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Angels Are Real
Angels Are Real
Angels Are Real
Ebook212 pages5 hours

Angels Are Real

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Thanks to scientific skepticism, angels are commonly regarded as an absurdity, yet many of the world's greatest intellectuals, such as Socrates, Plato, Plotinus, St. Augustine, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, and Leibniz accepted their existence. These illustrious thinkers were much more intelligent than typical scientists, and it has to be said that science has never disproved the existence of angels any more than it has disproved the existence of mind. In fact, angels are the archetypal creatures of the mind since they are free of material bodies. They are pure intellects and possess astounding, Godlike knowledge. When they temporarily need a body in order to interact with humans, they can harness their intellectual power and knowledge to manufacture one from the atoms of the air. Plotinus stated, "Mankind is poised midway between the gods and the beast." What are we - more highly evolved brutes, or fallen angels? Or are we the Angel in the Ape?
Release dateMar 7, 2018
Angels Are Real

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    Angels Are Real - Jack Tanner

    Angel Vision

    God does not deal directly with man: it is by means of spirits that all the intercourse and communication of gods with men, both in waking life and in sleep, is carried on. – Socrates

    People used to see angels all the time. Now they are blind to them. We have lost our angel sight. Is it possible that humans previously had minds and brains that were configured radically differently, and possessed much more sophisticated sensory and intuitive capacities?

    Psychologist Julian Jaynes’s controversial theory of bicameralism proposed that before humans became conscious, they had bicameral (two-chambered) minds, in which the right hemisphere of the brain gave orders to the left hemisphere, and these executive commands were immediately and reflexively obeyed. Jaynes wrote, At one time human nature was split in two, an executive part called a god, and a follower part called a man. Neither part was conscious.

    The tale of Abraham and Isaac perfectly exemplifies bicameralism. Abraham heard the voice of God commanding him to slaughter his son, and he set about the task without a moment’s hesitation. He didn’t reflect on it, question it, or be tormented by it, as any normal modern, conscious person would. Rather, it was a case of My God has spoken and must now be obeyed.

    The bicameral human was designed to hear, and often see, gods, angels, demons, and so on. Jaynes suggested that humans in the era before consciousness regularly had auditory and visual hallucinations. Bicameral humans were effectively suffering from what we would now label as schizophrenia, except this was the normal condition of human beings back then rather than a pathological state affecting a tiny minority.

    Jaynes gave no consideration to the possibility of gods, angels, and demons actually being real. He dismissed the notion that bicameral humans were regularly possessed by higher beings (which took up mental residence in the right hemisphere of the human brain). If this phenomenon of possession is real, Jesus Christ provides the perfect example.

    Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, yet also a man. How can this apparent contradiction be rationalized? The mind of Jesus the man was associated with the left hemisphere of the brain, and obeyed Jesus the God whose mind was located in the right hemisphere. It was this right hemispheric Jesus who had special powers and could perform miracles. All of us could likewise become hosts to gods, demons or angels, and acquire extraordinary new powers.

    Thousands of years ago, humans had a mental structure wholly different from that of today’s humans, and were immersed in visions and voices of gods, angels and demons. This was why humanity was so religious. Religion was a daily lived experienced. The supernatural coexisted with the natural. They were part of a single continuum.

    Atheists like to portray religious humans as believing in impossible stories, as being credulous, gullible, irrational simpletons. Never once do they consider that humans were so religious in the past precisely because that corresponded exactly to the self-evident facts of their lives, i.e. gods, angels and demons were as real to them as their family, friends and neighbors. They and everyone they knew routinely interacted with higher beings, and they often witnessed miracles. They were designed that way.

    Their mental design has now altered thanks to the rise of consciousness, whose primary effect has been to suppress right hemispheric activity and inhibit possession by higher beings.

    The right hemisphere, once so dominant, became unconscious. This led to gods, angels and demons seeming to vanish from the normal human experience. In fact, they had simply disappeared into the unconscious, not ceased to exist.

    According to Paul MacLean’s theory of the triune brain, new brain structures evolve from, and then sit on top of, older brain structures. We have a reptilian brain stem sitting beneath a mammalian limbic system, which sits beneath a neocortex. The brainstem deals with basic drives, desires, and appetites, the limbic system with emotions, and the neocortex with reasoning.

    The birth of consciousness was directly tied to the growing power of the neocortex. Animals have failed to become conscious because they either lack a neocortex, or it’s far too primitive. The neocortex is where language skills are developed. There can be no consciousness without sophisticated language skills.

    When the neocortex was less bedded in that it is now, humans were overwhelmingly ruled by their basic drives and feelings, had rudimentary language skills, and were much less conscious (i.e. they were bicameral).

    As newer parts of the brain become more potent, they change the human mentality. The world that appeared to the old human mind was very different from the one that appears now to the new human mind. We have ceased to have experiences that were commonplace for the humanity of thousands of years ago. By the same token, we have different kinds of experiences that would be unrecognizable to them.

    Consider the electromagnetic spectrum. It’s a vast spectrum, and we see only the tiny portion known as visible light. Imagine a humanity that instead saw the infra-red or ultra-violet band as visible, and everything else as invisible. Their perception of reality would be markedly different from ours.

    If we imagine the human mind as a spectrum, we can conceive of a time when it was tuned into a drastically different part of the mental spectrum, leading to fundamentally different kinds of experience. Ancient humanity saw and felt different things from us. Above all, they readily tuned into the spirit world, an ability now denied to most of us because our minds have moved into a different part of the mental spectrum, and rendered the previous part invisible (unconscious).

    The theories of both Jaynes and MacLean support the notion that the human mind has undergone a remarkable transformation within the last three thousand years, and that it had a substantially different character before then.

    Arguably, modern humanity begins with the ancient Greeks at the time of Pythagoras. They were much more intelligent than those who came before, but is it the case that their enhanced intellectual powers went hand in hand with diminished sensory and intuitive powers, thus blinding them to many of the sights the ancients had previously taken for granted? Is that why they became much more skeptical and philosophical? They simply no longer saw what their more religious counterparts did.

    Modern scientists sneer at the notion of angels. They also sneer at unextended Cartesian minds and dimensionless Leibnizian monads (souls). They intensely dislike singularities (such as the Big Bang Singularity and black hole singularities), and wish to find a theory that abolishes them. Are scientists actually suffering from a kind of brain damage (autism) that affects their intuition, imagination and reason?

    The ancients may seem primitive compared with us, but they may also have had exceptional sensory and extra-sensory powers that are now lost to us, but which may be recovered through hypnosis, or may resurface in times of extreme stress and crisis, or through drugs use.

    In 373 B.C., the Greek city of Helice suffered a devastating earthquake. Days before, animals, including rats, snakes and weasels, deserted the city en masse. It has been proposed that animals can detect electrical changes in the air, variations in the Earth’s electromagnetic field, or gas releases from inside the Earth that alter the composition of the atmosphere.

    Humans may once have routinely possessed capacities such as these. Much more interestingly, they may have been able to directly interact with the Soul World at the centre of the universe. Soul World is an immaterial, indestructible Singularity outside space and time, where every mind resides. The Universe is the body of this Cosmic Mind. The mental Singularity – the Cosmic Mind – was the entity that preceded and caused the Big Bang.

    Each of us has a body in the physical universe controlled by a mind in Soul World. When our body dies in spacetime, our soul goes on because it was never in spacetime to begin with. However, if our mind can link to our body, it follows that other minds can do so too. Our hemispheric brain is actually designed to accommodate two minds, not one.

    Today, the second mind is a silent and largely submissive partner: the unconscious. Thousands of years ago, things were very different. The other mind was active, dominant, and routinely spoke to us. It was our guardian angel, our daemon, our Higher Self. We regarded it as our personal god!

    The Fear

    Why are scientists so afraid of the idea that the universe has two aspects: visible and invisible, dimensional and dimensionless, material and mental? It’s because they are fanatically wedded to the ideology of materialism and empiricism. They have what can only be described as a religious faith in their dogma. They subscribe to a peculiar belief that knowledge can’t extend to the non-sensory world, yet of course it can, via reason, logic and mathematics. Science’s hatred of the invisible spiritual and mental domain is a hatred of rationalism, and an irrational devotion to empiricism.

    No one can see mathematics. Mathematics is non-sensory. Does that mean that mathematics doesn’t exist? If mathematics doesn’t exist then science, which is based on mathematics, is reliant on a fantasy! How can anyone be rational if they are followers of a delusion?

    Scientists depend on the ideology of materialism and empiricism, yet all of the power of science flows from mathematics, which is neither material nor empirical. Scientists simply refuse to confront the logical catastrophe at the heart of their dogmatic belief system. They have absolute faith in scientism, just as all religious fanatics do in their particular belief systems.

    Science can’t have it both ways. If the non-sensory is absurd then so is science since science can’t do without non-sensory mathematics. If the non-sensory isn’t absurd – which must be true in order for science to be allowed to use math – then science isn’t the whole story.

    There are things that exist that are beyond science because they are non-sensory. It’s not that these things don’t exist, it’s that science isn’t equipped to say anything about them. Sadly, scientists frequently adopt the quasi-religious position that anything that can’t be experimented upon can’t exist. Well, mathematics can’t be experimented upon yet if you removed math from science there would be nothing of value left. Therefore, science’s claims are irrational. They founder not on the rock of irrational religion but on the rock of rationalist mathematics.

    The conclusion is that there are things out there which are susceptible to rational analysis but not to scientific analysis. Angels belong to such a world. Angels are not part of science, but they are part of mathematics.

    Before mathematics was powerful enough to address angels, only philosophy and theology were able to offer any insights into the angelic realm. Two of the great angelologists were the Franciscan Saint Bonaventure and the Dominican Saint Thomas Aquinas, the latter being one of the world’s greatest philosophers.

    Isn’t it time to think again about angels? This book is about a rational account of angels, with a few stories thrown in since they have such powerful mythic value.

    The Heavenly Messengers

    The word angel comes from the ancient Greek angelos meaning messenger, envoy, one that announces, and is possibly related to angaros meaning mounted courier.

    Angels convey God’s communications to humanity, execute his specific commands on earth, and perform all of his errands. In computing terms, we might say that God is the

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