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Welcome Lo Lhe
MlnnesoLa ShareolnL
user Croup
Aprll 11
Assesslng your ShareolnL 2003 Lo ShareolnL 2007
MlgraLlon CpLlons
1lm SmlLh Avanade
Culck lnLro
MlgraLlon arL 1
MlgraLlon arL 2
CA and Clveaway
user Croup Coal / Cb[ecLlves
Deve|op and support a |oca| commun|ty focused on M|crosoft
Shareo|nt 1echno|og|es
- LducaLe user group members abouL ShareolnL 1echnologles
- 1ransfer knowledge wlLhln Lhe communlLy
- CommunlcaLe besL pracLlces
- lnLroduce new producLs / soluLlons
lnLroducLlons MnSuC Sponsors
lneLlum (wwwlneLlumcom)
1wln ClLes based MlcrosofL consulLlng company
MlcrosofL Cold CerLlfled arLner
racLlce Area focused on lnformaLlon Worker 1echnologles
new Porlzons MlnnesoLa (wwwnewhorlzonsmncom)
MlcrosofL Cold CerLlfled arLner
1ralnlng on many Lechnologles
MlcrosofL (wwwmlcrosofLcom)
l'm guesslng you've heard of Lhem
WebslLe for user group
ShareolnL resource documenLs
ShareolnL resource webslLes llnks
8SS leeds
MeeLlng Schedule
asL user Croup resenLaLlons
upcomlng Schedule
nexL MeeLlng
- May 11
900 AM Lo 1130 AM
- MlcrosofL's 8loomlngLon Cfflce
- 1oplc 1emplaLes and SlLe CollecLlons
Cngolng Schedule
- 2
Wednesday of every monLh
- 900 Lo 1130 am
- MlcrosofL's 8loomlngLon Cfflce
C8M user Croup MeeLlng
1hursday Aprll 12
830 900 8eglsLraLlon
900 1100 resenLaLlon
1100 1130 CA and neLworklng
MlcrosofL's 8loomlngLon Cfflce (here)
1wln ClLles MA lree Lunch 'n' Learn
Aprll 20 2007
Cvervlew MlcrosofL Cfflce ro[ecL orLfollo Server
May 18 2007
Cvervlew MlcrosofL Cfflce ShareolnL 2007 A ro[ecL Lnabllng laLform
8Sv or for more lnformaLlon http]]wwwmympaorg]Chapters]1w|nC|t|es
1he Official lnoustry Association for Microsoft Office Project
revlous MeeLlngs
Shareo|nt 2007 Cverv|ew May 2006 MnSuC resenLaLlon 1hls presenLaLlon provldes an overvlew of a number of Lhe key feaLures and
capablllLles LhaL ShareolnL 2007 provldes hLLp//sharepolnLmnlneLlumcom/user Croup resenLaLlons/May 2006 MnSuCppL
Document Management ] kecords Management !une 2006 MnSuC resenLaLlon 1hls presenLaLlon covers how documenLs and records are
managed uslng ShareolnL 1hls presenLaLlon also covers ShareolnL ConLenL 1ypes hLLp//sharepolnLmnlneLlumcom/user Croup
resenLaLlons/!une 2006 MnSuCppL
Jorkf|ow !uly 2006 MnSuC resenLaLlon 1hls presenLaLlon covers how workflow and dlglLal forms work ln ShareolnL
2007 hLLp//sharepolnLmnlneLlumcom/user Croup resenLaLlons/!uly 2006 MnSuCppL
us|ness Inte|||gence AugusL 2006 MnSuC resenLaLlon 1hls presenLaLlon covers many of Lhe new feaLures of ShareolnL 2007 LhaL are
used Lo address 8uslness lnLelllgence lncludlng uashboard slLes key erformance lndlcaLor (kl) llsLs Lxcel Servlces and Lhe fllLer web
parLs hLLp//sharepolnLmnlneLlumcom/user Croup resenLaLlons/AugusL 2006 MnSuCppL
Jeb Content Management SepLember 2006 MnSuC resenLaLlon 1hls presenLaLlon focuses on Lhe web conLenL managemenL feaLures of
ShareolnL 2007 LhaL allow end users Lo publlsh Lhelr own web conLenL (ex arLlcles) hLLp//sharepolnLmnlneLlumcom/user Croup
resenLaLlons/SepLember 2006 MnSuCppL
Search us|ness Data Cata|og (DC) and the know|edge Network CcLober 2006 MnSuC resenLaLlon 1hls presenLaLlon focuses on Lhe
search capablllLles of ShareolnL 2007 lncludlng leveraglng Lhe 8uslness uaLa CaLalog hLLp//sharepolnLmnlneLlumcom/user Croup
resenLaLlons/CcLober 2006 MnSuCppL
dv|sor Summ|t May 610 nahe|m C
M|crosoft us|ness Inte|||gence Conference May 911 Seatt|e J
1ech Ld Iune 48 Cr|ando IL
DC Cctober 2S Los nge|es C
Shareo|nt Connect|ons Ia|| Las Vegas NV
Copyright Avanade
ssess|ng your Shareo|nt 2003
to Shareo|nt 2007 M|grat|on
1|m Sm|th Avanade
lnformaLlon Worker racLlce ulrecLor
Cvervlew of Lhe mlgraLlon opLlons
LvaluaLlng your currenL envlronmenL
SelecLlng Lhe rlghL mlgraLlon approach
CeLLlng ready Lo mlgraLe
Change managemenL and lmpacL Lo users
Copyright Avanade
Jho |s vanade?
Avanade has a slgnlflcanL presence ln Lhe Mlnneapolls
markeL and works wlLh boLh MlcrosofL and AccenLure
many cusLomers ln Lhe meLropollLan area
We focus on a broad range of MlcrosofL Lechnologles
and have racLlces ln Lhe Mlnneapolls markeL LhaL focus
AppllcaLlon uevelopmenL
lnformaLlon Worker CollaboraLlon
MlcrosofL uynamlcs
Copyright Avanade
Jhat |s the scope of th|s d|scuss|on?
1o help you undersLand how Lo make Lhe besL declslons abouL
how Lo mlgraLe your ShareolnL 2003 envlronmenLs Lo MCSS
2007 or WSS v3
Copyright Avanade
Cverv|ew of the m|grat|on opt|ons
1hree prlmary mlgraLlon opLlons
SofLware upgrade followed by lmmedlaLe slLe upgrade
2003 and 2007 coexlsLence wlLh lndlvldual slLe
collecLlon mlgraLlon
ConLenL uaLabases mlgraLed lndlvldually Lo a new farm
and all slLes ln Lhe u8 are upgraded
Copyright Avanade
In|ace Upgrade M|grat|on
ros Cons
SlmplesL Model no rollback capablllLy
Allows server upgrade and slLe
upgrade ln one operaLlon
noL sulLable for large deploymenLs
or deploymenLs over 30 C8
SlLe u8Ls wlll remaln unchanged SlLe ouLage for duraLlon of upgrade
uses exlsLlng hardware and
Copyright Avanade
radua| M|grat|on
ros Cons
Lnables granular slLe mlgraLlon
llmlLs slLe downLlme
8equlres beLLer change managemenL
communlcaLlon plannlng
Allows for lndlvldual slLe rollback MalnLenance cosLs lncrease Lhe
longer Lhe coexlsLence perlod ls
SlLes can reLaln currenL u8Ls uses addlLlonal SCL sLorage and web
server load
AuLomaLlc slLe redlrecLs durlng Lhe
coexlsLence perlod
Some lssues wlLh Cfflce apps durlng
Works well wlLh large cusLomlzed
Copyright Avanade
Database M|grat|on (D ttach)
ros Cons
8esL approach when deploylng a
new 2007 farm
1he slLe u8L may change and more
manual sLeps are requlred Lo keep
Lhe same u8Ls
MlgraLe large blocks of slLes aL a
Manual redlrecLs may need Lo be
Cood for large deploymenLs LhaL
wanL Lhe qulckesL upgrade paLh
8equlres exLra SCL sLorage durlng
CusLomers uslng scalable hosLlng
Less flexlblllLy on whlch slLes geL
mlgraLed when
Large ConLenL u8s may need Lo be
Copyright Avanade
Lva|uat|ng your current env|ronment
our currenL envlronmenL and needs wlll drlve
whlch mlgraLlon opLlon you chose
Some quesLlons Lo ask
uo you have mulLlple farms?
Pow many servers are ln your 2003 farm(s)?
uo you lnLend Lo consolldaLe farms or add farms durlng
Pow many conLenL u8s do you have? Pow blg are Lhey?
Pow well does your currenL hardware supporL your needs?
Copyright Avanade
Lva|uat|ng your current env|ronment
user 8ase Corpus
Pow many slLe collecLlons and slLes do you have?
Pow many users are uslng 2003? WhaL percenLage of
your users are on 2003?
Pow much ls your look and feel cusLomlzed?
uo you have cusLom slLe deflnlLlons?
uo you have cusLom Web arLs LvenL Pandlers or 3
parLy componenLs?
Pow much ghosLlng" do you have?
Copyright Avanade
Lva|uat|ng your current env|ronment
Servlce Levels
WhaL are Lhe publlshed SLAs for your ShareolnL
Are Lhere groups LhaL have ShareolnL apps" LhaL are
crlLlcal or heavlly used?
Copyright Avanade
Se|ect|ng the r|ght m|grat|on approach
Case SLudy
Large global company
CperaLlons ln uS Lu and AAC
MulLlple larms
Some heavy cusLomlzaLlon some vanllla
Copyright Avanade
Current State
Copyright Avanade
Des|red LndState
Copyright Avanade
M|grat|on pproaches
Plghly CusLom SS 2003 lnLraneL
Large uS 1eam SlLe larm
very Large ConLenL MgmL SlLes
uaLabase ALLach
Large Lu 1eam SlLe larm
Move ConLenL u8s + Cradual
Small A 1eam SlLe larm
Copyright Avanade
Copyright Avanade
Cther M|grat|on Cons|derat|ons
SS 2003 Shared Servlces upgrades
Cradual requlres double lndexlng space
upgrade Lo WSS v3 Lhen MCSS
S1S SS 2001
8oLh requlre a double upgrade
Copyright Avanade
Cther M|grat|on Cons|derat|ons
Pybrld mlgraLlon approaches
8ulld a new farm buL sLlll do gradual
new farm has v2 + v3
use sLsadm Lo move Lhe slLe Lo Lhe new
1hen do gradual
May be useful for LesLlng/plloLlng
Copyright Avanade
ett|ng keady to M|grate
8un rescanexe Lool
SofLware updaLes rereqs
Wln2k3 S2 WSS/SS S2 nL1 30
Language acks!
erform 8ackups
uevelop communlcaLlon plan
ueLermlne your ghosLlng" approach
ueploy upgraded cusLom componenLs
SlLe deflnlLlons Web arLs
Conslder how your v2 componenLs map Lo v3
Copyright Avanade
Lxamp|e prescanexe |og f||e (uncustom|zed)
uumber o1 stes skpped {a1ready scanned):
uumber o1 stes scanned:
uumber o1 broken stes:
uumber o1 webs scanned:
uumber o1 broken webs:
uumber o1 webs usng custom temp1ate:
uumber o1 pages scanned: S
uumber o1 unghosted pages:
Copyright Avanade
Lxamp|e prescanexe |og f||e (custom|zed)
ueryng SSte quota and 1ocks on 8b1c48.
Scannng SWeb: http:,,tranng,stes,S1S11M
Web s usng custom temp1ate "S1S11M".
ueryng SSte quota and 1ocks on 47186e2.
Scannng SWeb: http:,,tranng,stes,tmste
Web s usng custom temp1ate "MS11M".
uumber o1 stes skpped {a1ready scanned):
uumber o1 stes scanned:
uumber o1 broken stes:
uumber o1 webs scanned:
uumber o1 broken webs:
uumber o1 webs usng custom temp1ate: 4 {26.26x o1 tota1).
uumber o1 pages scanned: S7
uumber o1 unghosted pages: {.7x o1 tota1).
Copyright Avanade
Lxamp|e prescanexe summary f||e sn|ppets
web ur1="http:,,tranng">
unghostedage ur1="http:,,tranng,de1au1t.aspx",>
web ur1="http:,,tranng,stes,S1S11M"
custom1emp1ateCount va1ue="4",>
unghostedageCount va1ue="",>
Copyright Avanade
Change Management and Impact to Users
lnplace u8 ALLach
users are golng Lo move all aL once or ln bulk
need Lo have well esLabllshed schedule and
LoLs of coordlnaLlon
8e prepared Lo have changes Lo your schedule
LhaL are drlven by users
Lnsure LhaL Lemporary domalns are creaLed
1esLlng and plloLlng ls crlLlcal for elLher approach
Copyright Avanade
Commun|cat|on |an
ldenLlfy and revlew slLe ownershlps
SlLe Cwners
CommunlcaLe Lo slLe owners aL leasL 34 weeks ouL
rovlde a schedule
Clve Lhem a few hlghllghLs of how Lhe slLe wlll
8rown bag sesslons/web casLs
Copyright Avanade
Commun|cat|on |an
Lnd users
CommunlcaLe Lo end users abouL 23 weeks ouL
rovlde Lhem wlLh an lAC
Send a remlnder noLlce a day or Lwo before mlgraLlon
Send a posL mlgraLlon resulLs emall
Lnsure Lhe users have any documenLaLlon
vlgneLLes are a nlce way Lo provlde Lralnlng
CoexlsLence can'L go on forever!
Copyright Avanade
Copyright Avanade
|ve way
Copyright Avanade
Usefu| rt|c|es
1echneL MCSS upgrade/MlgraLlon Cvervlew
1echneL WSS v3 upgrade/MlgraLlon Cvervlew
MSun ShareolnL/CMS MlgraLlon and upgrade
!oel Cleson's 8log upgrades
Copyright Avanade
1hanks for com|ng!
1|m Sm|th lW racLlce ulrecLor
(312) 3733618
1|m Cost|gan AccL Manager
(612) 3091746
reg Lamothe Senlor 8ecrulLer
(612) 2776639
Avanade was named Lhe 2006 MlcrosofL Clobal LnLerprlse Servlces
and 1echnology arLner of Lhe ear lounded ln 2000 by MlcrosofL and
AccenLure Avanade ls a global l1 consulLancy dedlcaLed Lo uslng Lhe
MlcrosofL plaLform Lo asslsL enLerprlse cusLomers achleve maxlmum
performance Lhrough Lhe developmenL and lmplemenLaLlon of mlsslon
crlLlcal sysLems and appllcaLlons
Copyright Avanade

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