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Anti Inflammatory Diet Motivation: A Simple Healthy Eating Guide And Weight Loss Solution In Your Fight Against Autoimmune Disease And Chronic Inflammation
Anti Inflammatory Diet Motivation: A Simple Healthy Eating Guide And Weight Loss Solution In Your Fight Against Autoimmune Disease And Chronic Inflammation
Anti Inflammatory Diet Motivation: A Simple Healthy Eating Guide And Weight Loss Solution In Your Fight Against Autoimmune Disease And Chronic Inflammation
Ebook151 pages1 hour

Anti Inflammatory Diet Motivation: A Simple Healthy Eating Guide And Weight Loss Solution In Your Fight Against Autoimmune Disease And Chronic Inflammation

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Struggling with chronic fatigue? Tired of waking up with stiff aching muscles? Do you simply want enough energy to get through the day?

Well, you're not alone. Most of us, at one time or another, struggle to find the zing we need to keep up with today's busy modern lifestyle.

But if you suffer from chronic inflammation, then muscle pain, headaches, and even feverish chills can sap away at your energy - leaving you to feel too exhausted to complete everyday tasks.

Thankfully, a solution for chronic inflammation can be found in the Anti Inflammatory Diet, a no-nonsense no-frills approach to naturally combating chronic inflammation.

And with the Anti Inflammatory Diet Motivation book you will learn all of the information and tools you need to begin the Anti-Inflammatory diet, and start to lose weight.

Inside This Book You Will Discover:
- How Your Immune System Really Uses Inflammation

- The Key Food Groups of the Anti Inflammatory Diet
- A Complete Anti Inflammatory Diet Shopping List
- How Does Exercise Help (Or Hinder) Your Fight Against Chronic Inflammation?
- 40+ Easy-To-Cook Recipes (including Vegan Friendly Options)
And Much More...

Add the Anti Inflammatory Diet Motivation book to your shopping cart TODAY, and you will have enough science-backed information to turn your next meal into a chronic-inflammation buster!

Release dateOct 21, 2019

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    Book preview

    Anti Inflammatory Diet Motivation - Tainua G. Michaels


    The authors are not licensed practitioners, physicians, or medical professionals and offer no medical diagnoses, treatments, suggestions or counseling. The information presented herein has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Full medical clearance from a licensed physician should be obtained before beginning or modifying any diet, exercise, or lifestyle program, and physicians should be informed of all nutritional changes.

    The authors/owners claim no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.

    About This Book

    When we get injured, have a cut or a viral or bacterial infection, our immune system kicks in to protect us, and inflammation has an important role in this process. When our body processes that something is wrong, inflammation kicks in to isolate the injured or infected area, helping to prevent it from spreading, and allowing the white blood cells to more easily do their job.

    There are many important jobs for inflammation, but too much inflammation can cause increased pain and disease. In fact, many studies have found that people with chronically high levels of inflammation are more likely to develop heart disease, cancer, diabetes, depression, obesity, and autoimmune disease.

    There are many types of diet that can be easily modified to be anti-inflammatory such as The Whole30 diet, the ketogenic diet, the Paleo diet, and the Mediterranean diet.

    If you have already tried one of these and they didn’t work, it is most likely because while they can be anti-inflammatory, they are not necessarily anti-inflammatory. However, in this book, you will learn everything you need to know in order to have a standard anti-inflammatory diet, a Paleo anti-inflammatory diet, a vegan anti-inflammatory diet, or whatever suits your lifestyle.

    The anti-inflammatory diet may be an adjustment, but once you learn all of the tools provided in this book, you will have everything you need in order to gain more health and longevity.

    Not only will you learn all of the information and tools you need to begin the anti-inflammatory diet, but you will also gain forty-two easy and simple recipes. Most of these recipes take under ten ingredients, between fifteen and thirty minutes to make, meaning whatever your lifestyle, you can attain your goals of health. 

    Inside This Book You Will Learn:

    How the Immune System Uses Inflammation

    The Dangers of Too Much Inflammation

    The Basic Food Groups of the Anti-Inflammatory Diet

    An Anti-Inflammatory Shopping List

    How the Anti-Inflammatory Diet May Help Chronic Disease

    Scientifically-Proven Herbal Remedies for Inflammation

    Exercise and its Effects on Inflammation

    How too much or too little Sleep Causes Inflammation

    Stress and Its Relation to Inflammation

    The Dirty Dozen Foods

    The Clean Fifteen Foods

    42 Easy and Simple Recipe to get Started

    Tips and Tricks

    Scientific Resources

    And More...


    When our immune system is triggered by one of billions of possible infections and germs, our body fights back by delivering various types of white blood cells to the site of the infection.  These white blood cells have the ability to fight off whatever might cause harm to the body. This immune response is necessary for survival, but also causes an increase of inflammation.

    Some peoples’ immune systems may become overactive, which can lead to long-term and wide-spread inflammation. This chronic inflammation can increased body temperature, swelling, redness, and pain. The long-term effects of wide-spread inflammation are even worse, as it can increase the likelihood and severity of many chronic illnesses, including brain diseases, certain types of cancer, arthritis, asthma, weight gain, and more.

    There are many reasons you may experience such an increase in inflammation. Chronic stress, a genetic predisposition, poor lifestyle habits, and diet could all be triggering an increase in your inflammation. Slowly worsening your overall health overtime. Thankfully, just as these factors may worsen inflammation they may also improve it. While there is nothing you can do about your genetics, you can learn to better manage stress, live a more active lifestyle, and eat an anti-inflammatory diet.

    By reducing the amount of junk food, grains, and sugars you eat - and increasing the health promoting foods such as nuts, fish, olive oil, and berries - you can greatly improve your inflammation levels, and therefore your health and even your weight.

    In this book, you will find everything you need to know in order to begin a successful anti-inflammatory diet, whether you are using it to treat your chronic illness or to prevent future illness.

    Chapter 1: Inflammation and Why It’s a Problem

    Too much inflammation can increase the risk of disease and chronic pain. But on the other hand, if we have too little inflammation it can weaken the immune system. This will leave us susceptible to bacteria, viruses, diseases, and more. It is important to try to reach a balanced state of inflammation in order to obtain prime health.

    In this chapter, you will learn about inflammation’s role in the immune system, the importance of keeping your inflammation balanced, and what may lead to increased inflammation.

    If you are someone who deals with chronic pain, fatigue or illness, then this chapter may give you a look into what could be worsening or causing your symptoms.

    The Immune System and Inflammation

    When toxins found in the environment, bacteria, or germs enter our body, our immune system fights it to keep us safe. Without our immune system, something as simple as the common cold would kill us.

    Along, with our immune system, our skin acts as a barrier from the dangerous environment. Although, germs can still enter through openings in the lungs, the eyes, intestines, reproductive tract, and the urinary tract. To protect our lungs, we sneeze and cough. To protect our eyes, we produce tears. And, the other symptoms also have methods of protecting themselves with mucus and enzymes. The skin and respiratory system will even produce elements to fight off millions of tiny infections naked to the human eye.

    When a wound opens toxins or germs are detected as they enter the body. The the inflammation response then begins to fight back. This happens when the nearby damaged cells release a variety of natural chemicals, including one commonly known as histamines. These immune chemicals cause the increase of inflammation by releasing fluid from the blood vessels. This fluid seeps into the surrounding skin, which is the swelling we are all familiar with. This process prevents any dangerous germs from easily reaching the rest of the body.. These will also cause the attraction of white blood cells, which will consume any germs, as well as damaged or dead cells.

    The immune system not only protects us from these dangerous invaders, but plays an important role in the repair of tissues as well. The white blood cells, along with some other cells, play a key role in keeping the tissue healthy. In order to keep our tissues in good health and youthful, it is important to have a balanced immune system.

    The Dangers of Excessive Inflammation

    Now more than ever,  diabetes and increased weight are on the rise, and tying the two conditions together is excessive inflammation.

    While the immune system typically sends white blood cells to the site of infection or an injury, this process may be interrupted when a person is overweight or has diabetes.

    This is because once the white blood cells arrive at the scene of infection or injury; they produce a large amount of proteins. These proteins both kill germs and alert the other inflammatory cells to begin fighting. These important proteins may also be produced by fat cells. When these fat cells grow, they begin to attract more inflammatory cells, especially the white blood cells.

    If the body fat reach increases, it may even begin to crush and kill the fat cells. This worsens the problem, as inflammation begins to try to clean up the debris from the death of the fat cells.

    The rise in excessive inflammation then worsens the production and use of insulin, a vital hormone that is used to stimulate the liver and muscle’s ability to absorb glucose. This is important, as glucose is a form of sugar that our body uses for energy. The body having a

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