more recently Ho Chi Minh of the Viet Cong and American generals Norman Swarzkopf, Jr. and Colin Powell during the Persian Gulf War in the 1990s.

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Vapid martial homilies.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" is a great book.This ancient classic was written over 2,500 years ago by the legendary Chinese general Sun Tzu, being aa timeless masterpiece of interaction of power and politics this book teaches many good lessons to anyone who will ever have to command a group of people, in the workplace, in school, or on the battlefield.The Art of War is an ageless book that teaches human nature and how to deal with difficult situations in life and business.The lessons learned in this book can be allied to relationship, friendship, career and make you a more complete person in general. I I recommend this book to be read by all those who wants to succeed in anything they do, It is not just about lessons in war but can be used and applied for everyday life."The Art of War" is a must read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The oldest military treatise on war. This one is Tops! Translation by Lionel Giles and with original Chinese.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Love the notion that the greatest leader is one that defeats the challege before it is known that the challenge exists. Here we are obsessed with the hero leader who battles with the mighty demons and after much struggle wins. I see this in schools where the head turns around a failing school and is seen as a great leader. But all too often they miss the greater leadership of the head who intervenes with a timely word here, a school event there keeps the school on track, Much better to read the straight translations rather then the art of war for the board room which often miss the point
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Meh. Okay I guess but overall I'm not that impressed.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Very fundamental axioms of strategies put forward by an ancient Chinese general. Influential even today not only in military matters but in the business world as well.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This turned out to be a cheap and good translation. If all you want is the straight translation, this is a great edition
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Art of War is a treasure trove of information...if you study war, ancient China, Strategy, or military is useless when applied to business, I think. I love this text, but I study ancient Asian texts. Giles' translation is the one which all others are measured and it has the text with commentary and without, and in the original Chinese. As a study text this is superb, as a manual for business, it a weak application.Miso
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Art of War is a wonderful, short, and classic read that looks good on any bookshelf. While it reads in the form of a short choppy manual it is well worth anyone's time. This book has, for good reason, found it's way into the hands of thousands... maybe millions of people since its original writing.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I read this and let my mind wander a little, but not too much. Invariably whatever I think about mixes with the words, and elegant, clear observations come out. It's like guided meditation.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A subtle and fascinating philosophy on how to wage war. Knowledge of assured victory is key for Sun Tzu. At once it is esoteric and simple giving the reader the opportunity to find new angles and places to learn with each repeated reading. Intense and interesting. (Shambhala translation)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    When you go to buy The Art of War, you will have several editions to choose from. If not, you're in the wrong shop; go and find another. I recommend going through each edition and pick the one whose translation you find easiest to read.It's difficult to review this book. The Art of War is not the kind of book you read. It's the kind of book you reflect on. For best results, reflect and then bring your reflections to a group who have also read the book. Everyone will find a passage or two that really struck a note for them, and for different reasons. Prepare to talk long into the night.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Inspiration comes from many places and The Art of War is one of those books mentioned frequently in my circles. It's one of those books I've been meaning to get to for years and, while I am not sorry that I finally got to it, its usefulness to me is limited.Most of the non-strategic advice is good leadership advice. Things such as being a leader means setting the standard for how the work should be done, including getting one's hands dirty with the lowliest tasks. I've read plenty of stuff about leadership, and setting the example, that there really wasn't anything new for me here.Since I'm not interested in military strategies, the rest was dry.From a strictly historic perspective, I can understand the importance of this treatise. But as an outstanding example of leadership and strategy in the 21st century? I'm not seeing it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's amazing that this advice is still quite relevant 2500 years after the fact. Some of it, of course, isn't, but that'll happen. The historical allusions in Giles' translation/commentary are pretty useful, though occasionally it gets really deep into Chinese history and you forget who you are and what you're reading. What dynasty are we in again?
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    you kind of have to read this, yah. so privately canonized.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It is a really old book, but still has much application to everyday life in modern times. The book is a little hard to read at times. However, the knowledge you get from reading it worth it. I recommend everyone read this title at least once in their lifetime.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Quite possibly the most influential book on military tactics of all time. I was incredibly surprised by its brevity. A must-read for any historian. 
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This is a manual and reads like one. Better to take in very small doses, digest and discuss rather than to read continuously.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I had to read this for an English class. I'm still trying to figure out why.Maybe I'll be better at strategy games?
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    During a sermon, the rabbi talked about this book and said that it was really a philosophy on how to live life. When I started reading it, I saw that it really is a book on how to wage war. Definitely not what I expected and definitely not a book I would ever want to read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I'm so glad I finally read this historic book. I found it very interesting and understand why it has been adapted to suit other fields -- notably management. And the version of the book I bought is beautiful in itself. Bound in traditional Chinese style, with each page folded in half and only printed on the outside. Hard to rate -- it is what it is as they say -- but I'm rating it highly because it has stood the test of time.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    My first "android" book :)
    3 days of boring lectures and you complete a whole book !!!!
    A Sun Tzu's masterpiece on competition in a battlefield.An obstinate struggle to survive,to fight with a person's best spirits and a anecdote of survival in tough times. The book talks about various moves of enemies and optimum strategic judgement according to opponent's strength and weakness.
    Main categories under which the comprehensive book is divided are: Laying plans, waging war, strategic attacks, energy, tactical dispositions, army on march, fire attacks and use of spies.
    A book one of its kind. Precise, short statements without any kind of obfuscation, a provident manifestation of a probable war like situation.Indeed, a complete war time reference manual.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Defiantly some good tips in here. I can see why other countries armies are so well disciplined if they still use these tactics. Some of them could also work for dealing with people as well. Some handy things in here.

    It's easy to read, but he repeats things a lot, and some of the sentence are worded strangely. And then, some lines are written like poetry.

    It was a something different, and I'm glad I picked it up.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Fascinating. My particular copy (an audiobook) included modern comparisons between each chapter which was horribly annoying. The observations in the book maintain their usefulness to the present.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    No wonder the words in this book have such wide applications across a whole massive spectrum of professions to situations.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Hmm, this book can really be used in company`s management, because some war strategies are quite similar to organization management. For example, need for clear and not doubtful commands, advice to put best soldiers (workers) on first line, importance of understanding ones own weaknesses and strengths etc.Overall, it`s boring literature if one don`t think how to use those advices in life.[more:]
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Don't like this edition. The history is boring and confusing (chi, Ch'i, ch'i all mean different things) 1 star for the edition and history part.

    The actual Art of War is good. 3 stars.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I heard a lot of people talking about "The Art of War." In business, during news commentary...everywhere. I find it funny, when reading it, to see something very simple. Descriptions of the appropriate duties of the army and generals are basic, and the "secrets" of successful conquering is good common sense. I suppose the reason it seems so enlightening is the lack of common sense in the huge majority of people. Saying that, this was a great opporunity to see some of the basis for business practices overseas and at home. There are many people who think about business as warefare. These tactics will be used, and should be understood. Because common sense is no longer common, and probably wasn't in ancient China, this is a great guide to dealing with conflict...if you want to win.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    An interesting book, written with just short quips of information but it still seemed to flow rather seamlessly. A decent book with some good info, some of it could be still used today some of it would obviously not apply anymore to today's wars. A good read, enjoyable, and really quick.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An enduring classic, an absolute must-read for every business person and military mind the world over.

Book preview

El arte de la Guerra - Sun Tzu


Sun Tzu

Publicado: -500

Categoría(s): No Ficción, Humanidades, Filosofía

Capítulo 1

Sobre la evaluación

Sun Tzu dice: la guerra es de vital importancia para el Estado; es el dominio de la vida o de la muerte, el camino hacia la supervivencia o la pérdida del Imperio: es forzoso manejarla bien. No reflexionar seriamente sobre todo lo que le concierne es dar prueba de una culpable indiferencia en lo que respecta a la conservación o pérdida de lo que nos es mas querido; y ello no debe ocurrir entre nosotros.

Hay que valorarla en términos de cinco factores fundamentales, y hacer comparaciones entre diversas condiciones de los bandos rivales, con vistas a determinar el resultado de la guerra. El primero de estos factores es la doctrina; el segundo, el tiempo; el tercero, el terreno; el cuarto, el mando; y el quinto, la disciplina.

La doctrina significa aquello que hace que el pueblo esté en armonía con su gobernante, de modo que le siga donde sea, sin temer por sus vidas ni a correr cualquier peligro.

El tiempo significa el Ying y el Yang, la noche y el día, el frío y el calor, días despejados o lluviosos, y el cambio de las estaciones.

El terreno implica las distancias, y hace referencia a dónde es fácil o difícil desplazarse, y si es campo abierto o lugares estrechos, y esto influencia las posibilidades de supervivencia.

El mando ha de tener como cualidades: sabiduría, sinceridad, benevolencia, coraje y disciplina.

Por último, la disciplina ha de ser comprendida como la organización del ejército, las graduaciones y rangos entre los oficiales, la regulación de las rutas de suministros, y la provisión de material militar al ejército.

Estos cinco factores fundamentales han de ser conocidos por cada general. Aquel que los domina, vence; aquel que no, sale derrotado. Por lo tanto, al trazar los planes, han de compararse los siguiente siete factores, valorando cada uno con el mayor cuidado:

¿Qué dirigente es más sabio y capaz?

¿Qué comandante posee el mayor talento?

¿Qué ejército obtiene ventajas de la naturaleza y el terreno?

¿En qué ejército se observan mejor las regulaciones y las instrucciones?

¿Qué tropas son más fuertes?

¿Qué ejército tiene oficiales y tropas mejor entrenadas?

¿Qué ejército administra recompensas y castigos de forma más justa?

Mediante el estudio de estos siete factores, seré capaz de adivinar cual de los dos bandos saldrá victorioso y cual será derrotado.

El general que siga mi consejo, es seguro que vencerá. Ese general ha de ser mantenido al mando. Aquel que ignore mi consejo, ciertamente será derrotado. Ese debe ser destituido.

Tras prestar atención a mi consejo y planes, el general debe crear una situación que contribuya a su cumplimiento. Por situación quiero decir que debe tomar en consideración la situación del campo, y actuar de acuerdo con lo que le es ventajoso.

El arte de la guerra se basa en el engaño. Por lo tanto, cuando es capaz de atacar, ha de aparentar incapacidad; cuando las tropas se mueven, aparentar inactividad. Si está cerca del enemigo, ha de hacerle creer que está lejos; si está lejos, aparentar que se está cerca. Poner cebos para atraer al enemigo.

Golpear al enemigo cuando está desordenado. Prepararse contra él cuando está seguro en todas partes. Evitarle durante un tiempo cuando es más fuerte. Si tu oponente tiene un temperamento colérico, intenta irritarle. Si es arrogante, trata de fomentar su egoísmo.

Si las tropas enemigas se hallan bien preparadas tras una reorganización, intenta desordenarlas. Si están unidas, siembra la disensión entre sus filas. Ataca al enemigo cuando no está preparado, y aparece cuando no te espera. Estas son las claves de la victoria para el estratega.

Ahora, si las estimaciones realizadas antes de la batalla indican victoria, es porque los cálculos cuidadosamente realizados muestran que tus condiciones son más favorables que las condiciones del enemigo; si indican derrota, es porque muestran que las condiciones favorables para la batalla son menores. Con una evaluación cuidadosa, uno puede vencer; sin ella, no puede. Muchas menos oportunidades de victoria tendrá aquel que no realiza cálculos en absoluto.

Gracias a este método, se puede examinar la situación, y el resultado aparece claramente.

Capítulo 2

Sobre la iniciación de las acciones

Una vez comenzada la batalla,

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