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Karmacise - Master Your Thoughts, Master Your Life: self improvement, #2
Karmacise - Master Your Thoughts, Master Your Life: self improvement, #2
Karmacise - Master Your Thoughts, Master Your Life: self improvement, #2
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Karmacise - Master Your Thoughts, Master Your Life: self improvement, #2

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Everything that we can achieve or that has been achieved was first conceived in the thought of a mind, everthing begins with a single thought. Therefore it is apparent that by having control of your thoughts, you can control the outcome (i.e. what occurs in your life). This statement about 'Mind Control' may seem obvious, but to control your thoughts (which is like any exercise you do to improve your body) takes training, practice, effort and dedication to that outcome. Karmacise is a system of personal development which has been created to help people find their own personal inner peace by firstly learning to gain control of their EGO Mind. Adapted from The Master Key System and following the works of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Alan Watts, Deepak Chopra, Yogananda Paramhansa, along with many others, Karmacise can help practioners to connect with their inner source, as well as appreciate their place in the universe we inhabit. The book (or course if you prefer) is formed from a series of weekly exercises which the reader (student if you prefer) must understand and practice until they are mastered that particular element of the course. We hear a lot in the current Zietgiest about Mindfulness, Meditation and the like. However unless and until you have mastered your inner thoughts, you may be simply wasting your effort in these practices and not maximising the potential result. Gain control of your thoughts, to Master your life and to help you manifest in the material world that which you seek.


Release dateMay 10, 2020
Karmacise - Master Your Thoughts, Master Your Life: self improvement, #2

wayne norcliffe

Wayne Norcliffe is a practising Chartered Building Surveyor and Registered Valuer, being a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and Fellow of the Association of Building Engineers. Wayne has worked in the construction and property industries since 1982 and has a wealth of experience and expertise in the field, including managing large national property portfolios for PLC companies and Govt. bodies. Wayne currently runs his own Chartered Surveyor business operating in the South of England and has a daily involvement undertaking Homebuyer and Building Surveys of residential property, along with large & small commercial projects including valuations, rent reviews, lease renewals, party walls, expert witness work and in fact can provide 'expert' advice to clients on most property situations.

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    Karmacise - Master Your Thoughts, Master Your Life - wayne norcliffe


    Karmacise is about practice and building habits, as such we will focus, each week, on a different set of exercises with the intention of gaining control of our thoughts and EGO desires.  To do this we will need to work our way through each week of the 24-week course and practice an exercise daily.  This may seem like a long time but remember it has taken you many years to create the reality that is currently manifest in your universe, i.e. your current habits, with all their foibles and problems.  So, reprogramming your EGO is not going to happen overnight, but with perseverance I am confident you can do so!

    Once we have mastered the exercise in a section, we will progress to more focused exercises to help you achieve wealth, health, love and happiness, more on that later in the series.  For now, let’s concentrate on the first steps.

    Daily you will need to focus on your actions and practice, whenever the need arises, and consciously adjust your thought processes to create the set of values and habits that you wish to manifest.  This may be something as simple as overwriting a negative thought with a positive one as such thoughts arrive in your consciousness, handling a situation in a different way to create a new habit or simply avoiding doing something for long enough to remove that habit or negative behaviour from your consciousness.  People do this all the time, stopping smoking or drinking, dieting or getting fit are all examples of such behaviour.  I call this ‘Bio-hacking’ which is simply deciding to change something about yourself, then affecting that change in your life.

    Karmacise is more focused, and rather than changing big physical habits, we intend to change the reason for such behaviour, which like everything you do begins in your mind with a thought, whether conscious or subconscious.  Our minds have an innate plasticity which effectively allows us to re-create ourselves at any point in time, choosing to behave, act differently or otherwise view the world in a different way. 

    By accepting first that change can happen, then deciding what that change is and then learning how to control your mind (thoughts) to facilitate that change, you can become the person you wish to be and achieve your desires. How is this achieved?  By repetition, overwriting past behaviours and current thoughts with new behaviours and thoughts, repeating this until they become part of your psyche and habitually form part of your daily routine.

    Karmacise helps by providing you with a method to achieve this change, along with some useful tricks, tips and tools.  Going forward, from the regular meetings that will be created, you will be able to socialise and have a support network which through the law of magnetism will help further reinforce this changed mindset.

    We will begin by creating a Law of Attraction Action Plan.


    You cannot get where you are going if you do not know the destination!  The first part of our action plan is to decide on your intention, i.e. what it is you intend to change/create/alter.  This plan can be something as simple as a short sentence or paragraph stating your intention, but should be succinct in any event and S.M.A.R.T.


    Specific  Ensure that the intention is specific.  So, for instance if you wish to lose weight, then have a specific amount of loss you intend to achieve.

    Measurable You need to be able to measure both your progress and the fact that you have achieved the intention.  So, do not be vague and have milestones of achievement if your intention is likely to take some time, track these using the Karmacise App[1] and give yourself rewards for achieving the milestones as well as the intention.  Remember the adage think small you will achieve small things" Aim big but achieve it in small steps, that way if you miss your target, you may well still reach the same destination you would have reached if you had thought small.

    Attainable The intention MUST be something that can be achieved and within the timescale you have set to measure it against.  If there is a delay for some reason along the journey, whilst unfortunate, things happen, and you can adapt your journey along the way if necessary.  However, if you start out by trying to achieve the impossible, then that is likely to prevent you achieving the intention and threatens to undermine your belief in yourself and the journey you have taken.

    Realistic Whilst this is similar to the intention being attainable, it is more about ensuring that you have considered your personal limitations and have created an intention which is not impossible.  For instance, if you hate being on the water and have no real intention to change that, then is it realistic to set your intention as sailing around the world?  You must firstly change the thought that could prevent you from sailing around the world, which would be an intention, i.e.  to overcome my fear of being on the water and that would then lead on to the intention of sailing around the world.  Change your thoughts first, your life will change.

    Timed Having an intention which is not timed is like saying you are going to learn to play the guitar without knowing when you will expect to do so.  You should set a realistic timescale to achieve each intention and if it is a big one, break that down into smaller chunks.  For instance, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly actions.  Create a long, medium and short-term action plan for each intention or part of an intention.


    OKAY SO YOU NOW HAVE your intention statements and are ready to get going.  Firstly, you should consider your current lifestyle and ensure that implementation fits within that, to do otherwise simply sets yourself up for failure, in particular if you do not have the support of family, friends and/or love ones.

    You should set aside some time each day to complete the daily exercise part of the Karmacise system, this is not too onerous, 15 minutes per day should suffice in the first instance.  To re-programme your mind you are going to have to keep reminding yourself of your intentions and remember, as often as possible throughout the day, to reinforce the re-programming by use of affirmations and actions, i.e. do what you say you want to do.  Live the life you need to live to achieve your desires.

    Below we provide some simple techniques to help you get and stay on track with your intention statements.

    Vision Board

    This is a simple technique based upon the principle of how can you manifest something if you do not know what it is?  Creating a Vision Board can help you focus your mind on the things you want, whether those things are related to wealth, health or wellbeing.  Your Vision Board needs to be created from the heart, the things you put onto your board, whether they be photographs, positive statements, items or whatever, need to inspire you to action.  These should invoke a feeling of happiness within when you look at your Vision Board and should focus your mind onto the things you are manifesting.

    A Vision Board can be specific, i.e. you may have one for money, another for travel, another for health, etc. but in any event each item you place onto the board needs to relate to a specific thing, something you have considered and feel can be achieved through positive thought.

    There is a wealth of information available about creating Vision Boards and Karmacise will, throughout the course, help people create an individual board relevant to them.  However to find out more about Vision Boards, I would recommend you read this blog:  which provides a good starting point.

    Mirror Work

    This technique centres around you reinforcing your affirmations and is, as the name suggests, focused on you looking at yourself in the mirror and reaffirming the beliefs you have.  You may choose to say affirmations, repeat your intention statements, or simply remind yourself what a wonderful human being you are whilst looking in the mirror.

    Whatever you choose to say to yourself when using this practice, you should ensure it is said with true feeling and belief, know you are wonderful and remind yourself of that fact, prepare for your day by using this technique first thing in the morning or anytime throughout your day, perhaps whilst washing your hands in the bathroom or walking or simply daydreaming.

    It is easy for your EGO to encroach into your day and it will likely try to do so often, that is its job!  Using mirror work to remind yourself that you are the master and are in control of your destiny can help you to implement the change you have decided to make.  The more you remind yourself of how wonderful you are and that you can achieve your desires, the more likely you are to attract these to you.


    An affirmation is defined as the process or action of affirming something, for instance you may repeat (whenever the opportunity arises) an affirmation such as:

    There is one Mind, and I am that Mind.

    That Mind is eternal, and it is Life. I am that Mind, and I am ETERNAL LIFE.

    That Mind knows no disease; I am that Mind, and I am HEALTH.

    That Mind is the source of all Power and cannot know doubt nor fear; I am that Mind, and I am POWER and PEACE.

    That Mind knows only Truth and knows ALL truth; I am that Mind, and I am KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM.

    All things created and uncreated, are in that Mind; I am that Mind, and I am WEALTH and PLENTY.

    I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE; the LIGHT in me shines out to bless the world

    Having some affirmations that are personal to you, which have been created with true belief in your power to achieve the statement or to feel the way you affirm, is a very powerful reminder and can help you focus your mind on what is important.  There is plenty of sites available on the internet where you can copy affirmations, however creating your own personal ones is a much more powerful way to help your mind overwrite negative thought patterns so you can begin to focus on creating positive vibration.

    The above is simply a sample of ideas, as we progress through the course more detailed exercises will help you take your manifestation and mindfulness to the next level.

    A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

    Karmacise Hierarchy of Daily Routine

    This simple pyramid can help remind you of how to manage your daily routine (the detail of your life is for you to decide, the above should be considered merely an example) and is loosely based upon Maslow’s Hierarchy of human needs[2].  It is vital that you feel in control of your daily routine and ensure that you are comfortable with the important things, before you move onto considering how you will change your higher brain functions.

    This strategy is intended to help ensure that you are comfortable that the important things have been adequately managed i.e. the things that could cause you anxiety which in turn can affect how you deal with the EGO and prevent you being able to realise your potential. 

    There’s various tools to help you manage your day, such as having a prioritised to do list which you use to manage your daily routine, how you manage your daily routine will affect how you feel about achieving your higher brain functions and as such whilst it may be a monotonous process, unless you are in control of your routine the likelihood is that you will be unable to achieve self-realisation in the higher brain functions.


    The only place to start is at the beginning, so here is Part One of the Karmacise system which is based upon The Master Key system updated and adapted to 21 st Century thinking and the world we live in.

    Do you want to bring into your life more power? Then get the power consciousness. More health? Get the health consciousness. More happiness? Get the happiness consciousness. Live the spirit of these things until they become yours by right. It will then become impossible to keep them from you. The things of the world are fluid to a power within man, by which he rules them.  Power comes from within not outside, as such by controlling your thoughts and developing your mind, you can adapt the universe around you, to reflect back what you want reflected. 

    You don’t need to acquire this power as you already have it, it’s with you from the day you were born. But now you want to understand it; you want to use it; you want to control it; you want to impregnate yourself with it, so that you can go forward and manifest your desires into the world.

    Day by day as you go on and on, as you gain momentum, as your inspiration deepens, as your plans crystallize, as you gain understanding, you will come to realize that this world is no dead pile of stones and timber, but that it is a living thing! It is made up of the beating hearts of humanity. It is a thing of life and beauty.  The interspaces of the physical world are filled with the quantum power of the universe (Dark Matter forms the Quantum Field from which all things that can be created are created), it is this, that binds us within that potential where we are able to manifest our desires into the physical realm.  However, to do so, we must first learn to control our thoughts and manage our physical being.  Karmacise has been developed to help people do exactly that.

    It is evident that it requires understanding to work with material of this description, but those who come into this understanding are inspired by a new light, a new force, they gain confidence and greater power each day, they realize their hopes and their dreams come true, life has a deeper, fuller, clearer meaning than before.

    They become AWAKE to their purpose on this planet and know how to achieve it.

    POINT TO NOTE:  We can only find that which we seek by first knowing what that particular thing is.  Our minds are controlled to a great extent by our EGO, it is this aspect of our being that we need to manage and learn to control, by doing so we can change our behaviours to positively affect all things around us and by doing so will ultimately change ourselves for the better.


    The state ‘that much gathers more’ is true on every plane of existence and that loss leads to greater loss is equally true. Mind is creative, and conditions, environment and all experiences in life are the result of our habitual or predominant mental attitude.  By the disciplined application of the Karmacise system you can gain control of your thoughts and begin to change the universe you inhabit.

    The attitude of mind necessarily depends upon what we think. Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement and all possession depends upon our method of thinking.  This is true because we must be before we can do, and we can do only to the extent which we are, and what we are depends upon what we think.

    We cannot express powers which we do not possess, and the only way by which we may secure possession of power is to become conscious of power, and we can never become conscious of power until we learn that all power is from within. 

    There is a world within; a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and life and beauty; and although invisible, its forces are mighty. 

    The world within is governed by mind. When we discover this world, we shall find the solution for every problem, the cause for every effect; and since the world within is subject to our control, all laws, of power and possession are also within our control.

    Our bio-computer, we call the brain, is made up of several elements, essentially though information is collected from our senses, we interpret that using our EGO and the result of our reaction, including feelings coming from the event, form the memory which is stored in our memory banks for later reference.  As such, how you choose to react to a situation today, can and probably will determine how you react to a similar situation in the future.  Create the habit of reacting positively to situations and your initial response to future similar situations is also likely to be positive.

    The world outside reflects the world within. What appears outside (outside of your control if you prefer) is what has been first found within.  In the world within we can tune into our infinite Wisdom, infinite Power, infinite Supply of all that is necessary, waiting for unfoldment, development and expression.  If we recognize these potentialities in the world within, they will take form in the world outside once we learn how to control our thoughts and detach ourselves from the delusion of the everyday turmoil, we call life.

    Harmony in the world within will be reflected in the world outside by harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, the best of everything.  It is the foundation of health, and a necessary essential to all greatness, all power, all attainment, all achievement and all success.

    Harmony in the world within means the ability to control our thoughts, to determine for ourselves how any experience is to affect us.  By adopting Karmacise habits daily, we can control our thoughts, feelings and reactions to any situation.  We’ve created a sample 30-day action plan, see end of this course for details.

    Harmony in the world within results in optimism and affluence; affluence within results in affluence outside.

    MEMORABLE QUOTE:  If you believe you cannot you are right, if you believe you can, you are right ‘Henry Ford’

    The world outside reflects the circumstances and the conditions of the consciousness within.  If we find wisdom in the world within, we shall have the understanding to discern the marvellous possibilities which are latent in this world within, and we shall be given the power to make these possibilities manifest in the world outside.

    As we become conscious of the wisdom in the world within, we mentally take possession of this wisdom, and by taking mental possession we come into actual possession of the power and wisdom necessary to bring into manifestation the essentials necessary for our most complete and harmonious development.

    The world within is the practical world in which the men and women of power generate courage, hope, enthusiasm, confidence, trust and faith, by which they are given the fine intelligence and the practical skill to see the vision and make the vision real.

    Life is an unfoldment, not accretion; what comes to us in the world outside is what we already possess in the world within.  Signposts appear along our journey, possibly someone we meet or something we do, being ready to recognise these signposts and react positively to them is crucial to attain happiness and success.  When opportunity knocks, you have to be ready to notice its arrival and be prepared to take action necessary to obtain maximum advantage from it.

    All possession is based on consciousness and everything we can gain is the result of an accumulative consciousness.  All loss is the result of a scattering of consciousness, uncontrolled or conditioned thoughts prevent you finding the path to the infinite possibilities available when you are in tune with your inner mind.  Nothing is possessed, simply yours on loan for the period of time you are resident on this planet, becoming attached to such things therefore at the detriment of your spiritual being only provides you with a short-term gain.  You have to be prepared to give something up, before it can be truly yours.

    Mental efficiency is contingent upon harmony; discord means confusion; therefore, he who wants to acquire power must be in harmony with the Natural Law.  The Karmacise colour system is a simple way to remember what we should be focusing our attention on and a useful reminder of our daily challenges to be in harmony with all aspects of the universe we inhabit.

    We are related to the world outside by the objective mind; the brain is the organ of this mind, and the cerebrospinal system of nerves puts us in conscious communication with every part of the body. This system of nerves responds to every sensation of light, heat, odour, sound and taste. Our bodies are effectively an information gathering bio-computer that enable us to gather data during our lifetime and take this, or at least a DNA imprint of that data, with us on the next stage of our journey through the Cosmos.  We are in fact spirits (energy-based beings) living in a material world.

    When this mind thinks correctly, when it understands the truth, when the thoughts sent through the cerebro-spinal nervous system to the body are constructive, these sensations are pleasant, harmonious.

    POINT TO NOTE: 100 years ago the thought of being able to transmit a live TV broadcast from one place on the planet to another was fanciful, who knows in 100 years our minds may well be able to do what is currently deemed impossible by science.

    The result is that we build strength, vitality and all constructive forces into our body, but it is through this same objective mind that all distress, sickness, lack, limitation and every form of discord and dis-harmony is admitted to our lives. It is therefore through the objective mind, by wrong thinking, that we are related to all destructive forces.  Anger destroys the vessel that carries it, happy people are those who feel they are where they are supposed to be.  They have achieved this by nothing more than directing their thoughts, then their actions, toward attainment of that purpose.  Simple really.

    We are related to the world within by the sub-conscious mind; the Solar Plexus is the organ of this mind; the sympathetic system of nerves presides over all subjective sensations, such as joy, fear, love, emotion, respiration, imagination and all other sub-conscious phenomena. It is through the sub-conscious that we are connected with the Universal Mind and brought into relation with the Infinite constructive forces of the Universe (God, Allah, Jehovah, etc... if you prefer).

    It is the co-ordination of these two centres of our being, and the understanding of their functions, which is the great secret of life. With this knowledge, we can bring the objective and subjective minds into conscious co-operation and thus co-ordinate the finite and the infinite. Our future is entirely within our own control! It is not at the mercy of any capricious or uncertain external power, but the power to be who we want to be rests only with us.

    If we can agree that there is but one Principle or Consciousness pervading the entire Universe, occupying all space, and being essentially the same in kind at every point of its presence. It is all powerful, all wisdom and always present. All thoughts and things are within that Consciousness.

    MEMORABLE QUOTE: There is thinking stuff which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe.  A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.  A person, by projecting their thought into thinking substance, can cause the thing they think about to be created.  ‘Wallace Wattles’

    There is but one consciousness in the universe able to think and when it thinks its thoughts become objective things to it. As this Consciousness is omnipresent it must be present within every individual; everyone must be a manifestation of that Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Consciousness.  We are all part of the whole and whether we realise it or not, everything action has an opposite and equal reaction.

    As there is only one Consciousness in the Universe which can think, it necessarily follows that your consciousness is identical with the Universal Consciousness, or, in other words, all mind is one mind. There is no dodging this conclusion. The consciousness which focuses in your brain cells is the same consciousness which focuses in the brain cells of every other individual. Everyone; is but the individualisation of the Universal, the Cosmic Mind.

    The Universal Mind is static or potential energy; it simply is it can manifest only through the individual, and the individual can manifest only through the Universal. They are one.  Let’s consider this example to elaborate the point.  A Television without power is simply a plastic, glass and wooden box, being effectively an inanimate object with no power to influence us.  However, provide electrical energy to that inanimate object and include in that radio waves with a plethora of TV channels, hey presto you’re able to tune into thousands of streams of information.  Each stream having a different influence on you for not only the time you’re watching/listening to it, but possibly for many years afterward.  Our minds are simply tuning stations, tapping into the Cosmic Broadcaster and we then watch whichever channel we have tuned into.

    The ability of the individual to think is his ability to act on the Universal and bring it into manifestation.  Human consciousness consists only in the ability of man to think. 

    Walker says, Mind is believed to be a subtle form of static energy, from which arises the activities called ‘thought,’ which is the dynamic phase of mind. Mind is static energy; thought is dynamic energy – the two phases of the same thing. Thought is therefore the vibratory force formed by converting static mind energy into dynamic mind energy.

    As the sum of all attributes is contained in the Universal Mind, which is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, these attributes must be present always in their potential form in every individual. Therefore, when the individual thinks, the thought is compelled by its nature to embody itself in an objectivity or condition which will correspond with its original thought.

    Every thought is therefore a cause and every condition an effect; for this reason, it is essential that you control your thoughts to bring forth only desirable conditions.  All power is from within and is absolutely under your control; it comes through exact knowledge and by the voluntary exercise of exact principles.  It should be plain that when you get a thorough understanding of this law, and are able to control your thought processes, you can apply it to any condition; in other words, you will have come into conscious co-operation with Omnipotent law which is the fundamental basis of all things.

    The Universal Mind is the life principle of every atom which is in existence; every atom is continually striving to manifest more life; all are intelligent, and all are seeking to carry out the purpose for which they were created.  Much of mankind lives in the world outside (i.e. they focus their attention on the material aspects of life, before first controlling the unconscious element);  few have found the world within, and yet it is the world within which makes the world outside; it is therefore creative and everything which you find in your world outside has been created by you in the world within.  Simply put, you digest information, interpret that information and react accordingly.  Everyone’s reaction is likely to be different to a given situation and hence there is

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