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The Age of Aquarius: The Golden Age of Mankind
The Age of Aquarius: The Golden Age of Mankind
The Age of Aquarius: The Golden Age of Mankind
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The Age of Aquarius: The Golden Age of Mankind

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Part religious study and part scientific study The Age of Aquarius: The Golden Age of Mankind is a fascinating insight into religion, science and the stars. Split into chapters, providing tips on how to meditate, information on astrological symbolism, the Seven Seals and the planets, there is sure to be something to interest everyone in this book. There are chapters on each of the individual planets, and the book also contains diagrams and illustrations throughout, which will fascinate readers.

Release dateSep 28, 2018
The Age of Aquarius: The Golden Age of Mankind

David Hart

Taken from the notes of late Derek Hart.

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    The Age of Aquarius - David Hart


    Sitting here in the front of the window, I can see a gentle rain falling outside, lightly washing the coal dust laden slates of this little mining town, set amid the beautiful hills of South Yorkshire. The evening wind softly sighs as it blows the raindrops dancing and swaying across the road, tapping against the window like a host of fairy drummers. The lights of passing cars are reflected from the glistening surface of the road, their tyres hiss through the thin sheet of water which is collecting on the surface. Plip, plip, plip go the raindrops as they gleefully run together from the old grey slate roof flowing into the broken down pipe to fall with a splash into a pool on the warm stone steps below. Drops of water are such little things, but when they are united they become the great seas and oceans, then how quickly will they dry up?

    The chemical formulae is H²O, it is the combination of two gases, oxygen and hydrogen and they, like everything else that forms ourselves and the universe, are composed of atoms. There are millions of atoms on a pin head. Atoms are in turn composed of electrons. Everything gas, liquid or solid is composed of this energy which we have called electrons.




    There is only one energy and this vibrates and pulsates at different speeds causing different manifestations. It can be illustrated on a simple graph where the higher vibrations produce then phenomena of the invisible gamma and x-rays down through ultra violet light to the visible light spectrum and further down through infrared heat and sound or the invisible microwaves. Our physical senses can only perceive a tiny proportion of this vast range of energy like the middle C octave on piano keyboard. We know of the existence of some of the invisible vibration by using scientific instruments developed for that purpose. Some that was hinted at through mathematics.

    The result is, we know through science and mathematics, of the possibility that other dimensions of time and place can exist, anti-matter, anti-world, even an anti-universe and all invisible to our sensory perceptions without some mechanical aid. No one can truly say today that such things do not or cannot exist simply because our limited physical senses do not perceive them. Kirlian photography proved the existence of the human aura, the electromagnetic field that surrounds all living things.

    According to the ancient writings we all have an innate ability to know all these things without the use of instruments and this is what we shall investigate: an exploratory adventure into our own selves’ abilities and capabilities largely using the Bible as a key to open that door.

    The continuants of this universal energy is brought about by stress exerted by its own extremes in this way it becomes eternal without end, for a new beginning is contained in every ending. The ancients symbolised this with two very good examples. One of a snake swallowing its own tail, thus it is providing the food for its own growth in a never-ending cycle. The second is the Chinese symbol for Yin and Yang, positive and negative.




    Thus the continuants of everything, of both visible and invisible, are dependent upon certain conditions which we have named ‘Laws’. The Bible tells us that the conditions of immortality is that of obedience to the ‘law’, and helps us to understand what that law is by relating it to truth, life, and love. The common denominator of these is harmony. Nature expresses the many varied aspects of the universal harmony or the one truth; it is filled with correspondences and symbols which can all be understood in the harmony of numerical law that we call geometry, or sacred geometry. It is we who impose those correspondences and make use of these symbols, because they also answer to a ‘law of mind’, vested in numerical ratios or more simply our perception of quantitive relations.

    Without man as cognisor, nature would hold no significance; it is ‘not self-conscious’. Consciousness only begins when life comes into relationship with matter at a certain stage of its development; in the human species this is at, all at the point of birth into the physical world, prior to this it is now more than an extension of the mother, with no independent life. ‘Self’ consciousness comes when ’mind’ takes possession of the vitalised organisms. Consciousness appears to be the result of stress set up between energy and matter, which is itself a form of energy, therefore a stress set up between the extremes of the one universal energy. ‘Self’ consciousness develops from the relationship to the environment, whilst the former results in sensations, the latter results in feelings. Sensation is the beginning of consciousness, while feelings are the end of self-consciousness. Man’s evolution is entirely dependent upon sensorium, he is a perfected sensory creature capable of the highest expression of feeling, which is ‘compassion’ and that is another name for synchronic vibration or ‘harmony’.

    To summarise, everything that exists in the universe, gas, liquid or solid, of whatever perceivable nature is composed of atoms and all atoms are composed of energy seen as positrons, neutrons and electrons. There is only one form of energy whose infinite variety arises from the different rates at which it pulsates or vibrates, formed from the stresses that arise within it, called magnetic forces. Nothing exists for us until it enters within conscious perception, where we invest them with an individual reality, through one of the five sensory organs. Every sensation sight, sound, touch, smell or taste are received in the mind as electrical impulses, which the mind ‘alone’ turns it into a reality , rather like a television set does.

    Psychology admits that there are realms of mind beyond normal physical consciousness, which can only be normally reached when the conscious mind is at rest. There is very good reason for believing that this subconscious realm is in some way attuned to the invisible spectrum of the energy band that the conscious mind cannot visualise. Uri Geller the world famous psychic can take seeds from a sealed packet and within split seconds make those seeds sprout and grow, a process that in nature takes several days in the presence of moisture and warmth. There have been many great achievements in proving the rulership of mind over matter, most of it slipping by without any recognition. We all have this power over matter, but the great majority allow matter to rule them. It is both foolish and impractical to say that something cannot exist simply because our limited senses do not perceive it and yet many including enlightened scientists still do because it doesn’t fit within their own dogmatic views. Their attitude is in lots of cases still like that of the dark ages sorry but I only believe what I want to believe in, it is you ‘that are the fool’ because you dare to think differently to me.

    The strange phenomena known as poltergeist once thought to be the work of the devil, is now known to be caused by emotionally disturbed children usually under eleven years of age. In some way these children altar the effects of gravitation, usually without knowing it, so that objects even heavy furniture moves around the room. Mind is very, very powerful in control of matter, but it has to be understood and used wisely. How much of our world is actually created by our own desire to find, build, or create? Is emotion or feeling the dynamo to supernatural phenomena? I personally experienced what most people refer to as supernatural phenomena after reaching the age of five; I had the ability to see into the future and into the past. I was able to put my hands in boiling oil without burning. I was electrocuted so many times I lost count, the worst being a faulty three phase system that gave him a 450 volts at over 60 watts, which would certainly kill any human alive. Most people will say most of his experiences are some sort of fairy tale, yet everyone has those same abilities, the degree of manifestation is governed only by their belief in them or their ability to use them.

    Take the environment in which we live, it has arisen from the way we are and our ancestors have lived, our attitudes to it and each other. Throughout all generations individual character and personality are basically the same, but our ideas and our morals are constantly changing. What we think and do today determines how our life and the world’s life nay the universes life will be tomorrow; there is no one to blame but our own self if we do not like the results. Our environment conditions the way we behave, think and act and we ourselves are constantly changing that environment, for better or worse. Man could not have walked on the moon without a strong desire to do so and in the face of strong criticism that said it was impossible. If the desire to do so is strong enough, nothing is impossible. It is easier for the materialist to believe that death is an end, than for him to contemplate any possibility of life after death, since it involves something that cannot be perceived by the limited physical senses ‘he imposes his own limitations of mind, according to his own limited sensorium’. For the same reason the majority of people are always like sheep willing to follow a leader dogmatically right or wrong, because it saves them the effort of thinking for themselves. Like those little raindrops all rushing together to go who knows where?

    The whole secret of life lies hid within each self-conscious individual, in the recognition of one’s ‘own’ mind projections and the dissolution of ‘self’ in the light of reality. The five psychological components of the confused mind have to become instead factors of enlightenment. Most of the ancient philosophers describe it as six steps or stages in the growth of the confused mind. We learn through each of the six stages to grasp at the security of the centralised entity (self) to reach enlightenment. We must allow ourselves to dissolve ourselves into the corresponding manifestation of ‘wisdom’. The drop of water must cease to see itself as a separate entity, now it is part of the lake, it has joined, ‘it is the lake’, since it has become’ one’ with it. Every life is a partial expression of ‘one life’, that is manifest in ‘all life’, every phase of it is registered in human character and destiny is the reflex, under the ‘limitation’ of the ‘one intelligence’. ‘All’ are subservient to the main purpose of creation, the reflection and perhaps refraction of the divine will, which can be expressed in numbers and regulated by universal laws, where each extreme or ending causes a stress within itself creating a ‘new birth’.

    Everything has a geometry that is intelligible only because and in as much as it expresses intelligence. We are forced to conclude that the geometrical sense is vested within ourselves, otherwise we could not apprehend it and it is limited to those things the principles of whose existence are within our own selves. It is we who define the standards of beauty, goodness peace and truth; they represent the harmony inherent within our own selves in our very own souls, in the laws of our thoughts and feelings, in the numerical constitution of our being. Man is a compound of the cosmic element and is himself a reflex of all he beholds, man answers to the numerical plan known as the square of three. He is embodied cosmos and therefore responds to the planets of the solar system, to numbers, colours, sounds, forms that are associated with them.

    The first component of life is form; it is the starting place for individuality and separate existence, the division of experience into objective and subjective. Then with the first breath of life comes, a primitive self-awareness, I and something that appears to be separate from I, the first awareness of an external world through that very first act of breathing. This causes the, I to react to its surroundings, a stress is set up, feelings arise, the beginnings of emotions, at first it is simply an instinctive like or dislike or indifference, which grows more complicated as the centralised entity asserts in itself by reacting actively. The self becomes aware of various stimuli and therefore is an automatic response thus perception is gained. This is followed by a fourth stage which is the intellectual and emotional interpretation of those things which can now be perceived. Mind has now begun to put forward the interpretations or projections of what it interprets as ‘reality’ of self and its separate environment, thus building personality and character. Self or sub consciousness is the first to arise followed by consciousness, which for the majority of people becomes the ‘only’ consciousness that mind is capable of, it is the combination of all the sensory perceptions, governed by what it sees as reason and logic, it relates the central I to the world it is now part of.

    The subconscious is now relegated to the role of conscious, and is more closely related to the emotions and healings. It is a prisoner within the prison it has created for itself, the walls of which are the images it projects around itself, it ceases to see the world as it really is and now sees it as something separate from and indeed hostile to itself. To sin is not believe in the self or ego as the sole centre of existence, it is to miss the path, way, or truth, the ‘harmony’ inherent in all that exists. The ‘one law – one truth – one energy – one intelligence – one life’. The basic ground on which the play of life takes place is nothingness, which is itself a temporary state between two phases of movement, between the first breath of life and the last. It is the neutral centre of a magnet between the positive and negative pulls, itself capable of being either. Thus the raising of humanity to a higher level of evolution is symbolised numerically as being dependent on the exercise of the volitional faculty. Nothing can raise the mind except the will to rise is raised first; theirs must be a strong desire to improve one’s lot. The millennium or golden age could begin tomorrow were we to will it today.


    The individual’s progress is controlled by the power of the individuals will. The will, to ‘do’ or to ‘become’ or ‘serve’. These are the determining factors in all human evolution; also the final factor in the process of natural selection, where the weaker elements (or lower vibrations) gradually breed themselves out of existence, each is attracted by its own level or slightly higher level of development. It is the same message taught by Christ, Krishna and Buddha. You are what you desired to become, you will become what you desire to be, ‘raise the self by self’, not all those who say, but those who do. St Paul said you have to work out your own salvation. ‘No one else’ not even ‘Christ’ can’t do it for you. He made it plain over and over again, ‘each one must make the effort to save himself.

    Universal Activity Scale

    The activity cycles of the electromagnetic spectrum can be applied to every form of cosmic activity. The Universal Scale runs from Angstroms (the unit for measuring the wavelength for light and other electromagnetic vibrations) to the time measured in millions of years, which the sun takes to complete one cycle of the galaxy.

    Twisted ribbon model of DNA double helix, the building block of all forms of living matter. Compare this with the electromagnetic spectrum; it neatly fits into that area which belongs to the visible light spectrum.

    Everything that exists of whatever nature is composed of this invisible energy, what then is it that makes it all seem and feel so real? Me, the air I breathe, the world around me, the little raindrops? All are solid, every taste, smell, touch, sight, and sound has reality, composed of invisible energy, why? Think of the electricity in your home, invisible yet always there. Your television sights and sounds are taken from the invisible air and converted into sound and pictures. Even electricity must be generated or converted from energy. It is only one manifestation of energy.

    It is surprising how many people suffer from inferiority complex without realising, it drives them to become as good as or better than those they feel are superior to them. Such people when they meet with, to take an extreme someone who is mentally challenged, will try to ignore them, pretend they do not exist, they have a great sympathy yet feel inadequate to deal with that person or the overpowering sympathy and pity that they feel. Others overcome it by treating them as they were objects, without feelings or emotions, something to be poked fun at. Those people, crippled in mind or body don’t want to be treated as special or different, better that they are left alone than suffer the continuing hurt of ridicule. It costs nothing to say hello, or offer a kindly word when one sees them abused and what a strong man it takes to defend them from the ridicule of his so called friends. There but for fate go I.

    As I sit here looking at all those people passing to and fro below me, each immersed in their own thoughts, living in an environment created by their parents, added to by themselves, within a greater environment created by the collective thinking of the community, I am aware of the great part that our parents played in forming our way of thinking. Within the family are all the ‘laws’ which transferred to the outside world, keep the stage and world in order. The foundation of every family relationship is the father and mother, in the loyalty and perseverance of the wife, regulated by the overall authority of the husband. When all family relationships are in order then all the social relationships of mankind are in order, since the family is a society in embryo; in is the native soil on which all social and moral relationships are fostered, which later widen to include all hum relationships. It is an influence that works from within outward.

    If we wish to influence other people that too must come from within, this gives power to our words, because they are built on something we truly believe in. General discourse and admonitions have no effect if they are not pertinent and related to definite circumstances and supported by one’s entire conduct. Firm and consistent conduct makes a far greater impression on others than mere empty words which have little if any effect at all. Each child must be accustomed to firmly established rules of order, before ever its will is directed into other things. If we begin too late to establish order, after the will of the child has already been indulged, the whims and passions having grown strong with the years become a cause for regret and remorse. There is nothing more easily avoided and more difficult to carry through than breaking a child’s will. An acquaintance of mine has found himself in a similar situation, but dogmatically refuses to see that they as parents could be at fault.

    His answer is to pass the buck, send them to private boarding school, let someone else undo the problem they allowed to arise, they believe that such an education can turn paupers into kings, yet if there is no desire to learn, it will achieve nothing. There cannot be two masters in a house, any house divided against itself will fall. Too great a severity is as bad as no correction at all, there needs to be complete freedom but within clearly defined rules, the greatest thing any parent can teach their child is SELF

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