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La voz pasiva simple se forma al intercambiar el lugar y la funcin gramatical entre el sujeto agente (sujeto de la expresin u oracin en voz

activa) y el sujeto paciente (generalmente, el objeto directo). Para estructurar la voz pasiva, se debe tener en cuenta lo siguiente: El tiempo gramatical del verbo principal (es decir, si est en presente, pasado o futuro). Se usa como enlace (auxiliar) el verbo To BE (sin cambiar el tiempo gramatical del verbo principal), seguido del participio pasado (del verbo que apareca como principal en la voz activa). El sujeto paciente (objeto directo), en la voz activa, se convierte en "sujeto virtual" en la voz pasiva; por su parte, el sujeto agente de la voz activa pasa a desempearse como receptor [precedido de la preposicin POR (BY: en ingls)]. Ejemplos: Voz activa: *"Marietta understood the lesson". (marita nderstud de lson) *Marietta entendi la leccin. Voz pasiva: *The lesson was understood by Marietta. (de lson wus nderstud bi marita) *La leccin fue entendida por Marietta. Voz activa:

*"Ralph listens to the radio". (ralf lsens tu de ridio) *Ralph escucha la radio. Voz pasiva: *"The radio is listened by Ralph". (de ridio is lsent bi ralf) *La radio es escuchada por Ralph. Voz activa: *"Some criminal people kill many whales daily". (som crminol ppol kil mni juiols dili) *Algunos criminales destruyen (eliminan) muchas ballenas diariamente. Voz pasiva: *"Many whales are killed daily by some criminal people". (mni juiols ar kilt dili bi som crminol ppol) *Muchas ballenas son eliminadas diariamente por algunos criminales". (C.A.) Xu Chim Prez MANUAL INGLS/ESPAOL Ao: 2007 "I love EARTH PLANET... And you?" Pgina 38

En las formas del future progressive (will be being + pp) y perfect progressive (has been being + pp) no es muy comn su uso.
Para decir quin haca la accin o qu la causaba, usa 'by'. This house was built by my mother. / Esta casa fue construida por mi madre. Washington was bombed by Pakistan. / Washington fue bombardeado por Pakistn. La voz pasiva se suele utilizar cuando se desconoce o no interesa mencionar quin o qu hace la accin. Es ms normal encontrar en espaol formas con se, por ejemplo: se habla, se alquila o verbos en plural como venden, compran. German is spoken here / Aqu se habla alemn When was this house built? / Cuando se construy ( fue construida) sta casa? A lot of songs have been written about love / Se han escrito muchas canciones sobre el amor


Structure am/are/is + pp am/are/is being + pp will be + pp am/are/is going to be + pp was/were + pp was/were being + pp have/has been + pp had been + pp will have been + pp

Example Spanish is spoken here. Your questions are being answered. Itll be painted by next week. Terry is going to be made redundant next year. We were invited to the party, but we didnt go. The hotel room was being cleaned when we got back from shopping. The President of America has been shot. When he got home he found that all of his money had been stolen. Our baby will have been born before Christmas.


- Completa cada frase con su correspondiente participio pasado.

1. The beds in our room havent been made yet. 2. Do you think well be invited to the party? 3. La Mansin del Ingls is so successful it will probably be shown into twenty different languages. 4. When our flat was changed last month, my laptop computer was stolen. 5. I went to work early to go to the meeting yesterday and I realised that the date had been changed to the 13th February. 6. A new sports centre is being built in front of our house and its completely spoiling our view of the sea. 7. When I saw my grandmother yesterday she told me she had been attacked in the street on her way to bingo. 8. Cathy cant use her office until next week as its being redecorated . 9. Elton John was born in Pinner, Middlesex, England. 10. I thought the interview went well, but I still wasnt offered me the job.

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