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Explanations from a Londoner.: One Hand Can't Clap.
Explanations from a Londoner.: One Hand Can't Clap.
Explanations from a Londoner.: One Hand Can't Clap.
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Explanations from a Londoner.: One Hand Can't Clap.

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Explanations from a Londoner.
Throughout this book you will hit upon essential poems weaving in and out of the many profound and important categories I have chosen to depict.
I am setting out to write my thoughts and theory on life to accompany my poems, which are all inspired by my life's experiences. Various relationships, my ups my downs, my fears and how I set about trying to conquered them (Most of them) my aspirations and recognising my strengths, my weaknesses and coming to terms with the truth about myself ultimately to be Honest with myself, in order that I can be honest to others. I am a live and let live type of guy, so I have not set out to judge or ridicule any living thing, be it animal or human populating this planet. As you read on you will become aware that I emphasize what can be counted on one hand the key factors and poignant ingredients that form our way of thinking and determine our individual characters, personality, our drive, our strengths and weaknesses, our close resemblances to the animal kingdom and our human traits that shape our personalities and lives.This book is about a state of mind, a state of mind that exists throughout the whole of the world, the U S A, Asia, Europe and not forgetting The Middle East regions.
I am not a scientist, a physicist, a psychologist or anyone with a Degree, a Diploma, a PHD, or any certificates or any other piece of paper with important words saying I am qualified to state my views and my theory on the subjects I have chosen to study and write about.
In fact I left school at fifteen years old and I have never taken a test or exam in my life.
But! I am an ardent observer of life and gained my knowledge from real life experiences.
I suppose I can be compared to a competent pianist that can't read music.
Whether an avid reader or not, my simplistic scientific and technical facts at the beginning of this book are necessary, and as the book progresses you will understand why.
Release dateApr 30, 2013
Explanations from a Londoner.: One Hand Can't Clap.

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    Explanations from a Londoner. - Patrick Nafzger


    Explanations from a Londoner.

    Throughout this book you will hit upon essential poems weaving in and out of the many profound and important categories I have chosen to depict.

    I am setting out to write my thoughts and theory on life to accompany my poems, which are all inspired by my life’s experiences. Various relationships, my ups my downs, my fears and how I set about trying to conquered them (Most of them) my aspirations and recognising my strengths, my weaknesses and coming to terms with the truth about myself ultimately to be Honest with myself, in order that I can be honest to others. I am a live and let live type of guy, so I have not set out to judge or ridicule any living thing, be it animal or human populating this planet. As you read on you will become aware that I emphasize what can be counted on one hand the key factors and poignant ingredients that form our way of thinking and determine our individual characters, personality, our drive, our strengths and weaknesses, our close resemblances to the animal kingdom and our human traits that shape our personalities and lives.

    Our Galaxy consists of 400 billion stars and is one of billions of galaxy’s within the universe and all we can do at this moment in time is assume that there must be other life forms else where in this vast infinite space we call the universe. For there to be life certain ingredients and components need to exist and evolve, including luck. We have the earth, the sun, the oceans, the moon and the close surrounding planets that make up our Solar system within our Galaxy. It is this truly amazing combination of atmospheric conditions that produce the earth’s atmospheric ingredients and gravitational pull. The most important being water (H2O. Are we unique? Is our position within the universe unique? Does this truly wonderful combination of ingredients exist else where?

    Because of the gargantuan size of the universe the odds are so great that no bookmaker would accept bets against it. So the chances are that there are other life forms in existence. What were the evolving factor’s that formed our creation? First the Big Bang took place billions of years ago. The Energy deriving from expansion of the Big Bang created a circle of continuous energy flow movement created by gravity; Einstein’s theory of general relativity is the most important discovery to date that goes to explain the universe. The evolution from neutrons and Quarks to micro organism forming in the oceans then became us. The Brain being a complex memory bank slowly developed into the most fundamental mechanics within the human body to continue the human evolution process.

    Fear evolved in our subconscious to protect us and escape danger. This is a natural animal survival instinct that exists in us all. Very early on a food chain evolved and pecking orders followed bringing about Predators being hunters, and Prey being the hunted. It then took curiosity to trigger natural selection. As life evolved and began, advancement began with it and enabled us to Evolve from micro organisms, eventually a species with all manner of evolving shapes and sizes to adapt to land, sea and air. We developed into a human species originally from the oceans and over millions of years we slowly ventured out of the oceans and what were once Gills evolved into lungs. There are many such species still in the process of this mutation and although predominantly sea or fresh water creatures they spend much of their time on land.(Amphibians) As a result of advanced brain development we as Homo sapiens came into being.

    The Brains development.

    How and why our brain evolved into a larger organ was always the big question. Scientists now associate our diet from an early age is the answer. Many fossils reveal the structure of the jaw bone and teeth in the development of Ape to man. The chewing of raw fruit and vegetables determines the size of our stomachs and digestive system. Fossils show that Apes had a much larger stomach and a much smaller brain and do so to this day. One form of Ape stood out and progressed around two million years ago and evolved into carnivore. Teeth evolved and adapted enabling the chewing and break down of food to become more easily digestible.

    This was the first step towards changes in jaw and teeth structure, and these changes brought about changes in stomach and brain sizes. As the stomach began shrinking and digestion became easier, the theory is that the brain began to grow and with it the brow and overall skull shape and appearance, we were slowly evolving into Homo sapiens. It is thought that a chance/ accident occurred (serendipity) and animal flesh made contact with fire, when this hot fleshed was consumed the digestive system progressed even further. The food mastication process coupled with easier digestion through cooking shrank the Stomach, which in turn enlarged the brain. Cooking became the new way to eat, not just meat but vegetation. This triggered teeth and chewing, and the digestive system to become a whole different ball game. As the stomach shrunk, so the brain would expand, jaws, teeth and the skull altered shape and this is the evolvement that took place in order for us to progress into Homo sapiens and eventually what we evolved into to this present day.

    We as individuals are all the same yet different. It took million of years for us to emerge and diverge from apes and around thirteen thousand years ago at the end of the last ice age the rise of civilisation had begun. A little further on in this book, although a complex and very complicated subject. I will set out in simple and condensed terms to explain the journey of civilisation and how we reached now, and more importantly how to handle and cope with now.

    I am merely an observer expressing my beliefs and conclusions, which are real to me as an individual. Pure energy is the answer to many questions in my mind. This Universe and the explanations as to how and why we are here are mostly based on religious beliefs and scientific theories. As far back as 270 BC an ancient Greek astronomer identified the sun as the solar central system, but these theories clashed with religious beliefs and were dismissed because of a lack of accuracy. In 1508 Copernicus developed his own celestial model which conflicted with Aristotle. During all these periods various scientists and astronomers studied the universe and in the early sixteen hundreds Galileo published his findings proving that the earth orbits the sun (The Copernican theory) and all objects in the universe obeyed. He also published his findings regarding floating objects on water and water displacement. These findings were in direct conflict of religious beliefs and Galileo was eventually put under house arrest for going against the church.

    From the early years of Astronomy there has always existed a steady stream of Astronomers vying for top spot. A new generation of scientists was about to hit the scene, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and Edwin Hubble among them. The Hubble Telescope is perhaps the most significant device of Astronomical times, and is still omitting new discoveries about the universe. New Telescopes and technical advancements are about to delve even further into solving the mysteries of the universe. Such as the giant space telescopic observatory fields (Alma) based high up in the Andes in Chile. This is considered the finest location in the world because of its height and continuous clear sky’s. Human curiosity kicks in and ultimately our aim is to reach the end of space, that’s the nature of the beast because once we reach the end it will unable us to reach the beginning.

    This new generation of giant telescopes will enable us to go back and discover what took place two hundred thousand years after the Big Bang. The universe consists of 75% Hydrogen and fusion experiments are taking place as you read. Evidence suggests that in years to come Hydrogen may well be our next source of vital energy. A significant discovery by these revolutionary telescopes reveals a substance known as Dark Matter, and it has been established that gravity alone is not strong enough to force and create Galaxy’s and hold them together. Dark Matter is responsible for binding them, much like we use an egg for cooking. Scientists are now working on the theory that the smallest known particles are a succession of strings held together by vibration. Clusters are formed and millions of stars formulate into spheres and spiral into disc like orbits to eventually form the galaxies. This is termed as Gravitational lensing and bends light in dark space. Such is our curiosity, a project by the European organisation for nuclear research based in Switzerland known as

    C E R N is operating the world’s largest physics laboratory experimenting with a gigantic Hadron collider in order to discover the universes smallest known particles.

    Super Massive Black Holes occupy the centre of all Galaxies and is the driving gravitational force that sucks in surrounding stars. This force is so incredibly powerful that it builds up and periodically explodes and emits a giant quasi beam. Without Dark Matter we would not exist and the universe would go haywire and become an uncontrollable swirling mess.

    There has to be a beginning and an end, the Big Bang being the Beginning and the end not yet existing and still forming. Density Time and light interaction combined with the energy produced will depict when the end has arrived. A north and South Pole may exist for the whole of the universe formed by Matter and anti matter on the move in a spinning motion. This motion combined with magnetic forces, positive and negative produce tremendous energy, which is Invisible to see but easy to witness because this vital action creates our protective gravity within our miniscule Solar System area in space. Earth is an Orb It is very important at this point to take note that anything significant in the whole of the universe is ordained to become an orb, a sphere a circle.

    Over the last two hundred years scientists and physicists have battled it out for the limelight and credit for their theories. They are generally egotistical and want to go down in history following in Einstein and Darwin footsteps. It is well known that the whole universe is made up off the smallest particles known as protons and neutrons; these are made up mainly of quarks with a much less number of anti quarks. It is this larger amount off quarks that are responsible for creating the very ingredients for the world to have evolved as it has. Indeed we are made up of recipes of the universe including quarks and the space in between know as matter and anti matter, but critically not in equal parts.

    If the universe had evolved with an equal amount of matter and anti matter we would not exist because of the radiation created by this constant battle and annihilation of quarks. Again we can compare this to a Bread cooking recipe in an electic food blender with the essential and exact amount of ingredients to prepare a successful Loaf. For example if we didn’t add yeast the bread would not expand and rise. This action takes place enabling the universe to expand from the original Big Bang. There are many reactions and the very nucleus of an Atom is made up of particles known as quarks and anti quarks which are held together by other particles known as Gluons. Most of the matter and anti matter reactions can not be accurately measured so at this stage we can only estimate our own theory.

    My theory on life as we know it derives from energy and energy transfer. A positive and negative force, electricity passing and receiving signals not only throughout the universe but throughout our body and brain. After all we are made up of particles of the universe. To understand the Big Bang, study a little bang. In simple terms picture a cup of milk, if you allow a droplet of milk to splash into the cup. Depending at what height the droplet is released an explosion occurs and causes an upward force creating a mushroom shape and causes ripples. This is Similar to an Atom bomb exploding and causing shock waves. These ripples disperse throughout our galaxy and every particle is merely a minute fragment of that ripple. Many questions go unanswered but inquisitive scientists and physicists are slowly formulating answers and play such an enormous part in the knowledge we gain regarding the history of the universe. A good example is the formulation of Black Holes. With a few exceptions, when energy and density are so intense that no light is emitted they circle and swirl with such intensity, fold in on themselves and create a black hole.

    Everything that is poignant is associated with the circle shape. The Sun, Earth and Moon, Our Galaxy and indeed all of the planets are circles; (with one exception, irregular shaped planets that are less than 500 miles across. But these also are destined to become spheres) everything that twists rotates and turns whirl pooling into circles.

    Simple objects like bottles and jars, pots and pans, cups, saucers, and bubbles are a good example and of course the wheel and travel. I could go on and on and I would then be going around in circles. Why? It is because our very lives go around in circles. Put half a brick on a beach and within months it will take on a cylindrical shape and become circular, worn down by friction, what is friction but another source of natural energy. A solid object of any shape or size left on a beach would be subjected to the forces created by the tides and the Moons planetary and magnetic forces. Evolving and inevitably becoming another pebble on the beach.

    This is all part of erosion of river beds, sea shores and shifting sediments, and in thousands of years each particle is destined to become a grain of sand. The wheel, the foetus, the human egg, time measurement, wind measurement, Magnetos, turbines, engines of all kinds all derive from a circle. This is because energy is created by spinning and spinning is a circular movement of a positive and negative force thus creating energy. (A dynamo) This energy creates a powerful magnetic field around the Earth. This field is vital for life on Earth because it protects us from the Sun and the Solar winds that are emitted from it.

    Due to a cooling process over millions of years a thin crust formed on the Earth’s surface. As we go deeper the temperatures rise until we reach a central core of molten liquid which is swirling around and because of the earth’s axis and spinning motion. This molten liquid will eventually work its way from north to south or visa versa and may interfere or even change the North Pole to the south or visa versa. This will then reverse the earth’s polarities. This is still an unknown phenomenon and what stage it is at can only be a guess but may go a long way in answering some of the questions as regards changing of the earth’s atmospheric conditions, (The green house affect) Although more and more scientific evidence exists to substantiate that we humans are spoiling the earth’s stability by omitting tremendous amounts of Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere causing dramatic climate changes. These changes are causing sea levels to rise and deserts to encroach fertile land. This causes a domino effect and brings about serious consequences in damaging the environment and bringing many animal species to extinction.

    If we do not come to our senses and rectify the imbalances in our unique environment we the human race are on a cruising for a dramatic bruising. How sad that we know the dire consequences and continue to procrastinate. Should we have to explain to our children that we knew the consequences of global warming but failed to act?

    The ingredients which make up the universe ever since the Big Bang are the very ingredients that we are made of. In order to have evolved into the shape and form we have become which are Homo sapiens. The truly wondrous action of Photosynthesis is perhaps the most important Chemical reaction under the Sun. Transforming and then transferring the Suns energy into our life support and food stuffs.

    A Gradual evolving process took place over millions of years. Minerals and substances such as Magnesium, Calcium, Chalk, Iron, Salt, Zinc, lead, Copper, Sulphate, Potassium water and so on are all within us and extracted from the food we eat. Photosynthesis transforms all these substances into energy. These substances can be found in rock and mountain formations and remain as vital evidence of how and where the tectonic plates moved and shifted to form what now are our mountain ranges and continents. Early fossils are being discovered on a daily basis and many can be accurately dated because of the Carbon content within them.

    (Poem) Evolution

    Many thousands of years ago BC.

    Apes became Homo sapiens, you and me.

    The rise of civilization came about.

    Hunters and gatherers were driven out.

    Natural selection took place.

    Ever since then we’ve been a disgrace.

    Burning fossil fuels to create energy.

    Polluting rivers lakes sky and sea.

    Cutting down billions of trees.

    Ozone layer gradually shrinking.

    Species slaughtered without thinking.

    Striving at an unsustainable pace.

    No wonder they call it the human race.

    We can’t possibly provide a solution.

    Because we’re all governed by evolution.

    Every single step we take today.

    Evolution has shown us the way.

    (Poem) The sun

    First the planets formed; of course this includes the sun.

    Before us Humans knew it, Evolution had begun.

    Everyday looks bright and a wonder to behold.

    I see a bird in flight as I watch the day unfold.

    The sun has risen and broken last evening’s dark mould.

    Its energy warm and shining, comforting and gold.

    I look up and gaze at this giant orange in the sky.

    Question spring into my mind wondering how and why?

    All life on earth is nourished by this wondrous energy.

    Without it there’d be no animals no plants no me.

    How fortunate we Humans are to be here, and evolve.

    Problems arise from the problems we solve.

    Human Species increase with the seeds we are sowing.

    The energy dwindles and conflicts are growing.

    Small wonder the Middle East wars arose.

    We humans fight as this black substance flows.

    I ask myself have lessons been learned.

    Or will we get our fingers burned?

    While blind eye’s are turned and no nation will admit.

    Earth will become a roasting spit.

    It won’t be only our fingers burning.

    The Earth will cook as the spit keeps turning.

    When the smallest Particles Quarks, Neutrons, and protons settled in the earth’s atmospheric conditions, energy and warmth from the Sun coupled with water H20. Wondrous chemical reactions happened. We evolved from micro organisms and crawled from the oceans and we consist of all the elements we needed from the universe to become and formulate into what we are today. This includes elements of positive and negative neutrons that evolved and formed in the universe. These positive and negative elements have also evolved within us as human beings and are part of our D N A and genetic makeup. The electricity produced by our chemical makeup and extracted from the sun is essential for our brain to send and receive signals by electric impulse.

    Our brain consists of billions and billions of neurons and can be broken down into various sections, each section dealing with essential behavioural patterns in order for us to function. Ever since we developed standing posture seven million years ago, apes roamed the earth. The rise of civilisation began thirteen thousand years ago at the end of the Ice Age and a larger more complex brain formed and separated us from our animal beginnings and ancestors. All this is pretty much verified by Carbon, another one of earth’s essential ingredients. It took five million years for the Homo sapiens brain to increase three fold, and this dramatic increase is what separates us from the ape.

    An interesting fact is that the Chimpanzee being the most intelligent of the apes has a brain similarity of approximately 99% of the Homo sapiens brain. That 1 % of brain matter is what matters (If you’ll forgive the pun) the brain is arguably the most amazing and complex matter in existence and different parts perform different functions. All these functions are vitally important and based around survival. Although humans are far more advanced then the animal kingdom, there are some extraordinary attributes that certain animals far exceed our limitations. Of course certain common species such as Zebra, Tiger, leopards, have evolved with a protective camouflage, as have many fish and crustaceans. But other species represent a whole new ball game, such as Bats with their unique radar ability’s, Electric Eels, Squid and many lizard species can camouflage themselves in a fraction of a second to enable them to blend into any terrain or coral reef surroundings. Animals such as Polar Bears and Sharks can detect prey 20 miles away. Insects are also equipped with amazing senses and abilities with stings, a powerful sense of smell and poisonous venoms.

    Experiments are being continuously carried out on these amazing animal ability’s, especially Dolphins for their superior intelligence. All these important functions and attributes revolve around survival, whether hunting prey or avoiding the predator. Evolution can be tracked step by step from evidence throughout the ages deriving from fossils and Carbon dating and this puts a fairly accurate date as to where and when various changes occurred in order for humans and animals to evolve and develop.

    Some reasons and why for’s remain a puzzle as to why some evolving civilisations occupying the different continents advanced technically into discovering and developing food production, metal tools and weapons. While others, the aptly branded Hunter Gatherers entered into a less advanced state relying on a stone and wood civilisation. In my opinion different tribes were subjected to different environments and requirements. It is not necessary linked to a lack of intelligence in any one tribe from any one continent.

    Climate, adaptation and necessity have also played a role. Having now descended from the ape further down the line evolution and natural selection divided the human into two categories. The Hunter Gatherers and Food producers and evidence suggest and scientists agree that the beginning of civilisation took place in and around East Africa, masapatonia and various parts of Asia.

    We descended from apes and our journey began. A whole book could be devoted to this one subject but I will keep it short and sweet to enable me the writer to hold you the reader’s attention. As the Hunter gatherers and Food producer’s slowly spread to other continents certain profound and important advancements were made by the food producers. Agriculture of the land and experimental farming produced wheat fruit and vegetable crops. An interesting phenomenon is that early civilisation accidently discovered the benefits of Barley and the very first brewing of beer. Indeed scientists, biologists, and anthropologists bare this out and believe that Beer brewing attributed to some of the most technological advancements to evolve into modern man. Discovering beer led to a cascade of required changes and inventions. There is definite evidence that many pyramid inscriptions contained references appertaining to beer being given to the many thousands of workers during the construction of fascinating Egyptian tombs.

    These inscriptions were an early example of the written language, often depicted by way of drawings and emblems. Other Beer associated inventions was the purification of water which enabled beer to be stored on ships to carry out long voyages and discoveries of new continents across the oceans. There is a fascinating link to ordinary water which contained pollutions and inflicted terrible deceases. As a consequents beer was issued as a staple diet albeit at only 3% alcohol levels.

    Later the wheel was invented for essential transportation of this unique alexia. Beer became an important part of early civilisation health and dietary requirements because it contains vital vitamins and minerals. Amazing accidental discoveries pursued and further scientific evidence showed beer to contain antibiotic ingredients long before Alexander Fleming’s discovery in 1948. The Church and Monks created their wealth by brewing their own beer and even offered beer in order to lure people into religion and attend religious gatherings.

    The discovery of beer can not be under estimated and in early civilisation it was consumed from the cradle to the grave. Many Inns and Beer Taverns were meeting points for the spread of information from one village to another Beer is also associated with the American Revolution and the declaration of independence. It is said that whilst indulging in the consummation of beer, plotting against the English took place. Covert information was passed on through a network of Taverns and the final outcome going on to creating an independent America.

    Expertise in cultivation and farming took place over many years and as the world population expanded, eventually there became a division of Hunter Gatherer’s and food producers. Being of an inquisitive nature the human being discovered new inventions; as I already depicted the most important was a form of language, and throughout our evolution and spreading over the continents thousands of languages came into being. Another truly interesting health discovery and preservative was Salt, also the exploration of Insects and their important nutritional value and healing substances, especially the Honey Bee. Not just for essential pollination regarding maintaining a vital link in Mother Nature’s chain. But also the Bee’s incredible ability to extract pollen from flowers and transform into honey became a vital form of medication. Either consumed or Spread on cuts and burns it has natural healing substances. Royal Jelly being the essence of this sweet nectar containing essential vitamins and minerals soon became a sought after delicacy.

    Also it was discovered that the venom in a Bee sting contained wonderful health and healing benefits and so begun Apitherapy which exists to this day as an important alternative treatment for Arthritis and other joint problems. As long ago as 4000 BC, chocolate was discovered and also played an important and fascinating aspect of the human food chain, and reputed to be as valuable as gold. The next very important discovery was writing (The written Language) this enabled valuable communication to take place further advancing the human beings first steps into the rise of civilisation. So over the next seven thousand years as we descended from the ice age, discoveries and inventions played an important part in our evolving process and Natural selection. Epidemics Plagues and illnesses caused population to decrease in certain areas and it continues to do so to this day. As century’s passed, alchemy was practised, and the experimentalists formulated chemical and healing substances.

    Inventions evolved thick and fast, medicines, lotions and potions such as herbs, leaves and healing plants. (Its worth noting that in our day and age remedies in the form of pills, tablets or liquid obtained from Doctors and Pharmacy’s are all extracted from the earth’s sources and particles and all come under the label of drugs, whether legal or illegal. Before the emergence of medicines and vaccines individuals could die from an infected tooth and what we now consider as minor infections, so life spans were very short. A simple injury could result in death.

    Some tribes slowly amalgamated and created basic communities, there was safety in numbers and villages could be protected from outside intruders, whether Man or beast, climatic changes also posed a threat so it made sense to amalgamate.

    Exchanges and bargaining in produce began and bartering came into being. This led to the invention off varying forms of money. Land owners grew wealthy and apparent differences between rich and poor brought about envy and frustration, fighting and pillaging became more prominent. Revolutions through the ages have been common occurrences and continue to be so today. Huge leaps were taken over the thousands of years, and I hope you the reader can get the gist of this complicated subject and fill in some of the pieces of puzzle for yourselves.

    Suffice to say notable inventions and numerous experiments carried out with Copper, irons and metals led to weaponry, tools and many components that would slowly advance technology. Of course some inventions were more significant such as the wheel, crude sanitary systems, water supplies and irrigation, steam power, internal combustion, electricity, telephone, the cathode ray tube, computers, the silicone chip, Rocket science and the launching of Satellites, the Internet and all other gadgetry associated with technical advancement. Perhaps Nano technology, smart technology and the tracking and mapping of DNA and stem cell discoveries rank high in the realms of the most important.

    Many species of animal roamed the earth and unfortunately the animal kingdom has diminished at an appalling rate. Many species have disappeared and to a greater degree the remainder remain endangered.

    I have taken a huge leap to get where we are now because to point out every step of the way, every invention and all the giant discoveries would take a whole book. The curious fact remains that in certain remote parts of the world there still exists Hunter Gatherer’s. These remain mainly in African Asia, South America and

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