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Development and Implementation of Training

Kamal Uddin Ahmed Ph.D.

NSU MBA HRM 603 Sunday 13 March 2011

Input Process Output

Instructional Material Determine Factors That Facilitate Learning and Transfer

Instructional Strategy

Instructional Equipment

Alternative Instructional Methods

Trainees and Trainer Manuals


Implementation of training
Develop and implement different methods of training to facilitate adult learning and to meet training objectives Use of appropriate AV for a given training objective and method Effective seating arrangement on training determine room suitable for needed training Key trainer activities for effective training

Lecture and Discussion

Lecture is used to transmit information. When training requires that trainee understand and integrate material before moving forward. Two way communication is essential used when


of knowledge Improper attitude

Two way communication

Accomplished through Questioning:

Open ended and close ended Overhead question and direct question Relay question and Reverse question
Guided discovery Answer writing

Encouraging trainees to respond

Ice-breaker: designed to be fun but generates energy that will continue up to the end Listening

Reasons for bad listening

Information processing is faster than speaking, giving trainee an opportunity to think other stuff Assuming what the speaker is going to say, thus interrupting to respond Believing that speaking not listening, is a tool to control

Common reasons for not listening

I dont like you I dont like the way you talk The topic is too dull or boring It is too difficult for me to understand I am not interested in the topic I know what you are trying to tell me I know more about the subject then you do I would rather day dream I would rather pay attention to things or persons around me

The Ten Commandments of Listening

Stop talking Put talker at ease Show talker you want to listen Remove distractions Empathize with talker Be patient Hold your temper Go easy on argument and criticism Ask questions Stop talking

Other techniques for maintaining interest

Move around while talking Use nonverbal communication Get rid of dysfluencies Provide variety Use pf exercise/ games

Typical lecture presentation errors and ways to overcome them

Talking with back to trainees while writing on the board or flip chart Using highly unfamiliar words, technical jargon, or complex sentences Providing examples that are irrelevant Reading rather than lecturing Speaking in a monotone Making distracting gestures Leaving projector on with no image or an irrelevant image Lack of coordination between the lecture and visuals shown

Audio Visuals

Overheads Computer

generated overheads

Audiotapes Film

and video

Protocol while using AV

Place the pointer on overhead rather than on screen Turn off the projector when not in use Do not talk to the visual aid, talk to the trainees Remove the visual aid not in use

Techniques of Using Visuals

Make certain that everyone in the audience can see the visuals. Explain the visuals if necessary. Organize and plan the use of each visual. Talk to the audience--not the visuals. Avoid blocking the listeners view of the visuals.

The training room Furniture Furniture setup Trainer

Trainers KSA


matter Organization Adult learning process Instructional methods

Trainers KSA


and verbal skills

skills organization skills


to help Commitment to org Self efficacy

Trainer Credibility
First Impression Experience

Training sessions

Be guided by

background and knowledge. The audiences interests.

Then Prepare.

Gather the information needed Next, organize

Introduction Body Conclusion

Prepares listeners to receive message Arouses interest

Some Opening Strategies

Give a human interest story Pose an unanswered question Present a surprise statement Give a startling statistic Use appropriate humor Quote a recognized expert Appeal to solve a common problem

Divide the whole into comparable parts. Apply conventional relationships of data (time, place, quantity, factor, combination). Use factors for presenting issues and questions. Connect major points with transitions.

The Conclusion, Ending


the subject. Summarizing key points. Stating that conclusion the climactic ending.

Presentation Methods
Extemporaneous from notes, rehearsed Memorized the most difficult, hazardous Reading typically dull, mechanical

Consideration of Personal Aspects

Confidence gained by

well Dressing appropriately Talking strong

Sincerity try to project it Thoroughness scant, hurried presentations are obvious Friendliness make

Appearance and Physical Action

The communication environment the things that surround you as you speak. Your appearance how they see you is part of the message. Your posture also communicates. So does your walking to and from the podium, during speech Also, your facial expressions (smiles, eye movements, frowns) Likewise, the your gestures vague in meaning, but they communicate

Use of Voice
Vary Pitch Change Speaking Speed Use Vocal Emphasis Develop Pleasant Voice Quality Improve Through SelfAnalysis and Imitation

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