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Mind Over Thought
Mind Over Thought
Mind Over Thought
Ebook96 pages48 minutes

Mind Over Thought

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At the time of this writing, you may not be acquainted with my qualifications, such as other books that I have written, and my life experiences. So, to present to you this incredible book, let me explain a portion of my background.

I am an entrepreneur. To be further specific, an "online" entrepreneur. I have created a few online companies in which turned out to become multimillion-dollar enterprises. From my success, my wife and I have lived a wonderful life. We are, and I am a self-made success. I had established my first business in the early 1980s when I was twenty years of age. And of course, there was no internet then, at least not like we recognize it now.

Prepare for a rabbit hole of a quantum awakening.

Release dateOct 14, 2019
Mind Over Thought

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    Mind Over Thought - James M. Brand

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    The New Secret To Manifestation

    Go Beyond What You Think You Know!


    James M. Brand


    At the time of this writing, you may not be acquainted with my qualifications, such as other books that I have written, and my life experiences. So, to present to you this incredible book, let me explain a portion of my background.

    I am an entrepreneur. To be further specific, an online entrepreneur. I have created a few online companies in which turned out to become multimillion-dollar enterprises. From my success, my wife and I have lived a wonderful life. We are, and I am a self-made success. I had established my first business in the early 1980s when I was twenty years of age. And of course, there was no internet then, at least not like we recognize it now.

    Fast-forward to 1997. The internet began to evolve at a rapid pace and developed into an all-new market for infinite opportunities. So, I merged my existing non-online business into an online success, therefore creating a small fortune on a considerable broader scale.

    After several years I had opened other online businesses and still are multi-million-dollar success stories.

    The latter being conveyed and the point being is I wrote this book because of all I have accomplished is due to not only my the businesses I have started but my life in general and the way that I have consistently thought, from and the accumulation of all my thoughts over an entire lifetime.

    Also, to the mentioned above, as described in some of my other books, during 2016 - 2019, I started receiving visions granted to me in the construct of thoughts. These thoughts were transmitted in my dreams and somewhat telepathically. I do not like using that word in a sense, but I do not know how else to interpret it. It is almost like another variant of myself; a higher variant of myself was summoning me to disclose this knowledge to the World.

    You understand we are all that is and ever has been, and forever will be from the way we feel and think. We are the creation of our thoughts. I do not mean this to sound cliché by mimicking any other theories and beliefs of the new age concepts on the Laws of Attraction, Mind-Power, Positive Thinking, and related subjects. Yet, the topics mentioned above really are only possible through the thoughts that we generate.

    Unlike other works written about the importance of our thoughts, they serve not to include what you are about to learn here. You realize, every thought has its own individual vibrational frequency. And the frequencies are transmitted into the Universe. Thus, the Universe is reacting to these thought frequencies, proportionately, transmitting similar frequencies back to you via the Universe. We are creating our own state of mind, our own state of being, thus creating our current state of consciousness. Therefore, we are the creators of our own reality, whether it is good, bad, or indifferent.

    What if I told you that we were all digital beings, or DB, living in a digital World, or DW. And that we are living in a Holographic Universe, or, HU, all a part of a giant computer-like simulation, therefore being a Simulated Holographic Universe or, SHU? Now, how preposterous is that?

    Ok, so this seems absurd and sounds like science fiction. Yet, if you could travel back in time, like the 1700s or the 1800s, and tell someone that we sent men to the moon what they would think? Or, if you tried explaining to them about telephones, cell phones, television, the internet, computers, space travel, and that we could even fly, they would laugh at you and possibly have you locked up in an insane asylum, right?

    The above being mentioned, I would maintain what sounds preposterous to me, is anybody who still believes in a big bang theory and that we exist only by chance is absurd. Or that all life on Earth derived from a single-celled organism that lived roughly 3.5 billion years ago. And later, somehow turned into a fish, then into a primate, therefore turning into what you and I are here now, as human

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