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Aditya Riski Efendi Albertus Bagus P Denny Firmansyah Z Nicolas Gata JP Restu Prayudi

Function Negative Effect Solution Conclusion

Function Negative Effect Solution Conclusion

Nuclear is energy that produce from fusion or fission between two molecules Uranium or Plutonium. It happen when a two nuclei or nucleus of atom or subatomic (such as a proton or electron) collide and produce a different thing. Reaction can use more than three particles, but it colliding much less than two particles


Function Negative Effect Solution Conclusion

Natural nuclear reactions occur in the interaction between cosmic rays and matter, and just as with certain radioactive decays (for example the alpha decay of Plutonium in a Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator, nuclear reactions can be employed artificially to obtain nuclear energy, at an adjustable rate, on demand. Perhaps the most notable nuclear reactions are the nuclear chain reaction that produces nuclear fission, and the nuclear fusion reactions that power the energy production of the Sun and stars. Both of these types of reactions are employed in nuclear weapons.


Function Negative Effect Solution Conclusion

The energy of nuclear reaction can use for make the seeds, diagnosis of disease, vaccine for animal, Nuclear power plants could still produce electricity after coal and oil become scarce Nuclear power plants need less fuel than ones which burn fossil fuels. One ton of uranium produces more energy than is produced by several million tons of coal or several million barrels of oil Coal and oil burning plants pollute the air. Well-operated nuclear power plants do not release contaminants into the environment


Function Negative Effect Solution Conclusion

the negative effect of nuclear reaction is can used by many countries in war with atomic bomb. Nuclear explosions produce radiation. The nuclear radiation harms the cells of the body which can make people sick or even kill them. Illness can strike people years after their exposure to nuclear radiation One possible type of reactor disaster is known as a meltdown. In such an accident, the fission reaction goes out of control, leading to a nuclear explosion and the emission of great amounts of radiation

Negative Effect

Function Negative Effect Solution Conclusion

From our discussion we get some solution that are: Use of nuclear energy should follow the procedures of international security. Nuclear energy should be used for the good of mankind.


Function Negative Effect Solution Conclusion

Based on the above explanation, we conclude that: Nuclear energy is good for our live if we use by carefully Nuclear energy can be alternative energy for the future The dangerous of nuclear radiation can we avoid by increase the security of reactor and make reactor far from lively


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