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How to Effectively Market and Manage a Private Security Firm
How to Effectively Market and Manage a Private Security Firm
How to Effectively Market and Manage a Private Security Firm
Ebook317 pages4 hours

How to Effectively Market and Manage a Private Security Firm

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How to Effectively Market and Manage a Private Security Firm aims to dispel the myth amongst security professions that long gruelling hours of work equal success. As a professional, success comes from working on not in your private security firm.

An acquaintance of mine recently opened a private security firm. From the moment he opened the firm, he has been working ten to fifteen hours per day, six days a week. The last time spoke to him, he told me how happy he was for having that much work at the formative stages of his firm.

I explained to him that indeed having loads of work is an indication that his services are in demand. However, he having to spend long hours doing the work himself is a sign of lack of an infrastructure, which he needs to address now to prevent it getting out of hand.

Before he know it, he is stuck in a vicious circle of long hours of working in instead of on his business and in five or ten years’ time he will continue in a perpetual start-up mode.

Succeeding as a private security entrepreneur requires a different thought process than the one currently possessed by the majority of private security entrepreneurs. The first essential thought process that any private security entrepreneur who wants to be successful needs to banish is the belief that mastery in security will result in success.

If you choose to master security, you might as well seek employment with another firm, you will definitely be paid more than you are making now pretending to run a business.

However, if you choose to be an entrepreneur, you need to understand that marketing is better than mastery. This is not to suggest that you be mediocre security professional.

What I am saying is that the prerequisite for succeeding as a private security entrepreneur is the ability to effectively market and manage your private security firm. In other words, mastering the business of security.

When you have a successful private security firm, you can hire the best security professionals in the country. However, if you had the best security professionals and your private security firm was struggling, you will lose those security professionals to your competitor that can afford to pay them top dollars.

How to Effectively Market and Manage a Private Security Firm teaches private security firm owners how to succeed in the security business.

In How to Effectively Market and Manage a Professional Firm, you will learn:
• The five fundamentals for security business success
• The specific marketing strategies all successful security firms employ
• Instructions on how to create new markets for security firms
• The best recruitment strategies for attracting top talents to a private security firm
• Strategies for developing business model used by the most successful security firms
• Instructions on how to create an effective system
• Instructions on creating metrics of measurement for: productivity, staff performance, marketing ROI and financial results
• Ways of identifying the bottleneck preventing the growth of your firm
• How to develop adaptive capacity to the changing business environment

How to Effectively Market and Manage a Private Security provides private security entrepreneurs the type of thinking process required to succeed in the business of private security.

Release dateFeb 4, 2013
How to Effectively Market and Manage a Private Security Firm

Romeo Richards

I am the founder of The Business Education Center, an entrepreneur and business training firm that provides business growth information to professional entrepreneurs such as medical doctors, lawyers, accountants, consultants, coaches, retail executives, dentists, corporate trainers and private security entrepreneurs. The Business Education Center, is the business intelligence hub for professional businesses such as businesses consulting firms, business development firms, dental practice, private medical practices, law firms, accounting firms, businesses coaching firms, corporate training firms, private security firms and retail organisations. The Business Education Center aims to offer access to valuable business development information to entrepreneur professionals: medical doctors, lawyers, accountants, consultants, business coaches, dentist, retail executive, private security firm owners and corporate trainers through the creation of information products such as books, eBooks, audio books, DVDs, home study courses, workshops and seminars. I conceived The Business Education Center after undergoing a traumatic business failure and recovering through the help of valuable business development information. In late 2004, I established my private security firm. By 2006, my revenue had grown to a million dollars and I was able to count the likes of Nike, BskyB, BMW, Renault, BT and Target Express amongst my clients. However, in 2008 when the financial crisis hit, my business went into a tailspin. Like most entrepreneurs, I blamed the financial crisis for the failure of my business. But the reality is, I was in a recession proof business. When there is financial crisis, the rate of crime increases simultaneously increasing the need for private security. If I was in a recession proof business, how can the recession be responsible for the demise of my business? The fact of the matter is this: I broke every good business practice during my formative years. After providing services for most of my initial clients, I did not even bother to follow up with them to solicit additional work. The way security work is: the private security firm receives a call from a company that require security for their premises or event. The private security send their officers to the designated location and when the work is complete, the firm sends an invoice to the client's accounts department. Representatives from the security firms never get to know or even meet the person who made the call or sent the mail. Therefore, never get to form relationship with them. However, in hindsight, I now know that there were ways that I could have forged relationship with those companies. In 2008, we have a single big client that we provided services for nationwide. The fact that we provided services for them nationwide, appeared to us as if we had multiple clients. When the big client got caught up in the flames of the financial crisis, they pulled us down with them. Literally placing all my eggs in one basket was my first deadly mistake. My second fatal mistake was not developing along with my business. This is the biggest sins of most entrepreneurs. We establish our businesses, as the business grows, we fail to grow along with the business. Kind of like parents who remain kids themselves. The same skill sets that I had when I started the business from practically zero stayed with me even when I was making a million dollar. I never developed myself and my thinking process in confirmative with my new status. I still worked as a security officer. I still conducted mobile patrol, alarm response and site visits. I could have easily employed a supervisor or manager to do all those while I concentrated on developing the business. This was the key to my business failure. However, instead of facing the facts and accepting my short comings, I blamed the financial crisis. I was very fortunate to have received an email of a business growth program called the 7 Figure Code. When I bought this program and watched it, it completely revolutionise my thinking. I came to the conclusion that business success does not depend on the type of business one is in, the environment or luck, but on the type of actions one took. Like the chemistry formula hydrogen two plus oxygen equals water, which has never changed since it was discovered, there are certain actions that lead to business success and certain actions that result in business failure. After the 7 Figure Code, I attended or acquired several different business development training by the best business coaches in the world. Business development training programs such as: Eben Pagan - Get Altitude Eben Pagan - Learning Technology Frank kern - Mass Control Frank Kern & Brendon Burchard - Millionaire Marketing Formula Brendon Burchard - Expert Academy Dan Kennedy - Magnetic Marketing Jeff Walker - Product Launch Formula Don Crowther - Social Profit Formula Rich Schefren - Business Growth 2.0 John Carlton - Simple Writing System and Kickass Copywriting Secrets The likes of Dan Kennedy, Rich Schefren and Eben Pagan are responsible for billions of dollars' worth of business development strategies. Dan Kennedy is considered one of the smartest business coaches in the world and Rich Schefren is the business coach to many of the internet millionaires in Silicon Valley. Frank Kern is the marketing genius who sold twenty-three million dollars' worth of information products in a single day. Learning from these guys completely revolutionise my business and my own thinking process, moving me from the brink to a business success story. But here is the caveat: their trainings are not particularly cheap. Many of their training cost a minimum of $10,000. Despite the cost, their trainings are worth every single penny. For example I have just completed nine books. Think about that for a moment... Nine books! In a few months! When many people struggle to complete even a single book. I was I able to realise such achievement? It was the result of my product development training from Brendon Burchard - Expert Academy and Eben Pagan - Guru Blueprint Product development formula. However, because not a lot of entrepreneurs are capable of spending $10,000 for business development training, The business Education Center, was established to help budding entrepreneurs gain access to these valuable $10,000 business development training even if they cannot afford them. Romeo Richards' new sets of books: How To Market And Manage A Professional Firm How To Market And Manage A Private Security Firm How To Market and Manage A Corporate Training Firm How to Market And Manage A Dental Practice How To Market And Manage A Private Medical Practice How To Market And Manage A Consulting Firm How To Market And Manage An Accounting Firm How To Market And Manage A Law Firm How To Market And Manage A Coaching Firm Contain the over $100,000 business development trainings I received from those business growth experts and experience of applying them to my business and those of my clients. Every successful business, whether it is the HSBC Bank in the City of London or a cleaning business in a New Delhi ghetto, has five things I common, you will learn those five things in these books. Markets are becoming saturated. The tyranny of choice brought about by the internet is making it increasingly difficult for businesses to find new customers for their businesses. How can your business benefit instead of be a victim of this new business reality? The answers are in these books. Change is the only constant. The business environment is changing. Businesses practices that were acceptable yesterday can no longer be effective in this new business environment. What are the new business practices that will be effective in the new business environment, and how can you implement them in your business? You will find the answers in these set of books. My desire is to help businesses understand how to navigate the new business environment. I also co-authored the following books: 84% Most Effective Strategies For Increasing Retail Profit 14.3% The Most Effective Shoplifting Reduction Strategies 43.5% The Most Effective Retail Profit Protection Strategies 12.24% The Most Effective Retail Employee Error Reduction Strategies 24.5% The Most Effective Perishable And Non-Perishable Shrinkage Reduction 27.9% The Most Effective Retail Shrinkage Reduction Technologies 27.8% The Most Effective Retail Employee Theft Reduction Strategies 48.8%: The Most Effective Strategies For Reducing Retail Receiving Shrinkage Romeo Richards books slated to be published October 2012: Store Design Blueprint: How to design an attractive but profitable store Visual Merchandising Display: How to create a beautiful yet profitable display How to Increase Retail Sales How to Make Profit in Retail How to Attract Customers to Your Retail Store How to Increase Retail Sales with Store Design and Visual Merchandise Display Romeo Richards submitted book proposal for the following books: How To Manage and Market A Business Development Firm How To Manage And Market An Architectural Firm How To Manage And Market A Recruitment Firm How To Manage And Market A Private Psychology Practice How To Manage And Market A Plastic Surgery How To Manage And Market A Physiotherapy Practice How To Manage And Market A Construction Company How To Manage And Market An Engineering Firm How To Manage and Market A NGO How To Run An Effective Government

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    How to Effectively Market and Manage a Private Security Firm - Romeo Richards


    My sincere gratitude to Mr. White, John and Michael for editing the book.

    Thanks Jen for formatting it and Joseph for managing the entire project.

    How to Effectively Market and Manage a Private Security Firm

    Romeo Richards

    Why You Should Read This Book

    Let me tell you a story.

    In his E-Myth series, author Michael Gerber wrote that every business is a family business. At the time I read it, I did not understand what he meant until I had a business failure which resulted in the breakup of my own family.

    However, please don’t shed tears for me; you need to understand that despite my own painful circumstances, business success can be gratifying. There is no better feeling than realising your ambition and making a difference in the lives of others. I have a long list of former employees who otherwise would have been condemned to cleaning for the rest of their lives, because of me, they were able to pay their university tuition fees and are government officials in their native countries.

    For decades the world has struggled to find a malaria vaccine for the developing world. With the financial and personal support of the Gates foundation, we are one step closer to eradicating this preventable illness. HIV was ravaging large areas of Africa at one point threatening to decimate the entire population of Southern Africa. Bill Gates made one of those life affirming decisions, he left Microsoft and got personally involved with his foundation. As a result of his personal involvement, the high rates of HIV infection in Africa are at last showing signs of slowing down and becoming manageable.

    Why have I chosen to illuminate my own personal story and the achievements of Bill Gates?

    When any business fails there are consequences, both positive and negative. Like me you could lose your love ones, your house, your car and everything you have worked hard for. Believe me those debt collectors don’t joke when they show up at your door, even your cat is not immune.

    However, when you succeed, there are no words in the dictionary that can describe the feelings of elation and joy that owning a successful business can bring. It’s not just about the money. The money is great because you can now take those vacations you have been dreaming of. For me the sense of making a difference in the lives of others supersedes all other personal attainments. In this same sense I think we can all agree that preventing entire communities from being wiped from the face of the earth is more gratifying to Mr Gates than his 50 billion dollars.

    Every business has a 100% chance of succeeding or a 100% chance of failing. Whichever way the scale tips depends upon four plus one key fundamentals:

    Visionary leadership

    A level people

    Robust system

    Effective marketing system

    I started my business in 2004, by 2006 I was making £500,000 per annum which at the time was a million USD. By 2008 the worm had turned and I was £200,000 in debt. How and why did this happen to me? How did this refugee from Africa who arrived with just his ambition had it all and then lose it virtually overnight.

    Like most people who start out in business I believed that business is common sense. On my own personal road to Damascus I was to learn that business is more than just a good idea and anything but common sense.

    As I took stock and sought answers to why I fell from grace, it slowly dawned on me that if we don’t prepare for success then we are preparing ourselves for failure. What do I mean by this?

    As I write this preface, Facebook is about to be floated for approximately $95 billion. Facebook is just eight years old, what is it that makes Facebook so successful as a business? Bear in mind that before Facebook there were other social media sites.

    Google has become synonymous with search engines and internet optimisation. But before Google, there were other search engines. So what did Google get right that other search engine providers got wrong?

    Apple is today the most valuable company in the world, even more valuable than the US government. In the first quarter of 2012 Apple made a profit of US$11.6 billion, that’s more profit than some Plcs. annual turnover.

    So what do Facebook, Apple, Google and the rest of the other successful companies around the world have to do with you?


    The founders of Facebook, Google or Apple were just like you. Like you and I, they made the decision to establish a business. But they succeeded beyond even their own wildest imaginations. Why did they achieve the level of success that they did?

    Even though Gates and Steve Jobs are academically bright they understood this simple yet profound fact, business is not common sense. To succeed in business like any other profession requires certain skill sets.

    The gap between one thousand pounds and a million pound is just a single idea or getting a single decision right.

    Contained within this book is a formula that would help you make the right decisions for your business. Every successful business or entrepreneur has used this identical formula to succeed.

    It was announced in May 2012 that the UK was officially in recession. All over the news there were images of shop closures, members of the public, business leaders and government officials commenting on how difficult this year was going to be. The world economy was failing, France and Greece were adding fire to the Eurozone crisis, the press were tainted with allegations of phone hacking, what a year.

    Meanwhile in the first quarter of 2012, Apple made sales of US$39.2 billion. The tabloids did not write about this because bad news is easier to sell.

    So before you begin to say that the founders of Facebook, Google, Apple or the other successful businesses where lucky, let’s put to bed a commonly held belief in business or life in general; there is no such thing as luck, it’s an abstract concept that infers outside forces are responsible for success or failure. When you are prepared physically and mentally to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way, that’s when you make your own luck.

    I’ve previously mentioned that there are four plus one elements to running a successful business. The fifth and some would say the most contentious element is a good business model.

    Your business model is the most critical element in the success or failure of your business. I made the point earlier that before Facebook, there were other social media sites. Before Google, there were other search engines. So what did Facebook and Google get right that the others got so wrong? Quite simply they developed a better business model.

    There are lots of business books out there written by super successful entrepreneurs, so why is my book any different? What can I teach you that hasn’t been taught by those ultra-successful entrepreneurs?

    There are four main types of business books:

    Celebrity endorsement

    Highly researched and informative

    Me too

    Effective strategies

    Celebrity endorsement:

    Celebrity endorsed business books are those written by celebrity entrepreneurs such as Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Robert Kiyosaki etc.

    These books can be subdivided into:

    Written by the celebrity before they became successful. No one knew the author at the time, therefore, the books included great contents.

    Now successful in their area of expertise these books contain all the usual I did it so you can do it mumbo-jumbo, completely removed from reality.

    Penned by a clever author who understands the power of a name. In most instances the celebrity never takes the time to read the manuscript.

    Highly researched and informative:

    Written mainly by academics or business journalists; based upon solid research. They are usually well written in academic or journalistic style and language. The only problem with these books is their level of complexity for the average reader. Even when you reread them and eventually understand the principles, implementing the information into your business can be difficult.

    Me too:

    Me too business books are written by wannabe experts, who write books just to be able to say they have published a book. In most cases these books contain no real substances and do not reveal any new insights into their so-called expertise.

    Effective strategies:

    Templates with a purpose of providing information and showing readers how to implement those changes into their businesses. Like the highly researched information books, they provide effective content. Unlike the highly researched research books, Effective strategy books help their readers implement their theories and ideas.

    What differentiates this book from other business books is that it belongs to the forth category. It actually teaches you how to do what is written in the book.

    At the end of this book you will learn the four plus one fundamentals that are responsible for a successful business. You will also have a step by step guide of how to implement those changes into your business.

    Every Monday and Thursday I pick my son up from school. I once told my assistant that going to pick him up was like going on a date with a beautiful woman. He reignites my fire to succeed every time I see him. Unfortunately I don’t live with my son and I have to return him to his mother at the end of our time together. The agony and pain I feel as I drive away is unimaginable.

    If your business fails, it can have unintended consequences on the ones you love. Don’t you owe it to them to gain the requisite knowledge to at least give it your best shot?

    This book will provide you the information you need to succeed in your business. It is your instruction manual to effectively market and manage your firm.


    This is a self-help instruction manual on how to make ‘7 Figures’ per annum as a private security entrepreneur. Since I developed this concept the question that I am asked time and time again is why are you so certain that I can make a 7 Figure within a year?

    I explain that with my formula their chances of success will increase by at least 100%. It is based on the same formula that has been used by all successful businesses since the beginning of trade and commerce in the modern world.

    We all know the formula (H20) equals water, Newton’s laws of motion have been established for almost three centuries and they remain true to this day. No one has yet to disprove Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, his theories are as relevant today as they were years ago when Einstein first theorised them.

    This book is about the timeless principles of business success. It’s the same principles that allowed Facebook to float for $104 billion after only eight years of existence. It’s the same principles that made Google synonymous with search engines even though there were several high profile search engines on the net. Microsoft’s Bill Gates used these principles to build a business from nothing and become the richest man on the planet. It’s the same principles that will turn your private security firm into a success story.

    Chapter one:

    The first chapter of this book deals with the business fundamentals: the ‘four plus one’ business fundamentals that are critical for success. As a private security entrepreneur your first action must be to create a clear vision of what your firm will eventually look like when it is finally matured.

    To help you achieve this vision you need:

    The right people: the right ‘A’ level people can accelerate the speed and level of your business success. Without them your job is made harder.

    Robust systems: without robust operational system firmly embedded throughout your firm, the daily operations will be chaotic resulting in client dissatisfaction.

    Effective marketing strategy: no business can succeed without attracting new customers. To attract the various categories of clients your firm needs will require an effective marketing strategy.

    We’ll show you how to create your vision, recruit the right people and how to create a robust administrative and marketing system for your firm.

    Chapter two:

    Further expands on the marketing strategy by providing a step by step guide on how to effectively market your private security firm.

    Chapter three:

    How do you create a new market for your firm? With the internet breaking the monopolisation of the factors of distribution, providing consumers with infinite choices, private security firms are witnessing their clients numbers dwindle. However, 90% of the clients currently using the services of private security firms are unhappy with their current private security service providers. This opens an opportunity for you to attract their attention. But how can you go about this in an ethical way? This chapter shows you how to do that.

    Chapter four:

    Outlines the most effective strategies for recruiting and retaining ‘A talents’ for your firm. Bill Gates once said Take away our best 20 people and Microsoft would become an unimportant company. Bear in mind Microsoft has close to half a million employees and yet Mr Gates believes that taking away just 20 ‘A’ level people would make the company irrelevant. This is the power of having the right people within your organisation. This chapter shows you how to recruit and retain ‘A talents’ in your firm.

    Chapter Five:

    Dive into the most important aspect of the life of a private security entrepreneur. Private security entrepreneurs like most entrepreneurs put in the hours. While this is necessary to ensure your success, it also reduces your productivity. It is not the amount of hours you put in that matters but how ‘smart’ you have worked. Remember it is productivity that counts not activities. Chapter five shows you how to increase your productivity tenfold without increasing your activities and number of working hours.

    Chapter six:

    How do you know that your office assistant is not spending half his working day on Facebook? How do you know when your clients are dissatisfied with your services? How do you know if your marketing resources are being allocated effectively? Chapter six contain the systems and tools necessary for measuring your own performance and the performance of each and every member of your team.

    Chapter seven:

    What’s holding you back from expansion? What’s the simplest way of achieving your vision? My simplified version of the Theory of Constraint (TOC) can be used to diagnose your current level of success and plot the most appropriate course for achieving your goals. This is what chapter seven teaches you.

    Chapter eight:

    There can never be a better time to be a business private security consultant. Even though we are in the middle of a double dip recession the services of private security consultants are still in high demand. With the optimisation of the internet private security consultant can now truly call themselves ‘international’. Private security consultants living in any part of the world can now market their expertise to even the remotest villages in China. But in order for your customers to find you, you have to be visible and well packaged. You need to be able to brand and market yourself as an expert. Chapter eight outlines specific tools you can use to develop your brand strategy as an international private security consultant.

    Chapter nine:

    This final chapter deals with change. Change is the only thing that is constant. With the internet and the level of change taking place in every industry, you cannot continue doing things the old ways and expect to succeed. Change will come whether you like it or not. Are you prepared to be a master or victim of change? Illustrating the transformation strategies employed by the U.S. Army to transform itself from a Cold War army to one fit for the 21st century, I outlined various steps that you can take to prepare your private security firm for the changing world.

    Every business needs the services of a professional, yet private security firms struggle to make 7 Figure per annum. It should not be that way. There are a lot of tools at your disposal that can make it possible for you to achieve a 7 Figure revenue per annum. Outlined in each chapter of this book are those tools and ways of taking advantage of them.

    Chapter One: How to Make 7 Figures Annually as an Entrepreneur Security Consultant

    When I used to work as a security officer, we used to joke that G4s had the least qualified security officers in the industry, yet they had the biggest contract and as of now they are the biggest private security firm in the world. It always used to puzzle me how is it that this firm with not so good security officers had all the best private security contracts in the country.

    I got my answer when I started my own private security firm and went up against G4s sales people a few times. Their sales team consisted of Oxford or Cambridge business graduates and ex high ranking military or police officers. With that type of sales team, not a lot of private security firms stood any chance against them.

    It hit me that G4s’ success stems from the fact that they understand the business of security more than any other private security firm.

    Security is a multi-billion dollar per year industry and at present, the top one per cent of the industry control around 95% of the total revenue of the industry. This is because it is the top one per cent that understands that private security is first and foremost a business and there is a formula for succeeding in business.

    The security industry is an industry overwhelmingly owned by ex-service personnel. These ex-service personnel are well-trained and disciplined individuals who have really good security training with no business experience.

    There is no part of police or military training that deals with entrepreneurship or business. Therefore ex-service personnel bring their security training into the business world. While their security training and experience are useful for working as a security officer or providing security consultancy, when it comes to the business of security, it requires a different set of skills altogether.

    When the Private Security Industry regulation was introduced in 2001 in the UK, the expectation was that it was going to professionalise the security industry. Whatever, the word professionalise meant to those who coined the phrase. Most private security firms felt that with professionalization, will come increased rate for security services.

    The rate of pay for security officers did increase immediately after the introduction of security licensing which was the result of acute shortage of officers. However, the moment a lot of people were granted security licenses, the rate of pay dropped once again.

    For most security buyers, security is a grudge purchase. It is something that they have to purchase even if they did not see the need for it. For example most pubs and bars view security as an unnecessary expense, that they can do without. The only reason they purchase security for their pubs and bars is because it is a part of their licensing requirements.

    The reason for

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