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/|| Ihing: Not 8eing Euc|:

Ihe SIcIe cf EuiIy in MeIrc 8c:Icn

DecemLer 13, 2011
Ihe MeIrcFuIure Vi:icn:
Selected MetroFuture Equity Goals:
15: Ihere wi|| Le |e:: regicnc| :egregcIicn c: c||
municipc|iIie: increc:ing|y ref|ecI MeIrc 8c:Icn:
grcwing civer:iIy.
1: Lcw-inccme hcu:ehc|c: wi|| Le cL|e Ic finc
cffcrccL|e, cceucIe, ccnvenienI|y |cccIec hcu:ing.
24: Fe:icenI: in c|| ccmmuniIie: cnc cf c|| inccme: wi||
hcve ccce:: Ic cffcrccL|e, hec|Ihy fccc.
38: Mcre mincriIy cnc immigrcnI wcrker: wi|| hcve
cppcrIuniIie: Ic ccvcnce cn Ihe ccreer |cccer,
ccuire c::eI:, cnc Lui|c wec|Ih.
/|| Ihe MeIrcFuIure gcc|: cre cI www.meIrcfuIure.crg
Measuring Progress to 0974:9:70
Object|ves :uppcrI ecch cf
Ihe gcc|:. Ihey cre mcre
:pecific cnc |crge|y numeric
Goo|s ce:criLe Ihe
MeIrcFuIure vi:icn in generc|
Ind|cotors cre Iiec Ic c:
mcny cf Ihe cLjecIive: c:
pc::iL|e. Ihey cre regu|cr|y
cc||ecIec ccIc pcinI:
#egional ndicators #eports
nciccIcr: repcrI: wi|| 2on|tor the reg|on's progress
Icwcrc: cchieving Ihe 0974:9:70 gcc|:.
ose||ne reports e:IcL|i:h Ihe numLer:
cgcin:I which prcgre:: wi|| Le mec:urec.
FuIure repcrI: wi|| Ie|| u: wheIher we cre Irencing
Icwcrc: cur gcc|: - cr cwcy frcm Ihem.
Equity ndicators
Stote o| Equ|ty report
Iodoy's presentot|on
or Every 100 Feop|e
Yeor Yeor
2010 2030
72 Wh|te
28 M|nor|ty group popu|ot|on 31
18 orn |n onother country 23
24 bnder 20 yeors o|d 23
25 Over the oge o| 55 33
Our "#egional Street is Changing
neuc|iIy in Ihe Fegicn i: Grcwing
%he State of
Equity in Metro
Boston: Key
Segregation Among Children
Attendance at High Poverty Schools
ow Birth Weight

outh Asthma Hospitalization

High School Dropout #ates
abor Force Participation
Household ncomes by #ace
Housing Affordability by ncome
Grandparents iving in Poverty
SIcIe cf EuiIy FcrI Iwc wi|| ccn:i:I cf pc|icy
reccmmenccIicn: Ic Lenc Ihe Irenc:" Icwcrc: c mcre
euiIcL|e regicn.
Wcu|c ycu |ike Ic pcrIicipcIe in Ihe :eccnc
phc:e cf Ihe prcjecI, Iurning Ihe ccIc
fincing: inIc pc|icy reccmmenccIicn:
S|gn up here or on||ne to stoy |nvo|vedI
"State of Equity Moving Forward
Amy CheungDccIcrc| CcnciccIe, Hcrvcrc GrccucIe Schcc| cf
#4n Mor|4, /::i:IcnI SecreIcry fcr /cce:: cnc CppcrIuniIy,
Ccmmcnwec|Ih cf Mc::cchu:eII:
oyne Morsh, Senicr /cvi:cr, Cffice cf Su:IcincL|e Hcu:ing cnc
CcmmuniIie:, U.S. DepcrImenI cf Hcu:ing cnc UrLcn Deve|cpmenI
Fou|4 F|nf4, ExecuIive DirecIcr, Mc::cchu:eII: /||icnce cf FcrIugue:e
$orong $ekhovof, Fecerc| Fc|icy DirecIcr, Mc::cchu:eII: mmigrcnI cnc
Fefugee /cvccccy Ccc|iIicn
#|chord Wo|ker, Senicr Vice Fre:icenI, Fecerc| Fe:erve 8cnk cf 8c:Icn

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