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You Deserve More!: How to Reinvent Yourself At Any Age
You Deserve More!: How to Reinvent Yourself At Any Age
You Deserve More!: How to Reinvent Yourself At Any Age
Ebook171 pages3 hours

You Deserve More!: How to Reinvent Yourself At Any Age

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About this ebook

This book is your guide to setting and implementing the change goals you've always desired. We initially explore your daily life and activities, identifying time that's available to begin achieving goals and self improvement. By identifying the distractions that prevent the achievement of ambitions and identifying supportive networks, understanding and empowerment are achieved. No matter what stage of life you're in, it's never too late to change your direction through action planning and better organization. No matter what your focus: better health, weight loss, career, relationships, financial stability – we discuss it all. Re-discover your goals to start the change important to you and LEARN the strategies to make it happen!
Release dateNov 16, 2018
You Deserve More!: How to Reinvent Yourself At Any Age

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    You Deserve More! - Jill Hartzog



    How Much Time Do You Really Have?

    You Are Worth It!

    How easy is it to be the reason you, yourself, can’t achieve your own goals? This may not surprise you, but let’s ensure we let this sink in. You - could be the main reason you are not achieving your own goals! Surprising? Maybe, maybe not; but let’s explore further.

    If you’ve had time to self-reflect over the years, you are likely aware that you may be holding yourself back. I don’t say this to make you feel bad or to add guilt, because life and circumstances add enough guilt to us all as it is! But in order to learn and understand, to change and add to our already busy lives, we must be able to self-reflect. We must be honest with ourselves.

    Do you often feel that other people are the reason you can’t accomplish goals you set for yourself? That these people are getting in the way of your success? In the end, who literally controls this, and gives this power over you to others? You or them? I think it’s pretty easy for any of us to blame someone or something else as the reason we can’t get things done. I myself have done this over the years on many occasions – there is too much to do at home, there isn’t time, I’m too tired, my kids have too much going on, it’s easier to just do it myself than to delegate, my husband is too busy and can’t help … the list is endless. But in the end, the only one that can control this is you.

    In this book we are going to talk about what you want to do, what is currently getting in the way of your goals, and some ways to get around these obstacles in your life. Self-reflection is key, as well as looking around to see who’s in your life, who you can rely upon to help you, and what you need to do yourself in order to make your goals materialize.

    Think about what you’d like to change in terms of career, education, relationships, health, weight – anything really. Write down your top five goals for the next 1-5 years. These should be goals that are realistically attainable – wishing to own a yacht or travel the world would instead be a fun future goal. Not one to start with now. In this book, we are looking at goals to reinvent YOU – so one day you can do whatever interests you. Travel, buy something more extravagant or have the flexibility to take time off and enjoy life with your family whenever you want. Whatever is important to you! Later into this book, you may find your original goals or focus changes, or you add some you didn’t initially consider. To begin with though, we first need a starting point.

    Name 1-5 goals you want now. They can be big or small, things you want to start or accomplish - over the next few months to the next five years. Feel free to add more.

    Now let’s discuss what is holding you back from accomplishing any of these goals. Do you sabotage yourself from being successful in any of them? Meaning, do you talk yourself out of accomplishing a task, before you’ve even started or honestly tried - regardless if you had your heart set on doing it. You may have even done some significant prep work for this task by buying tools or clothing, reading books, purchasing food items, work out equipment, an organizer, researched schools, the list goes on – yet you still can’t seem to follow through with your own plans.


    What has placed you on this path that has you feeling defeated and giving up before you even give it a good try? What has you looking at others and feeling they deserve what they have, and you don’t? This is what it comes down to, even if it’s subconscious. You feel that others deserve things more than you do, and on some level you may dislike yourself, or them, for it. If this is you, we are going to change your thinking! Want it bad enough, that you too will make it happen! You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to!

    It’s quite easy to overthink and worry over actions and consequences. Both men and women do this, but women, from what I’ve observed, seem to make a full-time job of overthinking things. If we are doing something right for ourselves, if it is worth the effort, will people criticize us for what we want to do? Are we doing something that is different from our ‘normal,’ and we aren’t sure how to explain our actions to others? Inner self-reflection is an important part of change, and thinking over the actions you need to take to achieve change is important, but not to the point of paralysis. Don’t overthink! There comes a point where you need to show some action, not just think and plan exhaustively. There is a point when you need to take that big step and just go for it.

    Change doesn’t happen overnight – or at least it doesn’t happen to people often, but could it? I applaud those who have built up their motivation and self-esteem enough that they can make a significant change or break a bad habit instantly. I have met people who make sudden change look incredibly easy. They’ve given up smoking in one day, sick of feeling winded after only one flight of stairs. They’ll stop eating wheat after discovering they are gluten intolerant. They’ve become serious about cutting out salt and eating healthier when told their blood pressure is very high. They were able to stick to their 30- pound weight loss because they’ve become borderline diabetic. These people didn’t have to do a ton of self-reflection or spend a lot of time trying to convince themselves to take action; they knew what needed to be done and they did it. What makes some people able to suddenly change their habits while others want this same change, but do not allow themselves to follow through?

    What helps, is these people have motivating factors that make their up-to-now bad habits more distasteful to what their current or future reality is, or will become. They didn’t have to do major self-reflection or slowly convince themselves over a long period of time. They know immediately what is important to them and what gives them pleasure, due to perceived present or future emotional and physical discomfort. They no longer derive the same level of pleasure from their older lifestyle and can shift this to a healthier habit. People who have strong motivating factors will find it easier to shift their mindset, because they have established something that looms over and reminds them why they made a change. Someone who is told that they are deathly allergic to peanuts will stop eating peanuts. They experience the ultimate motivation, a choice between life and death. When it’s less obvious than this, it can be harder to see the effects of unhealthy practices, and convince ourselves we need to alter what we are doing, or that we have lots of time to make the change. But it doesn’t mean we can’t change this attitude, to make our goals happen now.

    While we’ve started talking so far about better health and weight reduction, this book is about so much more. You can certainly have numerous change goals in different aspects of your life. Your reinvention should be tailored to you, and what you as an individual need to feel happy, healthy and fulfilled. If you are doing well with your health and nutrition but you have goals regarding a larger change in lifestyle, career or relationships, you may need days, months or years to accomplish them. You may want your youngest child to be in kindergarten before you decide to go back to school, or prefer to wait for another milestone in your life to pass. Write this goal down, but your current focus will be towards goals that you can start to tackle at this moment in your life. What you can accomplish and actively work on will always be different from year to year. Life is not static, needs and priorities change. Regardless of when they can be accomplished, don’t give up on any of them!

    Look at what’s going on in your life now. We are going to start identifying what’s holding you back from reaching your goals and finding the time to action them and move forward. We often have numerous reasons and excuses, both legitimate and not, but in the end, how badly do you want this change? If it’s something you’ve thought about long and hard, something you’ve put off but know you want more, change your mindset – you’re worth the effort for this change! Repeat after me: I want it, I need it, I’m going to make it happen!

    Some parts of your current lifestyle will be more resistant to change, just as you will desire some changes more than others. The higher your motivation, the greater the chance you will follow through and succeed. Do you need to do everything all at once or even everything at the same time? That depends on you. Very likely things will need to be staged and prioritized, as time is a huge factor in our day and most people don’t have only themselves to care for. We have spouses, children, parents, extended family and friends, possibly colleagues, employers and employees to also consider. We have current responsibilities with family, work, groups we’ve joined and things we’ve currently committed our time to that can’t easily, fairly or reasonably be set aside. Some things you can readily stop while others will be harder, or you will choose not to give them up. It’s up to you to decide what’s most important.

    Keep in mind, as we’ve already discussed, our ability to think and overthink continually impedes our progress. We like to analyse, plan, formulate excuses, analyse, plan again, and derive even more excuses – before finally arriving at the execution part. Or the do-nothing part. Reinvention often takes time, and will depend on the goals you’ve set and how many there are. Is it reasonable that we will change our diet, exercise four times per week, start a course, change our career, improve our relationships, become better parents – all while continuing with our current daily roles, routines and responsibilities? Unlikely, but we can start working towards some of these goals, starting now. All we need is an open and positive mindset, one that is ready to conquer the world and overcome what holds us back, both from others and within ourselves.

    We need to set up strategies to avoid pitfalls such as situations and scenarios that undermine our future achievements and goals. What are the major roadblocks that currently hold you back? They may be different or similar for each of us, but never exactly the same. Do you love certain foods? Going out on Saturdays with friends for drinks? Do you have a great love of certain sports or TV programs? Feel you’re too busy to be more organized? Feel lazy or tired all the time? Feel you can’t afford the cost of school or to change your career?

    Write down the top five things that interfere with achieving your goals – they could be emotional, mental or physical in nature. You are going to learn how to get around these blockers and determine if they are more, or less, important than your change goals. We will discuss more on this later, and you may change your mind further on in this book as we explore various topics. But at this moment, what do you think is holding you back from reinventing yourself?

    Good for you! You have identified your current desires and what is holding

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