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Functional Restoration Essentials
Functional Restoration Essentials
Functional Restoration Essentials
Ebook222 pages2 hours

Functional Restoration Essentials

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Written in everyday language everyone can understand and use, these techniques put the body back together as a whole and restore the correct function.
If the brain knows there is a problem it will fix it. Every organ in the body is controlled by the brain.
Functional Restoration see’s the body as controlled by the nervous system including the brain, the endocrine system and the energy systems including acupuncture. In addition a good blood suplly is required. The first part of the book is YOU , followed by WHAT YOU ARE WORKING ON, and then HOW TO WORK ON IT.
Organs do not work alone but are connected in sequences or circuits. Sometimes some types of stress, maybe an infection or a shock or perhaps just an emotional upset will set up a blockage to the free flow of energy in the circuit and it is now on automatic, no longer under the brains control. Sometimes these problems are inherited.
This book is a guide to restoring the free flow of energy in the circuits to restore the body to proper working order. Functional Restoration does not treat any disease but in the process of resorting proper function many problems are overcomes or at least the body can use other treatment effectively. In this respect it is a logical basis for any practice. It could be called a new paradym in Health Care or the missing link. My hope is that the Mum’s and Dad’s as well as Practitioners of many disciplines will use this work and develop it further.

PublisherReadOnTime BV
Release dateSep 3, 2013
Functional Restoration Essentials

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    Functional Restoration Essentials - Bruce Purkiss


    For as long as I can remember I had an interest in Health and Healing, I was born a farm boy, which I regard as fortunate as my backyard was several hundred acres, as a child I recall reading about medicine and surgery. Even in early primary school I was going to be a surgeon.

    Life did not work that way, I left school and worked at several different jobs before going to Chiropractic college at about age thirty. I am pleased I had that early experience, it helped a lot in later practice. As a student I was always asking why? A habit that still persists, and was reinforced by a later mentor. If you don’t know why you are doing something, don’t do it. Functional Restoration grew from attempts to answer the what, why and how questions.

    This became a problem with acupuncture. Towards the end of Chiropractic studies I had the opportunity to also study acupuncture, at the time no one could explain how it worked so it was about two years before I used any of what I had learned. I then reasoned or had experienced the fact that it did work. I stopped trying to find why in the physiology texts and began looking to acupuncture philosophy in more depth. Probably two years later, the clouds lifted and I realized that here was a knowledge of functional anatomy and physiology that made the west look like kindergarten kids. From then on I began applying acupuncture philosophy thinking to chiropractic where appropriate.

    I also realized that no one had yet explained acupuncture from a western so called scientific point of view to date. The reason, science can only follow technology.

    I was fortunate to have gone through college at a time when chiropractic was taught as philosophy, art and science in fairly equal proportions. I think the ratios shift at times. I was also very fortunate in meeting, just after beginning practice, an old time osteopath and chiropractor who was a master in the art as well as very knowledgeable, I learnt from him about percussion technique and other useful insights that come with experience. I also was introduced to the work of the old masters such as Joe Shelby Riley and others. The majority of testing and treatment in this book has been developed by the writer using this work and well known points from TBM/Ridler for conformity with other seminars as well as some from Versendahl, Ed. Wagner and a few found by the writer.

    I often remember the principals words at our graduation to the effect we had been taught enough to be safe to go out and learn, and our greatest teachers would be our patients. How right he was, that is the best and most that any college or university can do.

    Post graduate training and seminars followed regularly, Activator, Truscot, SOT, STO. Concept Energy Healing, Applied Kinesiology, NOT. TBM. NET. John Amaro acupuncture, plus other technique and philosophy seminars and lectures. I particularly enjoyed the speakers on neurology at our Annual General meetings.

    Functional Restoration began in 1991. Just as I was led into chiropractic many years ago because of health problems in the family so I was led into developing Functional Restoration. I had a digestive health problem and while attending a seminar a remark was made that made me realize we needed to know more of the functional physiology of the body. I made a note that this is 1990 and we needed to understand more.

    Beginning with an old chart of Bennets and a list of stimulatory and regulatory glands I began putting together the digestive circuits. Later, most systems of the body were added. The Assembly points and mental stress work was developed in 1994. The endocrine work relating to infertility has resulted in 15 to 20 pregnancies and seems the most common problem.

    A knowledge of acupuncture philosophy was the most useful help I found and a brief understanding of same is offered here.

    Clearing structural blocks is a basic necessity, to this end a system to help release the tension is offered plus a list of what I call problem solvers for the chiropractors is included.

    Chiropractors talk about subluxations of the vertebrae. A subluxation is a movement of the bone in rotation, tilt or a combination of both less than a dislocation. This movement may then result in pressure on the disc which may bulge on the open side or the outer annulus may bulge due to compression on the narrowed side. This results in irritation to nerves causing muscle tension (or being caused by muscle tension) and pain or affecting organs, affects circulation and causes tissue congestion in the area. A subluxation may be the result of stress from a physical strain, or stress from emotional, feeling or mental disturbances or problems with organs. The more severe cases of subluxation will need a chiropractor or osteopath but in many cases using the techniques given here the muscle tensions can be released allowing the structure to normalise.

    An understanding of, and method of treating, spiritual, mental and feeling stress was developed. Feelings are not emotions and emotions are not feelings.

    Reading Deepak Chopra it was noted that an energy field has been discovered that tells the DNA what to do. Since DNA and Mitochondrial DNA could already be accessed the key was searched for and found. It was mentioned that this is the seat of many compulsions, we found this true and also some inherited patterns and reoccurring problems.

    Rudolph Steiner, in some of his work, spoke of a Nerve Pole and a Metabolic Pole. Eventually the entry points were found in the Aura. This led to the discovery of other energy centres that influence health and can be treated directly at the source.

    The reflex work on eyes and ears was largely given to me in the mid 1970’s by one of the very early osteopaths and chiropractors who used much autonomic nervous system stimulation in his work and was rewarded with often dramatic results. The Heart and most other chapters reflect some of this learning. The basic percussion routines are included as is a segmental percussion effect list.

    A recent study led to the publishing of a book entitled something like All disease begins in the Aura while we would be more in agreement if the title began with Some, it does make this section of what we are presenting here ‘Scientific" according to modem understanding. In fact, we now believe that the Aura reflects the state of the body and is more a diagnostic aid, for some, then a cause of disease.

    If the brain knows there is a problem it will fix it if possible. Functional Restoration is intended to let the brain know. That is why it is recommended to run corrections to the brain when possible, via The Thalamus and Pineal.

    Along the way I realized that a textbook is that authors opinion at that point in time. This book is also my opinion at this point in time, I hope you enjoy it, use it or put it on the shelf until you need it, modify it to suit your practice and someday write your own or discover more that can be added. Change is inevitable, I have seen considerable in my years. If it gets you thinking and looking for the total picture it has succeeded.

    Please realize that this is an adjunct or addition to what you do, there are many other great techniques out there. This is not meant to replace your usual health consultant or practice and we accept no responsibility for your use or misuse of anything contained herein.



    Dr. Rufina (Fi) Lam

    Cert Int Med. (Qld) MHB(Imms); MBChB; FRACGP.

    In about 1990, which were the early beginnings of Functional Restoration, Bruce knew that for him to understand the cause of illness he had to develop a technique to work multidimensionally. This was a challenge in itself, as ‘scientific’ teachings and ‘esoteric’ teachings have always been seen to be mutually exclusive. For Bruce though, he knew he had to find a way to bring at least some of the metaphysical teachings into, what was then known in, the healing sciences and chiropractic teachings. He could see many of the healing methodologies corresponded to each other but in those ‘earlier days’ many such concepts lay in the esoteric and had not been ‘discovered’ by science. He also knew that the many ‘languages’ describing healing and the esoteric were different but their concepts were similar.

    In developing Functional Restoration to assist his understanding of the human body and how it functions, many metaphysical teachings were incorporated. What is interesting is that today the concept of mind awareness of the esoterics, the basics of medical neurology and the physiology is now known as psychoneuroimmunology and psychoneuroendocrinology.

    Acupuncture, developed by the Chinese about 7,000 years ago, and acupuncture philosophy provided the best ‘bridge’ in understanding and solving most of the energetic circuits and problems in Functional Restoration as a technique. Acupuncture philosophy provided the basis in developing the energetic neurological circuits and connections, and kinesiology allowed neurological stimulation of the physical body to be used in place of needles.

    Bio-energetics developed, largely by the Germans, from an understanding of acupuncture, homeopathy, pathology and electro-acupuncture provided another piece to the puzzle whilst Functional Restoration was being developed.

    Other insights were gained from the background of basic Chiropractic and Osteopathic teachings, advanced Chiropractic techniques such as Total Body Modification (TBM), Neural Organisational Techniques (NOT), Neuro-Emotional Techniques (NET) as well as Contact Reflex Analysis and Old Reflexology. One of the early pioneers in this (outside of the medical mental health specialists) was Scotty Walker with his Neuro-Emotional Technique.

    Combining all of the above ideas and techniques there emerged a more complete way of viewing how and why people become ‘dis-eased’. Using Functional Restoration techniques it became possible to make a definite pattern of the human body’s functional circuits.

    Between 1990 and the tum of the 21st century Genetics and the philosophy behind Epigenetics gave a fuller explanation of the energetic circuits used in Functional Restoration. In biology, the term epigenetics refers to changes in phenotype (appearance) or gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence, hence the name epi-(Greek: over; above) -genetics. These changes may remain through cell divisions for the remainder of the cell’s life and may also last for multiple generations. However, there is no change in the underlying DNA sequence of the organism;[l] instead, non-genetic factors cause the organism’s genes to behave (or express themselves) differently

    Yet behind all these techniques a basic universal truth underpins Functional Restoration.

    This fundamental basic truth is:



    Mind-Body research has shown that if any stress is strong and persistent enough the afferent signals to the brain become so intense that the receptor neurons depolarise, thereby cutting off any chance of an efferent response to tell the body or organ what to do.

    Chiropractors talk about ‘subluxation’ but in describing a subluxation the original chiropractors were not talking of a spondylolisthesis, they were referring to the lack of the divine light in the spinal cord which allows us to manifest our true God like self. Daniel David Palmer proclaimed that subluxations therefore interfered with the body’s expression of Innate Intelligence -the Soul, Spirit, or Spark of Life that controlled the healing process. (Palmer also said there was too much or not enough energy.)

    Over the years many researchers have found an increasing number of contact points on the body which can be tested against a known muscle response (kinesiology technique) to test the organs, and many other problems, that can affect the body, mind or emotions. These contact points are also acupuncture points and are interestingly also the points the Indigenous people of

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