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Alinda F.M Zain, Dept Landscape Architecture, IPB Galuh Syahbana, P4W-LPPM - IPB

Green ..
Green Electricity

Green Economy

Green City

Green Product

Green Industry

Green Policy

Green City

Green Policy

These metropolises aren't literally the greenest places on earth -- they're not necessarily dense with foliage, for one, and some still have a long way to go down the path to sustainability. But all of the cities on this list deserve recognition for making impressive strides toward ecofriendliness, helping their many millions of residents live better, greener lives..


Reykjavik, Iceland

Malmo, Sweden

Reykjavik aims to be fossil-fuel independent by 2050 and is a leader in geothermal and hydro energy.

Malmo is first when it comes to ecopolicy. Pedestrian and cyclist-friendly with one of the most avant-garde cityscapes in Europe

Copenhagen, Denmark

Vancouver, Canada

Copenhagen has big bets on wind energy and was the recipient of the European Environmental Management Award in 2006. The most bicycle-hospitable in Europe.

Vancouver has been a leader in hydroelectric power and is now charting a course to use wind, solar, wave, and tidal energy to significantly reduce fossil-fuel use.

Freiburg, Germany

London, England

The Black Forest perimeter city of Freiburg is the romantic incarnation of everyones idyllic German town. Vast carfree zones to solar power adoption and a world class public eco transit system

London government came out with Climate Change Action Plan that made the city on of the worlds greenest. Reducing the CO2 emissions for 60% and generating 25%of the energy locally in next 20 years

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador

Sydney, Australia

Bahia de Caraquez is heaven for eco tourists. Declared an "Ecological City" in 1999, it has since developed programs to protect biodiversity, revegetate denuded areas, and control erosion.They begun composting organic waste from public markets and households, supporting organic agriculture.

Sydney was the first one that sent off the old bulbs removing them with the new eco friendly light bulbs. The city of the Green Square has also developed an efficient food-waste disposal program,

Bogota, Colombia

Curitiba, Brazil

Spartan civic leadership was at the forefront of a crusade to reduce vehicle congestion, rebuild infrastructure to promote pedestrian safety, implement a modern public transportation network and rejuvenate park space.

Curitiba has one of the best bus rapid transit systems in the world, with a spectacular 85% of the population on board. The layout of the city is a model for urban planners worldwide and in large measure, illustrates why everyone is green with envy about Curitiba.

Bangkok, Thailand

Kampala, Uganda

Bangkok has made notable progress in tackling air pollution over the past decade. Though the city's pollution levels are still higher than some of its big-city Asian counterparts, its progress thus far is impressive.

Faced with the "problem" of residents farming within city limits, the city passed a set of bylaws supporting urban agriculture inspiring the Ugandan government to adopt an urban-ag policy of its own.

Green Policy
Energy & CO2

Emission Policy Clean Energy Policy

Source : German Green City Index

Green Policy
Land Use and Building :
Eco/Green Building Policy Land Use Policy

Source : German Green City Index

Green Policy
Transportation :
Urban Mass Transport Policy Congestion Reduction Policy Pedestrian/Bicycle Policy

Source : German Green City Index

Green Policy

Waste Collection & Disposal Policy

Waste Recycling and Re use Policy

Source : German Green City Index

Green Policy
Water :

Water Quality Policy

Water Sustainability Policy

Source : German Green City Index

Green Policy
Air Quality :

Clean Air Policy

NO2 and SO2 Max level Policy

Source : German Green City Index

Green Policy
Environmental Governance :

Environmental Management Policy

Environmental Monitoring Policy

Source : German Green City Index

Green Policy
Green Open Space :

Public/Private Green Open Space Policy

Ecological/Aesthetical Based Policy

Source : German Green City Index

Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by Siemens


Indikator 1-2-3

Indikator 4-5-6

Indikator 7-8

Hasil Keseluruhan

Hanya berdasarkan data/analisis eksisiting, kurang pada analisis prospektif Kota di negara maju mempunyai indeks lebih baik

Untuk mendukung 3 prioritas 2011-2014


Source : P2KH, DJPR-PU


OKUS RAKH 2011 - 2014

Green Planning and Design

Meningkatkan kualitas rencana tata ruang dan rancang kota yang lebih sensitif terhadap agenda hijau.

Green Open Space

Meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas RTH sesuai dengan karakteristik kota/ Kabupaten melalui berbagai macam strategi.

Green Community
Meningkatkan partisipasi aktif

masyarakat atau komunitas dan institusi swasta dalam perwujudan

pengembangan kota hijau. Source : P2KH, DJPR-PU

Green Planning and Design

Regulasi UU 26-2007 ttg Penataan Ruang Muatan Tujuan penataan ruang: ruang yg aman, nyaman, produktif, berkelanjutan Ketentuan mengenai luas RTH Ketentuan mengenai luas hutan DAS Pertimbangan aspek daya dukung dan daya tampung LH Pertimbangan standar kualitas lingkungan KLHS untuk RTRW KLHS memuat: Kapasitas daya dukung dan daya tampung lingkungan hidup untuk pembangunan; Perkiraan mengenai dampak dan risiko lingkungan hidup; Kinerja layanan/jasa ekosistem; Efisiensi pemanfaatan sumber daya alam; Tingkat kerentanan dan kapasitas adaptasi terhadap perubahan iklim; dan Tingkat ketahanan dan potensi keanekaragaman hayati.

UU 32-2009 ttg Perlindungan & Pengelolaan LH

Green Open Space

Regulasi Permen PU 05/PRT/M/2008 ttg Pedoman Penyediaan dan Pemanfaatan RTH di Kawasan Perkotaan Permen Dagri 1/2007 ttg Penataan RTH Perkotaan Muatan Tujuan, fungsi, manfaat, tiopologi RTH Arahan penyediaan, kriteria vegetasi, ketentuan penanaman RTH Pemanfaatan RTH Prosedur perencanaan dan peran masyarakat Tujuan, fungsi, manfaat, tiopologi RTH Penataan RTH Pemanfaatan RTH Peran serta masyarakat Tujuan, fungsi hutan kota Perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penetapan, pengelolaan hutan kota Peran serta masyarakat

PP 63-2002 ttg Huta Kota

Green Community
Secara (sangat) umum dapat dipayungi oleh PP 682010 ttg Bentuk dan Tata Cara Peran Serta Masyarakat dlm Penataan Ruang Perlunya komitmen & keterbukaan yang lebih besar utk melibatkan & memberdayakan masyarakat (elemen non pemerintah termasuk swasta) untuk mendukung kota hijau

Beberapa Pertanyaan Kedepan

Perlukah NSPM Kota Hijau? Jika ya, seberapa detil sehingga tidak mematikan kreativitas & keunikan setiap kota? Bagaimana dg pengembangan aspek/unsur kota hijau lainnya? Bagaimana ukuran keberhasilan 3 unsur prioritas? Sangat penting membangun green mindset sebagai backbone perilaku/tindakan stakeholders

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