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Cross-Cultural Issues in Strategic HRM.

What is Culture?

way in which each of us is programmed to behave in the environment. Culture s like an icebergs.

Above the surface area include: Overt

behaviors: How people -

Dress Eat Walk Talk Relate to one another Conduct themselves during public ceremonies such as weddings or funerals.

Below the Surface area include : How

we encode and retrieve information What is justice? Music? Proper parenting? Beauty or ugliness? What meaning is attached to "teaching" stories? What does being well educated mean? What constitutes status?

How many cultures are there?


Within any given nation there are many sub-cultures, and within many nations there are even completely independent cultures. There are a few hundred nation states in the world, multiply that by at least 10. Some people even believe every family has its own culture, after all, have you ever known two families that are alike in their roles and customs?

How does language affect relationships?


differences exist within each culture as well as across cultural boundaries. Its important to always keep a note on How we Communicate. Make an effort to help others understand us better. Ask others for clarification when were listening and understanding their language

How many Cultures are there?


go merry people. Future Centered. Poor Decision Making. Too Emotional. Good Communication Skills. Smart Workers. Adaptable.


in communication. Respect Knowledgeable and talented Person. Very good Business Negotiators. Individualistic Personality. Loud, Rude and Straight Forward. Dominating Know how to say NO


in Technology. Good in Arms and Equipments.


alcoholic Dont Listen to Sentiments Smart Workers. Value Time. Output oriented.

How to Select the right expatriate?


process should fall into the domain of well-informed intercultural trainer or HR Professional. Often Top Management that decides who to send. They choose the most technically competent candidates.


obvious direct costs of failure such as overseas compensation, allowances and repatriation are high. But The real costs are the indirect costs such as damaged relationships with the host-country government, with local organizations and with direct customers and the potential loss of product market share.

Reasons of Expatriate failure

The The The

spouse's inability to adjust. employee's inability to adjust.

employee's personal or emotional immaturity. family problems.


Variables affecting expatriate success.

Technical Relational

competence on the job. abilities. variables.

Environmental Family


Employee selection criteria

Self-orientation Others-orientation Perceptual-orientation.

Stress-reduction Reinforcement Technical The




ability to deal with alienation and isolation.

Relationship Language


skills importance of nonverbal




and empathy for others.


tolerance for ambiguity, being nonjudgmental open-minded

Being Able

to make correct assumptions about the reasons or causes of HCN behavior.

Interviewing the family


of marital stability. Responsibilities for aging parents. Existence of learning disabilities in a child. Behavioral problems in teenagers. Emotional stability of family members. Strength of family ties to the community or to other family members not going overseas. Strength of children's attachment to extracurricular activities.

Steps for HR

a note of Relational skills and abilities required for the job as well as technical skills needed. HR needs to familiarize itself with the target country, its pitfalls and opportunities. Research compensation levels for the target country Define the position requirements and develop selection criteria It is important to establish a repatriation program.

Cross Cultural Issues and its solutions

Cultural Industry Attitude

environment Type of senior management

Reality is only an opinion--yours and everyone else's. Your special reality is formed in the cultural environment in which you were born, raised, and spent most of your life. Your reality will never completely match someone else's. Find commonality, and work from there.

Thank you !!
By Geetika Khulbe Neha Bolakani Harpreer Kaur

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