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Sparks at Dawn: Awakening with Logosynthesis®. Reflections on the Journey (Logosynthesis Live Series #3)
Sparks at Dawn: Awakening with Logosynthesis®. Reflections on the Journey (Logosynthesis Live Series #3)
Sparks at Dawn: Awakening with Logosynthesis®. Reflections on the Journey (Logosynthesis Live Series #3)
Ebook177 pages2 hours

Sparks at Dawn: Awakening with Logosynthesis®. Reflections on the Journey (Logosynthesis Live Series #3)

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Dr. Willem Lammers' "Sparks at Dawn. Awakening with Logosynthesis" is the third book in his Logosynthesis Live series. It's a collection of essays on human experience, on ordinary and extraordinary aspects of living, from a spiritual perspective. Each lesson, written at dawn and inspired by the liminal state between asleep and awake, reveals how the Matrix of human expectations interface with the universal flow from Essence. From the moments before conception, to standing at the doorway of death, and many moments in between, Sparks at Dawn offers reflection, guidance and inquiry into the nature of reality based in theory and practice of Logosynthesis.

This wisdom applies to self-inquiry, as well as work with clients in the helping professions.The practice of Logosynthesis lifts the veil of illusion from the Matrix, or everyday living in the service of the collective, allowing you to remember you are Essence, from source. It provides a clear method to navigate through the confusion, emotional upheaval and doubt, creating a safe space to claim personal meaning and mission in life.Through his deep experience as a psychologist, counselor, and wise openhearted human,

Dr. Lammers fits together the puzzle pieces of life, universally shared by humanity, though as personal and tender as your own heartbeat when you suffer. Let the words of Logosynthesis do the work, summoning the alchemy of Essence, bringing you into right relationship with yourself, your mission and the world, so you can be free.

Release dateJun 5, 2020
Sparks at Dawn: Awakening with Logosynthesis®. Reflections on the Journey (Logosynthesis Live Series #3)

Willem Lammers

Willem Lammers, MSc, DPsych, TSTA, is a chartered clinical and social psychologist, a psychotherapist, and a consultant to people and organisations. He also certified as a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (TSTA) and as a Doctor in Psychotherapy by Professional Studies at Middlesex University. Since 1987 he has been leading a large training institute for coaching, counselling and supervision, ias AG, now in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland.In his training, practice and teachings, he spent many years on the interface of body, mind and spirit, in systems like transactional analysis, NLP, the Reconnection, the Monroe Institute, and Energy Psychology. In 2005, as a result of these explorations, Willem discovered Logosynthesis and has been developing and training it ever since.Willem runs a private practice for psychotherapy, supervision and coaching. His teaching activities are taking him to many countries in Europe and overseas. Willem is the author of five books and numerous articles in the field.

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    Sparks at Dawn - Willem Lammers



    And I know it. I’ve met people who have traveled the road, who have told me stories. I’ve been on a similar trek for a long time, for many years, but this time it’s different. It is as if I’ve newly learned to see and hear, to sense and smell and feel—while my old life seems deaf and blind now. I have suffered to reach this point, and now the suffering is gone. The road looks the same, but I’m different; my steps and all of my movements have a synergy and a new flow that I cannot explain.

    I’m wondering what has changed exactly…I conclude that I don’t know. I’ve never experienced it before. Those who were here have told me stories that I tried to understand. They used carefully worded metaphors: It is as if you have left a tunnel and suddenly stand in the sunlight. It is as if you’ve been a child all your life, and now you’ve grown up. It is as if you’ve taken 400 micrograms of LSD, and at the same time, your mind is very clear.

    Those metaphors make sense now, and I realize I’ll never be able to share what I know without using the same metaphors, but I’m also aware others won’t understand. I leave this chain of thought about wanting to tell others, to explain, to share, and now observe the sun coming up in the landscape before me, it dissolves the clouds in a shiny haze. I’m there. I’m finally there! I smile, mirroring a deep inner joy.

    Suddenly I’m laughing, aloud, without restriction or reluctance. When does someone laugh like this? It’s a relief. I’m finally sure. People tried to keep me from going here, they heaped their fear upon my shoulders, and I didn’t know anything, other than that I had to go. I had to leave the familiar world, leave the people close to me, and venture into a future without any security or familiar comforts—except for the wisdom of the elders, the only signposts that pointed to such a land.

    Don’t Go Back to Sleep.

    When I woke up, the words kept ringing in my ears: ‘Don’t go back to sleep.’ The trip had been long and the night short, but there was something in this message, a deeper truth I could not ignore. There was a promise in the air, a larger life with less pain, but it was a gift with obligations. The world of memories and beliefs had dissolved: My path was carved out of the landscape before me and the clouds had lifted.

    This was what I had been waiting for, what I had been seeking and searching for, and now I gazed upon it. Contrary to my expectations, the view wasn’t spectacular after the night of bliss I had just experienced, followed by the few hours of sleep thereafter. I stood up and carried myself on the way. The first few steps were tedious, my body refused to cooperate, as if it didn’t really want to move. My body had always been the stumbling block: slow, rebellious, resistant.

    The rain had lessened, not stopped. The landscape was a wet gray and a wealthy green. I found a rhythm in the sound of my feet on the ground, my movements followed this rhythm, becoming regular and increasing in purpose. In another life—the life I had been used to—it would have been boring. There was no one around, no stimulation, no promise of more. I was there, and this was my path, designed for my Self, cut out of the clouds, given into my hand.

    On the way, my mind wondered about the life I had lived. Those memories had a different quality now. What had happened didn’t bother me or hurt me anymore. What I had done to others, what others had done to me, it had been all part of a larger whole. I could not say I understood that whole in the usual sense. It was more that I saw the whole, with all the surprising details and nuances of what used to be the pain.

    I had expected that I would be indifferent, but I wasn’t. I had expected that I would be triumphant, but I wasn’t. I had expected to feel relief, but there was none. There were no words for this state, words would have divided, and I had become one with the path. Before the bliss, I used to say that existence means development. Now I was one with the way.



    The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.

    Don’t go back to sleep.

    You must ask for what you really want.

    Don’t go back to sleep.

    People are going back and forth across the doorsill

    where the two worlds touch.

    The door is round and open.

    Don’t go back to sleep.

    — Jalal-ud-Din Rumi

    The essays in this book explore and describe a wide array of aspects of Logosynthesis. I call them sparks because of the way they’re entering my life. They are not written at a desk, after thinking about the world and how it’s rotating. No, they appear like sparks in the night. They wake me up before dawn and move me into daylight, while a weary part of me doesn’t feel ready for the day yet. Another, vehement part recites Rumi: Don’t go back to sleep and then a new door opens.

    The theme and the content of the sparks often surprise me, especially the trained psychologist and psychotherapist I also am. Each essay starts as a flow of raw text in English. I have learned to edit it until it feels true as a whole, in tune with what was meant when it came through. I rarely add ideas, examples, illustrations, or judgments, on the contrary: I delete every word that doesn’t have a distinct meaning in the context of the essay.

    This whole process is completely different from the way I wrote my first books. This feels like a dance of body, mind and spirit. While writing I feel joy, curiosity and often excitement about what comes in. After writing and editing an essay, I’m relaxed, ready for the next sleep cycle.

    The radical nature of these sparks has often challenged and confronted me: Can I post this? For many years I studied, practiced and taught guided change: coaching, supervision, psychology and psychotherapy within the lines of traditional schools.

    The discovery of Logosynthesis has deeply altered my view on guided change.

    My perspective changed from the primacy of body and mind to the core of Essence. If you are living your own call in this world, you’ll probably know what it means to completely change your attitude, your concepts and your instruments. A mission doesn’t come easily.

    Each essay, or series of essays, in this book invites you to explore the first principles of the world according to Logosynthesis. There is no distortion or disturbance by other ethical, moral or scientific conventions regarding what could or should be said or done in the field of guided change: You are Essence, a Spark of the Divine, and you have a mission in this life.

    In reading these sparks, you’ll discover that each of them is a skeleton. It’s written in a pretty abstract style, with barely any redundancy; this is contrary to didactic assumptions that readers need illustrations and repetitions to understand what an author means to say. The message is reduced to the max, with very few stories or examples.

    At first that may be challenging, because you have to fill in the gaps with your own images and associations, but the book offers you a safe place for your own emerging thoughts: What are the sparks that fire your Self ?

    Once you start resonating with the message beyond the text—that you are Essence—you will discover that the essays create ever changing perspectives on your own being. They also lead to a deeper understanding and integration of Logosynthesis in your life.

    Each essay treats a theme from a vast array of possible subjects in the field of personal and spiritual development. Reading it will assist you in restoring the flow of your life energy, and that is what Logosynthesis is designed for: It’s not only a method, but it also contains a philosophy, an attitude, and theoretical concepts.

    In my own personal and spiritual development, some of the sparks ran ahead of my conscious process when they appeared. They offered lessons or answers to questions not asked before in my life. The process shows what’s possible in this world when your channels to Essence are open. Logosynthesis helps you to clear those channels.

    You cannot separate the energy concept used in Logosynthesis from information, consciousness or intention. It’s the Big Causal Principle of the universe, and we’ve found a way to access it—through the power of words.

    The energy model we start from in Logosynthesis is a metaphor to describe and understand this Principle, and metaphors are instruments to teach a curious mind what’s difficult to understand otherwise. You don’t need to use the energy metaphor or even believe it. Just take it as an inspiration. You can proceed as if this is true, but there can also be other explanations.

    Logosynthesis is not only a set of techniques to resolve the frozen energy structures of past trauma and its future consequences. It’s also a practice for spiritual growth, for a very simple reason: You can use the three sentences as a simple daily discipline. The Logosynthesis practice becomes easier with every cycle.

    As soon as you become aware of any limiting energetic structure erected in the past, you resolve it on the spot. Such structures have inhibited your experience of the present, and if you instill such a practice within your daily life, the moment will come in which your experience becomes immediate and inevitable.

    From that moment on, you will know your world in a new way: directly through your senses, without a censor or filter. Once the old structures are gone, there is nothing but your Essence, in the now.

    As in other books of my Logosynthesis Live series, you will notice that this book addresses you many times. This is intentional: you’re invited to explore whether these thoughts and ideas apply to you as a person. If you don’t relate to what I’m describing, it’s an opportunity to identify with

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