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This must-have anthology delivers contemporary perspectives on homosexuality, with the majority of the material reflecting stances of countries other than the United States. Primary sources, including speeches and government documents, join essays from international magazines and news sources for a truly panoramic view. Across four chapters, readers will evaluate homosexuality and its relationship to religion, attitudes, the law, and the family. Helpful features include an annotated table of contents, a world map and country index, a bibliography and a subject index.
Release dateMar 30, 2011

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    Homosexuality - Noah Berlatsky

    Christine Nasso, Publisher

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    Cover image by David Ramos/Getty Images.


    Homosexuality / Noah Berlatsky, book editor. p. cm. -- (Global viewpoints)

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

    ISBN 978-0-7377-5191-8 (hbk.) -- ISBN 978-0-7377-5192-5 (pbk.)

    1. Homosexuality--Juvenile literature. I. Berlatsky, Noah.

    HQ76.25.H67393 2011



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    Chapter 1: Homosexuality and Religion

    Thai Buddhism Has No Clear Teachings on Homosexuality

    Hakan Jakob Kosar

    Thai Buddhism does not have a clear position on homosexuality. In some cases, it may be equated with sexual misconduct, in others it may not.

    In Israel, Orthodox Rabbis May Allow Some Options for Homosexual Men

    Anshel Pfeffer

    Orthodox rabbis in Israel have stated that a gay man may have an open, nonsexual relationship with another man as long as he marries a woman and has children. This is a change, since traditionally Orthodox rabbis would neither discuss nor acknowledge homosexuality.

    In Israel and the United States, Conservative Synagogues Are Split over Gay Rabbis

    Beth Schwartzapfel

    In the United States, Conservative Jewish rabbinical schools have opened their doors to gay students; Israeli Conservative schools have not. Nonetheless, gay American students studying in Israel have promoted understanding.

    Islam Is Morally Conflicted About Homosexuality

    Islamic teaching strongly opposes homosexuality. At the same time, there are many passages in the Qur’an and other Islamic holy texts that present homosexuality in a neutral or positive light. Thus, Islam’s attitude toward homosexuality is conflicted.

    The Russian Orthodox Church Is Opposed to Homosexuality

    Spiegel in an interview with Metropolitan Kyrill

    The Russian Orthodox Church believes that homosexuality is a sin. Gay people should not be persecuted, but homosexuality should not be promoted; otherwise, morality becomes relative, which is disastrous.

    Catholic Spirituality Can Embrace Homosexuality

    Sebastian Moore

    The Catholic Church has a tradition of same-sex friendships and an understanding of sexual love, which can be of spiritual help to homosexuals as the taboo against same-sex relationships dissolves.

    The Catholic Church Rejects Homosexuality


    The Catholic Church condemns homosexual acts as damaging and sinful but has no prejudice against those who commit them. Abandoning the homosexual life for Catholicism and chastity can bring peace and happiness.

    In Nigeria, Anglicans Support Imprisonment for Homosexuality

    Faith J.H. McDonnell

    The archbishop of the Anglican Church of Nigeria, Peter J. Akinola, supports the biblical view of homosexuality as a sin and encourages legislation that provides imprisonment as a penalty for those convicted rather the death penalty proposed by Nigerian Muslims.

    Periodical and Internet Sources Bibliography

    Chapter 2: Attitudes Toward Homosexuality

    Homophobia Is Worsening in Malaysia

    Walter L. Williams

    In Malaysia persecution of homosexuals has worsened. The international community should impose boycotts and should offer asylum to those gays and lesbians who seek to escape the country.

    In India, Homosexuality Is Treated with Benign Neglect

    Sudhir Kakar

    In India homosexual acts have traditionally been tolerated as long as traditional family structures and procreation were not threatened. Thus, male homosexuality has largely been tolerated as long as it remains invisible, while female homosexuality has been punished more harshly.

    Depictions of Gay Men in Japanese Comics for Women Are Not Homophobic

    Wim Lunsing

    BLB and yaoi manga—Japanese comics by women for women that depict gay male relationships—are often criticized as homophobic. However, close attention to the genre shows that it does not promote harmful attitudes toward gay men.

    IWestern Evangelicals Have Encouraged Homophobia in Uganda

    John Moore

    Three Evangelical Christians have spoken in Uganda against homosexuality. Their mix of pseudoscience and bigotry has helped to promote antigay legislation in Uganda. Christians should condemn this action.

    In Latin America, Homophobia Hinders Anti-AIDS Campaigns


    Latin American laws do not prosecute homosexuals, but gays still face persecution and violence. This is especially dangerous since HIV is prevalent among homosexual men in the region, and homophobia makes it more difficult for these men to access health services, contributing to the spread of the disease.

    Periodical and Internet Sources Bibliography

    Chapter 3: Homosexuality and the Law

    A Strong Law Against Homosexuality Is Being Proposed in Uganda

    Agnes Asiimwe

    Christian and Muslim Ugandans support a new bill that would bolster the protection of the traditional African heterosexual marriage and provide the death penalty for those convicted of homosexual sex with a minor or while being HIV positive. Several Western governments, human rights groups, and gay activists oppose the bill.

    In Nigeria’s Laws Against Homosexuality Violate Human Rights

    Human Rights Watch

    A proposed Nigerian law banning same-sex marriage would allow draconian invasion of privacy, threatening all Nigerians. It violates international human rights standards and should not be passed

    In Iran, Homosexuals Are Not Forced to Become Transsexuals

    Hossein Derakhshan

    Homosexuals are not forced to become transsexuals in Iran. On the contrary, Iranian culture does not make clear distinctions between homosexual and heterosexual.

    In Canada, Hate Crime Laws Aid Gays and Police

    Gerald Bellett

    Police and gay organizations want to use hate crime laws to prosecute a man accused of attacking a gay man in Vancouver. They believe that enforcing such laws will result in longer sentences and will help highlight the seriousness of the offense.

    In the United States, Hate Crime Laws Protecting Homosexuals Violate Freedom of Speech

    Jerry A. Kane

    Evidence from Europe and Canada shows that hate crime laws are inequitable and will lead to restrictions on free speech. They are unconstitutional and should not be used in the United States.

    The Mexican Government Launches an Ad Campaign Against Homophobia

    Monica Campbell

    To combat AIDS, the Mexican government has adopted the strategy of promoting tolerance for homosexuals in the hopes that they will be more willing and able to seek and receive treatment if they are HIV positive.

    In Kyrgyzstan, Homosexuality Is Legal but Opposition Remains


    IRIN reports that homosexuals fare better in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, than elswhere in the country, but even there they may be asked to leave public places such as bars and restaurants or face physical abuse at the hands of the police, despite the fact that homosexuality is not illegal in Kyrgyzstan. As a result, the majority of gays and lesbians keep their sexual orientation a secret.

    Periodical and Internet Sources Bibliography

    Chapter 4: Homosexuality and Family

    In Australia, Same-Sex Couples Should Have the Right to Marry

    Jennifer Power

    Although marriage might be an institution of capitalism and patriarchal oppression, according to feminist and Marxist criticism, it is a social ritual that is denied to homosexual couples, which deprives them of full citizenship. Allowing gays and lesbians to marry would make it possible to redefine the institution to suit the times and society.

    South Africa Should Not Legalize Adoption for Same-Sex Couples

    Africa Christian Action

    Children of homosexuals are unsociable, do poorly in school, and are more likely to become homosexuals themselves. In addition, homosexuals are prone to substance abuse, crime, and violence. For all these reasons, South Africa should not allow homosexual couples to adopt.

    In Canada, Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage Has Worked Well

    Mercedes Allen

    In Canada, same-sex marriage has not weakened the institution of marriage, nor increased polygamy, nor resulted in persecution of religious institutions. In general, none of the dire consequences predicted by opponents of same-sex marriage have come to pass in Canada.

    Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage in Canada Was a Mistake

    Michael Coren

    Michael Coren Same-sex marriage weakens the institution of marriage. It may lead to polygamy and will hurt children raised without a male or female role model. The consequences of this will eventually hurt Canadian society..

    In the United States, Same-Sex Couple Households in Massachusetts Are Much Like Heterosexual Families

    PR Newswire

    PR Newsire reports for the Human Rights Campaign that same-sex coupled households raise almost the same average number of children on the same median personal income, but they do not enjoy the tax breaks given to heterosexual married couples. In addition, significant numbers of lesbian women and gay men serve in the military, but they are forced to serve under the Don’t ask, don’t tell policy, which was recently repealed in December 2010.

    Periodical and Internet Sources Bibliography

    For Further Discussion

    Organizations to Contact

    Bibliography of Books



    The problems of all of humanity can only be solved by all of humanity

    —Swiss author Friedrich Durrenmatt

    Global interdependence has become an undeniable reality. Mass media and technology have increased worldwide access to information and created a society of global citizens. Understanding and navigating this global community is a challenge, requiring a high degree of information literacy and a new level of learning sophistication.

    Building on the success of its flagship series, Opposing Viewpoints, Greenhaven Press has created the Global Viewpoints series to examine a broad range of current, often controversial topics of worldwide importance from a variety of international perspectives. Providing students and other readers with the information they need to explore global connections and think critically about worldwide implications, each Global Viewpoints volume offers a panoramic view of a topic of widespread significance.

    Drugs, famine, immigration—a broad, international treatment is essential to do justice to social, environmental, health, and political issues such as these. Junior high, high school, and early college students, as well as general readers, can all use Global Viewpoints anthologies to discern the complexities relating to each issue. Readers will be able to examine unique national perspectives while, at the same time, appreciating the interconnectedness that global priorities bring to all nations and cultures.

    Material in each volume is selected from a diverse range of sources, including journals, magazines, newspapers, nonfiction books, speeches, government documents, pamphlets, organization newsletters, and position papers. Global Viewpoints is truly global, with material drawn primarily from international sources available in English and secondarily from U.S. sources with extensive international coverage.

    Features of each volume in the Global Viewpoints series include:

    An Annotated table of contents that provides a brief summary of each essay in the volume, including the name of the country or area covered in the essay.

    An introduction specific to the volume topic.

    A world map to help readers locate the countries or areas covered in the essays.

    For each viewpoint, an introduction that contains notes about the author and source of the viewpoint explains why material from the specific country is being presented, summarizes the main points of the viewpoint, and offers three guided reading questions to aid in understanding and comprehension.

    For further discussion questions that promote critical thinking by asking the reader to compare and contrast aspects of the viewpoints or draw conclusions about perspectives and arguments.

    A worldwide list of organizations to contact for readers seeking additional information.

    A periodical bibliography for each chapter and a bibliography of books on the volume topic to aid in further research.

    A comprehensive subject index to offer access to people, places, events, and subjects cited in the text, with the countries covered in the viewpoints highlighted.

    Global Viewpoints is designed for a broad spectrum of readers who want to learn more about current events, history, political science, government, international relations, economics, environmental science, world cultures, and sociology students doing research for class assignments or debates, teachers and faculty seeking to supplement course materials, and others wanting to understand current issues better. By presenting how people in various countries perceive the root causes, current consequences, and proposed solutions to worldwide challenges, Global Viewpoints volumes offer readers opportunities to enhance their global awareness and their knowledge of cultures worldwide.


    Though awareness of [homosexuality] has existed throughout the ages, it has been at various times quietly accepted and winked at (‘You know, he’s that way) or railed against, depending on the circumstances'

    —Allan Laurence Brooks, in ETC.: A Review of General Semantics, July 1, 2009

    Homosexuality today is a controversial issue worldwide.The debate about homosexuality is often framed in terms of rights, identities, and religious principles. However, this has not always been the case. Instead, attitudes and cultural traditions around homosexuality have varied widely from era to era and from place to place.

    In certain parts of ancient Greece, especially Athens, homosexuality within certain contexts appears to have been common and accepted. Scholars believe that homosexuality was not seen as an identity the way it is today; instead, many men participated in sexual relationships with both males and females. (Information about lesbian relationships is very scarce.) Furthermore, "the relationship that was characteristic of the

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