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Social Anxiety Detox Practical Solutions for Dealing with Everyday Anxiety, Fear, Awkwardness, Shyness and How to be Yourself in Social Situations
Social Anxiety Detox Practical Solutions for Dealing with Everyday Anxiety, Fear, Awkwardness, Shyness and How to be Yourself in Social Situations
Social Anxiety Detox Practical Solutions for Dealing with Everyday Anxiety, Fear, Awkwardness, Shyness and How to be Yourself in Social Situations
Ebook86 pages53 minutes

Social Anxiety Detox Practical Solutions for Dealing with Everyday Anxiety, Fear, Awkwardness, Shyness and How to be Yourself in Social Situations

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Are you able to venture outside your home without fear of the world?

Do you speak in front of crowds without sweating profusely?

Have you made lasting relationships that you do not cancel the plans with due to an irrational fear?

If this sounds like you, then you will not benefit from this book. However, if you are struggling with social anxiety or generalized anxiety disorder, then this is the book for you.

It is chock-full of goodies that will teach you about the proper diet for anxiety relief as well as exercises that create positive changes in your life. It contains information on how to journal properly as a relief from your anxiety and even provides you with journal prompts that will give you a great advantage than those that just open a book and start writing.

If this sounds good to you, then click that "Purchase now" button and start learning all you can about how to combat your social anxiety and begin to live your life without fear of irrational things taking place. Develop new habits that take you out of your comfort zone and bring about big changes.

The fact that you are reading this tells me that you are searching for answers, and this book has them. This book is broken down into two individual sections. Each one contains information that is vital to the health and wellbeing of those that suffer from anxiety. If that is not enough, then the chapter on how to create a proper affirmation to help you build a more positive self-image should draw you in.

Are you ready to start feeling better about yourself and your life? Then, download this book and see where it can help you. You may wonder what else is packed into this book. Below, you will see a list of all the things that are packed into this book.

  • A diet that will help with the elimination of anxiety.
  • Food that should not be consumed if you suffer from anxiety.
  • Exercises that will bring you the peace of mind that you need.
  • How CBD oil can benefit you and some case studies to prove it.
  • How to overcome negative thinking and what it means to have negative thoughts.
  • The effect of negative thoughts on your mind, body, and spirit.
  • How to use affirmations to create a better self-image.
  • How to design an affirmation of your own.
  • What an affirmation does and how you can utilize it.
  • Journaling and the science behind journaling for anxiety.
  • Journal prompts to help you learn how to begin utilizing a journal.
  • What exposure therapy is and how it will benefit you in the long run.
  • The purpose for journaling and how it will benefit your mindset.
  • Positive affirmation building and how to utilize them properly.
  • How to use exposure therapy effectively and combat anxiety.
  • And so much more.
PublisherSteven West
Release dateMar 9, 2019

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    Book preview

    Social Anxiety Detox Practical Solutions for Dealing with Everyday Anxiety, Fear, Awkwardness, Shyness and How to be Yourself in Social Situations - Steven West


    This book is for you if you suffer mild anxiety on a daily basis.

    By reading this book you will walk away knowing how to combat your anxiety in several natural ways. Anxiety is something that can be treated through medications as well as alternative non-medical interventions. If you are suffering from severe anxiety, then you will need to seek medical help. It is imperative that you know exactly what you are dealing with and how to effectively deal with it through traditional and non-traditional interventions.

    ●  You will learn which food you should eat and which food to stay away from

    ●  Physical exercise practices to help keep you calm

    ●  How to get out of your own head and stop worrying about how you are perceived by other

    ●  How to get hold of your anxieties and take control

    ●  How to calm your mind and stop it from going a million miles per hour

    ●  How to deal with specific social situations

    ●  Stop missing valuable opportunities that you will never get again because of anxiety

    ●  Practical strategies to overcome anxiety

    This book is divided into 2 sections with each section pertaining to a specific aspect of healing your anxiety.

    In the 1st section, you will learn how diet and exercise can help you reduce your anxiety and lower your stress levels. It also talks about the best kinds of food to eat and how to use them to heal your mind. You will learn what to avoid as well as why it should be avoided.

    Next, you will learn about how to pick the right exercises to do for anxiety relief and stress reduction. I talk about the benefits of exercise and the reason that exercise and diet cannot cure your anxiety alone.

    In the 2nd section, I will go over all the details you will need to know to control your mental health and maintain a healthy mindset. I talk about the negative talk that those who suffer from anxiety often do and how this will affect your body, mind, and spirit. Then, I go into detail about the ways that several alternative mindset techniques can help you move beyond the anxious nervous person you are and into a better, healthier mindset. I talk about how the self-talk that is self-defeating will prevent you from moving forward in life and how you can change that.

    Section 1: Diet and Exercise for Social Anxiety

    Chapter 1: Diet

    The key to maintaining a healthy mind and body is to eat properly, take in the required amount of water per day, and stay active. Few people do this. That is why many people are developing symptoms such as depression, fibromyalgia, and even social anxiety. In this book, I am going to give you a roadmap that you can follow to alleviate your anxiety symptoms. It is often said that you need to drink many glasses of water per day and eat fruits and vegetables. But, how often do you follow those regimens? I would guess not too often. With the readily available source of soda, candy, snacks, and processed food, many people do not find time in their busy schedule to eat healthily and often times choose something un-nutritious over something quick and easy. They are failing to realize that healthy food and drinks can be just as quick and easy as the ones that are simply pop in the oven or microwave and wait.

    It is a large misconception that the healthier the food, the higher the cost at the grocery store. In fact, the truth is, the more healthy food you eat, the less you will have to purchase because your body will be provided the sustenance that it needs to live, and you will feel better and look better. Doctors are always telling their patients to eat right, and those patients usually just mindlessly agree. Then, they walk out of the office and buy a McDonald's cheeseburger with fries and a large coke. The next day, they wonder why their medicines are not working and why they feel much worse. When you fill your body full of processed, over-preserved food, you are blocking your body from performing at top speed. It inhibits the body’s ability to regenerate as well as prevents you from being able to move as fluidly as you would need to. This causes you to become sedentary as well as develop conditions like social anxiety.

    Social anxiety is related to a chemical imbalance in the body, but it can be changed and altered by eating right, get the proper nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, as well as exercising and practicing mindfulness. All of these things, when combined, can contribute to a healthy mind. The best way to incorporate new food or diet plans into your life is to start out slowly eliminating things that are not healthy for you.

    For instance, sugar. Sugar is one of the leading causes of fat and that excess weight around your mid-section. It can contribute to back pain, degenerative disorders, and even make you be in a constant state of ups and downs, which can contribute to anxiety, depression, and several other mood disorders. Do not believe me? Consider how you feel 2 hours after you have had a sugary soda or a candy bar. Do you start to feel like you need a pick me up? Do you feel energized? Are you yawning? When you ate that candy bar or drank that soda, did you feel like you could suddenly finish the day or get a burst of energy that helped you start your day? This is the same for coffee, sugar-laden cereals, and anything else that has processed sugars in it.

    This is due to the false energy boost that sugar as well as caffeine gives you. People are designed to boost their own energy through a proper diet that contains protein, vitamins, and minerals. When you use false energy substitutes for your energy boost, you will prevent your body from processing the appropriate vitamins and minerals and, in turn, gain excess fat and calories that are not necessary to sustain life.

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