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Timeline of Cold War Events (student project) qv9Lk

Atom Bomb: A Necessary Weapon or Not? ?v=jY9VwCE_Dsg&feature=re lated

Mr. Dowlers Cold War image SaEaU

Cold War
U.S.A vs. U.S.S.R

Cold War: U.S. v. USSR 1945-1989

War without fighting or use of weapons (war of words) (Why should this be scary then?) Best Example: United States v. Soviet Union

What it might have looked like from The Day After ?v=7VG2aJyIFrA

The U.S. & the U.S.S.R. Emerged as the Two Superpowers of the later 20c

Allies to Adversaries

YALTA (in the USSR) Date: Feb 1945 Present: Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin

Allies to Adversaries

POTSDAM (Germany) Date: July 1945 Present: Churchill, Truman and Stalin

Allies to Adversaries
The U.S. and Soviet Union emerged from World War II as the worlds superpowers.
Both wanted to spread their influence around the world (U.S=Capitalism USSR= Communism)

Soviet Union during WWII invaded and then stayed in Eastern European countries such as Hungary, Czech., Poland, and East Germany

Puppet Government: governments controlled by a bigger country (like the Soviet Union) Churchill called this an Iron Curtain 1946 Students label and shade their own map of Europe

United States Influence

To help rebuild Europe and to prevent it from weakening, Congress passed the Marshall Plan. (Why should we help?) Marshall Plan promised 20 billion dollars in relief funds. (Stalin refused)




Berlin Airlift (1948-1949)

Soviet Union Blockaded Berlin from West Germany and Western Europe We respond by flying goods and supplies into West Berlin known as Berlin Airlift Soviets caved, they removed the blockade

United States Influence

In 1947 Greece and Turkey asked for assistance. President Truman promised aid if they would not become communist. This became known as the Truman Doctrine.
Contain communism by helping nations with aid.

Allies to Adversaries
In response to the spread of communism in Europe, the U.S. and 9 other nations signed a pact. (1949) NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Defense pact (an attack on one is an attack on all)

Six years later the Soviet Union and its eastern European satellite nations signed the Warsaw Pact.
Did this to counter NATO


Increased Tensions in Europe

Berlin Wall (built 1961): between Eastern and Western Berlin- not allowing Eastern Berliners to escape communist control

Berlin Wall: Checkpoint Charlie

United Nations (1948)

Established to give countries place to resolve issues peacefully UN Security Council: 5 Permanent Members: Soviet Union, Britain, France, China, and United States

Domino Theory: what do you think it means? (relate to Communism)

Domino Theory
Domino Theory- if West allows one country to go communist, another one nearby will quickly follow

The Bear is coming mjBgNA&feature=related (How does this ad relate to the Domino Theory?)

Communism spreads
In 1949 China falls to communism under Mao Zedong. (Mao becomes allies with Stalin) U.S. supports Nationalist China located on Taiwan

Find the Real China

After WWII, Soviets controlled North Korea, and U.S. South Korea North Korea became communist. South Korea became a democracy and capitalist

1950,North Korea attacked South Korea

Korean War (1950-1953)

North Korea would have won, however, UN Security Council agreed to get involved (who had to agree) With U.S. help, North Korea was pushed out of South Korea

The War ended with the same boundaries it started with:38th Parrallel, but over 1 million dead

United States Influence

President Eisenhower needed to contain communism in Asia. So SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) was established. Promoted the policy of brinkmanship
Taking the fight against communism all the way to the brink of possible nuclear war.


The Atomic Age

U.S. used nuclear weapons against Japan to end the war. By 1949 the Soviets had successfully tested their first bomb. By 1969 China also had nuclear weapons.

Soviet Leaders
Stalin Khruschev Brezhnev

Results of Nuclear Detonation YZPoM

Duck and Cover The Daisy Ad: qxZ3k&feature=related

Greenbriar Luxury Hotel m8B0s

So why no World War III, maybe due to

Deterrents: weapon which discourages attack by another state (like Atom bomb, or NATO) With both sides having nuclear weapons, this created MAD.
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)

How Does MAD Work?

Video on Russian Nuclear Missiles GdvyiQ

Sputnik, 1957
Soviet Union shocked world, by launching satellite into Outer Space Although Sputnik was primitive (not real useful) It was a great PR success, as it showed they were more advanced than thought

Armed Conflicts
Satellite State: country that is economically and politically dependent on another country example: Eastern Europe

Because of MAD.
Proxy War-a war started by a major power but does not itself get fully involved
Korean Conflict 1950 Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 Vietnam Conflict 1965 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 1979 Nicaragua 1980 Beirut, Lebanon 1983

Cuban Missile Crisis (October,1962) (JFK)

Soviets provide Cuba with nuclear missiles U.S. demands missiles be removed, or else (spotted by U-2 Spy plane) U.S. Navy blockades Cuba from any Soviet ship (and goes to defcon 2)

The bay of Pigs Invasion


Cuban Missile Crisis

Brinkmanship: High stakes game of chicken begins (who will blink first) Due to secret negotiations, USSR agrees to pull out missiles of Cuba, and U.S. agrees not to invade Cuba (still no full relations with Cuba)

Missiles in Cuba

American withdrawal from Italy & Turkey

Due to Cuba, hotline created Hotline: phone system enabling immediat communication between USA and USSR (why is this important?)

JFK Assassination
November 22, 1963, JFK Assassinated.. (Johnson takes over) Who did it? Lee Harvey Oswald Did he act alone? Why did the world panic upon hearing of his death? WI

Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby

LBJ Takeover

Vietnam Crisis (proxy war)

French pulled-out of Vietnam (area called Indochina) in 1950s, U.S. steps in North Vietnam supported by Communist countries. South Vietnam support by U.S. .

Vietnam cont (proxy war)

War roughly between 1965-1975 Enforce containment policy, By 1968 U.S. troops in Vietnam reaches 540,000. Despite U.S forces involved-- By 1975, Vietnam became a Communist country

U.S.A. v. U.S.S.R. (even sports used in Cold War as Proxies) u7p9M 1980 Summer Olympics, U.S. Boycotteddue to Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 1984, Summer Olympics,Soviet Union Boycotted

Dtente and End of Cold War

In 1970s Cold War leaders began to look for ways to ease tension (known as Dtentemean relax ).

Dtente and End of Cold War

Nuclear Arms Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) (no spreading of nuclear technology) Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) (limits number of nuclear weapons) Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)

Nuclear Arms Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) (no spreading of nuclear technology) Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) (limits number of nuclear weapons) Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)

The man who will change the world 9Ljk

Dtente and End of Cold War

By the end of the 1980s three reforms were implemented by Soviet leader Gorbachev:
1. Glasnost (openness) 2. Perestroika (restructure) 3. Democratzia (new democracy)

Following these reforms the Berlin wall was torn down, satellite nations broke free and the USSR fell apart from within.

As the Soviet Union is collapsing so to is Eastern Europe (Puppet Governments)-examp:Ceausescu Revolution

Chinas attempt to Reform

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