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Hydrogenation is the process of adding hydrogen to unsaturated fatty acids to reduce the number of double bonds In simple words it is the conversion of soft oil to hard oil in the presence of Ni catalyst

It is utilized in the manufacture of wide variety of fats such as vanaspathi, margarine etc. Hardness of fat depends on the degree of hydrogenation Sometimes additives such as antioxidants, monoglycerides, Vit A & D are added to fats



Palm oil, palmolein, rice bran oil, cotton seed, sunflower, soybean, maze, groundnut, & sesame oils are generally hydrogenated v PURPOSE OF HYDROGENATION :The hydrogenation has 2 main purpose :To convert the liquid oils to semisolid or solid fats for use as shortenings in the preparation of biscuits, cakes, butter substitutes etc To increase the thermal & oxidative stability of the fat & Click to edit Master subtitle style thus increase the shelf life For successful hydrogenation the raw material like oil, hydrogen, catalyst should maintain some qualities


OIL: The starting oil must be refined, bleached, low in soap, & dry In order to reduce the poisoning effect of impurities the oil needs to meet Click to edit Master subtitle style certain quality standards Oil Quality Requirement for Hydrogenation
v 5/11/12

Free fatty acids Soap Phosphorus

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Less than 0.05 % Less than 25ppm Less than 2ppm Less than 0.05 % Less than 0.5meq/Kg


Peroxide value

HYDROGEN GAS : The hydrogen gas must be dry & free of sulphur, carbon- dioxide or ammonia A purity of more than 99.8 % is usually required The impurities can be divided into 2 categories:Those which poison the catalyst (Sulphur, Water,Click to edit Master subtitle style Chlorine) Those which slow down or even stop the reaction due to an accumulation in the head space during hydrogenation ( Inert gases such as argon, methane, Nitrogen)


CATALYST Catalyst must exhibit long time activity Be easily removable by filtration The selectivity & Activity of the catalyst is stronglyMaster subtitleby the impurities Click to edit affected style present in the oil. Phosphatides, fatty acid, soap & oxidation products, tend to be adsorbed on the surface of the catalyst


Hydrogenation process

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During the hydrogenation the = present in unsaturated fatty acid takes up H & saturated fatty acids are formed e.g., in the case of fatty acid with 3 double bonds such as linolenic acid can be hydrogenated to form fatty acid with 2 double bond such as linoleic acid & fatty acid with 1 double bond such asClick to edit Master subtitle with no double bond oleic & fatty acid style such as stearic acid Likewise fatty acid with 2 double bond such as linoleic acid can be hydrogenated to form fatty acid with one double bond, oleic & with no double bond such as stearic acid

Linoleic acid, an 18carbon polyunsaturated fatty acid



Oleic acid, an 18carbon monounsaturated fatty acid Click to edit Master subtitle style H+ H+

Stearic acid, an 18carbon saturated fatty acid 5/11/12

ADV. OF HYDROGENATION: The hydrogenated fat has very good keeping quality Hydrogenation process can be stopped at any time before complete saturation Liquid oils are converted into shortenings & margarine fats Unsaturated double bonds are converted to saturated bonds by addition of hydrogen vDIS ADV.:Click to edit Master subtitle style Hydrogenation is not a pure reaction Various side reactions occur during hydrogenation The most imp. side reaction is isomerisation


During contact with the catalyst, double bonds can be repositioned (positional isomerism) or can shift from a cis into a trans configuration

Trans fatty acids have much higher melting point than their Cis-isomer & contribute to the higher melting point of the oil Also trans isomers have been linked to an Click to edit Master subtitle style increase in blood serum cholesterol content & this cause heart disease Hydrogenation is a costly process, especially both catalyst & hydrogen are expensive


USES OF FATS IN FOOD Important roles of fats in foods: Fats influence food structure In food processing monoglycerides & phospholipids are used as emulsifiers The texture of foods can be influenced by a mixture of fat blends and appropriate emulsifiers Lipids themselves or their breakdown products contribute to the flavor and aroma of foods For e.g., the flavor ofsubtitle style Click to edit Master butter, milk, cheese is due to the short chain fatty acids Many flavors associated with vegetables, such as beans and cucumber are formed by the breakdown of unsaturated tissue lipids


Some of the products made from fats and oils include butter, margarine, shortenings and frying oils, mayonnaise and salad dressings v BUTTER The raw material for butter is milk fat, usually in the form of cream, which is separated from the milk to contain about 30-35% fat v MARGARINE The term margarine applies tostyle certain types of shortenings Click to edit Master subtitle as well as table spreads Margarine is made largely from vegetable oil that have been hydrogenated for the proper spreading texture


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