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Gurceep Sheri
I am challenging the idea that
suggests you are lost or in a
weaker position if you do not
attend university.
angle on this will be looking
through the accessibility of these
options to the young people who are
soon going to be out of education.
I will be doing this b
splitting my documentary into
segments which will reflect
looking into these different
I am proving that there are still
ways to be successful which do
not need a degree to get into.
I am investigating the routes that
young people can take that don`t
involve university.
I am exploring the different alternate
options, school leavers will have
available to them if they decide not to
go to university.
onLenL of ldea
%45. - This documentary will be focusing on what young people in London do after school/college finishes for them and
whether schools provide these students with enough knowledge to guide them through these options. It will look into all the
different directions they can go such as looking for a job, volunteer work and apprenticeships.
AngIe - The different directions for the students will be the different angles that I will be focusing on. These will include the
rise of tuition fees followed by the options that young people have besides university such as jobs, volunteer work and
Un6:e SeIIng P4nt - The USP of this documentary is that it is relevant and will definitely appeal to students here and
now as the tuition fees have risen as a permanent thing. It will give students a look through their options without them
having to make much of an effort which is ideal for some young people.
Iss:es - My documentary will debate around the opinion that university is a necessity, to get to a high ranked job and that
the game is over after school finishes.
B,s - My documentary will definitely be biased towards stating that the Governments decision to rise tuition fees was
wrong and that there are definitely alternate options opposed to university.
LrucLure and 8unnlng Crder
W Segment I HeaJlines vith nevs auJio regarJing the tuition lee rises. This vill all incluJe my voiceover along the top
introJucing the topic ol the Jocumentary.
W Segment 2 Vox pops ol stuJents vho vill state vhether they are going university or not. Il not they vill then state vhat
they vish to Jo insteaJ il anything.
W Segment 3 Intro into the Jocumentary. Mayle in the school playgrounJ or a lusy street. I vill state the Jilliculty ol
stuJents nov Jue to the rises anJ vill mention some statistics. I vill then move on to a interviev.
W Segment 4 Interviev vith a senior teacher looking into the vievs they have on the Governments Jecision anJ vhat impact
it has on stuJents they teach.
W Segment 5 Vill then shov a graphics ol ligures on university applicants on llackloarJ to represent the school setting.
W Segment 6 I vill then introJuce the Jillerent alternate options stuJents have anJ vill explain that I vill explore them.
W Segment 7 Vill use a transition to shov cutavays ol the Connexions ollice anJ then ol the apprentice project vorker
vhich vill llov nicely onto a interviev vith them.
W Segment 8 Interviev vith a Apprenticeship project vorker, asking them vhy young people are linJing this option so
popular anJ vhether there has leen a rise in applicants.
W Segment 9 Vill then start cutavays ol StratlorJ VestlielJ vith a voiceover introJucing the nev option ol linJing a jol.
W Segment Iu I vill then introJuce the location ol VestlielJ on the rusty lriJge as a place lor a lot ol retail opportunity, vith
cutavays ol a specilic shop ol vhich the manager I vill interviev regarJing employment lor young people.
W Segment II Interviev vith a store manager in regarJs vhy it is so Jillicult lor young people to get jols.
W Segment I2 Vill then avait a phone call vith a stuJent lrom a company on vhether they have got or leen rejecteJ ly a
W Segment I3 Vill then concluJe the jols option vith the transition ol asking the stuJent vhether they have trieJ some
volunteer vork.
W Segment I4 Cutavays ol the BHI shop, linishing vith the locus on a specilic volunteer.
W Segment I5 Interviev vith a volunteer vorker or a young stuJent volunteer asking them alout the lenelits it has lor young
W Segment I6 Outro vith me valking Jovn explaining that even though university might le out ol the equation, there are a
lot ol alternate options.
Might look into taking a gap year or alternatively Alevel schemes ollereJ ly certain companies such as Argos.
9roflle of 1argeL Audlence and
Appeal of your ldea
Age 1624
Gender 8oLh
Locat|on Lngland buL malnly London as LhaL ls where Lhe new
WesLfleld ls based
Interests LducaLlon maklng money Lelevlslon soclal Lrends games
shopplng cloLhes
Amb|t|ons Looklng Lo flnd a opLlon for Lhe fuLure or look lnLo whaL
school leavers are golng Lo be dolng afLer school
Lmp|oyment]Lducat|on MosL of my audlence wlll sLlll be ln
educaLlon 1he older audlence wlll more llkely be ln a [ob
D|sposab|e Income MosLly qulLe low as sLudenLs geL Lhelr money
from Lhelr parenLs excepL maybe lf Lhey have a parL Llme [ob
Lthn|c|ty All eLhnlclLles and rellglons
Cp|n|ons 1ulLlon fee rlses are [usL wrong CovernmenL have made a
wrong move here 9000 ls Loo much
Med|a Consumpt|on 8esearchlng apprenLlceshlps and unlverslLles
Also waLch shows such as !unlor ApprenLlce and WaLerloo 8oad
Soc|oLconom|c Group MosLly wlll be '2L' buL Lhe older audlence
have progressed more and may have enLered Lhe '1A' groups
N|che or Ma|nstream MalnsLream audlence as almed aL Lhe sLudenL
populaLlon and also Lhe general publlc Lo be lnformed of Lhe changes
LhaL Lhese school leavers wlll have Lo face because of Lhe LulLlon fee
LxplanaLlon of 8esearch and key
Fr|mory keseorch - Focus Groups
W SeI Ic finc cuI which prcpc:c| cf mine wi|| cppec| mc:I Ic my pcIenIic| IcrgeI cucience
W Excmining cucience c: we|| c: ccnIenI
W Gcve me c vc|ucL|e inIimcIe in:ighI cnIc Ihe view: cf Ihe cucience in which l ccu|c geI
e|cLcrcIec feecLcck
W Cuc|iIcIive re:ecrch wc: cLIcinec Ly per:cnc| cpinicn: frcm my cucience.
$econdory keseorch - Internet keseorch
W SeI Ic geI c wicer uncer:Icncing cf Ihe Ihree icec: l hcc
W Excmining mc:I|y ccnIenI LuI :cme cucience reference:
W Gcve me c gccc in:ighI cf c wicer view cf ecch cf my Icpic:. /: c re:u|I cLIcinec
ccnIenI IhcI ccu|c prccIicc||y Le u:ec in my cccumenIcry
W CucnIiIcIive cnc Cuc|iIcIive re:ecrch wc: cLIcinec Ihrcugh :IcIi:Iic: cnc experI cpinicn:
%hree Key F|nd|ngs
/rchive FccIcge
W Ihrcugh Ihe inIerneI re:ecrch l hcve fcunc :everc| Ihing: which l wi|| inc|uce in my
cccumenIcry. 8y inc|ucing Ihe:e Ihing:, lI wi|| imprcve Ihe enhcnce Ihe :Iy|e cf my vicec.
1echnlcal vlablllLy
hot Equ|pment w||| you need |or the product|on?
W cmerc
W Iripcc
W 8ccm micrcphcne
W ShcIgun micrcphcne
W Vcice reccrcer.
hot Equ|pment w||| you need |or the post product|on?
W iMcc
W Finc| uI Frc
W LiveIype
hot Crew Members w||| you need?
l wi|| |cck Ic hcve c ccmercmcn, c :cunc cpercIcr,
cnc c pre:enIer.
cmercmcn - GurpreeI Sheri {8rcIher)
Scunc CpercIcr - Jcy 8crn {Frienc)
Fre:enIer - Gurceep Sheri
9racLlcal vlablllLy
rch|ve Footoge
8oLh cllps are sLlll Lo requesL Lo Lhe vldeo owners on
ho w||| be |nvo|ved |n your documentory?
ameraman CurpreeL herl (9ermlsslon CranLed) Lasy
ound CperaLor !ay 8arn (9ermlsslon CranLed) Lasy
lnLervlewee e[al 8hundla (Llll Lo requesL) May be dlfflculL
lnLervlewee uee 8handal (9ermlsslon 9endlng) May be dlfflculL
lnLervlewee Lmma 8Pl sLore (Llll Lo requesL) May be dlfflculL
lnLervlewee 1eacher (9ermlsslon 9endlng) Lasy
lnLervlewee 9hlllp MaLhew (Llll Lo requesL) May be dlfflculL
lnLervlewee Amardeep kahlon (9ermlsslon 9endlng) Lasy
lnLervlewee AmneeL uhlllon (9ermlsslon CranLed) Lasy
t.stls.i Wsstl|s|i (t||| ts .sasst)
|H| s|s, (t||| ts .sasst)
|ssss\|sss |ll|ss (t||| ts .sasst)
||siws|| /ssism, (t||| ts .sasst)
All locaLlons are sLlll Lo requesL Lo Lhe relevanL people ln
Legal 8egulaLory onslderaLlons
lmparLlallLy and
ulverslLy of Cplnlon
8ecause of Lhe greaL
amounL of lnLervlewees l
have lL should be easy Lo
geL a dlverslLy of oplnlons
on Lhe LulLlon fees as well
as Lhe pros and cons of
each opLlon avallable
afLer school
uocumenLary based around young people Pave Lo be sure LhaL
any young people lnvolved are able Lo volce Lhelr oplnlons
approprlaLely wlLh emoLlonal and physlcal wellbelng lnLacL no
exLreme vlews whlch can cause confllcL
ervlng Lhe 9ubllc
1he Loplc of opLlons
afLer school wlll be
more relevanL Lhls year
Lhan any oLher year due
Lo Lhe rlse of Lhe LulLlon
fees Lherefore servlng
Lhe publlc lnLeresL
LdlLorlal lnLegrlLy and lndependence
Wlll have Lo porLray Lhe LulLlon fees rlse from a
neuLral manner 1hls means l wlll have Lo be
exLremely careful when Lalklng abouL Lhe LulLlon fees
rlses as noL consLanLly referrlng Lo Lhem as wrong
1ruLh and Accuracy
Wlll have Lo make sure
LhaL facLs and oplnlons
obLalned from Lhe
lnLerneL are correcL
before Lhey are
broadcasLed Lo noL
decelve Lhe audlence on
Lhe exLenL of Lhe
Wlll have Lo make sure
LhaL everyone lnvolved
ln Lhe producLlon are
LreaLed falrly and
everyone ln Lhe vldeo
are porLrayed falrly and
ln a way LhaL Lhey are
Legal 8egulaLory onslderaLlons
9oLenLlally Cffenslve
Wlll Lry Lo have no
offenslve maLerlal as l
feel Lhls way my
documenLary wlll aLLracL
a larger audlence
uon'L have a speclflc reconsLrucLlon scene buL l wlll have a scene
where a young person wlll be walLlng for a [ob response afLer Lhe
lnLervlew 1hls wlll noL be real buL wlll have Lo be porLrayed
genulnely Lo noL mlslead anyone
ueallng wlLh onLrlbuLors
Lveryone lnvolved dlrecLly ln Lhe vldeo wlll have Lo
glve Lhelr relevanL permlsslon for me Lo use Lhem l
wlll also have Lo make sure no one ls wrongly
presenLed by geLLlng a oplnlon from Lhem before l
broadcasL Lhe vldeo
Wlll have Lo show Lhe
less vlolenL scenes of Lhe
sLudenL proLesLs when
lncludlng archlve fooLage
Lo make Lhe vldeo vlable
for all ages
Legal 8egulaLory onslderaLlons
onLempL of ourL
As my documenLary ls noL
based around a legal
proceedlng or anyLhlng
slmllar l should be flne ls
sLaylng safe from Lhls
medla regulaLlon
9orLray everyone falrly When saylng sLudenLs wlll sLruggle Lhrough
Lhelr opLlons wlll have Lo make sure l don'L focus on a speclflc
sLudenL as Lhey may be offended as Lhey are seen as vulnerable
9rlvacy and onfldence
Make sure everyone glves me Lhelr full permlsslon before l broadcasL Lhem noL [usL be Lhe
people who are dlrecLly lnvolved ln Lhe vldeo such as lnLervlewees buL also people who are
lndlrecLly lnvolved such as sLudenLs ln Lhe background whose face ls easy Lo ldenLlfy no
lnformaLlon whlch may be confldenLlal and harmful Lo use ln my documenLary Lherefore l
should be safe ln LhaL aspecL of medla law
When uslng archlve
fooLage and muslc l wlll
make sure l ask
permlsslon from Lhe
owner 1hls wlll be done
Lhrough emall lL seems
we can use copyrlghLed
maLerlal for educaLlonal
purposes wlLhln Lhe
school ould also make
our own muslc from
Carageband whlch
would be a copyrlghL
free source
ommerclal vlablllLy
;uesLlons for your audlence

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