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Born Again – What It Really Means
Born Again – What It Really Means
Born Again – What It Really Means
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Born Again – What It Really Means

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This book is about what it really means to be born again. To many people, the term born again means a one-time Christian experience of accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. However, we argue that being born again has a broader meaning, including learning how to really live every day of our lives. Todays world is at a critical juncture. In the past few years, we have witnessed a global economy that is out of control. Governments spend more than they have, people are losing their homes to foreclosure, businesses close because they are unable to pay their employees, and people are out of work and search for months to find a job, which often barely pays them a living wage. They lose their self-esteem and motivation to even look for work.

Our whole nation and world is in need of being born again, but not just in a religious sense. The teachings of Jesus and other spiritual leaders tell us that we are individually responsible for our lives. The answers to all lifes problems are found within ourselves. The kingdom of God is within. This means that there is a spark of the divine found within each person. To be truly born again means to live in harmony with the laws of the universe. We must take responsibility for our own thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Utilizing the teachings of great spiritual teachers, we will focus on building each other up and the destructive values such as greed, power, control, and jealousy will be transformed into values of love, cooperation, understanding, and compassion. This is the real meaning of being born again.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 27, 2012
Born Again – What It Really Means

Dr. Jan Burke Gallamore

Dr. Larry E. Gallamore has over thirty-five years’ experience in counseling, helping individuals achieve their fullest potential. He holds a doctorate degree from Drew University and presently lives in the Midwest and travels extensively, presenting seminars. He writes in partnership with his wife, Dr. Jan Burke Gallamore, who is a licensed professional counselor.

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    Born Again – What It Really Means - Dr. Jan Burke Gallamore

    Copyright © 2012 Dr. Larry E. Gallamore, Dr. Jan Burke Gallamore

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    Chapter 1 An Amazing Discovery

    Chapter 2 Learning to Think on the Good Things

    Chapter 3 Thinking Like the Creator

    Chapter 4 Reconnecting to the Creator

    Chapter 5 Life Revolves Around Being

    Chapter 6 The Process of Individualization

    Chapter 7 A New Humanity

    Chapter 8 A New Society

    Chapter 9 The Remedy

    Chapter 10 Using the Power of Thought

    Chapter 11 Using Your Inner Power

    Chapter 12 The Power to Control Your Destiny

    Chapter 13 Faith Brings Desires to Pass

    Chapter 14 How to Pray in a New Way

    Chapter 15 Thought – The Greatest Causative Factor inMental Health



    For our grandchildren: Hannah, Macy, Seth, and Jacob

    You will know the Truth, and the Truth will make you free

    – John 8:32


    We would like to thank the following people at Balboa Press for their invaluable assistance, direction, guidance and encouragement throughout the writing and publishing process: Heather Perry, Audrey Welch, Christina Stubbs, Brandon Drake, Lenore Kay, Kim Stegemoller, and Dwight O’Neal. You have made the journey through the publishing process an easy and enjoyable one. You are always available for suggestions, ideas, encouragement and support.


    Today’s world is at a critical juncture. In the last few years, we have witnessed a global economy that is out of control, governments spending more than they have, people losing their homes to foreclosure because of a down economy, businesses closing because they are unable to pay their workers or their debts, investors unable to trust the stock market so they aren’t investing as much money as they once did. People are out of work and have to search for months to find a job which often pays them barely a living wage. They lose their self-esteem and their motivation to even look for work. They get desperate and sometimes act in desperation to meet the daily needs of their family.

    As Larry and I thought about this, we looked at these situations around the world and concluded that some changes have to be made. Some people believe there is nothing we can do to correct the situation. It is all in the hands of world leaders, including our own president and congress. One person can’t possibly do anything to correct the problems of the world. So we just have to accept it and do the best we can. Humanity seems to be going in a direction that leads to nowhere. We searched for answers to man’s waywardness and for the answers to address the problems by looking at disciplines of religion, science, psychology, philosophy, and metaphysics. None of these disciplines seemed to have the answers we were looking for. They are systems of organization, which, in many ways, have led to the problems we are now facing. We felt like we had explored every area except the frontier of the individual. So we began to look within for the answers. As each of us looked within, we concluded the cause of these problems lies within each individual person. Our problems are self-made. We also found the answer to the problems also resides in each one of us. The answer is the Law of Love: one life, the life of adjustment to the Law; one Truth, the Truth of a mind where thoughts are controlled and desires can be manifested in one’s outer world.

    The best way—perhaps the only way—to approach these problems is on an individual basis. If each person took responsibility for their own thoughts, attitudes, and actions, this would spill over to the world at large—to the leaders and the people—and we could start to solve our problems. This is the domino effect in reverse. Instead of falling down, each person would be built up and the destructive values of greed, power, control, jealousy, and so on would change into values of love, cooperation, understanding, compassion, and so on. This is what it really means to be born again: living daily in God’s Law of Love, manifesting the values of love, cooperation, understanding, and compassion.

    We dreamed of writing a book which would help men and women, rich and poor, learned and unlearned, worldly and unworldly to find within themselves the source of all success, all happiness, all accomplishments, and all Truth. For some time, this dream remained with us and now has finally become a reality. We send it forth into the world to reach the hearts of those who are waiting and ready to receive it.

    Dr. Jan Burke Gallamore

    Chapter 1

    An Amazing Discovery

    I am about to tell you a secret I have never told anyone. A few years into my career as a minister, I encountered more counseling than I had ever imagined. People came into my office looking for advice from a trusted professional who was also their friend. They needed answers to problems in their marriage, their finances, their health, their careers, and so on. They wanted me to relieve the tension in their lives in thirty minutes or less. I had a great education at the time—two masters’ degrees and I was working on a doctorate, but I felt their pain as well as my own pain of being inadequately prepared to deal with such enormous problems. As I put my feet in their shoes, I struggled for answers. Having graduated from an excellent university and seminary, I had the good sense to turn to the Almighty, the only One who has all the answers. I had read in the Bible the words "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3). I closed my eyes and took a deep, long breath and let out a big sigh followed by the words Would someone up there please help?"

    Pull up a chair and sit down, and I will tell you how I learned this amazing secret. My graduate studies in Jungian psychology were fascinating. They pointed me to my subconscious mind. I thought to myself—wouldn’t it be amazing if the Almighty could somehow speak through my humble subconscious mind? Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Picture yourself in my shoes. I asked the Almighty to guide me along this incredible journey. Here is what I was told to do. I am a gutsy guy, but—I will admit—I followed the instructions for the first time in my life.

    Just before going to sleep at night, I put myself in a meditative state desiring to access the Divine Mind. I learned to focus on a problem and to control my physical body as well as the myriad thoughts racing through my mind. I noticed as soon as I had control of my mind I felt at peace. I then asked my subconscious mind for answers to the problems that occupied my mind. In a few days, answers started coming; often in dreams, sometimes on awakening in the morning, sometimes during lunch, and occasionally as the day progressed while reading a book or writing a sermon or an article.

    Imagine how surprised and delighted I was as the answers kept coming. At times, they would just float into consciousness. At other times, they came through another person. Incredibly, answers were coming from everywhere. The answers involved helping those I counseled to make changes in their lives. When people followed the advice I gave, lives were radically transformed. They started to feel better and better about life. I was intelligent enough to know—and so are you—that the answers I gave were not coming from my own intellect but from the Source of all power, the Intelligence of the universe. Asking for help, I had stumbled on to information that could only come from the Infinite. Can you imagine how I felt? I wanted to share this with everyone, but I feared people would think I had gone bananas. So I waited to share, knowing I needed to be sure this process worked before sharing it with anyone. So now, with you the reader, I have the daunting task of explaining it.

    I would like to help you experience this life-changing process. In this book, you will learn the art of accessing information from the Divine Intelligence of the universe. Imagine connecting with a source that is All Knowing. As you absorb this information, you will find a new way of connecting to the Universal Mind, a process that has been available to everyone since the dawn of creation, but only a fortunate few have learned how to access it.

    Believe it or not, you were created in the image and likeness of an All Powerful Creator, a Creator who is always available as a mentor to guide you so you can come home to the Creator. This exciting process works through your thought both consciously and subconsciously to make the answers to life’s problems available to you. This process is responsible for the greatest discoveries of humankind. Imagine a world where Divine Intelligence can be poured into the minds of men and women everywhere.

    Going back a few generations, we see the fundamental principles of this process in the discovery of quantum physics. Men like Einstein, Bohr, and Heisenberg realized that the status quo and the accepted way of viewing man, the Creator, and the universe was faulty. They not only depended on the wisdom of the material mind and the knowledge of humankind, they ventured much farther into the knowledge and wisdom of the universe, knowing the Creative Intelligence of the universe was readily available.

    They faced a world where man depended solely on his own intelligence and constantly sought answers to his problems outside himself. They discovered this accepted approach to life was inverted. They knew man should not only depend on the outside knowledge but also on universal knowledge that could be found within himself. It occurred to these intellectual giants that the Creator would never have created an individual without creating a way for him to discover answers to his problems. To suppose or suggest such an All Knowing Creator would be an impossibility.

    The answers to your problems are planted in the inner recesses of your subconscious mind! THE ANSWERS ARE ALREADY THERE. As marvelous as this may seem, it is nonetheless true. You have at your disposal—if you choose to use it—a way to acquire life’s answers. In fact, our mind tells us that underneath the almost impenetrable mass of distractions, false assumptions and pessimistic views of life, answers based on ancient truths can be found. Through this incredible life-changing process—using your subconscious mind—you can find the answers you have been searching for. Like a modern day Solomon, you can find the answers to all of life’s problems.

    Here are the facts. Every thought you have creates an impression on your subconscious mind that operates in a subjective, creative field. By depending on your subconscious, you can discover the answers you desire. Take a good look at nature. This process called instinct is operational in animal life. Instinct is that quality in an animal which directs its action and tells it where to find food, water, and shelter, and it also warns the animal of oncoming danger. This same quality in human life is called intuition. Intuition is the Divine Intelligence in man, revealing to him the realities of being. Intuition can guide humankind and give us an ability to know without any process of reasoning.

    As Plotinus—the greatest neo-Platonic philosopher—tells us, there are three ways

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