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uTorrent Like

Paunescu Dorin - Nicolae

uTorrent Like Project Management Steps

Requirements Design Implementation Verification Acceptance phase Maintenance

Project Management: Requirements

This is a complete description of the behavior of a system to be developed. It includes a set of use cases that describe all the interactions the users will have with the software; Our steps:
Formal Client Meeting Team Formal Meeting (New Goals, Profit) Client Meeting (Establish requirements) Team Meeting (Analyzing req.,Establish costs, Establish Time) Client Meeting (Making accords) Team Meeting (Establish Tasks)

Project Management: Design

Software design is a process of problem solving and planning for a software solution. After the purpose and specifications of software are determined, software developers will design or employ designers to develop a plan for a solution. It includes low-level component and algorithm implementation issues as well as the architectural view. Our Steps: Design Abstract View of system Describe Major Components Describe Some Subcomponents Describe Architectural Design Abordation (Layers: Top - Down and Bottom-Up) Design Major Components Architecture Design Subcomponents

Project Management: Implementation

Fixing design Write Modules (Unit Testing) Write Stubs and Drivers for Module Imitation and data transfer simulation Design a prototype (dummy model) Integration testing using stubs and drivers or released components Design GUI Resources:
Eclipse and Java 7, SVN, Visual Studio 2010 Java, C, C++,C#, J#

Project Management: Implementation

Our steps:
Implement a dummy prototype (a small team) Implementation
Network Layer Implementation
HTTP Communication Module TCP Communication Module HTTP Proxy Communication Module;

Connections Manager Layer Security Manager Layer File Managing Components

Seeding Component Downloading Component File Repository Managing Component

Functional Application Interface + Integration testing

Command Line Interface GUI Interface

Project Management: Verification

In this step well focus to verify if the application conform exactly with the specifications. This step was called Alfa Testing Is step before application enter to client verification step Finding bugs Fixing bugs Code optimization Algorithms optimization Generating scenario tests

Project Management: Acceptance Phase

acceptance testing is a test conducted to determine if the requirements of specification or contract are met Beta Testing Client test the application to see if that is conform with his specifications This involve black-box testing of all system (integrated system) User Acceptance Testing
Test-designers draw up formal tests and devise a range of severity levels User tests, which are usually performed by clients or end-users, do not normally focus on identifying simple problems such as spelling errors and cosmetic problems

Project Management: Maintenance

Possibility to add new Futures Fixing New reported bugs Optimization Optimizing some components that are useful in other projects

Project Management Microsoft project

Start Date: 27/03/2012 End Date: 25/09/2012 (without maintenance) Duration: 132 days Human Resources 7 peoples Costs Aprox.: 75000 E

Project Management Major Tasks (Capture)

Project Management Requirements (Capture)

Project Management Design (Capture)

Project Management Implementation (Capture)

Project Management Verification (Capture)

Project Management Maintenance (Capture)

Project Management Req. (Capture Timeline)

Project Management Design (Capture Timeline)

Project Management Implement. (Capture Timeline)

Project Management Ver. + Maintenance (Capture Timeline)

Resource Work Summary

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